Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Towards a Multiversity?: Universities between Global Trends and National Traditions
All over the world new ideas and models emerge on how to organize the higher education sector and its institutions. The contributions in this volume identify the most influential transnational models and investigate their origins and mechanisms of dissemination as well as the resulting consequences for national systems. Will global trends in higher education lead to homogeneity or will they result in an increased differentiation? This question is addressed by higher education researchers with very different disciplinary and national backgrounds.Contributors are, among others, Jürgen Enders, John W. Meyer, Christine Musselin and Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson.
Transcript Verlag Islam in Process: Historical and Civilizational Perspectives (Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam 7)
The articles included in this Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam are focused on two perspectives: Some link the comparative analysis of Islam to ongoing debates on the Axial Age and its role in the formation of major civilizational complexes, while others are more concerned with the historical constellations and sources involved in the formation of Islam as a religion and a civilization. More than any other particular line of inquiry, new historical and sociological approaches to the Axial Age revived the idea of comparative civilizational analysis and channeled it into more specific projects. A closer look at the very problematic place of Islam in this context will help to clarify questions about the Axial version of civilizational theory as well as issues in Islamic studies and sociological approaches to modern Islam. Contributors among others: Said Arjomand, Shmuel N. Eisenstadt, Josef van Ess and Raif G. Khoury.
Transcript Verlag Childhood and Migration – From Experience to Agency
This volume puts an emphasis on the question how children themselves experience and manage migration and by means of which they construct an identity for themselves which takes into account their experiences from both their places of origin and their host societies. What role does the cultural background of the society of origin on the one hand and the strategies of integration found in the host society on the other play in the creation of identity and of a concept of home, origin and belonging? How do children express processes of cultural orientation and integration (music, media, fashion, style) and what role do peer groups and social milieus play in this regard? How do migrant children experience xenophobia and a lack of acceptance on the side of the host society and how do they counter-balance such experiences? The approach taken is both comparative and interdisciplinary, the contributors having different theoretical and methodological backgrounds, the contributions dealing with different social and cultural settings both with regard to place of origin and host society.
transcript Verlag Law in Conflict
transcript Verlag Spaces for Shaping the Nation
transcript Verlag The MultiSided Ethnographer
Transcript Verlag Sponsorship Culture in the German University Popular Music Festival Market
Music festivals have become important events for people to experience music collectively and take a break from their everyday lives. Companies and institutions like to use music festivals as opportunities for advertising their products and services through sponsorship. Dominik Nösner examines professional stakeholder's assessments of the market as well as patterns of existing procedural elements of sponsorship culture, factors determining existing communication and decision-making culture and interrelations between sponsors and audience with emphasis on university popular music festivals. Building on that, he further explores motivational constructs for popular music festival attendance via a survey study.
Transcript Verlag Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge: Vol. 3, No. 5/2023: Collaborations: Rethinking Architectural Design
?Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge? is an academic journal in, on, and from the discipline of architecture, addressing the creation, constitution, and transmission of architectural knowledge. It explores methods genuine to the discipline and architectural modes of interdisciplinary methodological adaptions. Processes, procedures, and results of knowledge creation and practice are esteemed coequally, with particular attention to the architectural design and epistemologies of aesthetic practice and research.?Collaborations: Rethinking Architectural Design?, Issue 05/2023, explores how collaboration impacts the processes, tools, and methods of design by examining the conditions of its integration into architectural practice and discourse. The contributors initiate a dialogue between theory and practice through visual essays, reports from teaching activities, theoretical reflections on the topic, and critical depictions of case studies.
Transcript Verlag Informal Transactions of Low Income Houses in South Africa: A Case Study of eThekwini Municipality
Through a series of intricate informal processes and human-centric institutional arrangements, beneficiaries of South African government-subsidized housing force formally registered properties into informality. Sandile Mbatha explores the concept of informality in relation to how such beneficiaries challenge predominant understandings of property relations. These practices are embedded in complex urban tenure dynamics that prevail in post-colonial societies; societies, in which the state's imposition of predominantly western forms of tenure and property rights ignore the anthropological nature of housing.
Transcript Verlag Mental Health | Atmospheres | Video Games: New Directions in Game Research II
Gaming has never been disconnected from reality. When we engage with ever more lavish virtual worlds, something happens to us. The game imposes itself on us and influences how we feel about it, the world, and ourselves. How do games accomplish this and to what end? The contributors explore the video game as an atmospheric medium of hitherto unimagined potential. Is the medium too powerful, too influential? A danger to our mental health or an ally through even the darkest of times? This volume compiles papers from the Young Academics Workshop at the Clash of Realities conferences of 2019 and 2020 to provide answers to these questions.
Transcript Verlag Global Authoritarianism: Perspectives and Contestations from the South
We are witnessing a worldwide resurgence of reactionary nationalist, religious, racist, and antifeminist ideologies and movements, as well as a rapid process of global de-democratization. Nevertheless, most studies remain tied to a methodological nationalism, while comparative research is almost exclusively limited to European countries and the USA. But authoritarian transformations in the Global South and the struggles against them have not only been at least as dramatic as in the North, they also often date back longer - and have been studied and theorized by Southern scholars for many years. Twenty scholar-activists from the Global South show in their in-depth studies how national processes of authoritarian capitalism have undermined political systems on a global scale.
Transcript Verlag Just ›A Machine for Doing Business‹?: Sociomaterial Configurations of the Intranet in a Post-merger Telecommunications Company
How is a new intranet involved in an ongoing merger integration process? Katja Schönian analyses internal communication and branding strategies in connection with the implementation of a new company intranet. Based on qualitative data, the study contrasts managerial expectations and everyday usage of the intranet in distinct work settings. Relying on social practice theories and research in Science & Technology Studies, Katja Schönian unpacks the different logics the intranet brings together and, furthermore, interrogates the characteristics that make an (un-)workable technology. The book sheds light on the informal practices and politics surrounding the technology implementation process. It provides readers with new insights into the dynamics of a merger integration process and the increasing digitalization of contemporary knowledge work.
Transcript Verlag Guides of the Atlas: An Ethnography of Publicness, Transnational Cooperation and Mountain Tourism in Morocco
How do digital media technologies shape or restructure social practice? And which transitions and demarcations of different forms of publicness arise in this context? Simon Holdermann examines this question in his ethnography of everyday life in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. In order to approach the ongoing, historically situated social transformations of the region, he analyses a variety of media practices concerning the organizational work and transnational cooperation that take place there - in particular at the intersection of mountain tourism, NGO work, and local self-government.
Transcript Verlag Affective Worldmaking: Narrative Counterpublics of Gender and Sexuality
What makes up a public, what governs dominant discourses, and in which ways can counterpublics be created through narrative? This edited collection brings together essays on affect and narrative theory with a focus on the topics of gender and sexuality. It explores the power of narrative in literature, film, art, performance, and mass media, the construction of subjectivities of gender and sexuality, and the role of affect in times of crisis. By combining theoretical, literary, and analytical texts, the contributors offer methodological impulses and reflect on the possibilities and limitations of affect theory in cultural studies.
Transcript Verlag Global Curriculum Development: How to Redesign U.S. Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century
How can higher education empower students as agents of the social transformations that our societies need so urgently? Linn Friedrichs connects John Dewey's education theory, current research on globalization, and inclusive curriculum design approaches to propose a new educational model for our age of complexity, crisis, and innovation. Drawing lessons from NYU's efforts to globalize its research, pedagogy, and social impact, she presents building blocks for a new curricular core that is structured around the key challenges of our time and the competencies of "complexity resilience". It becomes the essential foundation for action-oriented partnerships across cultural, disciplinary, generational, and institutional boundaries.
Transcript Verlag Tensional Responsiveness: Ecosomatic Aliveness and Sensitivity with Human and More-than
How we sense and move our bodies shapes how we relate with each other. Current socio-economic practices are reducing generative qualities of relating. Doerte Weig shows how bodily capacities for sensitive tensional responsiveness are relevant to (re)generative cultures, the future of work, lifelong learning, sharing, healing and well-being. She draws together her own experience of living with Baka egalitarian foragers in North-Eastern Gabon, her corporate experience, and her studies on bodying, somatics and our connective tissue-system fascia. Interweaving neurophysiological shifting-sliding with a radically different ecosystemic awareness opens up potentials for bodying beyond current legal and political limits into enchantingly vibrant and ecosomatically alive futures.
Transcript Verlag Lexicon of Global Melodrama
This new go-to reference book for global melodrama assembles contributions by experts from a wide range of disciplines, including cultural studies, film and media studies, gender and queer studies, political science, and postcolonial studies. The melodramas covered in this volume range from early 20th century silent movies to contemporary films, from independent "arthouse" productions to Hollywood blockbusters. The comprehensive overview of global melodramatic film in the Lexicon constitutes a valuable resource for scholars and practitioners of film, teachers, film critics, and anyone who is interested in the past and present of melodramatic film on a global scale. The Lexicon of Global Melodrama includes essays on All That Heaven Allows, Bombay, Casablanca, Die Büchse der Pandora, In the Mood for Love, Nosotros los Pobres, Terra Sonâmbula, and Tokyo Story.
Transcript Verlag The Post-Socialist Internet: How Labor, Geopolitics and Critique Produce the Internet in Lithuania
How is the Internet produced as an infrastructure in post-socialist Lithuania? Migle Bareikyte contributes to the growing field of STS and media studies with a distinct focus on Eastern Europe. She situates the Internet development in Lithuania's telecom industry with the exploration of its labor practices, geopolitical imaginaries, and critical negotiations from a bottom-up perspective. Bareikyte further explores how fieldwork-based research can foster new theorizations of media infrastructures. Finally, she argues for a situated investigation of new places and actors beyond the United States and Western Europe-such as post-socialist regions-in order to explore the diversity of media infrastructures.
Transcript Verlag Brokering Development?: The Private Sector and Unalleviated Poverty in Tanzanias Agricultural Growth Corridors
Recent portrayals of the private sector as the engine of poverty alleviation in Africa's agricultural growth corridors have sparked critique by scholars and activists alike. Land acquisitions by investors are the most criticized, but the private sector engages in corridors in other ways, on which research remains scarce. Idil Ires provides a political economy analysis of whether smallholders prosper when they coordinate with input suppliers, banks, and crop buyers through markets and contract farming in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania. This book will appeal to scholars and practitioners from diverse fields, offering timely insights into a critical debate.
Transcript Verlag Digital Capitalism and Distributive Forces
Are robots taking away our jobs? Those who ask this question have misunderstood digitalisation - it is not an industrial revolution by other means. Sabine Pfeiffer searches for the actual novelties brought about by digitalisation and digital capitalism. In her analysis, she juxtaposes Marx's concept of productive force with the idea of distributive force. From the platform economy to artificial intelligence, Pfeiffer shows that digital capitalism is less about the efficient production of value, but rather about its fast, risk-free, and permanently secured realisation on the markets. The examination of this dynamic and its consequences also leads to the question of how destructive the distributive forces of digital capitalism might be.
Transcript Verlag Imaginaries of Migration – Life Stories of Mexican Migrants in Germany
How do Mexican migrants in Germany perceive themselves and their lives? Innovatively combining theories of interculturality and social imaginaries, Yolanda López García uses the anthropological method of life stories to investigate the understudied area of Mexican migration to Germany. She discusses areas such as quality of life as a motivation for migration, the role of banal nationalism in imaginaries, the dynamic subjective re-construction of Mexicanness, and the process of (imagined) "Germanisation". Yolanda López García ultimately argues that individuals, as social agents, engage with and construct new emerging imaginaries, which may be viewed as important engines of social change.
Transcript Verlag Hearing Sexism: Gender in the Sound of Popular Music. A Feminist Approach
If pictures can be sexist, can analysing sound reveal sexism, too? Where is the language to discuss sexism in music? L.J. Müller tackles these important questions in their 2018 German book titled Sound und Sexismus, which was awarded the IASPM 2019 book prize. Analysing the voices of Kurt Cobain, Kate Bush, Björk and others, Müller demonstrates how gender is performed vocally and interacts with gendered aspects of embodiment and affect. The book is written from a strongly positioned and personal feminist perspective and is appealing to readers from various backgrounds -- singers, producers, music lovers, as well as academics and anyone with an interest in feminist takes on pop culture.
Transcript Verlag Comparative Practices – Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain′s Long Eighteenth Century
Comparisons not only prove fundamental in the epistemological foundation of modernity (Foucault, Luhmann), but they fulfil a central function in social life and the production of art. Taking a cue from the Practice Turn in sociology, the contributors are investigating the role of comparative practices in the formation of eighteenth-century literature and culture. The book conceives of social practices of comparing as being entrenched in networks of circulation of bodies, artefacts, discourses, and ideas, and aims to investigate how such practices ordered and changed British literature and culture during the long eighteenth century.
Transcript Verlag Waste(d) Collectors – Politics of Urban Exclusion in Mumbai
Scientific practices of removing waste in mega-cities of the global South are embedded in socio-cultural belief systems which reproduce existing social hierarchies. Thus going beyond a techno-managerial approach in waste management, Sneha Sharma critically interrogates the politics around urban waste disposal in Mumbai, India. She undertakes an ethnographic journey to the city's most unwanted space, a dumping site, to reveal how spaces and people are made into waste through exclusionary formal and informal practices. Offering new insights on topics of urban marginality, informality, urban planning this book will attract scholars from sociology, urban studies, and human geography.
Transcript Verlag The Discourse Community of Electronic Dance Music
Research on electronic dance music communities has been initiated by scholars in the fields of sociology, cultural studies, public health research and others. Linguistic aspects, however, are rarely considered. Anita Jóri fills this gap of research and suggests a new perspective by looking at these communities as a discourse community. She gives an overview of the language use and discourse characteristics of this community while applying a mixed methodology of linguistic discourse analysis and cultural studies. The book is aimed at researchers and students in the fields of applied linguistics, popular music, media, communication and cultural studies.
Transcript Verlag Practicing Sovereignty – Digital Involvement in Times of Crises
Digital sovereignty has become a hotly debated concept. The current convergence of multiple crises adds fuel to this debate, as it contextualizes the concept in a foundational discussion of democratic principles, civil rights, and national identities: is (technological) self-determination an option for every individual to cope with the digital sphere effectively? Can disruptive events provide chances to rethink our ideas of society - including the design of the objects and processes which constitute our techno-social realities? The positions assembled in this volume analyze opportunities for participation and policy-making, and describe alternative technological practices before and after the pandemic.
Transcript Verlag (Dis)Obedience in Digital Societies: Perspectives on the Power of Algorithms and Data
Algorithms are not to be regarded as a technical structure but as a social phenomenon - they embed themselves, currently still very subtle, into our political and social system. Algorithms shape human behavior on various levels: they influence not only the aesthetic reception of the world but also the well-being and social interaction of their users. They act and intervene in a political and social context. As algorithms influence individual behavior in these social and political situations, their power should be the subject of critical discourse - or even lead to active disobedience and to the need for appropriate tools and methods which can be used to break the algorithmic power.
Transcript Verlag AI - Limits and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence
The emergence of artificial intelligence has triggered enthusiasm and promise of boundless opportunities as much as uncertainty about its limits. The contributions to this volume explore the limits of AI, describe the necessary conditions for its functionality, reveal its attendant technical and social problems, and present some existing and potential solutions. At the same time, the contributors highlight the societal and attending economic hopes and fears, utopias and dystopias that are associated with the current and future development of artificial intelligence.
Transcript Verlag Namibia′s Children – Living Conditions and Life Forces in a Society in Crisis
Many children in Namibia find themselves facing a social crisis. They have been abandoned or abused, are malnourished, homeless, or live in shacks that barely provide any protection. However, amidst these disastrous living conditions, children have developed remarkable survival skills, and come up with equally clever and disillusioned analyses of their situation. For three years, Michaela Fink and Reimer Gronemeyer conducted interviews in Namibia with women who take care of vulnerable children. The book gives these children a voice in interviews and essays.
Transcript Verlag Archives, Access, and Artificial Intelligence – Working with Born–Digital and Digitised Archival Collections
Digital archives are transforming the Humanities and the Sciences. Digitised collections of newspapers and books have pushed scholars to develop new, data-rich methods. Born-digital archives are now better preserved and managed thanks to the development of open-access and commercial software. Digital Humanities have moved from the fringe to the centre of academia. Yet, the path from the appraisal of records to their analysis is far from smooth. This book explores crossovers between various disciplines to improve the discoverability, accessibility, and use of born-digital archives and other cultural assets.
Transcript Verlag Representations of Global Civility – English Travellers in the Ottoman Empire and the South Pacific, 1636–1863
Perhaps unexpectedly, English travel writing during the long eighteenth century reveals a discourse of global civility. By bringing together representations of the then already familiar Ottoman Empire and the largely unknown South Pacific, Sascha Klement adopts a uniquely global perspective and demonstrates how cross-cultural encounters were framed by Enlightenment philosophy, global interconnections, and even-handed exchanges across cultural divides. In so doing, this book shows that both travel and travel-writing from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries were much more complex and multi-layered than reductive Eurocentric histories often suggest.
Transcript Verlag Interrogating Datafication – Towards a Praxeology of Data
What constitutes a data practice and how do contemporary digital media technologies reconfigure our understanding of practices in general? Autonomously acting media, distributed digital infrastructures, and sensor-based media environments challenge the conditions of accounting for data practices both theoretically and empirically. Which forms of cooperation are constituted in and by data practices? And how are human and nonhuman agencies distributed and interrelated in data-saturated environments? The volume collects theoretical, empirical, and historiographical contributions from a range of international scholars to shed light on the current shift from media to data practices.
Transcript Verlag More Than Machines? – The Attribution of (In)Animacy to Robot Technology
We know that robots are just machines. Why then do we often talk about them as if they were alive? Laura Voss explores this fascinating phenomenon, providing a rich insight into practices of animacy (and inanimacy) attribution to robot technology: from science-fiction to robotics R&D, from science communication to media discourse, and from the theoretical perspectives of STS to the cognitive sciences. Taking an interdisciplinary perspective, and backed by a wealth of empirical material, Voss shows how scientists, engineers, journalists - and everyone else - can face the challenge of robot technology appearing "a little bit alive" with a reflexive and yet pragmatic stance.
Transcript Verlag Monospace and Multiverse – Exploring Space with Actor–Network–Theory
In contrast to buildings divided by walls, monospace buildings are determined far less by its shell than by a reciprocal relationship between space and practices, objects, materials, and human bodies. Using the example of such one-room-architectures, this book explores the potential of an actor-network-theory (ANT) approach to space in the field of architecture. Sabine Hansmann focuses on the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts in Norwich, England by Foster Associates (1978) to investigate the mutual entanglement of people, objects and building. She traces the work that is necessary in "doing" space and thus suggests a re-conceptualisation of space in architectural theory.
Transcript Verlag Religious Fundamentalism in the Age of Pandemic
The multidisciplinary anthology Religious Fundamentalism in the Age of Pandemic provides deep insights concerning the current impact of Covid-19 on various religious groups and believers around the world. Based on contributions of well-known scholars in the field of Religious Fundamentalism, the contributors offer about a window into the origins of religious fundamentalism and the development of these movements as well as the creation of the category itself. Further recommendations regarding specific (fundamentalist) religious groups and actors and their possible development within Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism round up the discussion about the rise of Religious Fundamentalism in the Age of Pandemic.
Transcript Verlag Contested Solidarity – Practices of Refugee Support between Humanitarian Help and Political Activism
In the summer of 2015, an extraordinary number of German residents felt an urge to provide help to refugees. Doing good, however, is not as simple and straightforward as it might appear. Practices of solidarity are intertwined with questions of power. They are situated, relative and contested, unfolding in an ambivalent space between humanitarianism and political activism. This ethnographic account of the German "welcome culture" provides insights into the contested practices, imaginaries, interests and politics of refugee solidarity. Drawing on works from critical migration studies to social anthropology, Larissa Fleischmann develops an empirically grounded understanding of solidarity in migration societies.
Transcript Verlag Knowing in Performing – Artistic Research in Music and the Performing Arts
How can performing be transformed into cognition? Knowing in Performing describes dynamic processes of artistic knowledge production in music and the performing arts. Knowing refers to how processual, embodied, and tacit knowledge can be developed from performative practices in music, dance, theatre, and film. By exploring the field of artistic research as a constantly transforming space for participatory and experimental artistic practices, this anthology points the way forward for researchers, artists, and decision-makers inside and outside universities of the arts.
Transcript Verlag Weimar Controversies – Explorations in Popular Culture with Siegfried Kracauer
In the Weimar Republic, popular culture was the scene of heated controversies that tested the limits of national cohesion. How could marginal figures like a stigmatized villager, a grub street writer, or an advocate for nudism become flashpoints of political conflict? Peter S. Fisher draws on Siegfried Kracauer's trenchant observations on Weimar's contradictions to knit these exemplary stories together. Following his methodology, society's underdogs take center stage, pushing the headline makers into the background.
Transcript Verlag Towards Shared Research – Participatory and Integrative Approaches in Researching African Environments
Intercultural, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research interfaces confront researchers with considerable challenges. Towards Shared Research portrays how scholars from different disciplinary and geographical origins and at various academic career stages strive for a more inclusive and better understanding of knowledge about African environments. The book is addressed to researchers, facilitators, and policy-makers to make a case for participatory and integrative approaches resulting in systemic and co-created analyses.
Transcript Verlag Family in Crisis? – Crossing Borders, Crossing Narratives
Is the family in crisis? Or do crises crystallize in families' lived realities? Families as constitutive units of all social architectures are central to our democracies. In this book, scholars from cultural, gender, and media studies, lawyers, sociologists, and historians discuss how today's rainbow variety of families crosses borders and how cultural texts - films, TV-series, novels, short stories and magazines, from Europe (Germany, Italy, Spain) and the US - (de-)construct, take part in, and mirror family discourses around topics such as father(hood)s, mother(hood)s and parentage, reproductive decisions and adoption, marriage and divorce, poverty and welfare, and the rhetoric of the nuclear family.
Transcript Verlag Transgressive Truths and Flattering Lies – The Poetics and Ethics of Anglophone Arab Representations
This book explores the formative correlations and inventive transmissions of Anglophone Arab representations ranging from early 20th century Mahjar writings to contemporary transnational Palestinian resistance art. Tracing multiple beginnings and seminal intertexts, the comparative study of dissonant truth-making presents critical readings in which the notion of cross-cultural translation gets displaced and strategic unreliability, representational opacity, or matters of act advance to essential qualities of the discussed works' aesthetic devices and ethical concerns. Questioning conventional interpretive approaches, Markus Schmitz shows what Anglophone Arab studies are and what they can become from a radically decentered relational point of view. Among the writers and artists discussed are such diverse figures as Rabih Alameddine, William Blatty, Kahlil Gibran, Ihab Hassan, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Emily Jacir, Walid Raad, Ameen Rihani, Edward Said, Larissa Sansour, and Raja Shehadeh.
Transcript Verlag Traversing Transnational Biomedical Landscapes – An Ethnography of the Experiences of Nigerian–Trained Physicians Practicing in the US a
In the age of globalization, the transnational dimension of sciences like medicine seems to be given. However, the agents connecting different parts of this transnational biomedical landscape have yet to receive their due attention. Situated at the intersection of contemporary debates as well as theories of medical anthropology and migration in the 21st century, this book explores the experiences of Nigerian trained physicians who migrated to the US and the UK within the last 40 years. By drawing on individual professional life stories, Judith Schühle illuminates how these physicians disconnect from and (re)connect to diverse local social and biomedical contexts, becoming established abroad while at the same time trying to influence health care services in Nigeria through transnational endeavors.
Transcript Verlag Refugee Routes – Telling, Looking, Protesting, Redressing
The displaced are often rendered silent and invisible as they journey in search of refuge. Drawing on historical and contemporary examples from Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, Iraq, Syria, UK, Germany, France, the Balkan Peninsula, US, Canada, Australia, and Kenya, the contributions to this volume draw attention to refugees, asylum seekers, exiles, and forced migrants as individual subjects with memories, hopes, needs, rights, and a prospective place in collective memory. The book's wide-ranging theoretical, literary, artistic, and autobiographical contributions appeal to scholarly and lay readers who share concerns about the fate of the displaced in relation to the emplaced in this age of mass mobility.
Transcript Verlag Digital Culture & Society (DCS) – Vol. 6, Issue 2/2020 – Laborious Play and Playful Work II
The design and use of metadata is always culturally, socially, and ideologically inflected. The actors, whether these are institutions (museums, archives, libraries, corporate image suppliers) or individuals (image producers, social media agents, researchers), as well as their agendas and interests, affect the character of metadata. There is a politics of metadata. This issue of Digital Culture & Society addresses the ideological and political aspects of metadata practices within image collections from an interdisciplinary perspective. The overall aim is to consider the implications, tensions, and challenges involved in the creation of metadata in terms of content, structure, searchability, and diversity.
Transcript Verlag Laboring Bodies and the Quantified Self
The body has become central to practices of self-tracking. By focusing on the relations between quantification, the body, and labor, this volume sheds light on the ways in which discourses on data collection and versions of the "corporate self" are instrumental in redefining concepts of labor, including notions of immaterial and free labor in an increasingly virtual work environment. The contributions explore the functions of quantification in conceptualizing the body as a laboring body and examine how quantification contributes to disciplining the body. By doing so, they also inquire how practices of self-tracking, self-monitoring, and self-optimization have evolved historically.
Transcript Verlag Political Participation in the Digital Age – An Ethnographic Comparison Between Iceland and Germany
This book explores the potential of the Internet for enabling new and flexible political participation modes. It meticulously illustrates how the Internet is responsible for citizens' participation practices from being general, high-threshold, temporally constricted, and dependent on physical presence to being topic-centered, low-threshold, temporally discontinuous, and independent from physical presence. With its ethnographic focus on Icelandic and German online participation tools Betri Reykjavík and LiquidFriesland, the book offers plentiful advice for citizens, programmers, politicians, and administrations alike on how to get the most out of online participation formats.
Transcript Verlag Portraits of Automated Facial Recognition – On Machinic Ways of Seeing the Face
Automated facial recognition algorithms are increasingly intervening in society. This book offers a unique analysis of these algorithms from a critical visual culture studies perspective. The first part of this study examines the example of an early facial recognition algorithm called "eigenface" and traces a history of the merging of statistics and vision. The second part addresses contemporary artistic engagements with facial recognition technology in the work of Thomas Ruff, Zach Blas, and Trevor Paglen. This book argues that we must take a closer look at the technology of automated facial recognition and claims that its forms of representation are embedded with visual politics. Even more significantly, this technology is redefining what it means to see and be seen in the contemporary world.
Transcript Verlag Practices of Speculation – Modeling, Embodiment, Figuration
This volume offers innovative ways to think about speculation at a time when anticipation of catastrophe in an apocalyptic mode is the order of the day and shapes public discourse on a global scale. It maps an interdisciplinary field of investigation: the chapters interrogate hegemonic ways of shaping the present through investments in the future, while also looking at speculative practices that reveal transformative potential. The twelve contributions explore concrete instances of envisioning the open unknown and affirmative speculative potentials in history, literature, comics, computer games, mold research, ecosystem science and artistic practice.