Search results for ""Author Various"
American Bar Association Bid Protests: A Guide to Challenging Federal Procurements
Starting with a historical overview of how bid protests arose in the first place and the jurisdictional authority behind each of the various protest forums, the book discusses the various considerations involved in deciding whether and in which forum to protest. The book delves into the various procedural requirements associated with each forum, the differences between pre-award and post-award protests, and examine the types of protest grounds that succeed and those that do not. The History of Protest Jurisdiction Comparing Protest Forums Who May Protest, and When, and Whether to Do So Stays, Overrides, and Injunctions Protective Orders Grounds of Protest What Lies Ahead
Nova Science Publishers Inc Parental Involvement: Practices, Improvement Strategies and Challenges
The book titled Parental Involvement: Practices, Improvement Strategies and Challenges is a collection of papers focusing on different challenges and practices to obtain greater involvement of parents in the schooling of children and youth. The authors espoused, to varying degrees, the unique and complex patterns of parent-school relationships pointing out two significant areas where parents should become involved, namely home-based and school-based. In their exposition of these two areas, the authors of the various chapters point out both macro and micro antecedents of how parents are involved both at home (home-based) and at school (school-based) supporting their children towards achieving success. At the macro-level, the authors who contributed to this book reflected upon policy issues whereby the Ministries of Education in various countries (i.e., New Zealand, Israel, Finland, South Africa, and the United States) instigated strategies for parental involvement with varying degrees of success. There is also evidence of socio-cultural perspectives and teachers' ethnic and professional identities impacting on attitudes towards parental involvement both at school and at home. In addition, the authors point to the impact of gender differences (fathers and mothers) and at-home engagement with children's educational success. In sum, there are many and variable barriers, obstacles, and challenges towards enabling parents for greater involvement in their children's academic achievements, and a need for more consistency and collaboration across home and school systems. Presenting their most up-to-date research findings, the authors of the various chapters espouse their viewpoints pertaining to parental involvement from the perspective of the parents themselves, the perspective of the teachers, and the views of students both in the home and at the school. For the most part, however, the authors advocate the belief that strengthening parent-teacher relationships will promote the child's development and success in school and in life.
Archaeopress Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists (2nd-7th June, 2015, Zagreb – Croatia)
The Seventh Central European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research (CECE7) was held at the University of Zagreb in Croatia in 2015. It was co-organised by two scholarly institutions: the Department of History at the Centre for Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb, Croatia (Dr Mladen Tomorad), and the Department of Ancient Cultures of the Pułtusk Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, Poland (Dr Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska). This book presents a selection of papers which were read at the conference. The volume is divided into six sections in which thirty-two scholars from fourteen European countries cover various fields of modern Egyptological research. The first group of five papers is devoted to language, literature and religious texts; in the second section three authors describe various themes related to art, iconography and architectural studies; the third group contains four contributions on current funerary and burial studies; in the fourth (largest) section, ten authors present their recent research on material culture and museum studies; the fifth is concerned with the history of Ancient Egypt; and in the last (sixth), two authors examine modern Egyptomania and the 19th century travellers to Egypt.
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd 50 Years in the Semiconductor Underground
This book was derived from a talk that the author gave at the International Conference on Advanced Nanodevices and Nanotechnology in Hawaii. The book is about science and engineering, but is not on science and engineering. It is not a textbook which develops the understanding of a small part of the field, but a book about random encounters and about the strengths and the foibles of living as a physicist and engineer for half a century. It presents the author’s personal views on science, engineering, and life and is illustrated by a number of lively stories about various events, some of which shaped his life.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Understanding, Assessing and Treating Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse
This important book identifies the adult adjustment disorders that are associated with childhood abuse and explains why various forms of abuse lead to specific adjustment difficulties. The authors provide clinicians with guidelines for assessment and treatment modalities that have been shown to be highly effective with specific abuse-related disorders.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Depolarizing Collisions in Nonlinear Electrodynamics
In this book, the authors derive the theory of elastic depolarizing collisions and describe their importance in some nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in gaseous media. The formation of photon echo and a description of its various types in gaseous media are then presented. The authors show that the characteristics of the corresponding signals depend essentially on elastic depolarizing collisions. They also consider the advantages of a new kind of photon echo spectroscopy: polarization photon echo-spectroscopy. A high-level, specialized treatment, Depolarizing Collisions in Nonlinear Electrodynamics will appeal to researchers and advanced graduates in nonlinear optics and quantum electronics.
HarperCollins Rocks Minerals
It’s a fun way to learn to read and as a supplement for activity books for children.Readers will learn how to identify and classify various kinds of stones, such as granite, sandstone, basalt, quartz, and crystal.This book includes an author's note, a glossary, and an index and supports the Common Core State Standards.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Breakdown: A Personal Crisis and a Personal Dilemma
This acclaimed account by author of the bestselling author of Irrationailty of his own manic depression remains unique in its honesty and perception. As an eminent psychologist who suffered a severe mental breaskdown. Stuart Sutherland was ideally placed to provide an original and insightful description of his illness and often bizarre consequences. In the second part of Breakdown, Sutherland describes and assesses the various forms of therapy and drug treatments available to sufferers of manic depression and analyses the origins of mental illness. Essentail reading for anyone affected by or interested in mental illness.
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press Some Intertextual Chords of Joseph Conrad’s Literary Art
This monograph brings together studies that deal with various aspects of Joseph Conrad’s literary art. The core concept organizing its structure is intertextuality. Intertextual relationships are seen in terms of either affinities/points of contact and the influence of earlier literary works upon his oeuvre or the influence of Conrad’s texts upon literary works by authors following him. Each such relationship is understood as a chord that is vibrant and resonates with new meanings that emerge from the juxtaposition of literary works by Conrad with those by other artists; these new meanings add additional value and significance to Conrad’s literary art.The papers create a truly international constellation of criticism, with their authors affiliated at universities in France, United Kingdom, Turkey, India, Japan, and Poland. The papers apply various types of comparative treatment of Joseph Conrad’s texts: to juxtapose them with literary works by other authors, with specimens of a literary genre, with texts of other fine arts, with aesthetic, philosophical, and ideological tendencies of the epoch. They apply a diverse range of perspectives to Conrad’s literary art, its intertexts, and contexts. The book is a tribute to the literary artistry of Conrad’s literary output, to its tremendous and inexhaustible semantic and artistic potential to be further explored.
Princeton University Press Becoming a Woman of Letters: Myths of Authorship and Facts of the Victorian Market
During the nineteenth century, women authors for the first time achieved professional status, secure income, and public fame. How did these women enter the literary profession; meet the demands of editors, publishers, booksellers, and reviewers; and achieve distinction as "women of letters"? Becoming a Woman of Letters examines the various ways women writers negotiated the market realities of authorship, and looks at the myths and models women writers constructed to elevate their place in the profession. Drawing from letters, contracts, and other archival material, Linda Peterson details the careers of various women authors from the Victorian period. Some, like Harriet Martineau, adopted the practices of their male counterparts and wrote for periodicals before producing a best seller; others, like Mary Howitt and Alice Meynell, began in literary partnerships with their husbands and pursued independent careers later in life; and yet others, like Charlotte Bronte, and her successors Charlotte Riddell and Mary Cholmondeley, wrote from obscure parsonages or isolated villages, hoping an acclaimed novel might spark a meteoric rise to fame. Peterson considers these women authors' successes and failures--the critical esteem that led to financial rewards and lasting reputations, as well as the initial successes undermined by publishing trends and pressures. Exploring the burgeoning print culture and the rise of new genres available to Victorian women authors, this book provides a comprehensive account of the flowering of literary professionalism in the nineteenth century.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Backward Glances
This study shows how, in the nineteenth century, Americans often described and narrated Italy as a way of reflecting on their own country and national identity in genres as various as travel literature, fiction, poetry, and journalism. Indeed, maintains author Leonardo Buonomo, Italy helped the Americans to relativize, if not redefine, the very idea of Americanness.
University of California Press Monitoring Rocky Shores
Monitoring changes in the intertidal zone of rocky shores has never been more critical. This sensitive habitat at the interface of land and ocean may well be the marine equivalent of the canary in a coal mine as we advance into an era of global climate change. This handbook describes effective methods and procedures for monitoring the ecological and environmental status of these areas. Written by three collaborating authors with extensive field experience, it provides critical discussions and evaluation of the various sampling techniques and field procedures for studies of intertidal macroinvertebrates, seaweeds, and seagrasses. Rather than prescribing standard protocols or procedures, the authors break down the decision-making process into various elements so investigators can become aware of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a particular method or approach. Chapters discuss topics such as site selection, field sampling layouts and designs, selection of sampling units, nondestructive and destructive methods of quantifying abundance, and methods for measuring age, growth rates, size, structure, and reproductive condition.
Ebury Publishing Downfall
Mark Galeotti (Author) Professor Mark Galeotti is one of the foremost Russia-watchers today, who travels there regularly to teach, lecture, talk to his contacts, and generally watch the unfolding story of the Putin era. Based in London, he is Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Institute of International Relations Prague, having previously headed its Centre for European Security, and was before then Professor of Global Affairs at NYU. A prolific author on Russia and security affairs, he frequently acts as consultant to various government, commercial and law-enforcement agencies.Anna Arutunyan (Author) Anna Arutunyan is a Russia-American journalist, analyst and author. Born in Moscow, she was raised and educated in the United States before returning to Russia as a journalist. She covered two decades of Russian politics, first as reporter and editor at The Moscow News, then as a correspondent and analyst. She has served as Russia's senior analyst for
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dam Hydraulics
Dam Hydraulics D. L. Vischer W. H. Hager VAW, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland This book develops the main themes of water flow in dam structures, emphasizing the hydraulic principles governing the design, construction and refurbishment of dams. Opening with an overview of the various dam structures, it then develops fundamental topics including: reservoir sedimentation, waves due to landslides and dambreak waves. The authors provide a systematic analysis of the various phenomena associated with dam hydraulics, illustrated with appropriate figures and photographs of laboratory models and prototype structures.
Peeters Publishers Hellenism - Judaism - Christianity: Essays on Their Interaction
In 1990 the author published two volumes of collected essays. The first one, Essays on the Jewish World of Early Christianity, focused on the relevance of Jewish themes and writings for the study of early Christianity; the second one, Studies on the Hellenistic Background of the New Testament, centered on pagan Hellenistic material, elucidating various aspects of the New Testament and Early Christianity. In the present volume these threads come together. In 20 essays, most of them published over the last few years, some of them new, several aspects of pagan Hellenistic and Judeo-Christian cultures are investigated in their various forms of interaction. Disparate though the copies may seem at first sight, the underlying unity is to be found in the fact that the author wrote all these essays in the framework of the Utrecht University Faculty of Theology's research project: 'The Cultural Milieu of Early Christianity'. The study of the New Testament was the starting point and remains the impetus for the research that lies behind most of all of these contributions. In the Utrecht tradition, inaugurated by W.C. van Unnik, New Testament problems are studied in their ancient context in the widest sense of the word. This inevitably leads to thorough research of both Jewish and Hellenistic cultures in the period from Alexander the Great to Justinian, in their various interactions. This is why the book has a fourfold division: (1) Hellenism and Judaism, (2) Judaism and Christianity, (3) Hellenism and Christianity, and (4) Hellenism-Judaism-Christianity. The author hopes that reading these studies will create a greater awareness of how much there is yet to be discovered in these still largely unexplored areas of the interrelationships of Graeco-Roman, Jewish and Christian cultures in antiquity. Whatever important research has already been done in this field, there is little doubt that this kind of investigations is still very much in its infancy. If these contributions, however modest, make other scholars and students enthousiastic for pursuing this line of research, the author will have attained his goal.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Practical Formation Evaluation
This book is on oil and natural gas well logging, and is based on the author's lectures at the University of Southern California. The first seven chapters discuss logging techniques and devices: spontaneous potential, gamma rays, resistivity, density, neutron logs, and acoustic logs. The remaining chapters discuss the various methods for integrating and analyzing this data.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Femtosecond Laser Techniques and Technology
A femtosecond laser is a laser which emits ultrashort pulses, used for minimally invasive corneal surgery. This book is a concise guide to femtosecond laser technology and the various techniques for its use. The internationally recognised authors from the US, Europe and Asia, begin with an introduction and description of current technology and future prospects. The following chapters discuss the step by step application of the techniques to different ocular disorders. The book includes more than 200 colour illustrations and images and an ancillary DVD presents real life examples of various femtosecond laser procedures.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Labouring Lives: Women, work and the demographic transition in the Netherlands, 1880–1960
Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life courses of ordinary women over the past one hundred and fifty years, namely the changes in marriage and fertility patterns. Using dynamic data from Dutch population registers and analytical techniques from the life course approach, the book offers new evidence on women’s changing position in the labour market, their role in pre-nuptial sexuality, and their contribution to marriage and fertility change in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1960. The author reconstructs the socio-economic and demographic worlds of different groups of working and non-working women, and by doing so she is able to locate the various groups driving the changes. Advanced statistical tools enable the author to analyse differences in fertility strategies, stopping versus spacing, employed by various social and cultural groups in the Netherlands. This book leads to conclusions which challenge a number of orthodoxies in the field.
Archaeopress Bar Locks and Early Church Security in the British Isles
Bar Locks and Early Church Security in the British Isles examines the evidence for the measures taken to make church buildings secure or defensible from their earliest times until the later medieval period. In particular it examines the phenomenon of ‘bar locks’ which the author identifies in many different contexts throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Bar locks take various forms and can be made of different materials, but they all provide a means of locking a door by placing a bar behind it from the inside which is then secured onto the door frame or housings on adjacent walls. The most dramatic examples are provided by thick wooden bars slotted into recesses incorporated in the adjacent door jambs. The volume describes and lists all the examples identified by the author and also publishes his photographs of the evidence for the first time. The recognition of the role of bar locks in securing churches led the author to consider further measures which may have been introduced to enhance church security; these measures could Have had major implications for structural change and design in the buildings. These supplementary protective requirements and methods for achieving them are many and various and are also considered in the volume.
Inter-Varsity Press The World's Religions
For more than twenty-five years this study guide has introduced readers to the origins and teachings of the major non-Christian faiths. In this fourth edition the contents of the book been entirely revised with many of the chapters completely rewritten. The bibliographies for each religion have been updated to include the best f primary and secondary sources. Written by Christian authors whose firm grasp of recent scholarship is informed by extended personal contacts with the religions they discuss, the essays here are meant to offer a concise, factual account. Particular attention is paid to the historical developments that have resulted from contacts between various religious traditions. Though the authors of the individual chapters have not attempted a detailed "Christian response" to what they would consider the false teaching and aberrant practices of these various religions, the editor does address, in the brief compass of the final chapter, the ever-controversial issue of the Christian approach to comparative religion.
Springer International Publishing AG Design and Applications of Nature Inspired Optimization: Contribution of Women Leaders in the Field
This book gives a detailed information of various real-life applications from various fields using nature inspired optimization techniques. These techniques are proven to be efficient and robust in many difficult problems in literature. The authors provide detailed information about real-life problems and how various nature inspired optimizations are applied to solve these problems. The authors discuss techniques such as Biogeography Based Optimization, Glow Swarm Optimization, Elephant herd Optimization Algorithm, Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization, and Grey Wolf Optimization etc. These algorithms are applied to a wide range of problems from the field of engineering, finance, medicinal etc. As an important part of the Women in Science and Engineering book series, the work highlights the contribution of women leaders in nature inspired optimization, inspiring women and men, girls and boys to enter and apply themselves to the field.
Scarecrow Press The Kings of Medieval England, c. 560-1485: A Survey and Research Guide
Provides a succinct bibliography of the various kings of medieval England, from the Bretwaldas of Bede's day through the short reign of Richard III. In selecting works to be included, the author has focused his attention on providing annotations of informative and accessible sources, particularly biographical materials, that might be used by a wide range of individuals—scholars, undergraduate researchers, Anglophiles, and others. The annotation for each entry contains a 75-to 150-word analysis of content and other factors, such as bibliography, helpful notes, tables, illustrations, and level of comprehension, which commend the book or article to the reader. With author index.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Yearbook of Cardiology 2016
This book provides a collection of articles from various peer reviewed journals published between November 2014 and 2015. 99 abstracts cover trials and research studies with emphasis on clinical aspects and patient care in day to day practice. Each article is critically reviewed and appraised by the author. Current hot topics are included to ensure clinicians are fully up to date with the latest developments in the field. The book is illustrated with figures and tables and each topic includes detailed references for further reading. Key Points Collection of recent articles from various peer reviewed journals 99 abstracts, each critically reviewed and appraised by author Abstracts cover trials and research studies with emphasis on patient care Includes current hot topics
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Qumran, Early Judaism, and New Testament Interpretation: Kleine Schriften III
The articles collected here present the fruits of 25 years of scholarship on Qumran and the New Testament. The author situates the New Testament within the pluralistic context of Second Temple Judaism, presents detailed overviews on the discoveries from Qumran, the source value of the ancient texts on the Essenes, the interpretation of the archaeological site, the various forms of dualism within the texts, the development of apocalyptic thought, Qumran meals, and scriptural authority in the Scrolls. He evaluates the various patterns of relating Jesus and the apostles to the Scrolls or the Qumran community, presents methodological reflections on comparisons and detailed surveys of the most important insights from the Qumran discoveries for the understanding of Jesus, Paul, and the Fourth Gospel. This volume demonstrates how the discovery of the Scrolls has influenced and changed New Testament scholarship.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Village Varia: Ten Studies on the History and Administration of Deir el-Medina
In "Ten Studies on the History and Administration of Deir el-Medina" the author discusses various subjects pertaining to the community of necropolis workmen at Thebes during the New Kingdom. Some illustrate particular aspects of their life in general, such as the sources of and the rights to their provisions or their free time, others deal with individual texts or events and their relations with the authorities.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Homicide
The Handbook of Homicide presents a series of original essays by renowned authors from around the world, reflecting the latest scholarship on the nature, causes, and patterns of homicide, as well as policies and practices for its investigation and prevention. Includes comprehensive coverage of the complex phenomenon of homicide and its various forms Features original contributions from an esteemed team of global experts and scholars with chapters highlighting the authors’ original research Represents the first internationally-focused collection of the latest research on the nature and causes of homicide Covers both the causes and dynamics of homicide, as well as policies and practices intended to address it
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Heavens Above: A Popular Handbook of Astronomy
It has been the aim of the authors to give in this book a brief, simple, and accurate account of the heavens as they are known to astronomers of the present day. It is believed that there is nothing in the book beyond the comprehension of readers of ordinary intelligence, and that it contains all the information on the subject of astronomy that is needful to a person of ordinary culture. The authors have carefully avoided dry and abstruse mathematical calculations, yet they have sought to make clear the methods by which astronomers have gained their knowledge of the heavens. The various kinds of telescopes and spectroscopes have been described, and their use in the study of the heavens has been fully explained.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Portfolio Design for Interiors
Portfolio Design for Interiors teaches the aspiring interior designer how to create a professional quality portfolio. Using real examples of outstanding student portfolios, authors Harold Linton and William Engel demonstrate how to analyze, organize, problem-solve, and convey diverse types of visual and text information in various forms of historic, contemporary, and innovative styles. The text features a robust art program and examples of various presentation applications, including graduate study, employment, scholarships, grants, competitions, and fellowships. This is an accessible and comprehensive resource for students learning professional portfolio design.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Amphoras and the Ancient Wine Trade
Although this booklet is based on broken pottery found during the excavation of the Agora, the author ranges far beyond the confines of Athens in her discussion of the purpose and significance of different amphora types. Amphoras were used in the ancient world to transport various different types of products, including wine and oil. The author shows how chronological variations in shape and the geographical clues offered by stamped handles make amphoras a fascinating source of economic information. The booklet illustrates many different forms of amphora, all set into context by the well-written text.
University of Minnesota Press Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space
In this text, the author uses concepts of mapping and space to challenge traditional geo-political assumptions. He delivers a deconstructive critique of various 20th-century attempts to impose grand geo-political visions on the spinning surface of global affairs.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc New Sensors and Processing Chain
A vital tool for researchers, engineers, and students, New Sensors and Processing Chain focuses on the processing chain to set up in order to extract relevant information on various systems. Highlighting the design of new microsensors and various applications, the authors present recent progress in instrumentation and microsystem design, providing insight to the modification of the sensor itself as well as its environment. Various applications illustrate the presentations, which show how a processing chain is organized from the data acquired by a specific sensor.
Heel-Verlag GMBH Bricks & Tricks: The New Big Unofficial LEGO® Builders Book
As the ultimate powerful construction toy, LEGO® offers endless possibilities - just give your imagination free reign! In order to assist you in this, the authors are revealing a wide range of construction techniques using various newly available bricks. Their new tips and tricks are all clearly displayed in easy-to-grasp step-by-step instructions for creating new and individual models, whether houses, cars, spaceships, figures, or even small accessories. The authors even explain how to integrate LEGO® electric motors, revealing new ideas for your own personal LEGO® masterpiece!
Springer International Publishing AG Calculus: A Modeling and Computational Thinking Approach
This book is intended for a first-semester course in calculus, which begins by posing a question: how do we model an epidemic mathematically? The authors use this question as a natural motivation for the study of calculus and as a context through which central calculus notions can be understood intuitively. The book’s approach to calculus is contextual and based on the principle that calculus is motivated and elucidated by its relevance to the modeling of various natural phenomena. The authors also approach calculus from a computational perspective, explaining that many natural phenomena require analysis through computer methods. As such, the book also explores some basic programming notions and skills.
Cinnamon Press June
Based in part on the author’s mother’s handwritten memoirs, this novel is an act of bricolage in which the narrator keeps finding gaps in the materials. We desire to regain the past, but every time we attempt it we fabricate it anew. Through various narrative voices, the author discovers a different sense of her mother than she held during her lifetime. This is a type of biographical revisionism. We cannot know the past, especially that of our mothers, but we can re-member them. Meticulously researched, this book constitutes an extended meditation on memory, the strength of memory and its fallibility.
SAGE Publications, Inc Positive Psychology The Scientific and Practical Explorations of Human Strengths
Lopez and Teramoto Pedrotti offer comprehensive coverage of the science and application of positive psychology and present new frameworks for understanding positive emotions and human strengths. The authors bring positive psychology to life by tackling issues such as how positive psychology can help improve schooling and the workplace, as well as promote cooperative lifestyles among people. Further, the book covers Western and Eastern approaches to understanding human strengths, along with the cultural and developmental influences on positive functioning. The authors also explore various positive conditions such as happiness and well-being, along with other processes related to mindfulness, wisdom, courage, and spirituality.* Offers an in-depth discussion of science and applications: The book provides the most comprehensive coverage of postive psychology's science and applications. It explores various positive conditions such as empathy, altruism, gratitude, attachment and love.*Encour
Peeters Publishers Donum Mycenologicum: Mycenaean Studies in Honour of Francisco Aura Jorro
This volume, published in honour of F. AURA JORRO, the author of the standard Mycenaean dictionary, covers a wide range of subjects dealing with Linear B tablets, Mycenaean culture, and related fields. The papers collected provide new insights into a number of various subjects: Linear B script and texts, Mycenaean grammar, lexicon and religion. This volume, published in honour of F. Aura Jorro, the author of the standard Mycenaean dictionary, covers a wide range of subjects dealing with Linear B tablets, Mycenaean culture, and related fields. The papers collected provide new insights into a number of various subjects: Linear B script and texts, Mycenaean grammar, lexicon and religion.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Finite Strain Theory for Continuum Elasto-Plasticity
Comprehensive introduction to finite elastoplasticity, addressing various analytical and numerical analyses & including state-of-the-art theories Introduction to Finite Elastoplasticity presents introductory explanations that can be readily understood by readers with only a basic knowledge of elastoplasticity, showing physical backgrounds of concepts in detail and derivation processes of almost all equations. The authors address various analytical and numerical finite strain analyses, including new theories developed in recent years, and explain fundamentals including the push-forward and pull-back operations and the Lie derivatives of tensors. As a foundation to finite strain theory, the authors begin by addressing the advanced mathematical and physical properties of continuum mechanics. They progress to explain a finite elastoplastic constitutive model, discuss numerical issues on stress computation, implement the numerical algorithms for stress computation into large-deformation finite element analysis and illustrate several numerical examples of boundary-value problems. Programs for the stress computation of finite elastoplastic models explained in this book are included in an appendix, and the code can be downloaded from an accompanying website.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Environmental Change in Alpine Regions: Recognition, Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation
Mountain regions represent about one fourth of the earth's surface area and provide a significant share of goods and services to humanity. In this book, the authors demonstrate how alpine environments throughout the world are particularly vulnerable to global environmental change. Alpine populations will often be affected earliest and most significantly, for example through extreme weather systems, and their scope for adaptation is relatively limited. Drawing on the natural and social sciences, particularly economics, this book supplies a broad picture of the diverse issues involved. The authors show that observed changes in natural phenomena, such as acidity and fish toxicity in high altitude lakes, clearly support the thesis on ongoing global change induced by humans. They then analyse the manifold socio-economic impacts of global environmental change which are likely to be felt in various sectors and industries including tourism, insurance and water cycle management. It is shown that adaptation options though limited can be improved, such as in natural hazard management. Finally the authors evaluate the various mitigation options available for policymakers in agriculture, energy production, transport and land use planning.Global Environmental Change in Alpine Regions demonstrates that although environmental change is a global phenomenon, the impacts are distributed unevenly and vary in severity. This book will be required reading for all students and scholars of environmental and resource economics, public management and policy.
Peeters Publishers The Lash of Ambition: Plutarch, Imperial Greek Literature and the Dynamics of Philotimia
In this volume, various aspects of Plutarch's view of 'philotimia' are analysed in detail and compared with the position of several authors of the 'Second Sophistic'. This confrontation challenges the often implicit and unquestioned consensus that Plutarch occupies as a singular figure 'his own space' apart from the 'Second Sophistic'. The broad approach and focus of this volume includes problems of textual criticism, comparative analysis, careful semantic studies of the occurrences of the term 'philotimia' in the different authors, moral-philosophical reflection on ambition, a study of philosophy as a field of honour, and the dynamics of the author's own 'philotimia' placed in the contemporary cultural context. The novel assessments of the different authors that are presented in this collection contribute to a proper understanding of their own (rhetorical/philosophical) culture and of their cultural environment. As a result, the monograph will be of interest to those studying Plutarch and the history of philosophy, rhetoric and the 'Second Sophistic'.
Minhaj-ul-Quran Publications Mawlid Al-nabi: Celebration and Permissibility
This book by renowned scholar and recognised authority on Islam, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, is a discourse on the legal position of celebrating the Mawlid al-Nabi (birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) within Islam. Most notably, the author has comprehensively compiled evidences from the authentic source texts and classical authorities to prove not only the permissibility of celebrating the Mawlid al-Nabi within the bounds of the Shari'a (Islamic Law) but also that it is divinely ordained and was a Sunna (practice) of the Prophet himself. The author presents unique and compelling arguments showing why celebrating Mawlid al-Nabi is not only an act of righteousness, but a need of our time. Tackling the various criticisms of this act head on, he specifically addresses the issue of why the first generation of Muslims did not celebrate the Mawlid, and clarifies that labelling the Mawlid as an bid'ah (innovation) betrays a fundamental and serious flaw in the understand of the Islamic concept of bid'ah.
McGraw-Hill Education ISE Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: A Laboratory Dissection Guide
This one-semester text is designed for an upper-level majors course. Vertebrates features a unique emphasis on function and evolution of vertebrates, complete anatomical detail, and excellent pedagogy. Vertebrate groups are organized phylogenetically, and their systems discussed within such a context. Morphology is foremost, but the author has developed and integrated an understanding of function and evolution into the discussion of anatomy of the various systems.
University Press of America MAN: The Perennial Question (Studies in Theological Anthropology)
MAN: The Perennial Question brings together essays that document a lifetime of reflection on the significance of man as cast in God's world starting with those written in the sixties and ending with the author's recent writing. The focus surrounds the question 'What is Man,' from Psalm 8:4, which Thomas Huxley referred to as the 'question of questions.' The author draws upon his broad experience as a professor and administrator in the United States, Israel, and Romania, presenting the writing that came out of his time spent gathering knowledge and observing the nature of man from the viewpoint of theological anthropology. The development of the author's views can be understood as he incorporates his knowledge of scripture and religion with his experience with various cultures and their responses to religion, to discover its effect on their nature as people, tackling the changing questions brought about as time passes.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Interactive Dramaturgies: New Approaches in Multimedia Content and Design
Using numerous illustrations and case studies, the author maps out the creative process involved in producing interactive media, such as CD-ROM productions and network applications. Looking at concrete outstanding examples, various contributions by international multimedia authors, designers, and artists shed light on the role and function of interactive media in the context of exhibitions, museums, cultural learning, entertainment, film, and television. The publication explores methods and strategies of interactive dramaturgy that go beyond interactive storytelling. The emphasis is on new modes of dramaturgy, where the user is actively involved, cooperation among users is supported, and repeated visits are motivated.
McGraw-Hill Education ISE Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution
This one-semester text is designed for an upper-level majors course. Vertebrates features a unique emphasis on function and evolution of vertebrates, complete anatomical detail, and excellent pedagogy. Vertebrate groups are organized phylogenetically, and their systems discussed within such a context. Morphology is foremost, but the author has developed and integrated an understanding of function and evolution into the discussion of anatomy of the various systems.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Exodus-Conquest Narrative: The Composition of the Non-Priestly Narratives in Exodus-Joshua
In this study, Stephen Germany investigates the literary development of the non-priestly narratives in Exod 1-18; 19-24; 32-34; Num 10-16; 20-24; and Josh 1-12. Through a new comparison of the various literary strata in these narratives to priestly texts, the author concludes that a significant portion of the non-priestly narratives in Exodus-Joshua belong to a post-priestly stage of composition. The reconstruction of the remaining pre-priestly narrative in these books supports the theory of an exodus-conquest narrative as one of the literary precursors to the Pentateuch and book of Joshua, challenging both the Documentary Hypothesis and the Deuteronomistic History hypothesis in their various forms.
Eureka Press Advertisement and Modern Art (6-vol. EP set)
A facsimile reprint of eight British books which deal with different visual aspects of modern advertising. These newly available books were produced by various authors and graphic artists who were deeply involved in the advertisement business during the period of the ‘Roaring Twenties’, the golden age of commercial art. The collection offers not only an introduction, theory, and history of the relationship of modern art and advertising, but also provides numerous samples of artworks actually used in various forms of commercial design such as posters, flyers etc. A valuable primary source for scholars of modern British culture and art, and of particular interest to those studying the history of advertising.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd My Mathematical Universe: People, Personalities, And The Profession
This is an autobiography and an exposition on the contributions and personalities of many of the leading researchers in mathematics and physics with whom Dr Krishna Alladi, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Florida, has had personal interaction with for over six decades. Discussions of various aspects of the physics and mathematics academic professions are included.Part I begins with the author's unusual and frequent introductions as a young boy to scientific luminaries like Nobel Laureates Niels Bohr, Murray Gell-Mann, and Richard Feynman, in the company of his father, the scientist Alladi Ramakrishnan. Also in Part I is an exciting account of how the author started his research investigations in number theory as an undergraduate, and how contact and collaboration with the great Paul Erdős as a student influenced him in his career.In-depth views of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and several major American Universities are given, and fascinating descriptions of the work and personalities of some Field Medalists and eminent mathematicians are provided.Part II deals with the author's tenure at the University of Florida where he initiated several programs as Mathematics Chair for a decade, and how he has served the profession in various capacities, most notably as Chair of the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize Committee and Editor-in-Chief of The Ramanujan Journal.The book would appeal to academicians and the general public, since the author has blended academic and scientific discussions at a non-technical level with descriptions of destinations in his international travels for work and pleasure. The reader is invited to dig as deep as desired and is guaranteed to be treated to whimsical stories and personal peeks at some of the great luminaries of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Deformation Theory
The basic problem of deformation theory in algebraic geometry involves watching a small deformation of one member of a family of objects, such as varieties, or subschemes in a fixed space, or vector bundles on a fixed scheme. In this new book, Robin Hartshorne studies first what happens over small infinitesimal deformations, and then gradually builds up to more global situations, using methods pioneered by Kodaira and Spencer in the complex analytic case, and adapted and expanded in algebraic geometry by Grothendieck. The author includes numerous exercises, as well as important examples illustrating various aspects of the theory. This text is based on a graduate course taught by the author at the University of California, Berkeley.