Search results for ""author franklin"
Whitman Publishing Guide Book of Franklin, Kenndy Half Dollars 4th Edition
Nomad Press The Science and Technology of Ben Franklin
Penguin Putnam Inc Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Political Life
John Blake Publishing Ltd The Grim Sleeper - Talking with America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, Lonnie Franklin: Talking with America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, Lonnie Franklin
During the mid-1980s, a brutal killing spree began in Los Angeles as several women were murdered, having been sexually assaulted and shot in the chest with a .25 calibre gun. The man responsible was Lonnie David Franklin Jr. However, his identity wouldn't be revealed for almost thirty years, by which time he had become one of America's most prolific serial killers.At the time, Los Angeles was a city struggling under the weight of racial inequalities and a crack cocaine epidemic that was sweeping through its most deprived areas. Many in the communities of South Central felt that this caused a lack of interest on the part of the LAPD in properly investigating the these murders. In 2010, Franklin's escape from justice finally came to an end, and he was eventually convicted of the killings of nine women and one teenage girl in 2016, although it is suspected that he could be responsible for killing many, many more.In this book, investigative journalist Victoria Redstall delves into the mind of America's most notorious serial killer to discover the truth, in his own words, behind his appalling actions as well as speaking to neighbours, family members, victims' family members and police connected to the case. By visiting Franklin in prison and gaining his trust, she allows Franklin to reveal a terrifying lack of empathy for the victims whose lives he so brutally ended. This is a chilling and fascinating look into the crimes of the Grim Sleeper.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Rightful Heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt And The Land Of America
Little, Brown & Company Ben And Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin by His Good Mouse Amos
Did you ever wonder where inventors get their ideas? Benjamin Franklin was one of the most famous inventors in American history, and according to this amusing book, he got most of his ideas--the good ones at any rate-from a mouse! Funny, interesting and wise, Ben and Me is a classic American story that has been read by generations of young people. Once you've met Amos the mouse, you'll always remember Benjamin Franklin a little differently than the history books do.
Compass Point Books The Real Benjamin Franklin: The Truth Behind the Legend
Princeton University Press The Juggler: Franklin Roosevelt as Wartime Statesman
Here Warren Kimball explores Roosevelt's vision of the postwar world by laying out the nature and development of FDR's "war aims"--his long-range political goals. As the face of eastern Europe and the world changes before our eyes, Roosevelt's goals, dismissed during the Cold War as impractical, seem less unrealistic today.
Random House USA Inc Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Christian and a Democrat: A Religious Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas Advising the President Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and Franklin D. Roosevelt
It is broadly understood that an American president might test the limits of the law in extraordinary circumstances - and does so with advice from legal counsel. Advising the President is an exploration of this process, viewed through the experience of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Robert H. Jackson on the eve of World War II.
McGill-Queen's University Press Unravelling the Franklin Mystery: Inuit Testimony, Second Edition: Volume 5
David Woodman's classic reconstruction of the mysterious events surrounding the tragic Franklin expedition has taken on new importance in light of the recent discovery of the HMS Erebus wreck, the ship Sir John Franklin sailed on during his doomed 1845 quest to find the Northwest Passage to Asia. First published in 1991, Unravelling the Franklin Mystery boldly challenged standard interpretations and offered a new and compelling alternative. Among the many who have tried to discover the truth behind the Franklin disaster, Woodman was the first to recognize the profound importance of Inuit oral testimony and to analyze it in depth. From his investigations, Woodman concluded that the Inuit likely visited Franklin's ships while the crew was still on board and that there were some Inuit who actually saw the sinking of one of the ships. Much of the Inuit testimony presented here had never before been published, and it provided Woodman with the pivotal clue in his reconstruction of the puzzle of the Franklin disaster. Unravelling the Franklin Mystery is a compelling and impressive inquiry into a part of Canadian history that for one hundred and seventy years left many questions unanswered. In this edition, a new preface by the author addresses the recent discovery and reviews the work done in the intervening years on various aspects of the Franklin story, by Woodman and others, as it applies to the book's initial premise of the book that Inuit testimony holds the key to unlocking the mystery.
Vergangenheitsverlag Das Klinikum Benjamin Franklin als Politikum
University of Illinois Press Franklin D. Roosevelt: The War Years, 1939-1945
Having guided the nation through the worst economic crisis in its history, Franklin Delano Roosevelt by 1939 was turning his attention to a world on the brink of war. The second part of Roger Daniels's biography focuses on FDR's growing mastery in foreign affairs. Relying on FDR's own words to the American people and eyewitness accounts of the man and his accomplishments, Daniels reveals a chief executive orchestrating an immense wartime effort. Roosevelt had effective command of military and diplomatic information and unprecedented power over strategic military and diplomatic affairs. He simultaneously created an arsenal of democracy that armed the Allies while inventing the United Nations intended to ensure a lasting postwar peace. FDR achieved these aims while expanding general prosperity, limiting inflation, and continuing liberal reform despite an increasingly conservative and often hostile Congress. Although fate robbed him of the chance to see the victory he had never doubted, events in 1944 assured him that the victory he had done so much to bring about would not be long delayed. A compelling reconsideration of Roosevelt the president and campaigner, The War Years, 1939-1945 provides new views and vivid insights about a towering figure--and six years that changed the world.
Delphinium Books The Franklin Avenue Rookery for Wayward Babies
Random House USA Inc Young Benjamin Franklin: The Birth of Ingenuity
University of Tennessee Press To the Battles of Franklin and Nashville and Beyond
Arcadia Publishing Lanesville and Franklin Township Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Random House USA Inc His Final Battle: The Last Months of Franklin Roosevelt
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation The Kirk Franklin Collection Piano Vocal Guitar
WW Norton & Co Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition
Ice Ghosts weaves together the epic story of the Lost Franklin Expedition of 1845—whose two ships and crew of 129 were lost to the Arctic ice—with the tale of the incredible discovery of the flagship’s wreck in 2014. Paul Watson, who was on the icebreaker that led the discovery expedition, tells a fast-paced historical adventure story: Sir John Franklin and the crew of the HMS Erebus and Terror setting off in search of the fabled Northwest Passage, the hazards they encountered and the reasons they were forced to abandon ship hundreds of miles from the nearest outpost of civilization, and the decades of searching that exposed rumours of cannibalism and a few scattered papers and bones—until a combination of Inuit lore and the latest science yielded a discovery for the ages.
Edinburgh University Press Tacit Alliance: Franklin Roosevelt and the Anglo-American 'Special Relationship' Before Churchill, 1937-1939
Locates the immediate origins of the Anglo-American 'special relationship' in the diplomacy of Roosevelt's administration Provides the most detailed coverage of Anglo-American relations from 1937 1939 Focuses on the role of Franklin Roosevelt as the central figure in Anglo-American relations at this time Shows how Roosevelt's key speeches plot the development of his attitude towards the US's relationship with Britain Considers the importance of economic diplomacy in Anglo-American relations Looks at the role played by Canada in the making of the 'special relationship' In February 1938, Senator William Borah, an inveterate isolationist, accused the Roosevelt Administration of forming a 'tacit alliance' with Britain. Taking Borah's remark as its starting point, Tony McCulloch analyses Anglo-American relations from the start of Franklin D. Roosevelt's second term in January 1937 through to the outbreak of war in Europe and the revision of the US Neutrality Act in November 1939. Despite the mutual doubts afflicting the governments and public opinion on both sides of the Atlantic during these years, McCulloch argues that thanks largely to Franklin Roosevelt there was considerable progress in establishing an ideological and strategic understanding between the two democracies. This laid the foundation for the 'special relationship' so desired by Winston Churchill during and after the Second World War.
Peachtree Publishers,U.S. The Amazing Mr. Franklin: Or the Boy Who Read Everything
University of Tennessee Press The Western Confederacy's Final Gamble: From Atlanta to Franklin to Nashville
After Major General William Tecumseh Sherman’s forces ravaged Atlanta in 1864, Ulysses S. Grant urged him to complete the primary mission Grant had given him: to destroy the Confederate Army in Georgia. Attempting to draw the Union army north, General John Bell Hood’s Confederate forces focused their attacks on Sherman’s supply line, the railroad from Chattanooga, and then moved across north Alabama and into Tennessee. As Sherman initially followed Hood’s men to protect the railroad, Hood hoped to lure the Union forces out of the lower South and, perhaps more important, to recapture the long-occupied city of Nashville.Though Hood managed to cut communication between Sherman and George H. Thomas’s Union forces by placing his troops across the railroads south of the city, Hood’s men were spread over a wide area and much of the Confederate cavalry was in Murfreesboro. Hood’s army was ultimately routed. Union forces pursued the Confederate troops for ten days until they recrossed the Tennessee River. The decimated Army of Tennessee (now numbering only about 15,000) retreated into northern Alabama and eventually Mississippi. Hood requested to be relieved of his command. Less than four months later, the war was over.Written in a lively and engaging style, The Western Confederacy's Final Gamble presents new interpretations of the critical issues of the battle. James Lee McDonough sheds light on how the Union army stole past the Confederate forces at Spring Hill and their subsequent clash, which left six Confederate generals dead. He offers insightful analysis of John Bell Hood’s overconfidence in his position and of the leadership and decision-making skills of principal players such as Sherman, George Henry Thomas, John M. Schofield, Hood, and others.McDonough’s subjects, both common soldiers and officers, present their unforgettable stories in their own words. Unlike most earlier studies of the battle of Nashville, McDonough’s account examines the contributions of black Union regiments and gives a detailed account of the battle itself as well as its place in the overall military campaign. Filled with new information from important primary sources and fresh insights, Nashville will become the definitive treatment of a crucial battleground of the Civil War.
Chicago Review Press Franklin Delano Roosevelt for Kids: His Life and Times with 21 Activities
Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s enduring legacy upon the history, culture, politics, and economics of the United States is introduced to children in this engaging activity book. Kids will learn how FDR, a member of one of the founding families of the New World, led the nation through the darkest days of the Great Depression and World War II as 32nd U.S. President. This book examines the Roosevelt family—including famous cousin Teddy Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt—as well as FDR’s early political career and subsequent 12 years in office during some of the most fascinating and turbulent times in American history. Interspersed throughout are first-hand accounts from the people who knew FDR and remember him well. Children will also learn how his personal struggles with polio and his physical disability strengthened FDR's compassion and resolve. In addition, kids will explore Roosevelt's entire era through such hands-on activities as staging a fireside chat, designing a WPA-style mural, sending a double encoded message, hosting a swing dance party, and participating in a political debate.
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale Franklin Smoke: Wood. Fire. Food. [A Cookbook]
Johns Hopkins University Press When Benjamin Franklin Met the Reverend Whitefield: Enlightenment, Revival, and the Power of the Printed Word
In the 1740s, two quite different developments revolutionized Anglo-American life and thought-the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening. This book takes an encounter between the paragons of each movement-the printer and entrepreneur Benjamin Franklin and the British-born revivalist George Whitefield-as an opportunity to explore the meaning of the beginnings of modern science and rationality on one hand and evangelical religious enthusiasm on the other. There are people who both represent the times in which they live and change them for the better. Franklin and Whitefield were two such men. The morning that they met, they formed a long and lucrative partnership: Whitefield provided copies of his journals and sermons, Franklin published them. So began one of the most unique, mutually profitable, and influential friendships in early American history. By focusing this study on Franklin and Whitefield, Peter Charles Hoffer defines with great precision the importance of the Anglo-American Atlantic World of the eighteenth century in American history. With a swift and persuasive narrative, Hoffer introduces readers to the respective life story of each man, examines in engaging detail the central themes of their early writings, and concludes with a description of the last years of their collaboration. Franklin's and Whitefield's intellectual contributions reach into our own time, making Hoffer's readable and enjoyable account of these extraordinary men and their extraordinary friendship relevant today. Also in the Witness to History series The Huron-Wendat Feast of the Dead: Indian-European Encounters in Early North America by Erik R. Seeman King Philip's War: Colonial Expansion, Native Resistance, and the End of Indian Sovereignty by Daniel R. Mandell The Caning of Charles Sumner: Honor, Idealism, and the Origins of the Civil War by Williamjames Hull Hoffer Bloodshed at Little Bighorn: Sitting Bull, Custer, and the Destinies of Nations by Tim Lehman
Random House USA Inc The Master and Margarita: Introduction by Simon Franklin
Arcadia Publishing Franklin Township Hunterdon County Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Capstone Global Library Ltd Benjamin Franklin and the Discovery of Electricity: Separating Fact from Fiction
In 1752, the sky in Philadelphia in the USA darkened. A thunderstorm was coming. Benjamin Franklin was ready to perform an experiment. He wanted to show the electrical nature of lightning. His experiment was a success, but he didn’t discover electricity that day. Myths about Franklin and his experiment have been told for years. Discover what’s real and what’s fiction through infographics, primary sources and expertly levelled text.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Preserver of Spirit & Hope
Libros del Kultrum Aretha Franklin: Apología Y Martirologio de la Reina del Soul
Johns Hopkins University Press Secret Affairs: Franklin Roosevelt, Cordell Hull, and Sumner Welles
Originally published in 1995. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was paralyzed from the waist down, but he concealed the extent of his disability from a public that was never permitted to see him in a wheelchair. FDR's Secretary of State was old and frail, debilitated by a highly contagious and usually fatal disease that was as closely guarded a state secret as his wife's Jewish ancestry. The undersecretary was a pompous and aloof man who married three times but, when intoxicated, preferred sex with railroad porters, shoeshine boys, and cabdrivers. These three legendary figures—Franklin Roosevelt, Cordell Hull, and Sumner Welles—not only concealed such secrets for more than a decade but did so while directing United States foreign policy during some of the most perilous events in the nation's history. Irwin Gellman brings to light startling new information about the intrigues, deceptions, and behind-the-scenes power struggles that influenced America's role in World War II and left their mark on world events, for good or ill, in the half-century that followed. Gellman had unprecedented access to previously unavailable documents, including Hull's confidential medical records, unpublished manuscripts of Drew Pearson and R. Walton Moore, and Sumner Welles's FBI file. Gellman concludes that while Roosevelt, Hull, and Welles usually agreed on foreign policy matters, the events that molded each man's character remained a mystery to the others. Their failure to cope with their secret affairs—to subordinate their personal concerns to the higher good of the nation—eventually destroyed much of what they hoped would be their legacy. Roosevelt never explained his objectives to his vice president, Harry Truman, or to anyone else. Hull never groomed a successor, and Welles kept his foreign assignations as classified as his sexual orientation. Gellman tells the dramatic story of how three Americans—despite private demons and bitter animosities—could work together to lead their nation to victory against fascism.—William T. Walker, Presidential Studies Quarterly
Rockridge Press The Story of Benjamin Franklin: A Biography Book for New Readers
Greystone Books Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition
Princeton University Press Empire for Liberty: A History of American Imperialism from Benjamin Franklin to Paul Wolfowitz
How could the United States, a nation founded on the principles of liberty and equality, have produced Abu Ghraib, torture memos, Plamegate, and warrantless wiretaps? Did America set out to become an empire? And if so, how has it reconciled its imperialism--and in some cases, its crimes--with the idea of liberty so forcefully expressed in the Declaration of Independence? Empire for Liberty tells the story of men who used the rhetoric of liberty to further their imperial ambitions, and reveals that the quest for empire has guided the nation's architects from the very beginning--and continues to do so today. Historian Richard Immerman paints nuanced portraits of six exceptional public figures who manifestly influenced the course of American empire: Benjamin Franklin, John Quincy Adams, William Henry Seward, Henry Cabot Lodge, John Foster Dulles, and Paul Wolfowitz. Each played a pivotal role as empire builder and, with the exception of Adams, did so without occupying the presidency. Taking readers from the founding of the republic to the Global War on Terror, Immerman shows how each individual's influence arose from a keen sensitivity to the concerns of his times; how the trajectory of American empire was relentless if not straight; and how these shrewd and powerful individuals shaped their rhetoric about liberty to suit their needs. But as Immerman demonstrates in this timely and provocative book, liberty and empire were on a collision course. And in the Global War on Terror and the occupation of Iraq, they violently collided.
Phoenix International Publications, Incorporated It's Her Story Rosalind Franklin A Graphic Novel
Pebble Books Benjamin Franklin: The Man Behind the Lightning Rod
Random House USA Inc Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto [A Cookbook]
Capstone Press, Incorporated Benjamin Franklin: The Man Behind the Lightning Rod
Nova Science Publishers Inc Franklin B Pierce: The Twilight of Jacksonian Democracy
MT - University of Pennsylvania Press The Diplomacy of Independence Benjamin Franklin Documents in the Archives of Spain
MP-OKL Uni of Oklahoma So Long for Now A Sailors Letters from the USS Franklin
Reconstructs the lost world of a sailor's daily life in World War II. This moving work poignantly confronts the horrors of war, giving voice to a young sailor, the country he served, the family and friends he left behind, and the hope that has sustained them.
The Library of America Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings (LOA #37b)
University of British Columbia Press First Nations, Museums, Narrations: Stories of the 1929 Franklin Motor Expedition to the Canadian Prairies
When the Franklin Motor Expedition set out across the Canadian Prairies to collect First Nations artifacts, brutal assimilation policies threatened to decimate these cultures and extensive programs of ethnographic salvage were in place. Despite having only three members, the expedition amassed the largest single collection of Prairie heritage items currently held in a British museum.In this book, Alison K. Brown draws together the multiple narratives that make up this encounter, consulting descendants of the collectors and members of the affected First Nations and reviewing both expedition images and the artifacts themselves. In doing so, she explores the context within which the collection was made as well as the complex relationships between museums, anthropologists, and First Nations.Accessibly written and vigorously researched, First Nations, Museums, Narrations raises timely questions about the role of collections in the twenty-first century and considers the way forward for indigenous peoples and the museums that house their cultural treasures.
Edinburgh University Press Tacit Alliance: Franklin Roosevelt and the Anglo-American 'Special Relationship' before Churchill, 1937-1939
Locates the immediate origins of the Anglo-American 'special relationship' in the diplomacy of Roosevelt's second administration in the late 1930s. In February 1938 Senator William Borah, an inveterate isolationist, accused the Roosevelt Administration of forming a 'tacit alliance' with Britain. Taking Borah's remark as its starting point, Tony McCulloch analyses Anglo-American relations from the start of Franklin D. Roosevelt's second term in January 1937 through to the outbreak of war in Europe and the revision of the US Neutrality Act in November 1939. The book's central argument is that despite the mutual doubts afflicting the governments, and public opinion, on both sides of the Atlantic during these years, there was nevertheless considerable progress thanks largely to Franklin Roosevelt in establishing an ideological and strategic understanding between the two democracies which laid the foundation for the 'special relationship' so desired by Winston Churchill during and after the Second World War.