Search results for ""author gold"
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Stalin's Plans for Capturing Germany
While the myth of Soviet benevolence has now largely been discredited, the idea that Stalin's Soviet Union was a peaceful power that sought to prevent the war through all kinds of means - including an ill-fated non-aggression treaty with Hitler - remains popular to this day. Indeed, this narrative is not only promoted by Putin`s propaganda but also by a host of Western intellectuals and even historians who take public declarations at face value. Drawing on a host of internal Soviet Politburo discussions, memoranda and speeches, this book shows that the Soviet Union was a heavily militarized state that incessantly planned to unleash a great, ideologically motivated war against the rest of the world. In fact, its entire political life revolved around the question of war, especially following the onset of the Great Depression in 1929, which convinced Soviet leaders of the imminent collapse of the capitalist system abroad. Thus, both the collectivization as well as the terror that followed in its wake were done with the coming war in mind - even though there was no tangible danger of war. Slowed down by countless devastating setbacks, Stalin was nevertheless able to amass a gigantic army by the late 1930s. When Hitler approached Stalin in 1939 asking for Soviet neutrality in his planned invasion of Poland, Stalin sensed a golden opportunity: by supporting Hitler, he could turn the European powers against each another, allowing him to intervene once they were sufficiently weakened. However, Stalin miscalculated: Hitler beat both Poland and France in less than a year and then turned against Moscow in 1941, long before Stalin was ready for his own attack.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd A Cocktail in Paris: 65 Recipes for Oh So Chic Cocktails & Bar Bites
A Cocktail in Paris transports you to the elegant world of the Parisian bar scene and shows you how to create the drinks that have inspired the creativity of numerous writers, thinkers and artists. Is there any better city to drink in than Paris? Whether you're sipping a Mimosa over brunch on a terrace on the Boulevard Montparnasse, enjoying an Américano before dinner at Les Deux Magots or indulging in a late-night cognac digestif at Harry's Bar, the drinking holes of the City of Light have been working their magic for decades. A Cocktail in Paris features 50 recipes divided into chapters covering all-day cocktails; aperitifs; gin and vodka-based cocktails; rum, Cognac and whisky-based cocktails; and digestifs and late-night classics; along with 15 recipes for the most soignée small bites to serve alongside them. You'll find Belle Epoque classics from the heyday of the Moulin Rouge, like the original Champagne Cocktail, alongside the drinks beloved by Ernest Hemingway during les années folles of the 1920s. During the Prohibition era in the US, many bartenders left New York to set up bars in Europe, resulting in the now-legendary cocktail creations of Harry McElhone at Harry's New York Bar in Paris, such as the Bloody Mary and the Sidecar. Discover, too, the resurgence in popularity of cocktails in the modern-day bar scene of the Marais district. A Cocktail in Paris is also packed with tips on how to improve your cocktail-making prowess and fascinating stories from the days of decadence, helping you to capture the sophisticated spirit of golden-age Paris, that most inspiring city of cocktails.
Small Beer Press Carmen Dog
"Combines the cruel humor of Candide with the allegorical panache of Animal Farm."-Entertainment Weekly "Carol is the most unappreciated great writer we've got. Carmen Dog ought to be a classic in the colleges by now ...It's so funny, and it's so keen." -Ursula K. Le Guin "A rollicking outre satire...full of comic leaps and absurdist genius."-Bitch "A wise and funny book."-The New York Times "This trenchant feminist fantasy-satire mixes elements of Animal Farm, Rhinoceros and The Handmaid's Tale...Imagination and absurdist humor mark [Carmen Dog] throughout, and Emshwiller is engaging even when most savage about male-female relationships."-Booklist "Her fantastic premise allows Emshwiller canny and frequently hilarious insights into the damaging sex-role stereotypes both men and women perpetuate." -Publishers Weekly The debut title in our Peapod Classics line, Carol Emshwiller's genre-jumping debut novel is a dangerous, sharp-eyed look at men, women, and the world we live in. Everything is changing: women are turning into animals, and animals are turning into women. Pooch, a golden setter, is turning into a beautiful woman-although she still has some of her canine traits: she just can't shuck that loyalty thing-and her former owner has turned into a snapping turtle. When the turtle tries to take a bite of her own baby, Pooch snatches the baby and runs. Meanwhile, there's a dangerous wolverine on the loose, men are desperately trying to figure out what's going on, and Pooch discovers what she really wants: to sing Carmen. Carmen Dog is the funny feminist classic that inspired writers Pat Murphy and Karen Joy Fowler to create the James Tiptree Jr. Memorial Award.
Simon & Schuster Don't Make Me Pull Over!: An Informal History of the Family Road Trip
“A lighthearted, entertaining trip down Memory Lane” (Kirkus Reviews), Don’t Make Me Pull Over! offers a nostalgic look at the golden age of family road trips—before portable DVD players, smartphones, and Google Maps.The birth of America’s first interstate highways in the 1950s hit the gas pedal on the road trip phenomenon and families were soon streaming—sans seatbelts!—to a range of sometimes stirring, sometimes wacky locations. In the days before cheap air travel, families didn’t so much take vacations as survive them. Between home and destination lay thousands of miles and dozens of annoyances, and with his family Richard Ratay experienced all of them—from being crowded into the backseat with noogie-happy older brothers, to picking out a souvenir only to find that a better one might have been had at the next attraction, to dealing with a dad who didn’t believe in bathroom breaks. Now, decades later, Ratay offers “an amiable guide…fun and informative” (New York Newsday) that “goes down like a cold lemonade on a hot summer’s day” (The Wall Street Journal). In hundreds of amusing ways, he reminds us of what once made the Great American Family Road Trip so great, including twenty-foot “land yachts,” oasis-like Holiday Inn “Holidomes,” “Smokey”-spotting Fuzzbusters, twenty-eight glorious flavors of Howard Johnson’s ice cream, and the thrill of finding a “good buddy” on the CB radio. An “informative, often hilarious family narrative [that] perfectly captures the love-hate relationship many have with road trips” (Publishers Weekly), Don’t Make Me Pull Over! reveals how the family road trip came to be, how its evolution mirrored the country’s, and why those magical journeys that once brought families together—for better and worse—have largely disappeared.
Duke University Press Looking for Mexico: Modern Visual Culture and National Identity
In Looking for Mexico, a leading historian of visual culture, John Mraz, provides a panoramic view of Mexico’s modern visual culture from the U.S. invasion of 1847 to the present. Along the way, he illuminates the powerful role of photographs, films, illustrated magazines, and image-filled history books in the construction of national identity, showing how Mexicans have both made themselves and been made with the webs of significance spun by modern media. Central to Mraz’s book is photography, which was distributed widely throughout Mexico in the form of cartes-de-visite, postcards, and illustrated magazines. Mraz analyzes the work of a broad range of photographers, including Guillermo Kahlo, Winfield Scott, Hugo Brehme, Agustín Víctor Casasola, Tina Modotti, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Héctor García, Pedro Meyer, and the New Photojournalists. He also examines representations of Mexico’s past in the country’s influential picture histories: popular, large-format, multivolume series replete with thousands of photographs and an assortment of texts.Turning to film, Mraz compares portrayals of the Mexican Revolution by Fernando de Fuentes to the later movies of Emilio Fernández and Gabriel Figueroa. He considers major stars of Golden Age cinema as gender archetypes for mexicanidad, juxtaposing the charros (hacienda cowboys) embodied by Pedro Infante, Pedro Armendáriz, and Jorge Negrete with the effacing women: the mother, Indian, and shrew as played by Sara García, Dolores del Río, and María Félix. Mraz also analyzes the leading comedians of the Mexican screen, representations of the 1968 student revolt, and depictions of Frida Kahlo in films made by Paul Leduc and Julie Taymor. Filled with more than fifty illustrations, Looking for Mexico is an exuberant plunge into Mexico’s national identity, its visual culture, and the connections between the two.
Monacelli Press Shoot What You Love: Tips and Tales from a Working Photographer
The best professional advice Henry Horenstein ever received was to “shoot what you love.” He’s been doing that for more than four decades, capturing photographs that often richly evoke older cultures and places, especially ones that are disappearing: country musicians in Branson, horse racing at Saratoga Springs, nightlife in Buenos Aires, fais do-dos in Cajun Louisiana, old highways everywhere. Horenstein brings these images together in this rich visual memoir, along with behind-the-scenes stories, insights, and tips and suggestions for being a better photographer. His photographs and engaging, often humorous stories chronicle a career that begins in the 1960s, when photography was a trade and even the greatest photographers were not considered to be artists. He amusingly recounts his early assignments. Using his family and friends as subjects for a book on drug abuse was not too much of a stretch, he says, and while shooting Dolly Parton for what would become the Boston Phoenix, the star told him, “Honey, people don’t come out to see me looking like them.” He engagingly recalls his shoots with stars like the Lennon Sisters and Emmylou Harris, as well as his encounters with Ansel Adams, Minor White, Aaron Siskind, Harry Callahan, Nan Goldin, and many other photo legends. Commanding these pages, though, are the subjects with whom Horenstein has chosen to spend most of his professional career, shooting what he loves. His images of honky-tonk stars, stock car drivers, exotic sea creatures, mixed-race residents of rural Maryland, and Venezuelan baseball players tell what he calls “a good story . . . with humor and a punch line, if possible.”
Cornell University Press Professor at Large: The Cornell Years
And now for something completely different. Professor at Large features beloved English comedian and actor John Cleese in the role of Ivy League professor at Cornell University. His almost twenty years as professor-at-large has led to many talks, essays, and lectures on campus. This collection of the very best moments from Cleese under his mortarboard provides a unique view of his endless pursuit of intellectual discovery across a range of topics. Since 1999, Cleese has provided Cornell students and local citizens with his ideas on everything from scriptwriting to psychology, religion to hotel management, and wine to medicine. His incredibly popular events and classes—including talks, workshops, and an analysis of A Fish Called Wanda and The Life of Brian—draw hundreds of people. He has given a sermon at Sage Chapel, narrated Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf with the Cornell Chamber Orchestra, conducted a class on script writing, and lectured on psychology and human development. Each time Cleese has visited the campus in Ithaca, NY, he held a public presentation, attended and or lectured in classes, and met privately with researchers. From the archives of these visits, Professor at Large includes an interview with screenwriter William Goldman, a lecture about creativity entitled, "Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind," talks about Professor at Large and The Life of Brian, a discussion of facial recognition, and Cleese's musings on group dynamics with business students and faculty. Professor at Large provides a window into the workings of John Cleese's scholarly mind, showcasing the wit and intelligence that have driven his career as a comedian, while demonstrating his knack of pinpointing the essence of humans and human problems. His genius on the screen has long been lauded; now his academic chops get their moment in the spotlight, too.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reversing Gum Disease Naturally: A Holistic Home Care Program
"Reversing Gum Disease Naturally presents techniques and information so that you can reverse already unhealthy states in your mouth or prevent the onset of gum disease. Sandra Senzon enhances patients' oral health through traditional as well as holistic methods." --Barry Musikant, D.M.D. "This book allows the patient to be an active participant along with healthcare professionals." --Jay P. Goldsmith, D.M.D. "There is a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel for all those who suffer from gum disease. We ultimately don't have to lose our natural teeth. Sandra Senzon shows us the many ways in which the mouth is connected to the body, and how, with the use of natural herbal products and proper mechanic techniques, you can reverse gum disease naturally." --Joseph P. Green, D.O.S. Gum disease is the #1 oral health issue for Americans today-and simply brushing and flossing are not enough to avoid it. In this unique book, registered dental hygienist Sandra Senzon reveals how you can prevent and reverse gum disease through natural treatments. You'll get a new and broader understanding of your mouth as Senzon explains the causes of gum disease, along with the roles that stress, diet, and certain conditions such as diabetes can play in the onset of the disease. She shows you how to work with holistic products, set up an at-home hygiene center, and find the right professional to guide you in the natural reversal of gum disease. There's even a section for parents on how to help children practice good oral hygiene. Packed with expert tips and motivational strategies, Reversing Gum Disease Naturally will enable you to keep your gums and your teeth healthy and strong.
Everyman Tao Teh Ching
Written during the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy, and composed partly in prose and partly in verse, the Tao Te Ching is the most terse and economical of the world's great religious texts. In a series of short, profound chapters it elucidates the idea of the Tao, or the Way, and of Te - Virtue, or Power - ideas that in their ethical, practical and spiritual dimensions have become essential to the life of China's powerful civilization. The Tao Te Ching has been translated into Western languages more times than any other Chinese work. It speaks of the ineffable in a secular manner and its imagery, drawn from the natural world, transcends time and place. The application of its wisdom to modern times is both instructive and provocative - for the individual, lessons in self-awareness and spontaneity, placing stillness and consciousness of the word around above ceaseless activity; for leaders of society, how to govern with integrity, to perform unobtrusively the task in hand and never to utter words lightly; for both, the futility of striving for personal success.D. C. Lau's classic English version remains a touchstone of accuracy. Informed by the most impressive scholarship this is a translation both for academic study and for general readers who prefer to reflect on the meaning of this ancient text unencumbered by the subjective interpretations and poetic licence of more recent 'inspirational' translations. Sarah Allan's masterly introduction discusses the origins of the work, sheds light on the ambiguities of its language, and places it firmly in its historical and philosophical context.The Everyman edition uses Lau's translation of the Ma Wang Tui manuscripts (discovered in 1973) in the revised 1989 version published by The Chinese University Press. The iconic text is presented uncluttered by explanatory notes. A chronology and glossary are included, together with the translator's informative appendices.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Ars Notoria: The Notory Art of Solomon: A Medieval Treatise on Angelic Magic and the Art of Memory
The 13th-century magical treatise Ars Notoria offers a secret account of the angel Pamphilius revealing the sacred magic to King Solomon by which he gained his famed wisdom and learning, thereby expanding upon the biblical narrative in which Solomon received a vision of God. Solomon’s writings were transmitted to the first-century philosopher, Apollonius of Tyana, who provided a commentary entitled the Golden Flowers (Flores Aurei), which is contained within Ars Notoria. The magical text presents a complete system of angelic magic consisting of prayers addressed to angels, using figures called notae, for the purpose of acquiring scholastic and heavenly knowledge. Due to its rising popularity among university students, the magical ritual was reworked time and again, producing five treatises, dating from the 13th to 15th centuries; The Work of Works (Opus Operum), the Book of Flowers of Heavenly Teaching composed by the French Benedictine monk named John of Morigny, The Short Art (Ars Brevis), the abridged version attributed to Thomas of Toledo, and The Pauline Art (Ars Paulina), thereby establishing an entire notorial art tradition. In this new and complete translation of Ars Notoria, based on Julien Veronese’s critical Latin edition, translator Matthias Castle presents the classic magical text, both short and long versions, including four of the later treatises. Castle explains how these theurgic ritual practices were performed, giving special attention to all the original pictorial figures (notae), and how the art of memory relates to angelic magic. Providing practical instruction, extensive commentary, and in-depth background research and annotations, Ars Notoria: The Notory Art of Solomon is an essential sourcebook on angelic magic for scholar and magician alike.
Abrams Madly Marvelous: The Costumes of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
From the award-winning costume designer of Amazon Prime Video's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, a collection of the show’s costumes, with never-before-seen photography, sketches, production stills, and more Amazon Prime Video’s Emmy- and Golden Globe–winning series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel centers on Miriam "Midge" Maisel, a 1950s New York City woman whose seemingly perfect life suddenly takes an unexpected turn, taking her from a comfortable life on Riverside Drive through the basket houses and nightclubs of Greenwich Village as she embarks on a groundbreaking standup comedy career. Created by Amy Sherman-Palladino (creator and showrunner of Gilmore Girls), and starring Rachel Brosnahan, Alex Borstein, and Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has garnered fan and critical praise alike, with much of the attention focused on the exquisitely designed period costumes. Madly Marvelous: The Costumes of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel explores the inner workings of award-winning costume designer Donna Zakowska’s process, as well as the many inspirations for the show’s wardrobe, including period photography, American and European fashion trends, and the various cultures and countercultures of late-1950s New York. The clothes of Mrs. Maisel are gorgeous, authentically detailed, and carefully crafted. Illustrated with sketches, photographs from Zakowska’s workspace, behind-the-scenes shots, and production stills, the book follows the series from season to season, showing how the vocabulary of fashion—context, style, color, cut, accessories, and more—is integral to defining and developing the characters in the show. Madly Marvelous is a must-have for fans of the show and fashionistas alike, providing readers with a curated and well-informed look at an integral period in fashion history.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Road to Grantchester
_______________ 'If you love the TV series Grantchester, don’t miss this captivating prequel. It reveals the backstory of how a young Sidney Chambers, carefree in London just before the Second World War, came to be the charming crime-fighting clergyman we know today' - Yours 'Charming, clever and warm: perfect comfort food for the soul' - Joanne Harris, Daily Telegraph 'An engaging and witty prequel' - Washington Post 'Hugely enjoyable … Some of the finest writing I have ever read about the sorrow and the pity of war' - Herald _______________ The captivating prequel to the treasured Grantchester series follows the life, loves and losses of a young Sidney Chambers in post-war London It is 1938, and eighteen-year-old Sidney Chambers is dancing the quickstep with Amanda Kendall at her brother Robert’s birthday party at the Caledonian Club. No one can believe, on this golden evening, that there could ever be another war. Returning to London seven years later, Sidney has gained a Military Cross, and lost his best friend on the battlefields of Italy. The carefree youth that he and his friends were promised has been blown apart, just like the rest of the world – and Sidney, carrying a terrible, secret guilt, must decide what to do with the rest of his life. But he has heard a call: constant, though quiet, and growing ever more persistent. To the incredulity of his family and the derision of his friends – the irrepressible actor Freddie, and the beautiful, spiky Amanda – Sidney must now negotiate his path to God: the course of which, much like true love, never runs smooth. The touching, engaging and surprising origin story of the Grantchester Mysteries’s beloved Archdeacon, Sidney Chambers, The Road to Grantchester will delight new and old fans alike.
John Murray Press If These Stones Could Talk: The History of Christianity in Britain and Ireland through Twenty Buildings
'A heavenly book, elegant and thoughtful. Get one for yourself and one for the church-crawler in your life!' Lucy WorsleyChristianity has been central to the lives of the people of Britain and Ireland for almost 2,000 years. It has given us laws, customs, traditions and our national character. From a persecuted minority in Roman Britannia through the 'golden age' of Anglo-Saxon monasticism, the devastating impact of the Vikings, the alliance of church and state after the Norman Conquest to the turmoil of the Reformation that saw the English monarch replace the Pope and the Puritan Commonwealth that replaced the king, it is a tangled, tumultuous story of faith and achievement, division and bloodshed.In If These Stones Could Talk Peter Stanford journeys through England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland to churches, abbeys, chapels and cathedrals, grand and humble, ruined and thriving, ancient and modern, to chronicle how a religion that began in the Middle East came to define our past and shape our present. In exploring the stories of these buildings that are still so much a part of the landscape, the details of their design, the treasured objects that are housed within them, the people who once stood in their pulpits and those who sat in their pews, he builds century by century the narrative of what Christianity has meant to the nations of the British Isles, how it is reflected in the relationship between rulers and ruled, and the sense it gives about who we are and how we live with each other.'There is no better navigator through the space in which art, culture and spirituality meet than Peter Stanford' Cole Moreton, Independent on Sunday
John Murray Press If These Stones Could Talk: The History of Christianity in Britain and Ireland through Twenty Buildings
'A heavenly book, elegant and thoughtful. Get one for yourself and one for the church-crawler in your life!' Lucy WorsleyChristianity has been central to the lives of the people of Britain and Ireland for almost 2,000 years. It has given us laws, customs, traditions and our national character. From a persecuted minority in Roman Britannia through the 'golden age' of Anglo-Saxon monasticism, the devastating impact of the Vikings, the alliance of church and state after the Norman Conquest to the turmoil of the Reformation that saw the English monarch replace the Pope and the Puritan Commonwealth that replaced the king, it is a tangled, tumultuous story of faith and achievement, division and bloodshed.In If These Stones Could Talk Peter Stanford journeys through England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland to churches, abbeys, chapels and cathedrals, grand and humble, ruined and thriving, ancient and modern, to chronicle how a religion that began in the Middle East came to define our past and shape our present. In exploring the stories of these buildings that are still so much a part of the landscape, the details of their design, the treasured objects that are housed within them, the people who once stood in their pulpits and those who sat in their pews, he builds century by century the narrative of what Christianity has meant to the nations of the British Isles, how it is reflected in the relationship between rulers and ruled, and the sense it gives about who we are and how we live with each other.'There is no better navigator through the space in which art, culture and spirituality meet than Peter Stanford' Cole Moreton, Independent on Sunday
Faber Music Ltd Jóhann Jóhannsson: Piano Works
Jóhann Jóhannsson was an award-winning Icelandic composer, renowned for his compositions across film, television, theatre and dance, including his stunning score to James Marsh’s Stephen Hawking biopic The Theory of Everything (2014), which earned him a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score. Jóhann Jóhannsson: Piano Works brings together for the first time transcriptions of his best-loved works in a special limited-edition collection for solo piano, which celebrates music from his solo albums alongside his highly acclaimed and powerfully moving film scores. Featuring 30 pieces accurately transcribed for solo piano, this collection will allow fans of Jóhannsson to immerse in his unique sound-world with music from across his career including The Theory of Everything, Odi et Amo and Flight From the City. Suitable for intermediate piano. With only a thousand copies available, Jóhann Jóhannsson: Piano Works is presented as a stunning high-end cloth-bound hardback limited-edition book. Alongside the scores, it includes a wealth of striking photographs and a specially written introduction from American composer Dustin O’Halloran, a longtime friend of Jóhannsson. “I believe that music acts as a time capsule, preserving the very essence of an individuals heart. When we play music from the past, we possess the ability to summon their spirit and bring them back to life. Jóhann’s music, in its timelessness, will forever remain vibrant and alive. By playing these pieces, you will find yourself drawing closer to his musical world, ensuring its eternal resonance”. Dustin O’Halloran, composer. “Jóhann Jóhannsson: Piano Works offers a superb tribute and testament to the musical achievement of this much-missed composer.” Andrew Eales,
Penguin Random House Children's UK Bloodlines: Silver Shadows (book 5)
Bloodlines: Silver Shadows is the heart-pounding fifth instalment in the bestselling Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead, set in the world of the international bestseller, Vampire Academy - NOW A MAJOR FILM. Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets - and human lives.In The Fiery Heart, Sydney risked everything to follow her gut, walking a dangerous line to keep her feelings hidden from the Alchemists.Now, in the aftermath of an event that ripped their world apart, Sydney and Adrian struggle to pick up the pieces and find their way back to each other. But first, they have to survive. For Sydney, trapped and surrounded by adversaries, life becomes a daily struggle to hold on to her identity and the memories of those she loves. Meanwhile, Adrian clings to hope in the face of those who tell him Sydney is a lost cause, but the battle proves daunting as old demons and new temptations begin to seize hold of him...Their worst fears now a chilling reality; Sydney and Adrian face their darkest hour. 'Exciting, empowering and un-put-downable.' MTV's Hollywood Crush'We're suckers for it!' - Entertainment WeeklyAlso available in the Bloodlines series:Bloodlines (Book 1)Bloodlines: The Golden Lily (Book 2)Bloodlines: The Indigo Spell (Book 3)Bloodlines: The Fiery Heart (Book 4)Bloodlines: Silver Shadows (Book 5)Discover where the story began in the Vampire Academy series:*NOW A MAJOR FILM*Vampire Academy (Book 1)Vampire Academy: Frostbite (Book 2) Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss (Book 3)Vampire Academy: Blood Promise (Book 4)Vampire Academy: Spirit Bound (Book 5) Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (Book 6)
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • LOS ANGELES TIMES BESTSELLERIn this spectacular, newsmaking exposé that has the entertainment industry abuzz and on its heels, Vanity Fair's Maureen Ryan blows the lid on patterns of harassment and bias in Hollywood, the grassroots reforms under way, and the labor and activist revolutions that recent scandals have ignited.It is never just One Bad Man.Abuse and exploitation of workers is baked into the very foundations of the entertainment industry. To break the cycle and make change that sticks, it’s important to stop looking at headline-making stories as individual events. Instead, one must look closely at the bigger picture, to see how abusers are created, fed, rewarded, allowed to persist, and, with the right tools, how they can be excised.In Burn It Down, veteran reporter Maureen Ryan does just that. She draws on decades of experience to connect the dots and illuminate the deeper forces sustaining Hollywood’s corrosive culture. Fresh reporting sheds light on problematic situations at companies like Lucasfilm and shows like Lost, Saturday Night Live, The Goldbergs, Sleepy Hollow, Curb Your Enthusiasm and more.Interviews with actors and famous creatives like Evan Rachel Wood, Harold Perrineau, Damon Lindelof, and Orlando Jones abound. Ryan dismantles, one by one, the myths that the entertainment industry promotes about itself, which have allowed abusers to thrive and the industry to avoid accountability—myths about Hollywood as a meritocracy, what it takes to be creative, the value of human dignity, and more.Weaving together insights from industry insiders, historical context, and pop-culture analysis, Burn It Down paints a groundbreaking and urgently necessary portrait of what’s gone wrong in the entertainment world—and how we can fix it.
John Murray Press How Numbers Work: Discover the strange and beautiful world of mathematics
Think of a number between one and ten.No, hang on, let's make this interesting. Between zero and infinity. Even if you stick to the whole numbers, there are a lot to choose from - an infinite number in fact. Throw in decimal fractions and infinity suddenly gets an awful lot bigger (is that even possible?) And then there are the negative numbers, the imaginary numbers, the irrational numbers like pi which never end. It literally never ends.The world of numbers is indeed strange and beautiful. Among its inhabitants are some really notable characters - pi, e, the "imaginary" number i and the famous golden ratio to name just a few. Prime numbers occupy a special status. Zero is very odd indeed: is it a number, or isn't it?How Numbers Work takes a tour of this mind-blowing but beautiful realm of numbers and the mathematical rules that connect them. Not only that, but take a crash course on the biggest unsolved problems that keep mathematicians up at night, find out about the strange and unexpected ways mathematics influences our everyday lives, and discover the incredible connection between numbers and reality itself.ABOUT THE SERIESNew Scientist Instant Expert books are definitive and accessible entry points to the most important subjects in science; subjects that challenge, attract debate, invite controversy and engage the most enquiring minds. Designed for curious readers who want to know how things work and why, the Instant Expert series explores the topics that really matter and their impact on individuals, society, and the planet, translating the scientific complexities around us into language that's open to everyone, and putting new ideas and discoveries into perspective and context.
Octopus Publishing Group Flavour: Over 100 fabulously flavourful recipes with a Middle-Eastern twist
'I am grateful to add Flavour, quite simply a gorgeous book, to my Sabrina Shelf. As ever, deliciousness abounds...' - Nigella Lawson'Sabrina Ghayour has a knack for colourful, intensely flavoured, no-fuss recipes ... Perfect for relaxed family suppers' - Daily Mail'Sabrina Ghayour's appeal is in offering simple Persian and Middle Eastern-inspired recipes that are fuss-free and burst with flavour... this new book has that appeal in spades - Delicious MagazineThe new collection of simple, delicious, crowd-pleasing recipes from the bestselling Middle-Eastern chef.Enjoy over 100 fabulously flavourful recipes with a Middle-Eastern twist - perfect for family, friends and every occasion. CONTENTS INCLUDE:SaladsChicken shawarma salad; Halloumi, blood orange & pistachio rocket salad; Spice roasted butternut & black rice saladLittle bites & savoury treatsCurried cheese & potato puffs; Tamarind chicken wings; My sweet, salty & sublime BHTMeat, poultry, fish & seafoodHerb koftas with warm yogurt sauce & spiced mint butter; Ras el Hanout & orange lamb cutlet platter; Pan-fried salmon with barberry butterVegetables & pulsesSmoked aubergine with lime & maple dressing; Charred broccoli with lemons, chillies & yogurt; Mama ghanoushPasta, noodles & grainsHarissa, tahini & lamb spaghetti; Nut butter noodles; samosa pastaSweetFeta, basil & strawberry cheesecake cups; Lime, coconut & cardamom loaf cake; Pistachio & chocolate dream cakePraise for Sabrina Ghayour:'Sabrina Ghayour's Middle-Eastern plus food is all flavour, no fuss - and makes me very, very happy' - Nigella Lawson'I don't think she could write a dull recipe if she tried. Every one an elegantly spiced delight.' - Tom Parker Bowles'The golden girl of Persian cookery' - Observer
Sunflower Books Sardinia Sunflower Walking Guide: 6 car tours, 37 long and short walks
Sardinia, the second largest island in the Mediterranean, is a countryside lover's paradise. Touring Sardinia by car, you quickly leave all traces of tourism behind: the six car tours cover about 1600km (1000 miles). The tours are arranged in such a way that they can be combined, allowing you to tour round the whole island.-------------------- As you tour, explore on foot: walking in Sardinia, crushing the fragrant Mediterranean macchia underfoot, will give you the real flavour of the island. Its scenic diversity ranges from rough and primeval landscapes to gentle golden sand dunes, from scorching rocky plateaux and windswept plains reminiscent of Africa to rolling hills with lush pastures and dense brushwood, from towering mountains cloaked in fine oak woods to a turquoise sea that touches the rocky coast. Colourful rock roses and an extravaganza of wild flowers flourish in spring.----------------- 6 car tours (with accompanying touring maps), 37 long and short walks (each with 1:50,000 topo map), 16 picnic suggestions. Plans of Cagliari and Sassari. Free online update service with specific route change information on the publisher's website, maintained daily.- --------------- The 'Landscapes' series, with 50 destinations, has been dubbed 'the blue Bibles' by the Sunday Times and led to Sunflower coming third out of a field of 15 publishers in the 2014 Holiday Which? guidebook roundup.-------------- As with all Sunflower books, these are great walking books, and you can use the Sunflower website to check for any updates to the routes before you go on each trip. A great book and great after-sales service from the writers. We did some fantastic walks and you get so much good local information on the region too. Would recommend all Sunflower books. [We also have] the Crete, Majorca and Menorca books...(JJ, Amazon)---------------- A great book!!! I highly recommend it, even if, like me, you are not fluent in English, all terms are easily understandable. (PG, Amazon)---------------- Another faultless Sunflower Book. Sunflower guides are always the ones I look for whenever I'm considering a destination. Although pitched heavily at walkers they generally offer a very good synopsis of the best natural sites which are available to the visitor and even those who don't walk much will get something out of them.The detail [in the car tours] is excellent and we were able to use them for the basis of a week long road tour of Sardinia and certainly felt well guided around much of the natural wonder of the island. The few walks we had the chance to do were excellently described in both terms of difficulty and directions, meaning we had no worries about being lost at any time. (Cubegame, Amazon)
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) "Towards Normality?": Acculturation of Modern German Jewry
The present volume is the latest in a distinguished series, published under the auspices of the London Leo Baeck Institute, that addresses the issues of emancipation, assimilation and acculturation. It presents the work of an international group of scholars who approach these topics from a variety of innovative perspectives. The thread running through the diverse contributions, as indicated by the volume's title, is that of normality, clearly a close relation of emancipation and acculturation. Throughout the period from the Enlightenment to the 1930s, it can be argued that German-speaking Jews endeavoured to be like those around them, to become - in a (loaded) word - normal. While the term has not generally been employed by historians of European Jewry, the search for the normal can provide an interesting perspective from which to examine the diverse modes of German Jewish acculturation and integration, or lack thereof. Survey of contents: Peter Pulzer: Obituary for Werner E. Mosse - Rainer Liedtke / David Rechter: Introduction: German Jewry and the Search for Normality - Michael A. Meyer: German Jewry's Path to Normality and Assimilation: Complexities, Ironies, Paradoxes - Christhard Hoffmann: Constructing Jewish Modernity: Mendelssohn Jubilee Celebrations within German Jewry, 1829-1929 - Johannes Hei: "... durch Fluten und Scheiterhaufen": Persecution as a Topic in Jewish Historiography on the Way to Modernity - Christian Wiese: Struggling for Normality: The Apologetics of Wissenschaft des Judentums in Wilhelmine Germany as an Anti-colonial Intellectual Revolt against the Protestant Construction of Judaism - Deborah Hertz: The Troubling Dialectic Between Reform and Conversion in Biedermeier Berlin - Simone Lässig: The Emergence of a Middle-Class Religiosity: Social and Cultural Aspects of the German-Jewish Reform Movement During the First Half of the Nineteenth Century - Gregory A. Caplan: Germanising the Jewish Male: Military Masculinity as the Last Stage of Acculturation - Lisa Swartout: Segregation or Integration? Honour and Manliness in Jewish Duelling Fraternities - Ulrich Sieg: "Nothing more German than the German Jews"? On the Integration of a Minority in a Society at War - Elisabeth Albanis: A "West-östlicher Divan" from the Front: Moritz Goldstein Beyond the Kunstwart Debate - Keith H. Pickus: Divergent Paths of National Integration and Acculturation: Jewish and Catholic Educational Strategies in Nineteenth Century Hesse-Darmstadt - Robin Judd: Jewish Political Behaviour and the Schächtfrage, 1880-1914 - Silvia Cresti: German and Austrian Jews Concept of Culture, Nation and Volk - Helga Embacher: Jewish Identities and Acculturation in the Province of Salzburg in the Shadow of Antisemitism - Tobias Brinkmann: Exceptionalism and Normality: "German Jews" in the United States 1840-1880 - Mitchell B. Hart: Towards Abnormality: Assimilation and Degenerationin German-Jewish Social Thought
Hodder & Stoughton The French House: The captivating and heartbreaking wartime love story and Richard & Judy Book Club pick
Freedom worth fighting for. Love worth waiting for.'The French House is a beautifully wrought exploration of love of all kinds. It's utterly gorgeous, convincingly written and completely captivating. Make sure you read it'MY WEEKLY'I was gripped from the start by the characters and the setting. A wonderful read'RUTH DRUART'A raw and honest love story, filled with a wealth of historical detail. The French House is a powerful depiction of the brutal intricacies of island relationships and loyalties in a time of war' FIONA VALPY'Deeply involving . . . A fantastic debut by a gifted storyteller' JILL MANSELL'A story of fraught secrets and tested loyalties . . . I found this beautifully told tale hard to put down' ANITA FRANK'Heart-wrenching . . . A truly special novel' LOUISE FEIN'Accomplished and atmospheric . . . I really enjoyed this uncliched yet deeply moving love story'TRACY REES'A vividly written, refreshingly different World War Two love story, with a central character I adored. Just brilliant!'GILL PAUL'Such an emotionally gripping novel portraying how love can be betrayed yet still endure' SUZANNE GOLDRING'I have been swept away by Jacquie Bloese's gorgeous writing, completely transported into the rich, atmospheric, and incredibly moving pages of The French House. . . this is an absolutely stunning, beautifully original novel'JENNY ASHCROFT'The writing is incredibly strong . . . a compelling read with a highly satisfactory ending'GUERNSEY PRESS***In Nazi-occupied Guernsey, the wrong decision can destroy a life... Left profoundly deaf after an accident, Émile is no stranger to isolation - or heartbreak. Now, as Nazi planes loom over Guernsey, he senses life is about to change forever.Trapped in a tense, fearful marriage, Isabelle doesn't know what has become of Émile and the future she hoped for. But when she glimpses him from the window of the French House, their lives collide once more. Leutnant Schreiber is more comfortable wielding a paintbrush than a pistol. But he has little choice in the role he is forced to play in the occupying forces - or in his own forbidden desires. As their paths entwine, loyalties are blurred and dangerous secrets forged. But on an island under occupation, courage can have deadly consequences...Lyrical, moving and compelling, this is a novel about wanting to hear and learning to listen - to the truths of our own hearts. Perfect for lovers of The Nightingale, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and All the Light We Cannot See.'A wonderful story, powerfully written with beautiful characters'JAMES KENT, director of Testament of Youth'A brilliantly moving historical novel' - 2020 Caledonian Novel Award panel
DK My Book of Dogs and Puppies: A Fact-Filled Guide to Your Canine Friends
Learn about the delightful wagging-tail world in this exciting guide to dogs and puppies.Every young dog and puppy fan will be drooling over the pages of this wonderful dog treasury for hours of delight! Learn everything there is to know about our furry friends in this adorable book of dogs for children, including their body language, what they are dreaming about, and what they are trying to say to you.Children aged 5-7 can learn about the profiles of over 50 different dog breeds, including well-loved favorites, such as the Labrador Retriever, Poodle, Dachshund, French Bulldog, Great Dane, and more! This book for canine lovers is arranged into the different dog groups based on the jobs that they do, and is filled with colorful photos, fur-tastic facts, and bite-sized information. This adorable dog book for children includes:- Fact files on over 50 breeds and features many more throughout the book, revealing their individual characteristics.- A science-focused and fact-packed route into learning about dogs.- Fact files for each featured breed providing key information, such as origin, size, character, and color.- A fantastic first introduction to the lives of these increasingly popular pets, as well as pet care, such as how often dogs eat and how to groom them.My Book of Dogs is a delightful children’s book about playful and loving pooches and is sure to be a hit with young dog enthusiasts. Children can find out about their favorite breeds, from pugs to golden retrievers from around the globe, how to take the best care of them, and be amazed by their heightened senses and clever antics. This book is a must-have for children who love animals, especially those who have a pet dog at home or whose families are thinking of getting one.Complete the seriesThis delightful book about dogs is part of the My Book of series of educational books for children, and also includes My Book of Cats and Kittens, My Book of Rocks and Minerals, My Book of Stars and Planets and My Book of Fossils.
Ediciones El Viso Treasures from the House of Alba
. The treasures of the Alba family represent more than five hundred years of patronage and collecting of European art of the highest quality and importance The Meadows Museum at Southern Methodist University is honoured to offer viewers in the United States their first opportunity to contemplate masterpieces from the leading historic private art collection in Spain. The treasures of the Alba family represent more than five hundred years of patronage and collecting of European art of the highest quality and importance. One hundred thirty-eight exemplary objects from these vast holdings will be presented in Dallas and then travel to the Frist Center for the Visual Arts in Nashville. Coinciding with the Meadows Museum s golden anniversary, the exhibition Treasures from the House of Alba: 500 Years of Art and Collecting and this companion publication trace the history of the Alba family from the fifteenth century through the present day through the works they collected. The book explores the family's wealth of paintings, sculptures, furniture, tapestries, and other objects, as well as the Alba archives and library. The stature of the painting collection is clear from the artists represented in the exhibition, among them Fra Angelico, Titian, Rubens, Mengs, Goya, Ingres, Sorolla, and Renoir. The relationship of the Alba legacy to America is highlighted in decorative objects and in a selection of documents from the Alba library related to Columbus and his voyages. The ten essays in this publication shed light on the dynasty's particular interest in collecting tapestries; its patronage of writers such as Garcilaso de la Vega; the influence of Eugenia de Montijo, empress of France, who was directly related to the Alba family; the pivotal roles of the Seventeenth Duke of Alba and his daughter, the Eighteenth Duchess, in the twentieth century, both of them keenly engaged with the art of their time; and the three palaces Liria, Monterrey, and Las Duenas that house much of the collection today. Finally, there is one essay covering the biographical life of the Albas as well as an article that discusses their artistic legacy. As a result, the book provides an in-depth study of the rich life and cultural achievements of this legendary dynasty that still lives strong today.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Movie Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Learn about the visual and performing arts in The Movie Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Movies in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for beginners looking to learn and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Movie Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Movies, with:- More than 100 of the best movies ever made worldwide- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Movie Book is the perfect introduction to the rich history of cinema like never before - from the golden age of black-and-white films to international art-house and 21st-century sci-fi, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover more than 100 of the best movies ever made, uncovering the key themes and big ideas behind the world's most celebrated cinematic gems.Your Movie Questions, Simply ExplainedThis book brings cinema to life with iconic quotes and film stills, posters, biographies of directors, actors, and actresses, along with narrative timelines and images exploring key themes. If you thought it was difficult to learn about the best cinematic masterpieces, The Movie Book presents key information in an easy to follow layout. Learn everything about your favourite movies, as well as celebrated classics and the films to watch before you die, through iconic quotes and stills, posters, biographies, memorabilia and narrative timelines, through superb mind maps and step-by-step summaries. The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Movie Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.
Purdue University Press The Rocket Lab: Maurice Zucrow, Purdue University, and America's Race to Space
The Rocket Lab: Maurice Zucrow, Purdue University, and America's Race to Space focuses on the golden era of space exploration between 1946 and 1966, specifically the life and times of Purdue University's Dr. Maurice J. Zucrow, a pioneering teacher and researcher in aerospace engineering. Zucrow taught America's first university course in jet and rocket propulsion, wrote the field's first textbook, and established the country's first educational Rocket Lab. He was part of a small circle of innovators who transformed Purdue into the country's largest engineering university, which became a cradle of astronauts. Taking a chronological and thematic approach, The Rocket Lab weaves between the local and national, drawing in rival universities, especially Harvard, MIT, Princeton, and Caltech. Also covered is Zucrow's role in the national project system of research and development through World War II and the Cold War. At Aerojet, he was one of the country's original project engineers, dedicated to scientific-technical expertise and the stepwise approach. He made vanguard power plant contributions to the Northrop Flying Wing, as well as the Corporal, Nike, and Atlas missiles, among others. Zucrow's work in propulsion helped to improve the country's arsenal of ballistic missiles and space launchers, and as a teacher, he educated the first generation of aerospace engineers. This book elevates Zucrow and the central role he played in getting the United States to space.
WW Norton & Co The Madwoman and the Roomba: My Year of Domestic Mayhem
Ah, 55. Gateway to the golden years! Professional summiting. Emotional maturity. Easy surfing toward the glassy blue waters of retirement…Or maybe not? Middle age, for Sandra Tsing Loh, feels more like living a disorganized 25-year-old’s life in an 85-year-old’s malfunctioning body. With raucous wit and carefree candor, Loh recounts the struggles of leaning in, staying lean, and keeping her family well-fed and financially afloat—all those burdens of running a household that still, all-too-often, fall to women. The Madwoman and the Roomba chronicles a roller coaster year for Loh, her partner, and her two teenage daughters in their ramshackle quasi-Craftsman, with a front lawn that’s more like a rectangle of compacted dirt and mice that greet her as she makes her morning coffee. Her daughters are spending more time online than off; her partner has become a Hindu, bringing in a household of monks; and she and her girlfriends are wondering over Groupon “well” drinks how they got here. Whether prematurely freaking out about her daughters’ college applications, worrying over her eccentric aging father, or overcoming the pitfalls of long-term partnership and the temptations of paired-with-cheese online goddess webinars, Loh somehow navigates the realities of what it means to be a middle-aged woman in the twenty-first century. By day’s end, we just might need a box of chardonnay and a Roomba to clean up the mess.
New York University Press Skin Theory: Visual Culture and the Postwar Prison Laboratory
Studies the intersections of incarceration, medical science, and race in postwar America In February 1966, a local newspaper described the medical science program at Holmesburg Prison, Philadelphia, a “golden opportunity to conduct widespread medical tests under perfect control conditions.” Helmed by Albert M. Kligman, a University of Pennsylvania professor, these tests enrolled hundreds of the prison’s predominantly Black population in studies determining the efficacy and safety of a wide variety of substances, from common household products to chemical warfare agents. These experiments at Holmesburg were hardly unique; in the postwar United States, the use of incarcerated test subjects was standard practice among many research institutions and pharmaceutical companies. Skin Theory examines the prison as this space for scientific knowledge production, showing how the “perfect control conditions” of the prison dovetailed into the visual regimes of laboratory work. To that end, Skin Theory offers an important reframing of visual approaches to race in histories of science, medicine, and technology, shifting from issues of scientific racism to the scientific rationality of racism itself. In this highly original work, Cristina Mejia Visperas approaches science as a fundamentally racial project by analyzing the privileged object and instrument of Kligman’s experiments: the skin. She theorizes the skin as visual technology, as built environment, and as official discourse, developing a compelling framework for understanding the intersections of race, incarceration, and medical science in postwar America.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Running Free: The Autobiography
Sir Robin Knox-Johnston burst to fame when he became the first man ever to complete a single-handed, non-stop circumnavigation of the world. Now, 50 years on from that famous voyage, he reveals the true, extraordinary story of his life. After leaving school, he immediately joined the Royal Naval Reserve before serving in the merchant navy and travelling the world. During that time, he spied for the British government in the Gulf, worked in the South African dockyards, and built his boat Suhaili in Bombay, before sailing home to England. In June 1968, he set sail in Suhaili in the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, and Running Free vividly brings to life that remarkable voyage, where he was the only person to finish the race, completing his journey on 22 April 1969 and thus entering the record books. Once back home, he set up a hugely successful business and continued his naval adventures, completing a second solo circumnavigation of the globe in 2007 - at 68, he became the oldest to complete this feat. Knox-Johnston's insatiable appetite for life and adventure shines through these pages, making this book a must for all sailing enthusiasts, readers of books by Ranulph Fiennes and Chris Bonington, or for anyone who has felt that the time for putting up your feet can always be put back to another day.
Columbia University Press Chinese Film Classics, 1922–1949
Winner, 2023 Choice Outstanding Academic TitleChinese Film Classics, 1922–1949 is an essential guide to the first golden age of Chinese cinema. Offering detailed introductions to fourteen films, this study highlights the creative achievements of Chinese filmmakers in the decades leading up to 1949, when the Communists won the civil war and began nationalizing cultural industries.Christopher Rea reveals the uniqueness and complexity of Republican China’s cinematic masterworks, from the comedies and melodramas of the silent era to the talkies and musicals of the 1930s and 1940s. Each chapter appraises the artistry of a single film, highlighting its outstanding formal elements, from cinematography to editing to sound design. Examples include the slapstick gags of Laborer’s Love (1922), Ruan Lingyu’s star turn in Goddess (1934), Zhou Xuan’s mesmerizing performance in Street Angels (1937), Eileen Chang’s urbane comedy of manners Long Live the Missus! (1947), the wartime epic Spring River Flows East (1947), and Fei Mu’s acclaimed work of cinematic lyricism, Spring in a Small Town (1948). Rea shares new insights and archival discoveries about famous films, while explaining their significance in relation to politics, society, and global cinema. Lavishly illustrated and featuring extensive guides to further viewings and readings, Chinese Film Classics, 1922–1949 offers an accessible tour of China’s early contributions to the cinematic arts.
Columbia University Press Chinese Film Classics, 1922–1949
Winner, 2023 Choice Outstanding Academic TitleChinese Film Classics, 1922–1949 is an essential guide to the first golden age of Chinese cinema. Offering detailed introductions to fourteen films, this study highlights the creative achievements of Chinese filmmakers in the decades leading up to 1949, when the Communists won the civil war and began nationalizing cultural industries.Christopher Rea reveals the uniqueness and complexity of Republican China’s cinematic masterworks, from the comedies and melodramas of the silent era to the talkies and musicals of the 1930s and 1940s. Each chapter appraises the artistry of a single film, highlighting its outstanding formal elements, from cinematography to editing to sound design. Examples include the slapstick gags of Laborer’s Love (1922), Ruan Lingyu’s star turn in Goddess (1934), Zhou Xuan’s mesmerizing performance in Street Angels (1937), Eileen Chang’s urbane comedy of manners Long Live the Missus! (1947), the wartime epic Spring River Flows East (1947), and Fei Mu’s acclaimed work of cinematic lyricism, Spring in a Small Town (1948). Rea shares new insights and archival discoveries about famous films, while explaining their significance in relation to politics, society, and global cinema. Lavishly illustrated and featuring extensive guides to further viewings and readings, Chinese Film Classics, 1922–1949 offers an accessible tour of China’s early contributions to the cinematic arts.
Harvard University Press Democracy’s Detectives: The Economics of Investigative Journalism
Winner of the Goldsmith Book Prize, Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government Winner of the Tankard Book Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass CommunicationWinner of the Frank Luther Mott–Kappa Tau Alpha Journalism & Mass Communication Research Award In democratic societies, investigative journalism holds government and private institutions accountable to the public. From firings and resignations to changes in budgets and laws, the impact of this reporting can be significant—but so too are the costs. As newspapers confront shrinking subscriptions and advertising revenue, who is footing the bill for journalists to carry out their essential work? Democracy’s Detectives puts investigative journalism under a magnifying glass to clarify the challenges and opportunities facing news organizations today. “Hamilton’s book presents a thoughtful and detailed case for the indispensability of investigative journalism—and just at the time when we needed it. Now more than ever, reporters can play an essential role as society’s watchdogs, working to expose corruption, greed, and injustice of the years to come. For this reason, Democracy’s Detectives should be taken as both a call to arms and a bracing reminder, for readers and journalists alike, of the importance of the profession.”—Anya Schiffrin, The Nation“A highly original look at exactly what the subtitle promises…Has this topic ever been more important than this year?”—Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution
Skyhorse Publishing The Brick Bible Presents Brick Exodus
Master LEGO builder, photographer, and storyteller Brendan Powell Smith has created new interest in the Bible and its stories his Brick Bible books and website. His widely popular The Brick Bible: A New Spin on the Old Testament brings together the major books of the Old Testament, illustrated entirely in LEGO bricks. Now, for the first time and in a smaller, more portable format, The Brick Bible Presents Brick Exodus engages readers with the stories from the second book of the Pentateuch. You can now follow Moses's journey throughout the Book of Exodus, illustrated entirely with LEGO bricks. Inside you’ll find highlighted:Baby Moses’s journey in a reed basket down the NileThe seven deadly plagues that struck EgyptThe parting of the Red SeaThe Israelites’ time in the desertThe burning bush on Mount SinaiThe presentation of the Ten CommandmentsThe burning of the golden calfAnd much more!The Brick Bible Presents Brick Exodus contains more than sixty illustrations and exciting additional scenes never before in print! Set in comic book style, the iconic scenes from these well-known Bible stories jump off the page. It is a must-have book for any religious family member, Sunday school classroom, or LEGO nut.
Aperture Lyle Ashton Harris: Today I Shall Judge Nothing That Occurs
Throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s, a radical cultural scene emerged in cities across the globe, finding expression in the galleries, nightclubs, and bedrooms of New York, London, Los Angeles, and Rome. In Lyle Ashton Harris: Today I Shall Judge Nothing That Occurs , the artist’s archive of 35 mm Ektachrome images are presented alongside journal entries and recollections from a host of artistic and cultural figures. It offers a unique document of what Harris has described as “ephemeral moments and emblematic figures shot in the 1980s and ’90s, against a backdrop of seismic shifts in the art world, the emergence of multiculturalism, the second wave of AIDS activism, and incipient globalization.” As a young artist experimenting with installation, performance, and collage at the time, Harris obsessively photographed his friends, lovers, and individuals who either were, or would become, figures of influence, such as Marlon Riggs, Cornel West, bell hooks, Stuart Hall, Klaus Biesenbach, Nan Goldin, Catherine Opie, Glenn Ligon, and others. The images record the confluence of multiple international communities— gathering points for the exchange of ideas and the development of theoretical positions on art and culture that continue to resonate to this day. Together, these photographs and the journals not only sketch a personal history of a unique time of importance to contemporary art, but also show the development and shaping of Harris’s eye and influences as an artist.
Hay House UK Ltd Chill and Prosper: The New Way to Grow Your Business, Make Millions, and Change the World
Want to make twice as much money with half the work? It's time to shift your mindset, recognize your worth, and become a successful entrepreneur on your own terms!‘Denise is a much-needed voice of practical wisdom.’ Marie Forleo, founder of B-SchoolFeeling burned-out by your business? Sick of the ‘hustle and grind’ culture of your industry? There’s a better way. Get over your perfectionism, chill, and prosper!With her trademark humour and down-to-earth wisdom, money mindset coach Denise Duffield-Thomas shares the invaluable buisness and counterintuitive millionaire mindset lessons (no blood, sweat or tears necessary) that will set you on the path of abundance – without all the hard work.You’ll discover how to find the business model that works perfectly for your personality, and learn key concepts – such as the Golden Goose and the Keyless Life – to help you work less and earn more. Plus, Denise talks you through the small but important details of being an entrepreneur, including how to deal with awkward money situations and find the most effective ways to price offers. With real business case studies and practical advice, Chill and Prosper challenges the old, boring assumptions of what it takes to create success.This is a revised and updated edition of the book previously published as Chillpreneur.
Pan Macmillan In the Light of What We Know
WINNER: JAMES TAIT BLACK PRIZE 2015SHORTLISTED: GOLDSMITHS PRIZE and SPECSAVERS NATIONAL BOOK AWARDS 2014LONGLISTED: GUARDIAN FIRST BOOK AWARD and ORWELL PRIZE FOR FICTION 2014‘It’s hard not to write in superlatives of this extraordinary novel.' Guardian One September morning in 2008, an investment banker approaching forty, his career in collapse and his marriage unravelling, receives a surprise visitor at his West London home. He struggles to place the dishevelled figure carrying a backpack, until he recognizes a friend from his student days, a brilliant man who disappeared years earlier under mysterious circumstances. The friend has resurfaced to make a confession of unsettling power.Theirs is the age-old story of the bond between two men and the betrayal of one by the other. As the friends begin to talk, and as their room becomes a world, a journey begins that is by turns exhilarating, shocking, intimate and strange. Set against the breaking of nations and beneath the clouds of economic crisis, and moving between Kabul, New York, Oxford, London and Islamabad, In the Light of What We Know tells the story of people wrestling with unshakeable legacies of class and culture, and pushes at the great questions of love, origins, science, faith and war.In an extraordinary feat of imagination, Zia Haider Rahman has woven the seismic upheavals of our young century into a novel of rare compassion, scope, and courage.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Horology: An Illustrated Primer on the History, Philosophy, and Science of Time, with an Overview of the Wristwatch and the Watch Industry
This beautifully illustrated volume provides an in-depth look at horology: the scientific study of time and timekeeping. Horology is a thorough introduction to the world of time and watchmaking. Brimming with more than 150 detailed and full-color images, illustrations, charts, and technical drawings, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in the art of watchmaking and watch design. It includes the requisite exploration and presentation of the rarest, most coveted, and classic watch designs and styles, including Jaeger-LeCoultre, Patek Philippe, Rolex, Cartier, Breitling and many others. Topics include early calendars modern timekeeping the smallest unit of time the twin paradox the golden ratio evolving design, using the Vacheron Constantin 222 as a case study decorative watchmaking techniques, including brushing, chamfering, circular graining, chiseling, and more A multifaceted study, Horology discusses the philosophy and measurement of time, the possibility of time travel, and the emergent smartwatch industry. What once seemed complicated will be demystified through a comprehensive overview of watch movements, complications, and parts. A behind-the-scenes peek into the watch industry, plus pricing and market data, rounds out the contents. Readers will leave these pages with a newfound, renewed, and enhanced love of watchmaking, as well as an increased appreciation for the value and passing of time. A watch is our most intimate connection with time and a way to keep in touch with our artisanal past.
Liverpool University Press Sidonius Apollinaris Complete Poems
Sidonius Apollinaris was an inhabitant of southern Roman Gaul in the mid fifth century AD, when it was threatened by invasions from beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire and by competing warlords. His many poetic works include three panegyrics to emperors at the beginnings of their reigns; these are carefully translated and annotated, and provided with comment and synopses. His multiple shorter poems, in a variety of metres, are translated into good and lively English and given separate introductions and notes of various kinds, historical and literary. There is an extensive and informative introduction to the whole work.This book by Roger Green, a lifelong expert in Late Antiquity, gives a firsthand account of the political strife and manoeuvring of the times but also a vivid picture of the lives of Sidonius’s like-minded friends in an almost post-Roman episode of Rome’s existence. Sidonius was read widely in the Middle Ages, with a golden age in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and also in the fifteenth century revival of Late Antique literature. Today his poetry will awaken new study and interest, without the archaism of many older translations and with a fresh and updated approach to many issues.
SPCK Publishing Discovering the Psalms: Content, Interpretation, Reception
This introduction to the interpretation of the Psalms encourages in-depth study of the text and genuine grappling with the historical, literary and theological questions that it poses. It draws on a range of methodological approaches as complementary rather than mutually exclusive ways of understanding the text. It also reflects the growing scholarly attention to the reception history of the Psalms, increasingly viewed as a vital aspect of interpretation rather than an optional extra. ‘This introduction to the Psalms, by a scholar who has been studying them and praying them for decades, amply demonstrates their potential to feed our worship and revolutionize the way we pray.’ John Goldingay, Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminar, California ‘The best introduction to the Psalms that I have ever seen.’ J. Clinton McCann Jr., Evangelical Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri ‘A valuable resource for ministry students and any Christian who wants to go deeper with the Psalms.’ Jenni Williams, Vicar of St Matthew with St Luke, and former Tutor in Old Testament at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford ‘An eminently readable introduction.’ Sue Gillingham, Professor of the Hebrew Bible, University of Oxford
APA Publications Insight Guides California (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This Insight Guide is a lavishly illustrated inspirational travel guide to California and a beautiful souvenir of your trip. Perfect for travellers looking for a deeper dive into the destination's history and culture, it's ideal to inspire and help you plan your travels. With its great selection of places to see and colourful magazine-style layout, this California guidebook is just the tool you need to accompany you before or during your trip. Whether it's deciding when to go, choosing what to see or creating a travel plan to cover key places like Long Beach, Lake Tahoe, it will answer all the questions you might have along the way. It will also help guide you when you'll be exploring Los Angeles or discovering San Francisco on the ground. Our California travel guide was fully-updated post-COVID-19.The Insight Guide CALIFORNIA covers: Northern California, San Francisco, Greater San Francisco Bay Area, Wine Country, Along the North Coast, The High North, Central Valley, Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada, Monterey Peninsula and the Big Sur Coast, Southern California, The Central Coast, Los Angeles, Disneyland and around LA, South Bay and the Orange Coast, The Deserts, San Diego.In this guide book to California you will find:IN-DEPTH CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL FEATURES Created to provide a deeper dive into the culture and the history of California to get a greater understanding of its modern-day life, people and politics.BEST OFThe top attractions and Editor's Choice featured in this California guide book highlight the most special places to visit.TIPS AND FACTSUp-to-date historical timeline and in-depth cultural background to California as well as an introduction to California's food and drink, and fun destination-specific features.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATION A-Z of useful advice on everything, from when to go to California, how to get there and how to get around, to California's climate, advice on tipping, etiquette and more.COLOUR-CODED CHAPTERSEvery part of the destination, from Nevada City to Hollywood has its own colour assigned for easy navigation of this California travel guide.CURATED PLACES, HIGH-QUALITY MAPSGeographically organised text, cross-referenced against full-colour, high-quality travel maps for quick orientation in Downtown San Francisco, Santa Barbara and many other locations in California.STRIKING PICTURESThis guide book to California features inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Yosemite National Park and the spectacular Golden Gate Bridge.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of this travel guide to California to access all the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Spain
From the golden beaches on the Mediterranean coast to the wild peaks of the Pyrenees, Spain's varied landscape is a treasure trove for outdoor enthusiasts. But its cities are just as enticing. Discover architectural wonders, Roman ruins, captivating museums and, to top it all off, a tantalising cuisine complemented by world-class wine.Our updated guide brings Spain to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the country's iconic buildings and neighbourhoods. Whether you want to explore Granada's spectacular Alhambra palace, watch swirling flamenco dancers in Seville or walk through lush countryside on the epic Camino de Santiago, DK Eyewitness Spain is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime. Our updated 2022 travel guide brings Spain to life. Inside DK Eyewitness Spain you will find: -A fully-illustrated top experiences guide: our expert pick of Spain's must-sees and hidden gems-Accessible itineraries to make the most out of each and every day-Expert advice: honest recommendations for getting around safely, when to visit each sight, what to do before you visit, and how to save time and money-Colour-coded chapters to every part of Spain, from Barcelona to Seville, Madrid to the Balearic Islands-Practical tips: the best places to eat, drink, shop and stay in Spain -Detailed maps to help you navigate the country easily and confidently -Explore the culture of Spain: delve into Spain's iconic history, art and architecture-Covers: Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria, The Basque Country, Bavaria and La Rioja, Barcelona, Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia and Murcia, Madrid, Castilla y Leon, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Seville, Andalucia, The Balearic Islands, and The Canary IslandsPlanning a city break? Don't forget to check out DK Eyewitness Barcelona and Catalonia and DK Eyewitness Madrid.About DK Eyewitness: At DK Eyewitness, we believe in the power of discovery. We make it easy for you to explore your dream destinations. DK Eyewitness travel guides have been helping travellers to make the most of their breaks since 1993. Filled with expert advice, striking photography and detailed illustrations, our highly visual DK Eyewitness guides will get you closer to your next adventure. We publish guides to more than 200 destinations, from pocket-sized city guides to comprehensive country guides. Named Top Guidebook Series at the 2020 Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards, we know that wherever you go next, your DK Eyewitness travel guides are the perfect companion.
Basic Books South to Freedom: Runaway Slaves to Mexico and the Road to the Civil War
A "gripping and poignant" (Wall Street Journal) account of the coming of the American Civil War, showing the crucial role of slaves who escaped to Mexico The Underground Railroad to the North promised salvation to many American slaves before the Civil War. But thousands of people in the south-central United States escaped slavery not by heading north but by crossing the southern border into Mexico, where slavery was abolished in 1837. In South to Freedom, prize-winning historian Alice L. Baumgartner tells the story of why Mexico abolished slavery and how its increasingly radical antislavery policies fueled the sectional crisis in the United States. Southerners hoped that annexing Texas and invading Mexico in the 1840s would stop runaways and secure slavery's future. Instead, the seizure of Alta California and Nuevo México upset the delicate political balance between free and slave states. This is an essential new perspective on antebellum America and the causes of the Civil War. Winner of the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award Winner of the California Book Award for Nonfiction Winner of the Caughey Western History Prize Winner of the Willie Lee Rose Prize Finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Nonfiction Finalist for the Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize Finalist for the California Independent Booksellers Alliance's Golden Poppy Award
University of Texas Press Selling Science Fiction Cinema: Making and Marketing a Genre
How science fiction films in the 1950s were marketed and helped create the broader genre itself. For Hollywood, the golden age of science fiction was also an age of anxiety. Amid rising competition, fluid audience habits, and increasing government regulation, studios of the 1950s struggled to make and sell the kinds of films that once were surefire winners. These conditions, the leading media scholar J. P. Telotte argues, catalyzed the incredible rise of science fiction. Though science fiction films had existed since the earliest days of cinema, the SF genre as a whole continued to resist easy definition through the 1950s. In grappling with this developing genre, the industry began to consider new marketing approaches that viewed films as fluid texts and audiences as ever-changing. Drawing on trade reports, film reviews, pressbooks, trailers, and other archival materials, Selling Science Fiction Cinema reconstructs studio efforts to market a promising new genre and, in the process, shows how salesmanship influenced what that genre would become. Telotte uses such films as The Thing from Another World, Forbidden Planet, and The Blob, as well as the influx of Japanese monster movies, to explore the shifting ways in which the industry reframed the SF genre to market to no-longer static audience expectations. Science fiction transformed the way Hollywood does business, just as Hollywood transformed the meaning of science fiction.
Fordham University Press A Dependent People: Newport, Rhode Island in the Revolutionary Era
This work tells a story about the sea, an American colonial town, and the British. It relates how Newport's dependence on the Atlantic Ocean dominated nearly every aspect of its existence. Newport learned early from its watery surroundings that its survival and prosperity were inextricably linked to commerce. Dependent on a thriving trade, Newporters were willing to explore and combination of routes which suggested a successful return in voyage and investment. Newport's single-minded commitment to commerce produced a society in which people were also dependent on each other. Merchant and dockworker, sailmaker and rope-walk owner developed symbiotic relationships as a result of their common efforts to ensure the success of each voyage. Dependency also extended to social networks where the affluent took responsibility for other members of the community. Because of their dependence on unobstructed trade, Newporters had evaded British customs for generations, using methods which cast some doubt on their commitment to the law. Thus, when it became clear in 1764 that Britain would go to great lengths to enforce new duties, the stage was set for confrontation. In the end, events outstripped the ability of Newport to chart its own course as the violence escalated. The Revolution prematurely ended Newport's golden age and destroyed the town both physically and spiritually. A dependent people had gained independence but at a cost only a few could foresee.
University of Nebraska Press Laboratory for World Destruction: Germans and Jews in Central Europe
Published and distributed for the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism During the sixty years between the founding of Bismarck’s German Empire and Hitler’s rise to power, German-speaking Jews left a profound mark on Central Europe and on twentieth-century culture as a whole. How would the modern world look today without Einstein, Freud, or Marx? Without Mahler, Schoenberg, Wittgenstein, or Kafka? Without a whole galaxy of other outstanding Jewish scientists, poets, playwrights, composers, critics, historians, sociologists, psychoanalysts, jurists, and philosophers? How was it possible that this vibrant period in Central European cultural history collapsed into the horror and mass murder of the Nazi Holocaust? Was there some connection between the dazzling achievements of these Jews and the ferocity of the German backlash? Robert S. Wistrich’s Laboratory for World Destruction is a bold and penetrating study of the fateful symbiosis between Germans and Jews in Central Europe, which culminated in the tragic denouement of the Holocaust. Wistrich shows that the seeds of the catastrophe were already sown in the Hapsburg Empire, which would become, in Karl Kraus’s words, “an experimental station in the destruction of the world.” Featured are incisive chapters on Freud, Herzl, Lueger, Kraus, Nordau, Nietzsche, and Hitler, along with a sweeping panorama of the golden age of Central European Jewry before the lights went out in Europe.
Hachette Books Nothing's Bad Luck: The Lives of Warren Zevon
As is the case with so many musicians, the life of Warren Zevon was blessed with talent and opportunity yet also beset by tragedy and setbacks. Raised mostly by his mother with an occasional cameo from his gangster father, Warren had an affinity and talent for music at an early age. Taking to the piano and guitar almost instantly, he began imitating and soon creating songs at every opportunity. After an impromptu performance in the right place at the right time, a record deal landed on the lap of a teenager who was eager to set out on his own and make a name for himself. But of course, where fame is concerned, things are never quite so simple.Drawing on original interviews with those closest to Zevon, including Crystal Zevon, Jackson Browne, Mitch Albom, Danny Goldberg, Barney Hoskyns, and Merle Ginsberg, Nothing's Bad Luck tells the story of one of rock's greatest talents. Journalist C.M. Kushins not only examines Zevon's troubled personal life and sophisticated, ever-changing musical style, but emphasizes the moments in which the two are inseparable, and ultimately paints Zevon as a hot-headed, literary, compelling, musical genius worthy of the same tier as that of Bob Dylan and Neil Young.In Nothing's Bad Luck, Kushins at last gives Warren Zevon the serious, in-depth biographical treatment he deserves, making the life of this complex subject accessible to fans old and new for the very first time.
Columbia University Press How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context: Poetic Culture from Antiquity Through the Tang
How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context is an introduction to the golden age of Chinese poetry, spanning the earliest times through the Tang dynasty (618–907). It aims to break down barriers—between language and culture, poetry and history—that have stood in the way of teaching and learning Chinese poetry. Not only a primer in early Chinese poetry, the volume demonstrates the unique and central role of poetry in the making of Chinese culture. Each chapter focuses on a specific theme to show the interplay between poetry and the world. Readers discover the key role that poetry played in Chinese diplomacy, court politics, empire building, and institutionalized learning; as well as how poems shed light on gender and women’s status, war and knight-errantry, Daoist and Buddhist traditions, and more. The chapters also show how people of different social classes used poetry as a means of gaining entry into officialdom, creating self-identity, fostering friendship, and airing grievances. The volume includes historical vignettes and anecdotes that contextualize individual poems, investigating how some featured texts subvert and challenge the grand narratives of Chinese history. Presenting poems in Chinese along with English translations and commentary, How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context unites teaching poetry with the social circumstances surrounding its creation, making it a pioneering and versatile text for the study of Chinese language, literature, history, and culture.
The University of Chicago Press Tax Policy and the Economy, Volume 36: Volume 36
This volume presents five new studies on current topics in taxation and government spending. Natasha Sarin, Lawrence Summers, Owen Zidar, and Eric Zwick study how investors respond to taxes on capital gains, whether their incentives to invest are affected by those taxes, and whether that responsiveness has changed over time. Ethan Rouen, Suresh Nallareddy, and Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato revisit the question of whether cuts to corporate taxes increase income inequality, bringing new data and new statistical techniques to generate fresh findings. Alan Auerbach and William Gale investigate whether the advantages and disadvantages of different types of taxation are affected when interest rates stay low for long periods, as has been the case in the U.S. for many years. Nora Gordon and Sarah Reber study the distributional impact of emergency subsidies to schools made by the federal government during the recent COVID pandemic and whether those subsidies were sufficient to cover the increased school costs induced by the pandemic. Jacob Goldin, Elaine Maag, and Katherine Michelmore investigate the fiscal cost of an expansion of the U.S. child tax credit, which has been discussed extensively in policy circles recently. They take into account not only the direct expenditure on the allowance but how cost is affected by the existence of work incentives and by possible beneficial effects on childrens’ adult earnings.