Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Hansib Publications Limited A History Of Theatre In Guyana 1800-2000
Liberty Fund Inc Institutes of Divine Jurisprudence, with Selections from Foundations of the Law of Nature & Nations
Crecy Publishing Vought F7U-3 Cutlass
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Political Decision Makers and Their Relevance for Public Finances
V&R unipress GmbH Abseits der Geschichte: Nationalsozialismus und Zweiter Weltkrieg in Ortschroniken
Les Presses de l'Universite Laval Le Traite Tripartite (NH I, 5)
Ce volume propose une edition du texte copte du Traite tripartite accompagnee d'une traduction francaise et d'une introduction, ainsi que d'un commentaire detaille a la fois philologique et doctrinal. Des index des termes coptes et greco-coptes, ainsi qu'un index des termes techniques grecs employes dans le commentaire, completent l'ensemble. L'etablissement du texte copte differant en maints passages de celui de l'edition princeps, le volume marque un progres majeur dans notre connaissance de cet ecrit, un des plus longs de la collection Nag Hammadi. Le contenu du traite est tres important puisqu'il s'agit d'un expose valentinien de theologie systematique. Dans un cadre conceptuel emprunte a la physique entendue au sens philosophique du terme, il systematise une histoire du salut de type judeo-chretien doublee d'une mysteriosophie, c'est-a-dire une mythologie dotee d'une base rituelle.
Taylor Trade Publishing 109 Ways to Beat the Casinos
In this book they tell you in simple language how to maximize your gambling bankroll by applying winning strategies to each and every game—from blackjack to craps, roulette to baccarat, slots to video poker, sports book betting to live poker, plus best-bet playing methodologies for new games like Caribbean Stud, Let It Ride, and Three Card Poker. They tell you the best ways to play each game in 100 words or less, while other books often use 1000 words or more.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Discredited
Based on dozens of original interviews and thousands of pages of documents, Discredited demonstrates just how far a university will go to preserve the athletic status quo: tolerating tarnished careers, ruined reputations, and years of scathing media criticism - all for a shot at competitive glory.
Liberty Fund Inc Essays on the Church, State, & Politics
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Summer of '42: A Study of German-Armenian Relations During the Second World War
Despite the overwhelming contributions made by the Armenians to the Allied war effort, it is widely unknown that at least 18,000 served under the Third Reich. After the war, these so-called collaborators were chastised and indiscriminately labeled as traitors by those unable to grasp the complexity of their circumstances. Largely based on archival research, German-Armenian Relations in the Second World War attempts to separate fact from fallacy by examining the complex motives, treatment, and history of these Armenians.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Economy and Society: Selected Writings
Few figures are more crucial to understanding the upheavals of our contemporary era than Karl Polanyi. In a world riven by social and economic crises, from rising inequality to the decay of democratic institutions and profound technological disruption, Polanyi’s path-breaking account of the dynamics of market capitalism and his defence of society and nature against the dangerous tendencies of the market capitalist system are more relevant than ever. This book brings together Polanyi’s most important articles and essays to give a unique selection of his essential shorter writings, mixing classic texts with significant but previously little-known pieces. It highlights the coherence and richness of Polanyi’s theoretical and political approach, making it indispensable for understanding his overarching intellectual contribution. The volume includes his interwar writings, which deal with the world economic crisis and the socialist alternative to conservative and fascist developments; his reflection on political theory and the international situation after the war; and his comparative studies of economic institutions. Polanyi’s political writings are complemented and supported by the critique of economic determinism and what he termed ‘our obsolete market mentality’. This book is an invaluable companion to Polanyi’s masterpiece, The Great Transformation, and an essential resource for students and scholars of political economy, sociology, history and political philosophy.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Johannesapokalypse: Kontexte - Konzepte - Wirkungen
Die Johannesapokalypse ist zu einem Schwerpunkt der gegenwärtigen neutestamentlichen Forschung avanciert. Ihre historische Einordnung und Datierung sowie ihre traditions- und religionsgeschichtlichen Hintergründe werden ebenso intensiv diskutiert wie ihre literarische Rhetorik und ihre theologische Konzeption. Der Band vereint Vorträge eines Münchener Symposiums mit zusätzlich angefragten Beiträgen. Im ersten Teil "Kontexte" werden Fragen der Textgestalt und der Traditionsbezüge, der historischen Einordnung und der Datierung erörtert. Ein zweiter Teil thematisiert "Konzepte" der Apokalypse; darin wird u.a. Fragen nach der Christologie und Eschatologie nachgegangen, ferner stehen die Rede vom Martyrium und Untersuchungen zur Redaktion und theologischen Intention des Werkes im Mittelpunkt. Der abschließende dritte Teil "Wirkungen" fokussiert Schwerpunkte der Rezeption vom Montanismus und der Thomasapokalypse über Laktanz und Andreas von Caesarea bis zur orthodoxen Liturgie und zur Kunst William Blakes. Die Beiträge bieten einen repräsentativen Einblick in die wesentlichen Diskurse zur gegenwärtigen Apokalypseforschung.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nd:YAG Lasers: Technology and Applications
Crecy Publishing Scooter!: The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story
Nova Science Publishers Inc Congress of the US: Committees, Rules & Procedures
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biofouling Methods
Biofouling Methods provides a “cook book” for both established workers and those new to the field. The methods included in this important new book range from tried and tested techniques to those at the cutting edge, encompassing the full diversity of this multidisciplinary field. The book covers methods for microbial and macrofouling, coatings and biocides, and ranges from methods for fundamental studies to methods relevant for industrial applications. There is an emphasis on answering questions and each chapter provides technical methods and problem-solving hints and tips. Bringing together a wealth of international contributions and edited by three internationally known and respected experts in the subject Biofouling Methods is the essential methodology reference in the field for all those working in the antifouling industry including those involved in formulation of antifouling products such as paints and other coatings. Aquatic biologists, ecologists, environmental scientists and lawyers, marine engineers, aquaculture personnel, chemists, and medical researchers will all find much of interest within this book. All universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies of this important work on their shelves.
Museum Tusculanum Press Vessels and Variety: New Aspects of Ancient Pottery
Logos Verlag Berlin Unternehmerisches Denken Und Handeln in Russland - Eine Literaturstudie
University Press of Southern Denmark Nature & Lifeworld: Theoretical & Practical Metaphysics
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Mexikanisch vegetarisch
Anness Publishing Fantastic Finger Puppets to Make Yourself
Have toys at your fingertips - and on your toes - including angels, aliens, a peacock, an octopus, a mermaid, a waltzing couple and a goofy horse. How to make perfect puppets from old socks, rubber gloves, cardboard, kitchen foil and ping-pong balls, as well as puppet stages on which to perform! Easy instructions and over 270 fantastic photographs show you what to do every step of the way. It is ideal for 7- to 12-year-olds, with simple projects for beginners, and more sophisticated projects for older kids. Watch your hands transform into birds, animals, flowers, forests and all sorts of other amazing characters. The 25 projects in this book include not only finger puppets, but also glove puppets, body-pained puppets, and even foot puppets. All the projects are simple and fun to do, and you can make them using everyday items found around the home, such as gloves, socks, ribbons, wool, buttons, beads and drinking straws. Then, why not use your puppets to make up stories with your friends? The rubber-glove fishermen could catch the painted octopus, the Tassel family could attend the wedding of the cardboard bride and her bridesmaids, and the glove-puppet elephant could meet the sock serpent. The book also contains ideas for making stages and scenery for your puppet shows, including an enchanted forest setting and a sailing boat.
Liberty Fund Inc Institutes of Divine Jurisprudence, with Selections from Foundations of the Law of Nature & Nations
Nick Hern Books Drama Games for Actors: Exploring Self, Character and Text
From the bestselling Drama Games series, this dip-in, flick-through, quick-fire resource book offers dozens of games to serve as a rich source of ideas and inspiration for all actors – and those teaching or directing them. This must-have companion is divided into three sections, each focusing on a different aspect of the actor’s process: Self provides methods to deepen relaxation, sharpen focus, boost energy, expand imagination and enable a company of actors to work collaboratively Character suggests strategies to aid the process of transformation, encouraging actors to explore characteristics that are distinct from their own And Text offers exercises to unlock the words, allowing free and imaginative work within the structure of a script, without losing specificity The games range from solo explorations which can be performed alone, to ideas for pairs and group work – making them suitable for a wide variety of scenarios and requirements. Overall, the book will serve as an essential foundation for every actor’s creativity, helping improve preparation, rehearsal and performance. ‘A mass of invaluable ideas for all ages and all types of actors, amateur or professional. It’s hard to imagine anyone involved in theatre who wouldn’t find it useful.’ Richard Eyre, from his Foreword
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Great American Pie Contest
Cambridge University Press Philosophy of Language
This unique textbook introduces linguists to key issues in the philosophy of language. Accessible to students who have taken only a single course in linguistics, yet sophisticated enough to be used at the graduate level, the book provides an overview of the central issues in philosophy of language, a key topic in educating the next generation of researchers in semantics and pragmatics. Thoroughly grounded in contemporary linguistic theory, the book focus on the core foundational and philosophical issues in semantics and pragmatics, richly illustrated with historical case studies to show how linguistic questions are related to philosophical problems in areas such as metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Students are introduced in Part I to the issues at the core of semantics, including compositionality, reference and intentionality. Part II looks at pragmatics: context, conversational update, implicature and speech acts; whilst Part III discusses foundational questions about meaning. The book will encourage future collaboration and development between philosophy of language and linguistics.
Georgetown University Press The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer: Building on the Work of Edmund D. Pellegrino
This book illuminates issues in medical ethics revolving around the complex bond between healer and patient, focusing on friendship and other important values in the healing relationship. Embracing medicine, philosophy, theology, and bioethics, it considers whether bioethical issues in medicine, nursing, and dentistry can be examined from the perspective of the healing relationship rather than external moral principles. Distinguished contributors explore the role of the health professional, the moral basis of health care, greater emphasis on the humanities in medical education, and some of the current challenges facing healers today.
Lectorum Publications Once Damas Atrevidas
Octopus Publishing Group The Italian Cookery Course
'This book is not only a fascinating read, teaching you about the regions of Italy, but is also full of things that you really do want to cook.' - Thomasina Miers, The TimesIn this now iconic staple of Italian cookery, Katie Caldesi collates hundreds of recipes from across the country, from the mountainous north to the sun-drenched Mediterranean in the south. Her collection of recipes, techniques and ingredients, collected from homecooks and trattoria chefs from every region, result in a unique and comprehensive compendium of Italian food.The Italian Cookery Course will guide you through the vast collection of famous recipes and lesser-known regional dishes, with clear instruction on how to replicate them at home. The book is broken down into straightforward chapters including 'Meat', 'Fish', 'Dolci' and 'Cheese'. Each chapter contains 'masterclasses' on technique, revealing the practical secrets of Italian cooking and giving the reader new confidence in the kitchen. All this is interwoven with fascinating narration about the culinary influences that have created this wonderful cuisine.
Kösel-Verlag Damit aus kleinen Ärschen keine großen werden
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Kontexte des Johannesevangeliums: Das vierte Evangelium in religions- und traditionsgeschichtlicher Perspektive
Eine der strittigsten Fragen der Forschung ist die religionsgeschichtliche Einordnung des Johannesevangeliums. Während dieses lange primär im Kontext des Hellenismus gesehen wurde, beherrschte im 20. Jahrhundert zunächst das Verhältnis zur Gnosis die Diskussion. Seit den Qumranfunden finden jüdische Hintergründe wieder stärkere Beachtung, doch lassen sich die Bezüge zur hellenistisch-römischen Welt nicht vernachlässigen. Ebenso kontrovers diskutiert wird das Verhältnis der johanneischen Tradition zu den anderen frühchristlichen Traditionsströmen, den Synoptikern, zur paulinisch-deuteropaulinischen Tradition oder zu der im Thomasevangelium erkennbaren Gnostisierung der Jesusüberlieferung.Die Autoren in diesem Band erörtern die religions- und traditionsgeschichtlichen Bezugsfelder des Johannesevangeliums. Damit bietet der Band in nuce ein Kompendium der wichtigsten Kontexte, die für die Interpretation des Johannesevangeliums zu berücksichtigen sind.
Scholastic Inc. Dangerous Worms Parasites Plague a Villate XBooks
It''s under their skin. In Ghana, Africa, a family is in agony. Parasites called guinea worms are eating through their bodies. While the family gets treatment, a health-care worker hunts for the source of the worms. Can he find it before others become infected?High-interest topics, real stories, engaging design, and astonishing photos are the building blocks of the XBooks, a new series of books designed to engage and motivate reluctant and enthusiastic readers alike. How can a bite from a pet prairie dog cause a life-threatening illness? Where does the guinea worm, a parasite that lives under human skin, come from? How can a virus that attacks the brain be related to birds dropping dead at the zoo? With topics based in science, these action-packed books will help students unlock the power and pleasure of reading... and always ask for more!
Museum Tusculanum Press Canon & Canonicity: The Formation & Use of Scripture
Liberty Fund Inc Essays on the Church, State, & Politics
Olympia Publishers Devil's Retribution
Uni-Med Verlag AG Sequenztherapie der Osteoporose Theorie und moderne Praxiskonzepte
South London Gallery Inside
Louisiana State University Press Antebellum Homes of Georgia
From the stately Gothic Revival and Regency-style houses of Savannah to the majestic, multicolumned plantation homes that punctuate rolling farmlands throughout the state, David King Gleason presents a splendid pictorial record of Georgia's fines pre-Civil War residences. The book begins with the town houses of Savannah, which include such landmark residences as the Andrew Low House, built in 1848 in the style of an early Victorian Renaissance villa, and the imposing Gree-Heldrim House, a Gothic Revival mansion that was the most expensive house built in Savannah prior to the Civil War. Wild Heron, located just south of Savannah on the Little Ogeechee River, is the oldest plantation house still standing in Georgia. A one-and-a-half story farmhouse built in the style of a West India cottage, it is being restored to reflect the period of the early 1800s. Farther to the interior, in the area around Augusta, are such homes as Fruitlands, now the clubhouse of the Augusta national Golf Club; Meadow Garden; Ware's Folly; and Montrose, built in 1849 and one of the Loveliest Greek Revival houses in the area. Houses photographed along the Plantation Trail, from Athens to Macon, include the white-columned President's House, home since 1949 to the presidents of the University of Georgia; the Howell Cobb House, in Athens; Whitehall, in Covington; Glan Mary, in Sparta; and the Woodruff House, in Macon. Gleason devotes considerable attention to the homes of the western side of the state, from Chickamauga to Thomasville. The Gordon-Lee House, constructed in 1847, was headquarters fro the Union army during the battle of chickamauga. Other houses in this part of Georgia are valley View, which overlooks the Etowah River, west of Cartersville; the Archibald Howell House, near downtown Marietta; Lovejoy, in Clayton Country; The oaks, in the vicinity of LaGrange; and Greenwood and Pebble Hill, near Thomasville. In all, Gleason captures more than one hundred of Georgia's most beautiful antebellum homes, including many lesser-known houses. In addition to exterior photographs, Antebellum Homes of Georgia contains a number of interior views as well as aerial photographs that show the relationship between the houses and their environs: outbuildings, formal gardens, and recd clay fields that were once white with cotton. Captions provide brief histories of the houses and their owners as weel as notes on construction and outstanding architectural details.
Peeters Publishers L'ecclesiologie de John Henry Newman, Anglican (1816-1845)
Une reflexion ecclesiologique fondamentale se recommande a un double titre, pour verifier la validite d'un discours ecclesiologique et pour favoriser un dialogue 'cumenique fecond. Pour aider a une telle reflexion, John Henry Newman (1801-1890) possede plusieurs titres a notre attention. D'abord, tout simplement, il fut un des grands penseurs religieux des temps modernes. Ensuite, le sujet de l'Eglise a eu une place centrale dans sa pensee et dans sa vie. Enfin, dans un contexte de pluralisme doctrinal, place au confluent meme des divers courants intellectuels majeurs de l'Eglise de son temps, assez opposes les uns aux autres (en particulier quant a la nature et a la fonction de l'Eglise), il a toujours ete amene a reflechir aux fondements de sa pensee. L'objet de cette etude est l'evolution ecclesiologique de Newman durant les annees oA' il etait membre de l'Eglise d'Angleterre. Notre objectif est de parvenir, a partir d'une utilisation intensive des sources, a manifester le processus selon lequel sont formees et deformees les opinions et les convictions ecclesiologiques fondamentales de Newman.
Ariston Verlag Ich suchte das Glck und fand die Zufriedenheit Eine spannende Reise in die Welt von Gehirn und Psyche
Nova Science Publishers Inc Science Education in Focus
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus und die Steuerfrage: Die Zinsgroschenperikope auf dem religiösen und politischen Hintergrund ihrer Zeit mit einer Edition von Pseudo-Hieronymus, De haeresibus Judaeorum
Seit dem Aufstand des Judas Galilaeus im Jahr 6 n. Chr. manifestierte sich der jüdisch-römische Konflikt maßgeblich in der Ablehnung der römischen Steuerforderungen. In diesem Zusammenhang vermittelt die Studie zu Jesu Antwort auf die Steuerfrage historisch fundierte Impulse für eine politische Lektüre neutestamentlicher Texte. Niclas Förster kontextualisiert die synoptische Zinsgroschenperikope im historischen und politischen Umfeld ihrer Zeit. In der Auslegung wird dabei mit bisher unberücksichtigtem Quellenmaterial exegetisches Neuland betreten. Herangezogen werden archäologische Zeugnisse wie Münz- und Papyrusfunde, bisher wenig erforschte Qumrantexte sowie eine neue patristische Quelle (mit wissenschaftlicher Erstedition), die unter anderem den Münzboykott jüdischer Aufständischer beleuchtet. Des Weiteren wird die Rezeptionsgeschichte des Zinsgroschenwortes von der möglichen Adaption in Röm 13,6-7 bis hin zum Thomasevangelium und P. Egerton 2 untersucht.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Self Portrait with Boy
Rachel Lyon's first novel – soon to be made into a major motion picture starring Zoë Kravitz and Thomasin McKenzie Lu Rile is a relentlessly focused young photographer struggling to make ends meet. Working three jobs, and worrying that the crumbling warehouse she lives in is being sold to developers, she is at a point of desperation. Until, by pure chance, Lu discovers she’s captured a tragedy in the background of a self portrait; a boy falling to his death. The photograph turns out to be the best work of art she’s ever made. It’s an image that could change her life – if she lets it. Set in early 90s Brooklyn on the brink of gentrification, Self-Portrait with Boy is a provocative commentary about the emotional dues that must be paid on the road to success.‘Beautifully imagined and flawlessly executed’ Joyce Carol Oates‘A sparkling debut’ New Yo
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics
The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics is the most authoritative survey of the central issues in contemporary aesthetics available. The volume features eighteen newly commissioned papers on the evaluation of art, the interpretation of art, and many other forms of art such as literature, movies, and music. Provides a guide to the central traditional and cutting edge issues in aesthetics today. Written by a distinguished cast of contributors, including Peter Kivy, George Dickie, Noël Carroll, Paul Guyer, Ted Cohen, Marcia Eaton, Joseph Margolis, Berys Gaut, Nicholas Wolterstrorff, Susan Feagin, Peter Lamarque, Stein Olsen, Francis Sparshott, Alan Goldman, Jenefer Robinson, Mary Mothersill, Donald Crawford, Philip Alperson, Laurent Stern and Amie Thomasson. Functions as the ideal text for undergraduate and graduate courses in aesthetics, art theory, and philosophy of art.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics
The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics is the most authoritative survey of the central issues in contemporary aesthetics available. The volume features eighteen newly commissioned papers on the evaluation of art, the interpretation of art, and many other forms of art such as literature, movies, and music. Provides a guide to the central traditional and cutting edge issues in aesthetics today. Written by a distinguished cast of contributors, including Peter Kivy, George Dickie, Noël Carroll, Paul Guyer, Ted Cohen, Marcia Eaton, Joseph Margolis, Berys Gaut, Nicholas Wolterstrorff, Susan Feagin, Peter Lamarque, Stein Olsen, Francis Sparshott, Alan Goldman, Jenefer Robinson, Mary Mothersill, Donald Crawford, Philip Alperson, Laurent Stern and Amie Thomasson. Functions as the ideal text for undergraduate and graduate courses in aesthetics, art theory, and philosophy of art.