Search results for ""Author Alfred""
Stark Verlag GmbH STARK MatheKOMPAKT Gymnasium Grundwissen 510 Klasse
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Technisches Zeichnen Kopiervorlagen fr die Sekundarstufe 1
Ulmer Eugen Verlag GrnflchenPflegemanagement Dynamische Pflege von Grn
Juventa Verlag GmbH Weltbilder. Selbstbilder. Bilder des Fremden
Juventa Verlag GmbH Sondierungen des Pädagogischen
Juventa Verlag GmbH Fotografie in der Kulturellen Kinder und Jugendbildung
Atlantis Krapfen und Kringel
Verlag Österreich GmbH Arzthaftung
Springer Vieweg Lösungen zur Aufgabensammlung Technische Mechanik
Statik in der Ebene.- Schwerpunktslehre.- Reibung.- Dynamik.- Festigkeitslehre.- Fluidmechanik.
Klett-Cotta Verlag Sptantike Band 01 Perspektiven des Mittelalters Europische Grundlagen 48 Jahrhundert Kelten Germanen Slaven
FISCHER Taschenbuch November 1918 Zweiter Teil Zweiter Band Heimkehr der Fronttruppen Eine deutsche Revolution Erzhlwerk in drei Teilen
FISCHER Taschenbuch Berlin Alexanderplatz Die Geschichte vom Franz Biberkopf
Handwerk + Technik GmbH Paketangebot Heilerziehungspflege
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das Problem der Relevanz
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt Eine Einleitung in die verstehende Soziologie
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Grundlagen Der Didaktik
Borntraeger Gebrueder Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane
Nagel & Kimche Ihr sollt den Fremden lieben Rabbi Kleins vierter Fall
Kampa Verlag Mord in der Straße des 29. November
Diogenes Verlag AG Winterspelt
Klett Lerntraining Klett Lektrehilfen Alfred Andersch Sansibar oder der letzte Grund
Fona Verlag AG Die grosse Schweizer Küche
CHEERIO Publishing Ubu Royale
Alfred Jarry''s riotous, ground-breaking play, was a sensation upon first staging. This modern adaptation, which formed the basis of a short film, Roi, directed by acclaimed author, Neil Bartlett, brings a modernist classic to a contemporary audience. This bonkers and hilarious new translation of Ubu Royale was produced during the fever dream of lockdown. It features bodily incident and function. It is gloriously chaotic but, as Neil Bartlett so rightly says, consistency is for losers.
Adams Media Corporation Economics 101 2nd Edition
Discover the ins and outs of the economy with this engaging, informative, and easy-to-navigate 2nd edition guide with all-new entries and updates.Too often, textbooks turn the noteworthy details of economics into tedious discourse that would put even Joseph Stiglitz to sleep. This new edition of Economics 101 cuts out the boring explanations and instead provides a hands-on lesson that keeps you engaged as you explore how societies allocate their resources for maximum benefit. From quantitative easing to marginal utility, this primer is packed with hundreds of entertaining tidbits and concepts that you won’t be able to get anywhere else. You’ll learn the basics on terms such as monopolies and oligopolies, game theory, inflation, price ceilings, and so much more. Have you ever wondered about the origin of banking or how banks create money? This book has all the answers. Whether you’re looking to master major principles of finance or
Floris Books The Book of Revelation
This book views the strange imagery of Revelation not as prophecies of historical events, but as an expression of the entire destiny of humankind on earth.
University of Nebraska Press Lethal Encounters: Englishmen and Indians in Colonial Virginia
This in-depth narrative history of the interactions between English settlers and American Indians during the Virginia colony’s first century explains why a harmonious coexistence proved impossible. While the romanticized story of the Jamestown colony has been retold many times, the events following the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe are less well known. The peace and goodwill did not last; within one hundred years of the English settlers’ arrival in Virginia, the Indian population had been reduced by more than 90 percent through warfare, disease, and indiscriminate extermination. Britain’s first successful settlements in America occurred more than four hundred years ago. Not surprisingly, the historical accounts of these events have often contained inaccuracies. This compelling study of colonial Virginia, based on the latest research, sheds new light on the tensions between the English and the American Indians and clarifies the facts about several storied relationships. In Lethal Encounters, Alfred A. Cave examines why the Anglo settlers were unable to establish a peaceful and productive relationship with the region’s native inhabitants and explains how the deep prejudices harbored by both whites and Indians, the incompatibility of their economic and social systems, and the leadership failures of protagonists such as John Smith, Powhatan, Opechancanough, and William Berkeley contributed to this breakdown.
University of Nebraska Press Prophets of the Great Spirit: Native American Revitalization Movements in Eastern North America
Prophets of the Great Spirit offers an in-depth look at the work of a diverse group of Native American visionaries who forged new, syncretic religious movements that provided their peoples with the ideological means to resist white domination. By blending ideas borrowed from Christianity with traditional beliefs, they transformed “high” gods or a distant and aloof creator into a powerful, activist deity that came to be called the Great Spirit. These revitalization leaders sought to regain the favor of the Great Spirit through reforms within their societies and the inauguration of new ritual practices. Among the prophets included in this study are the Delaware Neolin, the Shawnee Tenkswatawa, the Creek “Red Stick” prophets, the Seneca Handsome Lake, and the Kickapoo Kenekuk. Covering more than a century, from the early 1700s through the Kickapoo Indian removal of the Jacksonian Era, the prophets of the Great Spirit sometimes preached armed resistance but more often used nonviolent strategies to resist white cultural domination. Some prophets rejected virtually all aspects of Euro-American culture. Others sought to assure the survival of their culture through selective adaptation.Alfred A. Cave explains the conditions giving rise to the millenarian movements in detail and skillfully illuminates the key histories, personalities, and legacies of the movement. Weaving an array of sources into a compelling narrative, he captures the diversity of these prophets and their commitment to the common goal of Native American survival.
Dover Publications Inc. RollingStone guitar classics, volume 2: Classic Rock to Modern Rock
Faber & Faber A Pianist's A–Z: A piano lover's reader
'This book distils what, at my advanced age, I feel able to say about music, musicians, and matters of my pianistic profession.' Ever since Alfred Brendel bid farewell to the concert stage after six decades of performing, he has been passing on his insight and experience in the form of lectures, readings and master-classes. This reader for lovers of the piano distils his musical and linguistic eloquence and vast knowledge, and will prove invaluable to anyone with an interest in the technique, history and repertoire of the piano. Erudite, witty, enlightening and deeply personal, A Pianist's A to Z is the ideal book for all piano lovers, musicians and music aficionados: rarely has the instrument been described in such an entertaining and intelligent fashion.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Regression With Social Data: Modeling Continuous and Limited Response Variables
An accessible introduction to the use of regression analysis in the social sciences Regression with Social Data: Modeling Continuous and Limited Response Variables represents the most complete and fully integrated coverage of regression modeling currently available for graduate-level behavioral science students and practitioners. Covering techniques that span the full spectrum of levels of measurement for both continuous and limited response variables, and using examples taken from such disciplines as sociology, psychology, political science, and public health, the author succeeds in demystifying an academically rigorous subject and making it accessible to a wider audience. Content includes coverage of: Logit, probit, scobit, truncated, and censored regressions Multiple regression with ANOVA and ANCOVA models Binary and multinomial response models Poisson, negative binomial, and other regression models for event-count data Survival analysis using multistate, multiepisode, and interval-censored survival models Concepts are reinforced throughout with numerous chapter problems, exercises, and real data sets. Step-by-step solutions plus an appendix of mathematical tutorials make even complex problems accessible to readers with only moderate math skills. The book’s logical flow, wide applicability, and uniquely comprehensive coverage make it both an ideal text for a variety of graduate course settings and a useful reference for practicing researchers in the field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Small Ring Heterocycles, Volume 42, Part 3
The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, since its inception, has been recognized as a cornerstone of heterocyclic chemistry. Each volume attempts to discuss all aspects – properties, synthesis, reactions, physiological and industrial significance – of a specific ring system. To keep the series up-to-date, supplementary volumes covering the recent literature on each individual ring system have been published. Many ring systems (such as pyridines and oxazoles) are treated in distinct books, each consisting of separate volumes or parts dealing with different individual topics. With all authors are recognized authorities, the Chemistry of Heterocyclic Chemistry is considered worldwide as the indispensable resource for organic, bioorganic, and medicinal chemists.
WENTWORTH PR Das Marburger Religionsgespräch Über Das Abendmahl Im Jahr 1529 Nach Ungedruckten Strassburger Urkunden
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Suzuki Cello School 4 ( Piano Accompaniment ): Revised
Springer International Publishing AG Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling
This third edition maintains the structure of the second, dividing the content into three separate parts dedicated to representative agent models, heterogeneous agent models, and numerical methods.
Royal Society of Chemistry Photoreceptors and Light Signalling
This book offers comprehensive coverage of the most important areas in photoreceptors and light signalling. Photoreceptors enable most species to sense not only the presence of light but also the information, such as irradiance, colour or spectral distribution, direction and polarization of light. They are vital, therefore, in providing organisms with energy and information about their surroundings, such as day and night cycles. This book covers the range of photoreceptors that have been discovered to date and the broad range of methods used when researching how they operate, including: action spectroscopy; methods for protein purification; the whole range of molecular biological and genetic methods; and numerous spectroscopic methods, from absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy to X-ray diffraction, used for solving the structure of photoreceptors. Written by leading experts in the field, Photoreceptors and Light Signalling provides the reader with the most recent results and research. This book will be valued by a wide-range of readers, including students of photochemistry, photobiology, biology, chemistry and physics and other professionals in academia.
Peter Lang AG Tugend Und Weltlauf: Vortraege Und Aufsaetze Ueber Die Philosophie Schopenhauers (1960-2003)
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Precast Concrete Structures
Building with precast concrete elements is one of the most innovative forms of construction. This book serves as an introduction to this topic, including examples, and thus supplies all the information necessary for conceptual and detailed design.
Exact Change,U.S. Exploits & Opinions Of Dr Faustroll
The singular novel by the legendary author of the play, UBU ROI, is a book that can only be compared to Rabelais or Sterne. FAUSTROLL recounts the adventures of the inventor of PATAPHYSIC, the 'science of imaginary solutions.' Jarry would have found an audience more readily if he had simply written a work of science fiction, a symbolist narrative, a bawdy tale or a spriritual allegory. As it is, FAUSTROLL is all of these at the same time.' - Roger Shattuk'
Imprint Academic Paradoxes of Power: Reflections on the Thatcher Interlude
Greenhill Books Fighting the Invasion
_The planned landing operation in France of the Allies was on so large a scale and of such decisive importance that the preparations for it could certainly not be kept secretEveryone realized that, sooner or later, the invasion would have to become a reality._ Generalmajor Rudolf, Freiherr von Gersdorff.In June 1944, Allied troops were massing along the shores of southern England in readiness for the invasion of Hitler's Fortress Europe. Facing them, from the Pas de Calais to Brittany, were German troops, dug in, waiting and preparing for the inevitable confrontation. This compilation of in-depth accounts by German commanders presents D-Day, and the events leading up to it, from the point of view of the officers entrusted with preventing the Allied landings.The accounts selected, all written soon after the war's close for American military intelligence, cover preparations for the invasion and chart the development of German strategy as invasion looms. They then turn to the ordeal
Head of Zeus The Interpreter from Java
'What a great novel, its language and storytelling so light but also raw and lyrical. A tremendous writer. Read this book' ADRIAAN VAN DIS. Alan Noland discovers his father's memoirs and learns the truth about the violent man he despised. In this unsparing family history, Alan distils his father's life in the Dutch East Indies into one furious utterance. He reads about his work as an interpreter during the war with Japan, his life as an assassin, and his decision to murder Indonesians in the service of the Dutch without any conscience. How he fled to the Netherlands to escape being executed as a traitor and met Alan's mother soon after. As he reads his father's story Alan begins to understand how war transformed his father into the monster he knew. Birney exposes a crucial chapter in Dutch and European history that was deliberately concealed behind the ideological facade of postwar optimism. Readers of this superb novel will find that it reverberates long afterwards in their memory.
Greystone Books,Canada Almost Human: The Story of Julius, the Chimpanzee Caught between Two Worlds
“Alternately joyous and heartbreaking...” —Jane GoodallA moving and revealing biography of Norway’s most famous chimpanzee.Julius is a national celebrity, the inspiration behind pop hits and bestselling books.He’s also a chimpanzee, born in captivity, but raised in a zookeeper’s home after his own mother rejects him. Julius’s new parents change his diapers and comfort him when he has nightmares, and their daughters play with him. But soon they must reintroduce Julius to the zoo, a challenging task that brings new learnings on primate behavior and the dangers of animal celebrity.Alternately humorous and heartbreaking, Almost Human shows that primates are more like us than we once thought possible. It also charts the transformation of one zoo over time: from a small operation of animals behind bars to a fast-growing attraction coming to terms with twenty-first-century views on animal rights and welfare.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Metabolic-Psychosomatic Axis, Stress & Oxytocin Regulation
Chop McKean Mapping Wainwright Maps of the Lakeland Fells: Map 5: The Northern Fells
Rudolf Steiner Press The Risen Christ and the Etheric Christ
Delivered more than 60 years ago, the lectures in this booklet demonstrate Alfred Heidenreich's gift for kindling understanding of the essence of Christianity and the nature and being of Christ. Guided by spiritual science or anthroposophy, as founded by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), Heidenreich presents an imaginative and insightful reading of the meaning of Christ's 'resurrection body', addressing the significance of 'original sin' and 'the Fall', and how they relate to this metaphysical body. In his second lecture, Heidenreich addresses 'the greatest mystery of our time', relating to the true meaning of Christ's 'Second Coming' or 'appearance' in the etheric realm of the earth. It is our responsibility, says the author, to bring '...the awe and wonder of our thought, the mercy and love of our hearts, the conscientiousness of our deeds', to help illumine and strengthen this esoteric reality.
Pushkin Press In Love
An exquisite depiction of a doomed love affair, set in noirish 1950s New York In a hotel bar, a disenchanted writer tells a beautiful stranger the story of his latest doomed love affair. Sipping cocktails, the man reveals how he became transfixed by a lonely divorcée living in a cluttered apartment across the city. When they first met, he had been aloof, uncommitted. But this changed irrevocably when a millionaire waltzed into his lover's life, offering her a thousand dollars to spend the night. With betrayal lurking in the shadows and proclamations of feeling arriving too late, In Love is an exquisite examination of heartbreak set in 1950s New York.
Biteback Publishing Music, Sense and Nonsense: Collected Essays and Lectures
Alfred Brendel, one of the greatest pianists of our time, is renowned for his masterly interpretations of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Liszt, and has been credited with rescuing from oblivion the piano music of Schubert's last years. Far from having merely one string to his bow, however, Brendel is also one of the world's most remarkable writers on music - possessed of the rare ability to bring the clarity and originality of expression that characterised his performances to the printed page. The definitive collection of his award-winning writings and essays, Music, Sense and Nonsense combines all of his work originally published in his two classic books, Musical Thoughts and Afterthoughts and Music Sounded Out, along with significant new material on a lifetime of recording, performance habits and reflections on life and art. As well as providing stimulating reading, this new edition provides a unique insight into the exceptional mind of one of the outstanding musicians of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.Whether discussing Bach or Beethoven, Schubert or Schoenberg, Brendel's reflections are illuminating and challenging, a treasure for the specialist and music lover alike.