Search results for ""author jochen""
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Drben und drben Zwei deutsche Kindheiten
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Drben und drben Zwei deutsche Kindheiten
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Anatomie und Physiologie
Julius Beltz GmbH Unterrichtsrezepte
C.H. Beck Taxation of Enterprises in Germany
C.H. Beck Phlox
Eulenspiegel Verlag Rotkppchen und andere Mrchen fr Erwachsene
Kohlhammer Der Gruppenfuhrer Im Hilfeleistungseinsatz
Thieme Publishing Group Orthopedic Manual Therapy: Assessment and Management
Proven and effective orthopedic therapy techniques for musculoskeletal disorders Orthopedic Manual Therapy presents a systematic, step-by-step guide to manual therapy for disorders of the extremities and spine. Readers will find detailed examination and treatment techniques, the newest scientific and clinical advances, and updates on pain physiology, biomechanics, neurodynamics, and the biopsychosocial model of disease as the foundation for manual therapy. Special Features Describes every procedure in well structured, logical sequences of assessment, classification, and intervention, including core questions for patients Covers examination and treatment of all joints, from the toes to the shoulder girdle, with new information on the sacro-iliac joint tests, as well as additional new techniques for the wrist and the hindfoot Provides more than 500 full-color, step-by-step photographs that illustrate every technique for treating functional disorders of the locomotor system Explains the important topic of arthrokinematics (movement of the adjacent joint surfaces) and its role in the mechanics of manual therapy Offers a practical documentation template for recording each articulation and communicating findings to colleagues or physicians Access to 20 instructive videos on the Thieme MediaCenter that demonstrate procedures in real-life clinical situations Complete with case studies, checklists, and study questions, this practical, didactic book is ideal as both a textbook and a reference. Students and practitioners of physical and manual therapy will find it essential for gaining the knowledge and decision-making skills to treat any musculoskeletal disorder related to posture and movement.
Taylor & Francis The Military Orders Volume VI Set
Forty papers link the study of the military ordersâ cultural life and output with their involvement in political and social conflicts during the medieval and early modern period. Divided into two volumes, focusing on the Eastern Mediterranean and Europe respectively, the collection brings together the most up-to-date research by experts from fifteen countries on a kaleidoscope of relevant themes and issues, thus offering a broad-ranging and at the same time very detailed study of the subject.
CRC Press Central America Two Volume Set
An integrated treatment of the principal fields of classical and applied geosciences of Central America, this authoritative two-volume monograph treats the region as a whole, exploring geology, earth resources and geo-hazards across political boundaries. It reviews the published literature, and supplements it with an abundance of information from ongoing investigations and internal reports.The compendium is a result of four yearsâ collaborative work by the editors and more than ninety experts from eighteen countries. It is aimed at professionals, academics and students in the fields of geology, geography, biology, and engineering at the local, regional and international level. In a region which is rich in geological resources and where natural disasters are frequent, the monograph is a solid base for local and international institutions concerned with land-use, infrastructure, water and energy resources, and mining, as well as with hazard reduction and disaster prevention.
Pennsylvania State University Press Grand Themes: Emanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, and American History Painting
First exhibited at the Stuyvesant Hall in New York in 1851, Emanuel Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware captured the imagination of many Americans searching for national symbols in a time of sectionalism and disunity. Despite Leutze’s aspirations, the exhibition became an opportunity for critics of history painting to stake their positions. As suggested by the book’s title, Leutze’s epic painting is a touchstone in the evolution of American history painting. It represents a triumphant climax of the American adoption of the Grand Manner, inherited from eighteenth-century English painting, and portends its seemingly inevitable demise. From the painting’s gargantuan size, which fitted it only for a grand, public setting, to its focus on an already deified public hero, Leutze’s painting presumed a cultural as well as a political consensus—a consensus that proved illusory at best. Emanuel Leutze was arguably the most prominent American history painter of his time, and Jochen Wierich argues that Leutze’s work became the locus of contemporary debates surrounding the nature of history painting and its future.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Secret Places: 100 Undiscovered Travel Destinations around the World
Secret Places offers insider tips on extraordinary but less-traveled destinations worldwide! In a post-pandemic world, people are eager to travel again. Yet, popular vacation destinations are far less appealing than they once were. This book is a much-needed alternative to overcrowded tourist spots and perfect for planning your crowd-free vacation. Readers are invited on an exciting journey of discovery: to the Stone Age on the Vega Archipelago, on a cart through Bagan, or on a hike in the Hajar Mountains. The list of over 100 destinations includes natural wonders such as the Chocolate Hills on the Philippine island of Bohol, and architectural wonders such as the Sun Miracle at Abu Simbel. Includes helpful suggestions and insights for any aspiring world travelers. Almost 500 lush, full-color images. This substantial book does what most travel books don't—offers insider tips on places that are a bit hidden away but still offer a fantastic experience. Inspiring photographs
Books on Demand Blah Blah Fishcake
Marix Verlag Der DeutschFranzsische Krieg 187071
Claudius Verlag GmbH Bilder von Bildung
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Wahrgenommene Individualitat: Eine Theologie Der Lebensfuhrung
Oxford University Press Civil War in Central Europe, 1918-1921: The Reconstruction of Poland
The First World War did not end in Central Europe in November 1918. The armistices marked the creation of the Second Polish Republic and the first shot of the Central European Civil War which raged from 1918 to 1921. The fallen German, Russian, and Austrian Empires left in their wake lands with peoples of mixed nationalities and ethnicities. These lands soon became battle grounds and the ethno-political violence that ensued forced those living within them to decide on their national identity. Civil War in Central Europe seeks to challenge previous notions that such conflicts which occurred between the First and Second World Wars were isolated incidents and argues that they should be considered as part of a European war; a war which transformed Poland into a nation.
Kohl Verlag Wochenplan Englisch 5
Kohl Verlag Wochenplan Rechtschreibung Klasse 7
Kohl Verlag Wochenplan Rechtschreibung Klasse 5
Oertel Und Spoerer GmbH Hurlebaus jagt den Fälscher
Oertel Und Spoerer GmbH Albwolf Schwabenkrimi
Henrich Editionen Neues Altes Frankfurt Die Altstadt in Touren und Ausblicken
Edition Nautilus Das Beste was wir hatten
Edition Nautilus Abschied von den Diskursteilnehmern
Edition Nautilus Adorno wohnt hier nicht mehr Erzhlungen
Wolke Verlagsges. Mbh Spielen Sie Stockhausen wie Beethoven
Wolke Verlagsges. Mbh Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Auf der Suche nach dem Vollkommenen
DVS Media GmbH Aufgaben und Verantwortung einer Schweißaufsicht
Lexxion Verlag Naturschutzrecht in der Praxis
Dpunkt.Verlag GmbH Software Engineering
BOOKS4SUCCESS Die ganze Wahrheit über Erfolg
BOOKS4SUCCESS Ich verdiene mehr
Snoeck Publishing Company Eva Berendes Thoughts and Feelings
Tulipan Verlag Spackos in Space
Graefe und Unzer Verlag Das Geheimnis der Spiegelung
Berliner Taschenbuch Verl Im Taxi Eine Deutschlandreise
UTB GmbH Lebensmitteltechnologie
Herder Verlag GmbH Martin Walser