Search results for ""author erik"
St. Martin's Griffin The Book of Speculation
Power Publications Images Of The Pacific Rim: Australia and California, 1850-1935
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Fate of the Tearling
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Fate of the Tearling
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Queen of the Tearling
ebersbach & simon Alles behalten für immer. Ruth Rilke
Gmeiner Verlag Der Buchmaler von Zürich
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Die halbe Mutter geht voraus 95 Rtsel fr philosophische Querdenker
rotfuchs Zehn jagen Mr. X
MVG Moderne Vlgs. Ges. Schlechte Chefs und faule Mitarbeiter
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die glaserne Wuste Die glserne Wste
£15.26 publishing SCHUUUHLE Life is a Story
G&G Verlagsges. Lernen mit Teo und Tia Deutsch 4 Klasse Volksschule mit CD Richtig lernen gezielt trainieren
Edition Loewenzahn So helfen und heilen die Bume Schritt fr Schritt die Kraft der Bume entdecken und nutzen
Residenz Verlag Trotzdem
Residenz Verlag Hedwig heißt man doch nicht mehr
Klett-Cotta Verlag Innere Bilder in der Verhaltenstherapie Leben Lernen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Hoch oben
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die Grenze
Insel Verlag GmbH Reich der Verluste
Knaur Taschenbuch Alles Idioten Endlich verstehen wie andere ticken Der psychologische Ratgeber ber erfolgreiches Kommunizieren in Beruf Familie und Freizeit
Limmat Verlag Spiegelschrift
Taylor & Francis Ltd Justice in Transition
This book provides a unique account of the high-profile community-based restorative justice projects in the Republican and Loyalist communities that have emerged with the ending of the conflict in Northern Ireland. Unprecedented new partnerships between Republican communities and the Police Service of Northern Ireland have developed, and former IRA and UVF combatants and political ex prisoners have been amongst those involved. Community restorative justice projects have been central to these groundbreaking changes, acting as both facilitator and transformer. Based on an extensive range of interviews with key players in this process, many of them former combatants, and unique access to the different community projects this books tells a fascinating story. At the same time this book explores the wider implications for restorative justice internationally, highlighting the important lessons for partnerships between police and community in other jurisdictions, particularly in the high-crime alienated neighbourhoods which exist in most western societies, as well as transitional ones. It also offers a critical analysis of the roles of both community and state and the tensions around the ownership of justice, and a critical, unromanticized assessment of the role of restorative justice in the community.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Letters from a Friend: A Sibling's Guide to Coping and Grief
This unique workbook is a comprehensive compilation of therapeutic activities developed to address the needs and issues of children and adolescents following the death of a brother or sister. The workbook is organized into distinct topic-specific sections relating to sibling hospitalisation, illness, injury, and death. Games, creative writing, and drawing exercises offer opportunities to share feelings and relay experiences in a non-threatening format.. Letters from a Friend may be used by children or teens independently to create a personal journal of their bereavement and coping processes as well as a chronicle of their lives as surviving siblings.
University of Minnesota Press Space, Site, Intervention: Situating Installation Art
Originally published in 1970, The Urban Revolution marked Henri Lefebvre’s first sustained critique of urban society, a work in which he pioneered the use of semiotic, structuralist, and poststructuralist methodologies in analyzing the development of the urban environment. Although it is widely considered a foundational book in contemporary thinking about the city, The Urban Revolution has never been translated into English—until now. This first English edition, deftly translated by Robert Bononno, makes available to a broad audience Lefebvre’s sophisticated insights into the urban dimensions of modern life.Lefebvre begins with the premise that the total urbanization of society is an inevitable process that demands of its critics new interpretive and perceptual approaches that recognize the urban as a complex field of inquiry. Dismissive of cold, modernist visions of the city, particularly those embodied by rationalist architects and urban planners like Le Corbusier, Lefebvre instead articulates the lived experiences of individual inhabitants of the city. In contrast to the ideology of urbanism and its reliance on commodification and bureaucratization—the capitalist logic of market and state—Lefebvre conceives of an urban utopia characterized by self-determination, individual creativity, and authentic social relationships.A brilliantly conceived and theoretically rigorous investigation into the realities and possibilities of urban space, The Urban Revolution remains an essential analysis of and guide to the nature of the city.Henri Lefebvre (d. 1991) was one of the most significant European thinkers of the twentieth century. His many books include The Production of Space (1991), Everyday Life in the Modern World (1994), Introduction to Modernity (1995), and Writings on Cities (1995).Robert Bononno is a full-time translator who lives in New York. His recent translations include The Singular Objects of Architecture by Jean Baudrillard and Jean Nouvel (Minnesota, 2002) and Cyberculture by Pierre Lévy (Minnesota, 2001).
St Martin's Press Midnight Tides
St Martin's Press Gardens of the Moon
MIT Press Ltd OffEarth
Can we do better in space than we ve done here on Earth?
Penguin Putnam Inc The Importance Of Being Little: What Preschoolers Really Need from Grownups
Springer International Publishing AG Discovery, Innovation, and the Victorian Admiralty: Paper Navigators
This book examines the British Admiralty’s engagement with science and technological innovation in the nineteenth century. It is a book about people, and gross misunderstanding, about the dreams and disappointments of scientific workers and inventors in relation to the administrators who adjudicated their requests for support, and about the power of paper to escalate arguments, reduce opinions, and frustrate hopes. From instructions for naval surveying to debates about rewards to civilians for inventions, Paper Navigators puts a wide range of primary sources in the context of public debates and explores the British Admiralty’s engagement with, decision-making around, and management of questions of value, support, and funding with citizen inventors, the broader public, and their own employees. Concentrating on the Admiralty’s private, internal correspondence to explore these themes, it offers a fresh perspective on the Victorian Navy's history of innovation and exploration and is a novel addition to literature on the history of science in the nineteenth century.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Deadhouse Gates
'This masterwork of the imagination may be the high watermark of epic fantasy.' Glen Cook'This is true myth in the making, a drawing upon fantasy to recreate histories and legends as rich as any found within our culture' InterzoneIn the Holy Desert Raraku, the seer Sha'ik and her followers prepare for the long-prophesied uprising named the Whirlwind. Enslaved in the Otataral mines, Felisin - youngest scion of the disgraced House of Paran - dreams of freedom and vows revenge. The outlawed Bridgeburners Fiddler and Kalam conspire to rid the world of the Empress Laseen - although it seems the gods would, as always, have it otherwise. And as two ancient warriors - bearers of a devastating secret - enter this blighted land, so an untried commander of the Malaz 7th Army leads his war-weary troops in a last, valiant running battle to save the lives of thirty thousand refugees. In this thrilling second chapter in the epic story of the Malazan empire, war and betrayal, intrigue and roil
O'Brien Press Ltd Wee Donkeys Treasure Hunt
Wee Donkey travels Ireland trying to find the perfect souvenir for her Grandad.
De Gruyter International marketing in times of sustainability and digitalization
Given today's challenges, companies are confronted with pressing questions: Are marketing and sustainability a contradiction? How can digitalization support marketers beyond digital advertising? These questions must be addressed in an international context since, for most companies, international business is more a reality than just a strategic option as it was just a few decades ago. This book provides insights into the fundamentals of international marketing with a focus on these topics because they are commonplace in today's international marketing. It presents theories and concepts of international marketing in a concise form along with many real-world examples. The book explores how digitalization makes potential connections and advances available to marketing and how marketing can contribute to shaping a more sustainable future. It is a must read for students interested in the topic and managers who are confronted with these challenges. Supplementary materials for the book are available!
National Maritime Museum The Challenger Expedition: Exploring the Ocean's Depths
On 21 December 1872, HMS Challenger set sail from Portsmouth, England, to begin a global voyage of deep-sea exploration, unique for the scale of its ambition and scope. Made possible by technological and scientific developments, extensive international cooperation and supported by a team of researchers and naval officers, the expedition was part of a concerted nineteenth-century drive to map the ocean floors and search for life in the abyss. By the time the ship returned to Britain in 1876, the scientific team on board had amassed what was then the largest collection of examples of life from the deep sea. But their work was not finished and over the next two decades a global network of researchers prepared the results for publication, culminating in a 50-volume series that is considered the intellectual foundation of modern oceanography.
O'Brien Press Ltd Puffling and the Egg
When Puffling finds a lost egg on Skellig Michael, she sets off to return the egg to its nest!She travels all over the island searching the owner of this stray egg, meeting lots of new friends along the way ... but who lost this mystery egg? And what kind of baby animal is going to hatch from it?
Adventure Publications, Incorporated Coastal Life of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: Easily Identify Seashells, Beachcoming Finds, and Iconic Animals
Get the tabbed guide to plants, animals, and sea shells of the Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic. Beaches are the borders between two vastly different ecosystems. As such, they are teeming with a variety of fascinating life. Whether you’re a tourist on vacation or a local resident on a day trip, keep this tabbed booklet close at hand. It features nearly 80 of the most common and important animals and plants to know—from birds and fish to crabs, sea turtles, and more! Plus, the quick guide includes other beachcombing finds—like sea shells and seaglass—as well as an introduction to different kinds of sand. The handy booklet is applicable to the coastlines of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas. It is organized by group for quick and easy identification, and it offers the at-a-glance information that you want to know. The pocket-sized format is much easier to use than laminated foldouts, and the tear-resistant pages help to make the book durable in the field. As an added bonus, the guide includes tips and suggestions for helping coastal life to thrive in this essential habitat. Book Features: Pocket-sized format—easier than laminated foldouts Professional photos of each species Entries organized by group to ensure that you quickly find what you’re looking for Easy-to-use information for even casual observers Tips for helping coastal life in their beach environments
Nova Science Publishers Inc Special Education & Early Arithmetic Knowledge-Building
McGraw-Hill Education Psychology Perspectives and Connections 2024 Release ISE
Psychology: Perspectives and Connections is a comprehensive introduction to psychology designed to guide students to move beyond what may seem obvious and reevaluate the their thoughts and beliefs. In every chapter the text emphasizes four key goals:Challenging assumptions: A chapter-opening feature starts students questioning their beliefs about the discipline.Thinking scientifically: A framework for testing assumptions builds critical thinking skills, and in-depth analyses of high-interest research studies in every chapter help students apply those skills.Making science accessible: The text helps students develop scientific literacy.Applying psychology to everyday life: Innovative features demonstrate how psychological research can directly affect people's lives.Enhanced by the extensive and ever-expanding resources in McGraw Hill Connect's digit
Familius LLC Dogs Will Be Dogs: The Ultimate Dog Quote Book
Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong. —W. R. Purche If you've ever owned a dog, lived with a dog, walked a dog, or even pet a dog, you know that they are the four-legged embodiment of happiness. Even when you catch them in the act of chewing your shoes, you can't help but love them (and their puppy dog eyes). With quotes from dog-lovers, owners, rescuers, and influencers, Dogs Will Be Dogs is a new kind of quote book about how these furry companions complete our lives.
St. Martin's Essentials Surrounded by Bad Bosses (and Lazy Employees): How to Stop Struggling, Start Succeeding, and Deal with Idiots at Work [The Surrounded by Idiots Series]
St Martin's Press Dust of Dreams
St Martin's Press Memories of Ice Book Three of the Malazan Book of the Fallen - Malazan
Walker Books Ltd As Brave as a Lion
No matter how fast I ride, or where I run to, my brave lion stick with me ... my lion’s there, too!When they’re together, Leonora feels like she can do anything! Her big, brave lion looks out for her. But when, one day, they decide to climb the new dizzyingly high rocket slide at the playground, Leonora discovers that even lions get afraid, too. Can she summon the strength to be his lion this time?A one-of-a-kind friendship is brought to life with breathtaking, energetic artwork in this story of kindness, courage, and being there for one another.
Kodansha America, Inc Lovesick Ellie 1
The outrageous shojo comedy finally comes to print! A boy and a girl come to share each other's secrets: She remixes her real life and fantasies into a pervy Twitter feed, and he's selfish and manipulative on the inside. The relationship (?) that results is explosive and hilarious, perfect for fans of Kiss Him, Not Me!, Horimiya, and Wotakoi!At high school, she's Eriko Ichimura, the girl so boring no one remembers she exists. But online, she's "Lovesick Ellie," a brash and lusty alternate persona with quite a viral following! Ellie's favorite pastime? Spying on her handsome and perfect classmate Ohmi and spinning wild fantasies in the form of very thirsty tweets. But one day, quite by accident, Eriko learns that Ohmi isn't as perfect as she thought...and he discovers her secret to boot! What's ahead for this two-faced boy and pervy girl?
Capstone Global Library Ltd Bodies of Water Oceans
Pebble Books Amelia Earhart