Search results for ""Author Rebekah"
Critical Publishing Ltd Out of the Shadows: The Role of Social Workers in Disasters
Social work has often been described as the fifth emergency service. When disaster strikes, long after our colleagues from health, fire and police services have been and gone, social workers stick around to pick up the pieces. Out of the Shadows is the first book to be published focusing on the role of UK social workers in disasters. Their involvement goes beyond the initial crisis as the impact of disasters have long term consequences such as displacement, loss, psychological issues and survivor guilt. This book focuses on the poignant and important personal stories of people with lived experiences of disaster. It also include voices of social workers and their organisational leaders who have been directly involved in providing support in disasters, their reflections and sharing learning for the future. The impact of disasters not only affect those directly affected but also individuals, families, groups and local communities locally, nationally and internationally. This book provides an important opportunity to share and develop knowledge, skills, best practice and learning from disasters nationally and internationally and from social workers who have been directly involved in emergency responses as well as from the communities they have served.
Belt Publishing Radical Humility: Essays on Ordinary Acts
SCM Press Christ Unabridged: Knowing and Loving the Son of Man
The title ‘the Son of Man’ evokes the different aspects of the whole Christ: the humanity and divinity of Christ, his earthly ministry, his sacramental presence, and the eschatological consummation of his work. It is also a term of relationship, suggestive of both the relations constitutive of the life of the Holy Trinity, and also of the way that our knowing and loving the Son of Man is always an invitation to communion - with the Triune God, as the Body of Christ, and for the life of the world. Contributors to this collection explore some of the many registers of the mystery of Christ, both historically and thematically. Contributors include some of today’s leading theological thinkers, including N.T. Wright, Rowan Williams, Lydia Schumacher, Kallistos Ware and Oliver O’Donovan. With poetic reflections from Malcolm Guite. Chapters include: "Son of Man and the New Creation" (N.T. Wright), "The Son of Man in the Gospel of John" (John Behr), "Sound and Silence in Augustine’s Christological Exegesis" (Carol Harrison), "According to the Flesh?: The Problem of Knowing Christ in Chalcedonian Perspective" (Ian Mcfarland), "Christ and the Moral Life" (Oliver O'Donovan), "Christ and the Poetic Imagination" (Malcolm Guite)
F.A. Davis Company Occupational Therapy Examination Review Guide
Now with online Q&A practice in Davis Edge!Be prepared for the NBCOT exam! Test your knowledge. Assess your progress. Master core content areas.Rely on the study guide that has helped thousands of students pass their exams: Rigorous questions, detailed rationales, and tips for making a study plan provide exactly the practice you need. Now with Davis Edge, a mobile-friendly Q&A program that creates practice certification exams and allows you to build personalized quizzes based on your strengths and weaknesses. The dashboard in Davis Edge lets you track your progress every step of the way.The questions in the book and on Davis Edge (over 1,800 questions in all) parallel the domains and content areas of the latest NBCOT exam blueprint. Multiple-choice and clinical simulation test (CST) questions reflect the difficulty level and decision-making style of the actual exam, preparing you for exam success.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introducing Christian Ethics
Introducing Christian Ethics 2e, now thoroughly revised and updated, offers an unparalleled introduction to the study of Christian Ethics, mapping and exploring all the major ethical approaches, and offering thoughtful insights into the complex moral challenges facing people today. This highly successful text has been thoughtfully updated, based on considerable feedback, to include increased material on Catholic perspectives, further case studies and the augmented use of introductions and summaries Uniquely redefines the field of Christian ethics along three strands: universal (ethics for anyone), subversive (ethics for the excluded), and ecclesial (ethics for the church) Encompasses Christian ethics in its entirety, offering students a substantial overview by re-mapping the field and exploring the differences in various ethical approaches Provides a successful balance between description, analysis, and critique Structured so that it can be used alongside a companion volume, Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader, which further illustrates and amplifies the diversity of material and arguments explored here
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Cambridge International AS & A Level – Cambridge International AS & A Level Drama Student’s Book
Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International EducationLevel & Subject: Cambridge International AS & A Level DramaFor examination from 2021 (AS Level), 2022 (AS and A Level) The Student’s Book is structured to build skills and knowledge in a clear sequence, and to help students to apply their skills. With in-depth coverage of the syllabus topics and a stimulating range of international play script extracts, this is the ideal resource for advanced level drama study.• Offers a clear route through the syllabus, helping teachers to plan for the first years of teaching and find material for each Component of the course.• Fosters a creative, experiential approach with practical activities in every unit and suggestions of how to experiment with imaginative approaches to individual tasks.• Introduces the excitement of World Theatre: a chapter on World Theatre traditions and practitioners enables students to draw on this knowledge in their own practice throughout the course and opens avenues for further exploration.• Helps students to acquire a vocabulary of performing arts terms with Key terms boxes throughout and a collated Glossary of key terms.• Supports successful writing with clear modelling of the planning, structuring and writing process, and sample writing at different levels.• Provides an exciting range of high quality, international play script extracts for students to perform individually and in groups.• Contextualises plays for international students – Key context boxes introduce texts and their social, historical and cultural contexts, while Vocabulary boxes explain any culturally specific vocabulary or references.• Differentiated to support all learners with Thinking more deeply sections in each chapter to stretch those who require a challenge, and a clear, accessible writing style to assist international learners.• Written by experienced A Level drama teachers, whose expertise includes technical and production skills as well as devising, performing and writing.• Supports teachers through the free, editable scheme of work available on This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education.
Regnery Publishing Inc Zelensky: The Unlikely Ukrainian Hero Who Defied Putin and United the World
The first major profile of Ukraine's courageous President Volodymyr Zelensky!From comedian to president to freedom fighter, this is the story of Volodymyr Zelensky, the man who stood up to Vladimir Putin and forever changed the world.
Abingdon Press Living Faithfully Revised and Updated: Human Sexuality and the United Methodist Church