Search results for ""author manus"
Haynes Manuals Inc Ford Explorer, 11-17 Haynes Repair Manual
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Anesthesiologist's Manual of Surgical Procedures
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Covering both surgical and anesthetic considerations, Anesthesiologist’s Manual of Surgical Procedures, Sixth Edition, is an essential resource for formulation of an anesthetic plan and perioperative management of patients. All chapters are written by both surgeons and anesthesiologists, giving you a detailed, real-world perspective on the many variables that accompany today’s surgical procedures. Presents preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative anesthetic considerations in a clear, templated format, summarizing all courses of action in easy-to-read tables. Describes what the surgeon will likely be doing, variants of the procedure or approaches, patient population characteristics, and details of the procedure including positioning, length of procedure, postop care, and more. Features a full-color design to enhance readability of the tables and clarity of the illustrations. Updates to this edition include a new, heavily illustrated chapter overviewing regional blocks and new appendices covering individual components of enhanced recovery (ERAS) protocols and intraoperative use of transnasal humidified rapid-insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE); as well as new, rapidly accessible tables and figures set on the inside back cover reviewing useful, but easily forgotten facts and dermatomes. An ideal reference for anesthesiologists, anesthesia residents, and CRNAs. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Delta Publicaciones Manual de psicología jurídica laboral
La planeación estratégica se ha convertido desde hace décadas en una de las herramientas de la planeación empresarial más utilizadas alrededor del mundo, sin importar el tamaño y el tipo de empresa al cual se refiera. Es, por tanto, que éste libo presenta a los lectores (ya sean empresarios o académicos) una versión en manual práctico para aplicar el proceso completo en cualquier tipo deorganización empresarial moderna.En torno a la estructuración del libro, este se divide en dos grandes capítulos, a saber: el primero titulado "Del concepto de planeación al de planeación estratégica", que apuntará a establecer los referentes teóricos más destacadosdel tema de la planeación y de la planeación estratégica, soportando de esta manera la parte conceptual del texto; en un segundo capítulo denominado "Proceso de elaboración de la planeación estratégica", se presenta el desarrollo delproceso completo de una manera práctica, paso a paso, con ejemplos prácticos yreales de diferentes sectores, em
Bayer Hermanos, S.A. Contabilidad local 2006 manual prctico
Desclée De Brouwer Manipuladores cotidianos manual de supervivencia
La mayoría de los conflictos humanos surge entre dos personas que intentan alcanzar una meta. Cuando dos personas interactúan tienen necesidades que pueden ser compartidas, excluyentes o tangenciales. En el primer caso es previsible esperar que se produzca una colaboración en la que la posición de dominio de uno de los participantes no tenga especial importancia. Si las metas son excluyentes, y especialmente si no comparten ningún aspecto, la utilización de la otra persona para alcanzarlas puede ser, en algún aspecto, crucial.Precisamente de ello trata este libro. De cómo muchas personas, casi todas, utilizan estrategias para conseguir que otras les ayuden, incluso a costa de abandonar sus propias metas. Es un proceso que comienza con técnicas sutiles de comunicación motivadora y va adquiriendo tintes cada vez más agresivos, convirtiéndose en chantaje emocional, acoso, violencia psíquica e incluso agresiones físicas.A lo largo de la obra se repasan las estrategias de manipulaci
Editorial Tecnos Manual práctico de propiedad intelectual
La propiedad intelectual es una de las ramas del derecho más poco estudiadas dentro de la formacion universitaria y que, sin embargo, tiene una importancia extraordinaria dentro de la economía del conocimiento.Pese a que un gran número de personas han de tratar con los derechos de autor y derechos afines o conexos, no existen instrumentos adecuados de consulta que permitan, con un lenguaje claro y una utilidad práctica solventar sus problemas.El Manual Práctico de Propiedad Intelectual pretende abordar, como novedad absoluta en el mercado editorial español, los principales aspectos de la materia, con un especial cuidado en aquellos temas relacionados con Internet y las nuevas tecnologías. Todo ello contado de un modo sencillo pero riguroso. Los objetivos de este libro están en función de sus destinatarios: Para estudiantes de propiedad intelectual ofrecerles un texto claro y provechoso de la materia, huyendo de discusiones doctrinales o contenidos excesivamente teóricos.Par
ESIC Editorial Manual de planificación de medios
Este libro va dirigido a todos los profesionales que de forma directa o indirecta tienen relación con el mundo de los medios publicitarios. Facilita una primera toma de contacto a los que se enfrentan por primera vez con la no fácil tarea de gestionar los medios desde cualquier ángulo, tanto la compra como la venta, tanto el trato directo como el contacto ocasional. Pero también trata aspectos muy avanzados de la planificación y la compra y puede servir de consulta a los profesionales experimentados respecto de aspectos concretos relativos a la práctica profesional.Los planificadores y compradores de medios encontrarán en este libro una guía segura que les oriente en su trabajo cotidiano. Pero también los restantes profesionales del marketing necesitan conocer muchos de los términos y conceptos que se explican en él. Lo mismo sucede con los que se sirven de la planificación desde el lado del anunciante (directores de marketing, de marca, de producto, de ventas?). Ni que decir tiene
Rowman & Littlefield U.S. Army Operations Field Manual
The U.S. Army believes our nation's future is one of "persistent conflict"— protracted confrontation among state, nonstate, and individual actors willing to use violence to achieve their political and ideological ends. Operations, required reading for Army leadership, provides the intellectual core of how our Army will organize, train, equip, and conduct operations in this environment. In other words, this manual explains how to run the best army in the world. Operations breaks down:The Army's expeditionary and campaign capabilities, its personnel as its most important advantage."Conflict" from stable peace to general war, and establishes five operational themes.The Army's operational concept—full spectrum operations, which seize, retain, and exploit the initiative and achieve decisive results through offense, defense, and stability or civil support operations.Combat power, the means by which Army forces conduct full spectrum operations.The principles of command and control and how they affect the operations process—plan, prepare, execute, and assess.The divide between military theory and practice.Information superiority.And, the requirements for Army forces in international joint campaigns.
Pearson Education (US) Student Solutions Manual for Introductory Algebra
The manual provides detailed solutions to the odd-numbered section-level exercises and to all margin, Relating Concepts, Summary, Chapter Review, Chapter Test, and Cumulative Review Exercises.
Pearson Education (US) Criminal Justice Student Writer's Manual, The
This comprehensive book is designed to accompany the primary text in any criminal justice class where writing is emphasized, or can be used as an excellent primary text for a criminal justice course in writing administrative and technical reports. The Criminal Justice Student Writer's Manual, 6e is designed to help students learn how to research and write in criminal justice, and improve their writing ability in general. While helping students with every aspect of the writing process–formatting, source citations, grammar, sentence structure, research, and utilizing available sources–it relieves instructors from the time consuming job of teaching these skills, and allows them to concentrate on the subject matter of the course they are teaching. This book is the most comprehensive book on the market that deals specifically with writing criminal justice papers. It gives specific directions for writing a variety of papers in criminal justice, from introductory to advanced, while also providing instructions on “how to write,” and how to format the paper and cite sources following the American Sociological Association’s and the American Psychological Association’s guidelines. There is really no other book on the market that provides the comprehensive directions to writing papers in criminal justice that are found in The Criminal Justice Student Writer’s Manual.
RCPsych Publications Perinatal Mental Health: The EPDS Manual
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a questionnaire and was designed as a simple means of screening for postnatal depression in health care settings. The scale is now in use around the world and this book is a practical guide to using the scale in clinical practice, its origins and development background. This second edition has been revised and contains much advice based on years of experience. All chapters and references have been updated and the chapters on screening and counselling have been considerably revised, the evidence base on interventions for perinatal depression is provided, plus details of innovative methods such as internet-based therapy. The scale can also be used by researchers seeking information on factors which influence the emotional well-being of new mothers and their families and guidance is also given on use of the scale in research settings. The book will be useful for psychologists, psychiatrists, health visitors, midwives, family doctors, obstetricians and community psychiatric nurses, plus researchers in perinatal health.
Taylor & Francis Forensic Anthropology Laboratory Manual
Zondervan The Christian Counselors Manual
Peeters Publishers Manuel De Langue Akkadienne
Depuis la grammaire akkadienne de Mgr. Gonzague Ryckmans publiee en 1938, il n'existait pas en langue francaise de grammaire concernant la langue internationale du Proche-Orient au second millenaire avant notre ere. Plusieurs fois reedite et complete, l'ouvrage de Mgr. Ryckmans est depuis longtemps epuise. La nouvelle grammaire de F. Malbran-Labat integre tous les progres realises dans la philologie syro-anatolienne: elle comble ainsi une lacune importante dans le domaine des etudes akkadiennes. Elle sera bientot accompagnee d'un lexique (en preparation) et d'un livre d'exercices destine aux etudiants.
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Bizkaia Manual de renta 2004
San Manuel Bueno mrtir
Una novela considerada la cima de la narrativa de Unamuno y síntesis de las preocupaciones esenciales del autor La novela narra, con un lenguaje lleno de fuerza y sinceridad, el desgarro interior de un sacerdote que ha perdido la fe. El protagonista finge creer en Dios para salvar de la desolación que él mismo padece a sus feligreses, y llegará incluso a alcanzar fama de santo. La fe y la duda, la realidad y la apariencia, la verdad y la esperanza son algunas de las hondas reflexiones en las que nos sumerge esta novela a través de su protagonista.
Editorial CEP, S.L. Manual Power Point 2010
Este manual incluye un material dirigido favorecer el aprendizaje teórico-práctico del programa docente Power Point 2010, el cual está desarrollado en profundidad mediante una estructura modular y adecuada para su aplicación en actividades de Formación para el Empleo. Se trata contenidos propios de acciones formativas transversales para el reciclaje, recualificación o reinserción laboral: - Planes de formación Intersectoriales y Sectoriales dirigidos a cualquier trabajador ocupado (cursos gratuitos), tanto a nivel estatal como autonómico. - Cursos de formación a trabajadores desempleados no basados en la obtención de Certificados de Profesionalidad. - Cursos de Formación Bonificada para Empresas.;
Editorial LIBSA, S.A. Manualidades creativas con papel
Nuestro libro ofrece más de 30 tutoriales paso a paso con este material tan universal como barato: el papel. Partiendo desde cero, cada proyecto es una creación personal con el que iniciarse en técnicas tan preciosistas como el quilling, el washi tape o el scrapbooking. Cada diseño que emprendamos será un instante de inspiración para vestir la casa de un modo especial en toda ocasión, envolver nuestros regalos de una manera única o ayudar a la imaginación de los más pequeños a crecer con juguetes de cartón exclusivos.
Manual de tratamientos psicolgicos
El campo de la psicoterapia ha avanzado enormemente en los últimos años, si bien era necesario disponer de un nuevo tratado en español que tuviera como finalidad conocer cuáles son, en el momento actual, los tratamientos psicológicos que gozan de mayor respaldo científico para el abordaje de diferentes problemas psicológicos. Esta obra trata de poner a disposición de los y las profesionales de la psicología aquellos procedimientos de intervención que cuentan con mayores evidencias empíricas en función de las características de las personas que demandan ayuda. Asimismo, y frente a la diversificación de técnicas psicoterapéuticas, este manual también trata de recoger las tendencias más actuales referidas a los factores comunes, la integración de los enfoques terapéuticos y la evidencia basada en la práctica. En esencia, se pretende separar el grano de la paja, lo que funciona de lo que no, en lo relativo a los tratamientos psicológicos.
Manual de tratamientos psicolgicos
En el libro, además de la detallada exposición de los tratamientos psicológicos recomendados para diversos problemas, se hace un detallado análisis de sustanciales y trascendentales cuestiones previas al tratamiento, como es la naturaleza de los trastornos, que enfatiza la convicción de que no son trastornos cerebrales, sino que representan relaciones de redes de síntomas altamente complejas, que dependen de mecanismos culturales, históricos y ambientales; que son muy variables entre entornos e individuos, e incluso en la misma persona en diferentes entornos, circunstancias y épocas de la vida. Para los promotores del modelo de redes, el diagnóstico implica identificar redes de síntomas, mientras que el tratamiento implica cambiar o manipular la red psicopatológica.La elección de los procedimientos psicoterapéuticos desarrollados en este manual, así como la información complementaria sobre casos clínicos específicos y las fuentes documentales actualizadas, correspondientes a cada t
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual de medicina cardiovascular
Book Publishing Company (TN) A Manual of Fingerweaving
Skyhorse Publishing The CIA Lockpicking Manual
Yes, this is the absolutely official guide to lockpicking from the US government and the Central Intelligence Agency. This is the same information that active agents in the field use to get what they need—even when it’s locked away.With this clever pocket- sized guide, you’ll quickly learn how to get yourself into—and out of—tight spaces. With clear explanations and detailed illustrations, The CIA Lockpicking Manual will quickly teach you what you need to know. Soon you’ll be able to get yourself into your house, office desk, or car . . . without your key. The table of contents include: Basic Lock Picking The Concepts Behind Lock Picking Picking Procedure Tool Design Most Common Picking Techniques Lockpicking Process Conclusions Do you have the locksmith’s phone number on speed dial? Find yourself spending a fortune on new locks after someone lost their keys again? Forgot your keys in the car one too many times? Free yourself once and for all from ever having a keyless crisis again with The CIA Lockpicking Manual.“In this volume we will discuss not only the fundamental theories of lock picking but proper terminology, the importance of tool design (using the right tool for the right job), the effects of tolerances, and finally the techniques most commonly used by locksmiths to successfully pick the cast majority of standard pin and wafer tumbler locks.”
Fox Chapel Publishing Chainsaw Manual for Homeowners
Taking the fear out of chainsaws by emphasizing safe handling practices, this resource aims to put raw power in the hands of everyday gardeners. 12 of the most common household chainsaw operations-such as cutting firewood, taking down small trees, trimming branches, grooming hedges and making lumber-are tackled with expert advice and sure-handed guidance. With an additional section devoted to chainsaw types, potential buyers can also assess which size and type of chainsaw best meets their needs. Also included is an appendix that has useful technical information and identifies the parts of a chainsaw and how each one functions. Step-by-step colour photographs are present throughout.
Johns Hopkins University Press Mammalogy Techniques Lab Manual
Get outside! A hands-on lab manual for instructors incorporating fieldwork into their courses on mammalogy.Mammals inhabit nearly every continent and every sea. They have adapted to life underground, in the frozen Arctic, the hottest deserts, and every habitat in-between. In Mammalogy Techniques Lab Manual—the only field manual devoted to training the next generation of mammalogists—biologist and educator James M. Ryan details the modern research techniques today’s professionals use to study mammals wherever they are found.Ideal for any mammalogy or wildlife biology course, this clear and practical guide aids students by getting them outside to study mammals in their natural environments. Twenty comprehensive chapters cover skull and tooth identification, radio and satellite GPS tracking, phylogeny construction, mark and recapture techniques, camera trapping, museum specimen preparation, optimal foraging, and DNA extraction, among other topics. Each chapter includes several exercises with step-by-step instructions for students to collect and analyze their own data, along with background information, downloadable sample data sets (to use when it is not practical to be out in the field), and detailed descriptions of useful open-source software tools.This pragmatic resource provides students with real-world experience practicing the complex techniques used by modern wildlife biologists. With more than 60 applied exercises to choose from in this unique manual, students will quickly acquire the scientific skills essential for a career working with mammals.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manual of Equine Lameness
MANUAL OF EQUINE LAMENESS Discover a concise and accessible guide to diagnosing and managing lameness in horses The revised Second Edition of Manual of Equine Lameness offers a concise and accessible manual of lameness diagnosis and treatment in horses. Perfect for use as a quick reference, this book provides straightforward access to the essentials of equine lameness, including the clinical assessment of the horse and commonly performed diagnostic nerve blocks and the most common conditions of the foot, forelimb, and hindlimb that may be contributing to the lameness. Current therapeutic options to treat lameness are also discussed, as well as guidance on how to manage musculoskeletal emergencies. The content has been distilled from the authoritative Seventh Edition of Adams and Stashak’s Lameness in Horses, and this new edition has been re-envisioned to be even quicker and easier to navigate than the previous version. Color photographs and illustrations support the text, which presents lameness information most relevant to equine general practitioners, mixed animal practitioners, and veterinary students. A companion website offers videos that focus on the clinical examination of the horse and select diagnostic blocks and relevant anatomy. Diagnostic and treatment material has been revised from the previous edition to include the most up-to-date information. Readers will find: A thorough introduction to the assessment of the lame horse, including history, visual exam, palpation, subjective and objective assessments of lameness, perineural anesthesia, and intrasynovial anesthesia An exploration of common conditions of the foot, including the navicular region and soft tissue injuries, coffin joint and distal phalanx conditions, and laminitis Discussions of the most common conditions of the forelimb, including the pastern, fetlock, metacarpus/metatarsus, carpus, antebrachium, elbow, and humerus, as well as the shoulder and scapula Discussions of common conditions of the hindlimb and axial skeleton A review of therapeutic options to treat lameness conditions How to manage musculoskeletal emergencies in the horse Ideal for veterinary students, early career equine practitioners, and mixed animal veterinarians, the Second Edition of Manual of Equine Lameness is an indispensable reference for any veterinarian seeking a concise one-stop reference for equine lameness.
Springer London Ltd Manual of Heart Failure Management
Practical simple reference for understanding current management of heart failure Provides pathophysiology and pharmacology to explain the key points Focuses mostly on patient management issues
University of Nebraska Medical Center Nebraska Isolation and Quarantine Manual
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ASSH Manual of Hand Surgery
Published in conjunction with the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), the ASSH Manual of Hand Surgery is a practical, comprehensive manual on the diagnosis and management of hand problems. Each chapter begins with a section on the anatomy of the region in question. Information is presented in easy-to-scan bullet points, with numerous lists and algorithms. Each chapter ends with board-type questions and answers, annotated references, and a list of what junior and senior level residents need to know.
Street Noise Books Vagina Love: An Owner's Manual
When Lili Sohn was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 29, she was confronted with just how little she knew about her own anatomy. What’s that, you say? We’re born with all of the ova we’ll have for our entire lives? Well, that was news to Sohn. And her mom. And all of her friends. In Vagina Love, she embarks on a quest for information, busting myths and telling the truth. Sohn’s vibrant illustrations and snarky humor along with concrete scientific backing form an easily accessible and comprehensive guide to female reproductive anatomy from periods to masturbation, from orgasms to contraceptives.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia
A fully updated new edition of this practical guide to managing anesthesia in horses and other equids, providing updated and expanded information in a concise, easy-to-read format Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia provides practitioners and veterinary students with concise, highly practical guidance to anesthetizing horses, donkeys, and mules. Using a bulleted quick-reference format, this popular resource covers the basic physiological and pharmacological principles of anesthesia, patient preparation and monitoring, and the management of sedation and anesthesia. Chapters written by leading veterinary anesthesiologists contain numerous clinical images and illustrations, case examples, tables, diagrams, and boxed summaries of important points. Now in full color, the second edition features extensively revised and updated information throughout. New sections cover chronic pain, management of horses undergoing MRI, ventilators, nerve blocks for reproductive surgery, muscle relaxants, various new drugs, paravertebral anesthesia, treatment of pain using acupuncture and physical rehabilitation techniques, and more. Up-to-date appendices contain drug lists and dosages as well as equations related to equine cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This concise, easy-to-follow guide: Provides practical, clinically oriented information on anesthetizing equids Uses a bulleted format designed for fast access of key information Offers step-by-step instructions and diagrams of nerve blocks of the limbs, head, and ophthalmic structures Includes new coverage of topics including regulation of extracellular fluid and blood pressure, acid-base disorders, and hemodynamic effects of autonomic drugs Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia, Second Edition, remains a must-have resource for all equine practitioners and veterinary students involved with anesthetizing horses.
Wolters Kluwer Health The Duke Manual of Glaucoma Surgery
Concise, authoritative, and easy to navigate, The Duke Manual of Glaucoma Surgery offers a step-by-step, highly illustrated approach to the most commonly performed glaucoma surgeries and procedures. Ideal for glaucoma specialists, ophthalmic surgeons, residents, and fellows, it contains practical guidance from Drs. Divakar Gupta, Leon Herndon, Kelly Muir, as well as other experts at Duke University, making it an unparalleled “how-to” manual for the wide variety of cases and operative scenarios you may encounter. Offers a step-by-step outline for each surgical procedure, from preoperative considerations through postoperative care, including numerous surgical pearls. Contains 200 full-color photographs and illustrations that clearly depict techniques and other essential aspects of glaucoma surgery. Covers surgery basics, pediatrics, and management of challenging surgical scenarios. Provides access, via the eBook, to surgical videos from the Duke archive. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual Washington de especialidades clínicas. Nefrología
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Queueing Theory, Solutions Manual
Presents the basic statistical principles that are necessary to analyze the probabilistic nature of queues Thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments in the field, the fourth edition of Fundamentals of Queueing Theory illustrates the wide-reaching, fundamental concepts in queueing theory and its applications to diverse areas such as computer science, engineering, business, and operations research. It takes a numerical approach to understanding and making probable estimations relating to queues, with a comprehensive outline of simple and more advanced queueing models. Newly featured topics include retrial queues, approximations for queueing networks, numerical inversion of transforms, and determining the appropriate number of servers to balance quality and cost of service.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Medical Treatment in Urology
Urology is one of the most rapidly advancing specialties of medicine and this book is a concise guide to the medical management of urologic disorders. Divided into two sections, each chapter examines the use of drug therapy to treat different urological conditions. Section 1 covers benign urological diseases including erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence and prostate enlargement. Section 2 covers the medical treatment of urological cancer, including renal, bladder, prostate, testicular, and Wilm’s Tumour. This concise guide also provides trainees with a quick reference to drug choice, dosing and complications. Normal values of laboratory tests of urological interest are included in the appendix. Key points Concise guide to medical management of urological disorders Covers benign conditions and urological cancers Quick reference on drug choice, dosing and complications Includes summary of normal values of laboratory tests
Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A. Manual de obesidad mórbida
Ofrece una guía práctica en el abordaje del diagnóstico y tratamiento de la obesidad mórbida, tanto desde el punto de vista médico como quirúrgico.
Ediciones Trea, S.L. Manual básico de lexicografía
Es muy probable que nos sintamos aturdidos, dudosos o descolocados si alguien, de pronto, nos pregunta qué es un diccionario. Peor aún si se nos pide que definamos una palabra cualquiera, aun de las más cotidianas. Normalmente, la gente cree, por ejemplo, que un diccionario es un libro formado por una serie de artículos situados exclusivamente en orden alfabético de las voces o frases con que comienzan. Más difícil le parece definir una palabra, por simple que sea. Si lo intenta, casi seguro que fracasa. Los lexicógrafos se convierten, así, en brujos de la tribu para muchos consultantes de cualquier obra lexicográfica. He aquí, pues, que el universo lexicográfico al alcance de cualquier usuario de la lengua puede devenir fácilmente en algo sumamente complejo.La presente obra tiene por objeto introducir al lector en los entresijos de una técnica científica llamada lexicografía y explicar qué es una obra lexicográfica (por ejemplo, un diccionario o una enciclopedia) y c
Ediciones Mundi-Prensa Manual de histología vegetal
Las plantas son la base de la vida en este planeta. Nos proporcionan directa o indirectamente, comida, materiales de construcción, combustibles, papel, fibras y muchas cosas más. En estos momentos de crisis energética, las empresas vuelven su mirada hacia el biodiesel y el bioetanol, producidos a partir de plantas. Ante el cambio climático, buscamos algún sistema que funcione como sumidero de CO2, obviando a veces que los vegetales fijan miles de millones de toneladas cada año, sin coste energético y generando a cambio productos útiles. La Histología vegetal, el conocimiento de la estructura microscópica de las plantas, es un área activa de investigación que recibe el aporte de las nuevas generaciones de instrumentos y técnicas. Este libro está dirigido los estudiantes de Biología, Biotecnología, Ciencias Ambientales, Farmacia, Ingeniería Agroambiental, Ingeniería del Medio Natural, Ingeniería Forestal, Ingeniería y Ciencias Agronómicas y Tecnología de las Industrias agrarias y aliment
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual de trasplante renal
Insight Editions Star Trek: Kirk Fu Manual
Rowman & Littlefield Roadside Mountain Bike Maintenance Manual
Provides mountain bike enthusiasts with step-by-step guidance to maintaining and repairing their bikes, combining an easy-to-use format and design with high quality photographs of the latest equipment, tools and techniques.
Pearson Education (US) Student Solutions Manual for Prealgebra
The manual provides detailed solutions to the odd-numbered section-level exercises and to all margin, Relating Concepts, Summary, Chapter Review, Chapter Test, and Cumulative Review Exercises.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Laboratory Manual for Physical Geology
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Muscle Testing: A Concise Manual
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers AICOG Workshop Manual of Endoscopy
John Wiley & Sons Inc BSAVA Manual of Wildlife Casualties
The provision of care for wildlife casualties remains an important responsibility of veterinary surgeons, limited not only to emergency care but also encompassing the rehabilitation and release of the casualty and the wider impact on the environment. The second edition of the BSAVA Manual of Wildlife Casualties provides critical information for all stages from the initial decision to intervene to monitoring of released casualties. Fully updated, the initial chapters have also been expanded to include new chapters on: capture, handling and transportation; triage and decision-making; first aid and emergency care; wildlife anaesthesia; management in captivity; care and hand-rearing of young animals; and investigation of wildlife crime. The second half of the manual returns to a species- and group-specific format, covering wild mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles encountered in the UK. Each chapter gives details on: ecology and biology; anatomy and physiology; capture, handling and transportation; examination and clinical assessment for rehabilitation; first aid and short-term hospitalization; anaesthesia and analgesia; specific conditions; therapeutics; management in captivity; rearing of neonates and juveniles; release; and legal aspects. Specialist organizations and useful contacts are also provided at the end of chapters and in a comprehensive appendix.
Springer International Publishing AG Integrated Maintenance Planning in Manufacturing Systems
This book introduces the concept of integrated planning for maintenance and production taken into account quality and safety for high global socio-economic impact. It provides insight into the planning process at a global level starting from the business level and ending with the operational level where the plan is implemented and controlled.