Search results for ""Author Geronimo Stilton""
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: My Name is Stilton, Geronimo Stilton
Geronimo Stilton is a very normal mouse, who has a very normal job and likes very normal things. Everything is just how Geronimo likes it, until his new assistant Pinky Pick blasts into his life. How will Geronimo cope when Pinky turns his office upside down? And what exactly is she planning for Geronimo’s birthday? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo StiltonThe 10 Book Collection Series 4
Geronimo Stilton is not strong, he's not bold, and he's DEFINITELY not brave. Adventure?! What's wrong with staying at home with a box of cheesy chews? Too bad the rest of his family don't agree. This 10-book box set includes The Wild, Wild West, Operation: Secret Recipe, Magical Mission, A Very Merry Christmas, The Way of the Samurai, The Race Across America, The Mummy with No Name, Down and Out Down Under, Valley of the Giant Skeletons and Valentine's Day Disaster. About the Geronimo Stilton series:Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children's series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid
Geronimo Stilton: respected journalist, family mouse … well-seasoned traveller? No thank you! But when Geronimo’s sister Thea finds a mysterious map of a secret treasure on a faraway island, Geronimo just can’t say no. Before long, Geronimo and his family are on the high seas, getting into enor-mouse trouble! About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing The Christmas Toy Factory
*Over 140 million copies sold worldwide *Good for reluctant readers due to illustrative typeset *Educational edge as books contain facts about various places *Activity packs available to accompany certain titles*More fun and games online at
Estrella Polar Tornala a tocar Mozart Històries de bigotis
Què hi fa Geronimo Stilton a Milà, l'any 1770? Ha vingut a ajudar el jove Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, el genial compositor, víctima de l'últim, malvat pla dels Gats Pirates! Entre antics instruments musicals, casals nobles, precioses partitures i arengues salades i pudents, aquest nou viatge en el temps serà una aventura inoblidable!
Estrella Polar Quart viatge al regne de la fantasia
Esteu a punt per retornar al mític Regne de la Fantasia? L'últim ou de drac ha estat raptat, sinó es recupera l'espècie està en perill d'extinció. Només hi ha algú capaç d'enfrontar-se a tal aventura, Geronimo Stilton! Travessarem el jardí encantat de les
Estrella Polar Les aventures del Corsari Negre
A bord del Llamp, el Corsari Negre solca les aigües dels mars del Carib a la recerca del duc de Wan Guld, el seu acèrrim enemic. Però la trobada amb l?Honorata, la bellíssima duquessa a qui agafa presonera, canviarà el seu destí per sempre...
Estrella Polar Vacances extrartiques 3 Els quaderns ms divertits 3r Primria
Estimats amics rosegadors: el curs ja s?acaba i les vacances són a tocar! Així que he tingut una idea extraràtica... Què us semblaria venir a visitar-me a Ratalona aquest estiu? Junts, passarem unes vacances divertidíssimes i us convertireu en enviats especials de L?Eco del Rosegador!El quadern inclou illustracions a color, fragments de les meves aventures i un espai fi nal en què podreu refl ectir tot allò que us passi durant vacances i que vulgueu guardar de record.Una manera de divertir-vos alhora que treballeu totes les assignatures de l?escola. Segur que passeu un estiu de bigotis!
Estrella Polar Final de Supercopa... a Ratalona Geronimo Stilton 65
Per mil formatges de bola, em tremolen els bigotis de l?emoció! És el dia de la Final de la Supercopa a Ratalona i els meus equips estimats es juguen el títol de campió. Però alguna cosa estranya passa al camp...I és la meva missió resoldre el misteri!
Estrella Polar Lestrany cas de la nit de Halloween Geronimo Stilton 29
Però què ha passat amb els habitants de la ciutat, atrapats al lúgubre Parc dels Misteris? Sort que el meu amic Xafarot i jo els salvarem perquè perseguirem el dolentot fins al final!
Estrella Polar Sandokan. Els tigres de Mompracem Clàssics
Sandokan, el Tigre de Malàisia, defensa amb coratge la seva llibertat i lilla de Mompracem, juntamentamb els seus fidels Cadells. Aconseguirà lamor per la bella Marianna fer retornar la pau al corde lintrèpid pirata? La batalla està a punt de començar: Cadells, a labordatge!
Espasa Libros, S.L. Geronimo Stilton. El gran libro del espacio una aventura galáctica
Sí, sí, lo habéis leído bien: espacial. De la mano de nuestros ratones favoritos conoceréis todas las curiosidades que encierra el universo: los planetas más parecidos a la Tierra, las estrellas y los agujeros negros, los distintos tipos de galaxias, las naves espaciales, el día a día de los astronautas Una aventura superratónica!
Espasa Libros, S.L. Los chistes más morrocotudos 2
Creíais que ya habíais leído todos los chistes de Geronimo Stilton? Pues os equivocabais! Aquí llega la segunda entrega de Los chistes más morrocotudos, con 500 chistes de la escuela, de médicos, de restaurantes, de Jaimito Os partiréis de risa, palabra de Stilton, Geronimo Stilton. No te los puedes perder!
Un viatge demencial a Ratkistan
Odio viatjar. Aleshores què estic fent aquí, a Ratkistan, a quaranta graus sota zero, amb tota la meva família en una autocaravana de color de formatge? Tot ha estat per culpa del meu avi Berenguer de Drap, el fundador de l'editorial...
Estrella Polar Viatge en el temps 7
Després dhaver trobat el filòsof Plató a lAntiga Grècia, viatjarem en el temps per visitar la mítica Atlàntida, el misteriós cercle de pedres de Stonehenge i la Ratalona del futur!Un viatge extraràtic entre aventures i misteris, per descobrir quin és lautèntic secret de la pau!
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Escape book Atrapado dentro del museo
La Flecha Negra Grandes historias Stilton Spanish Edition
El joven Dick Shelton, caballero en busca de honor y justicia, está dispuesto a servir con lealtad y valor a su señor, sir Daniel Brackley. Pero una flecha negra, disparada por una mano misteriosa, hará desmoronarse todas sus certezas y cambiará para siempre el curso de su vida. Un clásico de la literatura adaptado por Geronimo Stilton. Con muchísimas ilustraciones a todo color! A partir de 7 años.
1.000 chistes para partirse de risa
Los chistes más morrocotudos y famosos de la Isla de los Ratones reunidos en un solo volumen! Mil nuevos chistes para divertirse en cualquier momento, palabra de Stilton, Geronimo Stilton! No te los puedes perder!Apto para todas las risas de 0 a 99 años.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Geronimo Stilton 29 El extrao caso de la noche de Halloween
La noche de Halloween un misterioso personaje se apodera de Ratonia. Qué va a ser de todos sus habitantes? Suerte que mi amigo Metomentodo Quesoso está dispuesto a ayudarme para salvarlos a todos! Incluye todos los secretos para organizar una noche de HALLOWEEN.Quién es Geronimo Stilton? Soy yo! Soy un tipo distraído, con la cabeza en las nubes... Dirijo un periódico, pero mi verdadera pasión es escribir. Aquí en Ratonia, en la Isla de los Ratones, todos mis libros son unos bestsellers! Pero cómo?, no los conocéis? Son esas historias cómicas, tan tiernas como un queso de bola, tan gustosas como un gorgonzola y tan entretenidas como contarle los agujeros a una loncha de gruyer... En definitiva, historias morrocotudas, palabra de Geronimo Stilton!
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Halloween qué miedo
Queréis que os explique cómo conocí a Tenebrosa Tenebrax? Todo ocurrió una noche de Halloween, cuando me presentaron a una fascinante ratoncita que vive en un cementerio y conduce un coche fúnebre. Y me obligaron a participar en una fiesta de Halloween con un menú. escalofriante! En el libro encontrarás todos los trucos para organizar una fiesta de Halloween! Quién es Geronimo Stilton? Soy yo! Soy un tipo distraído, con la cabeza en las nubes... Dirijo un periódico, pero mi verdadera pasión es escribir. Aquí en Ratonia, en la Isla de los Ratones, todos mis libros son unos bestsellers! Pero cómo?, no los conocéis? Son esas historias cómicas, tan tiernas como un queso de bola, tan gustosas como un gorgonzola y tan entretenidas como contarle los agujeros a una loncha de gruyer... En definitiva, historias morrocotudas, palabra de Geronimo Stilton!
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Geronimo Stilton 35. Un superratónico día de campeonato
Soy un tipo intelectual pero, como todos los demás ratones, tengo una gran pasión: el fútbol! Soy hincha del Ratonia... pero un hincha respetuoso: para mí el deporte es coraje, lealtad y amistad!
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Geronimo Stilton 7. La sonrisa de Mona Ratisa
Mona Ratisa tiene un secreto. Las morrocotudas historias de este libro nos llevarán a descubrir un fantástico tesoro. Palabra de ratón!
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Geronimo Stilton 2. En busca de la maravilla perdida
Todo empezó con un café con leche Un café con leche? Pero qué tiene que ver el café con leche con toda esta historia? Sí, así empezó todo: mi loca pasión por Provoleta, la expedición a la Isla Mariposa en busca de la Octava Maravilla
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Geronimo Stilton 1. Mi nombre es Stilton Geronimo Stilton
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Caballeros del Reino de la Fantasa 1 El laberinto de los sueos
Edad recomendada:A partir de 7 años.Continúan las aventuras de este fantástico ratón.Nacido en Ratonia (Isla de los Ratones), Geronimo Stilton, es un gran estudioso, es licenciado en Ratología de la Literatura Ratónica y en Filosofía Arqueorratónica Comparada.Esto lo compagina con la direccion del periódico El Eco del Roedor , el periódico con más difusión de Ratonia.Ha sido galardonado con el premio Ratitzer por su reportaje El misterio del tesoro desaparecido .Geronimo obtuvo también el premio Andersen 2001 como personaje del año .En su tiempo libre, Stilton colecciona cortezas de parmesano del Renacimiento, juega al golf, a las damas y al parchis,pero sobre todo adora contarle cuentos a su sobrino Benjamín.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. La gran invasión de Ratonia
Scholastic US Happy Birthday, Geronimo! (Geronimo Stilton #74)
Geronimo is celebrating his birthday! He is out with his family when he realises someone has replaced all of his money with counterfeit bills. Geronimo and Hercule set out to find the thieves!
Scholastic US The Guardian of the Realm (Geronimo Stilton the Kingdom of Fantasy #11)
During Geronimo's training on the Balanced Path, he learned that Queen Blossom has had a baby! The Kingdom of Fantasy had a new princess named Winglet!But just after she was born, the princess was kidnapped from her crib in the castle. Geronimo travelled to the castle to help figure out who took Princess Winglet and return her to her loving parents as quickly as possible. Would his training be enough to get him up to the task?
Scholastic US Lost in Time (Geronimo Stilton the Journey Through Time #4)
I couldn't believe it. I, Geronimo Stilton, had to travel back in time to save a friend! Professor Paws von Volt needed my help. He had traveled to the past alone to prove that an artifact in the Egyptian Mouseum was genuine–and now he was lost in time! My friends and I boarded the professor's newest time machine to go find him, and ended up on a crazy trip through history. We met Cleopatra, Genghis Khan, famouse poet Dante, Queen Elizabeth I, and more. It was a fabumouse journey! But could we find the professor and make it back to the present?
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton The 30 Book Collection Series 13
A 30-book box set of the internationally bestselling Geronimo Stilton series - laugh-out-loud fiction for readers aged 5+
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: The Karate Mouse
Bookmouse Geronimo loves bubble baths and cosy nights in. He is definitely not a competitive sportsmouse. But Bruce Hyena and Shorty Tao have other ideas. Geronimo is dragged to compete in the World Karate Championships! With just a week to go before the competition, can this ‘fraidy mouse overcome his fears … and possibly even win? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: The Race Across America
Geronimo’s hardly a sportsmouse, so why would someone send him handlebars? Join Geronimo on a fur-raising ride across the United States! Along with his friend Bruce Hyena, Geronimo is about to cycle over 4,800 kilometres across deserts and mountains, in the famouse Race Across America. Cheese niblets! About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: The Mummy with No Name
Geronimo is on a seriously spooky mission! When Professor Cyril B. Sandsnout found an ancient mummy in the Egyptian Mouseum’s basement, he thought he’d made an amazing discovery. Then it came to life and scared everyone away! What does it want? Geronimo and his friends are determined to find out. About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing The Treasure of Easter Island
Pee-yew! What's that pong? It's a letter from Thea - she's in danger! Geronimo's sister has disappeared during a treasure hunt on Easter Island. Armed with a map and some cryptic clues, Geronimo and his friends rush to the rescue. Will they find Thea before she and the treasure are lost furever?
Sweet Cherry Publishing The Cheese Experiment
*Over 140 million copies sold worldwide *Good for reluctant readers due to illustrative typeset *Educational edge as books contain facts about various places *Activity packs available to accompany certain titles*More fun and games online at
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent
*Over 140 million copies sold worldwide *Good for reluctant readers due to illustrative typeset *Educational edge as books contain facts about various places *Activity packs available to accompany certain titles*More fun and games online at
Sweet Cherry Publishing Geronimo Stilton: Mouse Overboard!
The Stiltons are off to Portugal! As descendants of famouse explorer Vasco da Gama, they’ve been invited to recreate his first voyage. Geronimo is even playing the part of the captain! If only he didn’t get so seasick. And if only someone wasn’t trying to sabotage the trip! Can Geronimo stop them before it’s too late? About the Geronimo Stilton series: Geronimo Stilton is a bestselling children’s series with a dedicated international fan base. As seen on Netflix, the series follows the adventures of the Geronimo Stilton the fa-mouse journalist, as he searches for the next hot scoop. With illustrations and fun fonts throughout, Geronimo Stilton is perfect for reluctant readers aged 5+ years.
Sweet Cherry Publishing A Fabumouse Holiday for Geronimo
*Over 140 million copies sold worldwide *Good for reluctant readers due to illustrative typeset *Educational edge as books contain facts about various places *Activity packs available to accompany certain titles*More fun and games online at
Scholastic US Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye (Geronimo Stilton #1)
It all started when my sister, Thea, discovered a mysterious map. It showed a secret treasure on a faraway island. In no time at all, my sister dragged me and my cousin Trap into her treasure hunt. It was an adventure I'd never forget...