Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Ediciones Urano La Nube del No Saber
Black Classic Press Word Hustle: Critical Essays and Reflections on the Works of Donald Goines
Deutscher Universitatsverlag Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien systemisch umsetzen: Exploration der Organisationsaufstellung als Managementmethode
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Von der Bewegung zur Organisation und wohin weiter?: 25 Jahre Systemische Gesellschaft
Dieser Band dokumentiert Erzählungen, Selbstbeschreibungen und Analysen zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der Systemischen Gesellschaft (SG). In vier Gesprächsrunden an vier verschiedenen Orten werden mit den Gründungsmitgliedern 25 Jahre systemischen Denkens, Handelns und Organisierens reflektiert und kritisch diskutiert. Durch die Rekonstruktion von Debatten, Entscheidungen und Konflikten entsteht ein lebendiges Bild von der Wandlung einer Bewegung hin zum heutigen Fachverband. Die Entwicklung des systemischen Ansatzes in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland spiegelt sich in den unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und Erzählungen.
C & T Publishing Acrylics in Action!: 24 Painting Techniques to Try Today
Acrylic painting with the pros! Get the basics and expand on your skillset with 24 projects featuring various techniques, modern motifs, and abstract image ideas.
V&R unipress GmbH Krieg und Literatur / War and Literature.
History Press The Rise of Tourism on Martha's Vineyard
V&R unipress GmbH Buyouts aus Familienunternehmen: Corporate Governance, strategischer Wandel und Wachstum
Bohlau Verlag Antisemitismus in Österreich 1933–1938
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Entdeckungen des Evangeliums: Festschrift für Johannes Schilling
Welche Rolle spielte das Evangelium in der Geschichte der Kirchen und den verschiedenen Kontexten der Frömmigkeit? Wie wurde es von Menschen in unterschiedlichen Zeiten und Lebenssituationen verstanden? Diese Fragen sind zentral für das Schaffen des Reformationshistorikers Johannes Schilling.Dieser Band vereint die Beiträge eines Kolloquiums anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags. Im Fokus stehen die Rezeptionsgeschichte des Evangeliums und die Frage, in welchem Umfang sich kirchen- und kulturgeschichtliche Reformen sowie gesellschaftliche Veränderungen auf eine vertiefte Lektüre des Evangeliums zurückführen lassen. Die Beiträge würdigen die historische Arbeit des Jubilars, in der eine kirchengeschichtliche Konzeption von Rang beschlossen liegt. Eine Gesamtbibliographie seiner Schriften rundet den Band ab.
Bohlau Verlag Religion in den Bergen: Sakrale Orte, Heiligtümer, Performanz, Mythos und Alltagsleben
Hodder & Stoughton Meat-free Mexican: Vibrant Vegetarian Recipes
'This is full of recipes which are fresh, fiery and fun. There is something so convivial and energetic about Mexican food, which Thomasina captures so well.' YOTAM OTTOLENGHI'Meat-Free Mexican proves that you don't need meat to make bold, tasty and exciting Mexican food, from the comfort of your own home. Thomasina never fails to inspire and this book is no exception. I can't wait to try these dishes!' GORDON RAMSAY 'Recipes filled to the brim with bold, beautiful, colourful & exciting flavours. Tommi has a real knack for creating happy making food. I want to eat everything in this book.' SKYE GYNGELL'Vegetable recipes to blow your mind and thrill your tastebuds.' DIANA HENRY'Thomasina Miers captures the dazzling biodiversity of plant life that exists within Mexican cooking: herbs, zucchini blossoms, chillis, wild mushrooms, and so much more come alive in these vibrant recipes.' ALICE WATERS'Every time I speak about food or life with Thomasina, she radiates a passion that immediately makes you feel welcome and happy, I honestly could not think of a better host than her. This book is a reflection of that personality, dedication, curiosity and her quest to share great Mexican cooking in a healthy way exploring what vegetables have to offer, I cannot wait to try it all!' SANTIAGO LASTRAHeap flavour onto your plates and fill your kitchen with Tommi's Mexican-inspired vegetarian and vegan recipes. Celebrating fresh, seasonal vegetables, earthy pulses and bold herbs, this is an enticing collection of recipes that are simple enough to cook every day and delicious enough to cook for feasts, with seasonal and dairy-free swap-ins to cater for every month and diet. Starting with breakfasts to savour, Tommi then moves through mouth-watering tacos, spectacular salads, comforting enchiladas, dishes for speedy weeknight joy and a range of crowd-pleasers, all to be laden with smoky salsas, fiery chilli oils and earthy moles to layer texture and taste. With outrageously tempting cakes, tarts and puddings, plus a whole host of thirst-quenching drinks to see you from first light to sundown, there's something for everyone here.
Inter-Varsity Press New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic
Since its first publication in 1988, the New Dictionary of Theology has been widely appreciated by students and readers as a trustworthy and informative guide. After almost thirty years, however, there are many new writers, issues and themes on the agenda, for theology does not stand still. Hence, this completely revised second edition includes over 400 new articles in the full set of over 800. Many of the original articles have been expanded and updated, and almost all have additional bibliographical references. Since material on biblical theology is now covered at length in IVP's New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, this volume is therefore more specifically a dictionary of historical and systematic theology. The New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic has an international team of contributors, and many are acknowledged experts in their fields. The Dictionary combines excellence in scholarship with a high standard of clarity and insight into current theological issues, yet it avoids being unduly technical. Students, teachers and ministers, as well as scholars and everyone seeking a better understanding of theology, will value it as an indispensable reference work. The volume is enhanced by a spacious and clear design, an extensive and easy-to-use cross-reference system and bibliographies which feature the best and most readily available works in English.
Edinburgh University Press British Multiculturalism and the Politics of Representation
Uses poststructuralist theory to connect inclusion, exclusion and identity, using real-world case studies from British culture, politics and law Lasse Thomassen applies a fresh, poststructuralist approach to reconcile the theoretical and practical issues surrounding inclusion, exclusion and representation. He opens up debates and themes including Britishness, race, the nature and role of Islam in British society, homelessness and social justice. Thomassen argues that the politics of inclusion and identity should be viewed as struggles over how these identities are represented. He develops this argument through careful analysis of cases from the last four decades of British multiculturalism, including public debates about the role of religion in British society, Gordon Brown and David Cameron’s contrasting versions of Britishness, legal cases about religious symbols and clothing in schools, and the Nick Hornby novel How to Be Good.
Simon & Schuster Mama Genas Owners and Operators Guide to Men
“Diva of Desire” Regena Thomashauer (a.k.a. Mama Gena) is back with a saucy, provocative, absolutely essential guide to getting the relationship you want.Have you ever felt that finding a man, falling in love, and living a joyous, adventurous, fulfilling life with him is completely out of your control? Is it possible to find a man who will be a friend and an equal, but who will also gratify your desires? If you’re already in a relationship, how can you get him to become the true man of your dreams? Never fear, Mama Gena is here with practical tools for a relationship that starts out good and only gets better. In Mama Gena’s Owner’s and Operator’s Guide to Men, celebrated relationship expert Regena Thomashauer offers essential strategies for finding a man, getting him to help you make the life you want, having a great sex life, and dealing with resistance along the way. Mama trains you to be an expert man-trainer, so you
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Perishable Poetics: Manifesting Emotion through Contemporary Floral Design
In an invitation to expand and liberate your creative voice in floral design, Jenny Thomasson (AIFD, PFCI, EMC) generously unfolds her artistic process that has made her a rising star in the industry through 40+ beautifully shot compositions. The delicacy, intensity, and cyclical temporality of flowers mirror our deepest emotions—making them a potent source of inspiration and innovation. In over 200 lustrous color photos, Thomasson shares how she uses emotion to push the boundaries of contemporary floral design. Infused with hand-drawn conceptual sketches and notes, and incorporating a wide breadth of techniques, forms, and materials, this warmly personal guide offers an intimate insight into the evolution of a professional floral arrangement. Perishable Poetics is a beautifully photographed artwork as well as a radiant, invaluable creative resource for those who work in, are inspired by, or are finding their voice in floral design.
Oxford University Press Inc Dancing with the Devil: Why Bad Feelings Make Life Good
Just as a garden needs worms, we need bad feelings.... We tend to think about bad feelings--feelings like anger, envy, spite, and contempt--as the weeds in life's garden. You may not be able to get rid of them completely, but you're supposed to battle them as best you can. The best garden is one with no weeds. The best life is one with no bad feelings. But this isn't quite right, according to philosopher Krista K. Thomason. Bad feelings are the worms, not the weeds. They're just below the surface, and we like to pretend they aren't there, but they serve an important purpose. Worms are just as much a part of the garden as the flowers, and their presence means your garden is thriving. Gardens aren't better off without their worms, and neither are we. The trick is learning how to enjoy our gardens, worms and all. Thomason draws on insights from the history of philosophy to show what we've gotten wrong about bad feelings and to show readers how we can live better with them. There is nothing wrong with negative emotions per se. Their bad reputation is undeserved. Negative emotions are expressions of self-love--not egoism or selfishness, but the felt attachment to ourselves and to our lives. We feel negative emotions because our lives matter to us. After explaining this, Thomason helps us look at individual bad feelings: anger, envy and jealousy, spite and Schadenfreude, and contempt. As she demonstrates in this tour of negative emotions, these feelings are valuable parts of our attachment to our lives. We don't have to battle negative emotions or "channel" them into something productive. Bad feelings aren't obstacles to a good life; they are part of what makes life meaningful.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Make Money Work For You--Instead of You Working for It: Lessons from a Portfolio Manager
An invaluable primer to the world of investing Money Lessons from a Money Manager speaks directly to the individual who wants to manage their own investment portfolio just like a professional portfolio manager would. Written by portfolio manager William Thomason, this comprehensive guide provides professional investment advice on how to identify, research and ultimately purchase profitable investments. The book covers such subjects as fundamental analysis, understanding financial statements and financial ratios, when to buy and sell, portfolio construction and various investment strategies that readers can use to manage their own money just like a professional portfolio manager. Easy to read and informative, this book is a valuable resource for readers looking to take their first steps in the world of professional portfolio management for themselves.
Hodder & Stoughton Mexican Food Made Simple
If you love having friends and family round for dinner or simply rustling up fresh, fast food, Mexican cooking is fun, fantastic and full of flavour. One of its brightest stars, Wahaca chef and food writer Thomasina Miers shares the recipes she has gathered since she first fell in love with the country aged 18, reinventing the classics with accessible ingredients to demonstrate how exciting and delicious traditional Mexican food can be. Whether you're looking for street snacks full of punch, rich, hearty stews, or sensational, spicy wraps, Thomasina's Mexican Food Made Simple is bursting with recipes you'll want to eat and share: soft corn tacos and tostados; little cheesy things (quesadillas); a great Mexican chille con carne; Grilled Seabass or succulent Lamb Chops with homemade salsas and tortilla chips; and to finish churros with chocolate sauce.The book features vibrant food photography throughout, and step-by-step guides to folding the perfect burrito, eating a taco (no knives and forks allowed), making a sizzling table salsa, and much more. And with Thomasina's guide to the world's hottest chillies, ingenious cheats, and helpful menu planner, Mexican Food Made Simple has everything you need to put together a fantastic Mexican feast at home.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Face to Face with the Face: Working with the Face and the Cranial Nerves through Cranio-Sacral Integration
Practical and clear, this comprehensive guide to cranio-sacral treatment of the face explains treatment approaches that can make a significant difference to persistent and intractable conditions, enabling profound transformation in quality of life through whole-person integration.The book explores the eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, mouth, teeth and jaw, and provides a practical means of resolving the multitude of conditions affecting these crucial areas in a gentle, non-invasive manner, utilising the body's inherent healing potential. It covers a wide range from persistent ear infections, dental disturbances, facial injury, sinusitis and trigeminal neuralgia, one of the most painful conditions known to the medical world, through to identifying hidden causes of migraine, autism and chronic fatigue and patterns of ill health arising from birth, early childhood and past trauma. Cranial nerve dysfunctions, including polyvagal disturbances, are also included. Hand positions and contacts are clearly presented with over 200 colour photographs and anatomical drawings. A comprehensive presentation of the potential cooperation between dentistry and cranio-sacral therapy is also provided, with contributions from two eminent dentists, providing much needed information on this growing field of integrative medicine.Essential reading in this rapidly expanding area of practice, the book is fully illustrated in colour.
Hodder & Stoughton Wahaca - Mexican Food at Home
'Thomasina Miers is bringing a large slice of genuine Mexico to the mainstream.' The IndependentEat your way around the markets of Mexico with this collection of over 130 mind-blowing recipes from Thomasina Miers, co-founder of the award-winning Wahaca restaurants. Inspired by the flavours of Mexico but using ingredients easily found in Britain, Wahaca - Mexican Food at Home is all about cooking authentic Mexican food in your own kitchen. Mexican cooking is fresh, colourful and full of flavour, with breakfasts to get you through the day, hearty dinners, sensational puddings, and zingy cocktails. Follow Tommi on her trip through the markets, cantinas and fiestas of Mexico to discover recipes bursting with flavour you'll want to eat and share.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Endless Florescence: Transformative Contemporary Dried Floral Design
A celebration of the renewing powers of creativity, this striking dive into contemporary dried floral design shares inspiration and insight from a star floral designer. Jenny Thomasson (AIFD, PFCI, EMC) showcases 26 stunning, cutting-edge dried floral arrangements that show the artistic potential of the medium. Conceptual sketches for each, as well as detailed lists of materials used, give a deep look into the pieces from idea to finished product. Along with the finished compositions, 12 fragment studies show up-close, texturally focused alternate constructions, delving deeper into technique and potential uses of the materials. Thomasson also shows how dried pieces are a form of interior sculpture that can transform your space. Both an innovative lookbook and a meditation on the highly personal, emotional process of floral design, this guide will draw in all who see the beauty in making something new.
Hay House UK Ltd Pussy: A Reclamation
It's time to listen to your true desires. Reconnect with the source of your feminine power and reclaim your pleasure with this revolutionary book. With this book, you're being handed the keys to a turned-on life - a life that is authentic, radiant and open to pleasure and joy. Regena Thomashauer has long noticed that 'pussy' is one of the most pejorative words in the English language. No one calls you a 'pussy' when they want to tell you how radiant you look, how capably you work or what an inspiring life you lead.But all that's about to change. In this remarkable book, Regena reclaims the word for what it rightly is: the highest of all possible compliments, a sacred living prayer. Pussy has been written to reacquaint you with your own power source. Drawing on her 25 years of research, Regena teaches you how to:- learn to awaken a part of yourself you've been taught to repress or even despise- see that pussy is anything but pornographic - it's actually the seat of all feminine power and pleasure- discover how a woman's sensual awareness is critical for her spiritual, intellectual and emotional health- crack the confidence code and understand that sex appeal is an inside job... and much more!By turns earthy and erudite, passionately argued and laugh-out-loud funny, Pussy is your call to tune in, turn on and live more richly and fully than you ever thought you could.
Simon & Schuster Mama Genas School of Womanly Arts Using the Power of Pleasure to Have Your Way with the World
Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts shows women how celebrating their sensuality can help them achieve their dreams—“think of it as The Power of Positive Thinking as interpreted by Anais Nin” (The New York Times).Relationship expert Regena Thomashauer teaches the lost “womanly arts” of identifying your desires, having fun no matter where you are, knowing sensual pleasure, befriending your inner bitch, flirting (in a way that makes your day, not just his), and more—because making pleasure your priority can actually help you reach your goals. So if you need a refresher course in fun—and you know you do—come to Mama.
Guardian Faber Publishing Home Cook: Over 300 delicious fuss-free recipes
A GUARDIAN BEST BOOK OF 2017'To me, home cooking means having fun with great ingredients without having to spend a fortune. It means spending some time, but not all the time, cooking nourishing flavoursome food. This book includes all my kitchen essentials and they are delicious and totally do-able.'This inspiring guide for the home cook is about enjoying good food any day of the week. Thomasina Miers, founder of Wahaca and Guardian weekend cook has collected her most-loved recipes; recipes that she has fed her friends and family at her always busy kitchen table, recipes made up of family classics or food inspired by her travels and her favourite food-writers and chefs. And she has made these gorgeous recipes achievable, time-friendly and fuss-free.There are irresistible recipes ranging from marmalade & poppy-seed muffins to a show-stopping seafood paella, a mouth-watering Mexican crab mayo to picadillo, the crispiest ever chicken thighs (which she makes for her children) to her upside-down rhubarb cake. She includes simple recipes for making the perfect poached egg, an immaculate short-crust pastry or a cheat's guide to Sunday roasts. And every recipe includes a follow-up meal idea so that ingredients or sauces can be repurposed and your week and your food shop get that little bit easier.Bursting with imaginative ideas, big flavours and personality, Home Cook includes 300 recipes and beautiful photography throughout.
Anness Publishing Fantastic Faces to Paint Yourself!
This title lets you become a pirate, a ghoul, a spotty dog, and more. Features: 25 fantastic disguises to turn you into the zaniest characters - become an alien, paint on your sports kit and even become a birthday present; all the techniques are fully explained - from applying the base paint and making up lips and eyes, to taking care of equipment and removing the paint afterwards; Thomasina Smith's projects are great to do with a friend but just as easy to follow on your own; step-by-step photographs show you what to do; ideal for 7- to 12-year-olds, with simple designs to start off with and more sophisticated ones for older kids. Face and body painting can change you into someone - or even something - entirely different. The art form has a tradition that goes back thousands of years. In many ancient cultures, it was used to camouflage tribespeople when they went hunting, or as part of religious customs. In our society today, we use face and body painting mostly to have fun and to entertain - as is the case with the projects in this book! You can paint yourself for special occasions, costume parties, school plays or to go to a wonderful street carnival.Even putting on ordinary make-up is a form of face painting. With little more than a collection of face paints, sponges and brushes, you can become a cunning leopard, an Egyptian queen, a scary vampire or even Santa Claus. So, go on and transform yourself, a friend or even your parents! There is no end of fun to be had.
Cornell University Press Snapshots of the Soul: Photo-Poetic Encounters in Modern Russian Culture
Snapshots of the Soul considers how photography has shaped Russian poetry from the early twentieth century to the present day. Drawing on theories of the lyric and the elegy, the social history of technology, and little-known archival materials, Molly Thomasy Blasing offers close readings of poems by Boris Pasternak, Marina Tsvetaeva, Joseph Brodsky, and Bella Akhmadulina, as well as by the late and post-Soviet poets Andrei Sen-Sen'kov, Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, and Kirill Medvedev, to understand their fascination with the visual language, representational power, and metaphorical possibilities offered by the camera and the photographic image. Within the context of long-standing anxieties about the threat that visual media pose to literary culture, Blasing finds that these poets were attracted to the affinities and tensions that exist between the lyric or elegy and the snapshot. Snapshots of the Soul reveals that at the core of each poet's approach to "writing the photograph" is the urge to demonstrate the superior ability of poetic language to capture and convey human experience.
Nick Hern Books Becoming an Actor
A practical guide to training as an actor, helping you get the most out of drama school - and survive in the world beyond. Are you thinking of applying to drama school? Do you have a place already and want to get the most out of your training? Are you seeking to make the best possible start in the world beyond drama school? Becoming an Actor takes you, step by step, technique by technique, through everything you can expect to encounter at drama school, and in your first year as a professional actor. Stuffed with exercises and full of practical advice, it is the ideal handbook to accompany your training. Thomasina Unsworth teaches at Rose Bruford College, one of the UK's leading drama schools. Here she shows what acting classes at an accredited drama school are actually like, and offers guidance and support through what is a critical time in any actor's career. With many different exercises to help actors explore the techniques they need to master, Becoming an Actor is also an invaluable resource for those teaching acting, and for those seeking to refresh their training.
Medieval Institute Publications Der Welsche Gast (The Italian Guest)
Friedrich Neumann described Thomasin's Der Welsche Gast as a linguistic phenomenon without comparison within the corpus of German literature of the Hohenstaufen period. In the didactic literature of the time, Der Welsche Gast does indeed occupy a unique position. . . . [It] betrays the heavy hand of the clerical moralist who moves from providing the younger members of his audience with a primer for proper social etiquette in his early verses to a meticulous analysis of what he clearly viewed as the appropriate ethical code for the nobility of his time, often presented against the backdrop of a thundering condemnation of the state of contemporary affairs. . . . [T]he work remains a remarkable product of an important period in German literature and indeed in medieval European culture; it may be argued with considerable justification that Der Welsche Gast is the most significant didactic work of the German High Middle Ages. Unique in its own time, yet apparently valued by Thomasin's contemporaries and immediately succeeding generations, it belongs very much to its own age, yet, like so much of the literature of the German Middle Ages, it touches chords in the modern reader which cannot and should not be ignored.
Indiana University Press Global Rome: Changing Faces of the Eternal City
Is 21st-century Rome a global city? Is it part of Europe's core or periphery? This volume examines the "real city" beyond Rome's historical center, exploring the diversity and challenges of life in neighborhoods affected by immigration, neoliberalism, formal urban planning, and grassroots social movements. The contributors engage with themes of contemporary urban studies–the global city, the self-made city, alternative modernities, capital cities and nations, urban change from below, and sustainability. Global Rome serves as a provocative introduction to the Eternal City and makes an original contribution to interdisciplinary scholarship.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Training the Right Stuff: The Aircraft That Produced America's Jet Pilots
A comprehensive study of the training aircraft used to transition the United States military into the jet age. At the end of World War II, high-performance jets with unfamiliar operating characteristics were replacing propeller-driven airplanes. As accident rates soared, the Air Force and Navy recognized the need to develop new trainers to introduce fledgling as well as experienced pilots to jet flight. The first step occurred in 1948, when a two-seat jet trainer, the T-33, was developed with private funds. It was welcomed by the Air Force and subsequently the Navy, allowing both services to start building modern air arms. Over time other new trainers were developed to serve specific needs while innovations, such as high fidelity simulators, accelerated the process, reduced costs, and increased safety. The evolution continues today with the goal of producing high-quality newly winged aviators for assignment to operational squadrons.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient
The new edition of this well established and highly regarded textbook has been completely revised and updated to reflect the latest developments in the field of tooth loss and denture provision. Primarily aimed at students in the undergraduate and immediate postgraduate years, it will also be of value to all those, including clinical dental technicians, who are faced with the increasingly challenging problems of complete denture treatment in dental practice. Starting with a thorough grounding in the background and theory of denture treatment, the book goes on to describe clinical procedures for all stages of treatment as well as devoting a chapter to the diagnosis and management of clinical problems. The clinical chapters also include sections on quality control, where topics are suggested for consideration in audit cycles. Now in full colour throughout, this fifth edition of Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient contains over 100 illustrations and also includes a brand new section on implant overdentures. Stresses the importance of evidence-based treatment Emphasises care of the elderly and the value of holistic treatment Uses a flexible approach to accommodate patient variation Highlights the importance of good communication between clinician and dental technician Includes many high-quality full colour illustrations
Hodder & Stoughton Anna, Where Are You?
There is no doubt in Thomasina Elliott's mind that her oldest schoolfriend is a creature of habit. So when, after three years of regular correspondence, Anna's letters suddenly stop, Thomasina becomes concerned. And even more so when it transpires that her friend has disappeared without trace, in extremely odd circumstances. Fortunately, however, the indomitable Miss Silver is on hand to investigate.
Prospect Park Books 100 Not So Famous Views of L.A.
Union Square & Co. Your Blueprint for Pleasure: Discover the 5 Erotic Types to Awaken—and Fulfill—Your Desires
A book that helps readers define what makes them tick in the bedroom, resulting in more love, passion, and intimacy with their partners—plus better sex! When it comes to sex, many of us have been sold on the idea that certain techniques and tools are surefire turn-ons. If those techniques don't work, and we don't connect with our partners or our own pleasure, then something is inherently wrong with us. But sexologist Jaiya has identified five erotic types – Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky, and Shapeshifter – that, like Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages, empower people with the understanding that we are each erotically gifted and that our differences are our strengths. Jaiya’s framework will help readers bridge the sexual incompatibility gap, become masters of their own sexual desire, and experience the deeper connection and sexual satisfaction that they crave.Based on Jaiya’s wildly popular Erotic Blueprint Quiz, Your Blueprint for Pleasure will help readers explore and find themselves among the five erotic types identified in this program. Fans of Come As You Are, The Erotic Mind, or other books on human sexuality and how to have sex will find much to appreciate in this empowering intimacy book.
Logos Verlag Berlin Unternehmerisches Denken Und Handeln in Russland - Eine Literaturstudie
University Press of Southern Denmark Nature & Lifeworld: Theoretical & Practical Metaphysics
Karma Ann Craven and Reggie Burrows Hodges: Moons and Angels
Luminous painterly interpretations of two abiding motifs in art history A two-person exhibition featuring angel paintings by Reggie Burrows Hodges (born 1965) and moon paintings by Ann Craven (born 1967), Moons and Angels was staged in the former St James Catholic church at 70 Main Street in Thomaston, Maine. Appearing throughout the canon of art history, these enduring celestial subjects have served as protectors and messengers. Craven and Hodges create warm and inviting interpretations of these guiding lights that allow the viewer to, in Hodges’s words, “offer up and be offered back.” This comprehensive, fully illustrated exhibition catalog features a collection of poems by Susan Howe.
Indiana University Press Global Rome: Changing Faces of the Eternal City
Is 21st-century Rome a global city? Is it part of Europe's core or periphery? This volume examines the "real city" beyond Rome's historical center, exploring the diversity and challenges of life in neighborhoods affected by immigration, neoliberalism, formal urban planning, and grassroots social movements. The contributors engage with themes of contemporary urban studies–the global city, the self-made city, alternative modernities, capital cities and nations, urban change from below, and sustainability. Global Rome serves as a provocative introduction to the Eternal City and makes an original contribution to interdisciplinary scholarship.
Random House USA Inc The Rule of Four: A Novel
Cambridge University Press Philosophy of Language
This unique textbook introduces linguists to key issues in the philosophy of language. Accessible to students who have taken only a single course in linguistics, yet sophisticated enough to be used at the graduate level, the book provides an overview of the central issues in philosophy of language, a key topic in educating the next generation of researchers in semantics and pragmatics. Thoroughly grounded in contemporary linguistic theory, the book focus on the core foundational and philosophical issues in semantics and pragmatics, richly illustrated with historical case studies to show how linguistic questions are related to philosophical problems in areas such as metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Students are introduced in Part I to the issues at the core of semantics, including compositionality, reference and intentionality. Part II looks at pragmatics: context, conversational update, implicature and speech acts; whilst Part III discusses foundational questions about meaning. The book will encourage future collaboration and development between philosophy of language and linguistics.
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. CAN Stop
ARKANA Verlag Pussy Hol dir deine weibliche Kraft zurck
Hansib Publications Limited A History Of Theatre In Guyana 1800-2000