Search results for ""Diffusion""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Molecular Transport and Reaction in Zeolites: Design and Application of Shape Selective Catalysis
This book examines the molecular dynamics that occur within zeolites. Our understanding of how these marvelous catalysts work has been greatly enhanced by the advent ot new tools such as NMR, scanning-transmission-electron microscopy, and sophisticated computer modelling. By combining recent findings and newly developed models with classical developments in the theory of diffusion, this book provides a complete picture of the physical chemistry of hydrocarbon transformation in zeolites. It should be an excellent guide to those involved in catalyst design.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation and Small Enterprises in the Third World
Innovation is crucial for small enterprises to become and remain competitive in the global economy. In this book, the authors have combined theoretical insights with comprehensive case studies on innovation among small-scale enterprises in developing countries, paying particular attention to technological change in clusters of small firms.The authors deliberately use a broad definition of innovation in order to emphasise the fact that technological change and innovation adoption takes place on a wider scale and in a greater number of forms than is frequently assumed. The unusual case studies such as the Kenyan food processing sector, furniture making in Nicaragua and tile manufacturing in Indonesia highlight the patterns of innovation adoption and diffusion, and serve as a unique and fascinating backdrop to the study. The authors pay specific attention to innovation by small enterprises in times of economic crisis and go on to assess the mechanisms employed to promote innovation. They demonstrate that although radical innovation among small enterprises occurs on a limited scale, innovation through gradual incremental improvements in production processes and products is continuous. Innovation and Small Enterprises in the Third World will be widely read by academics, researchers and policymakers concerned with innovation adoption and diffusion, and third world development issues.
Oxford University Press Inc The Globalization of Legal Education: A Critical Perspective
This book, with contributors from nine countries, seeks to critically understand the processes of legal education reform and resistance and to point to what these processes mean for law and lawyers inside and outside of the United States. The book seeks to understand the forces driving these processes and to evaluate their implications. Its substantive chapters provide critical insights into how these transnational processes operate in different jurisdictions around the world in light of globalization and local competition. Taken together, the chapters show how institutions and practices of legal education have historically moved across jurisdictions and shaped legal education practices transnationally, as well as the challenges and limits these processes have faced. The chapters also show how that diffusion relates to empires and imperial competition, and in particular today to the rise in power of the United States after the Cold War-and the related diffusion of neoliberal economic policies that have also fueled the spread of corporate law firms modeled on the United States. The book shows how local processes play and evolve in relation to global balances of power. This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization and Productivity
This two-volume set is an indispensable selection of recent and classic research papers exploring the link between globalization and productivity growth. The editors' careful selection includes articles that focus on the impact of globalization on aggregate productivity, openness, international technology diffusion, and trade adjustment and productivity growth. Other topics include inward and outward foreign direct investment, international outsourcing and the critical relationship between exporting and productivity. The set will be an essential reference point for researchers, students and policy-makers concerned with globalization and productivity.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Physics of Photorefraction in Polymers
Photorefractive polymer composites are an unusually sensitive class of photopolymers. Physics of Photorefraction in Polymers describes our current understanding of the physical processes that produce a photorefractive effect in key composite materials. Topics as diverse as charge generation, dispersive charge transport, charge compensation and trapping, molecular diffusion, organic composite structure, and nonlinear optical wave coupling are all developed from a physical perspective. Emphasis is placed on explaining how these physical processes lead to observable properties of the polymers, and the authors discuss various applications, including holographic archiving.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Knowledge and Economics
Why do societies benefit differently from knowledge? How exactly does social interaction interfere with knowledge acquisition and diffusion? This original Handbook brings together a wide range of differing approaches to shed light on these questions and others relating to the role and relevance of knowledge in economic analysis. By illuminating the philosophical roots of the various notions of knowledge employed by economists, this Handbook helps to disentangle conceptual and typological issues surrounding the debate on knowledge among economists. Wide-ranging in scope, it explores fundamental aspects of the relationship between knowledge and economics - such as the nature of knowledge, knowledge acquisition and knowledge diffusion. This important compendium embraces various fields and traditions of economic analysis and discusses the role of knowledge in 21 papers from outstanding international scholars. Advanced scholars and postgraduate students interested in cross-fertilization between different fields of economic analysis will find this Handbook of considerable importance. Contributors: A. Amin, R. Arena, M. Augier, M.C. Becker, T. Brenner, T. Broekel, P. Cohendet, G. Dosi, J. Durieu, V. Dutraive, M. Egidi, A. Festre, D. Foray, T. Knudsen, N. Lazaric, B.J. Loasby, B.-A. Lundvall, P. Nightingale, B. Nooteboom, A. Orlean, R. Patalano, L. Ragni, S. Rizzello, P.P. Saviotti, P. Solal, A. Spada, U. Witt
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation under Uncertainty: The Future of Carbon-free Energy Technologies
Stabilization of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases to safe levels will require, at least in the longer term, some kind of technological revolution. This, in turn, can only be achieved through investments in the research, development and demonstration (RD&D) of carbon-free energy technologies. Innovation under Uncertainty presents original research and insights on the uncertain future of carbon-free energy technologies. The authors, by means of structured interviews with technology experts, portray a probabilistic landscape of future technologies' costs, potentials and limits to diffusion.This book collates the results of interviews with more than a hundred and twenty energy technology experts on a wide range of topics, from the impact of public European RD&D investment on the future cost of different low-carbon energy technologies to issues such as technological and diffusion barriers. The results offer important and concrete insights and recommendations concerning the potential role for public expenditure in innovation to bring clean generation technologies to the market.This unprecedented collection of qualitative and quantitative estimates will be invaluable to academics and policy makers drafting future energy policies, and integrated assessment and energy modelers characterizing the future development of different technological options.Contributors: L. Aleluia, V. Bosetti, M. Bunn, M. Catenacci, L.A. Diaz, G. Fiorese, A. Lee, E. Verdolini,
Springer Antibiotika am Krankenbett 2019 2020
Einteilung der Antibiotika.- Generika - Handelsnamen.- Handelsnamen. - Generika.- Leitsätze der Antibiotika.- Häufigste Fehler bei der Antibiotikatherapie.- Wichtige Infektionen - wichtige mikrobiologische Diagnostik.- Zusammenarbeit mit Mikrobiologen.- Resistenz klinisch wichtiger Erreger.- Häufigste Erreger - Antibiotikaauswahl.- Antibiotika, Antimykotika: Spektrum Dosierung Nebenwirkungen Kosten.- Antibiotikatherapie der wichtigsten Infektionen bei Kindern und Erwachsenen.- Therapie der häufigsten bakteriellen Endokarditiden.- Mindestbehandlungsdauer von bakteriellen Infektionen.- Versagen der Antibiotikatherapie.- Differentialdiagnose, Fieber unklarer Genese.- Dosierung von Antibiotika bei eingeschränkter Nierenfunktion.- Antibiotikatherapie bei Hämodialyse, Peritonealdialyse und kontinuierlicher Hämofiltration.- Antibiotikatherapie in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit.- Antibiotika bei Lebererkrankungen.- Diffusion von Antibioti
Springer International Publishing AG Numerical Methods and Applications: 10th International Conference, NMA 2022, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 22–26, 2022, Proceedings
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications, NMA 2022, held in Borovets, Bulgaria, in August 2022.The 30 revised regular papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 38 submissions for inclusion in this book. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: numerical search and optimization; problem-driven numerical method: motivation and application, numerical methods for fractional diffusion problems; orthogonal polynomials and numerical quadratures; and Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cases in Consumer Behaviour
Cases in Consumer Behaviour Cases in Consumer Behaviour contains a selection of case studies which examine different aspects of the behaviour of European consumers. These case studies consider, amongst other issues, personal consumer decisions and interactive household decision making; cultural and social effects on consumer behaviour; new product development and diffusion in different countries; marketing communications; and consumer satisfaction and welfare. This casebook is closely related to, and is recommended for use with, Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective by Gerrit Antonides and W. Fred van Raaij.
Springer International Publishing AG Simulation Algorithms for Computational Systems Biology
This book explains the state-of-the-art algorithms used to simulate biological dynamics. Each technique is theoretically introduced and applied to a set of modeling cases. Starting from basic simulation algorithms, the book also introduces more advanced techniques that support delays, diffusion in space, or that are based on hybrid simulation strategies.This is a valuable self-contained resource for graduate students and practitioners in computer science, biology and bioinformatics. An appendix covers the mathematical background, and the authors include further reading sections in each chapter.
Springer International Publishing AG Plant Aquaporins: From Transport to Signaling
Aquaporins are channel proteins that facilitate the diffusion of water and small uncharged solutes across cellular membranes. Plant aquaporins form a large family of highly divergent proteins that are involved in many different physiological processes. This book will summarize the recent advances regarding plant aquaporins, their phylogeny, structure, substrate specificity, mechanisms of regulation and roles in various important physiological processes related to the control of water flow and small solute distribution at the cell, tissue and plant level in an ever-changing environment.
Cornell University Press The Transformation of American Industrial Relations
Originally published in 1986, The Transformation of American Industrial Relations became an immediate classic, creating a new conceptual framework for understanding contemporary insutrial relations in the United States. In their introduction to the new edition, the authors assess the evolution of industrial relations and human resource practives, focusing particularly on the policy impoications of recent changes. They discuss the diverse forms of work restructuring in the American economy, the reasons why the diffusion of participatory work reorganization has been so modest, work practices among sophisticated nonunion employers, union membership declines, and public policy debates.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Proceedings of the 2007 ACerS Glass & Optical Materials Divison Meeting and The 18th University Conference on Glass
This Proceedings contains a selection of papers presented at the joint meeting of The American Ceramic Society's (ACerS) Glass and Optical Materials Division (GOMD) and the 18th University Conference on Glass, held in Rochester, NY on May 20-23, 2007. The theme of the University Conference was Mass Transport Phenomena in Glasses and Glass-Forming Melts and included contributions on topics such as gas diffusion and solubility, crystallization behavior, ionic conductivity, and chemical durability. The GOMD program included sessions devoted to optical materials, biological interactions with glass, and glass structure.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology
The book is a comprehensive, self-contained introduction to the mathematical modeling and analysis of infectious diseases. It includes model building, fitting to data, local and global analysis techniques. Various types of deterministic dynamical models are considered: ordinary differential equation models, delay-differential equation models, difference equation models, age-structured PDE models and diffusion models. It includes various techniques for the computation of the basic reproduction number as well as approaches to the epidemiological interpretation of the reproduction number. MATLAB code is included to facilitate the data fitting and the simulation with age-structured models.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermodynamics of Materials, Volume 2
Clear explanation of reaction kinetics for liquids, gases, and solids Thermodynamics of Materials provides a comprehensive reference for chemical engineers and others whose work involves materials science. Volume 2 reviews macroscopic thermodynamics before moving on to the more complex behavior of defects and interfaces. The kinetics of liquids and gases are explored through discussion of evaporation, diffusion, and molecular movement, while solids are explored through in-depth explanations of nucleation, spinodal decomposition, and reaction kinetics. Concise, with clearly-defined equations and constants, this guide is an invaluable reference for both theoretical and practical applications.
Silvana Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2018
Established by the Association for the International Diffusion of French Art (ADIAF) and organised in partnership with the Centre Pompidou, this is one of the most prestigious contemporary art prizes in the world. This year's edition offers an insight into the art scene in France, with the opportunity to discover the unique creations of Mohamed Bourouissa, Clément Cogitore, Thu-Van Tran and Marie Voignier. The exhibition is a reflection of common concerns: rewriting the narrative in the midst of media saturation and applying new conditions to memory experiences. Text in English and French.
Undena Publications,U.S. A Dictionary of Nigerian Arabic
A Dictionary of Nigerian Arabic lists (from English into Nigerian Arabic) approximately 6,000 lexemes with some illustrative sentences. The dictionary gives evidence of a dialect change in a diachronic span of nearly 50 years; this particular dialect reflects the confluence of Eastern and Western Arabic (Lake Chad to Kano). The work is geared to be of use to the specialist in comparative Arabic dialectology and to the general linguist interested in Afroasiatic data from a synchronic point of view as well as to the Africanist dealing with linguistic diffusion and borrowing.
University of Nebraska Press A Geography of the Hutterites in North America
A Geography of the Hutterites in North America explores the geographical diffusion of the Hutterite colonies from the “bridgehead” of Dakota Territory in 1874 to the present distribution across North America. Looking further than just maps of location, this book analyzes the relationship between parent and daughter colonies as the Hutterite population continues to grow and examines the role of cultural and demographic forces in determining the diffusion process. Throughout this geographical analysis, Simon M. Evans pays due attention to the Hutterites’ contribution to the cultural landscape of the Canadian Prairies and the American Great Plains, as well as the interactions that the Hutterites have with the land, including their agricultural success. With over forty years of research and personal interactions with more than a hundred Hutterite colonies, Evans offers a unique insight into the significant role that the Hutterites have in North America, both currently and historically. This study goes beyond the history, life, and culture of this communal brotherhood to present a new geographical analysis that reports on current and ongoing research within the field. The first narrative to be published regarding Hutterites in nearly a decade, A Geography of the Hutterites in North America is a valuable resource for scholars and students alike.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Practical Renaissance: Information Culture and the Quest for Knowledge in Early Modern England, 1500-1640
What sort of information did people in early modern England seek? In The Practical Renaissance Donna Seger explores the diffusion and reception of prescriptive publications over the 16th and 17th centuries. Published in an age of dynamic religious and political change, these texts demonstrate the universal desire for health and wealth, a fortified body and an orderly household. Showing how classical and continental information had been "Englished" over time, this book shows how new publications supplanted these traditional ideas with more empirical and authoritative knowledge. Published in an age of dynamic religious and political change, these texts, which include plague tracts, husbandry handbooks, printed recipe books, and navigation manuals, demonstrate the universal desire for health and wealth, a fortified body and an orderly household. Divided into three parts, the opening chapters explore factors which affected the diffusion of practical knowledge via prescriptive texts. Part two focuses on the interaction between new discoveries and traditional authority, and the final section considers debates in the ‘medical marketplace’, the term ‘knowledge-mongerer’ and the commodification of knowledge at this time. A thorough exploration into the popular and pragmatic expressions of the period, The Practical Renaissance offers a new window into the movement in which knowledge and information became power.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Simulating Innovation: Computer-based Tools for Rethinking Innovation
This book brings together computer models and simulation approaches that allow the investigation of a wide range of innovation related issues, and hence will be of interest for academics and researchers from a variety of innovation related disciplines.'- Mercedes Bleda, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social SimulationChristopher Watts and Nigel Gilbert explore the generation, diffusion and impact of innovations, which can now be studied using computer simulations.Agent-based simulation models can be used to explain the innovation that emerges from interactions among complex, adaptive, diverse networks of firms, people, technologies, practices and resources. This book provides a critical review of recent advances in agent-based modeling and other forms of the simulation of innovation. Elements explored include: diffusion of innovations, social networks, organizational learning, science models, adopting and adapting, and technological evolution and innovation networks. Many of the models featured in the book can be downloaded from the book's accompanying website.Bringing together simulation models from several innovation-related fields, this book will prove a fascinating read for academics and researchers in a wide range of disciplines, including: innovation studies, evolutionary economics, complexity science, organization studies, social networks, and science and technology studies. Scholars and researchers in the areas of computer science, operational research and management science will also be interested in the uses of simulation models to improve the understanding of organization.
Mathematical Society of Japan Hierarchy Of Semiconductor Equations: Relaxation Limits With Initial Layers For Large Initial Data
This volume provides a recent study of mathematical research on semiconductor equations. With recent developments in semiconductor technology, several mathematical models have been established to analyze and to simulate the behavior of electron flow in semiconductor devices. Among them, a hydrodynamic, an energy-transport and a drift-diffusion models are frequently used for the device simulation with the suitable choice, depending on the purpose of the device usage. Hence, it is interesting and important not only in mathematics but also in engineering to study a model hierarchy, relations among these models. The model hierarchy has been formally understood by relaxation limits letting the physical parameters, called relaxation times, tend to zero. The main concern of this volume is the mathematical justification of the relaxation limits. Precisely, we show that the time global solution for the hydrodynamic model converges to that for the energy-transport model as a momentum relaxation time tends to zero. Moreover, it is shown that the solution for the energy-transport model converges to that for the drift-diffusion model as an energy relaxation time tends to zero. For beginners' help, this volume also presents the physical background of the semiconductor devices, the derivation of the models, and the basic mathematical results such as the unique existence of time local solutions.Published by Mathematical Society of Japan and distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co. for all markets
Harvard University Press The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775–1800
A great book about an even greater book is a rare event in publishing. Robert Darnton’s history of the Encyclopédie is such an occasion. The author explores some fascinating territory in the French genre of histoire du livre, and at the same time he tracks the diffusion of Enlightenment ideas. He is concerned with the form of the thought of the great philosophes as it materialized into books and with the way books were made and distributed in the business of publishing. This is cultural history on a broad scale, a history of the process of civilization.In tracing the publishing story of Diderot’s Encyclopédie, Darnton uses new sources—the papers of eighteenth-century publishers—that allow him to respond firmly to a set of problems long vexing historians. He shows how the material basis of literature and the technology of its production affected the substance and diffusion of ideas. He fully explores the workings of the literary market place, including the roles of publishers, book dealers, traveling salesmen, and other intermediaries in cultural communication. How publishing functioned as a business, and how it fit into the political as well as the economic systems of prerevolutionary Europe are set forth. The making of books touched on this vast range of activities because books were products of artisanal labor, objects of economic exchange, vehicles of ideas, and elements in political and religious conflict.The ways ideas traveled in early modern Europe, the level of penetration of Enlightenment ideas in the society of the Old Regime, and the connections between the Enlightenment and the French Revolution are brilliantly treated by Darnton. In doing so he unearths a double paradox. It was the upper orders in society rather than the industrial bourgeoisie or the lower classes that first shook off archaic beliefs and took up Enlightenment ideas. And the state, which initially had suppressed those ideas, ultimately came to favor them. Yet at this high point in the diffusion and legitimation of the Enlightenment, the French Revolution erupted, destroying the social and political order in which the Enlightenment had flourished.Never again will the contours of the Enlightenment be drawn without reference to this work. Darnton has written an indispensable book for historians of modern Europe.
Brill Chemical Processes with Participation of Biological and Related Compounds: Biophysical and Chemical Aspects of Porphyrins, Pigments, Drugs, Biodegradable Polymers and Nanofibers
The book is devoted to kinetics and thermodynamics of the processes with participation of some biological compounds and their synthetic analogues. Aspects of their acting as model enzymes, molecular receptors, photo sensitizers, pharmocophores, and biopharmaceutical compounds are under consideration. Quantitative characteristics of transfer of cations, anions and small organic molecules, fermentative catalysis, diffusion of the drug molecular through biological membranes are found. Mechanisms of the processes are discussed. Biological activity of studied compounds is evaluated. Bio-damages of materials as well as adhesions of microorganisms on materials surface are investigated.
The University of Chicago Press The Renaissance Philosophy of Man: Petrarca, Valla, Ficino, Pico, Pomponazzi, Vives
Despite our admiration for Renaissance achievement in the arts and sciences, in literature and classical learning, the rich and diversified philosophical thought of the period remains largely unknown. This volume illuminates three major currents of thought dominant in the earlier Italian Renaissance: classical humanism (Petrarch and Valla), Platonism (Ficino and Pico), and Aristotelianism (Pomponazzi). A short and elegant work of the Spaniard Vives is included to exhibit the diffusion of the ideas of humanism and Platonism outside Italy. Now made easily accessible, these texts recover for the English reader a significant facet of Renaissance learning.
Undena Publications,U.S. Nigerian Arabic-English Dictionary
This is a companion volume to the same author’s A Dictionary of Nigerian Arabic. It lists the approximately 6,000 lexemes with some illustrative sentences alphabetically, from Arabic to English, using the same transcription as the previous work. This dictionary is designed to be of use to specialists in comparative Arabic dialectology and Semitic linguistics as well as to the general linguist interested in Afroasiatic data from a synchronic point of view. In addition, the volume will be of interest to the Africanist dealing with linguistic diffusion and borrowing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Physical Properties of Concrete and Concrete Constituents
Understanding the rheological properties of fresh concrete, the hydration phenomenon of cement responsible for structuration, the relationship between the characteristics of the porous solid obtained and its mechanical performances or resistance to the aggressive penetration requires a complex knowledge of the physicochemistry of reactive porous materials. The development of simple formulation rules therefore requires the assimilation of this knowledge and a good command of the properties of these materials.The purpose of this book is to provide the mix designer with useful knowledge on granular materials and porous materials, which will enable the innovative design of concrete. Topics covered include the characterization of granular materials, the concepts of porosity and specific surface area, and the transport properties (diffusion and permeation) of concrete. Some of these topics are already covered in other general books dedicated to granular or porous materials. The objective here is to bring them together in one book by adapting them for use by concrete specialists.Applications in the form of exercises are offered at the end of each chapter to enable readers to assimilate the theoretical knowledge and to apply such knowledge to concrete problems encountered in civil engineering. Contents 1. Description of Granular Materials, Definitions.2. Granulometry.3. Specific Surface Area of Materials.4. Voids in Granular Materials and the Arrangement of Grains.5. Voids in Concrete.6. The Fundamentals of Diffusion.7. Permeability.
Cornell University Press Rival Capitalists: International Competitiveness in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe
Nowhere can the cataclysmic reversals in international competitiveness since the Second World War be traced more clearly than in the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Japan. Surveying the development of the steel, automobile, and semiconductor industries in each of these countries, Jeffrey A. Hart illuminates the role of national policy in a changing world. Hart describes the global structure of production and consumption in the five major capitalist countries and offers a rich comparative history of their industrial policymaking. He concludes that variations in statesocietal arrangements—and the impact these differences have on the creation and diffusion of new technologies—provide the best explanation for divergences in international competitiveness. In Japan, state and business are allied, but labor is marginalized, whereas in Germany, labor and business are allied, and the state is decentralized. Yet both countries have become increasingly competitive because they have developed institutional mechanisms for technology diffusion. France's state-led system, in contrast, is linked with only moderate competitiveness. The decline of competitiveness in the United States and Britain, Hart concludes, may be attributed to state-societal arrangements that have allowed one actor-labor in Britain, business in the United States-to dominate policymaking. Rival Capitalists will be an invaluable source for policymakers and business analysts as well as scholars and students of political economy, international relations, industrial organization, industrial sociology, and comparative politics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Genesis of Innovation: Systemic Linkages Between Knowledge and the Market
The genesis and diffusion of innovation depends upon the density of the cognitive and market relationships among individuals, organisations and institutions at both the micro- and macro-economic level. By addressing the nature of these relationships, which include cooperation, competition and power, this book presents an important and progressive enquiry into the economic and social origins of innovation.The authors in the book stress the importance of cognitive and economic linkages in the assessment and analysis of innovation within the enterprise, within local and national economies and at the international level. They present a series of interesting studies of research labs, enterprises and networks, systems of innovation and innovative milieux to present emerging ideas from different theoretical traditions. They also demonstrate how specific actors, such as the State or certain individual enterprises, are able to determine the process of diffusion, coordination and standardisation of knowledge and technologies. Thus, economic and political power is a key notion that permeates the book. Taking the renewal of technologies and markets as a starting point, the book also clearly shows that military programmes and industries constitute one of the engines of capitalist economies.This book will interest and inform a broad readership of scholars and students working on the economics and management of innovation, the economics of technology policy and business studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Worlds of E-Commerce: Economic, Geographical and Social Dimensions
Worlds of E-Commerce Economic, Geographical and Social Dimensions THOMAS R. LEINBACH and STANLEY D. BRUNN, both of the University of Kentucky, USA Worlds of Electronic Commerce attempts to capture the enormous international impact of the recent explosion in information and communication technologies. It stands alone as the first book to tackle the major economic, social, and political issues that electronic commerce raises from interdisciplinary and international perspectives. Including contributions from leading international scholars from geography, economics, and public policy, it addresses theoretical and conceptual issues and presents case studies on how retailing, job searches, banking and finance, telecommunications, and government regulation are changing with the introduction and diffusion of the Internet and various electronic services. References to rapid developments in these fields are drawn from the United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Russia, and the developing world. The implications of these developments on consumer behaviour, existing and new firms, regulatory agencies, and interstate economic development are also discussed. In summary, the book presents an excellent background for those wanting scholarly treatments of (a) the background of e-commerce, (b) the growing importance of Information and Communication Technologies, and (c) case studies related to specific services making use of e-commerce. READERSHIP: Academics and Students in Information Economies, Information and Communications Technologies, Economics, Marketing, Retailing, Advertising, Communications, Technology Diffusion, Geography Dealing with Electronic Commerce
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics
The first text to cover both molecular reaction dynamics and chemical kinetics and their respective theories in a single source. After introductory material, the monograph goes on to cover interaction potentials; relative motion and the collisional approach for chemical reaction in the gas phase; partition functions; transition state theory; unimolecualr reactions; molecular reactions calculations; non-adiabatic transitions; surface kinetics; chemical reactions in solution; energetic changes in solvating a molecule; transition state theory in solution; models for diffusion; Kramers' theory of viscosity of solvent in chemical reactions; and electronic transfer reactions in solution. Also includes problems and solved exercises.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Physics And Modeling Of Mosfets, The: Surface-potential Model Hisim
This volume provides a timely description of the latest compact MOS transistor models for circuit simulation. The first generation BSIM3 and BSIM4 models that have dominated circuit simulation in the last decade are no longer capable of characterizing all the important features of modern sub-100nm MOS transistors. This book discusses the second generation MOS transistor models that are now in urgent demand and being brought into the initial phase of manufacturing applications. It considers how the models are to include the complete drift-diffusion theory using the surface potential variable in the MOS transistor channel in order to give one characterization equation.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stochastic Systems In Merging Phase Space
This book provides recent results on the stochastic approximation of systems by weak convergence techniques. General and particular schemes of proofs for average, diffusion, and Poisson approximations of stochastic systems are presented, allowing one to simplify complex systems and obtain numerically tractable models.The systems discussed in the book include stochastic additive functionals, dynamical systems, stochastic integral functionals, increment processes and impulsive processes. All these systems are switched by Markov and semi-Markov processes whose phase space is considered in asymptotic split and merging schemes. Most of the results from semi-Markov processes are new and presented for the first time in this book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Geographies of Media and Communication
Geographies of Media and Communication From the invention of the telegraph to the emergence of the Internet, communications technologies have transformed the ways that people and places relate to each other. Geographies of Media and Communication is the first textbook to treat all aspects of geography’s variegated encounter with communication. Connecting geographical ideas with communication theories such as intertextuality, audience-centered theory, and semiotics, Paul C. Adams explores media representations of places, the spatial diffusion of communication technologies, and the power of communication technologies to transform places, and to dictate who does and does not belong in them.
Yale University Press Mathematical Models in the Biosciences I
An award-winning professor’s introduction to essential concepts of calculus and mathematical modeling for students in the biosciences This is the first of a two-part series exploring essential concepts of calculus in the context of biological systems. Michael Frame covers essential ideas and theories of basic calculus and probability while providing examples of how they apply to subjects like chemotherapy and tumor growth, chemical diffusion, allometric scaling, predator-prey relations, and nerve impulses. Based on the author’s calculus class at Yale University, the book makes concepts of calculus more relatable for science majors and premedical students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Gaseous Electronics: Theory and Practice
The research on gaseous electronics reaches back more than 100 years. With the growing importance of gas lasers in so many research and industrial applications as well as power systems generating, transmitting, and distributing huge blocks of electrical power, the body of literature on cross sections, drift and diffusion, and ionization phenomena continues to bloom. Searching through this vast expanse of data is a daunting and time-consuming task. With this in mind, eminent researcher Gorur Govinda Raju presents an authoritative survey of the ballooning literature on gaseous electrical discharge.Gaseous Electronics: Theory and Practice begins with an overview of the physics underlying the collisions involved in discharge, scattering, ion mobilities, and the various cross-sections and relations between them. A discussion follows on experimental techniques used to measure collision cross-sections, covering the techniques related to the data presented in later chapters. In an unprecedented collection of data and analysis, the author supplies comprehensive cross-sections for rare gases such as Argon, Helium, Krypton, and Xenon; various diatomics; and complex molecules and industrial gases including hydrocarbons. He further includes discussions and analyses on drift and diffusion of electrons, ionization coefficients, attachment coefficients, high-voltage phenomena, and high-frequency discharges. Based on more than 40 years of experience in the field, Gaseous Electronics: Theory and Practice places a comprehensive collection of data together with theory and modern practice in a single, concise reference.
Johns Hopkins University Press From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States
David A. Houndshell's widely acclaimed history explores the American "genius for mass production" and races its origins in the nineteenth-century "American system" of manufacture.Previous writers on the American system have argued that the technical problems of mass production had been solved by armsmakers before the Civil War. Drawing upon the extensive business and manufacturing records if leading American firms, Hounshell demonstrates that the diffusion of arms production technology was neither as fast now as smooth as had been assumed. Exploring the manufacture of sewing machines and furniture, bicycles and reapers, he shows that both the expression "mass production" and the technology that lay behind it were developments of the twentieth century, attributable in large part to the Ford Motor Company.Hounshell examines the importance of individuals in the diffusion and development of production technology and the central place of marketing strategy in the success of selected American manufacturers. Whereaas Ford was the seedbed of the assembly line revolution, it was General motors that initiated a new era with its introduction of the annual model change. With the new marketing strategy, the technology of "the changeover" became of paramount importance. Hounshell chronicles how painfully Ford learned this lesson and recounts how the successful mass production of automobiles led to the establishment of an "ethos of mass production," to an era in which propoments of "Fordism" argued that mass production would solve all of America's social problems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Continuous Semi-Markov Processes
This title considers the special of random processes known as semi-Markov processes. These possess the Markov property with respect to any intrinsic Markov time such as the first exit time from an open set or a finite iteration of these times. The class of semi-Markov processes includes strong Markov processes, Lévy and Smith stepped semi-Markov processes, and some other subclasses. Extensive coverage is devoted to non-Markovian semi-Markov processes with continuous trajectories and, in particular, to semi-Markov diffusion processes. Readers looking to enrich their knowledge on Markov processes will find this book a valuable resource.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Molecular Modeling of Corrosion Processes: Scientific Development and Engineering Applications
Presents opportunities for making significant improvements in preventing harmful effects that can be caused by corrosion Describes concepts of molecular modeling in the context of materials corrosion Includes recent examples of applications of molecular modeling to corrosion phenomena throughout the text Details how molecular modeling can give insights into the multitude of interconnected and complex processes that comprise the corrosion of metals Covered applications include diffusion and electron transfer at metal/electrolyte interfaces, Monte Carlo simulations of corrosion, corrosion inhibition, interrogating surface chemistry, and properties of passive films Presents current challenges and likely developments in this field for the future
The University of Chicago Press The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity Revisited
While the importance of innovation to economic development is widely understood, the conditions conducive to it remain the focus of much attention. This volume offers new contributions to fundamental questions relating to the economics of innovation and technological change. Central to the development of new technologies are institutional environments, and among the topics discussed are the roles played by universities and other nonprofit research institutions and the ways in which the allocation of funds between the public and private sectors affects innovation. Other essays examine the practice of open research and how the diffusion of information technology influences knowledge accumulation.
Princeton University Press Random Walks in Biology: New and Expanded Edition
This book is a lucid, straightforward introduction to the concepts and techniques of statistical physics that students of biology, biochemistry, and biophysics must know. It provides a sound basis for understanding random motions of molecules, subcellular particles, or cells, or of processes that depend on such motion or are markedly affected by it. Readers do not need to understand thermodynamics in order to acquire a knowledge of the physics involved in diffusion, sedimentation, electrophoresis, chromatography, and cell motility--subjects that become lively and immediate when the author discusses them in terms of random walks of individual particles.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation, Organization and Economic Dynamics: Selected Essays
Giovanni Dosi is recognized as one of the world's leading scholars in industrial economics and corporate change. This volume contains a selection of his most important work and provides an excellent overview of the contribution he has made to the economics of innovation and technical change.Key topics include: technological paradigms and innovation diffusion economic behaviour and learning organizational structures and behaviour in a changing environment< corporate finance and innovation industrial dynamics evolutionary theories in economics institutions, technical change and economic growth. The book will be welcomed by scholars and students of innovation, industrial organization, business and institutional and evolutionary economics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Principles of Linguistic Change, Volume 3: Cognitive and Cultural Factors
Written by the world-renowned pioneer in the field of modern sociolinguistics, this volume examines the cognitive and cultural factors responsible for linguistic change, tracing the life history of these developments, from triggering events to driving forces and endpoints. Explores the major insights obtained by combining sociolinguistics with the results of dialect geography on a large scale Examines the cognitive and cultural influences responsible for linguistic change Demonstrates under what conditions dialects diverge from one another Establishes an essential distinction between transmission within the community and diffusion across communities Completes Labov’s seminal Principles of Linguistic Change trilogy
Guilford Publications The Colonizer's Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History
This influential book challenges one of the most pervasive and powerful beliefs of our time--that Europe rose to modernity and world dominance due to unique qualities of race, environment, culture, mind, or spirit, and that progress for the rest of the world resulted from the diffusion of European civilization. J. M. Blaut persuasively argues that this doctrine is not grounded in the facts of history and geography, but in the ideology of colonialism. Blaut traces the colonizer's model of the world from its 16th-century origins to its present form in theories of economic development, modernization, and new world order.
Elsevier Science & Technology The Cerebellum: Disorders and Treatment: Handbook of Clinical Neurology Series: Volume 155
The Cerebellum: Disorders and Treatment, Volume 155 updates readers on the latest and clinically relevant advances in the study of cerebellar diseases in children and adults. It is organized into sections detailing: (1) Disorders (starting from the fetal cerebellum, to adult cerebellum) encountered during daily practice, and (2) Therapy (including insights into innovative drug and rehabilitative approaches). The book's innovative structure discusses cerebellar disorders in children and adults as a continuum, with its companion volume, The Cerebellum: From Embryology to Diagnostic Investigations detailing embryology, anatomy, function and diagnostic investigations and neuroimaging, including conventional sequences, diffusion tensor imaging, functional MRI, and connectivity studies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Flows and Chemical Reactions in Homogeneous Mixtures
Flows with chemical reactions can occur in various fields such as combustion, process engineering, aeronautics, the atmospheric environment and aquatics.The examples of application chosen in this book mainly concern homogeneous reactive mixtures that can occur in propellers within the fields of process engineering and combustion:– propagation of sound and monodimensional flows in nozzles, which may include disequilibria of the internal modes of the energy of molecules;– ideal chemical reactors, stabilization of their steady operation points in the homogeneous case of a perfect mixture and classical instruments of experimental and theoretical analysis such as population balances, and the distribution of residence and passage times;– laminar and turbulent flames, separating those which are premixed from those which are not and which do not exhibit the same mechanisms, but which also occur in the case of triple flames.Flows and Chemical Reactions in Homogeneous Mixtures provides information on dimensional analysis, statistical thermodynamics with coupling between internal modes and chemical reactions, the apparition and damping of fluid turbulence as well as its statistical processing, bifurcations, flames in a confined medium and diffusion. Contents 1. Flows in Nozzles.2. Chemical Reactors.3. Laminar and Turbulent Flames.Appendix 1. Dimensionless Numbers, Similarity.Appendix 2. Thermodynamic Functions.Appendix 3. Concepts of Turbulence.Appendix 4. Thermodynamic functions for a mixture in disequilibrium.Appendix 5. Notion of bifurcation.Appendix 6. Confined flame.Appendix 7. Limits of Validity of the First-order Expansions for Diffusion Flames.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Hybrid High-Order Methods: A Primer with Applications to Solid Mechanics
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of hybrid high-order methods for computational mechanics. The first three chapters offer a gentle introduction to the method and its mathematical foundations for the diffusion problem. The next four chapters address applications of increasing complexity in the field of computational mechanics: linear elasticity, hyperelasticity, wave propagation, contact, friction, and plasticity. The last chapter provides an overview of the main implementation aspects including some examples of Matlab code. The book is primarily intended for graduate students, researchers, and engineers working in related fields of application, and it can also be used as a support for graduate and doctoral lectures.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Frontiers of Environmental Economics
Top European and American scholars contribute to this cutting-edge volume on little-researched areas of environmental and resource economics. Topics include spatial economics, poverty and development, experimental economics, large-scale risk and its management, organizational economics, technological innovation and diffusion and many more.The common thread is the language and methodology of economics, yet the work aims to reach an audience wider than academia; others such as researchers and policymakers, in the public sector, professional staff in research institutes and think tanks, and environmental consultants will all benefit from an awareness of these crucial issues which, if not considered now, will become the problems of the future.