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John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology
A one-stop guide for public health students and practitioners learning the applications of classical regression models in epidemiology This book is written for public health professionals and students interested in applying regression models in the field of epidemiology. The academic material is usually covered in public health courses including (i) Applied Regression Analysis, (ii) Advanced Epidemiology, and (iii) Statistical Computing. The book is composed of 13 chapters, including an introduction chapter that covers basic concepts of statistics and probability. Among the topics covered are linear regression model, polynomial regression model, weighted least squares, methods for selecting the best regression equation, and generalized linear models and their applications to different epidemiological study designs. An example is provided in each chapter that applies the theoretical aspects presented in that chapter. In addition, exercises are included and the final chapter is devoted to the solutions of these academic exercises with answers in all of the major statistical software packages, including STATA, SAS, SPSS, and R. It is assumed that readers of this book have a basic course in biostatistics, epidemiology, and introductory calculus. The book will be of interest to anyone looking to understand the statistical fundamentals to support quantitative research in public health. In addition, this book: • Is based on the authors’ course notes from 20 years teaching regression modeling in public health courses • Provides exercises at the end of each chapter • Contains a solutions chapter with answers in STATA, SAS, SPSS, and R • Provides real-world public health applications of the theoretical aspects contained in the chapters Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology is a reference for graduate students in public health and public health practitioners. ERICK SUÁREZ is a Professor of the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Puerto Rico School of Public Health. He received a Ph.D. degree in Medical Statistics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He has 29 years of experience teaching biostatistics. CYNTHIA M. PÉREZ is a Professor of the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Puerto Rico School of Public Health. She received an M.S. degree in Statistics and a Ph.D. degree in Epidemiology from Purdue University. She has 22 years of experience teaching epidemiology and biostatistics. ROBERTO RIVERA is an Associate Professor at the College of Business at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. He received a Ph.D. degree in Statistics from the University of California in Santa Barbara. He has more than five years of experience teaching statistics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. MELISSA N. MARTÍNEZ is an Account Supervisor at Havas Media International. She holds an MPH in Biostatistics from the University of Puerto Rico and an MSBA from the National University in San Diego, California. For the past seven years, she has been performing analyses for the biomedical research and media advertising fields.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love and Other Mistakes
Jessica Kate’s heartfelt and romantic debut proves that love always comes in God’s own time. Natalie Groves once had big dreams. But soon after her fiancé, Jeremy Walters, inexplicably broke off their engagement and left town, her father was diagnosed with cancer. Now tasked with keeping her family afloat, Natalie’s grand plans have evaporated . . . and God feels very far away. Fast-forward seven years, and Jeremy is back in Charlottesville with an infant son and years of regrets. When his niece, Lili, lands on his doorstep in need of a place to stay, Jeremy needs help—and fast. An internship opening finally presents Natalie a chance at her dream job, but she needs a second income to work around it—and the only offer available is Jeremy’s. They could be the solutions to one another’s problems, provided they don’t kill each other in the process. When they join forces, sparks fly. But they both know there’s a thin line between love and hate . . . and that love will turn out to be the best decision—or the biggest mistake—of all. This inspirational contemporary read is a standalone novel, though it also features characters from Jessica Kate’s forthcoming novel, A Girl’s Guide to the Outback (coming January 2020). Book length: approximately 90,000 words. Includes a reading group guide. “A stunning debut . . . This tale of love and redemption will stay with you long after you've closed the book. A must-read.” —Rachel Hauck, New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress “Witty. Charming. Heartfelt. I could go on and on about Jessica Kate’s debut novel. From its highly relatable characters to its pitch-perfect dialogue, Love and Other Mistakes is a delightful, romantic read filled with just the right amount of sass. I lost count of the number of times I laughed out loud as I watched Natalie and Jem navigate their relationships, careers, and faith. Definitely one of the most enjoyable books I've read lately, and I can't wait to see what’s next from Jessica Kate!” —Melissa Tagg, Carol Award–winning author of Now and Then and Always and the Walker Family series “Love and Other Mistakes wraps a poignant and warm look at relationships within a smart, sly, and knowing comedic voice. Readers of Sally Thorne and Bethany Turner will be immediately at home with Natalie: an all-too-real heroine who balances whip-smart agency with an endearing vulnerability and whose intersection with long-lost Jeremy helps her forge a path to confidence and discover the woman she was always meant to be. Kate’s unputdownable debut recognizes that all human relationships—familial, friendship, romantic—are worth the keen eye and clever insight of her talented pen.” —Rachel McMillan, author of the Van Buren and DeLuca Mysteries “If you’re looking for a story with sass on top of style, or a fresh voice pumped full of fun, you need to read Love and Other Mistakes. Then after you’ve enjoyed this—and I’m confident you will—make a date with whatever this exciting new author writes next!” —David Rawlings, author of The Baggage Handler
WW Norton & Co About Us: Essays from the Disability Series of the New York Times
Boldly claiming a space in which people with disabilities can be seen and heard as they are—not as others perceive them—About Us captures the voices of a community that has for too long been stereotyped and misrepresented. Speaking not only to those with disabilities, but also to their families, coworkers and support networks, the authors in About Us offer intimate stories of how they navigate a world not built for them. Since its 2016 debut, the popular New York Times’ “Disability” column has transformed the national dialogue around disability. Now, echoing the refrain of the disability rights movement, “Nothing about us without us,” this landmark collection gathers the most powerful essays from the series that speak to the fullness of human experience—stories about first romance, childhood shame and isolation, segregation, professional ambition, child-bearing and parenting, aging and beyond. Reflecting on the fraught conversations around disability—from the friend who says “I don’t think of you as disabled,” to the father who scolds his child with attention differences, “Stop it stop it stop it what is wrong with you?”—the stories here reveal the range of responses, and the variety of consequences, to being labeled as “disabled” by the broader public. Here, a writer recounts her path through medical school as a wheelchair user—forging a unique bridge between patients with disabilities and their physicians. An acclaimed artist with spina bifida discusses her art practice as one that invites us to “stretch ourselves toward a world where all bodies are exquisite.” With these notes of triumph, these stories also offer honest portrayals of frustration over access to medical care, the burden of social stigma and the nearly constant need to self-advocate in the public realm. In its final sections, About Us turns to the questions of love, family and joy to show how it is possible to revel in life as a person with disabilities. Subverting the pervasive belief that disability results in relentless suffering and isolation, a quadriplegic writer reveals how she rediscovered intimacy without touch, and a mother with a chronic illness shares what her condition has taught her young children. With a foreword by Andrew Solomon and introductory comments by co-editors Peter Catapano and Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, About Us is a landmark publication of the disability movement for readers of all backgrounds, forms and abilities. Featuring Essays from: John Altmann • Todd Balf • Jennifer Bartlett • Emily Rapp Black • Sheila Black • Sasha Blair-Goldensohn • Cheri A. Blauwet • Molly McCully Brown • Joseph P. Carter • Peter Catapano • Randi Davenport • Luticha Doucette • Anne Finger • Joseph J. Fins • Shane Fistell • Paula M. Fitzgibbons • Kenny Fries • Rosemarie Garland-Thomson • Jenny Giering • Ona Gritz • Elizabeth Guffey • Jane Eaton Hamilton • Ariel Henle • Edward Hoagland • Alex Hubbard • Liz Jackson • Elizabeth Jameson • Cyndi Jones • Anne Kaier • Georgina Kleege • Rachel Kolb • Elliott Kukla • Catherine Kudlick • Emily Ladau • Laurie Clements Lambeth • Alaina Leary • Riva Lehrer • Gila Lyons • Ben Mattlin • Zack McDermott • Catherine Monahon • Jonathan Mooney • Susannah Nevison • Joanna Novak • Valerie Piro • Oliver Sacks • Katie Savin • Melissa Shang • Alice Sheppard • Daniel Simpson • Brad Snyder • Andrew Solomon • Rivers Solomon • Carol R. Steinberg • Jillian Weise • Abby L. Wilkerson • Alice Wong
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Geostructures: Innovation in Underground Engineering
Energy geostructures are a tremendous innovation in the field of foundation engineering and are spreading rapidly throughout the world. They allow the procurement of a renewable and clean source of energy which can be used for heating and cooling buildings. This technology couples the structural role of geostructures with the energy supply, using the principle of shallow geothermal energy. This book provides a sound basis in the challenging area of energy geostructures. The objective of this book is to supply the reader with an exhaustive overview on the most up-to-date and available knowledge of these structures. It details the procedures that are currently being applied in the regions where geostructures are being implemented. The book is divided into three parts, each of which is divided into chapters, and is written by the brightest engineers and researchers in the field. After an introduction to the technology as well as to the main effects induced by temperature variation on the geostructures, Part 1 is devoted to the physical modeling of energy geostructures, including in situ investigations, centrifuge testing and small-scale experiments. The second part includes numerical simulation results of energy piles, tunnels and bridge foundations, while also considering the implementation of such structures in different climatic areas. The final part concerns practical engineering aspects, from the delivery of energy geostructures through the development of design tools for their geotechnical dimensioning. The book concludes with a real case study. Contents Part 1. Physical Modeling of Energy Piles at Different Scales 1. Soil Response under Thermomechanical Conditions Imposed by Energy Geostructures, Alice Di Donna and Lyesse Laloui. 2. Full-scale In Situ Testing of Energy Piles, Thomas Mimouni and Lyesse Laloui. 3. Observed Response of Energy Geostructures, Peter Bourne-Webb. 4. Behavior of Heat-Exchanger Piles from Physical Modeling, Anh Minh Tang, Jean-Michel Pereira, Ghazi Hassen and Neda Yavari. 5. Centrifuge Modeling of Energy Foundations, John S. McCartney. Part 2. Numerical Modeling of Energy Geostructures 6. Alternative Uses of Heat-Exchanger Geostructures, Fabrice Dupray, Thomas Mimouni and Lyesse Laloui. 7. Numerical Analysis of the Bearing Capacity of Thermoactive Piles Under Cyclic Axial Loading, Maria E. Suryatriyastuti, Hussein Mroueh , Sébastien Burlon and Julien Habert. 8. Energy Geostructures in Unsaturated Soils, John S. McCartney, Charles J.R. Coccia , Nahed Alsherif and Melissa A. Stewart. 9. Energy Geostructures in Cooling-Dominated Climates, Ghassan Anis Akrouch, Marcelo Sanchez and Jean-Louis Briaud. 10. Impact of Transient Heat Diffusion of a Thermoactive Pile on the Surrounding Soil, Maria E. Suryatriyastuti, Hussein Mroueh and Sébastien Burlon. 11. Ground-Source Bridge Deck De-icing Systems Using Energy Foundations, C. Guney Olgun and G. Allen Bowers. Part 3. Engineering Practice 12. Delivery of Energy Geostructures, Peter Bourne-Webb with contributions from Tony Amis, Jean-Baptiste Bernard, Wolf Friedemann, Nico Von Der Hude, Norbert Pralle, Veli Matti Uotinen and Bernhard Widerin. 13. Thermo-Pile: A Numerical Tool for the Design of Energy Piles, Thomas Mimouni and Lyesse Laloui. 14. A Case Study: The Dock Midfield of Zurich Airport, Daniel Pahud. About the Authors Lyesse Laloui is Chair Professor, Head of the Soil Mechanics, Geoengineering and CO2 storage Laboratory and Director of Civil Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland. Alice Di Donna is a researcher at the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Intellect Books Design and the Digital Humanities: A Handbook for Mutual Understanding
This is an essential practical guide for academics, researchers and professionals involved in the digital humanities, as well as designers working with them. It prepares readers from both fields for working together, outlining disciplinary perspectives and lessons learned from more than twenty years of experience, with over two dozen practical exercises. The central premise of the book is a timely one – that the twin disciplines of visual communication design and digital humanities (DH) are natural allies, with much to be gained for researchers, students and practitioners from both areas who are able to form alliances with those from the other side. The disciplines share a common fundamental belief in the extraordinary value of interdisciplinarity, which in this case means that the training, experience and inclinations from both fields naturally tend to coincide. The fields also share an interest in research that focuses on humanities questions and approaches, where the goal is to improve understanding through repeated observation and discussion. Both disciplines tend to be generative in nature, with the ultimate end in many cases of designing and creating the next generation of systems and tools, whether those be intended for dealing with information or communication. The interdisciplinary nature of this book is both a strength and a challenge. For those academics and practitioners who have worked with the other discipline, this will be a much-welcomed handbook of terminology, methods and activities. It will also be of interest to those who have read about, seen presented and used the outcomes of successful design and DH collaborations, and who might be interested in forming similar partnerships. However, for all they have in common, design and digital humanities also have significant differences. This book discusses these issues in the context of a variety of research projects as well as classroom activities that have been tried and tested. This book will provide both design and the digital humanities with a better mutual understanding, with the practical intention of working effectively together in ways that are productive and satisfying for everyone involved. Design education has a long history, a presence in many post-secondary institutions, and a robust market for educational and practice-based literature. The Digital Humanities community, in contrast, is much younger, but rising rapidly, both academically and within industry. Both design and DH are collaborative disciplines, with much in common in terms of vision, but with confusing overlap in terminology and ways-to-practice. The book describes and demonstrates foundational concepts from both fields with numerous examples, as well as projects, activities and further readings at the end of each chapter. It provides complete coverage of core design and DH principles, complete with illustrated case studies from cutting-edge interdisciplinary research projects. Design and the Digital Humanities offers a unique approach to mastering the fundamental processes, concepts, and techniques critical to both disciplines. It will be of interest to those who have been following previous work by bestselling authors in the fields of visual communication design and the digital humanities, such as Ellen Lupton, Steven Heller, Julianne Nyhan, Claire Warwick and Melissa Terras. This guide is suitable for use as an undergraduate or masters-level text, or as an in-the-field reference guide. Throughout the book, terms or concepts that may not be familiar to all readers are carefully spelled out with examples so that the text is as accessible as possible to non-technical readers from a range of disciplines.
Oro Editions LA+ Community
Almost everything that landscape architects design is ultimately for a community. Community can be the boon or bane of a project, and oftentimes both. LA+ COMMUNITY aims to explore how, over time, each of us moves in and out of multiple communities, shaping them as they shape us, and in turn shaping our landscapes and cities. We ask how different disciplines construct different ideas of community and how those communities are anchored in space and time, whose interests they serve, and what traces they leave. And we examine how — in this pluralistic, fragmented, and fluid world — designers can meaningfully engage with communities. Contributions from: Anne Whiston Spirn reflects upon her personal and professional journey through her long-term engagement with the Mill Creek community in the West Philadelphia Landscape Project. Architect and cofounder of the DisOrdinary Architecture Project Jocelyn Boys discusses how designers and policy-makers make assumptions about the "ordinary user" of public space and explores ways of understanding and improving how people with disabilities engage with such spaces. Historical geographer Garrett Dash Nelson contemplates the conceptual and practical slippages between understanding community in both its geographical and sociological forms, and what this means for designers seeking to give spatial form to the concept of community. A multi-perspective Q+A with BIPOC designers, educators, and artists Kofi Boone, Julian Agyeman, Hanna Kim, Alma du Solier, Jeffrey Hou, Melissa Guerrero, and Kat Engleman confronts the enduring practices of spatial injustice and the need for new processes, engagement, and outcomes for a racially and culturally inclusive future. Philosopher and author Mark Kingwell considers the literal ins and outs of the question “What is community?” in the midst of a global pandemic. Landscape architect Kate Orff speaks about the ways in which she uses community activism and different practices of engagement to drive better design outcomes. Criminologists James Petty + Alison Young open our eyes to the rise of hostile architecture and criminalisation of homelessness in public space. Designer Chrili Car reflects on lessons learned from working with a self-organised community in a remote village in northern Ghana to masterplan long-term local sustainability and greenbelt projects. Ecologist Jodi Hilty, President and Chief Scientist of the Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative, speaks about the realisation of this visionary wildlife-corridor project spanning 3,200 km, two countries, and hundreds of different communities and interests. Historic preservationist and planner Francesca Russello Ammon teases out the contradictions in the canonical urban renewal success story of Philadelphia’s Society Hill. Landscape architect Jessica Henson gives us the inside story on the intractably complex socio-political and ecological task of master planning a 51-mile swath of the Los Angeles River with a diverse range of user communities. Michael Schwarze-Rodrian recounts the extraordinary achievements of the Emscher Landscape Park in Germany’s Ruhrgebiet, where over the last 30 years a working-class community facing the trauma of transition to a post-industrial economy has been sustained by the medium of landscape, without the forms of displacement or gentrification typically associated with high-end greening. Urban planner and author of Just Sustainabilities Julian Agyeman elucidates what the culturally inclusive design of public space entails. Architect Mario Matamoros delivers a stinging critique of the way in which developers and designers in the Honduran city of Tegucigalpa dupe the public with cynical community consultation so as to anesthetise the possibility of dissent, and Sara Padgett Kjaersgaard interviews the CEO of the Federation of Traditional Owner Corporations, Paul Paton and landscape architect Anne-Marie Pisani about working with Indigenous communities in Australia to help facilitate self-determination and connection to their lands.