Search results for ""Palgrave Macmillan""
Palgrave Macmillan Cognitive (Internet of) Things: Collaboration to Optimize Action
This book explores cognitive behavior among Internet of Things. Using a series of current and futuristic examples – appliances, personal assistants, robots, driverless cars, customer care, engineering, monetization, and many more – the book covers use cases, technology and communication aspects of how machines will support individuals and organizations. This book examines the Cognitive Things covering a number of important questions: • What are Cognitive Things? • What applications can be driven from Cognitive Things – today and tomorrow? • How will these Cognitive Things collaborate with each and other, with individuals and with organizations? • What is the cognitive era? How is it different from the automation era? • How will the Cognitive Things support or accelerate human problem solving? • Which technical components make up cognitive behavior? • How does it redistribute the work-load between humans and machines? • What types of data can be collected from them and shared with external organizations? • How do they recognize and authenticate authorized users? How is the data safeguarded from potential theft? Who owns the data and how are the data ownership rights enforced? Overall, Sathi explores ways in which Cognitive Things bring value to individuals as well as organizations and how to integrate the use of the devices into changing organizational structures. Case studies are used throughout to illustrate how innovators are already benefiting from the initial explosion of devices and data. Business executives, operational managers, and IT professionals will understand the fundamental changes required to fully benefit from cognitive technologies and how to utilize them for their own success.
Palgrave Macmillan Governance for Development: Political and Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh
Analyzing Bangladesh's governance problems and drawing insights that will be relevant to other developing countries, this book sharpens our understanding of governance and suggests political and administrative reforms to improve governance and facilitate faster development.
Palgrave Macmillan FX Barrier Options: A Comprehensive Guide for Industry Quants
Barrier options are a class of highly path-dependent exotic options which present particular challenges to practitioners in all areas of the financial industry. They are traded heavily as stand-alone contracts in the Foreign Exchange (FX) options market, their trading volume being second only to that of vanilla options. The FX options industry has correspondingly shown great innovation in this class of products and in the models that are used to value and risk-manage them. FX structured products commonly include barrier features, and in order to analyse the effects that these features have on the overall structured product, it is essential first to understand how individual barrier options work and behave. FX Barrier Options takes a quantitative approach to barrier options in FX environments. Its primary perspectives are those of quantitative analysts, both in the front office and in control functions. It presents and explains concepts in a highly intuitive manner throughout, to allow quantitatively minded traders, structurers, marketers, salespeople and software engineers to acquire a more rigorous analytical understanding of these products. The book derives, demonstrates and analyses a wide range of models, modelling techniques and numerical algorithms that can be used for constructing valuation models and risk-management methods. Discussions focus on the practical realities of the market and demonstrate the behaviour of models based on real and recent market data across a range of currency pairs. It furthermore offers a clear description of the history and evolution of the different types of barrier options, and elucidates a great deal of industry nomenclature and jargon.
Palgrave Macmillan Doing More with Less 2nd edition: Measuring, Analyzing and Improving Performance in the Not-For-Profit and Government Sectors
Written in an accessible and practical style, Doing More With Less 2nd edition addresses the efficiency drive using models, tools, and ideas more commonly found in the corporate world. This fully updated edition also includes case studies from Audit Scotland, Belfast City Council, FBI, NHS, Ministry of Works (Bahrain), and many more.
Palgrave Macmillan The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires
Approximately 35 percent of African Americans had no measurable assets in 2009, and 24 percent of these same households had only a motor vehicle. Dennis Kimbro, observing how the weight of the continuing housing and credit crises disproportionately impacts the African American community, takes a sharp look at a carefully cultivated group of individuals who've scaled the heights of success and how others can emulate them. Based on a seven-year study of 1,000 of the wealthiest African Americans, The Wealth Choice offers a trove of sound and surprising advice about climbing the economic ladder, even when the odds seem stacked against you. Readers will learn about how business leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities like Bob Johnson, Spike Lee, L. A. Reid, Herman Cain, T. D. Jakes, and Tyrese Gibson found their paths to wealth; what they did or didn't learn about money early on; what they had to sacrifice to get to the top; and the role of discipline in managing their success.
Palgrave Macmillan Climate Change in World Politics
John Vogler examines the international politics of climate change, with a focus on the United Nations Framework Convention (UNFCCC). He considers how the international system treats the problem of climate change, analysing the ways in which this has been defined by the international community and the interests and alignments of state governments.
Palgrave Macmillan Resisting Economic Globalization: Critical Theory and International Investment Law
There is at present much disenchantment with the rules governing international investment. Conceived as a set of disciplines establishing thresholds of tolerable state behaviour, dissatisfaction has precipitated acts of resistance in various parts of the world. Resisting Economic Globalization explores the magnitude of the legal constraints imposed by these rules and institutions associated with the worldwide spread of neoliberalism. Much contemporary theorizing has given up on national states as a locus for countering the harmful effects of economic globalization. Though states provide critical supports to the construction and ongoing maintenance of transnational legal constraints, David Schneiderman argues that states remain crucial sites for resisting, even rolling back, investment law disciplines. Structured as a series of encounters with selected critical theorists, the book contrasts theoretical diagnoses with recent episodes of resistance impeding investment law edicts. This novel approach tests contemporary hypotheses offered by leading political and legal theorists about the nature of power and the role of states and social movements in facilitating and undoing neoliberalism's legal edifices. As a consequence, the foundations of transnational legality become more apparent and the mechanisms for change more transparent.
Palgrave Macmillan Sharing our Lives Online: Risks and Exposure in Social Media
Why do we share so much about our lives on social media when we often have little idea who might be reading or viewing? David R. Brake examines the causes and consequences of moving towards a radically open society.
Palgrave Macmillan IFRSs - A Visual Approach
Based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in January 2010, this provides a simplified summary of the main elements - using diagrams for each of the Standards to help the reader visualize the key decisions and choices their application requires.
Palgrave Macmillan The Trustee Guide to Investment
The Trustee Guide to Investment is a unique and refreshingly practical guide to the expanding range of markets, investments, tools and techniques to which pension scheme trustees must now become familiar.
Palgrave Macmillan Ethical Intuitionism
A defence of ethical intuitionism where (i) there are objective moral truths; (ii) we know these through an immediate, intellectual awareness, or 'intuition'; and (iii) knowing them gives us reasons to act independent of our desires. The author rebuts the major objections to this theory and shows the difficulties in alternative theories of ethics.
Palgrave Macmillan Understanding Digital Humanities
Confronting the digital revolution in academia, this book examines the application of new computational techniques and visualisation technologies in the Arts & Humanities. Uniting differing perspectives, leading and emerging scholars discuss the theoretical and practical challenges that computation raises for these disciplines.
Palgrave Macmillan The Tragic Vision of African American Religion
Many have used the term 'tragic' to refer to African American religious and cultural experience. After a studied meditation on and articulation of the 'tragic vision,' Johnson argues that African American Christian Consciousness is an expression of the tragic and a tragic expression of the Christian Faith.
Palgrave Macmillan Law and the Family in Ireland, 1800–1950
This multi-disciplinary study considers the intersection between law and family life in Ireland from the early nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Setting the law in its wider social historical context it traces marriage from its formation through to its breakdown. It considers the impact of the law on such issues as adultery, divorce, broken engagements, marriage settlements, pregnancy, adoption, property, domestic violence, concealment of birth and inter-family homicide, as well as the historical origins of the Constitutional protection of the family. An underlying theme is the way in which the law of the family in Ireland differed from the law of the family in England.
Palgrave Macmillan Core Documents on European and International Human Rights 201718
Well-selected and authoritative, Palgrave Core Statutes provide the key materials needed by students in a format that is clear, compact and very easy to use. They are ideal for use in exams.
Palgrave Macmillan Core EU Legislation 201718
Well-selected and authoritative, Palgrave Core Statutes provide the key materials needed by students in a format that is clear, compact and very easy to use. They are ideal for use in examinations.
Palgrave Macmillan Project Research in Information Systems
Intended especially for final year undergraduate and masters level students of information systems, this book provides valuable guidance on how to tackle a project, complete it and write it up in an effective and satisfactory manner. Based on the authors' experience of supervising student projects over many years, it provides sound practical advice and valuable pointers to further reading.
Palgrave Macmillan The Famine Plot: England's Role in Ireland's Greatest Tragedy
During a Biblical seven years in the middle of the nineteenth century, fully a quarter of Ireland's citizens either perished from starvation or emigrated in what came to be known as Gorta Mor, the Great Hunger. Waves of hungry peasants fled across the Atlantic to the United States, with so many dying en route that it was said, "you could walk dry shod to America on their bodies." In this sweeping history Ireland's best-known historian, Tim Pat Coogan, tackles the dark history of the Irish Famine and argues that it constituted one of the first acts of genocide. In what The Boston Globe calls "his greatest achievement," Coogan shows how the British government hid behind the smoke screen of laissez faire economics, the invocation of Divine Providence and a carefully orchestrated publicity campaign, allowing more than a million people to die agonizing deaths and driving a further million into emigration. Unflinching in depicting the evidence, Coogan presents a vivid and horrifying picture of a catastrophe that that shook the nineteenth century and finally calls to account those responsible.
Palgrave Macmillan Development Management of Transforming Economies: Theories, Approaches and Models for Overall Development
This insightful book offers a new and innovative tool in the study of development. The authors propose ‘The Overall Development Model’ which provides a strategy for long-term, sustainable and adaptable development for countries around the globe. Starting with a comprehensive study into what development is and how it is achieved, Development Management of Transforming Economies critically analyzes current development schemes within transforming economies and examines their various actors both international and local, public and private. It examines the implementation of health, education and economic strategies of countries in Africa and Asia that have either undergone a development process, experienced slow but steady progress, or are just beginning to pursue a development strategy. In considering human development as a whole, the authors assert a new method of development that includes the developing population, and highlights the need for countries to define their own unique development process.
Palgrave Macmillan Transmedia Crime Stories: The Trial of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the Globalised Media Sphere
This collection focuses on media representations of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, defendants in the Meredith Kercher murder case. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing criminology, socio-legal analysis, critical discourse studies, cultural studies and celebrity studies, the book analyses how this case was narrated in the media and why Knox emerged as the main protagonist. The case was one of the first transmedia crime stories, shaped and influenced by its circulation between a variety of media platforms. The chapters show how the new media landscape impacts on the way in which different stakeholders, from suspects and victims’ families to journalists and the general public, are engaging with criminal justice. While traditional news media played a significant role in the construction of innocence and guilt, social media offered users a worldwide forum to talk back in a way that both amplified and challenged the dominant media narrative biased in favour of a presumption of guilt. This book begins with a new and original foreword written by Yvonne Jewkes, University of Brighton, UK.
Palgrave Macmillan Business Essentials for Strategic Communicators: Creating Shared Value for the Organization and its Stakeholders
The rise of digital media and the public's demand for transparency has elevated the importance of communication for every business. To have a voice or seat at the table and maximize their full value, a strategic communicator must be able to speak the language and understand business goals, issues, and trends. The challenge is that many communicators don't hold an MBA and didn't study business in college. Business Essentials for Strategic Communicators provides communication professionals and students with the essential 'Business 101' knowledge they need to navigate the business world with the best of them. Readers will learn the essentials of financial statements and terminology, the stock market, public companies, and more--all with an eye on how this knowledge helps them do their jobs better as communication professionals.
Palgrave Macmillan Ecology and Revolution: Global Crisis and the Political Challenge
Ecology and Revolution: Global Crisis and the Political Challenge is an in-depth exploration and analysis of the global ecological crisis (going far beyond the issue of global warming) in the larger context of historical conditions and political options shaped by the failure (and incapacity) of the existing political system to adequately confront the crisis.
Palgrave Macmillan Gender Equality, Intersectionality, and Diversity in Europe
Gender is being marginalized with the increased attention to "multiple discrimination" and civil society landscape at the transnational level is increasingly diversified. The book looks at the processes of (strategic) degendering in EU policy-making and on the interaction between EU institutions and European women's organizations.
Palgrave Macmillan The Politics of Telecommunications In Mexico: The Case of the Telecommunications Sector
This text argues that, instead of leading toward greater democratization, Mexico's policies of privatization in the 1980s were used for personal benefit, and to lubricate the existing state-labour relationship. It builds its case around the privatization of Mexico's telecommunications.
Palgrave Macmillan Genocide at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Darfur
At the end of World War II, the international community deemed genocide a crime against humanity. Yet, at the dawn of the twenty-first century it has occurred repeatedly. This book explains why genocide began to occur in the twenty-first century and why the United States has been ineffective at preventing it and stopping it once it occurs.
Palgrave Macmillan The Rise of Economic Societies in the Eighteenth Century: Patriotic Reform in Europe and North America
This collection of essays explores the emergence of economic societies in the British Isles and their development into a European, American and global reform movement in the eighteenth century. Its fourteen contributions demonstrate the intellectual horizons and international networks of this widespread and influential phenomenon.
Palgrave Macmillan Henry James: The Contingencies of Style
Palgrave Macmillan Arab Nationalism: A Critical Enquiry
In this new edition Professor Tibi analyses the impact and function of nationalism and its contribution to social and political change in the Third World, taking the rise of nationalism in the Middle East as a historical example. He concentrates on the period after the First World War, when many Arab intellectuals became disillusioned with Britain and France as a result of the occupation of their countries. Professor Tibi's careful study of the writings and influence of Sati' al-Husri illustrates the connection between modern Arab nationalism and nineteenth century German Romantic nationalism, which will be of particular interest to the English reader. Professor Tibi concludes that while nationalism has played a necessary and important role in the movement for national independence in the Middle East, it has since developed into an ideology which seems to obstruct further social and political emancipation. This book will be of particular interest to historians and social scientists as well as to specialists in the area itself.
Palgrave Macmillan Travel Journalism and Travel Media: Identities, Places and Imaginings
This book charts the trajectory of travel journalism from its print based origins to the emergence of hybridised multi-platform content. It considers how this has led to not only different kinds of travel journalism but different kinds of travel journalists; the professional travel journalist is now challenged online by user generated content. Cocking focuses on the conventions and “news values” of British print-based travel journalism, examining the genre’s liminal position between truth and fiction. In the context of the expansion of global tourism, Cocking explores how travel journalism from different parts of the world negotiates cultural differences in its depictions of destinations, regions, and tourist practices. Consideration is also given to the political potential of travel journalism and its capacity for awareness raising. Based on original research including qualitative analysis of print-based articles and blogs this book offers an innovative and original contribution to this emerging field of study.
Palgrave Macmillan Postmodern Vampires: Film, Fiction, and Popular Culture
Postmodern Vampires: Film, Fiction, and Popular Culture is the first major study to focus on American cultural history from the vampire’s point of view. Beginning in 1968, Ní Fhlainn argues that vampires move from the margins to the centre of popular culture as representatives of the anxieties and aspirations of their age. Mapping their literary and screen evolution on to the American Presidency, from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump, this essential critical study chronicles the vampire’s blood-ties to distinct socio-political movements and cultural decades in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Through case studies of key texts, including Interview with the Vampire, The Lost Boys, Blade, Twilight, Let Me In, True Blood and numerous adaptations of Dracula, this book reveals how vampires continue to be exemplary barometers of political and historical change in the American imagination. It is essential reading for scholars and students in Gothic and Horror Studies, Film Studies, and American Studies, and for anyone interested in the articulate undead.
Palgrave Macmillan Queer Youth Histories
This pioneering collection provides, for the first time, an international and transdisciplinary reflection on youth, history and queer sexualities and genders. Since the 1970s there has been an explosion in research focusing on LGBTQ history and on the lives of LGBTQ young people, but these two research areas have seldom been brought together explicitly.Bridging LGBTQ historical scholarship and contemporary queer youth cultural studies, this book marks out pathways for thinking more about youth in LGBTQ history and more about history in contemporary understandings of LGBTQ youth. Examining histories from the nineteenth century through to the recent past, contributors examine queer youth histories in continental Europe, Britain, the United States of America, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ireland, India, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
Palgrave Macmillan The Rise of the Far Right in Europe: Populist Shifts and 'Othering'
The results of the last European Elections of 2014 confirmed the rise of right and far right 'populist' parties across the EU. The success of a range of parties, such as Denmark’s Dansk Folskeparti, Slovenia’s Slovenska demokratska stranka, France’s Front National, Greece’s Golden Dawn, the United Kingdom Independence Party, Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement in Italy and the Austrian FPÖ, has been perceived as a political wave which is transforming the face of the European Parliament, and challenging at some level the hegemony of the 'big four' well-established European political forces that lead the Strasbourg’s assembly: the ALDE, EPP, S&D and Greens/ALE. As 'populism' has become a major issue in many EU countries, this collection aims to provide a critical understanding of related trends and recommend ways in which they can be challenged both in policy and praxis, by using the gender-race-ethnicity-sexual orientation intersectionality approach.This international volume combines extensive transnational comparative data analysis, as well as research at discursive, attitudinal and behavioural levels.
Palgrave Macmillan Newsmaking Cultures in Africa: Normative Trends in the Dynamics of Socio-Political & Economic Struggles
This book contributes to a broadened theorisation of journalism by exploring the intricacies of African journalism and its connections with the material realities that underpin the profession on the continent. It pulls together theoretically driven studies that collectively deploy a wide range of evidence to shed some light on newsmaking cultures in Africa – the everyday routines, defining epistemologies, as well as ethical dilemmas. The volume digs beneath the standardised and universalised veneer of professionalism to unpack routine practices and normative trends shaped by local factors, including the structural conditions of deprivation, entrenched political instability (and interference), pervasive neo-patrimonial governance systems, and the influences of technological developments. These varied and complex circumstances are shown to profoundly shape the foundations of journalism in Africa, resulting in routine practices that are both normatively distinct and equally in tune with (imported) Western journalistic cultures. The book thus broadly points to the dialectical nature of news production and the inconsistent and contradictory relationships that characterise news production cultures in Africa.
Palgrave Macmillan Staging Trauma: Bodies in Shadow
This book investigates contemporary British and Irish performances that stage traumatic narratives, histories, acts and encounters. It includes a range of case studies that consider the performative, cultural and political contexts for the staging and reception of sexual violence, terminal illness, environmental damage, institutionalisation and asylum. In particular, it focuses on 'bodies in shadow' in twenty-first century performance: those who are largely written out of or marginalised in dominant twentieth-century patriarchal canons of theatre and history. This volume speaks to students, scholars and artists working within contemporary theatre and performance, Irish and British studies, memory and trauma studies, feminisms, performance studies, affect and reception studies, as well as the medical humanities.
Palgrave Macmillan From the First World War to the Arab Spring: What's Really Going On in the Middle East?
Offering a comprehensive, up-to-date examination of the complex web of wars and proxy wars, revolutions and counter-revolutions that are ripping the Middle East apart, this book puts these events in their historical context and leads readers through the labyrinth that is the new Middle East. This book seeks answers to pressing, contentious questions. Why are there so many hereditary heads of state in the Middle East when the Prophet Muhammad did not appoint a successor? Why do Western countries claim to want democracy in the Middle East, yet support dictators? Why did Israel become a democracy while the Arab states did not? Why are there so many wars in the Middle East? And, most importantly, what happened to the hope and optimism of the Arab Spring? M.E. McMillan offers fresh answers to these difficult questions. Firmly grounded in historical research and insightful analysis of current events, this book gives readers a new understanding of what’s really going on in the Middle East.
Palgrave Macmillan Indiscipline in Young EFL Learner Classes
This book sheds new light on classroom indiscipline by listening to the voices of both the teachers and the young learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). By focusing on data from multiple sources, chapters in this volume offer a thorough description of undisciplined learner acts, a framework for categorizing indiscipline types, an exploration of perceived causality beyond the observable behavior, and of management strategies and their evaluation by teachers and children. The author offers practical guidance on creating a disciplined EFL learning classroom atmosphere through multilateral educational aims and processes. This book is a point of reference for academics, researchers, university students, educators and teacher trainers who wish to enhance the design and implementation of reliable multi-lens qualitative case studies on the subject. With its elucidating and transformative power, it inspires further innovative research and practical initiatives for the understanding and successful management of child indiscipline in diverse EFL learning contexts.
Palgrave Macmillan A Good Night Out for the Girls: Popular Feminisms in Contemporary Theatre and Performance
Moving across the boundaries of mainstream and experimental circuits, from the affective pleasures of commercially successful shows such as Calendar Girls and Mamma Mia! to the feminist possibilities of new burlesque and stand-up, this book offers a lucid and accessible account of popular feminisms in contemporary theatre and performance.
Palgrave Macmillan Working-Class Boys and Educational Success: Teenage Identities, Masculinities and Urban Schooling
This book examines the complex relationship between working-class masculinities and educational success. Drawing on a small sample of young men attending either a selective grammar or a secondary school in the same urban area of Belfast, the author demonstrates that contrary to popular belief, some working-class boys are engaged with education, are motivated to succeed and have high aspirations. However, the structures of schooling in a society where working class-ness is seen as feckless, tasteless and cultureless make the processes of becoming successful more challenging than they need to be. This volume reveals the unique processes of reconciling success and identities for individual working-class boys, and the important role schools have to play in this negotiation. Highly relevant to those engaged in teacher training in socially unequal societies, this book will also appeal to practitioners, sociologists of education, scholars of social justice and Bourdieusian theorists.
Palgrave Macmillan The Social Equality of Religion or Belief
Some countries, like the UK, give special recognition by the state to one or a few religions; other countries, like France and the US, give recognition to none. This book is about a new approach that gives equal recognition to all religions and non-religious belief systems.
Palgrave Macmillan The History of British Women's Writing, 1945-1975: Volume Nine
This volume reshapes our understanding of British literary culture from 1945-1975 by exploring the richness and diversity of women’s writing of this period. Essays by leading scholars reveal the range and intensity of women writers’ engagement with post-war transformations including the founding of the Welfare State, the gradual liberalization of attitudes to gender and sexuality and the reconfiguration of Britain and the empire in the context of the Cold War. Attending closely to the politics of form, the sixteen essays range across ‘literary’, ‘middlebrow’ and ‘popular’ genres, including espionage thrillers and historical fiction, children’s literature and science fiction, as well as poetry, drama and journalism. They examine issues including realism and experimentalism, education, class and politics, the emergence of ‘second-wave’ feminism, responses to the Holocaust and mass migration and diaspora. The volume offers an exciting reassessment of women’s writing at a time of radical social change and rapid cultural expansion.
Palgrave Macmillan The Rise of the Female Executive: How Women's Leadership is Accelerating Cultural Change
Provides a timely review of gender equality in the boardroom, and through interviews with mentors and mentees it illustrates how mentoring can play a part in helping women stay engaged in their career. This book includes international comparisons and an examination of the UK and EU political environments.
Palgrave Macmillan Humanities Computing
Humanities Computing provides a rationale for a computing practice that is of and for as well as in the humanities and the interpretative social sciences. It engages philosophical, historical, ethnographic and critical perspectives to show how computing helps us fulfil the basic mandate of the humane sciences to ask ever better questions of the most challenging kind. It strengthens current practice by stimulating debate on the role of the computer in our intellectual life, and outlines an agenda for the field to which individual scholars across the humanities can contribute.
Palgrave Macmillan New Geographies of Language: Language, Culture and Politics in Wales
This book develops a novel approach to the study of language, bringing it into dialogue with the latest geographical concepts and concerns and provides a comprehensive account of the geography of Welsh language analysing policy development, language use, ability and shift. The authors examine in particular: the different ways in which languages can be mapped; how geographical insights can be used to develop understandings of language use; the value of assemblage theory as a way of interpreting the social, technical and spatial aspects of language policy development; and the geographies that characterise institutional engagements with languages. This book will set a research agenda for the geographical study of language, developing a conceptual framework that will offer fresh insights to researchers in the fields of Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Minority Languages, Geolinguistics, and Public Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan Feminist Review: Issue 106: Revolutions
Palgrave Macmillan Goods from the East, 1600-1800: Trading Eurasia
Goods from the East focuses on the fine product trade's first Global Age: how products were made, marketed and distributed between Asia and Europe between 1600 and 1800. It brings together established scholars as well as new, to provide a full comparative and connective study of this trade.
Palgrave Macmillan Translanguaging: Language, Bilingualism and Education
Winner of the British Association of Applied Linguistics Book Prize 2015This book addresses how the new linguistic concept of 'Translanguaging' has contributed to our understandings of language, bilingualism and education, with potential to transform not only semiotic systems and speaker subjectivities, but also social structures.
Palgrave Macmillan A Guide to SME Financing
A Guide to SME Finance is a brief guide to designing and implementing an SME finance program within a commercial bank or other financial institution, such as an NGO. This work covers the rationale behind SME finance why it makes sense for a bank to enter this market sector, followed by a step-by-step approach to designing and implementing the program. Munro highlights the need to automate the lending process, and offers a lengthy description of how this can be accomplished. Examples of loan application, analysis, and approval forms and templates are included along with instructions for use. Additional formats are provided for loan officer goals and periodic reviews, portfolio and relationship profitability management, as well as a model credit score card to use as a 'sift' for loan applicants.
Palgrave Macmillan Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves
This book is open access under a CC BY license. Selfies, blogs and lifelogging devices help us understand ourselves, building on long histories of written, visual and quantitative modes of self-representations. This book uses examples to explore the balance between using technology to see ourselves and allowing our machines to tell us who we are.