Search results for ""Author Vicente""
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Comprender los Evangelios
Los siglos pasados han sido testigos de un análisis exhaustivo de los Evangelios. Muchas veces este estudio ha estado presidido por el prejuicio de la sospecha. Los Evangelios, decían los autores de la crítica liberal, no muestran al verdadero Jesús, sino a un Jesús idealizado y mitificado por sus discípulos. La exégesis cristiana ha conseguido mostrar que los Evangelios, aunque reflejan ciertamente la predicación de los apóstoles sobre Jesús, son testimonios históricos fiables de la vida y obra de nuestro Señor. En los diversos capítulos de este libro se ofrecen abundantes claves para la lectura de los Evangelios tal como se comprenden hoy en la Iglesia. Vicente Balaguer, doctor en Teología y en Filología, es profesor de Sagrada Escritura en la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad de Navarra. Imparte cursos sobre los Evangelios y sobre la interpretación de la Biblia. Ha escrito numerosos artículos de investigación y algunos libros.
Editorial Juventud, S.A. Diccionario de autores obras y personajes de la literatura griega
El profesor López Soto, en este útil y vasto diccionario, ha resumido y ordenado todo el saber de la antigüedad griega. La obra, dividida en tres apartados, ?autores, obras y personajes?, nos habla de filósofos, oradores, poetas, historiadores, matemáticos, de personajes y mitos que posteriormente y en toda época han servido para numerosas piezas literarias, y también nos da acceso a un importante caudal de obras, muchas de ellas poco conocidas.El diccionario de López Soto contiene la información esencial sobre una de las grandes corrientes que contribuyeron a la creación de cultura europea. Éste es un libro de consulta no solo para estudiantes sino también para todo admirador de la cultura griega, cuyos imperecederos valores perduran a través de los siglos.
Batidora Ediciones Mindfulness la meditación científica
El mindfulness es presentado por la neurociencia como una herramienta sencilla y efectiva para gestionar mejor el estrés y las emociones en nuestra vida diaria.Vicente B. Nebot, de forma práctica y con explicaciones detalladas, nos ofrece el conocimiento para que desarrollemos las habilidades o capacidades que nos ayudarán a combatir el estrés y las prisas, logrando una vida más satisfactoria.El mindfulness no conoce límites en su aplicación en la vida real, contribuye a gestionarse mejor a uno mismo, a familias y grupos sociales y a alumnos de todas las edades y niveles, desde infantil hasta la universidad. Entre sus aplicaciones prácticas en el mundo de la empresa, contribuye a aumentar la creatividad en equipos de innovación, gestión de proyectos y solución de problemas.A través de sencillos ejercicios meditativos al alcance de todos, iremos progresando en la técnica del mindfulness y recogiendo beneficios prácticos y perceptibles en nuestra vida diaria, desde los primer
Editorial Ariel Historia universal de la Edad Media
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: ArielLa Historia Universalque ahora presentamos es el resultado de la colaboración de un gran número de medievalistas que ejercen sus funciones en diferentes universidades de toda España. Es una obra que viene, no ha cubrir un vacío bibliográfico, puesto que existen algunos manuales valiosos, pero sí ha hacerlo de un modo diverso, llamando a la colaboración a un nutrido grupo de autores, cada uno de los cuales, con total respeto al orden interno de la obra, aborda su tema con absoluta autonomía y desde su propia metodología y hacer historiográfico. El contenido de esta Historia Universal se ha estructurado en cuarenta temas, veinte dela Alta Edad Media y otros tantos dela Baja Edad Media. En él se ha prestado atención preferente a los acontecimientos históricos, que tienen lugar en un espacio y tiempo concretos, con unos protagonistas definidos. No es una simple "historia política", es la explicación de esos acontecimientos en un contexto socioe
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Palabra de Dios sagrada escritura iglesia XXIX Simposio Internacional de Teología celebrado en Pamplona de 2 y 4 de abril de 2008
La Biblia es El Gran Código de la cultura occidental. Así la llamó, hace ya más de dos siglos, William Blake, en una denominación que más tarde popularizó Northrop Frye. La Biblia es Palabra de Dios cuando se sitúa en un conjunto de referencias e interrelaciones que incluyen la revelación de Dios, Jesucristo y la Iglesia. La Biblia no es algo caído del cielo. Tampoco es resultado de un dictado de Dios a los hombres con palabras de hombres. La Biblia no es tanto un don de Dios al mundo como un don de Dios a la Iglesia para que con ella pueda proclamar al mundo a Jesucristo ?Palabra de Dios encarnada? y a su misterio; esto es, el Evangelio.El próximo Sínodo de los obispos sobre la Palabra de Dios en la vida y en la misión de la Iglesia se propone, entre otras cosas, describir cómo la Biblia es Palabra de Dios, y exponer las consecuencias que se derivan de ello para su interpretación. En las páginas de este volumen un grupo de especialistas ofrece algunas reflexiones sobre el tema.
Editorial Kairos A Mitad de Camino: La Falacia de la Iluminación Prematura
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Saco de prato el
Steidl Publishers Robert Frank: Valencia 1952
Nova Science Publishers Inc Statistical Mechanics & Random Walks: Principles, Processes & Applications
Editorial Kairos Sherpa: Ensayo Sobre La Inmortalidad
Juventud La Eneida
Almuzara Como Escribir Y Dibujar Un Cuento
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd State-Initiated Restraints of Competition
The issue of competition law's role in relation to state-owned enterprises is at the center of many discussions of competition law today, especially in regard to China, but in numerous other countries as well. Often the issue is oversimplified as one of mere opposition between state-owned enterprises and the objectives of competition law. That opposition exists, but the issues are often far more complex, and they involve fundamental current developments in the relationship between government and the economy. This book is masterful in identifying the range of issues involved and in analyzing the experiences and tensions in this relationship. It has a broad range, and several of the contributions are exceptionally insightful. All are very useful.'- David Gerber, Illinois Institue of Technology, US'This book is an important and most welcome contribution to the study of state-initiated restraints on competition. It gathers together leading academics in order to recognize and suggest tools to ensure that such restraints do not restrict competition in a way which reduces welfare. Accordingly, the book provides important insights on how to identify such restraints in different settings, some of which are intentional and well recognized and some of which are not. It then suggests principled approaches to reduce such restraints, based, inter alia, on case studies from around the world, including Australia, India, the EU, the US and Brazil. It is highly recommended for anyone interested in the role states play in creating restraints on competition.'- Michal S. Gal, University of Haifa, IsraelThis new book addresses important current problems and challenges arising from a large variety of state-initiated restraints. Beyond state-owned enterprises, rules on government procurement and the control of state subsidies, the contributions also analyze forms of regulation that either distort competition or manage to introduce competition in the market.The contributions of leading competition law scholars cover state-initiated restraints of competition in many jurisdictions, including the US, the EU, Australia, and Asian and Latin American countries.Competition and trade law scholars will find this book both relevant and insightful. Regulators and competition agencies, representatives of international organizations and competition law practitioners will also find this to be an invaluable resource of information from which they can take new inspiration.Contributors: A. Barrionuevo, G. Bercovici, L. Bettencourt Nunes, S. Chakravarthy, T.K. Cheng, C. Curiel Leidenz, J. Drexl, P. Dutra, D. Healey, T. Jaeger, M.M. Leitão Marques, G. Oliveira, R.J.R. Peritz, S. Vezzoso, T. Zuñiga Fernández
Ediciones Nowtilus La psicología en 100 preguntas
Las respuestas de la Psicología a temas tan relevantes como los límites de la percepción humana, la falsedad de los recuerdos biográficos, la medición de la inteligencia o la conducta patológica, suscitan un gran interés entre los lectores que quieren conocerse mejor a sí mismos y a los demás. Descubra que las raíces de la Psicología son profundas, que se remontan a los mitos clásicos y a los médicos de la Antigua Grecia y que dejaron brotar a la Psicología con fuerza en un siglo tan importante para la historia como el XIX (el siglo que lo cambió absolutamente todo). Descubra qué tipo de personalidad psíquica se corresponde con su forma de ser y cómo su cuerpo delata lo que piensa y siente realmente aunque se esfuerce en fingir otra cosa. Sepa por qué no consigue olvidar o recordar según qué cosas y averigüe si podemos cambiar para mejor como personas o si más bien tenemos que aceptarnos tal y como somos? Todo esto entre otros muchos asuntos de su interés.Una obra para lectores que
Rizzoli International Publications Creative Interior Solutions: Lessons Learned From a Life in Design
In this book, celebrated AD100 designer Vicente Wolf shares the expertise he has honed over forty successful years in the business for the first time. Wolf s work is characterized by a passion for integrity and simplicity; a sophisticated sense of space, color, and ease; masterful handling of furniture, fabrics, and art; and the use of rare antiques and exceptional handcrafted pieces (many acquired on annual globe-trotting voyages). This new volume distills his knowledge into wide-ranging and easily applicable recommendations. Organized topically and illustrated with Wolf s own photographs, the design principles are engaging, absorbing, and above all practical from coping with the challenges inherent in life transitions to overcoming space and budget limitations to working with art and other collections and remaking outdated spaces. The book also includes an in-depth look at Wolf s own loft in New York City and how he designs for himself. Unusual in its down-to-earth, sensible approach, filled with lessons and takeaways, this book is that rare volume that will be as beautiful as it is useful.
McMullen Museum of Art Rafael Soriano: The Artist as Mystic/El artista como mstico
Cuban painter Rafael Soriano (1920–2015) was an acclaimed master of geometric abstraction and a global figure in the twentieth-century art world—his work resonated with such international artists of Latin American origin as Roberto Matta, Rufino Tamayo, and Wifredo Lam. As a result of the revolution in Cuba in 1959, Soriano left the country in 1962 for the United States. The effect of the Cuban revolution on his art as well as his aesthetics in general are the focus of this book, an unprecedented examination of his entire oeuvre. Featuring more than ninety paintings, pastels, and drawings, this bilingual English-Spanish catalog for an accompanying exhibition at the McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College; the Long Beach Museum of Art; and the Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum at Florida International University begins with a contextual analysis of Soriano’s relationship to the Cuban avant-garde and his position within the emerging mid-century modernists. Essays then trace his evolving styles, examining his work through the lens of surrealism and European and Latin American transnational aesthetics. The idea of exile and struggle is a leitmotif and is framed within questions of transcendence and spirituality. Taken together, the contributions suggest both Soriano’s rootedness in Latin America and his striving for universality. The most comprehensive exploration of Soriano’s work to date, Rafael Soriano: The Artist as Mystic deftly takes the idea of exile and struggle so prominent in the artist’s work and frames it within important questions of transcendence and spirituality. This book will be essential reading for anyone intrigued by Latin American and modern art.
University of Washington Press The Crown and the Capitalists: The Ethnic Chinese and the Founding of the Thai Nation
Despite competing with much larger imperialist neighbors in Southeast Asia, the Kingdom of Thailand—or Siam, as it was formerly known—has succeeded in transforming itself into a rival modern nation-state over the last two centuries. Recent historiography has placed progress—or lack thereof—toward Western-style liberal democracy at the center of Thailand’s narrative, but that view underestimates the importance of the colonial context. In particular, a long-standing relationship with China and the existence of a large and important Chinese diaspora within Thailand have shaped development at every stage. As the emerging nation struggled against colonial forces in Southeast Asia, ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs were neither a colonial force against whom Thainess was identified, nor had they been able to fully assimilate into Thai society. Wasana Wongsurawat demonstrates that the Kingdom of Thailand’s transformation into a modern nation-state required the creation of a national identity that justified not only the hegemonic rule of monarchy but also the involvement of the ethnic Chinese entrepreneurial class upon whom it depended. Her revisionist view traces the evolution of this codependent relationship through the twentieth century, as Thailand struggled against colonial forces in Southeast Asia, found itself an ally of Japan in World War II, and reconsidered its relationship with China in the postwar era.
Editorial Anagrama El Invitado Amargo
Taylor & Francis Ltd Trading in Genes: Development Perspectives on Biotechnology, Trade and Sustainability
Few scientific developments have given rise to as much controversy as biotechnology. Numerous groups are united in their opposition, expressing concern over environmental and health risks, impacts on rural livelihoods, the economic dominance of multinational companies and the ethical implications of crossing species boundaries. Among the supporters of the technology are those that believe in its potential to enhance food security, further economic development, increase productivity and reduce environmental pressures. As a result, countries - and sectors within countries - find themselves at odds with each other while potential opportunities for development offered by the use of biotechnology are seized or missed, and related risks go unmanaged. This book, a unique interdisciplinary collection of perspectives from the developing world, examines the ongoing debate. Writing for the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, leading experts address issues such as diffusion of technology, intellectual property rights, the Cartagena Protocol, impacts of international trade, capacity building and biotechnology research and regulation. With the most recent and relevant examples from around the world, Trading in Genes offers the reader a single-volume overview of the connections between biotechnology, trade and sustainability that is both wide-ranging and thorough
D.C.Thomson & Co Ltd Commando Presents: Commandos vs. Zombies
Ediciones Catedra, S.A. Altazor Temblor De Cielo
Taylor & Francis Ltd Trading in Genes: Development Perspectives on Biotechnology, Trade and Sustainability
Few scientific developments have given rise to as much controversy as biotechnology. Numerous groups are united in their opposition, expressing concern over environmental and health risks, impacts on rural livelihoods, the economic dominance of multinational companies and the ethical implications of crossing species boundaries. Among the supporters of the technology are those that believe in its potential to enhance food security, further economic development, increase productivity and reduce environmental pressures. As a result, countries - and sectors within countries - find themselves at odds with each other while potential opportunities for development offered by the use of biotechnology are seized or missed, and related risks go unmanaged. This book, a unique interdisciplinary collection of perspectives from the developing world, examines the ongoing debate. Writing for the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, leading experts address issues such as diffusion of technology, intellectual property rights, the Cartagena Protocol, impacts of international trade, capacity building and biotechnology research and regulation. With the most recent and relevant examples from around the world, Trading in Genes offers the reader a single-volume overview of the connections between biotechnology, trade and sustainability that is both wide-ranging and thorough
Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza Introducción a la ordenación del territorio un enfoque geográfico
La estructura de la obra parte del concepto de ordenación territorial, para analizar a continuación los procesos y problemas territoriales que hacen necesaria la ordenación y las soluciones preindustriales, como antecedentes de la actual función pública, que se compara con otras políticas y planificaciones espaciales.Después se trata la evolución de las políticas territoriales en las sociedades del bienestar hacia el desarrollo sostenible, para concretar en España la política regional y la planificación territorial preautonómicas.Al final del libro, el estudio de los agentes que intervienen, de los planes y directrices como instrumentos básicos de la ordenación y de otros instrumentos se aplica a la ordenación de las comunidades autónomas españolas.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Swarm Intelligence Optimization: Algorithms and Applications
Resource optimization has always been a thrust area of research, and as the Internet of Things (IoT) is the most talked about topic of the current era of technology, it has become the need of the hour. Therefore, the idea behind this book was to simplify the journey of those who aspire to understand resource optimization in the IoT. To this end, included in this book are various real-time/offline applications and algorithms/case studies in the fields of engineering, computer science, information security, and cloud computing, along with the modern tools and various technologies used in systems, leaving the reader with a high level of understanding of various techniques and algorithms used in resource optimization.
Estudiohoy versin Martina
Llega ESTUDIOHOY VERSIÓN MARTINA y con este sencillo planificador en una preciosa versión Martina (marca registrada) podrás, de manera sencilla, organizar días perfectos, pudiendo optar por llevarlo contigo o bien extraer la página correspondiente al día en curso. Recuerda siempre que aquello que no se planifica no ocurre. Dedica 5 minutos a orientar y visualizar el día que deseas. Lo que no se planifica no ocurre y nunca olvides que cada día es tu vida en miniatura.
IGI Global Advanced Models and Tools for Effective Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Risk Contexts
Business industries depend on advanced models and tools that provide an optimal and objective decision-making process, ultimately guaranteeing improved competitiveness, reducing risk, and eliminating uncertainty. Thanks in part to the digital era of the modern world, reducing these conditions has become much more manageable. Advanced Models and Tools for Effective Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Risk Contexts provides research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of effective decision making based not only on mathematical techniques, but also on those technological tools that are available nowadays in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as industrial informatics, knowledge management, and production planning, this book is ideally designed for decision makers, researchers, engineers, academicians, and students.
IGI Global Advanced Models and Tools for Effective Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Risk Contexts
Business industries depend on advanced models and tools that provide an optimal and objective decision-making process, ultimately guaranteeing improved competitiveness, reducing risk, and eliminating uncertainty. Thanks in part to the digital era of the modern world, reducing these conditions has become much more manageable. Advanced Models and Tools for Effective Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Risk Contexts provides research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of effective decision making based not only on mathematical techniques, but also on those technological tools that are available nowadays in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as industrial informatics, knowledge management, and production planning, this book is ideally designed for decision makers, researchers, engineers, academicians, and students.
1040 preguntas cortas en cuquifichas LPAC
La presente obra es un híbrido. Parece un libro clásico, pero incorpora fichas y muy importante, te señala el método propiedad de Vicente Valera para sacarle el máximo rendimiento. En ella, Vicente Valera te propone afrontar la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de manera organizada, al objeto de que puedas dominarla en un máximo de 55 días dedicándole 1H al día.Vicente Valera te propone clasificar las preguntas (que están organizadas en modo ficha) en función de su dificultad y, a partir de ahí, comenzar un camino que te llevará hasta que seas capaz de inscribirlas, con su fecha, en la hoja de control que incorpora el libro. Muchas de las preguntas incorporan iconos para ayudarte a su memorización, pero puedes inventarte los tuyos. Es una obra que te recomendamos que personalices al máximo.Puedes usarla trabajándola individualmente o con alguien que te ayude, porque, qué mejor forma de verificar que dominas el contenido que " jugar " y que alg
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Practical Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions
The past few years have witnessed an upsurge in incidences relating to food safety issues, which are all attributed to different factors. Today, with the increase in knowledge and available databases on food safety issues, the world is witnessing tremendous efforts towards the development of new, economical and environmentally-friendly techniques for maintaining the quality of perishable foods and agro-based commodities. The intensification of food safety concerns reflects a major global awareness of foods in world trade. Several recommendations have been put forward by various world governing bodies and committees to solve food safety issues, which are all mainly targeted at benefiting consumers. In addition, economic losses and instability to a particular nation or region caused by food safety issues can be huge. Various ‘non-dependent’ risk factors can be involved with regard to food safety in a wide range of food commodities such as fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, poultry, meat and meat products. Additionally, food safety issues involves a wide array of issues including processed foods, packaging, post-harvest preservation, microbial growth and spoilage, food poisoning, handling at the manufacturing units, food additives, presence of banned chemicals and drugs, and more. Rapid change in climatic conditions is also playing a pivotal role with regard to food safety issues, and increasing the anxiety about our ability to feed the world safely. Practical Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions takes a multi-faceted approach to the subject of food safety, covering various aspects ranging from microbiological to chemical issues, and from basic knowledge to future perspectives. This is a book exclusively designed to simultaneously encourage consideration of the present knowledge and future possibilities of food safety. This book also covers the classic topics required for all books on food safety, and encompasses the most recent updates in the field. Leading researchers have addressed new issues and have put forth novel research findings that will affect the world in the future, and suggesting how these should be faced. This book will be useful for researchers engaged in the field of food science and food safety, food industry personnel engaged in safety aspects, and governmental and non-governmental agencies involved in establishing guidelines towards establishing safety measures for food and agricultural commodities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electromagnetic Technologies in Food Science
A comprehensive source of in-depth information provided on existing and emerging food technologies based on the electromagnetic spectrum Electromagnetic Technologies in Food Science examines various methods employed in food applications that are based on the entire electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Focusing on recent advances and challenges in food science and technology, this is an up-to-date volume that features vital contributions coming from an international panel of experts who have shared both fundamental and advanced knowledge of information on the dosimetry methods, and on potential applications of gamma irradiation, electron beams, X-rays, radio and microwaves, ultraviolet, visible, pulsed light, and more. Organized into four parts, the text begins with an accessible overview of the physics of the electromagnetic spectrum, followed by discussion on the application of the EM spectrum to non-thermal food processing. The physics of infrared radiation, microwaves, and other advanced heating methods are then deliberated in detail—supported by case studies and examples that illustrate a range of both current and potential applications of EM-based methods. The concluding section of the book describes analytical techniques adopted for quality control, such as hyperspectral imaging, infrared and Raman spectroscopy. This authoritative book resource: Covers advanced theoretical knowledge and practical applications on the use of EM spectrum as novel methods in food processing technology Discusses the latest progress in developing quality control methods, thus enabling the control of continuous fast-speed processes Explores future challenges and benefits of employing electromagnetic spectrum in food technology applications Addresses emerging processing technologies related to improving safety, preservation, and overall quality of various food commodities Electromagnetic Technologies in Food Science is an essential reading material for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, academics, and agri-food professionals working in the area of food preservation, novel food processing techniques and sustainable food production.
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Divertimento No. 4
Editorial Sirio Mindfulness Para Padres E Hijos
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals and Applications of Acoustic Metamaterials: From Seismic to Radio Frequency
In the last few decades, metamaterials have revolutionized the ways in which waves are controlled, and applied in physics and practical situations. The extraordinary properties of metamaterials, such as their locally resonant structure with deep subwavelength band gaps and their ranges of frequency where propagation is impossible, have opened the way to a host of applications that were previously unavailable. Acoustic metamaterials have been able to replace traditional treatments in several sectors, due to their better performance in targeted and tunable frequency ranges with strongly reduced dimensions. This is a training book composed of nine chapters written by experts in the field, giving a broad overview of acoustic metamaterials and their uses. The book is divided into three parts, covering the state-of-the-art, the fundamentals and the real-life applications of acoustic metamaterials.
Marsilio Maurizio Cattelan: Index
A colossal anthology of artist conversations conducted by Maurizio Cattelan This massive volume, published in conjunction with the artist's exhibition at Pirelli HangarBicocca, collects for the first time all of the conversations that Maurizio Cattelan (born 1960) has been conducting for 20 years, as interviewer. The dialogues, of which there are more than 130, were published between 2001 and 2021 in numerous magazines, including Flash Art Italia, International, Purple Magazine, Vogue and Il Manifesto, as well as in monographs and exhibition catalogs. Maurizio Cattelan: Index presents these conversations in facsimile form, maintaining the text and original layout of each publication, resulting in a lively kaleidoscope of voices and images. Appraising the list of people interviewed and reading the texts, an astonishing chorus takes shape, comprising young and upcoming artists, established figures and those who are now deceased and part of history, as well as creatives from other disciplines such as architects, designers, chefs, thinkers, entertainers and performers. Among the interviewees are luminaries such as Alighiero Boetti, Phil Collins, Ferran Adrià, Alex Da Corte, Seth Price, Urs Fischer, Dash Snow, Martine Syms, Paul Chan, Carol Rama, Takashi Murakami, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, George Condo, Jerry Saltz, Virgil Abloh, Chloë Sevigny, Dana Schutz and more.
Marsilio Maurizio Cattelan: Breath Ghosts Blind
New and selected works from the master prankster and art saboteur Accompanying Maurizio Cattelan’s (born 1960) solo exhibition of the same name at Pirelli HangarBicocca, Breath Ghosts Blind follows the artist’s first show in Italy for many years. The exhibition intermixes the artist’s classic pieces with a new body of work, paralleling the show’s thematic core: the cycle of life and the relationship between individual and collective memory. The fully illustrated hardcover monograph delves into these themes, featuring analysis from an array of critics, philosophers and theologians, including Francesco Bonami, Nancy Spector, Arnon Grunberg, Andrea Pinotti and Monsignor Timothy Verdon. It also features an in-depth conversation between the exhibition’s curators and Cattelan himself.
Rowman & Littlefield Shakespeare and the Mediterranean: The Selected Proceedings of the International Shakespeare Association World Congress, Valencia, 2001
Shakespeare's career-long fascination with the Mediterranean made the association a natural one for this first World Shakespeare Congress of the Third Millennium. The plenary lectures and selected papers in this volume represent some of the best contemporary thought and writing on Shakespeare, in the ranging plenary lectures Jonathan Bate on Shakespeare's islands and the Muslim connection, Michael Coveney's on the late Sir John Gielgud, Robert Ellrodt's on Shakespeare's sonnets and Montaigne's essays, Stephen Orgel's on Shakespeare's own Shylock, and Marina Warner's on Shakespeare's fairy-tale uses of magic. Also included in the volume's several sections are original papers selected from special sessions and seminars by other distinguished writers, including Jean E. Howard, Gary Taylor, and Richard Wilson.
David Zwirner Juan Muñoz: Seven Rooms
“Walking between these figures feels like an interruption; being a spectator is itself a performance. They seem to know more than we do, about the status of being an artwork and the place of the viewer. The joke, if there is one, is on us.” — The Guardian Muñoz's revolutionary oeuvre creates emotional and evocative narratives through sculpture, installation, drawing, writing, and sound. Situating viewers between his work and amongst each other, he creates an intimacy between works of art and viewers. Muñoz thought deeply about art history and in particular the tradition of Spanish painting. Before his untimely death at the age of forty-eight, he produced an extensive, powerfully evocative body of work that uniquely explores the narrative and philosophical possibilities of art. Published on the occasion of the two-floor exhibition at David Zwirner in New York in 2022, this catalogue provides an expansive overview of Muñoz’s career from the 1980s onwards. In an accompanying text, art historian and curator Guillaume Kientz contextualizes Muñoz’s influences within the art-historical canon. Acclaimed writer Siri Hustvedt writes a thoughtful response to the artist’s iconic Conversation Piece. In an imagined interview between Muñoz and himself, Maurizio Cattelan further propels the artist’s artistic momentum and potential in the time before his death. Also featured is a never-before-published interview between Muñoz and the art historian Michael Brenson that took place in 2000, less than one year prior to his untimely death.
University of Washington Press The Crown and the Capitalists: The Ethnic Chinese and the Founding of the Thai Nation
Despite competing with much larger imperialist neighbors in Southeast Asia, the Kingdom of Thailand—or Siam, as it was formerly known—has succeeded in transforming itself into a rival modern nation-state over the last two centuries. Recent historiography has placed progress—or lack thereof—toward Western-style liberal democracy at the center of Thailand’s narrative, but that view underestimates the importance of the colonial context. In particular, a long-standing relationship with China and the existence of a large and important Chinese diaspora within Thailand have shaped development at every stage. As the emerging nation struggled against colonial forces in Southeast Asia, ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs were neither a colonial force against whom Thainess was identified, nor had they been able to fully assimilate into Thai society. Wasana Wongsurawat demonstrates that the Kingdom of Thailand’s transformation into a modern nation-state required the creation of a national identity that justified not only the hegemonic rule of monarchy but also the involvement of the ethnic Chinese entrepreneurial class upon whom it depended. Her revisionist view traces the evolution of this codependent relationship through the twentieth century, as Thailand struggled against colonial forces in Southeast Asia, found itself an ally of Japan in World War II, and reconsidered its relationship with China in the postwar era.
University of Washington Press Mediating Islam: Cosmopolitan Journalisms in Muslim Southeast Asia
Broadening an overly narrow definition of Islamic journalism, Janet Steele examines day-to-day reporting practices of Muslim professionals, from conservative scripturalists to pluralist cosmopolitans, at five exemplary news organizations in Malaysia and Indonesia. At Sabili, established as an underground publication, journalists are hired for their ability at dakwah, or Islamic propagation. At Tempo, a news magazine banned during the Soeharto regime and considered progressive, many see their work as a manifestation of worship, but the publication itself is not considered Islamic. At Harakah, reporters support an Islamic political party, while at Republika they practice a “journalism of the Prophet” and see Islam as a market niche. Other news organizations, too, such as Malaysiakini, employ Muslim journalists. Steele, a longtime scholar of the region, explores how these publications observe universal principles of journalism through an Islamic idiom.
Springer International Publishing AG The 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Reconstruction and Restoration: Insights and Assessment after 5 Years
This book covers the restoration and reconstruction process and activities undertaken in Japan in the first five years since the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami – a period widely considered to be the most intensive reconstruction phase within the 10-year restoration plan drawn up by the Japanese Government. The respective chapters explore technical, scientific, social and non-scientific (policy-related) aspects, including: reconstruction and restoration policies, infrastructure and designs for tsunami coastal defence, resilient urban areas and affected communities, housing and relocation schemes, disaster mitigation and evacuation measures, reactivation of the economy, revitalization of fisheries and coastal agriculture, and industry and tourism. The book also illustrates some of the achievements and failures in a broad range of projects and initiatives intended to address the above-mentioned issues, making it particularly relevant for experts, decision makers, students and other interested scholars.
Springer International Publishing AG Ambient Intelligence—Software and Applications—13th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
This book presents the latest research on Ambient Intelligence including software and applications. Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is a paradigm emerging from Artificial Intelligence, where computers are used as proactive tools assisting people with their day-to-day activities, making everyone’s life more comfortable. The inclusion of computational power and communication technologies in everyday objects is growing, and their embedding into our environments should be as invisible as possible. In order for AmI to be successful, human interaction with computing power and embedded systems in the surroundings should be smooth and happen without people actually noticing it. The only awareness people should have arises from AmI: more safety, comfort and wellbeing, emerging in a natural and inherent way. ISAmI is the International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, aiming to bring together researchers from various disciplines that constitute the scientific field of AmI to present and discuss the latest results, new ideas, projects and lessons learned.
O'Reilly Media Building Intelligent Cloud Applications: Develop Scalable Models Using Serverless Architectures with Azure
Serverless computing is radically changing the way we build and deploy applications. With cloud providers running servers and managing machine resources, companies now can focus solely on the application's business logic and functionality. This hands-on book shows experienced programmers how to build and deploy scalable machine learning and deep learning models using serverless architectures with Microsoft Azure. You'll learn step-by-step how to code machine learning into your projects using Python and pre-trained models that include tools such as image recognition, speech recognition, and classification. You'll also examine issues around deployment and continuous delivery including scaling, security, and monitoring. This book is divided into four parts: Cloud-based development: learn the basics of serverless computing with machine learning, functions as a service (FaaS), and the use of APIs Adding intelligence: create serverless applications using Azure Functions; learn how to use pre-built machine-learning and deep-learning models Deployment and continuous delivery: get up to speed with Azure Kubernetes Service, as well as Azure Security Center, and Azure Monitoring Application examples: deliver data at the edge, build conversational interfaces, and use convolutional neural networks for image classification
Cornell University Press Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics: Understanding the War on Drugs in Bagong Silang, Philippines
Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics explores the notoriously brutal Philippine war on drugs from below. Steffen Bo Jensen and Karl Hapal examine how the war on drugs folded itself into communal and intimate spheres in one Manila neighborhood, Bagong Silang. Police killings have been regular occurrences since the birth of Bagong Silang. Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics shows that although the drug war was introduced from the outside, it fit into and perpetuated already existing gendered and generational structures. In Bagong Silang, the war on drugs implicated local structures of authority, including a justice system that had always been deeply integrated into communal relations. The ways in which the war on drugs transformed these intimate relations between the state and its citizens, and between neighbors, may turn out to be the most lasting impact of Duterte's infamously violent policies.
Cornell University Press Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics: Understanding the War on Drugs in Bagong Silang, Philippines
Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics explores the notoriously brutal Philippine war on drugs from below. Steffen Bo Jensen and Karl Hapal examine how the war on drugs folded itself into communal and intimate spheres in one Manila neighborhood, Bagong Silang. Police killings have been regular occurrences since the birth of Bagong Silang. Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics shows that although the drug war was introduced from the outside, it fit into and perpetuated already existing gendered and generational structures. In Bagong Silang, the war on drugs implicated local structures of authority, including a justice system that had always been deeply integrated into communal relations. The ways in which the war on drugs transformed these intimate relations between the state and its citizens, and between neighbors, may turn out to be the most lasting impact of Duterte's infamously violent policies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems
Damage prognosis is a natural extension of damage detection and structural health monitoring and is forming a growing part of many businesses. This comprehensive volume presents a series of fundamental topics that define the new area of damage prognosis. Bringing together essential information in each of the basic technologies necessary to perform damage prognosis, it also reflects the highly interdisciplinary nature of the industry through the extensive referencing of each of the component disciplines. Taken from lectures given at the Pan American Advanced Studies Institute in Damage Prognosis sponsored by the US National Science Foundation in cooperation with Los Alamos National Laboratories, this book will be essential reading for anyone looking to get to grips with the fundamentals of damage prognosis. Presents the 'ground rules' for Damage Prognosis. Deals with interdisciplinary topics: rotating machines, aerospace structures, automotive components and civil structures. Covers essential technical material: equations, graphs and plots, tables and photographs. Offers additional material from the associated workshop on an active web site.