Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Medieval Institute Publications Der Welsche Gast (The Italian Guest)
Friedrich Neumann described Thomasin's Der Welsche Gast as a linguistic phenomenon without comparison within the corpus of German literature of the Hohenstaufen period. In the didactic literature of the time, Der Welsche Gast does indeed occupy a unique position. . . . [It] betrays the heavy hand of the clerical moralist who moves from providing the younger members of his audience with a primer for proper social etiquette in his early verses to a meticulous analysis of what he clearly viewed as the appropriate ethical code for the nobility of his time, often presented against the backdrop of a thundering condemnation of the state of contemporary affairs. . . . [T]he work remains a remarkable product of an important period in German literature and indeed in medieval European culture; it may be argued with considerable justification that Der Welsche Gast is the most significant didactic work of the German High Middle Ages. Unique in its own time, yet apparently valued by Thomasin's contemporaries and immediately succeeding generations, it belongs very much to its own age, yet, like so much of the literature of the German Middle Ages, it touches chords in the modern reader which cannot and should not be ignored.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient
The new edition of this well established and highly regarded textbook has been completely revised and updated to reflect the latest developments in the field of tooth loss and denture provision. Primarily aimed at students in the undergraduate and immediate postgraduate years, it will also be of value to all those, including clinical dental technicians, who are faced with the increasingly challenging problems of complete denture treatment in dental practice. Starting with a thorough grounding in the background and theory of denture treatment, the book goes on to describe clinical procedures for all stages of treatment as well as devoting a chapter to the diagnosis and management of clinical problems. The clinical chapters also include sections on quality control, where topics are suggested for consideration in audit cycles. Now in full colour throughout, this fifth edition of Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient contains over 100 illustrations and also includes a brand new section on implant overdentures. Stresses the importance of evidence-based treatment Emphasises care of the elderly and the value of holistic treatment Uses a flexible approach to accommodate patient variation Highlights the importance of good communication between clinician and dental technician Includes many high-quality full colour illustrations
Georgetown University Press The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer: Building on the Work of Edmund D. Pellegrino
This book illuminates issues in medical ethics revolving around the complex bond between healer and patient, focusing on friendship and other important values in the healing relationship. Embracing medicine, philosophy, theology, and bioethics, it considers whether bioethical issues in medicine, nursing, and dentistry can be examined from the perspective of the healing relationship rather than external moral principles. Distinguished contributors explore the role of the health professional, the moral basis of health care, greater emphasis on the humanities in medical education, and some of the current challenges facing healers today.
Prospect Park Books 100 Not So Famous Views of L.A.
Karma Ann Craven and Reggie Burrows Hodges: Moons and Angels
Luminous painterly interpretations of two abiding motifs in art history A two-person exhibition featuring angel paintings by Reggie Burrows Hodges (born 1965) and moon paintings by Ann Craven (born 1967), Moons and Angels was staged in the former St James Catholic church at 70 Main Street in Thomaston, Maine. Appearing throughout the canon of art history, these enduring celestial subjects have served as protectors and messengers. Craven and Hodges create warm and inviting interpretations of these guiding lights that allow the viewer to, in Hodges’s words, “offer up and be offered back.” This comprehensive, fully illustrated exhibition catalog features a collection of poems by Susan Howe.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Economy and Society: Selected Writings
Few figures are more crucial to understanding the upheavals of our contemporary era than Karl Polanyi. In a world riven by social and economic crises, from rising inequality to the decay of democratic institutions and profound technological disruption, Polanyi’s path-breaking account of the dynamics of market capitalism and his defence of society and nature against the dangerous tendencies of the market capitalist system are more relevant than ever. This book brings together Polanyi’s most important articles and essays to give a unique selection of his essential shorter writings, mixing classic texts with significant but previously little-known pieces. It highlights the coherence and richness of Polanyi’s theoretical and political approach, making it indispensable for understanding his overarching intellectual contribution. The volume includes his interwar writings, which deal with the world economic crisis and the socialist alternative to conservative and fascist developments; his reflection on political theory and the international situation after the war; and his comparative studies of economic institutions. Polanyi’s political writings are complemented and supported by the critique of economic determinism and what he termed ‘our obsolete market mentality’. This book is an invaluable companion to Polanyi’s masterpiece, The Great Transformation, and an essential resource for students and scholars of political economy, sociology, history and political philosophy.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Political Decision Makers and Their Relevance for Public Finances
V&R unipress GmbH Abseits der Geschichte: Nationalsozialismus und Zweiter Weltkrieg in Ortschroniken
Les Presses de l'Universite Laval Le Traite Tripartite (NH I, 5)
Ce volume propose une edition du texte copte du Traite tripartite accompagnee d'une traduction francaise et d'une introduction, ainsi que d'un commentaire detaille a la fois philologique et doctrinal. Des index des termes coptes et greco-coptes, ainsi qu'un index des termes techniques grecs employes dans le commentaire, completent l'ensemble. L'etablissement du texte copte differant en maints passages de celui de l'edition princeps, le volume marque un progres majeur dans notre connaissance de cet ecrit, un des plus longs de la collection Nag Hammadi. Le contenu du traite est tres important puisqu'il s'agit d'un expose valentinien de theologie systematique. Dans un cadre conceptuel emprunte a la physique entendue au sens philosophique du terme, il systematise une histoire du salut de type judeo-chretien doublee d'une mysteriosophie, c'est-a-dire une mythologie dotee d'une base rituelle.
Taylor Trade Publishing 109 Ways to Beat the Casinos
In this book they tell you in simple language how to maximize your gambling bankroll by applying winning strategies to each and every game—from blackjack to craps, roulette to baccarat, slots to video poker, sports book betting to live poker, plus best-bet playing methodologies for new games like Caribbean Stud, Let It Ride, and Three Card Poker. They tell you the best ways to play each game in 100 words or less, while other books often use 1000 words or more.
Liberty Fund Inc Essays on the Church, State, & Politics
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Summer of '42: A Study of German-Armenian Relations During the Second World War
Despite the overwhelming contributions made by the Armenians to the Allied war effort, it is widely unknown that at least 18,000 served under the Third Reich. After the war, these so-called collaborators were chastised and indiscriminately labeled as traitors by those unable to grasp the complexity of their circumstances. Largely based on archival research, German-Armenian Relations in the Second World War attempts to separate fact from fallacy by examining the complex motives, treatment, and history of these Armenians.
Peeters Publishers L'interpretation de la Gnose (NH XI, 1)
On s'est plu a imaginer les auteurs gnostiques comme des solitaires misanthropes et leurs 'uvres, comme le resultat d'un prurit d'ecrire cause par leur haine du monde et des hommes. L'Interpretation de la gnose revele un auteur soucieux de la vie d'une communaute aux prises avec des divisions nees, du moins a ses yeux, de la jalousie. Dans le but de remedier a cette situation, il cherche a persuader son destinataire de la necessite de supporter les epreuves comme le Christ crucifie l'a fait. Il lui propose comme modele a imiter la patience de celui-ci devant le mepris et les moqueries dont il a ete l'objet, lui explique que les divisions dans la communaute sont l"uvre des archontes mauvais. Il reprend l'image paulinienne de l'Eglise corps du Christ et la tradition greco-romaine des discours de reconciliation, utilisant cette image pour exhorter son destinataire, peut-etre une femme si l'on en juge par l'emploi d'exemples mettant en scene des figures feminines dans la premiere partie de l"uvre, a se satisfaire de la place qui est la sienne dans la communaute. L'Interpretation de la gnose, le commentaire le montre, est vraisemblablement le produit d'un milieu valentinien ou influence par le valentinisme. Son caractere gnostique, dont le titre a lui seul ne constitue pas une preuve, est donc indeniable. Cet ecrit est a ranger, a cote d'autres textes gnostiques, parmi les ecrits de circonstances: l'Hypostase des archontes, dont l'auteur, qui y reprend un materiau gnostique traditionnel, s'evertue a rassurer son destinataire - peut-etre une femme ici aussi, representee dans le texte par Norea -, en lui demontrant que les archontes ne peuvent rien contre lui; l'Evangile de Judas et le Temoignage veritable qui, s'inscrivant dans une longue tradition biblique et extra-biblique du refus des sacrifices sanglants, prennent position contre une theologie sacrificielle exaltant le martyre et proposent plutot a leurs destinataires une legitimation theologique de son refus.
Cornell University Press New Approaches to Disability in the Workplace
This volume examines questions related to the prevention, compensation, and accommodation of work disabilities. It focuses on disabilities arising out of workplace activity.
Museum Tusculanum Press Canon & Canonicity: The Formation & Use of Scripture
Liberty Fund Inc Essays on the Church, State, & Politics
Olympia Publishers Devil's Retribution
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. CAN Stop
ARKANA Verlag Pussy Hol dir deine weibliche Kraft zurck
Hansib Publications Limited A History Of Theatre In Guyana 1800-2000
Liberty Fund Inc Institutes of Divine Jurisprudence, with Selections from Foundations of the Law of Nature & Nations
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Johannesapokalypse: Kontexte - Konzepte - Wirkungen
Die Johannesapokalypse ist zu einem Schwerpunkt der gegenwärtigen neutestamentlichen Forschung avanciert. Ihre historische Einordnung und Datierung sowie ihre traditions- und religionsgeschichtlichen Hintergründe werden ebenso intensiv diskutiert wie ihre literarische Rhetorik und ihre theologische Konzeption. Der Band vereint Vorträge eines Münchener Symposiums mit zusätzlich angefragten Beiträgen. Im ersten Teil "Kontexte" werden Fragen der Textgestalt und der Traditionsbezüge, der historischen Einordnung und der Datierung erörtert. Ein zweiter Teil thematisiert "Konzepte" der Apokalypse; darin wird u.a. Fragen nach der Christologie und Eschatologie nachgegangen, ferner stehen die Rede vom Martyrium und Untersuchungen zur Redaktion und theologischen Intention des Werkes im Mittelpunkt. Der abschließende dritte Teil "Wirkungen" fokussiert Schwerpunkte der Rezeption vom Montanismus und der Thomasapokalypse über Laktanz und Andreas von Caesarea bis zur orthodoxen Liturgie und zur Kunst William Blakes. Die Beiträge bieten einen repräsentativen Einblick in die wesentlichen Diskurse zur gegenwärtigen Apokalypseforschung.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Congress of the US: Committees, Rules & Procedures
Peeters Publishers L'ecclesiologie de John Henry Newman, Anglican (1816-1845)
Une reflexion ecclesiologique fondamentale se recommande a un double titre, pour verifier la validite d'un discours ecclesiologique et pour favoriser un dialogue 'cumenique fecond. Pour aider a une telle reflexion, John Henry Newman (1801-1890) possede plusieurs titres a notre attention. D'abord, tout simplement, il fut un des grands penseurs religieux des temps modernes. Ensuite, le sujet de l'Eglise a eu une place centrale dans sa pensee et dans sa vie. Enfin, dans un contexte de pluralisme doctrinal, place au confluent meme des divers courants intellectuels majeurs de l'Eglise de son temps, assez opposes les uns aux autres (en particulier quant a la nature et a la fonction de l'Eglise), il a toujours ete amene a reflechir aux fondements de sa pensee. L'objet de cette etude est l'evolution ecclesiologique de Newman durant les annees oA' il etait membre de l'Eglise d'Angleterre. Notre objectif est de parvenir, a partir d'une utilisation intensive des sources, a manifester le processus selon lequel sont formees et deformees les opinions et les convictions ecclesiologiques fondamentales de Newman.
Ariston Verlag Ich suchte das Glck und fand die Zufriedenheit Eine spannende Reise in die Welt von Gehirn und Psyche
Nova Science Publishers Inc Science Education in Focus
The Mercier Press Ltd Sive
Sive is a young and beautiful orphan who lives with her uncle Mike, his wife Mena and his mother Nanna. A local matchmaker, Thomasheen Seán Rua, wants Sive to marry an old man called Sean Dóta. Thomasheen convinces Mike and Mena to organise the marriage. They will receive a sum of two hundred pounds as soon as she marries him. However, Sive is in love with a young man, Liam Scuab. But Liam is not suitable and is refused permission to marry Sive. Sive is distraught but is forced to do the will of her uncle and his bitter wife. Faced with an unthinkable future she takes the only choice left to her. Set against the harsh poverty and difficult times of 1950s Ireland, Sive caused considerable controversy on its debut in February 1959. Since then it has become an established part of Ireland's theatrical canon.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nd:YAG Lasers: Technology and Applications
Crecy Publishing Scooter!: The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story
Arkbound Crown and Scalpel
Close your eyes and look into the light. What do you see? Now click with your tongue, then face a wall and click again. What do you hear? This is how Ambarenyll perceives the world after becoming blind in a Darmé rebel attack. Thirteen years later, he finally finds the courage to pick up his stethoscope once more. But just as he starts to practice medicine again, old wounds resurface when the fragile treaty between the Mané and Darmé factions in the Elven Kingdom of Landaïla splinters apart. When the young doctor finds himself having to treat Princess Jade, sole daughter of the Mané King, he is confronted with emotional turmoil that he thought had been long buried. As their attraction grows amidst the backdrop of looming civil war, a dark family secret threatens to throw everything into even deeper chaos.
InterVarsity Press Permission to Be Black – My Journey with Jay–Z and Jesus
Crecy Publishing Vought F7U-3 Cutlass
Logos Verlag Berlin Unternehmerisches Denken Und Handeln in Russland - Eine Literaturstudie
University Press of Southern Denmark Nature & Lifeworld: Theoretical & Practical Metaphysics
Octopus Publishing Group The Italian Cookery Course
'This book is not only a fascinating read, teaching you about the regions of Italy, but is also full of things that you really do want to cook.' - Thomasina Miers, The TimesIn this now iconic staple of Italian cookery, Katie Caldesi collates hundreds of recipes from across the country, from the mountainous north to the sun-drenched Mediterranean in the south. Her collection of recipes, techniques and ingredients, collected from homecooks and trattoria chefs from every region, result in a unique and comprehensive compendium of Italian food.The Italian Cookery Course will guide you through the vast collection of famous recipes and lesser-known regional dishes, with clear instruction on how to replicate them at home. The book is broken down into straightforward chapters including 'Meat', 'Fish', 'Dolci' and 'Cheese'. Each chapter contains 'masterclasses' on technique, revealing the practical secrets of Italian cooking and giving the reader new confidence in the kitchen. All this is interwoven with fascinating narration about the culinary influences that have created this wonderful cuisine.
Cambridge University Press Philosophy of Language
This unique textbook introduces linguists to key issues in the philosophy of language. Accessible to students who have taken only a single course in linguistics, yet sophisticated enough to be used at the graduate level, the book provides an overview of the central issues in philosophy of language, a key topic in educating the next generation of researchers in semantics and pragmatics. Thoroughly grounded in contemporary linguistic theory, the book focus on the core foundational and philosophical issues in semantics and pragmatics, richly illustrated with historical case studies to show how linguistic questions are related to philosophical problems in areas such as metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Students are introduced in Part I to the issues at the core of semantics, including compositionality, reference and intentionality. Part II looks at pragmatics: context, conversational update, implicature and speech acts; whilst Part III discusses foundational questions about meaning. The book will encourage future collaboration and development between philosophy of language and linguistics.
Lectorum Publications Once Damas Atrevidas
Chronicle Books The Vagina Book: An Owner’s Manual for Taking Care of Your Down There
“The Vagina Book is an essential guide packed with invaluable information about sexual health that everybody should know, but might be too afraid to ask.” With sections on anatomy, periods, hormones, sex, contraception, fertility, hair care, and so much more, this fun-to-read guide helps readers make healthy decisions for their bodies. Compelling personal essays from a diverse group of luminary figures—including Margaret Cho, Roxane Gay, and Blair Imani—are sprinkled throughout, enriching the pages with beauty, strength, and honesty. • From OB/GYN Dr. Jennifer Conti and the team behind the beloved Thinx period underwear • Dispenses with taboos and misinformation about vaginas and bodies • Provides the latest health research in easy-to-digest entries Advice includes yoga poses to help with PMS and cramping, a cheat sheet for making sense of contraception options, why you should care about your pelvic floor (plus easy strengthening exercises!), and an illustrated history of period products, from ancient Egypt through today. This groundbreaking guide is a perfect gift for every modern woman and a vital addition to every modern bookshelf. • A must-have handbook for anyone with a vagina • Presented in a luxe, cushioned case filled with more than a hundred vibrant illustrations • Perfect unique gift for anyone who is passionate about sexual health, feminism, and learning more about their body, as well as readers of Refinery29 and The Cut • Add it to the shelf with books like Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski PhD;, WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source by Alisa Vitti; and Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashaue.”
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Mexikanisch vegetarisch
Anness Publishing Fantastic Finger Puppets to Make Yourself
Have toys at your fingertips - and on your toes - including angels, aliens, a peacock, an octopus, a mermaid, a waltzing couple and a goofy horse. How to make perfect puppets from old socks, rubber gloves, cardboard, kitchen foil and ping-pong balls, as well as puppet stages on which to perform! Easy instructions and over 270 fantastic photographs show you what to do every step of the way. It is ideal for 7- to 12-year-olds, with simple projects for beginners, and more sophisticated projects for older kids. Watch your hands transform into birds, animals, flowers, forests and all sorts of other amazing characters. The 25 projects in this book include not only finger puppets, but also glove puppets, body-pained puppets, and even foot puppets. All the projects are simple and fun to do, and you can make them using everyday items found around the home, such as gloves, socks, ribbons, wool, buttons, beads and drinking straws. Then, why not use your puppets to make up stories with your friends? The rubber-glove fishermen could catch the painted octopus, the Tassel family could attend the wedding of the cardboard bride and her bridesmaids, and the glove-puppet elephant could meet the sock serpent. The book also contains ideas for making stages and scenery for your puppet shows, including an enchanted forest setting and a sailing boat.
Liberty Fund Inc Institutes of Divine Jurisprudence, with Selections from Foundations of the Law of Nature & Nations
Nick Hern Books Drama Games for Actors: Exploring Self, Character and Text
From the bestselling Drama Games series, this dip-in, flick-through, quick-fire resource book offers dozens of games to serve as a rich source of ideas and inspiration for all actors – and those teaching or directing them. This must-have companion is divided into three sections, each focusing on a different aspect of the actor’s process: Self provides methods to deepen relaxation, sharpen focus, boost energy, expand imagination and enable a company of actors to work collaboratively Character suggests strategies to aid the process of transformation, encouraging actors to explore characteristics that are distinct from their own And Text offers exercises to unlock the words, allowing free and imaginative work within the structure of a script, without losing specificity The games range from solo explorations which can be performed alone, to ideas for pairs and group work – making them suitable for a wide variety of scenarios and requirements. Overall, the book will serve as an essential foundation for every actor’s creativity, helping improve preparation, rehearsal and performance. ‘A mass of invaluable ideas for all ages and all types of actors, amateur or professional. It’s hard to imagine anyone involved in theatre who wouldn’t find it useful.’ Richard Eyre, from his Foreword
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Great American Pie Contest
Cornell University Press Going Public: Women and Publishing in Early Modern France
The public sector currently employs around 40 percent of all union members in the United States. Pressures for cost-effective and quality government services have placed new demands on the labor-management relationship. A fluctuating set of expectations about the appropriate responsibilities of government and a shifting political culture are severely testing the ability of the public sector to meet demands for increased accountability and expanded services.Especially in an age of knowledge workers, the traditional division between labor and management regarding leadership and work may no longer be viable. Going Public examines the forces affecting labor and management and the prospects for adopting service-oriented cooperative relationships as a key strategy for meeting the expanded demands on the public sector.Contributors: Robert R. Albright, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Lorenzo Bordogna, University of Milan; Jonathan Brock, University of Washington; John F. Burton Jr., Rutgers University; Adrienne E. Eaton, Rutgers University; Stephen Goldsmith, Harvard University; Jeffrey H. Keefe, Rutgers University; Charles Kerchner, Claremont Graduate School; David B. Lipsky, Cornell University; Martin H. Malin, Chicago-Kent College of Law; Marick F. Masters, University of Pittsburgh; Sonia Ospina, New York University; Terry Thomason, University of Rhode Island; Robert M. Tobias, American University; Paula B. Voos, Rutgers University; Allon Yaroni, New York University
Peeters Publishers Perspectives Sur La Recherche Theologique Contemporaine: Conferences De L'Ecole Doctorale En Theologie (2002-2004)
Le present volume rassemble differentes interventions prononcees dans le cadre de l'ecole doctorale en theologie de l'Universite catholique de Louvain. Les contributions de P. Gisel (Tache et fonction actuelles de la theologie. Deplacements et perspectives dans le contexte contemporain), J. Ladriere (Science et theologie), Ph. Capelle (La demande theologique de philosophie et le jeu de la reconnaissance), Cl. Geffre (Le risque necessaire de l'interpretation), L. Santedi (Quelques deplacements recents dans la pratique des theologies contextuelles. L'inculturation comme orthopraxis chretienne et inventivite), Al. Thomasset (Le tournant hermeneutique de la theologie morale)), J.-D. Causse (La haine et l'amour de Dieu. Un exemple de recherche a l'articulation de la theologie et de la psychanalyse), partagent toutes le meme souci d'engager une reflexion sur ce qui caraterise l'exercice et le metier de theologien(ne), ainsi que d'offrir un regard croise sur l'acte meme de la theologie, sa methode et ses implications.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Kontexte des Johannesevangeliums: Das vierte Evangelium in religions- und traditionsgeschichtlicher Perspektive
Eine der strittigsten Fragen der Forschung ist die religionsgeschichtliche Einordnung des Johannesevangeliums. Während dieses lange primär im Kontext des Hellenismus gesehen wurde, beherrschte im 20. Jahrhundert zunächst das Verhältnis zur Gnosis die Diskussion. Seit den Qumranfunden finden jüdische Hintergründe wieder stärkere Beachtung, doch lassen sich die Bezüge zur hellenistisch-römischen Welt nicht vernachlässigen. Ebenso kontrovers diskutiert wird das Verhältnis der johanneischen Tradition zu den anderen frühchristlichen Traditionsströmen, den Synoptikern, zur paulinisch-deuteropaulinischen Tradition oder zu der im Thomasevangelium erkennbaren Gnostisierung der Jesusüberlieferung.Die Autoren in diesem Band erörtern die religions- und traditionsgeschichtlichen Bezugsfelder des Johannesevangeliums. Damit bietet der Band in nuce ein Kompendium der wichtigsten Kontexte, die für die Interpretation des Johannesevangeliums zu berücksichtigen sind.
Kösel-Verlag Damit aus kleinen Ärschen keine großen werden