Search results for ""LUP - University of Michigan Press""
LUP - University of Michigan Press Black Cultural Life in South Africa
Under apartheid, black South Africans engaged with an array of textual and visual cultures in ways that shaped their responses to this period of ethical crisis. Marshalling forms of historical evidence, this book considers the importance of popular genres and audiences in the relationship between ethical consciousness and aesthetic engagement.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Animal Advocacy and Englishwomen 17801900 Patriots Nation and Empire
LUP - University of Michigan Press Africa in Translation A History of Colonial Linguistics in Germany and Beyond 18141945
Despite its long history, few know about the German literature on African languages or the prominence of Germans in the discipline of African philology. Sara Pugach works to fill this gap, arguing that Afrikanistik was essential to the construction of racialist knowledge in Germany.
LUP - University of Michigan Press David Mamet in Conversation
LUP - University of Michigan Press Normalizing Corruption Failures of Accountability in Ukraine
Advances the idea that reliable tools to hold officials accountable are essential for democratic governance and that one of the key threats to accountability comes from corrupt practices, especially when they are integrated – or normalized – in the day-to-day activities of institutions.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Carolingian Chronicles Royal Frankish Annals and Nithards Histories
Makes available for the first time in English two works which together form the most comprehensive and official contemporary record of the rise and fall of the Carolingian Empire: The Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard's Histories.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Butch Queens Up in Pumps
LUP - University of Michigan Press Sojiji Discipline Compassion and Enlightenment at a Japanese Zen Temple
Through accessible prose, ethnographically-grounded analysis, and emotionally compelling stories, this book explores the rich pastiche of daily life and ritual activity at a major Japanese Zen temple in institutional, historical, and social context through the practices of its community of clergy, practitioners, parishioners, and visitors.
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Politics of the Welfare State in Turkey
Provides a politics-based explanation for the post-1980 transformation of the Turkish welfare system, in which poor relief policies have replaced employment-based social security. The book compares the political dynamics in several emerging markets in order to develop a new political theory of welfare in the global south.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Performance Constellations
Analyses uses of space, time, media communication, and corporeality in protests such as virtual sit-ins, flash mobs, scarfazos, and hashtag campaigns, arguing that these protests not only challenge hegemonic power but are also socially transformative.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Dying Inside The HIVAIDS Ward at Limestone Prison
At Limestone Prison, the Alabama State Department of Corrections reserves Dorm 16 exclusively for inmates infected with HIV. This book takes readers for a visit to the Limestone infirmary where patients lie chained to beds while insects and rodents run freely through filthy, drafty rooms.
LUP - University of Michigan Press How Parties Win Shaping the Irish Political Arena
LUP - University of Michigan Press Acceptable Risks
LUP - University of Michigan Press MassElite Representation Gap in Old and New Dem Critical Junctures and Elite Agency
LUP - University of Michigan Press Preparing Adult English Learners to Read for College and the Workplace
LUP - University of Michigan Press Classical Spies
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Revolution Will Be Improvised The Intimacy of Cultural Activism
LUP - University of Michigan Press Rape at the Opera
Highlights the dynamism of twenty-first-century opera performance practice with regard to sexual violence, establishes methods to evaluate representations of sexual violence on the opera stage, and reframes the primary responsibility of opera critics and creators as being not to opera composers and librettists but to the public.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Always at War
Examines the stories told by a broad cross-section of British society about their country's past, present, and future role in war, using in-depth interviews with 67 diverse citizens. The book brings to the fore the voices of ordinary people in ways typically absent in public opinion research.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Corpse Crusaders
LUP - University of Michigan Press Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics
Explores the ‘stuff’ at the heart of protests, revolutions, civil wars, and other contentious political events. In particular, the focus is on those objects that have or acquire symbolic importance. The book offers a cohesive theoretical contribution which draws on diverse scholarly work in order to form the building blocks for future inquiry.
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Justice of Constantine
LUP - University of Michigan Press Textual Conspiracies Walter Benjamin Idolatry and Political Theory
LUP - University of Michigan Press A Poets Craft A Comprehensive Guide to Making and Sharing Your Poetry
Transcends the limitations of current books, combining the best of three types of poetry-writing guides: textbooks for academic use, general guides to writing poetry, and guides to writing in form. It goes further than any form guide now available to give readers a thorough, eclectic, and exciting introduction to poetic form.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Imagining Adoption Essays on Literature and Culture
'Imagining Adoption' looks at representations of adoption in an array of literary genres by diverse authors including George Eliot, Edward Albee, and Barbara Kingsolver, as well as ordinary adoptive mothers and adopter activists, exploring what these writings share and what they debate.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Entrepreneurial Seoulite
By juxtaposing the cultural turn and cultural/creative city-making, Entrepreneurial Seoulite interrogates the formation of new citizen subjectivity, namely the enterprising self, in post-Fordist Seoul.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Playing Doctor
LUP - University of Michigan Press Discipline and History Political Science in the United States
Brings new historical reflection to the ‘state of the discipline’ debate in political science. This anthology offers a panorama of views about the state of the discipline that have been sketched by leading political scientists and disciplinary historians from the late nineteenth century to the past.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Sampling and Remixing Blackness in HipHop Theater and Performance
In a cultural moment where racial identity is performed through Hip-Hop culture’s resistance to the status quo and complicity in maintaining it, Hodges Persley asks us to consider who has the right to claim Hip-Hop’s blackness when blackness itself offers both consent and resistance to transgressive and inspiring acts of performance.
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Appearing Demos
LUP - University of Michigan Press Slaves to Fashion
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Resonance of Unseen Things Poetics Power Captivity and UFOs in the American Uncanny
Offers an ethnographic meditation on the “uncanny” persistence and cultural freight of conspiracy theory. Written by a cultural anthropologist with a literary background, this deeply interdisciplinary book focuses on the enduring American preoccupation with captivity in a rapidly transforming world.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Breaking New Ground for SLIFE
A model for supporting students who are new to English and may have experienced a disruption in their schooling. The practices presented emerge from the belief that education for students with limited or interrupted formal education should not be remedial but should build on the students’ experiences and existing areas of knowledge.
LUP - University of Michigan Press SocialEmotional Learning in English Language Teaching
LUP - University of Michigan Press A Story Tellers Story
From the author of Winesburg, Ohio, an autobiography of Midwestern life and culture by one of the leading figures of 20th-century American letters.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Performing Glam Rock Gender and Theatricality in Popular Music
Situates the glam rock phenomenon historically and examines it as a set of performance strategies. This book explores the ways in which glam rock, while celebrating the showmanship of 1950s rock and roll, began to undermine rock's adherence to the ideology of authenticity in the late 1960s.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Federalism Political Identity and Tragic Compromise
Exposes the ambiguities of modern federalism, offering a generous treatise on the modern salience of the term. This book provides an analysis of a fundamental concept in politics and law.
LUP - University of Michigan Press LGBT Youth in Americas Schools
Jason Cianciotto and Sean Cahill, experts on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender public policy advocacy, combine an accessible review of social science research with analyses of school practices. In addition, portraits of LGBT youth and their experiences with discrimination at school bring human faces to the issues the authors discuss.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Capitalism Not Globalism
An explanation of the domestic consequences of recent changes in the global economy.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Cue Tears
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Wolves of Isle Royale
Isle Royale National Park - with its lush northern landscape, wolves, and moose - is an ideal laboratory for wildlife biologists. This book provides an account of the relationship that exists between the wolf and the moose on the island. Illustrated with over 100 photographs, it reveals the nature of this animal.
LUP - University of Michigan Press 100 Edible Mushrooms
An illustrated and user-friendly reference book about edible mushrooms that describes in detail how to identify each species, where and when to find them, and how to cook them in creative and delicious recipes. It presents mushrooms as the most-often eaten varieties, including a description of the button mushrooms found in the grocery store.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Soapy
The first complete biography of G. Mennen ""Soapy"" Williams, former governor of Michigan.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Speaking in Tongues
Presents an account of how language has been employed in the theater not simply as a means of communication, but as a stylistic device essential to theater's function. This book investigates the various 'levels' of language and their respective social implications.
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Dynamics of European Integration Causes and Consequences of Institutional Choices
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Troubling State of Indias Democracy
LUP - University of Michigan Press Memoria Romana
LUP - University of Michigan Press Antisthenes of Athens Texts Translations and Commentary