Search results for ""Rueda""
Duke University Press Gay Latino Studies: A Critical Reader
The authors of the essays in this unique collection explore the lives and cultural contributions of gay Latino men in the United States, while also analyzing the political and theoretical stakes of gay Latino studies. In new essays and influential previously published pieces, Latino scholars based in American studies, ethnic studies, history, performance studies, and sociology consider gay Latino scholarly and cultural work in relation to mainstream gay, lesbian, and queer academic discourses and the broader field of Chicano and Latino studies. They also critique cultural explanations of gay Latino sexual identity and behavior, examine artistic representations of queer Latinidad, and celebrate the place of dance in gay Latino culture. Designed to stimulate dialogue, the collection pairs each essay with a critical response by a prominent Latino/a or Chicana/o scholar. Terms such as gay, identity, queer, and visibility are contested throughout the volume; the significance of these debates is often brought to the fore in the commentaries. The essays in Gay Latino Studies complement and overlap with the groundbreaking work of lesbians of color and critical race theorists, as well as queer theorists and gay and lesbian studies scholars. Taken together, they offer much-needed insight into the lives and perspectives of gay, bisexual, and queer Latinos, and they renew attention to the politics of identity and coalition.Contributors. Tomás Almaguer, Luz Calvo, Lionel Cantú,, Daniel Contreras, Catriona Rueda Esquibel, Ramón García, Ramón A. Gutiérrez, Michael Hames-García, Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes, María Lugones, Ernesto J. Martínez, Paula M. L. Moya, José Esteban Muñoz, Frances Negrón-Muntaner, Ricardo L. Ortiz, Daniel Enrique Pérez, Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, Richard T. Rodríguez, David Román, Horacio N. Roque Ramírez, Antonio Viego
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Yoruba from Cuba: Selected Poems of Nicolas Guillen
In calling this collection Yoruba from Cuba, a phrase from the poem 'Son Número 6', the translator, Salvador Ortiz-Carboneres, draws attention to Guillén's pioneering embrace, more than sixty years ago, of an African identity in Cuba. His selection shows Guillén constantly returning to the theme of race and the historical legacies of slavery in both the Caribbean and the USA. But in poems such as 'Balada de los Dos Abuelos', Guillén is also seen stressing the mulatez heterogeneity of Cuban culture in drawing on African, European and other immigrant traditions. As a life-long Marxist and anti-imperialist, Guillén celebrated the Cuban revolution, including the heroic example of Che Guevara, but he also addressed the tendency to a repressive puritanism within the ruling party in such important poems as 'Digo que yo no soy un hombre puro'. In this dual language selection of one of the outstanding poets of the Hispanic world, Salvador Ortiz-Carboneres has created lively, very readable English versions that capture both the colloquial vigour of Guillén's language and the incantatory rhythms of those of the poems where he draws on the dance patterns of the Cuban 'son'. The selection covers the range of Guillén's work from Poemas de Transición (1927-1931) up to poems from La Rueda Dentada and El Diario que a Diario, both of 1972. With a translator's preface, an introduction by the distinguished scholar of Cuban culture, Professor Alistair Hennessy, notes, a chronology and a reading list, this is an edition that will bring Guillén's powerful and epochal poetry to both the general reader and to the student. His work is unquestionably one of the towering landmarks of Caribbean poetry.Salvador Ortiz-Carboneres teaches Spanish language and Latin American poetry at the Language Centre, University of Warwick.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Input–Output Analysis
'The dramatic development of global production networks in the last few decades has inspired new analytical insights in the field of international trade and environmental economics. The input output analysis, once considered ''old-fashioned,'' was brought back to the stage as a key analytical tool, and this Handbook's impeccable timing captures these emerging academic interests and refreshes the image of traditional input-output users. This unique publication features multi-dimensional coverage of relevant topics rallying the expertise of statisticians, theorists, and practitioners, and hence is expected to serve a wide range of today s scientific needs. A highly informative read for students, scholars, business persons, and policy-makers alike.'- Satoshi Inomata, IDE-JETRO, JapanThe field of input-output analysis is fragmented. Statisticians collect and organize data and construct input-output coefficients. Economists analyze these coefficients and their changes to measure and explain important concepts such as productivity, efficiency and comparative advantages. Applied economists and environmental analysts then build models around input-output matrices for scenario and impact analyses. This authoritative Handbook encompasses all these elements, explaining in detail the treatment and role of input-output statistics in the System of National Accounts. Importantly, it provides a unifying global supply-use framework to tie together many of the unresolved issues in collecting statistics, constructing input-output coefficients, and their use in modeling. Leading experts from international statistical offices and universities provide comprehensive coverage of the field, including history, theory, applications, uncertainty and dynamics. They elucidate the collection of accounting statistics, the construction of input-output tables, and their use in economic and environmental analysis. Furthermore, they examine the building of applied general equilibrium models, the use of these models for efficiency analysis, and the links to stochastic and dynamic input-output analysis. Students and academics studying applied economics and environmental modeling and will find this an enlightening guide to the state of the art. As well as revealing and exploring the theoretical foundations, the Handbook will also act as a useful guide for practitioners.Contributors include: J. Beutel, K. Kratena, B. Los, D.S. Meade, Y. Okuyama, J.M. Rueda-Cantuche, G. Russo, V. Shestalova, K. Swales, U. Temursho, T. ten Raa, K. Turner, R. Wood
HarperCollins Focus Pasos de gigante: La información que necesitas para triunfar en la vida y en los negocios, explicada de manera sencilla
Brian Tracy y Margarita Pasos combinan su experiencia para acortar tu camino al éxito y darte los principios que les han permitido a ambos ser conferencistas internacionales, tener negocios exitosos y superar toda clase de obstáculos en el camino.Pasos de gigante es la guía que necesitas para actualizar tu mentalidad y tener la actitud que hace que cualquier persona se convierta, rápidamente, en un ganador. En este libro, Brian y Margarita ayudan a los lectores a acortar su camino y evitar frustraciones. Por eso te enseñarán: El hábito más importante para el éxito y la abundancia A apagar para siempre ese mecanismo de fracaso que casi todos los emprendedores tienen Las 3 acciones diarias que harán que logres más que el 80 % de las personas Lo que sí funciona para lograr el éxito en los negocios. Los principios que aprenderás en este libro son comprobados y han ayudado a millones de personas a conseguir el éxito y a tener bienestar emocional. No reinventes la rueda, toma el camino corto al ser llevado de la mano de estos dos mentores de talla internacional. Permite que Brian y Margarita te enseñen lo que a ellos les ha llevado décadas aprender para crear negocios internacionales y crecer a un ritmo acelerado.Giant StepsBrian Tracy and Margarita Pasos combine their experience to shorten your path to success and give you the principles that have allowed both to become international speakers, have successful businesses and overcome all kinds of obstacles along the way.Giant Steps is the guide you need to upgrade your mindset and have the attitude that makes anyone quickly become a winner. In this book, Brian and Margarita help readers shorten their path and avoid frustration. That's why they will teach you: The most important habit for success and abundance. To turn off forever that failure mechanism that almost all entrepreneurs have. The 3 daily actions that will make you achieve more than 80% of people. What does work to achieve success in business. The principles you will learn in this book are proven and have helped millions of people achieve success and emotional well-being. Don't reinvent the wheel, take the high road by being led by the hand of these two world-class mentors. Let Brian and Margarita teach you what it has taken them decades to learn to create international businesses and grow at an accelerated pace.