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Princeton University Press Wild Honey Bees: An Intimate Portrait
A lavishly illustrated exploration of the mysterious, hidden world of forest-dwelling wild honey bees—with new insights that promise to revolutionize conservation and beekeepingThe honey bee, a key pollinator, is now an endangered species, threatened by human activity and loss of biodiversity. Because of this, understanding forest-dwelling wild honey bees—which are more resistant to diseases and parasites than honey bees kept by beekeepers—is more important than ever before. In this lavishly illustrated book, Ingo Arndt, one of the world’s best wildlife photographers, and Jürgen Tautz, one of the world’s leading bee experts, set out on the trail of wild honey bees, bringing back sensational photographs, some of which document behaviors never captured before, and new scientific insights that promise to revolutionize conservation and beekeeping.A remarkable number of wild honey bee colonies still exist, living in hollow trees inside the forest, largely unnoticed by humans. This book explores the fascinating secret world of wild honey bees, including the adaptations and behaviors they have acquired to survive and the new challenges they face today. Featuring incredible macro and wide-angle photographs, some taken from inside hives, Wild Honey Bees is a unique collaboration that documents a major research project and offers critical new insights about these essential creatures. A stunning photographic record that documents for the first time the original way of life of the endangered, forest-dwelling honey bee A unique collaboration between one of the world’s best wildlife photographers and one of its leading bee experts Features incredible macro and wide-angle photographs, some from inside the hive, depicting bees as never seen before Offers fascinating new insights into the mysterious, hidden world of the wild honey bee
V&R unipress GmbH Critical Approaches in Nursing Theory and Nursing Research: Implications for Nursing Practice
Springer Verlag GmbH Ernährung bei Pflegebedürftigkeit und Demenz: Lebensfreude durch Genuss
Essen hat über die Nährstoffzufuhr hinaus großen sozialen Stellenwert; Riechen, Schmecken und das gemeinsame Erlebnis sind Mittel der Kommunikation und Stimulation. Krankheits- oder altersbedingte Einschränkungen beeinträchtigen diese sozialen Aspekte, besonders in Pflegeeinrichtungen kommen sie oft zu kurz.Hier setzt das interdisziplinäre Autorenteam an: Auf Basis wissenschaftlicher und medizinisch-pflegerischer Grundlagen geben ihre Vorschläge dem Essen auch mit Einschränkungen auf einfache Weise mehr Genuss und Lebensfreude zurück. Neuartige Kombinationen und Zubereitungen von Zutaten und ihre störungsspezifische Konsistenzveränderung liegen den Ideen zugrunde. Die dargestellten Maßnahmen können im stationären Setting einfach umgesetzt werden und erleichtern auch Pflegekräften die anspruchsvolle Arbeit. Rezeptvorschläge regen zum Nachmachen und Ausprobieren an. Das Buch richtet sich an Pflegekräfte in Praxis und Management, aber auch an Angehörige zu Hause, die Pflegebedürftigen mehr Lebensfreude durch Genuss ermöglichen möchten.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Zwischen Faszination und Verteufelung: Chemie in der Gesellschaft
Chemie! Als Schulfach wird sie von wenigen geliebt und von vielen gefürchtet. Im Alltag ist sie allgegenwärtig, unverzichtbar und doch häufig Gegenstand gesellschaftlicher Kontroversen. Wie sich die Kluft zwischen Ansehen und Bedeutung der Chemie überbrücken lässt, ist die Leitfrage dieses Bandes. Autoren aus Wirtschaft, Naturwissenschaft sowie Geschichte, Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften reflektieren Fragen der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung, Ethik und Perspektiven für die Chemie-Kommunikation._____Das Verhältnis zwischen Chemie und Gesellschaft ist wie bei keiner anderen Naturwissenschaft seit Jahrhunderten gespalten. Alles Chemische ruft bei vielen Menschen Unbehagen hervor, gilt oft pauschal als unnatürlich, giftig und gefährlich. Der Band unternimmt erstmals den Versuch, das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Chemie und Gesellschaft genauer zu beleuchten und Lösungswege aufzuzeigen. Die Beiträge untersuchen zunächst mit soziologischen und demoskopischen Methoden das öffentliche Bild der Chemie, liefern kulturhistorische Erklärungen für seine Entstehung und zeigen Möglichkeiten auf, wie Chemie und Gesellschaft wieder zusammenkommen können durch neue Wege der Chemiedidaktik und Chemieausbildung, Wissenschaftskommunikation, Ethik und des gesellschaftlichen Dialogs. Der Band vereinigt Beiträge aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften mit Beiträgen von der universitären und industriellen Chemie sowie von hochrangigen Vertretern der Wissenschaftspolitik. Er begründet zukunftsweisend eine nationale Forschungs- und Lehrinitiative zur Rolle der Chemie in der Gesellschaft. Der Band erfüllt in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Desiderat, das heute umso dringlicher erscheint. Je wichtiger die Chemie bei der Lösung gesellschaftlicher Probleme wird (insbesondere der Umwelt, Energie, Gesundheit, Rohstoffe und Ernährung), desto notwendiger ist eine Klärung und Harmonisierung ihres Verhältnisses zur allgemeinen Gesellschaft. Die verbreiteten Klagen von Chemikern über ihr schlechtes öffentliches Bild ersetzt dieser Band durch fundierte Erkenntnisse über seine Beschaffenheit, Ursachen und Verbesserung und liefert so eine solide Handlungsgrundlage. Darüber hinaus fordern inzwischen nationale und internationale Fachorganisationen (u.a. die Akkreditierungsagentur ASIIN und das European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) für den „Chemistry Eurobachelor“) die Integration der Thematik „Chemie und Gesellschaft“ in die universitäre Chemieausbildung, was in Deutschland bisher noch nicht umgesetzt ist. Die Studienkommission der GDCh hat diese Anforderung in ihrer jüngsten Empfehlung vom März 2015 explizit aufgenommen. Der Band wird daher zum richtigen Zeitpunkt erscheinen, um als Lehrmaterial für die entsprechenden neuen Lehrveranstaltungen dienen zu können.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Industrial Organic Pigments: Production, Crystal Structures, Properties, Applications
Revised and updated, this highly acclaimed work, now in its fourth edition, remains the most comprehensive source of information available on organic pigments. It provides up-to-date information on synthesis, reaction mechanism, physical and chemical properties, test methods, and applications of all the industrially produced organic pigments available on the world market. This fourth edition now includes new chapters on the latest applications and three-dimensional X-ray analysis, while the chapters on legislation, ecology, and toxicology have been rewritten to reflect recent developments. Sets the international standard for information on the synthesis, reaction mechanisms, properties, relevant test methods, and applications of organic pigments Contains all industrially produced pigments of the world market, even those which can no longer be found in producers’ catalogs are described Standardized methods allow test results to be compared throughout the book The reader is given useful hints as to which pigment is best for a given application Clearly structured and concise text with up-to-date references to the pertinent literature Ecological and toxicological properties of organic pigments are outlined Appendix offers invaluable flow diagrams on the manufacture of numerous pigments, a table of all described pigments with information about their C.I. and CAS registration, and an in-depth subject index
Verlag Herder Macht Und Sexueller Missbrauch in Der Katholischen Kirche: Betroffene, Beschuldigte Und Vertuscher Im Bistum Munster Seit 1945
Kohlhammer Stressorbasierte Psychotherapie: Belastungssymptome Wirksam Transformieren - Ein Integrativer Ansatz
Springer International Publishing AG Atlas of Sleep Medicine
This authoritative and updated Atlas provides a comprehensive span of topics across all of sleep medicine, including old to futuristic approaches. It captures the significant changes and advances in the field and a wealth of new visual information available since the last edition. Edited and contributed by leaders in the art and science of sleep medicine, the Atlas highlights how the field of sleep medicine is truly a mix of several medical specialties. The field continues to rapidly evolve with research leading to some future directions. This Atlas remains a standard reference for Sleep Physicians, including Sleep Fellows and other trainees in Sleep Medicine, Sleep Technologists, and Sleep researchers.
Springer International Publishing AG Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2022: 25th International Conference, Singapore, September 18–22, 2022, Proceedings, Part I
The eight-volume set LNCS 13431, 13432, 13433, 13434, 13435, 13436, 13437, and 13438 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2022, which was held in Singapore in September 2022. The 574 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 1831 submissions in a double-blind review process. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Brain development and atlases; DWI and tractography; functional brain networks; neuroimaging; heart and lung imaging; dermatology; Part II: Computational (integrative) pathology; computational anatomy and physiology; ophthalmology; fetal imaging; Part III: Breast imaging; colonoscopy; computer aided diagnosis; Part IV: Microscopic image analysis; positron emission tomography; ultrasound imaging; video data analysis; image segmentation I; Part V: Image segmentation II; integration of imaging with non-imaging biomarkers; Part VI: Image registration; image reconstruction; Part VII: Image-Guided interventions and surgery; outcome and disease prediction; surgical data science; surgical planning and simulation; machine learning – domain adaptation and generalization; Part VIII: Machine learning – weakly-supervised learning; machine learning – model interpretation; machine learning – uncertainty; machine learning theory and methodologies.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG THz Communications: Paving the Way Towards Wireless Tbps
This book describes the fundamentals of THz communications, spanning the whole range of applications, propagation and channel models, RF transceiver technology, antennas, baseband techniques, and networking interfaces. The requested data rate in wireless communications will soon reach from 100 Gbit/s up to 1 Tbps necessitating systems with ultra-high bandwidths of several 10s of GHz which are available only above 200 GHz. In the last decade, research at these frequency bands has made significant progress, enabling mature experimental demonstrations of so-called THz communications, which are thus expected to play a vital role in future wireless networks. In addition to chapters by leading experts on the theory, modeling, and implementation of THz communication technology, the book also features the latest experimental results and addresses standardization and regulatory aspects. This book will be of interest to both academic researchers and engineers in the telecommunications industry.
Modern Art Press Bridget Riley Drawings: From the Artist’s Studio
A fascinating view of the career of Bridget Riley, one of the most significant living artists, through her personal archive of her own works on paper Devoted exclusively to the artist’s works on paper, Bridget Riley Drawings: From the Artist’s Studio explores the importance of these works not only as a means of visual experimentation but as works of art in their own right. Throughout her working life, Riley has preserved works of particular significance, creating an archive that records her constant artistic inquiry and development. The studies presented in the book are drawn entirely from this personal collection, with Riley’s own input. They demonstrate the artist’s progression from early figurative works, through the monochrome geometry of the 1960s, to the examination of color that has characterized the second half of her long career. The choice of work explores the themes that have absorbed Riley in different periods and highlights key influences: the importance of life drawing to her and the significance of artists such as Seurat and Mondrian. The book illustrates—literally and figuratively—the story of a productive and constantly experimental career, underpinned by drawing. Distributed for Modern Art PressExhibition Schedule:The Art Institute of Chicago (September 17, 2022–January 16, 2023)Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (January 29–May 7, 2023)The Morgan Library & Museum, New York (June 16–October 22, 2023)
UEA Publishing Project Five Little Peppers: And How They Grew
Working hard to survive in a harsh world, the Peppers still find joy and love in their little brown house - until a chance encounter with a wealthy family changes their fortunes forever. When it was first published in 1881, Margaret Sidney’s Five Little Peppers was an immediate bestseller. Its account of the five Pepper siblings’ adventures in the American Gilded Age attracted an army of young readers who clamoured for sequels well into the twentieth century. Progressive for its time in its depictions of the children’s lives, this groundbreaking edition will strike a new chord with young readers in the twenty-first century: it is the first version of the book to give readers a full introduction to the text, providing an account of Sidney’s life and times, a full description of the book’s historical and literary context, and a sense of what insights the Pepper family’s extraordinary experiences might provide for our own moment of upheaval. A must-read for all fans of American classics such as Little Women and What Katy Did.
Hayward Gallery Publishing Dear Earth: Art and Hope in a Time of Crisis
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Essentials of International Human Resource Management: Managing People Globally
The revised and fully updated second edition of this textbook illustrates the multi-layered knowledge accumulated in the field of international human resource management, developing understanding of the strategic management of people in organizations in a global context. It integrates comparative approaches to human resource management, extending beyond traditional coverage of the field to provide a broader overview of contemporary cultural, institutional and organizational challenges. Featuring cutting-edge insights into the field, this book is a crucial resource for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate courses in international human resource management and global talent management. It will also benefit instructors of courses in human resource management who wish to introduce an international perspective in their teaching.Key features include: Updated extensive coverage of key international human resource management issues Original case studies that draw attention to key aspects of international human resource management and offer students practical perspectives on the field Teaching materials and chapter slides to support classroom learning.
University of Delaware Press The Circuit of Apollo: Eighteenth-Century Women’s Tributes to Women
Written by a combination of established scholars and new critics in the field, the essays collected in Circuit of Apollo attest to the vital practice of commemorating women’s artistic and personal relationships. In doing so, they illuminate the complexity of female friendships and honor as well as the robust creativity and intellectual work contributed by women to culture in the long eighteenth century. Women’s tributes to each other sometimes took the form of critical engagement or competition, but they always exposed the feminocentric networks of artistic, social, and material exchange women created and maintained both in and outside of London. This volume advocates for a new perspective for researching and teaching early modern women that is grounded in admiration. Published by University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Fordham University Press Curriculum by Design: Innovation and the Liberal Arts Core
This book tells the story of how a team of colleagues at Boston College took an unusual approach (working with a design consultancy) to renewing their core and in the process energized administrators, faculty, and students to view liberal arts education as an ongoing process of innovation. It aims to provide insight into what they did and why they did it and to provide a candid account of what has worked and what has not worked. Although all institutions are different, they believe their experiences can provide guidance to others who want to change their general education curriculum or who are being asked to teach core or general education courses in new ways. The book also includes short essays by a number of faculty colleagues who have been teaching in BC’s new innovative core courses, providing practical advice about the challenges of trying interdisciplinary teaching, team teaching, project-or problem-based learning, intentional reflection, and other new structures and pedagogies for the first time. It will also address some of the nuts and bolts issues they have encountered when trying to create structures to make curriculum change sustainable over time and to foster ongoing innovation.
Bristol University Press Luxury and Corruption: Challenging the Anti-Corruption Consensus
The world has been bombarded in recent years with images of the luxurious lives and wealth of corrupt oligarchs and kleptocrats, amassed at the expense of ordinary people. Such images exploit our feelings of injustice, are taken as indicative of moral decay, and inspire a desire to purge our economies of dirty money, objects, and people. But why do anti-corruption efforts routinely fail? What kind of world are they creating? Looking at luxury art, antiquities, superyachts, and populist politics, this book explores the connection between luxury and corruption, and offers an alternative to the received wisdom of how we tackle corruption.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Anthropocene: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Humans rank with the powerful forces of nature transforming Earth. Since the mid-20th century, population growth, industrialization, and globalization have had such deep and wide-ranging impacts that our planet no longer functions as it did during the previous eleven millennia. So distinctive is this collective human intervention that a new geological interval has been proposed; it is called the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is intriguing scientifically, fascinating intellectually, and deeply disturbing politically, socially, economically, and ethically. We must learn how to co-exist sustainably with the rest of nature in what is emerging as a new planetary state. To do so, we must first understand what "Anthropocene" means in all its dimensions. This book adopts a multidisciplinary approach, starting with an exploration of the Anthropocene as a geological concept: ranging across the physical changes to the landscape, to the rapidly heating climate, to a biosphere undergoing transformation. And what of the "anthropos" in the Anthropocene? While geoscience does not normally address political and ethical issues of justice and equity, or economics and culture, Anthropocene studies in the humanities and social sciences investigate the complexities of the human activity driving global change. Here the book looks at human history, both in the deep past and more recently, the politics and economics of growth spurring the Anthropocene, and potential ways of mitigating its cruel effects. Our fragile, still beautiful, planet is finite. The new realities of the Anthropocene will need our best efforts, across disciplinary divides, at effective hope and action.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Natural Colorants
Handbook of Natural Colorants Second Edition A detailed survey of a variety of natural colorants and their different applications including textiles, polymers, and cosmetics Colorants describe a wide range of materials such as dyes, pigments, inks, paint, or chemicals, which are used in small quantities but play an important role in many products such as textiles, polymers, food, and cosmetics. As the effects of climate change begin to be felt, there has been a shift in focus in the field to renewable resources and sustainability, and an interest in the replacement of oil-based products with greener substitutions. As the push to adopt natural resources grows, there have been significant developments in the research and application of natural colorants as a step in the transition to a bio-based economy. The second edition of Handbook of Natural Colorants provides a detailed introduction to natural colorants in a marriage of theory and practice, from seed of plant to consumer demand. Presenting a wide range of viewpoints, the book briefly discusses the history of coloration technology and the current position of natural colorants before highlighting detailed information on regional plant source availability, colorant production and properties, as well as analytical methods for isolation, identification, and toxicity aspects. It also presents key applications in technical use and consumer products, including the use of natural colorants in textiles, hair dyeing, printing, and packaging. Finally, the text considers environmental and economic aspects of natural colorants. Handbook of Natural Colorants is a useful reference for dyers, textile producers, and researchers in the evolving field of sustainable chemistry, environmental sciences, agricultural sciences, and polymer sciences. Revised and updated content throughout to reflect developments in research and applications over the past decade New content on biotechnology in natural colorant production, natural colorants for mass coloration polymers, natural colorants in printing/packaging, and plant-based pigments Discusses strategies for scale-up, including consideration of energy, waste, and effluents For more information on the Wiley Series in Renewable Resources, visit
John Wiley & Sons Inc Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 and 5G Technology
Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 and 5G Technology Explores innovative and value-added solutions for application problems in the commercial, business, and industry sectors As the pace of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology innovation continues to accelerate, identifying the appropriate AI capabilities to embed in key decision processes has never been more critical to establishing competitive advantage. New and emerging analytics tools and technologies can be configured to optimize business value, change how an organization gains insights, and significantly improve the decision-making process across the enterprise. Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 and 5G Technology helps readers solve real-world technological engineering optimization problems using evolutionary and swarm intelligence, mathematical programming, multi-objective optimization, and other cutting-edge intelligent optimization methods. Contributions from leading experts in the field present original research on both the theoretical and practical aspects of implementing new AI techniques in a variety of sectors, including Big Data analytics, smart manufacturing, renewable energy, smart cities, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Presents detailed information on meta-heuristic applications with a focus on technology and engineering sectors such as smart manufacturing, smart production, innovative cities, and 5G networks. Offers insights into the use of metaheuristic strategies to solve optimization problems in business, economics, finance, and industry where uncertainty is a factor. Provides guidance on implementing metaheuristics in different applications and hybrid technological systems. Describes various AI approaches utilizing hybrid meta-heuristics optimization algorithms, including meta-search engines for innovative research and hyper-heuristics algorithms for performance measurement. Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 and 5G Technology is a valuable resource for IT specialists, industry professionals, managers and executives, researchers, scientists, engineers, and advanced students an up-to-date reference to innovative computing, uncertainty management, and optimization approaches.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Farm Animal Anesthesia: Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs
A completely revised and updated reference for farm animal anesthesia, sedation, and pain management The newly revised Second Edition of Farm Animal Anesthesia: Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs is a practical and easy-to-use manual for techniques associated with anesthesia and pain management in farm animal species. The new edition incorporates advances in surgical and diagnostic techniques, with the latest drugs and equipment, updated images, and new technique descriptions added throughout the book. Farm Animal Anesthesia offers additional and updated information on drug combinations and anesthetic techniques relevant to small ruminants and potbellied pigs, reflecting their growing popularity. New chapters and topics on paralytic drugs for complete muscle relaxation, use of ventilators for advanced and complex surgeries, updated local and regional anesthetic techniques, and comprehensive standing surgery and diagnostic procedures have been added. Readers will also benefit from access to a companion website with video clips demonstrating local and regional anesthetic techniques described within. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to general preanesthetic considerations for ruminants, camelids, including alpacas and llamas, and potbellied pigs A comprehensive exploration of commonly used preanesthetics and injectable anesthetics, including anticholinergics, sedatives, tranquilizers, analgesics, and injectable anesthetics Practical discussions of standing sedation and chemical restraint, including new drug combinations for reliable restraint and remote drug delivery In-depth description of the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs and monitoring in farm animals Complete review of regulatory and legal considerations of anesthetics and analgesics used in farm animals Farm Animal Anesthesia is an indispensable resource for farm animal practitioners, veterinary surgeons, veterinary anesthetists, and researchers, as well as for veterinary students and residents in surgery and anesthesia.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Varieties of Capitalism: Second-Generation Perspectives
Over the past twenty years there has emerged a compelling new discourse on varieties of capitalism. That discourse has an appealing common sense which challenges the view there is no alternative to free market capitalism. The initial view had a microeconomic focus that made firms the fulcrum of analysis. It distinguished between liberal market and coordinated market economies. Subsequently, there has emerged a second-generation literature which adopts a macroeconomic perspective that emphasizes differences in drivers of growth. This book provides a collection of essays that engage those second-generation concerns and questions.The new view emphasizes income distribution, which leads to a focus on institutional structures that are shaped by policy and power. A related feature is an emphasis on politics, which is the process by which policies are made. Furthermore, it asks whether economies should be understood as the product of national choices versus global capitalist system forces. That connects with the long-standing center-periphery distinction in development economics.Economists, researchers, and students will find this volume an enlightening look at an important subject.
Pluto Press Development Against Democracy: Manipulating Political Change in the Third World
This new, updated edition of the influential Development Against Democracy is a critical guide to postwar studies of modernisation and development. In the mid-twentieth century, models of development studies were products of postwar American policy. They focused on newly independent states in the Global South, aiming to assure their pro-Western orientation by promoting economic growth, political reform and liberal democracy. However, this prevented real democracy and radical change. Today, projects of democracy have evolved in a radically different political environment that seems to have little in common with the postwar period. Development Against Democracy, however, testifies to a revealing continuity in foreign policy, including in justifications of 'humanitarian intervention' that echo those of counterinsurgency decades earlier in Latin America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Irene L. Gendzier argues that the fundamental ideas on which theories of modernisation and development rest have been resurrected in contemporary policy and its theories, representing the continuity of postwar US foreign policy in a world permanently altered by globalisation and its multiple discontents, the proliferation of 'failed states,' the unprecedented exodus of refugees, and Washington's declaration of a permanent war against terrorism.
Harvard University Press The Loeb Classical Library and Its Progeny: Proceedings of the First James Loeb Biennial Conference, Munich and Murnau 18–20 May 2017
James Loeb (1867–1933), one of the great patrons and philanthropists of his time, left many enduring legacies both to America, where he was born and educated, and to his ancestral Germany, where he spent the second half of his life. Organized in celebration of the sesquicentenary of his birth, the James Loeb Biennial Conferences were convened to commemorate his achievements in four areas: the Loeb Classical Library (2017), collection and connoisseurship (2019), psychology and medicine (2021), and music (2023).The subject of the inaugural conference was the legacy for which Loeb is best known and the only one to which he attached his name—the Loeb Classical Library, and the three series it has inspired: the I Tatti Renaissance Library, the Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, and the Murty Classical Library of India. Including discussions by the four General Editors of each Library’s unique history, mission, operations, and challenges, the papers collected in The Loeb Classical Library and Its Progeny also take stock of these series in light of more general themes and questions bearing on translations of “classical” texts and their audiences in a variety of societies past, present, and future.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Strategy, Structure and Style
Although it is impossible to include in one volume the full breadth of ideas under discussion in the area of strategic management, the editors have selected contributions that offer interesting food for thought in three currently crucial strategic conversations: Strategy - demonstrates the diversity of research topics in strategy. Structure - addresses how organizational structure can help/hinder corporate strategy. Style - management or corporate--is not often discussed directly in strategic management literature, though its presence and effects are pervasive. Strategy, Structure and Style addresses another of the Strategic Management Society's primary concerns--how to build and maintain bridges between management theory and business practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Teaching the Language Arts: Forward Thinking in Today's Classrooms
• Fully updated and streamlined Companion Website to supplement the new edition • Expanded attention to methods on teaching disciplinary literacy and nonfiction • Updated with current research and practices, the new edition contains new tools, strategies and examples of contemporary teaching practices, in the classroom, in virtual classrooms, and online and blended settings
University of Washington Press Taiwan in Dynamic Transition: Nation Building and Democratization
Following a remarkable transition from authoritarian rule to robust democracy, Taiwan has grown into a prosperous but widely unrecognized nation-state for which no uncontested sovereign space exists. Increasingly vigorous assertions of Taiwanese identity expose the fragility of relationships between the United States and other great powers that assume Taiwan will eventually unite with China. Perhaps because of their precarious international position, the Taiwanese have embraced cosmopolitan culture and democratic institutions. The 2014 Sunflower Movement thrust Taiwan’s politics into the global media spotlight, as did the resounding electoral victory of the once-illegal Democratic Progressive Party in 2016. Taiwan in Dynamic Transition provides an up-to-date assessment of contemporary Taiwan, highlighting Taiwan’s emergent nationhood and its significance for world politics. Taiwan’s path has important implications for broader themes and preoccupations in contemporary thought, such as consideration of why political transitions in the aftermath of the Arab Spring have sputtered or failed while Taiwan has evolved into a stable and prosperous democratic society. Taiwan serves as a test case for nation and state building, the formation of national identity, and the emergence of democratic norms in real time.
McGraw-Hill Education Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, Ninth Edition
The simplest, most-readable guide to navigating health care delivery in the United States One of the most popular resources of its kind, Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach provides everything you need to master the U.S. health care system’s nuances and complexities.Written by practicing primary care physicians who are experts in health care policy, this comprehensive guide covers the entire scope of the U.S. health care system and draws on lessons from systems in other nations. New content in this fully updated edition includes deeper coverage of: • Cost and financing issues, with an emphasis on how it impacts the U.S. economy• Public health systems, including a discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on health policy and delivery• Social determinants of health and disparities• Professional burnout and its impact on health care delivery • The Affordable Care Act, Accountable Care Organizations, and system consolidationPacked with clinical vignettes highlighting key policy issues and clarifying difficult concepts, Understanding Health Policy weaves key principles, descriptions, and concrete examples into chapters that make vital health policy issues interesting and understandable. Whether you’re a student, medical practitioner, or public policy professional, you will come away with a clearer, more systematic way of thinking about our health care system, its biggest challenges, and the most effective ways of making it better for everyone.
McGraw-Hill Education Applied Physical Pharmacy, Third Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The acclaimed practice-oriented introduction to physical pharmacyEmphasizing relevancy to practice, clarity of presentation, and utilizing practice-oriented examples and case studies, this acclaimed text is the ideal learning tool for pharmacy students as well as practitioners who want to sharpen their pharmaceutical skills.With numerous examples from the pharmacy practice, this textbook presents the chemical and physical principles fundamental to the development of medication dosage forms. Numerous case studies present relevant examples of physical and chemical principles in current pharmacy practice.
Museum Tusculanum Press Of Chronicles and Kings: National Saints and the Emergence of Nation States in the High Middle Ages
De Gruyter Data Fabric Architectures: Web-Driven Applications
The immense increase on the size and type of real time data generated across various edge computing platform results in unstructured databases and data silos. This edited book gathers together an international set of researchers to investigate the possibilities offered by data-fabric solutions; the volume focuses in particular on data architectures and on semantic changes in future data landscapes.
Oro Editions Thirteen Ways of Looking at a House
For reasons both obvious and mysterious, even as our cultural and social constructions of domesticity change, the house remains a fundamental site for advancing modern architectural theory and practice: because it accommodates a full diurnal and annual cycle of life, and because it intricately stages ritual and routine, this most private of programs has become a medium of publicity and polemic. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a House both participates in and critiques this contemporary tradition. The reader’s attention in this examination is directed not only to LEVENBETTS’ houses, but to all houses, and all parts of houses — pieces of home and rhetorics of domesticity that show up in our collective memory: from a stolen moment on a staircase in a John Cassavetes film, to the sturdy knife-edged contractor modernism of suburban late to mid-20th century America. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a House is an accessible and universal book — everyone has a sense of home. The book includes 13 texts on domestic pieces that make up the house, comparative diagrams, construction metrics and anecdotes, informal photos, and structural details all in the interest of taking the house apart in order to put it back together.
ATF Press Fullness of Life and Justice for All
Luath Press Ltd The Scottish Parliament in its Own Words: An Oral History
The Scottish Parliament Oral History Project has compiled a series of interviews with staff, MSPs and journalists regarding their careers and experiences at the Scottish Parliament. These interviews captured a rich array of material, shining new light on the Parliament’s history. This book compiles extracts from these interviews, shining new light on the Parliament’s history, telling the story of Parliament through those who have helped shape it over the last 20 years.
National Maritime Museum At Sea Without Tea: The Great Cutty Sark Adventure
Young James Robson, Cutty Sark's cook, takes great pride in cooking a hearty breakfast for the ship's captain every morning. But one day, just when they're getting ready to leave London, James discovers that the ship has run out of tea, a CRUCIAL element of the captain's breakfast! Join James as he sets off on an adventure around the world, from London to South Africa, Australia and Shanghai, in search of the nation's favourite drink. Cutty Sark is the world's sole surviving tea clipper and is now an award-winning visitor attraction in Greenwich, London. The ship was built with one purpose - to bring tea from China back to London. It would become the fastest of its time, travelling from Australia to London in just 73 days.
Royal Society of Chemistry Rubber Recycling: Challenges and Developments
Rubber is used in a vast number of products, from tyres on vehicles to disposable surgical gloves. Increasingly both manufacturers and legislators are realising that recycling is essential for environmental sustainability and can improve the cost of manufacture. The volume of rubber waste produced globally makes it difficult to manage as accumulated waste rubber, especially in the form of tyres, can pose a significant fire risk. Recycling rubber not only prevents this problem but can produce new materials with desirable properties that virgin rubbers lack. This book presents an up-to-date overview of the fundamental and applied aspects of renewability and recyclability of rubber materials, emphasising existing recycling technologies with significant potential for future applications along with a detailed outline of new technology based processing of rubber to reuse and recycle. This book will be of interest to researchers in both academia and industry as well as postgraduate students working in polymer chemistry, materials processing, materials science and engineering.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Essential Leviathan: A Modernized Edition
This edition of Leviathan is intended to provide the reader with a modestly abridged text that is straightforward and accessible, while preserving Hobbes' main lines of argument and of thought. It is meant for those who wish to focus primarily on the philosophical aspects of the work, apart from its stylish but often daunting early modern prose. The editors have updated language, style, punctuation, and grammar throughout. Very long, complicated sentences have been broken into two or more sentences for enhanced readability. In some instances, terms within a sentence are rearranged for enhanced clarity. Occasionally, an equivalent contemporary word is substituted for an archaic one. Ellipses indicate omissions of more than one sentence. Care has been taken to maintain the strength, nuance, and flavor of the work, especially of Hobbes' most difficult arguments. In addition, the volume offers a general Introduction and concise headnotes to each chapter. Annotation is geared to the student or novice reader. A glossary of key terms is also included, as well as an index.
Trinity University Press,U.S. Mexico City
While the history of Mexico dates back thousands of years, the story of Mexico City, the country’s capital, only dates to pre-Columbian times, with the founding of Tenochtitlan by the Mexica people in 1325. Tenochtitlan quickly became the most powerful city-state in the region, with a population of about two hundred thousand at its peak, and was known for its architectural and engineering feats.Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arrived in 1521 and began a brutal campaign of colonial conquest. The city fell to Spanish rule, and much of it was destroyed alongside rich indigenous heritage. Cortés rebuilt the city, renaming it and making it the capital of New Spain. Under Spanish rule, Mexico City became one of the wealthiest and most important cities in the Americas and was a center of trade, culture, and political power. Many of its iconic buildings were constructed during this time, including the Cathedral of Mexico City and the National Palace. During the Mexican War of Independence, the city was captured in 1810 by rebel forces under Miguel Hidalgo but soon recaptured by the Spanish. After years of fighting, Mexico finally gained independence from Spain in 1821, and Mexico City became the capital of the new republic. In the decades that followed the city underwent rapid growth and modernization, with new neighborhoods, parks, and public buildings constructed.Mexico City, a playfully illustrated history of the city since 1521, highlights the complex cultural and economic forces and conflicts that shaped this international metropolis, which today is home to more than 20 million people, as well as visitors and expats from around the world.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Young Hellboy: Assault On Castle Death
McGraw-Hill Education Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting ISE
The 9th edition allows students to think critically, just as they will in their careers and preparing for the CPA exam. Fundamentals is a 12-chapter version of Advanced Accounting 15e and has a well-balanced appreciation of the accounting profession. It shows the development of financial reporting as a product of intense and considered debate that continues today and will in the future. It is praised for its easy comprehension and engaging, lively and conversational tone, and has relatable examples from Forbes, Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg Business Week throughout. Discussion questions (like mini cases) help explain the issues in practical terms. Often these cases demonstrate to students why a topic is problematic and worth considering. Strong end of chapter questions like develop your skills help students master Research, Analysis, Spreadsheet and Communication needed to pass the CPA Exam. In Connect students have UWorld CPA Review questions, SmartBook, Integrated Excel and more!
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Museum of Drawers 1970-1977: Five Hundred Works of Modern Art
The Museum of Drawers is the world's smallest museum of twentieth-century art. This unique piece has been conceived and put together by the Swiss-born artist Herbert Distel in 1970-77. It consists of an old cabinet made to hold reels of sewing silk whose twenty drawers each contain twenty-five compartments. Each of the 500 compartments houses an original miniature work of art, many of which were made especially for the Museum of Drawers. The list of artists represented includes such influential pioneers as Joseph Beuys, Marcel Duchamp, Hannah Hoch, Meret Oppenheim, Pablo Picasso, and Andy Warhol. Following a first presentation as a work-in-progress at the documenta 5 in Kassel (Germany) in 1972, the Museum of Drawers caused sensation internationally. It has been shown several times in New York, including a presentation at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in 1999, and at many museums around the world. After its restoration it is now part of the permanent collection of the Kunsthaus, Zurich. This new book is a comprehensive documentation of this extraordinary object. It shows all twenty drawers with their content as well as each of the 500 miniature art works individually and in true size. Essays on the history and importance of the entire work and concept complement the images.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Microanalysis in Music Therapy: Methods, Techniques and Applications for Clinicians, Researchers, Educators and Students
In the context of music therapy, microanalysis is the detailed analysis of that short period of time during a music therapy session during which some kind of significant change takes place. These moments are crucial to the therapeutic process, and there is increasing interest amongst music therapists in understanding how they come about and whether there are ways of initiating them.The contributors to this groundbreaking book look at methods of micro process analyses used in a variety of music therapy contexts, both clinical and research-based. They outline their methods, which include using video and audio materials, interviewing, and monitoring the client's heart rate, and also give examples of the practical application of microanalysis from their clinical experience, including work with clients who have psychiatric illness, autism and other conditions.Microanalyses in Music Therapy provides a wealth of important theoretical and practical information for music therapy clinicians, educators and students.
Idea & Design Works Sonic the Hedgehog, Vol. 2: The Fate of Dr. Eggman
Plural Publishing Inc Medical-Legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss
This revised third edition is the most accurate and current developments in the field with more than 250 new references. A comprehensive guide on hearing loss and the law, it examines claims, court cases, and the evolution of hearing conservation. This text addresses age-related hearing loss, genetics of hearing loss, and noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL); with a newly revised international standard (ISO-1999, 2013) that presents a comprehensive predictive model for NIHL, critical in medical-legal evaluation. Also examined is hearing loss due to toxins, trauma, and disease as well as the effects of cardiovascular risk factors, race, and socioeconomic status. Additionally, included tutorial discussions of acoustics, hearing, and hearing testing will be valuable to attorneys and other nonclinicians. This third edition provides practical guidance for expert witnesses and legal practitioners and is essential for otolaryngologists, audiologists, occupational physicians, attorneys handling hearing loss claims, and claims management professionals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World's Sales Leaders
The challenges facing today's sales executives and their organizations continue to grow, but so do the expectations that they will find ways to overcome them and drive consistent sales growth. There are no simple solutions to this situation, but in this thoroughly updated Second Edition of Sales Growth, experts from McKinsey & Company build on their practical blueprint for achieving this goal and explore what world-class sales executives are doing right now to find growth and capture it—as well as how they are creating the capabilities to keep growing in the future. Based on discussions with more than 200 of today's most successful global sales leaders from a wide array of organizations and industries, Sales Growth puts the experiences of these professionals in perspective and offers real-life examples of how they've overcome the challenges encountered in the quest for growth. The book, broken down into five overarching strategies for successful sales growth, shares valuable lessons on everything from how to beat the competition by looking forward, to turning deep insights into simple messages for the front line. Page by page, you'll learn how sales executives are digging deeper than ever to find untapped growth, maximizing emerging markets opportunities, and powering growth through digital sales. You'll also discover what it takes to find big growth in big data, develop the right "sales DNA" in your organization, and improve channel performance. Three new chapters look at why presales deserve more attention, how to get the most out of marketing, and how technology and outsourcing could entirely reshape the sales function. Twenty new standalone interviews have been added to those from the first edition, so there are now in-depth insights from sales leaders at Adidas, Alcoa, Allianz, American Express, BMW, Cargill, Caterpillar, Cisco, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Deutsche Bank, EMC, Essent, Google, Grainger, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Intesa Sanpaolo, Itaú Unibanco, Lattice Engines, Mars, Merck, Nissan, P&G, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Salesforce, Samsung, Schneider Electric, Siemens, SWIFT, UPS, VimpelCom, Vodafone, and Würth. Their stories, as well as numerous case studies, touch on some of the most essential elements of sales, from adapting channels to meet changing customer needs to optimizing sales operations and technology, developing sales talent and capabilities, and effectively leading the way to sales growth. Engaging and informative, this timely book details proven approaches to tangible top-line growth and an improved bottom line. Created specifically for sales executives, it will put you in a better position to drive sales growth in today's competitive market.