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Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Janeway Immunologie
Jetzt wieder auf dem neuesten Stand: DIE Einführung in die Immunologie für Studierende der Biowissenschaften und der MedizinDer Janeway, das bewährte und viel gelobte Standardlehrbuch der Immunologie, liegt nun erneut in einer vollständig überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Fassung vor. Das Werk führt den Leser in gewohnter Souveränität durch alle Aspekte des Immunsystems – vom ersten Einsatz der angeborenen Immunität bis zur Erzeugung der adaptiven Immunantwort, von den vielfältigen klinischen Konsequenzen normaler und pathologischer immunologischer Reaktionen bis zur Evolution des Immunsystems.In der 9. Auflage sind unter anderem neue Erkenntnisse zur modularen Immunantwort, zur Klassenwechsel-Rekombination, zur Vielfalt der CD4-T-Zellen, zu Chemokin-Netzwerken, zur Umgehung der Immunabwehr durch Pathogene und zur Immuntherapie von Krebs integriert. Zahlreiche neue Abbildungen veranschaulichen die im Text erläuterten Prozesse und Konzepte. Der umfangreiche Anhang zu den Methoden der Immunologie ist um etliche neue Techniken erweitert worden. Zudem wurden die Verständnisfragen an den Kapitelenden komplett überarbeitet. Das in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzte Werk besticht durch seine Aktualität, seine konzeptionelle Geschlossenheit und seine ansprechende Illustration. Es bleibt damit in diesem unverändert rasant fortschreitenden Fachgebiet ein hochaktueller und verlässlicher Begleiter.Stimmen zu früheren Auflagen:Dieses Buch bringt Studenten und Wissenschaftlern die Immunologie aktuell und in hervorragender Weise näher. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Müller-Lantzsch, Universitätskliniken HomburgDie neue Auflage ist kaum noch zu schlagen. Prof. Dr. Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie, BerlinHervorragend. Dieses Lehrbuch genügt sämtlichen Ansprüchen! Prof. Dr. Andreas Dotzauer, Uni BremenDas Buch besticht durch die hervorragende Vermittlung von Grundlagenwissen, das es in weiterer Folge ermöglicht, auch die komplexen Zusammenhänge bei klinisch-immunologischen Fragestellungen zu verstehen. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sipos, Medizinische Universitätsklinik WienDie auf das wesentliche reduzierten graphischen Darstellungen haben einen besonderen didaktischen Wert, vor allem angesichts der Komplexität dieses Fachgebiets. Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra, TU MünchenUnter den Immunologie-Lehrbüchern nimmt dieses sicher heute den vorderen Rang ein. Es macht Vergnügen, sich von ihm bilden zu lassen. BiospektrumAlles in allem ein wunderbar gestaltetes, umfassendes Lehrbuch, dessen Schwerpunkt deutlich auf der Erklärung grundlegender Mechanismen der Immunabwehr liegt. Naturwissenschaftliche RundschauDas Buch ist didaktisch hervorragend, vor allem auch in den Abbildungen, und bietet am Ende der Kapitel prägnante Zusammenfassungen, Fragen zum Überprüfen des Gelernten und Hinweise auf Originalarbeiten. Pharmazie in unserer Zeit Uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert; es eignet sich besonders für Biologiestudenten zur Prüfungsvorbereitung, für Mediziner als Nachschlagewerk, aber auch für Studenten und Dozenten anderer Fächer. Chirurgische PraxisDieses packende moderne Lehrbuch [bietet] jungen Biologen und Medizinern die gegenwärtig beste Möglichkeit, die Mechanismen des Immunsystems in ihrem evolutionären und funktionellen Kontext und medizinischen Bezug kennen zu lernen und vielleicht für ihre eigene zukünftige Tätigkeit zu entdecken. Prof. Dr. Klaus Rajewsky im Vorwort zur 5. Auflage
CABI Publishing Temperature Adaptation in a Changing Climate: Nature at Risk
Temperature adaptation is a much neglected field in the minds of climate change researchers and policy makers. However, increasing fluctuations in temperature mean that the risk of cold and heat stress will pose an increasing threat to both wild and cultivated plants and animals, with frost injury expected to cause devastating damage to crops on an increasingly large scale. Thus, improving shared knowledge of the biological mechanisms of temperature adaptation in plants and animals will help prevent major losses of crops and genetic resources in the future.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Urban Planning
With the global expansion of urbanization there is a need to ensure that cities develop in a way that allows all residents to benefit from urban life. This volume contains a collection of classic and more recent papers that provide insight into the problems encountered in urbanization and the ways in which planning has evolved to meet the resultant challenges. It is broad in its coverage, and its content includes both theoretical and applied contributions as well as looking at urban planning issues in the developing as well as the developed world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Facilities Planning
This important book brings together a careful selection of the major works in planning which relate to the provision of public facilities - such as recreation grounds, parks and sports arenas. The opening sections present classic, theoretic papers that lay both the general and the specific foundations for why some facilities are treated outside of the market. Key topics such as institutional issues, the role of the private sector, and the assessment and evaluation of public facilities planning and financing are then examined. Finally, the volume looks at some of the more novel approaches that are emerging in the provision of public facilities, and concludes with a selection of case studies that demonstrate the application of a set of planning approaches.This authoritative volume will be a useful resource to researchers and planning practitioners alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Planning Models
While planning involves seeking ways of influencing future behavior, it is important to have at the outset an abstraction of the world upon which to base an assessment of outcomes. The papers in this collection represent some of the major works in the field of planning models, with land use planning as a core theme. The collection is divided into several parts:Part 1 focuses on location models and embraces a series of classic survey papers as well as a number of more specific contributions covering such topics as the distribution of residential activities. This is followed in part 2 by papers concerned with spatial interaction and, in particular the gravity model. Part 3 of the collection contains papers on micro-macro models that look at ways of moving from individual to collective behavior, whilst part 4 is concerned with dynamic models. Part 5 of the volume reflects an increasing interest in the role of various networks in the formulation of plans, and finally part 6 completes the volume with a selection of policy-planning models.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Automobile
This is an authoritative collection of previously published articles on important aspects of the 'automobile age'.The volume has been divided into five areas of interest. Part I focuses on supply side issues related to the car industry, technological change in the transport sector and future developments of automobile technology. Parts II, III and IV deal with the demand for automobile transport within the overall transport system. The final section deals with private and social costs, externalities such as accidents, congestion and pollution, and policy interventions.Rapidly growing car ownership has brought about a remarkable increase in mobility. The mobility and travel choices need to be analysed within complex networks. The strong mutual interactions between transport and spatial developments have led to an intense debate on 'car dependence' and related spatial systems analyses.This collection will be an invaluable source of reference to students, teachers and researchers in the field of transport studies and the history of the car industry.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Social and Cultural Forms of Modernity: Understanding Modern Societies, Book III
This book considers the social and cultural aspects of 20th-century modern industrial social formations, focusing on Britain and Europe, with reference to North America and Australasia. The main topics of the social dimension include an analysis of the class, gender and racial divsions; women, the family, and the romantic sphere; patterns of consumption; and conceptions of the self, the body and sexuality. The section on cultural dimensions focuses on an analysis of contemporary ideologies and belief systems; the growth in popular culture, the revolution in mass communications; the reshaping of knowledge in education and the modern metropolis as the privileged scene of modernity.
The University of Chicago Press Opera in Theory and Practice, Image and Myth
The History of Italian Opera marks the first time a team of scholars has worked together to investigate the entire Italian operatic tradition, rather than limiting its focus to major composers and their masterworks. Including both musicologists and historians of other arts, the contributors approach opera not only as a distinctive musical genre but also as a form of extravagant theater and a complex social phenomenon.This sixth volume in the series centers on the sociological and critical aspects of opera in Italy, considering the art in the context of an Italian literary and cultural canon rarely revealed in English and American studies. In its six chapters, contributors survey critics' changing attitudes toward opera over several centuries, trace the evolution of formal conventions among librettists, explore the historical relationships between opera and Italian literature, and examine opera's place in Italian popular and national culture. In perhaps the volume's most striking contribution, German scholar Carl Dahlouse offers his most important statement on the dramaturgy of opera.
Starry Forest The Wind in the Willows
Oro Editions Reveal, Filter, Evolve, Effect: Sustainable Architecture by FXFOWLE: 4 Volume Set
The four themes are threads that weave the work together and as a whole define the design philosophy of the firm. The firm's emphasis on sustainability is a current that runs through the narrative of each book. Each book focuses on design process and collaboration. Each project is presented in depth and will underscore the methodology, aesthetics, techniques and ethos of the firm. With future volumes planned, these sets will track the progression of ideas that evolve over time through the work that enacts the ideas, and informs the work to come. REVEAL exposes the territory between architecture and landscape. Buildings and urban plans apply an ecological approach, merging with the larger structures of the environment. Architecture and constructed systems resonate with natural systems, bringing the experience of landscape to designed space. FILTER refines the association between architecture and context. Vernacular structures and distinctive local customs provide a frame of reference for the generation of form. Incorporating culture and climate infuses buildings with a sense of place and develops a close bond with the natural environment. EVOLVE advances the bond between architecture and history. Remaking historic buildings and districts engages culture, heritage, and conservation along with architecture and planning. Materials, methods, and expression foster respect, authenticity, and interconnectivity in buildings new and old. EFFECT realizes the relationship between architecture and program. The function and use of a building offer a powerful conceptual tool that may be interpreted and inflected. Crafted alongside the tangible components of a building, the intangible aspects of program enhance form and function.
McGraw-Hill Education Intended Consequences: How to Build Market-Leading Companies with Responsible Innovation
A pioneering venture capitalist provides an actionable framework for founders and executives to create innovative, enduring companies built for growth and for societal good.The Milton Friedman philosophy that companies exist only to increase shareholder value is dead and buried. The old Silicon Valley tenets of “move fast and break things,” minimum viable products, and hyper engagement at any cost must be replaced with new principles for an era of responsible innovation. We can no longer manage businesses solely for growth. With innovation comes responsibility: to generate returns beyond profits and to recenter technology as a force for good in the world. This requires a shift in the way organizations approach and value work.A company’s mindset—its intent to do good, avoid harmful consequences, and innovate responsibly—is not enough. That mindset must be supported by a business model, a mechanism that leaders must intentionally and proactively build along with the company from the ground up, one that incentivizes and rewards the organization for fulfilling its intentions. Companies need a new set of KCIs, or key consequence indicators, that measure factors such as its impact on customers’ energy consumption, whether its product is being used equally across socioeconomic groups, or if it is actually solving the social problem it is addressing. Not only is this the right thing to do—increasingly, it is what customers, employees, and shareholders demand of business.In this inspiring, practical, and actionable guide, Hemant Taneja: lays out the argument for why a new model of company building and leadership is necessary—and how it can lead to better performance explores why social-good businesses are some of the greatest opportunities today, detailing examples of billion-dollar startups that are addressing inequality, climate change, systemic societal problems, and chronic disease—all while generating profit and positive shareholder returns presents a topic-by-topic road map that addresses business models, artificial intelligence, ethical growth, culture, governance, and good citizenship Intended Consequences is designed as the ultimate playbook for founders, entrepreneurs, leadership teams, and investors on how to build and maintain a responsible innovation company.
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Geography: Preparation and Support for SQA Exams (Leckie Complete Revision & Practice)
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Geography Two books in one! Combining a revision guide and a full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the exam. The revision guide• Covers all of the topics in the CfE Higher Geography curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• Clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• Contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice test papers• Are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the Higher Geography exam Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: The Darkest Judge
What if at the end of Judge Dredd: Judgement Day a different strategy was used in order to stop the zombie invasion? Instead of Judge Dredd executing Sabbat the Necromagus this plan involves dropping dimension-bombs to shift the whole zombie horde into a different reality. This means disaster for all the other characters published in the pages of 2000 AD as the zombies infect everyone from Rogue Trooper to Sinister Dexter, from Ace Trucking to The V.C.'s. There is now a whole multiverse of zombies that need killing, and only a few heroes left to take care of business!
Fonthill Media LLc New Jersey's Trolley Heritage
Fonthill Media LLc Street Cars of Washington D.C.
Street Cars of Washington D.C. is a photographic essay of the history of the well-kept modern street car system that provided frequent transit service to much of our nation's capital up to its closure in January, 1962. Washington D.C. was the first North American city to operate its entire base service by President's Conference Committee (PCC) cars. Washington D.C. had the fifth largest PCC car fleet in North America. While these cars had poles for overhead wire operation, they were the only PCC cars in the world equipped with plows for conduit operation. Washington D.C. PCC cars, all built by St. Louis Car Company, were about two foot shorter in length or one less window than other PCC cars, because of short clearances in car house transfer tables. The Silver Sightseer in Washington D.C. was the world's first air conditioned street car. Fifty four years later in February 2016, street cars returned to Washington D.C. All of this has been included in Street Cars of Washington D.C.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Law, Morality, and Legal Positivism: Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Association for Phiosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Lund (Sweden), 12th-18th August 2003. Vol. 3
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Hegel, Hume Und Die Identitat Wahrnehmbarer Dinge: Historisch-Kritische Analyse Zum Kapitel Wahrnehmung in Der Phanomenologie Von 1807
Lanternfish Press One Bronze Knuckle
Paraclete Press An Advent Book of Days: Meeting the Characters of Christmas
American Bar Association Pre-ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Developing a Drug Product and Patent Portfolio, Third Edition
All pharmaceutical companies, whether they are an innovator or a generic, must navigate the same complex legal and regulatory framework to bring a product to market and fend off competition. Now completely updated, Pre-ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Developing a Drug Product and Patent Portfolio, Third Edition is an in-depth resource for learning about and planning for ANDA litigations and all the different avenues that pharmaceutical litigants could follow. From the perspective of an innovator company, patents are vital to protect new drug products both to recoup the initial investment and for future investments. For the innovator and patent owner, the patentee must be aware of the risk to those intellectual property rights and be prepared for any patent challenge. Both entities can use Pre-ANDA Litigation as a resource to help formulate a strategy before patent litigation begins. ANDA Patent litigations and strategies are complex and require the patent professional to be able to explain complex technical and legal issues to lay persons, both within the organization and to judges and juries. This compendium provides lawyers with invaluable and in-depth tactics and advice so that any pharmaceutical litigant wanting to increase market share, whether as an innovator or a generic, can plan early and be ready to alter plans as new events occur. Topics include: Coordinating new drug application (NDA) and patent portfolio strategy Preclinical and patent considerations Clinical trials and regulatory considerations Trademark (TM) and nonproprietary name considerations Acquiring and in-licensing pharmaceutical products Pre-litigation investigations and due diligence Market entry business considerations for generic companies
History Press (SC) Hidden History of Kensington Fishtown
Arcadia Publishing The History of the Kensington Soup Society
Council Oak Books Dead Sea Scrolls: The Untold Story
Tyndale House Publishers Mi primera Biblia en cuadros
Tyndale House Publishers Big Thoughts for Little People ABC
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Men of the Battle of Britain A Major New Tribute to the Few
History Press Capturing the Younger Brothers Gang in the Northern Plains: The Untold Story of Heroic Teen Asle Sorbel
History Press Pullman: The Man, the Company, the Historical Park
Random House USA Inc Getting Religion: Faith, Culture, and Politics from the Age of Eisenhower to the Era of Obama
Faith Library Publications Healing Scriptures
Faith Library Publications Plans Purposes & Pursuits
Faith Library Publications Right and Wrong Thinking
Johns Hopkins University Press Choices in Breast Cancer Treatment: Medical Specialists and Cancer Survivors Tell You What You Need to Know
A diagnosis of breast cancer can be overwhelming. The disease is frightening and the medical landscape confusing. In the wake of fear and confusion comes the need to make decisions about treatment. This book provides women with medically reliable and up-to-date information to help them with these decisions. Within these pages is a team of private consultants-including surgeons, medical oncologists, radiologists, plastic surgeons, and women who have faced breast cancer-each of whom offers sound advice and valuable insight. In addition to describing surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and breast reconstruction, the medical experts clarify choices and offer support, while breast cancer survivors tell their own stories of pain, perseverance, and triumph. Choices in Breast Cancer Treatment is a rare blend of medical expertise and compelling personal accounts that empowers those with breast cancer to meet the disease with confidence, knowledge, and hope.
Johns Hopkins University Press Choices in Breast Cancer Treatment: Medical Specialists and Cancer Survivors Tell You What You Need to Know
A diagnosis of breast cancer can be overwhelming. The disease is frightening and the medical landscape confusing. In the wake of fear and confusion comes the need to make decisions about treatment. This book provides women with medically reliable and up-to-date information to help them with these decisions. Within these pages is a team of private consultants-including surgeons, medical oncologists, radiologists, plastic surgeons, and women who have faced breast cancer-each of whom offers sound advice and valuable insight. In addition to describing surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and breast reconstruction, the medical experts clarify choices and offer support, while breast cancer survivors tell their own stories of pain, perseverance, and triumph. Choices in Breast Cancer Treatment is a rare blend of medical expertise and compelling personal accounts that empowers those with breast cancer to meet the disease with confidence, knowledge, and hope.
Arcadia Publishing Southeastern Pennsylvania Trolleys Images of Rail
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The One Minute Manager Balances Work and Life
Little, Brown & Company What Your DrHypothyroidism A Simple Plan for Extraordinary Results What Your Doctor May Not Tell You
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Don't Know Much about the Bible
OUP USA Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology Lessons in Sociology
Designed to introduce students to key concepts and methods in sociology and to engage them in critical thinking, Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology provides a brief and valuable overview to four major questions that guide the discipline: Why sociology?, What unites us?, What divides us?, and How do societies change?
Pearson Education Management Information Systems
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Don't Know Much About(r) Anything: Everything You Need to Know But Never Learned about People, Places, Events, and More!
Liverpool University Press The Indiculus luminosus of Paul Alvarus
Paul Alvarus wrote the Indiculus luminosus in 854 in response to the executions of a number of Córdoban Christians, beginning with the monk Isaac in 851, who had denounced Muhammad in public. The first half of the treatise offers an extended apologia in defence of the militant actions of these spontaneous blasphemers. In the second half, Alvarus argues at length, on the basis of key passages in Daniel and Job, that Muhammad was a precursor to Antichrist. Alvarus undertook this exegetical project not only to create a context within which the actions of the Córdoban blasphemers would make sense, but to criticize the Córdoban Christian leadership at the time for being too cosy with the local Islamic rulers. While Alvarus relied on Jerome’s Commentary on Daniel and Gregory’s Moralia in Iob, he transcended them, offering a truly novel exegesis. In the process, he shed important light on the nature of Christian life under Islamic rule and demonstrated a surprisingly deep knowledge of Islam. The Indiculus luminosus is the perfect complement to the writings of his friend, Eulogius, who may in fact have encouraged Alvarus to undertake this task.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Globalisation and Development
Characterised by conceptual diversity, the Handbook of Globalisation and Development presents contributions from prominent international researchers on all aspects of globalisation and carefully considers their role across a whole host of development processes. The Handbook is structured around seven key areas: international trade, international production, international finance, migration, foreign aid, a broader view, and challenges. Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, the section on 'a broader view' delves into dimensions of globalisation and development that go beyond the mere economic, such as culture, technology, health, and poverty. Carefully crafted, the chapters herein offer a rigorous and comprehensive assessment of the available research to date and provide an assessment of policy options across all areas considered. Comprehensive and engaging, this Handbook will be an important reference for researchers in academia, government, and international organisations as well as for policy analysts needing access to the central research results in the field. Post-graduate students of international development will also find this a thorough and essential overview.Contributors include: J.C. Anyanwu, E.D. Arias, M. Baliamoune-Lutz, J.K. Boyce, R. Chanda, J. Clapp, D.A. Clark, G. Debebe, K.A. Elliott, G. Epstein, S. Fennell, M. Forsyth, S. Gopalan, P. Gupta, I. Hardie, D. Hulme, P. James, C. Jeffords, D. Kingsbury, A. Klekowski von Koppenfels, O. Kodongo, Z. Kone, S. Lundan, P. Martin, L. Ndikumana, K. Ojah, I. Omelaniuk, C. Ozden, K. Reinert, L. Rethel, D. Roy, L. Shelley, T. Schrecker, J.P. Singh, I. Sirkeci
Temple University Press,U.S. Workers of the World, Enjoy!: Aesthetic Politics from Revolutionary Syndicalism to the Global Justice Movement
The rise of the public sphere, as chronicled by social movements spanning the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Religion and Coping: Theory, Research, Practice
When faced with a crisis, why do some people turn to religion to help them cope, while others turn away? Is religious belief merely a defense or a form of denial? Is spirituality a help or a hindrance in times of stress? Building a much-needed bridge between two different worlds of thought and practice--religion and psychology--this volume sensitively interweaves theory with first-hand accounts, clinical insight, and scientific research. The book underscores the need for greater sensitivity to religion and spirituality in the context of helping relationships, and suggests a range of ways that faith might be used more fully to help people in crisis.
Candlewick Press (MA) Gather