Search results for ""redleaf press""
Redleaf Press ArtMaking: Using Picture Books and Art to Read Our World
From the award-winning authors of StoryMaking and Makerspaces comes ArtMaking.ArtMaking?is a process of making meaning by reading children's books, investigating how this meaning is expressed and then inviting the child to use art to communicate their own meaning.?It is the perfect language to give all children a voice, regardless of age or ability. In ArtMaking children are invited to "read their worlds" as they learn about images, explore materials and elements of art (color, lines, shapes, textures, spaces, design) and communicate their thinking through their own art processes and products. Along the way these skills build a strong literacy foundation.Using artwork as well as illustrations from children's books as provocations, children make meaning with their visual literacy skills as they use the receptive and productive languages of literacy and art to make connections. When children engage in ArtMaking they apply the highest level of the comprehension and visual literacy continuums to new art experiences and makerspaces. They aren't just making art, they are making meaning of the book and the world.
Redleaf Press Creating Your Earth-Friendly Early Childhood Program
Creating your Earth-Friendly Early Chlidhood Program, Redleaf Quick Guide offers an approachable, efficient entry point for ECE educators who wish to instill ecofriendly values and practices in their programs. The guide will help educators evaluate their current environment and practices, get families and colleagues involved, and make both immediate and long-term changes to make their program "greener."
Redleaf Press The CDA Prep Guide
Pass the Child Development Associate (CDA) credentialing process the first time with the premier prep guide. The CDA Prep Guide: The Complete Review Manual, Fourth Edition is easy to understand and will guide you step-by-step support through the credentialing process, including choosing your training, compiling the Professional Portfolio, and successfully completing the Verification Visit and CDA Exam.The fourth edition of The CDA Prep Guide has designated center-based preschool, center-based infant/toddler, and family child care sections, with information specific to each setting. After receiving your CDA credential, you can continue to use this book to renew your credential, to earn a CDA for a different setting, and to develop goals for future professional development.
Redleaf Press Let Them Shine: Inspiring Stories of Empowering Young Children
Let Them Shine is a collection of inspiring personal stories of empowerment of young children from award-winning Los Angeles principal Michael Alan Haggood. Woven into each narrative are teaching and learning strategies for teachers and parents.Readers will be asked to reflect on their own experiences as each chapter challenges them with thoughtful questions to ponder and answer.This book is perfect for book study groups or book clubs. All stories accurately portray adversity, and are ultimately inspirational.
Redleaf Press Kindercoding Unplugged: Screen-Free Activities for Beginners Deanna Pecaski McLennan
Kindergarten teacher Deanna Pecaski McLennan, PhD, takes readers on a journey through her own kindergarten classroom and how she’s actively cultivating computational thinking in her students through a Reggio Emilia lens and emergent curriculum. Using photos, vignettes, narrative, and more than eighty unplugged coding activities, this book will help readers better understand what coding is and how they can begin to implement easy and developmentally appropriate coding games and activities into their early childhood programs.
Redleaf Press Loose Parts for Children with Diverse Abilities
Play is a magnificent activity that sustains life and promotes joy and hopefulness. Loose Parts for Children with Diverse Abilities addresses the importance of play while providing appropriate accommodation to support young children with diverse abilities.Award-winning author and educator Miriam Beloglovsky advocates for play for play sake and invites early childhood educators and families to see children with diverse abilities' strengths, recognize them as capable, competent and creative, and listen to their powerful voices. With hundreds of illustrative full-color photographs and infused with real stories of children with diverse abilities engaged in loose parts play, the book also includes narrative comments from families and educators.
Redleaf Press Why Temperament Matters: Guidance Strategies for Young Children
Why Temperament Matters: Guidance Strategies for Young Children addresses early childhood behavior guidance strategies related to children’s specific temperament traits. There are nine temperament traits that influence a child’s behavior: Activity Level, Distractibility, Persistence, Adaptability, Approach/Withdrawal, Intensity, Regularity, Sensory Awareness, Mood. All nine temperament traits are grouped into three major categories of personality: easy/flexible, feisty/spirited, and slow-to-warm-up/sensitive. This book provides specific ideas about how a child care provider can adjust the early childhood program and environment to meet the individual needs of each child’s temperament. There is a specific emphasis on children who fall into the feisty/spirited or the slow-to-warm-up/sensitive categories because they are often the ones who are expelled with challenging behaviors. Why Temperament Matters explains where challenging behaviors may originate in temperament and provides strategies for meeting temperament needs that prevent or lessen challenging behaviors.
Redleaf Press Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children: Poses for Play, Learning and Peace
Yoga isn’t just the physical poses; intentional breathing (and therefore mindfulness) are an integral part of it. Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children explains the physical and social-emotional benefits of incorporating yoga into early childhood classrooms. Readers do not have to have any experience with yoga to be able to use this book, and the ideas and suggestions are easily modified to suit an individual teacher’s needs. Ilene and Maureen share how to do nine specific breathing techniques and sixty-three different poses with children. The poses are grouped by ten different categories: back-bending poses forward-bending poses harmony poses (about balance) just for fun (offer emotional release) lying down poses partner poses (in pairs) sitting down poses standing upright poses twisting poses upside-down poses Information on how do yoga with children with diverse abilities is included.
Redleaf Press Open-Ended Art for Young Children
Common challenges and practical solutions for practicing open-ended art in early childhood classrooms.Open-ended art is defined as art activity where children are free to use their imagination as they explore a variety of materials without a planned outcome. When teachers embrace open-ended art, they emphasize the process of creating and observe the developmental growth being experienced by the children. Open-ended art provides children an important opportunity to think about, feel, and express ideas. It allows teachers to slow down the pace of the day and appreciate the beauty that comes from simple experimentation with art materials.There are many books available to educators that include art ideas and projects, but Open-Ended Art for Young Children goes beyond the basics to highlight why the field of early childhood education advocates for open-ended art and explains how to adapt to new ways of thinking about art. Authors Dr. Tracy Galuski and Dr. Mary Ellen Bardsley present, chapter by chapter, the challenges teachers encounter when faced with best practices and expectations related art process and product. Each chapter begins with a classroom vignette that describes the challenge, followed by a plethora of solutions grounded in research and illustrated through practical examples. Each chapter includes full-color pictures and photos and ends with an activity or investigation for reflection.
Redleaf Press StoryMaking: The Maker Movement Approach to Literacy for Early Learners
After studying the current research on literacy learning for young children, delving into the beliefs and schools of Reggio Emilia, and discovering the Maker Movement, the authors created StoryMaking. With great success, they implemented it in their diverse and large public school district. StoryMaking shares the processes, first steps, next steps, uses for materials, and lessons learned so teachers can implement their own versions in their classrooms. The book shares practical suggestions, student samples, photographs, anchor charts, and other forms of documentation.
Redleaf Press High-Quality Early Childhood Programs: The What, Why, and How
High-Quality Early Education Programs gives staff feedback that positively alters their practice. It is equally useful in helping teachers, or caregivers, take a thoughtful look at their own practices. This book’s detailed descriptions of what one should see in high quality programs (and why) gives readers a strong foundation of child development knowledge and of principles translated into practice.
Redleaf Press Loose Parts 4: Inspiring 21st Century Learning
In the newest installment of the popular, award-winning Loose Parts series, Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky focus on family engagement and competency building. With inspiring full-color photographs Loose Parts 4 is organized around competencies and life skills children need for success in the future: knowingness engagement risk connections leadership innovative thinking creativity Lisa and Miriam explain the value of loose parts, detail how to integrate loose parts into the environment and children’s play, and specifically focus on loose parts for children in family environments—helping educators engage families and extend learning beyond the classroom.
Redleaf Press Nature-Based Learning for Young Children: Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Budget
Increase opportunities for nature-based education in any early childhood program, regardless of climate, region, budget, or experience. Nature-Based Learning for Every Preschool Setting is designed to provide ideas for all early childhood educators ranging from novice to highly experienced in a wide range of ecosystems, including forests, cities, prairies, coastal, urban, and deserts. It includes background information on a range of nature topics, reproducible parent newsletters, sample play-based lesson plans, guidance and health and safety issues related to nature activities, ideas for free/inexpensive equipment and materials and for big-ticket items, ideas for family involvement, and connections to early childhood learning standards. Chapters are divided by nature topic, so readers can dip in right away where they want to start exploring.
Redleaf Press Graceful Leadership in Early Childhood Education
Graceful Leadership in Early Childhood Education is a book to turn to when there is a challenge that needs tackling, when you need a boost of inspiration, or when you just want to reflect on your own journey.
Redleaf Press Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self
As infants become toddlers, their expanding sense of self, growing motor, language, and cognitive skills provide opportunities for learning more about the physical and social world around them. This book is a valuable resource for understanding and facilitating young children’s development of healthy sense of self, positive cultural identity, effective social relationships, and feelings of connectedness to the broader community.
Redleaf Press From Parents to Partners: Building a Family-Centered Early Childhood Program
This book explores the reasons and methods for developing collaborative partnerships. along with tools and strategies to help build the support network for family-centered care. The new edition includes information on how to use technology to increase the effectiveness of communication with families, how to interact with a more diverse population, and how to build your program for continued success.
Redleaf Press Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy: Spiritual Development in Young Children
This book offers a series of best practices for child care providers so they’re able to nurture a child’s spiritual development without religion or God. It helps educators and parents support and strengthen children’s self-awareness through deep connections, and increased social awareness. Spiritual moments help children to grow, explore, play, and ask big questions capable of moving one beyond oneself.
Redleaf Press Lisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children's Learning
Learn why school readiness is child’s play through research and stories for supporting development with fun activities.Discover why playing is school readiness with this updated guide. Timely research and new stories highlight how play is vital to the social, physical, cognitive, and spiritual development of children. Learn the seven meaningful experiences we should provide children with every day and why they are so important.
Redleaf Press The Child Care Director's Complete Guide: What You Need to Manage and Lead
Using interviews gathered from program directors across the country with over 700 years of combined experience, this book is a comprehensive guide to becoming the best director you can be. Combined with current research and best practices you will find realistic real-time solutions to address the most common struggles faced by program administrators today.
Redleaf Press Beyond the Flannel Board: Story Retelling Strategies across the Curriculum
Many assessment programs measure story retelling as a skill, yet it is often misunderstood by educators. This book demystifies the story retelling experience for teachers of young children by identifying effective, intentional teaching and learning practices and providing a variety of examples for integrating story retelling activities across the curriculum for building skills in social-emotional development, numbers, STEM, and more.
Redleaf Press The Comfort of Little Things: An Educator's Guide to Second Chances
An energizing book that discusses how educators can give themselves second chances to inspire and help children flourish.The Comfort of Little Things is a thought-provoking book that empowers educators to give themselves and the people in their lives second chances in order for themselves and the children they teach to learn and thrive. This book includes stories from the author and contributors to the author's blog posts.
Redleaf Press Disaster Planning and Preparedness in Early Childhood and School-Age Care Settings
This quick-reference guide helps staff caring for young and school-age children prepare for and respond to a range of disasters.All adults who are responsible for the care of children should be prepared for disasters. This guide provides caregivers, educators, and program staff with preparation tips and step-by-step responses to disaster situations that are based on national standards and best practices to keep children safe.
Redleaf Press Bridging the Relationship Gap: Connecting with Children Facing Adversity
Relationships play an important role in human development, especially in the first years of life. Bridging the Relationship Gap provides tools and encouragement to be the strong, positive, and nurturing adult these children need in order to thrive. Learn more about the factors that contribute to the achievement and relationship gap including ecological, biological, and cultural differences. Most importantly, find many tools and resources to help you more effectively deal with the tough situations and become each child's strongest ally. Softbound, 200 pgs. Age focus 0–8.
Redleaf Press Transitions with Infants and Toddlers
Transitions are an important part of your day with young children. Yet it can be challenging to make transitions smooth and developmentally appropriate. Like the popular Brain Insights cards, the Transitions with Infants and Toddlers card set provides fun-filled activities that children love while supporting brain development. Each laminated card set has 40 interactive, age-appropriate transition ideas and the brain insight to help explain the importance. The cards are easy to use and convenient to carry on the go.
Redleaf Press Hip on Health: Health Information for Caregivers and Families
Hip on Health is a collection of displayable mini-posters and reproducible one-page information sheets that provide accurate content on more than 135 key health, safety, and well-being topics. These tools will increase parent and caregiver knowledge, enhance communication with families, and serve as educational tools for the early childhood professionals you work with.The materials can be used in a variety of ways: Post on bulletin boards or display in common areas Distribute to families as needed Hand out at training events or family meetings Display in staff lounge as reminders and refreshers Incorporate in classrooms to encourage discussions about health with children Include as inserts in newsletters
Redleaf Press Make Early Learning Standards Come Alive: Connecting Your Practice and Curriculum to State Guidelines
Updated to reflect the continuing evolution of early learning standards, this book offers help and hints, support and clarification, and clear explanations of how you can make early learning standards come alive in your early childhood classroom or program. You'll find tools to communicate exactly how you are addressing children's learning as you plan for cognitive and foundational skill development, as well as suggestions to assess children's progress. Easy-to-read charts present information about each major content area or area of development and descriptions of what those standards might look like in classrooms. The charts also suggest activities and interactions to support a child as he or she makes the first attempts toward the standard, progresses toward it, and finally accomplishes the standard.New to this edition: A chapter focusing on Approaches to Learning standards The most recent information on early learning standards from across the country References to the Common Core State Standards and their relationship to early learning standards
Redleaf Press Teaching in the Digital Age for Preschool and Kindergarten: Enhancing Curriculum with Technology
Technology is moving faster than teachers and children can keep up with. Teaching in the Digital Age for Preschool and Kindergarten guides teachers toward integrating technology across the curriculum so it can have an authentic, meaningful, and developmentally appropriate impact on children’s exploration and learning. Full of strategies and stories, photographs and videos, this book provides a clear picture of how to integrate technology that will expand awareness and ignite the teacher’s excitement. This book will help teachers make well-informed decisions about when, how, and why they use technology and media with young children in preschool and kindergarten. Organized by discipline— including science, math, literacy, art, social studies, health and safety, physical education, and music it will motivate teachers to dig deeper into each area to see the many ways technology and digital media can support and strengthen children’s learning, as well as documentation and assessment.
Redleaf Press Safety: A Whole Health Curriculum for Young Children
Learning to lead a healthy lifestyle begins during the early years. Part of the Growing, Growing Strong series, this body care curriculum includes activities and background information to help children develop lifelong healthy habits. The earlier children learn about safety, the more naturally they will develop habits that lead to lifelong patterns of safe behaviour. These activities introduce topics - such as seat belt use, fire and burn prevention, and tobacco and alcohol awareness -in developmentally appropriate ways to help children take care of themselves. This book includes An overview of the safety topics covered in the curriculum Suggested interest area materials and supports for creating the learning environment Learning objectives and vocabulary words Suggestions for evaluating children's understanding of each safety topic More than 30 classroom activities Family information and take-home activities
Redleaf Press All in One Day
Follow along as an ordinary day in Mr. Walter's classroom turns into something unexpected. It's another day in Mr. Walter's classroom, and Ari and Blaine hatch a plan to put on a show. Throughout the day, their classmates join the fun and contribute new ideas. Finally, it's show time—and just in time for a special audience!This story showcases the routine of the day in one group-care setting. The book contains a page of information to help you connect the story to children's experiences, which makes it a great teaching tool for your classroom or child care setting.
Redleaf Press Connecting Animals and Children in Early Childhood
Animals appeal to children's curiosity, bring enthusiasm to their learning, and enrich their daily experiences. This book emphasizes the reasons why children's interactions and connections with animals are important, and it describes the valuable social-emotional development that results.It combines research, anecdotes, and a number of creative ideas that you can use to create authentic experiences for children. These ideas incorporate all kinds of animals in a variety of ways—including adaptations if live animals are not permitted in your setting.
Redleaf Press Family Child Care Marketing Guide
Maximize your family child care (daycare) program's enrollment and income with proven tips from Tom Copeland.Whether you are just starting out or have an established business, this resource provides the best marketing strategies for promoting your program and filling it to capacity - even during tough economic times. This second edition of Family Child Care Marketing Guide includes information to help you Identify and communicate the benefits of your program to prospective, current, and former clients Market your business using low-cost promotions, the Internet, and social media Network with professional organization and agencies Determine what rates you should charge Resolve common marketing issues and evaluate your marketing plan This guise also contains checklists, worksheets, and forms to complement your marketing plan.
Redleaf Press Challenging Exceptionally Bright Children in Early Childhood Classrooms
Support exceptionally bright children with strategies that challenge them to think with more complexity, depth, and creativityNearly every group of children includes at least one exceptionally bright child. From the especially creative child to the child who has already mastered learning outcomes to the ""twice exceptional"" child, exceptionally bright children have a wide range of talents and behaviors. This book will help you understand what it means to be exceptionally bright in preschool and prekindergarten and help you guide children to reach their full potential. It includes three broad strategies—differentiation, conversation, and connection—for creating rich and satisfying learning experiences that meet the needs of all children. Use these techniques to adapt your practices, challenge children to think more deeply, and create opportunities for children to learn from each other throughout your literacy, math, and science curricula. You will also learn assessment methods that can help you identify exceptionally bright children and techniques to support children's social-emotional development and strengthen your partnerships with families.When exceptionally bright children are supported and challenged, they will be more confident about their abilities to think and learn. And they will go on to make creative contributions to their future classroom communities.
Redleaf Press Beyond Behavior Management: The Six Life Skills Children Need
Why do children do the things they do? What can teachers do to manage it all? While there is not a simple method for understanding and managing all behaviours or all children, teachers can give young children the social and emotional tools needed to grow and thrive on their own. Developed and tested in the classroom, Beyond Behavior Management, is a strength-based approach to guiding and managing young children's behaviour by helping them build and use essential life skills—attachment, collaboration, self-regulation, adaptability, contribution, and belonging—into the daily life of the early childhood classroom. As a result, children will learn to exhibit more pro-social behaviours, work better as a community, and become excited and active learners. This edition includes two new chapters and content reflecting early learning standards, new research, cultural diversity, and strategies to strengthen the home-school connection. Discussion and reflection questions, exercises, journal assignments, child profile templates, a planning worksheet, and sample scripts are also included.
Redleaf Press Futurescan 2015-2020: Healthcare Trends and Implications
This highly respected annual guide to healthcare trends will help organizations plan for the future. In Futurescan 2015, a panel of industry thought leaders addresses eight key issues regarding healthcare change and transformation. The expert insight in these pages is supported by data from a survey of 496 healthcare leaders across the country.An essential tool for strategic planning, Futurescan 2015 examines these notable topics: Developing more cost-effective delivery systems; Seizing opportunities for transparency; Addressing the decline in reimbursement; Choosing a strategy for value-based competition; Achieving effective ambulatory-hospital integration; Gauging the impact of private insurance exchanges; Implementing advanced care planning; Adopting individualized medicine.
Redleaf Press Play: The Pathway from Theory to Practice
Play skills are life skills; as children develop them, they also learn important social skills that they will use throughout their lives. Teachers will find successful strategies for implementing changes in the classroom to enhance the environment for play and techniques to help support children’s development. This is the revised edition of the well-respected and relied-upon handbook Pathways to Play. Play contains activity ideas that encourage play skills, checklists to help identify where children are having problems, specific teaching strategies, and assessment options. This new edition also examines how play theory translates into practice.
Redleaf Press Transforming Your Outdoor Early Learning Environment
Transforming Your Outdoor Early Learning Environments invites center and home based educators to reimagine and reconstruct their image of conventional children’s play yards as they know them and to create beautiful outdoor learning spaces on a limited budget with natural elements and loose parts that offer children opportunity for irresistible engaging explorations. Ideas, inspiration, and benefits for changing outdoor environments are provided along with the basics for designing, transforming, and maintaining 11 specific outdoor play zones. Transforming Your Outdoor Early Learning Environment offers an approach that: Requires minimal financial resources Features loose parts and upcycled materials Integrates nature Includes inspiring photos of before and after transformations Offers design tips and material lists Describes how play in each area fosters children’s competencies, development, and learning in the areas of social and emotional, language and communication, cognitive, physical, and expressive arts
Redleaf Press The Joy of Movement: Lesson Plans and Large-Motor Activities for Preschoolers
Quick and easy large-motor movement activities for three- to six-year-olds to maximize development. The Joy of Movement is a preschool movement activity book with a therapeutic perspective. The combination of old and new games creates a purpose driven physical motor curriculum. Each activity has been kid tested. This well-organized and easy-to-use book includes fun, developmentally appropriate activities that foster physical development and build self-esteem. The activities are built around developmental motor milestones and are flexible enough to encourage skill development for a variety of learners.
Redleaf Press Are You Listening?: Fostering Conversations That Help Young Children Learn
Conversation is more than the exchange of words. For young children and their teachers, it is a natural learning tool that serves to deepen children's knowledge. Knowing when to listen and how to respond will help you strengthen children's social, cognitive, and language skills.Are You Listening? is about creating a culture of conversation to help young children learn. These child-centered teaching methods will help you make conversation a part of your classroom's daily routine and engage children in actively building their understandings of the world around them.
Redleaf Press The Original Learning Approach
The Original Learning Approach is a new reflective practice that can be applied to any pedagogical method, philosophy, or context. Influenced by the Reggio Emilia Approach and AnjiPlay, The Original Learning Approach facilitates observation, imitation, and practice for learning through play. By incorporating wonder, curiosity, joy, knowledge, imagination, interaction, risk, time, reflection, and listening into children's play, this teaching lens will help early childhood professionals nurture continuous lifelong learners.With questions, reflections, and stories of practice, The Original Learning Approach will help child care providers create a range of inclusive types of play and play experiences focused on interacting with people, materials, nature, the indoors, time, and the children themselves. Cultivate learning in your program that allows children to learn naturally and at their own pace.
Redleaf Press Loose Parts 3: Inspiring Culturally Sustainable Environments
Loose Parts cross the boundaries of gender, age, abilities, and socioeconomic challenges. Loose Parts 3, the newest addition to the wildly popular Loose Parts series, helps teachers make a conscious effort to create culturally sustainable environments that allow children to grow and to conquer a dynamic world.Over 400 full-colour photographs beautifully illustrate the ongoing need for educational pedagogy that: creates a sense of belonging supports children's identities is culturally responsive and sustainable Loose Parts 3 contains inspiration and guidance on how to create culturally sensitive and culturally sustainable early childhood environments through six key terms: aesthetic, authenticity, equity, dynamic, praxis, and critical reflection. Use your environment to promote a sense of wonder, curiosity and joy, and allow children to explore their identities.*2018 Foreword Reviews Indies Finalist in the Education category.