Search results for ""Author Kästner"
Austin Macauley Publishers Sheeny Shadow Narratives: Algorithms In The Age of Art
Droemer Taschenbuch Die Freiheit so nah
Museum of New Mexico Press Georgia O'Keeffe in New Mexico: Architecture, Katsinam & the Land
Harcourt Brace International In November
Royal Society of Chemistry Tunnelling in Molecules: Nuclear Quantum Effects from Bio to Physical Chemistry
Quantum tunnelling is one of the strangest phenomena in chemistry, where we see the wave nature of atoms acting in “impossible” ways. By letting molecules pass through the kinetic barrier instead of over it, this effect can lead to chemical reactions even close to the absolute zero, to atypical spectroscopic observations, to bizarre selectivity, or to colossal isotopic effects. Quantum mechanical tunnelling observations might be infrequent in chemistry, but it permeates through all its disciplines producing remarkable chemical outcomes. For that reason, the 21st century has seen a great increase in theoretical and experimental findings involving molecular tunnelling effects, as well as in novel techniques that permit their accurate predictions and analysis. Including experimental, computational and theoretical chapters, from the physical and organic to the biochemistry fields, from the applied to the academic arenas, this new book provides a broad and conceptual perspective on tunnelling reactions and how to study them. Quantum Tunnelling in Molecules is the obligatory stop for both the specialist and those new to this world.
Voyager Books,U.S. In November
Transcript Verlag Urban Life-Worlds in Motion: African Perspectives
Urban agglomerations host the most vital and creative societies. This applies particularly to Africa, where cities have the highest growth rates world-wide and where the urban population is younger than anywhere else. Urban life-worlds are the basis for the development of new lifestyles and new cultural phenomena. Based on empirical ethnographic research, this book presents case studies that enhance our understanding of the dynamics of urbanity in Africa and beyond - by envisioning cities as crossroads where cultures, biographies and networks meet.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Etruscans in Berlin: Etruscan art from the Berlin Antikensammlung. An introduction
Reopened in 2010, having been closed since 1939, the world-famous Berlin Etruscan collection, one of the largest outside Italy, is now on permanent display again. This companion volume to the new exhibition in the Altes Museum provides exciting insights into this still fascinating culture of early Italy on the basis of the Berlin holdings - complete grave findings and excellent testimonies of Etruscan art production: history, architecture, sculpture and cabaret, cult and myth as well as writing and reception are presented in informative and richly illustrated articles.
Kohlhammer Bipolare Storungen
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Fashioning the Afropolis: Histories, Materialities and Aesthetic Practices
“A revelation. Reclaiming fashion from its European history.” – Shane White With a focus on sub-Saharan Africa, Fashioning the Afropolis provides a range of innovative perspectives on global fashion, design, dress, photography, and the body in some of the major cities, with a focus on Lagos, Johannesburg, Dakar, and Douala. It contributes to the ongoing debates around the globalization of fashion and fashion theory by exploring fashion as a genuine urban phenomenon on the continent and among its diasporas. To date, “fashion” and “city” have not been systematically related to each other in the African context and, for too long, a western-centric gaze has dominated scholarship, resulting in the perception of Africa as provincial and its visual arts and textile cultures as static and folkloristic. This perspective is all the more distorted, given Africa’s rich sartorial past. With a huge number of tailors ready to adapt and renew clothing, reshaping garments into contemporary styles, and many cities in Africa becoming hot-spots for a steadily growing and well-connected scene of fashion designers in the past 20 years, the time is ripe for a reevaluation and reconsideration of the fashionscapes of Africa. Leading scholars offer an updated empirical and theoretical foundation on which to base new and exciting research on sub-Saharan fashion, challenging perceptions and offering new insights.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Die Welt der Pilze
Dieses Sachbuch ist eine populär gestaltete, aber fachlich anspruchsvolle, reich bebilderte Übersicht der allgemeinen, speziellen und der angewandten Mykologie (Pilzkunde). Die Lebensweise der Pilze, die vielfältigen Formen ihrer Sexualität, die Anatomie und Morphologie ihrer Fruchtkörper, ihre Ökologie samt ihrer komplizierten symbiontischen Verflechtungen bis hin zu Fusionssymbiosen werden ebenso erläutert wie die Problematik der Gift- und Speisepilze, der Mykotoxine, der Pilzkulturen, des Pilzschutzes, der Pilzkrankheiten oder des problemreichen Holzabbaus durch Pilze.Pilze begegnen uns alltäglich, sie können mit ihrer Lebensleistungen für uns Menschen großen Nutzen bringen, aber auch gewaltige Schäden verursachen; denken wir z.B. an hochwertige Pilzgerichte mit schmackhaften Trüffeln, aber auch an verheerende Ernteverluste durch pilzliche Kartoffelschädlinge -– an Hochleistungsstämme von Hefepilzen und lästige Nagelpilze im Fußbereich.Das Buch wurde für mykologisch interessierte Naturfreunde geschrieben, die mehr über die Pilze, ihre Rolle in der Natur und ihre Bedeutung für uns Menschen wissen möchten, als im Allgemeinen bekannt ist. Es ist auch für Pilzberater, Studierende biologischer Wissenschaften, für Lehrkräfte und interessierte Praktiker und Praktikerinnen in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft verfasst worden.Die nach Sachgebieten gegliederten Texte ermöglichen es zudem, das Buch als spezielle Lektüre zu nutzen. Das Organismen-Register und die Inhaltsübersichten bieten weitere Möglichkeiten des Einstiegs in den vielgliedrigen Inhalt.
Pushkin Children's Books Dot and Anton
'Gadzooks!' said Dot ... 'The things that boy can do!' Dot loves play-acting, dressing up her pet dachshund Piefke and making up words like 'splentastic'. Her best friend is Anton, who lives in a little apartment and looks after his mother. They share a secret - every night, when their parents think they are asleep, they sell matches and shoelaces on the streets of Berlin with Dot's grumpy governess. But why? The answers involve a villain called 'Robert the Devil', a club-wielding maid, a wobbly tooth, a pair of silver shoes and a policeman dancing the tango, as Dot and Anton get into all sorts of scrapes and even solve a crime in this delightful, touching and hilarious adventure story.
Victoria Miro Gallery Alex Hartley - Nowhereisland
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lernbeeinträchtigungen und inklusiver Unterricht: Gestaltung und Organisation
Kinder mit Lernbeeinträchtigungen haben häufig in mehreren Entwicklungsbereichen einen erhöhten Förderbedarf. Was brauchen diese Kinder im Schulalltag und wie muss inklusiver Unterricht fër sie gestaltet sein?Fër viele Lehrkräfte der Regelschule gehören -Lernbeeinträchtigungen" zum Schulalltag. Schëler und Schëlerinnen mit Lernbeeinträchtigungen bringen andere und besondere Bedërfnisse mit. Die Autorinnen zeigen auf, welche Aspekte guten Unterrichts, der zudem eine sonderpädagogische Zielsetzung beinhaltet, es umzusetzen gilt. Anhand von Fallbeispielen, die typische Problemfelder der einzelnen Entwicklungsbereiche skizzieren, werden die Bedërfnisse von Kindern mit Lernbeeinträchtigungen fächerëbergreifend thematisiert und interpretiert. Besonders alltagstauglich sind die zahlreichen praktischen Fördertipps, die beschrieben werden.
University of Texas Press Miguel Covarrubias: Drawing a Cosmopolitan Line
Miguel Covarrubias enjoyed transcultural encounters and exchanges in the cosmopolitan centers of Mexico City, New York, and Europe, where he met and exchanged ideas in a global network of modernists such as Georgia O’Keeffe. Famous for his caricature studies, he was also an accomplished painter, set designer, and book illustrator. Less well known are his consummate skills as an art historian, curator, cartographer, ethnographer, and documentary filmmaker, as well as his direction of programs in museum studies, dance, and the excavation of cultural sites in Mexico.Miguel Covarrubias: Drawing a Cosmopolitan Line, the catalogue of an exhibition at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, establishes the importance of Covarrubias’s broad-ranging and significant contributions to modern art. The book includes an extensive selection of this prolific artist’s compositions in graphite, watercolor, and oil paint, as well as illustrations from his scholarly publications. Four accompanying essays consider Covarrubias’s artistic practice and contributions to the richness of modern art. They discuss his lifelong habit of moving between modern cities and remote sites of ancient cultures, which engendered a strong cosmopolitanism in his work; his role in promoting the art of the Americas, from ancient Olmec works to contemporary pieces, through curatorial efforts in New York and Mexico City; the large-scale mural maps Covarrubias made for the 1939 San Francisco World’s Fair that bring his anthropological, ethnographic, and geographic interests together with cartography and blur lines between landscape and culture; and his substantial scholarship on the indigenous arts of North America.