Search results for ""Author Ronald"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide
Strengthen your adult education program planning with this essential guide Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition is an interactive, practical, and essential guide for anyone involved with planning programs for adult learners. Containing extensive updates, refinements, and revisions to this celebrated book, this edition prepares those charged with planning programs for adult learners across a wide variety of settings. Spanning a variety of crucial subjects, this book will teach readers how to: Plan, organize, and complete other administrative tasks with helpful templates and practical guides Focus on challenges of displacement, climate change, economic dislocation, and inequality Plan programs using current and emerging digital delivery tools and techniques including virtual and augmented reality Planning Programs for Adult Learners provides an international perspective and includes globally relevant examples and research that will inform and transform your program planning process. Perfect for adult educators and participants in continuing education programs for adults, the book will also be illuminating for graduate students in fields including education, nursing, human resource development, and more.
Hogrefe Publishing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults
The new edition of this popular text incorporates the latest research on assessment and treatment practices for adults with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The presentation of symptoms may differ considerably in adulthood and without appropriate symptom management, ADHD can significantly interfere in many aspects of life. When properly identified and diagnosed, however, outcomes in adults with ADHD who receive appropriate treatment are encouraging. This volume is both a compact "how to" reference for use by professionals in their daily work and an ideal educational reference for students, informing the reader of all aspects involved in the assessment and management of ADHD in adults. This edition also explores how psychosocial adversity factors impact the development and functional impairments associated with ADHD and highlights strategies used in the multimodal treatment of ADHD in adults. Best practice approaches are offered for common problems encountered when carrying out treatments A companion volume ADHD in Children and Adolescents is also available.
Johns Hopkins University Press Caring and Curing: Health and Medicine in the Western Religious Traditions
Most religious traditions have a rich, if largely forgotten, heritage of involvement in medical issues of life, death, and health. Religious values influence our behavior and attitudes toward sickness, sexuality, and lifestyle, to say nothing of more controversial subjects such as abortion and euthanasia. The essays in this important book illuminate the history of health and medicine within the Judeo-Christian tradition. Bringing together 20 original articles by expert scholars in the fields of the history of religion and the history of medicine, Caring and Curing provides a fascinating and enlightening overview of how religious values have come to affect the practice of medicine and medical care.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume XVI: 1866–1882
The final volume of the Harvard edition presents the journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s last years. In them, he reacts to the changing America of the post–Civil War years, commenting on Reconstruction, immigration, protectionism in trade, and the dangers of huge fortunes in few hands—as well as on baseball and the possibilities of air travel. His role as a Harvard Overseer evokes his thoughts on education during crucial years of reform in American universities.His travels take him to Europe for the third time, and for the first time he encounters the new garden of California and the enigma of Egypt. He continues to lecture, and a second volume of poems and two more collections of essays, culled from his manuscripts, are published. Finally, his late journals show Emerson confronting his loss of creative vigor, husbanding his powers, and maintaining his equanimity in the face of decline.This concluding volume thus gives a complex picture of Emerson in his last sixteen years, facing old age but still the advocate of “newness” throughout the world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Catalytic Air Pollution Control: Commercial Technology
Catalytic Air Pollution Control: Commercial Technology is the primary source for commercial catalytic air pollution control technology, offering engineers a comprehensive account of all modern catalytic technology. This Third Edition covers all the new advances in technology in automotive catalyst control technology, diesel engine catalyst control technology, small engine catalyst control technology, and alternate sustainable fuels for auto and diesel.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Report Forms for P-ChIPS
(One-time use abbreviated summary form) Report Forms provide a quick way of conveying P-ChIPS results. If subsequently desired, this "at-a-glance" summary of the symptoms endorsed during the interview can be used by a clinician to identify areas warranting further scrutiny. This is a package of 20.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition
This book disseminates current information pertaining to the modulatory effects of foods and other food substances on behavior and neurological pathways and, importantly, vice versa. This ranges from the neuroendocrine control of eating to the effects of life-threatening disease on eating behavior. The importance of this contribution to the scientific literature lies in the fact that food and eating are an essential component of cultural heritage but the effects of perturbations in the food/cognitive axis can be profound. The complex interrelationship between neuropsychological processing, diet, and behavioral outcome is explored within the context of the most contemporary psychobiological research in the area. This comprehensive psychobiology- and pathology-themed text examines the broad spectrum of diet, behavioral, and neuropsychological interactions from normative function to occurrences of severe and enduring psychopathological processes.
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Essentials of English: A Practical Handbook Covering All the Rules of English Grammar and Writing Style
Rowman & Littlefield Reparations for Slavery: A Reader
Reparations for Slavery: A Reader is a collection of essays on the topic of reparations for slavery in the United States. Unlike many other readers on such topics, this book includes a substantial number of essays designed to provide the entire discussion with an historical context by giving the reader a vivid sense of the injuries inflicted by slavery, its aftermath, and the continuing history of state-supported discrimination.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Biotechnology - The Science and the Business
Biotechnology has not stood still since 1991 when the first edition of Biotechnology - The Science and the Business was published. It was the first book to treat the science and business of technology as an integrated subject and was well received by both students and business professionals. All chapters in this second edition have been updated and revised and some new chapters have been introduced, including one on the use of molecular genetic techniques in forensic science. Experts in the field discuss a range of biotechnologies, including pesticides, the flavor and fragrance industry, oil production, fermentation and protein engineering. On the business side, subjects include managing, financing, and regulation of biotechnology. Some knowledge of the science behind the technologies is assumed, as well as a layperson's view of buying and selling. As with the first edition, it is expected that this book will be of interest to biotechnology undergraduates, postgraduates and those working in the industry, along with students of business, economics, intellectual property law and communications.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A History of Macroeconometric Model-Building
This major book presents, for the first time, an authoritative history of developments in macroeconometric modelling since the 1930s. It focuses in particular on the construction of mathematico-statistical models of entire economies, estimated from national accounts and other macroeconomic data. International and comparative in scope, the book contains chapters prepared by specialists from the different countries concerned. This landmark book is indispensable to an understanding of the history and development of large scale econometric models of modern economies.
Poetry Wales Press Cymru and I
SDC Publications Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2023: Design, Detailing, Assembly & Analysis Basics
West Academic Publishing Torts, A Contemporary Approach - CasebookPlus
This casebook is organized to facilitate the study of law in the first year of law school with a focus on the study of tort law in particular. The text begins with an overview of tort law, pointing out distinctions between tort law and other types of law. It then covers intentional torts, negligence actions, and strict liability, covering all topics in detail. The materials presented build on foundational principles by exploring more advanced tort subjects such as nuisance, products liability, and defamation and privacy law. This versatile textbook includes classic cases as well as contemporary cases relevant to today's students. In addition to having discussion questions and hypotheticals throughout, the text also includes graphics illustrating many of the principles covered throughout the text. The text is available in both hardbound and electronic format and features Internet links for the student's use.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Modern Construction Management
While the construction process still requires traditional skills, the dynamic nature of construction demands of its managers improved understanding of modern business, production and contractual practices. This well established, core undergraduate textbook reflects current best practice in the management of construction projects, with particular emphasis given to supply chains and networks, value and risk management, BIM, ICT, project arrangements, corporate social responsibility, training, health and welfare and environmental sustainability. The overall themes for the Eighth Edition Modern Construction Management are: Drivers for efficiency: lean construction underpinning production management and off-site production methods. Sustainability: reflecting the transition to a low carbon economy. Corporate Social Responsibility: embracing health & safety and employment issues. Modern contractual systems driving effective procurement Building Information Modelling directed towards the improvement of collaboration in construction management systems
Hanser Publications Structure and Rheology of Molten Polymers: From Structure to Flow Behavior and Back Again
Recent advances in polymer science have made it possible to relate quantitatively molecular structure to rheological behavior. At the same time, new methods of synthesis and characterization allow the preparation and structural verification of samples having a range of branched polymeric structures. This book unites this knowledge to enable production of polymers with prescribed processability and end-product properties.Methods of polymer synthesis and characterization are described, starting from fundamentals. The foundations of linear viscoelasticity are introduced, and then the linear behavior of entangled polymers is described in detail. This is followed by a discussion of the molecular modeling of linear behavior. Tube models for both linear and branched polymers are presented. The final two chapters deal with nonlinear rheological behavior and tube models to describe nonlinearity.In this second edition, each chapter has been significantly rewritten to account for recent advances in experimental methods and theoretical modeling. It includes new and updated material on developments in polymer synthesis and characterization, computational algorithms for linear and nonlinear rheology prediction, measurement of nonlinear viscoelasticity, entanglement detection algorithms in molecular dynamics, nonlinear constitutive equations, and instabilities.
PM Press (h)afrocentric Comics: Volumes 1-4
Brookes Publishing Co A Teacher's Guide to Adapted Physical Education: Including Students With Disabilities in Sports and Recreation
A healthy, active lifestyle for all students: That's the promise of physical education, and the goal of this comprehensive textbook. Now in a thoroughly updated fourth edition, this text prepares current and future PE teachers to lead welcoming, inclusive classes where every student participates, makes friends, and learns new skills and values. K—12 physical educators will get cutting-edge research and guidance on inclusive education, concrete strategies for planning and implementing an adapted PE program, and valuable disability-specific information. An essential resource for preparing both general PE teachers and adapted PE teachers, this text will provide a solid foundation for gym classes that meet every student's needs. WHAT'S NEW: 9 new chapters on teaching students with specific disabilities. These significant new additions make this book an ideal primary text for Adapted Physical Education (APE) courses. Aligns with key elements from the NASPE standards for general physical education and the Adapted Physical Education National Standards for APE More student-friendly features: updated tips and reproducible forms for planning and teaching, chapter objectives, additional resources, and more case studies More photos and illustrations throughout the book to emphasize key points SELECTED TOPICS COVERED: Program planning and assessment * instructional modifications * curricular modifications * game modifications * autism * intellectual disabilities * learning disabilities * ADHD * behavior disorders * hearing loss * visual impairments * physical disabilities * social acceptance * safety issues * positive behavior support * community-based recreation * diversity issues FOR INSTRUCTORS: Includes PowerPoint slides and sample syllabi for using the text in Inclusion in PE or APE classes
Rowman & Littlefield The Black College Mystique
This study compares the culture of black colleges and universities a generation ago with those that exist today, and makes projections into the future, based on a comprehensive review of professional literature and an analysis of the management skills of contemporary black college leaders. The book considers the assets and liabilities of historically Black colleges and discusses the ways in which Black colleges can be of help to non-Blacks (including white students) who can benefit from the unique kind of education offered by such schools. The mission of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) a generation ago focused on opening doors closed to students because of their scores on standardized aptitude tests, providing remedial and supportive services to students whose academic backgrounds reflect low levels of achievement, combining academic as well as vocational course concentrations, modifying instructional methods and techniques to meet students where they are, and take them to the higher levels they are capable of attaining. This mission of opening new opportunities, giving support to overcome deficits of the past, and preparing students for professional and academic vocations continues today for these institutions.
Mac Keith Press Crying as a Sign, a Symptom, and a Signal: Clinical, Emotional and Developmental Aspects of Infant and Toddler Crying
Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 152 Crying as a Sign, a Symptom and a Signal brings the reader up to date on new evidence concerning the developmental and clinical significance of infant crying in the first few months and years of life. Initially studied as a sign of disease, crying is now being understood not only as a sign, but also as a symptom of problematic functioning in early development. We now know much more about normative patterns of development of infant crying and how they may be manifest in a variety of clinical settings (emergency room complaint, painful procedures, colic, temper tantrums, non-verbal and mentally challenged infants). This has brought about a new conceptualization of the significance of early infant crying which an international team of experts describe and examine. In this authoritative clinical text, both historical and methodological perspectives are brought to a multidisciplinary synopsis of the new understanding of this infant behavior.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers
Professors Vinnicombe, Burke, Blake-Beard, and Moore have assembled an internationally and intellectually diverse cast of contributors to chronicle and examine the implications of the seismic shift in women's roles in the global workforce. Collectively, they make a strong case for why advancing women s careers is a key business as well as societal issue that must be addressed if the full potential of all societal members is to be tapped. This book belongs on the bookshelf of all scholars of gender and career issues as an essential reference.'- Gary N. Powell, University of Connecticut, US'This is an excellent book posing key questions about women and careers in leadership, such as why do women have less access to the top jobs. It presents research on women's experiences in leadership, discusses the barriers they face as well as initiatives to promote their career advancement. I can see this being a critical resource for those who research and teach women in management.'- Fiona Wilson, University of Glasgow, UK'As more women take on highly visible leadership roles, such as CEO or C-suite executive, I am often asked whether there continues to be a need for research on women's career development. This book effectively answers the challenge behind that question by documenting the status of women in business and by marshaling empirical evidence of gender effects on careers. The chapters provide a rich, theoretically grounded overview of women's career development and action steps for accelerating the growth of women's representation in leadership.'- Alison M. Konrad, Western University, CanadaWhy is it that relatively few women achieve senior management positions despite their increasing levels of education and years of work experience? How can we change this?In a changing world where women have dominated as graduates from universities in the West, recent research has shown that the same trend is also strikingly evident in the newly emerging markets. Tapping into this female talent pool is extremely important and advancing women s careers has become a key business issue. This Handbook lays out a number of promising approaches. First the business case for doing so is presented. The challenges facing women are reviewed, followed by various programs that address particular needs such as mentoring, leadership development programs for women, work and family initiatives, and succession planning. Finally, case studies of award-winning organizational initiatives are described.The book identifies obstacles women face in career advancement and possible initiatives to address them. The work will be highly sought by scholars and doctoral students interested in women in organizations. Human resource managers and consultants will also find plenty of invaluable information in this resource.Contributors: D. Anderson, S.M. Barnett, S.A. Berry, G. Bhattacharya, D. Bilimoria, S. Blake-Beard, L. Brook, R.J. Burke, S. Caleo, S.D. Carter, S.S. Case, S. Dinolfo, E. Doldor, S.L. Fielden, K. Giscombe, J. Graham, A. Gupta, C.E.J. Härtel, G.F. Härtel, S.A. Haslam, R. Hawarden, M.E. Heilman, M.M. Hopkins, S.V. Horner, C.M. Hunt, M.M.S. Kats, S. Kumra, X. Liang, S. Mavin, L.L. Moore, J.T. Nadler, S.M. Nkomo, J.S. Nugent, A.J. Oetama-Paul, D.M. Ohse, D.A. O Neil, K. Peters, C. Quental, M.K. Ryan, R. Sealy, F. Sheridan, V. Srinivasan, M.S. Stockdale, N. Sultana, R. Sumner, J.M. Turell, A. Valenti, H. van Emmerik, S. Vinnicombe, J. Williams, W.M. Williams, A. Wittenberg-Cox
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers
Professors Vinnicombe, Burke, Blake-Beard, and Moore have assembled an internationally and intellectually diverse cast of contributors to chronicle and examine the implications of the seismic shift in women's roles in the global workforce. Collectively, they make a strong case for why advancing women s careers is a key business as well as societal issue that must be addressed if the full potential of all societal members is to be tapped. This book belongs on the bookshelf of all scholars of gender and career issues as an essential reference.'- Gary N. Powell, University of Connecticut, US'This is an excellent book posing key questions about women and careers in leadership, such as why do women have less access to the top jobs. It presents research on women's experiences in leadership, discusses the barriers they face as well as initiatives to promote their career advancement. I can see this being a critical resource for those who research and teach women in management.'- Fiona Wilson, University of Glasgow, UK'As more women take on highly visible leadership roles, such as CEO or C-suite executive, I am often asked whether there continues to be a need for research on women's career development. This book effectively answers the challenge behind that question by documenting the status of women in business and by marshaling empirical evidence of gender effects on careers. The chapters provide a rich, theoretically grounded overview of women's career development and action steps for accelerating the growth of women's representation in leadership.'- Alison M. Konrad, Western University, CanadaWhy is it that relatively few women achieve senior management positions despite their increasing levels of education and years of work experience? How can we change this?In a changing world where women have dominated as graduates from universities in the West, recent research has shown that the same trend is also strikingly evident in the newly emerging markets. Tapping into this female talent pool is extremely important and advancing women s careers has become a key business issue. This Handbook lays out a number of promising approaches. First the business case for doing so is presented. The challenges facing women are reviewed, followed by various programs that address particular needs such as mentoring, leadership development programs for women, work and family initiatives, and succession planning. Finally, case studies of award-winning organizational initiatives are described.The book identifies obstacles women face in career advancement and possible initiatives to address them. The work will be highly sought by scholars and doctoral students interested in women in organizations. Human resource managers and consultants will also find plenty of invaluable information in this resource.Contributors: D. Anderson, S.M. Barnett, S.A. Berry, G. Bhattacharya, D. Bilimoria, S. Blake-Beard, L. Brook, R.J. Burke, S. Caleo, S.D. Carter, S.S. Case, S. Dinolfo, E. Doldor, S.L. Fielden, K. Giscombe, J. Graham, A. Gupta, C.E.J. Härtel, G.F. Härtel, S.A. Haslam, R. Hawarden, M.E. Heilman, M.M. Hopkins, S.V. Horner, C.M. Hunt, M.M.S. Kats, S. Kumra, X. Liang, S. Mavin, L.L. Moore, J.T. Nadler, S.M. Nkomo, J.S. Nugent, A.J. Oetama-Paul, D.M. Ohse, D.A. O Neil, K. Peters, C. Quental, M.K. Ryan, R. Sealy, F. Sheridan, V. Srinivasan, M.S. Stockdale, N. Sultana, R. Sumner, J.M. Turell, A. Valenti, H. van Emmerik, S. Vinnicombe, J. Williams, W.M. Williams, A. Wittenberg-Cox
Verlag Peter Lang Politiques Et Stratégies Éducatives: Termes de l'Échange Et Nouveaux Enjeux Nord-Sud
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Advancing Women's Careers: Research in Practice
An edited volume that takes a more practical look at the area of women in management, indicating the initiatives that leading edge organizations have implemented to support the career advancement of managerial and professional women.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Human Resources Revolution: Why Putting People First Matters
The world of work and organization has become increasingly demanding and turbulent as firms respond to forces of globalization, the introduction of new technology, requirements to increase revenues while decreasing costs, and the needs of a more diverse workforce, while building organizational capability. Most organizations can acquire or copy technology, manufacturing processes, products and business strategies. However, human resource management practices and organizational culture are difficult to copy and represent a truly unique competitive advantage. Managers are coming to believe that the most important organizational resource is human. This collection presents research evidence and company examples developed over the past decade showing how to create organizations that add value to investors, customers and employees. It first illustrates why and how human resource management practices become a competitive advantage. These practices are also reviewed in an international context, an increasingly important reality as business become more global. Special attention is devoted to building organizational capability while simultaneously fostering employee well-being, learning and development. In addition, support for the link between human resource management practices and organizational performance is summarized using examples of effective human resource management practices. This collection lays out specific ways in which people can be mobilized to satisfy both organizational and individual needs. Cary Cooper is one of the leaders in the field of organizational psychology. This collection presents research evidence and company examples developed over the past decade showing how to create organizations that add value to investors, customers and employees. It is international in scope.
Human Kinetics Publishers NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training
Developed by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Third Edition With HKPropel Access, is the definitive reference for personal training professionals and students. This comprehensive guide to personal training, with contributions from leaders in the field, provides the most accurate and reliable information and guidance for current and aspiring professionals.Updated to reflect the latest research, with clear explanations of supporting scientific evidence, this edition will give readers the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed by modern personal training professionals. New content addresses the latest objectives found on the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) exam, maintaining this text’s position as the single best resource for those preparing for the NSCA-CPT exam.NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Third Edition, provides guidelines for the complex process of designing safe, effective, and goal-specific resistance, aerobic, plyometric, and speed training programs for clients of all ages and fitness levels. With comprehensive coverage of various categories of unique client needs, readers will learn how to make specific modifications and adjust exercise programs for each individual client. Multiple fitness testing protocols and norms for each component of fitness—including 10 new tests—are all presented, along with instructions that are detailed yet easy to follow.Over 200 full-color photos and accompanying instructions clearly describe and visually show proper technique for exercises and drills, including stretching, plyometrics, and stability ball exercises. There are new sections on suspension training, manual resistance training, and common types of resistance training equipment. Plus, 27 online videos, delivered through HKPropel, demonstrate exercise technique in action, preparing readers to instruct clients through safe exercise performance. Students will also be able to complete chapter quizzes assigned by instructors through HKPropel.Study questions at the end of each chapter, written in the same style and format as those found on the NSCA-CPT exam, facilitate learning of chapter content and fully prepare candidates for exam day. Practicing professionals and aspiring professionals alike will benefit from a new appendix of advice on building a successful career as a personal trainer.NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Third Edition, remains the most comprehensive resource available for personal training preparation and professional development. Unmatched in scope, this essential text continues to be a definitive reference for current and future personal trainers, exercise instructors, fitness facility and wellness center managers, and other fitness professionals.Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Chicago Review Press The US Congress for Kids: Over 200 Years of Lawmaking, Deal-Breaking, and Compromising, with 21 Activities
An interactive guidebook to the history and inner workings of the legislative branch of the U.S. Government Providing a historical perspective on all that is going on today, US Congress for Kids examines the major milestones in congressional history, including the abolition of slavery, extending the vote to African Americans and to women, and investigating misconduct in both government and private institutions. Kids will be engaged by the focus on dramatic stories, personalities, and turning points while also benefitting from the clear discussions of Congressional purpose, structure, history, and ongoing issues. Educational, hands-on activities that illuminate the workings of the U.S. Congress include making a House ceremonial mace, creating congressional money, making a capitol dome, and designing a Congressional Medal of Honor.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 32 of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (RPHRM) contains seven papers on important issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field. The subject matter in this volume covers myriad areas: compensation, performance evaluation, reputation, employee furloughs, and research methodology. This collection of papers represents excellent scholarship and illustrates the truly interdisciplinary character of the field.
Guilford Publications Natural Hazards, Second Edition: Explanation and Integration
What can we learn from the spatial patterns of disasters? What human and structural factors need to be addressed to explain hazard vulnerability? As populations grow and the climate warms, how can natural hazards be mitigated? Thoroughly revised and updated, and now with a more global perspective, the second edition of this accessible text provides an integrated framework for understanding and managing natural hazards. Numerous case studies from around the world illustrate the complexities of extreme geophysical events and highlight their physical, social, political, and economic dimensions. The text identifies essential principles for tackling the fundamental causes of differential vulnerabilities that perpetuate human distress, and for promoting recovery and resilience. New to This Edition *New frameworks for understanding human resilience and adaptive capacity in recovery, dynamics of risk and uncertainty, and more. *Chapter on spatial and temporal aspects of hazards. *Discussions of cutting-edge topics, such as chronic disasters, controversies in international aid, and how hazards affect regions differentially. *Many new case studies, including Hurricanes Katrina and Charley, Superstorm Sandy, the 2011 Japan tsunami, Ecuador's chronic volcanic hazard, and others. *Reflects 20 years of research advances across the physical and social sciences, development trends, new technologies, and ongoing global climate change.
Taylor & Francis Ltd African American Communication: Examining the Complexities of Lived Experiences
Now in its third edition, this text examines how African Americans personally and culturally define themselves and how that definition informs their communication habits, practices, and norms.This edition includes new chapters that highlight discussions of gender and sexuality, intersectional differences, contemporary social movements, and digital and mediated communication.The book is ideally suited for advanced students and scholars in intercultural communication, interpersonal communication, communication theory, African American/Black studies, gender studies, and family studies.
American Bar Association Representing Franchisees
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Communicating at Work
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organizational Behavior
An accessible and practical discussion of organizational behavior In the newly updated third edition of Organizational Behavior, a team of accomplished educators delivers a multidimensional text that combines analysis, knowledge, personal development, and synthesis with useful pedagogical features that bring organizational behavior to life. This edition reconsiders organizational behavior from an interdisciplinary vantage point, showing students the interdependence of factors that explain human behavior. Frequently addressed organizational behavior subjects are considered from within an integrated framework and are employed to answer functionally relevant questions about why people behave the ways in which they do, as well as how to effectively influence and manage others.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Microscale Organic Laboratory: With Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses
This is a laboratory text for the mainstream organic chemistry course taught at both two and four year schools, featuring both microscale experiments and options for scaling up appropriate experiments for use in the macroscale lab. It provides complete coverage of organic laboratory experiments and techniques with a strong emphasis on modern laboratory instrumentation, a sharp focus on safety in the lab, thorough Discussion sections which provide chemical context for each experiment, and multi-step experiments. Notable enhancements to this new edition include a greater focus on the implementation of greener processes (including microwave use) to perform traditional experimentation, and movement of material to the text web site, to further streamline the text.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Nelson's Compact Series: Compact Bible Dictionary
Nelson's Compact Bible Dictionary is an accurate and thorough A-to-Z resource. Complete with teaching outlines to make lesson and sermon preparation easier.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
Volume 39 of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management contains eight original scholarly monographs written by thought leaders in the field of human resources management. This volume focuses on generational issues that have been created by a global pandemic, gig economy in relation to human resources management, immigrant and refugee issues in human resources management, pay dispersion issues, network structures and human resources management, human resources issues in family organizations and managing human resources during economic downturns.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Multi-generational and Aging Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities
The workforce is aging as people live longer and healthier lives, and mandatory retirement has become a relic of the past. Though workforces have always contained both younger and older employees the age range today has expanded, and the generational gap has become more distinct. This book advocates the need for talented employees of all ages as a way to prevent potential skill shortages and considers both the challenges and opportunities that these changes raise for individual organizations.The expert contributors discuss benefits including greater employee diversity with regards to knowledge, skills experience and perspectives, as well as challenges involving potential generational tensions, stereotypes and age biases. They further place an emphasis on initiatives to create generation-friendly workplaces; these involve fostering lifelong learning, tackling age stereotypes and biases, employing reverse mentoring where younger employees mentor older employees, and offering older individuals career options including phased retirement, bridge employment and encore careers.This wide-reaching book will be of use to academics, PhD students, human resource specialists, managers and government policy makers interested in the aging and multigenerational workforce.Contributors: A.-S.G. Antoniou, B. Baltes, J. Benson, S. Bisom-Rapp, R.J. Burke, L. Calvano, D. Campbell, C.L. Cooper, J.B. Cunningham, M. Dalla, J. Field, L. Fiksenbaum, A. Furnham, E.R. Greenglass, B.M. Hughes, J.K.Q. Katter, J. Kroeker-Hall, L.A. Marchiondo, J. McGinnis-Johnson, T. McNamara, D.M. McPhee, E.S.W. Ng, M. Pitt-Catsouphes, S. Sandhu, M. Sargeant, S. Sastrowardoyo, F. Schlosser, C. Scott-Young, S. Sweet, G. Thrasher, K. Zabel
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ramsey Theory
Praise for the First Edition "Anyone interested in getting an introduction to Ramsey theorywill find this illuminating..." --MAA Reviews Covering all the major concepts, proofs, and theorems, theSecond Edition of Ramsey Theory is the ultimate guideto understanding every aspect of Shelah's proof, as well asthe original proof of van der Waerden. The book offers a historicalperspective of Ramsey's fundamental paper from 1930 andErdos' and Szekeres' article from 1935, while placingthe various theorems in the context of T. S. Motzkin'sthought on the subject of "Complete Disorder isImpossible." Ramsey Theory, Second Edition includes new and excitingcoverage of Graph Ramsey Theory and Euclidean Ramsey Theory andalso relates Ramsey Theory to other areas in discrete mathematics.In addition, the book features the unprovability results of Parisand Harrington and the methods from topological dynamics pioneeredby Furstenburg. Featuring worked proofs and outside applications, RamseyTheory, Second Edition addresses: * Ramsey and density theorems on both broad and meticulousscales * Extentions and implications of van der Waerden's Theorem,the Hales-Jewett Theorem, Roth's Theorem, Rado'sTheorem, Szemeredi's Theorem, and the Shelah Proof * Regular homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems andequations * Special cases and broader interdisciplinary applications ofRamsey Theory principles An invaluable reference for professional mathematicians workingin discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and algorithms, RamseyTheory, Second Edition is the definitive work on thesubject.
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology,U.S. Excavations at Seibal, Department of Peten, Guatemala: III: 1. Major Architecture and Caches. 2. Analyses of Fine Paste Ceramics
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ramsey Theory
Praise for the First Edition "Anyone interested in getting an introduction to Ramsey theorywill find this illuminating..." --MAA Reviews Covering all the major concepts, proofs, and theorems, theSecond Edition of Ramsey Theory is the ultimate guideto understanding every aspect of Shelah's proof, as well asthe original proof of van der Waerden. The book offers a historicalperspective of Ramsey's fundamental paper from 1930 andErdos' and Szekeres' article from 1935, while placingthe various theorems in the context of T. S. Motzkin'sthought on the subject of "Complete Disorder isImpossible." Ramsey Theory, Second Edition includes new and excitingcoverage of Graph Ramsey Theory and Euclidean Ramsey Theory andalso relates Ramsey Theory to other areas in discrete mathematics.In addition, the book features the unprovability results of Parisand Harrington and the methods from topological dynamics pioneeredby Furstenburg. Featuring worked proofs and outside applications, RamseyTheory, Second Edition addresses: * Ramsey and density theorems on both broad and meticulousscales * Extentions and implications of van der Waerden's Theorem,the Hales-Jewett Theorem, Roth's Theorem, Rado'sTheorem, Szemeredi's Theorem, and the Shelah Proof * Regular homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems andequations * Special cases and broader interdisciplinary applications ofRamsey Theory principles An invaluable reference for professional mathematicians workingin discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and algorithms, RamseyTheory, Second Edition is the definitive work on thesubject.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gauss and Jacobi Sums
Devised in the 19th century, Gauss and Jacobi Sums are classical formulas that form the basis for contemporary research in many of today's sciences. This book offers readers a solid grounding on the origin of these abstract, general theories. Though the main focus is on Gauss and Jacobi, the book does explore other relevant formulas, including Cauchy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc System Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Mechatronic Systems
An expanded new edition of the bestselling system dynamics book using the bond graph approach A major revision of the go-to resource for engineers facing the increasingly complex job of dynamic systems design, System Dynamics, Fifth Edition adds a completely new section on the control of mechatronic systems, while revising and clarifying material on modeling and computer simulation for a wide variety of physical systems. This new edition continues to offer comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of bond graphs, using these important design tools to help readers better understand the various components of dynamic systems. Covering all topics from the ground up, the book provides step-by-step guidance on how to leverage the power of bond graphs to model the flow of information and energy in all types of engineering systems. It begins with simple bond graph models of mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems, then goes on to explain in detail how to model more complex systems using computer simulations. Readers will find: New material and practical advice on the design of control systems using mathematical models New chapters on methods that go beyond predicting system behavior, including automatic control, observers, parameter studies for system design, and concept testing Coverage of electromechanical transducers and mechanical systems in plane motion Formulas for computing hydraulic compliances and modeling acoustic systems A discussion of state-of-the-art simulation tools such as MATLAB and bond graph software Complete with numerous figures and examples, System Dynamics, Fifth Edition is a must-have resource for anyone designing systems and components in the automotive, aerospace, and defense industries. It is also an excellent hands-on guide on the latest bond graph methods for readers unfamiliar with physical system modeling.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing ChIPS--Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes
(Reusable interview administration booklet) Based on strict DSM-IV criteria and validated in 12 years of studies, ChIPS and P-ChIPS—the parent version of the interview—are brief and simple to administer. Questions are succinct, simply worded, and easily understood by children and adolescents. Practitioners in clinical and research settings alike have already found ChIPS indispensable in screening for conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, substance abuse, phobias, anxiety disorders, stress disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, elimination disorders, and schizophrenia.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Scoring Forms for ChIPS
(One-time use booklet for recording answers with Profile Sheet) These Scoring Forms provide ample space for recording verbatim responses to interview questions, with check boxes to indicate whether the symptom criteria and duration and impairment requirements are met. A Profile Sheet, perforated for easy removal from the Scoring Form, is included to itemize principal findings and diagnosis. This is a package of 20.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology
A core reference for residents and practitioners for over 40 years, Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology is now in its Tenth Edition—thoroughly revised and reorganized to provide complete, authoritative coverage of the modern clinical practice of obstetrics and gynecology. This edition has a new co-editor, Ingrid Nygaard, MD, a urogynecologist. A new urogynecology section includes chapters on urinary and fecal incontinence and overactive bladder. Other new chapters cover stillbirth and psychological disorders of pregnancy and the postpartum. This edition also features a modern two-color design, problem cases, boxed pearls and pitfalls, key points at the beginning of each chapter, and more algorithms, tables, and bulleted lists.A companion Websiteoffers the fully searchable text and an image bank which now allows any clinician, either in training or practice, to have in one place what they need to know.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Nelson's Student Bible Dictionary: A Complete Guide to Understanding the World of the Bible
Nelson's Student Bible Dictionary presents nearly 2,000 definitions of Bible words representing the best in biblical scholarship, in a convenient and colorful design. A portable and engaging sourcebook of biblical information that is accurate, thorough, dependable, and easy to understand. Entries covering the essential people, places, things, events, and doctrines of the Bible make it the perfect Bible dictionary for students of all ages. Photographs, illustrations, charts, maps, and topical entries make Bible study fun.Features include: Alphabetically arranged articles and definitions with visual guides to the Bible and references to similar entries. Relevant verse references in each entry. Full-color photographs, tables, charts, maps, and diagrams that illustrate Bible teachings and life in Bible times. Full Bible history chart for visual learners. Easy-to-use study and teaching outlines for every book of the Bible. Key words in each article based on the New King James Version of the Bible, with variant names from five additional translations fully cross-referenced. Nelson's Student Bible Dictionary is perfect for Bible students, Sunday School teachers, and ministers wanting a handy reference resource; as well as those looking for a great gift to celebrate a graduation, birthday, or other milestone event.NOTE: Quotations are from the NKJV, but the dictionary includes references from five additional translations—the King James Version (KJV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the Revised English Bible (REB), the New International Version (NIV), and the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). It can be used with any modern English translation of the Bible.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes
This best-selling text prepares students to formulate and solve material and energy balances in chemical process systems and lays the foundation for subsequent courses in chemical engineering. The text provides a realistic, informative, and positive introduction to the practice of chemical engineering.