Search results for ""Author Gold"
Gill Working Class Heroines: The Extraordinary Women of Dublin’s Tenements
In Working Class Heroines acclaimed historian Kevin C. Kearns brings us the voices of the forgotten women of Dublin’s tenements. If it weren’t for his work the lives of these everyday heroines would be lost forever. Based on 30 years of research spent interviewing and recording the life stories of the working-class women of Dublin, it covers the squalid tenement days of the early 1900s, through the mid-century decades of ‘slumland’ block flats, and into the 1970s when deadly drugs infiltrated poor neighbourhoods, terrifying mothers and stealing away their children. What emerges is an intimate and poignant celebration of the mammies and grannies who held the fabric of family life in an environment of hardship and, often, cruelty. Through vivid tales of how they coped with grinding poverty, huge families, pitiless landlords, the oppressive Church, dictatorial priests, feckless and often abusive husbands, these remarkable women shine with astonishing dignity, wit, pride and a resilient spirit, despite their struggles. Working Class Heroines gives voice and pays tribute to the long silent, unsung heroines who were the indispensable caretakers of both family and community, and remains one of the most important Irish feminist documents of our times. “The ordinary woman has long been absent from our national narrative. I think we should be grateful that Working Class Heroines exists, and we can benefit now from listening to these voices.’ Ellen Coyne, The Sunday Times “Those of us who know and love Dublin owe Kearns a huge debt". Roddy Doyle Praise for Kevin Kearns’ other unique oral histories of Dublin The Legendary “Lugs” Branigan: Ireland’s Most Famed Garda ‘A revealing portrait not just of a passionate and dedicated public figure, but also of a society undergoing great and constant change.’ The Irish Independent Ireland’s Arctic Siege: The Big Freeze of 1947 This story might have come from some Polar Expedition. It is almost unbelievable that such conditions could exist in Ireland.’ The Irish Times The Bombing of Dublin’s North Strand, 1941: The Untold Story ‘What shines through is the courage and goodness of ordinary people, untrained for such catastrophe, in their attempts to save and help their fellow Dubliners.’ The Irish Times Dublin Tenement Life: An Oral History ‘Among the finest books ever written about Dublin.’ The Sunday Tribune ‘This is truly an admirable book, capturing echoes of a vanished world. It is only by reading this book that I was enabled to re-imagine the society which the respondents recalled to Kevin Kearns during what must have been many hundreds of hours of patient interviewing.’ The Irish Times ‘This book will long stand as the definitive social history of Ireland’s gulags, where the poor were herded together in conditions worse than animals and will hopefully serve as further inspiration to those who still campaign for decent housing for all our citizens.’ Joe Duffy ‘Those of us who know and love Dublin owe Kearns a huge debt.’ Roddy Doyle Dublin Voices: An Oral Folk History ‘This book is a goldmine of tiny details. The narrative voices that speak from every page of this book do so in an unfiltered language entirely their own.’ The Sunday Times
Peeters Publishers Wasserwesen zur Zeit des Frontinus. Bauwerke - Technik - Kultur: Tagungsband des internationalen Frontinus-Symposiums Trier, 25. - 29. Mai 2016
Der vorliegende Band ist die vierte von Gilbert Wiplinger, diesmal in Verbindung mit Wolfram Letzner, herausgegebene Publikation eines Frontinus-Symposiums als BABESCH-Supplementband zur historischen Wasserwirtschaft. Schon im Verlauf des Symposiums „DE AQUAEDUCTU ATQUE AQUA URBIUM LYCIAE PAMPHYLIAE PISIDIAE - The Legacy of Sextus Julius Frontinus“ (BABESCH-Suppl. 27) im Herbst 2014 stellte sich die Frage nach einer Folgeveranstaltung, für die sich Trier mit seinen römischen Großbauten und einer Verknüpfung zur Geschichte der Frontinus-Gesellschaft anbot. So konnte die Gesellschaft mit diesem Symposium hier auch ihr 40-jähriges Bestehen mit einer Festveranstaltung begehen. Im ersten Abschnitt des Bandes wird der Festakt zur Feier des 40-jährigen Jubiläums der Frontinus-Gesellschaft dokumentiert. Dieser beinhaltet die Erfolgsgeschichte der Gesellschaft, den Festvortrag, die Verleihung der Frontinus-Medaille mit der Laudatio sowie der Dankesrede des Geehrten mit neuen Forschungsergebnissen zum Değirmendere Aquädukt von Ephesos. Der zweite Abschnitt ist dem Veranstaltungsort Trier gewidmet: Die Geschichte der Stadt wird anhand der „Highlights“ der römischen Ausstellung im Rheinischen Landesmuseum erzählt und von deren urbanistischer Entwicklung berichtet. Die Trierer Ruwerleitung und die Barbara- bzw. Kaiserthermen sind dem Wasser gewidmet. Der dritte Abschnitt behandelt juristische Quellen sowie neue Forschungsmethoden in der Aquäduktforschung. Zum ersten Thema wird das moderne Wasserrecht den Texten von Frontinus gegenüber gestellt, dann wird die Herausforderung juristischer Quellen bei der Erforschung römischer Wasserversorgungssysteme aufzeigt. Zum zweiten Thema zählen die mit GPS und Photogrammetrie unterstützten Dokumentationsmethoden an den Aquädukten Roms und einfachere Methoden in Antiochia ad Cragum. Der vierte Abschnitt beschäftigt sich mit Aquädukten und Qanaten: Die große Zahl an Fernwasserleitungen in der Türkei in Katalogform, eine Inschrift der Druckrohrleitung von Alatri in Latium, die Aqua Alexandrina in Rom, der römische Aquädukt von Lissabon, die Wasserleitungen und Bäder von Lebna auf Kreta, römische Münzen zu Aquädukten und zum Wassermanagement, das Almstollensystem im Mönchsberg in Salzburg sowie zwei Beiträge zu Qanaten in Luxemburg sind Themen dieses Abschnittes. Der nächste Abschnitt ist den Thermen, Nymphäen und anderen innerstädtischen Wassernutzungen gewidmet: Die Stabianer Thermen in Pompeji, die Caracallathermen von Rom, die römischen Heilthermen von Aqua Flaviae sind Beiträge zum ersten, die unter Nero und Domitian errichteten Nymphäen am Palatin, und die Nymphäen in den griechischen Provinzen vor Hadrian zum zweiten Thema, wozu auch noch das sog. Mettius-Modestos-Tor von Patara als Wassermonument zählt. Das Macellum von Sagalassos ist der einzige Beitrag zur innerstädtischen Wassernutzung. Im letzten Abschnitt sind verschieden Themen zusammengefasst: Wasserspeicherung in den römischen Goldbergwerken auf der Iberischen Halbinsel, Druckleitungen mit einem neuen Wasserturm aus Ostia und römische Wasserhähne, Wasserknappheit aus römischer Sicht in italienischen Regionen, Wasserversorgung im Libanon, Wassermühlen im Bereich des Rheinischen Braunkohleabbaus und medizinische Aspekte von trinkwasserbedingter Bleivergiftungen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Das Symposium wurde mit Exkursionen zu archäologischen Stätten und Museen nach Luxemburg, Frankreich und im Raum Trier abgerundet.
Merrell Publishers Ltd Fragile: Birds, Eggs & Habitats
Birds’ eggs are true wonders of the natural world: they are strong enough to protect the embryo as it grows and to withstand incubation by the parent, yet sufficiently fragile to allow the chick to hatch. Little wonder that the enormous diversity of avian eggs – the amazing range of shapes, sizes, colours, textures and patterns – has long fascinated us. Since boyhood, the renowned landscape photographer Colin Prior has had a passion for wild birds. For him, birds are the embodiment of nature, and fundamentally enrich the experience of being outdoors. This stunning new book presents Prior’s remarkable images of birds’ eggs side by side with his dramatic photographs of the birds’ natural habitats. At a time when many human influences are having an adverse impact on the environment, these habitats are equally fragile and vulnerable to change. Loss of habitat is, in turn, a major factor in the decline of wild bird populations. It has been illegal to take any birds’ eggs from the wild in Great Britain since 1954, and since 1982 it has been against the law to possess the egg of any wild bird. The eggs featured in this book belong to the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, which holds one of the world’s largest collections of birds’ eggs. The eggs were collected legally during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and bequeathed to the museum by private collectors. Prior set up a studio at the museum and spent five weeks photographing more than 300 eggs using the latest digital technology. Each photograph is a compilation of between 40 and 80 separate exposures that were then blended into a single image using specialist software. The final image is an exquisite, almost three-dimensional rendition of the egg, pin-sharp from the front to the back. The eggs vary in size from that of the tiny goldcrest, the UK’s smallest bird, to that of the mute swan. In his introduction, Prior describes how his love of the natural world was nurtured by the endless hours he spent in the countryside around the Glasgow suburb where he grew up; how he overcame the technical challenges of photographing the eggs; how the featured eggs were selected from the museum’s collection; and how the photography of each bird’s habitat was completed. In his essay, the Scottish environmentalist Professor Des Thompson reflects on the state of nature and the relationship between nesting and habitats. In the main part of the book, the birds’ eggs are arranged into chapters according to the species found in a particular habitat, such as ‘Mountain and Moorland’ and ‘Seashore and Estuary’. The caption beneath each egg details the common and scientific name of the bird, the date the egg was collected, the size of the clutch, and the egg’s dimensions. Each egg is presented in a diptych with a photograph of the bird’s habitat, painstakingly captured at a time of year when the dominant colours of the landscape most closely resemble those of the egg. Fragile – the culmination of ten years’ work – not only showcases the inherent beauty of birds’ eggs, but also serves as a powerful reminder to protect the birds’ natural habitats and thereby the birds themselves.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lasting Value: Lessons from a Century of Agility at Lincoln Electric
In its 104-year history, Lincoln Electric Company has managed to sustain its status as the world's leader in welding technology despite intense domestic and foreign competition. The company's success can be attributed to founder James Lincoln, who began adopting principles of management that empowered workers and allowed the company to change rapidly to take advantage of new opportunities. This book shows you how to duplicate these pioneering ideas and follow the brilliance of the Lincoln management system. The results of this system include happier customers, more prosperous workers, and richly rewarded shareholders. Joseph Maciariello uncovers Lincoln's approach to management in a systematic manner and demonstrates why the company has been so effective for over a century. You'll discover how Lincoln employs a mutually reinforcing set of management systems that creates a boost in overall performance. When these systems are described and understood in their entirety, you'll see how the company's sustained success is due to its natural development of agility. You'll findout how this agility is connected to its executive leadership, management systems, and cultural environment. And you'll learn how to utilize these principles and techniques in your own company to obtain similar results. The management system detailed in this book has helped Lincoln Electric: * Obtain net sales of over $1.1 billion in 1998 * Grab 40% of the U.S. market for welding machines and products * Double the average return on stock- holder equity in the metals industry * Provide production workers with an average salary that is twice as much as the industry median By implementing this system, you can also experience these strong financial returns for shareholders, an increase in wages for workers, higher productivity, and much more! "Lasting Value is that rarest of books: a "why to" book, a "what to" book, and a "how to" book- its examples deal with manufacturing companies and blue-collar workers. But the lessons have particular force for the new job facing management: building organizations of knowledge workers who perform and who create lasting value." -Peter F. Drucker "In today's world of quarterly expectations and Wall Street's praise for major restructuring, Lasting Value successfully illustrates that long-term shareholder value can occur when corporations are truly customer and employee driven with the highest of motives." -Donald F. Hastings Chairman Emeritus, Lincoln Electric Company "Worthington was founded on the lifelong principles rooted in the Golden Rule and today it represents one of the strongest employee-employer partnerships in American business. We are proud of this important foundation for our company, as it has provided us with lasting value." -John H. McConnell Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Worthington Industries "This book should be on every manager's bookshelf and be required reading at everybusiness school." -F. Kenneth Iverson Chairman Emeritus, NUCOR Corporation "Joe Maciariello's in-depth description and detailed analysis of the Lincoln Electric Company will allow managers (and others) to revisit the powerful lessons this company has offered. Lasting Value is a valuable and practical contribution that should be welcomed by managers everywhere." -Christopher A. Bartlett Daewoo Professor of International Business and Chair, Program for Global Leadership Harvard University "Managers should consider the application of this novel approach to managing their companies. Lincoln Electric has used it successfully for almost 100 years." -Robert N. Anthony Walker Professor of Management Control, Emeritus The Harvard Business School
Johns Hopkins University Press The Best War Ever: America and World War II
Was World War II really such a "good war"? Popular memory insists that it was, in fact, "the best war ever." After all, we knew who the enemy was, and we understood what we were fighting for. The war was good for the economy. It was liberating for women. A battle of tanks and airplanes, it was a "cleaner" war than World War I. Although we did not seek the conflict-or so we believed-Americans nevertheless rallied in support of the war effort, and the nation's soldiers, all twelve million of them, were proud to fight. But according to historian Michael C. C. Adams, our memory of the war era as a golden age is distorted. It has left us with a misleading-even dangerous - legacy, one enhanced by the nostalgia-tinged retrospectives of Stephen E. Ambrose and Tom Brokaw. Disputing many of our common assumptions about the period, Adams argues in The Best War Ever that our celebratory experience of World War II is marred by darker and more sordid realities. In the book, originally published in 1994, Adams challenges stereotypes to present a view of World War II that avoids the simplistic extremes of both glorification and vilification. The Best War Ever charts the complex diplomatic problems of the 1930s and reveals the realities of ground combat: no moral triumph, it was in truth a brutal slog across a blasted landscape. Adams also exposes the myth that the home front was fully united behind the war effort, demonstrating how class, race, gender, and age divisions split Americans. Meanwhile, in Europe and Asia, shell-shocked soldiers grappled with emotional and physical trauma, rigorously enforced segregation, and rampant venereal disease. In preparing this must-read new edition, Adams has consulted some seventy additional sources on topics as varied as the origins of Social Security and a national health system, the Allied strategic bombing campaign, and the relationship of traumatic brain injuries to the adjustment problems of veterans. The revised book also incorporates substantial developments that have occurred in our understanding of the course and character of the war, particularly in terms of the human consequences of fighting. In a new chapter, "The Life Cycle of a Myth," Adams charts image-making about the war from its inception to the present. He contrasts it with modern-day rhetoric surrounding the War on Terror, while analyzing the real-world consequences that result from distorting the past, including the dangerous idea that only through (perpetual) military conflict can we achieve lasting peace.
Running Press,U.S. Rotten Tomatoes: The Ultimate Binge Guide: 296 Must-See Shows That Changed the Way We Watch TV
For the completist, The Ultimate Binge Guide is a challenge: a bingeable bucket list of all the shows you need to see before you die (or just to be super-informed at your next dinner party). For all readers, it's a fascinating look at the evolution of TV.The guide is broken down into several sections that speak to each series' place in TV history, including:** Classics That Made the Molds (And Those That Broke Them):? The Jeffersons, All in the Family, Sanford and Son, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Get Smart, Cheers, Golden Girls, Happy Days...* Tony, Walt, Don, and the Antiheroes We Loved and Hated?: Oz, Mad Men, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Americans, Peaky Blinders, Ozark, The Shield, Boardwalk Empire, How To Get Away With Murder...*Game-Changing Sitcoms and the Kings and Queens of Cringe: Insecure, Community, 30 Rock, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Fleabag, Black-ish, Party Down, Veep, Catastrophe, Fresh Off the Boat, Tim and Eric, Schitt's Creek, Better Things, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Pen15, Freaks and Geeks, Broad City, Black Lady Sketch Show...* Grown-Up Genre: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Star Trek, Watchmen, The Witcher, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Westworld, Doctor Who..* Mysteries and Mindf--ks: Twin Peaks, Lost, Sense8, Mr. Robot, Broadchurch, The Leftovers, Fargo, Top of the Lake, Killing Eve, Wilfred, True Detective, Hannibal, Mindhunter...* Reality TV and Docuseries That Captured the Zeitgeist: The Last Dance, Making A Murderer, Cheer, Tiger King, Planet Earth, RuPaul's Drag Race, Wild Wild Country, Queer Eye, The Jinx, Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown...In this punchy full-color guide, the editors of Rotten Tomatoes complement series write-ups with engaging infographics; fun sidebars (like a battle between the US and UK editions of The Office); and deep-dive essays on the streaming wars, superproducers to know, and the evolution of our collective viewing habits.
MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG California Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide California: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore California with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the state's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all this iconic destination has to offer… California is a dream destination on the Pacific, an extraordinary blend of stunning nature, cool cities and unbelievably friendly people. It is a destination of extremes – the mountains in the northeast are amongst the highest on the continent, Death Valley in the southeast marks the lowest point in the US and the hottest, and the Pacific coast boasts the tallest trees and some of the sequoias in the Sierra Nevada are amongst the oldest on the planet. The Streets of San Francisco, Mickey Mouse, Hollywood, Napa Valley, Yosemite, giant redwoods and golden beaches, the list of California's attractions is endless. You might think you know it already from movies and TV, but the reality is much more colourful, flashy, quirky and above all beautiful. With Marco Polo California you can experience a holiday that mixes hip urban culture with the glamour of celebrity and a real-life road movie with awesome scenery…This is California! Your Marco Polo California Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into the region. Discover exquisite local wineries, savour the best Mexican snacks at LA’s Grand Central Market or step back in time at a traditional County Fair. Best of – find the best things to do for free, the best ‘only in’ California experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself. Sightseeing – all the top sights are organised by area so you can easily plan your trip. Discovery Tours – specially tailored tours will get you to the heart of California. From the surfing beaches of Southern California to the wineries in the North, you can experience all of California’s unique character with these personal tours. California in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide California includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the region to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip. Touring App – download any of the Discovery Tours to your smartphone, complete with the detailed route description and map exactly as featured in the guide, free of charge. The maps can be used offline too, so no roaming charges. The perfect navigational tool with distance indicators and landmarks highlighting the correct direction to travel in as well as GPS coordinates along the way. Enjoy stress-free sightseeing and never get lost again! Road Atlas and pull-out map – we’ve included a detailed road atlas and a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. A small street map of San Francisco is also included. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide California to show you around this iconic state. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything California has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Thinkers Publishing Genna Remembers
Half a century ago I left a country, the red color of which dominated a large portion of the world map. One way or another, the fate of almost every single person described in this book is forever linked with that now none-existent empire. Many of them ended up beyond its borders too. Cultures and traditions, and certainly not least of all a Soviet mentality, couldn’t have just left them without a trace. Having been transplanted into a different environment, they had to play the role of themselves apart from certain corrections with regard to the tastes and customs of a new society. Nevertheless, every one of them, both those who left the Soviet Union, and those who stayed behind, were forever linked by one common united phenomenon: they all belonged to the Soviet school of chess. This school of chess was born in the 20’s, but only began to count its true years starting in 1945, when the representatives of the Soviet Union dominated an American squad in a team match. Led by Mikhail Botvinnik, Soviet Grandmasters conquered and ruled the world, save for a short Fischer period, over the course of that same half century. In chess as well as ballet, or music, the word “Soviet” was actually a synonym for the highest quality interpretation of the discipline. The Soviet Union provided unheard of conditions for their players, which were the sort of which their colleagues in the West dare not even dream. Grandmasters and even Masters received a regular salary just for their professional qualifications, thereby raising the prestige of a chess player to what were unbelievable heights. It was a time when any finish in an international tournament, aside from first, was almost considered a failure when it came to Soviet players, and upon their return to Moscow they had to write an official explanation to the Chess Federation or the Sports Committee. The isolation of the country, separated from the rest of the world by an Iron Curtain, was another reason why, talent and energy often manifested themselves in relatively neutral fields. Still if with music, cinematography, philosophy, or history, the Soviet people were raised on a strict diet, that contained multiple restrictions, this did not apply to chess. Grandmasters, and Masters, all varied in terms of their upbringing, education, and mentality and were judged solely on their talent and mastery at the end of the day. Maybe that’s why the Soviet school of chess was full of such improbable variety not only in terms of the style of play of its representatives, but also their different personality types. Built was a gigantic chess pyramid, at the base of which were school championships, which were closely followed by district ones. Later city championships, regions, republics, and finally-the ultimate cherry on top-the national event itself. The Championships of the Soviet Union were in no way inferior to the strongest international tournaments, and collections of the games played there came out as separate publications in the West. That huge brotherhood of chess contained its very own hierarchy within. Among the millions, and multitudes of parishioners-fans of the game-there were the priests-candidate masters. Highly respected were the cardinals-masters. As for Grandmasters though well…they were true Gods. Every person in the USSR knew their names, and those names sounded with just as much adoration, and admiration as those of the nation’s other darlings-the country’s best hockey players. In those days the coming of the American genius only served to strengthen the interest and attention of society towards chess, never mind the fact that by that point it had already been fully saturated by it. The presence of tons of spectators at a chess tournament in Moscow as shown in the series “The Queen’s Gambit” is in no way an exaggeration. That there truly was the golden age of chess. Under the constant eye, and control of the government, chess in the USSR was closely interwoven with politics, much like everything else in that vanished country. Concurrently, the closed, and isolated society in which it was born only served to enable its development, creating its very own type of culture-the giant world of Soviet chess. I was never indifferent to the past. Today, when there is that much more of it then the future, this feeling has become all the sharper. The faster the twentieth century sprints away from us, and the thicker the grass of forgetting grows, soon enough, and under the verified power of the most powerful engines that world of chess will be gone as well. It was an intriguing, and colorful world, and I saw it as my duty to not let it disappear into that empty abyss. Genna Sosonko - May 2021
APA Publications Insight Guides Explore Amsterdam (Travel Guide eBook)
Insight Guides Explore AmsterdamTravel made easy. Ask local experts.Focused travel guide featuring the very best routes and itineraries, now with free eBook.Part of our UEFA Euro 2020 guidebook series. If you're planning to visit the Johan Cruijff Arena to watch Amsterdam for Euro 2020 matches, then this pocket guidebook provides all the information you need to make the most of your trip, from ready-made itineraries to help you explore the city when you're not at the game, to essential advice about getting around. Discover the best of Amsterdam with this unique travel guide, packed full of insider information and stunning images. From making sure you don't miss out on must-see, top attractions like Anne Frank's House, the Van Gogh Museum and the Old Centre, to discovering cultural gems, including a trip in time to the Rembrandt House Museum, which has been restored to how it looked in the painter's lifetime, a family day out at the Artis Royal Zoo and a visit to the Oude Kerk (Old Church), one of Amsterdam's most impressive churches ,the easy-to-follow, ready-made walking routes will save you time, and help you plan and enhance your visit to Amsterdam.Features of this travel guide to Amsterdam:- 18 walks and tours: detailed itineraries feature all the best places to visit, including where to eat and drink along the way- Local highlights: discover the area's top attractions and unique sights, and be inspired by stunning imagery- Historical and cultural insights: immerse yourself in Amsterdam's rich history and culture, and learn all about its people, art and traditions- Insider recommendations: discover the best hotels, restaurants and nightlife using our comprehensive listings- Practical full-colour map: with every major sight and listing highlighted, the full-colour maps make on-the-ground navigation easy- Key tips and essential information: packed full of important travel information, from transport and tipping to etiquette and hours of operation- The ultimate travel tool: download the free app and eBook to access all this and more from your phone or tablet- Covers: The Golden Age Canals; The Principal Squares; The Museum Quarter; The Old Centre (The Wallen); The Zoo Disctrict; The Harbour; The Canals by Pedal Bike; Amsterdam by Tram; By Bicycle along the River Amstel; The Jordaan; The Jewish Quarter; Amsterdam Bos; Leidseplein; Rembrandtplein; Red-Light District; Haarlen and Zandvoort; The Usselmeer by Bike; The HagueLooking for a comprehensive guide to the Netherlands? Check out Insight Guides the Netherlands for a detailed and entertaining look at all the country has to offer.About Insight Guides: Insight Guides is a pioneer of full-colour guide books, with almost 50 years' experience of publishing high-quality, visual travel guides with user-friendly, modern design. We produce around 400 full-colour print guide books and maps as well as phrase books, picture-packed eBooks and apps to meet different travellers' needs. Insight Guides' unique combination of beautiful travel photography and focus on history and culture create a unique visual reference and planning tool to inspire your next adventure.
DK The Fighter's Kitchen: 100 Muscle-Building, Fat Burning Recipes, with Meal Plans to Sculpt Your Warrior
Featuring 100 muscle-building, fat-burning recipes with meal plans to sculpt your warrior body.Ever wonder how professional MMA fighters in the UFC prepare their bodies for fights?Well, you might be surprised to know it’s as much about what happens in the kitchen as it is about what happens in the gym! The real training often starts in the kitchen, where the right meals at the right times can give fighters everything they need to be ready for their next match. Through phased weekly meal plans and expert insight on how and when to take full advantage of your body's muscle-building capabilities, you'll find yourself looking ready to step into the ring!What are you waiting for? Dive right in to discover:- 100 delicious recipes featuring easily-accessible everyday kitchen ingredients - Healthy meal plans to tailor to your specific dietary needs and goals- Top tips and expert guidance from a certified sports nutritionistProfessional bodybuilders fuel their bodies with specific nutrients delivered at precise intervals to achieve their sculpted physiques, and now you can, too! The Fighter’s Kitchen provides expert guidance on what to eat and when to eat it, and helps you understand how your body uses what you eat to burn fat and aid weight loss, as well as build lean strong muscle.Having successfully sold 3,000 copies in its first 3 months, The Fighter’s Kitchen is the only full-color book of its kind, with delicious recipes that have a specific focus on building muscle and burning fat. Still need convincing? Check out these riveting reviews below! “Chris has been my in-camp nutritionist for two-plus years and has worked with me for five training camps in a row. With his help and cooking skills, I’ve been able to train harder and make weight easier. I was instantly amazed with how much food I was able to eat and still lose weight. Many of the recipes in this book are not only healthy, but they also look and taste great!” — Daniel Jacobs, current IBF world middleweight boxing champion and former WBA world middleweight boxing champion “This book helped me lean up and perform better during training and competition without feeling like I’m on a diet or having cravings. The recipes Chris give you are simple, delicious, and nutritious. It’s an easy-to-follow lifestyle and the results have been amazing for me—and they’ll be tremendous for you.” — Aung La Nsang, professional MMA fighter and current ONE world middleweight champion and ONE world light heavyweight champion “Chris Algieri is one of the biggest and most fit boxers at his weight class and is a world champion. He makes me confident that not only will I make weight, but I will also perform at my peak performance. He made specific adjustments for my body type and has a great understanding of individual needs. This book will be a great resource for anybody.” — Dennis Bermudez, retired UFC fighter “Chris has helped me with my diet for my entire 10-year career in mixed martial arts. He has helped with my day-to-day nutrition in and out of fight camps, my weight-cut protocol, and my rehydration program for after weigh-ins, which to me are the most important. Chris doesn’t only tell you what to eat and when to eat it, but he also breaks down how every person’s body is different and reacts to certain foods different and he explains why I should eat certain foods and why eating them at a specific time is so important. Having him on my team absolutely gave me a tremendous advantage over my competition. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my diet.” — Ryan LaFlare, retired UFC fighter “I’ve been an athlete my entire life, but nutrition has always overwhelmed me. We live in a culture of fad diets. Consumers are taught to believe you need to starve in order to lose weight. As a result, the public, like me, gets overwhelmed and discouraged. We tend to starve ourselves to lose weight, and when we can’t take it anymore, we binge. Chris’s book has made it finally possible for me to break that cycle. I realize eating healthy doesn’t mean I have to be hungry. It doesn’t have to be boring. Not only do I notice a difference in my physical appearance, but the difference in my mood is also amazing. I can think clearer and feel generally happier just by finally finding a way to maintain healthy eating habits. I think this book serves value to not only those competing but also to anyone looking to make positive changes in their health!” — Sarah Thomas, 2018 New York Golden Gloves winner “Having known Chris and seeing the way he eats for a few years now, I’ve seen with my own eyes the superhuman capabilities it gives someone when they get their nutrition on point. I absolutely love that he’s not only finally sharing a taste of his secret recipes but also a ton of educational content so one can make it relevant to their own lifestyle and delivered using a system that seems very simple to implement.” — Avril Mathie, professional boxer and Miss Swimsuit USA International 2015
Robert D. Reed Publishers More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks
The description for the first book, Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks, fits for his second book, More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks. Who says math can't be funny? In More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks as in Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks , Patrick Vennebush dispels the myth of the humorless mathematician. His quick wit comes through in this incredible compilation of jokes and stories. Intended for all math types, both More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks and Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks provide a comprehensive collection of math humor, each book containing over 400 jokes. This too is a book that all teachers from elementary school through college should have in their library. But the humor isn't just for the classroom-it also appeals to engineers, statisticians, and other math professionals searching for some good, clean, numerical fun. From basic facts ("Why is 6 afraid of 7?") to trigonometry ("Mathematical puns are the first sine of dementia") and algebra ("Graphing rational functions is a pain in the asymptote"), no topic is safe. As Professor Jim Rubillo notes, " Math Jokes 4 Math Folks is an absolute gem for anyone dedicated to seeing mathematical ideas through puns, double meanings, and blatant "bad" jokes. Such perspectives help to see concepts and ideas in different and creative ways." And as all these endorsers of More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks say: "If you took all the people who fell on the floor laughing when they read this book and laid them end-to-end, you'd have a very long line of people. It'd be a silly thing to do, but at least you'd know who to avoid at a cocktail party."~ Gail Englert, Retired National Board Certified Teacher and NCTM Board Member 2002-05 "If you're above the 90th percentile, you'll chuckle or groan at all of the jokes in this book. If you're above the 50th percentile, you'll chuckle or groan at some of them. But if you find that you're not chuckling or groaning at any of them, well..."~ David Barnes, Associate Executive Director, NCTM "Laughter is good for your health. Really, it is! That's why I'm very glad that Patrick Vennebush has done it again! Take your own journey through MORE JOKES 4 MATHY FOLKS; but regardless of the path you take, you'll smile, laugh out loud, and think about ways to use or adapt some of these jokes in your own classroom or personal repertoire."~ Francis (Skip) Fennell, Professor Emeritus, McDaniel College, and Past President AMTE and NCTM "Henny Youngman and Leonhard Euler walk into a bar. Patrick Vennebush faithfully captures their conversation in this collection of old saws, with all the corollaries worked out, along with some new results. He proves that math, unfairly the dread of many, is more than ready to have a good laugh. Like a good joke, good math has a set-up that invites the reader to wonder what is coming, then - pow! - a zinger of a punchline that surprises and delights. Vennebush shares humor found in this intersection that will give a chuckle, maybe a groan, and some sneaky insights."~ John Golden, Associate Professor, Grand Valley State University, and Blogger at "While everyone loves to laugh, most people wouldn't expect that to take place in a math classroom. This book fixes that problem with humor that kids and adults will chuckle about. Check out these jokes out, and share them with your students and colleagues!"~ Robert Kaplinsky, Math Teacher Specialist,Downey Unified School District "What an amazing collection of jokes, problems and stories that are "plays" on numbers, their names, relationships among them, and how they are used in many fields and by folks in varying professions. I spent lots of time trying to figure out how the answers to questions were determined - strange relationships! - and had my colleagues and students try to solve them, too. That figuring-out process produced many laugh-out-loud results. You don't have to be a math aficionado to love this book."~ Carole Greenes, Professor and Director of the PRIME Center, Arizona State University "Patrick Vennebush proves why he will never be eaten by cannibals-he would surely taste funny. The second volume of mathy jokes will bring smiles to the faces of teachers and groans from students when you use these jokes in class!"~ Fred Dillon, Institute for Learning, University of Pittsburgh "Vennebush never fails to entertain! His work is worthy of a limerick: Patrick was faster than most folks In learning a collection of math jokes. They roll off his tongue Faster than bells that have rung, So he published some books for us slow pokes." ~ Johnny Lott, Professor Emeritus,University of Montana, and NCTM President 2002-04
Thinkers Publishing Genna Remembers
Half a century ago I left a country, the red color of which dominated a large portion of the world map. One way or another, the fate of almost every single person described in this book is forever linked with that now none-existent empire. Many of them ended up beyond its borders too. Cultures and traditions, and certainly not least of all a Soviet mentality, couldn’t have just left them without a trace. Having been transplanted into a different environment, they had to play the role of themselves apart from certain corrections with regard to the tastes and customs of a new society. Nevertheless, every one of them, both those who left the Soviet Union, and those who stayed behind, were forever linked by one common united phenomenon: they all belonged to the Soviet school of chess. This school of chess was born in the 20’s, but only began to count its true years starting in 1945, when the representatives of the Soviet Union dominated an American squad in a team match. Led by Mikhail Botvinnik, Soviet Grandmasters conquered and ruled the world, save for a short Fischer period, over the course of that same half century. In chess as well as ballet, or music, the word “Soviet” was actually a synonym for the highest quality interpretation of the discipline. The Soviet Union provided unheard of conditions for their players, which were the sort of which their colleagues in the West dare not even dream. Grandmasters and even Masters received a regular salary just for their professional qualifications, thereby raising the prestige of a chess player to what were unbelievable heights. It was a time when any finish in an international tournament, aside from first, was almost considered a failure when it came to Soviet players, and upon their return to Moscow they had to write an official explanation to the Chess Federation or the Sports Committee. The isolation of the country, separated from the rest of the world by an Iron Curtain, was another reason why, talent and energy often manifested themselves in relatively neutral fields. Still if with music, cinematography, philosophy, or history, the Soviet people were raised on a strict diet, that contained multiple restrictions, this did not apply to chess. Grandmasters, and Masters, all varied in terms of their upbringing, education, and mentality and were judged solely on their talent and mastery at the end of the day. Maybe that’s why the Soviet school of chess was full of such improbable variety not only in terms of the style of play of its representatives, but also their different personality types. Built was a gigantic chess pyramid, at the base of which were school championships, which were closely followed by district ones. Later city championships, regions, republics, and finally-the ultimate cherry on top-the national event itself. The Championships of the Soviet Union were in no way inferior to the strongest international tournaments, and collections of the games played there came out as separate publications in the West. That huge brotherhood of chess contained its very own hierarchy within. Among the millions, and multitudes of parishioners-fans of the game-there were the priests-candidate masters. Highly respected were the cardinals-masters. As for Grandmasters though well…they were true Gods. Every person in the USSR knew their names, and those names sounded with just as much adoration, and admiration as those of the nation’s other darlings-the country’s best hockey players. In those days the coming of the American genius only served to strengthen the interest and attention of society towards chess, never mind the fact that by that point it had already been fully saturated by it. The presence of tons of spectators at a chess tournament in Moscow as shown in the series “The Queen’s Gambit” is in no way an exaggeration. That there truly was the golden age of chess. Under the constant eye, and control of the government, chess in the USSR was closely interwoven with politics, much like everything else in that vanished country. Concurrently, the closed, and isolated society in which it was born only served to enable its development, creating its very own type of culture-the giant world of Soviet chess. I was never indifferent to the past. Today, when there is that much more of it then the future, this feeling has become all the sharper. The faster the twentieth century sprints away from us, and the thicker the grass of forgetting grows, soon enough, and under the verified power of the most powerful engines that world of chess will be gone as well. It was an intriguing, and colorful world, and I saw it as my duty to not let it disappear into that empty abyss. Genna Sosonko, May 2021.
Spiramus Press Naked, Short and Greedy: Wall Street's Failure to Deliver
Audience: Investors, entrepreneurs, companies considering going public, policy makers.Summary: Rigged financial markets and hopeless under-regulation on Wall Street are not new problems. In this book, Susanne Trimbath gives a sobering account of naked short selling, the failure to settle, and her efforts over decades, trying to get this fixed.Part I. Opening ActThis is a cautionary tale. What started as a regulatory failure has turned into a regulatory crisis. Shareholder democracy is in shambles. The institutions that were established to correct a problem of trade settlement failures (failures to deliver shares for settlement) have instead exacerbated the problem. They may not survive what comes next.Chapter 1: Primer. A non-technical explanation of the terminology and concepts used in the book, plus the economic implications of trading ""phantom"" stock and bonds.Chapter 2: Start at the Beginning. Twenty-five years ago, when I was working ""backstage at Wall Street"" a group of corporate trust specialists told me about a problem in shareholder voting rights. When I went to senior management at Depository Trust Company (DTC), then and still the largest securities depository in the world, brushed it off saying, ""You can't balance the world.""Part II. Back to Where I Left OffChapter 3: A Sidewalk Café in New York. At the request of a business colleague, I have coffee with a lawyer from Texas who tells me that a problem was about to blow up the financial markets: Wall Street brokers are using short sales and fails to deliver to grab the assets of American entrepreneurs. I feel a pang of guilt for not sticking it out to fix this before I left DTC in 1993. By 2003, it was a full-blown regulatory crisis!Chapter 4: Blind Men Describe an Elephant. When I start working on the issues after 2003, the lawyers, companies, investors and consultants I meet are like the blind men and a phantom share is the elephant. From a dentist in Michigan to a Republic operative in Washington DC, few of the self-described experts even knew what a naked short sale was before it either happened to them or someone hired them to pontificate on the subject.Part III. Committing to a CauseChapter 5: Real Experts Meet. The lawyers and several companies they represent are relying on poorly written reports provided by the Blind Men. Recognizing that the errors are piling up and having a negative impact on the outcomes in the court room, I bring in real experts, including the corporate trust specialists who first came to me in 1993. We coin the term ""phantom shares"" to describe the extra shares being created by short sales, stock lending and fails to deliver.Chapter 6: STA White Paper. The industry organization of corporate trust specialists, the Securities Transfer Association (STA) issues a report on over-voting after they are unable to get help from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Articles in their newsletter include a survey showing that over-voting – the direct result of investors voting phantom shares in corporate elections – impacts every public company. Almost immediately, the Securities Industry Association sends a letter to the NYSE describing how they can hide over-voting and the NYSE removes the last remaining rule that made it possible for a buyer to demand delivery of shares. A year later, over-voting is found in every corporate election surveyed by the STA. Even after the SIA implements processes to hide over-voting, the STA finds one-third of corporate elections are still receiving up to 25% more votes than there are shares outstanding.Chapter 7: Tax Consequences. My research shows that taxpayers and governments are losing out when interest and dividends are paid on phantom shares. The loss of tax revenue is not trivial: as much as $4.0 billion to the states and $1.5 billion to the federal government every year.Part IV. Success Seems PossibleChapter 8: Regulation SHO. I submit comment letters to the SEC that outline the financial and economic consequences of fails to deliver (FTD). When FTD reporting from NSCC to SEC begins, we are optimistic. Even though it is a list of victims (companies) but not the perpetrators (brokers), this is our first chance to see weekly and then daily data. We still don't know how old a fail is, but at least we have more frequent reports of the total value of fails and the number of shares failed per company. This chapter includes several of my comment letters explaining the implications for capital markets and the economy of the unfolding regulatory crisis, including the fact that Reg SHO had no enforcement teeth. It includes the attachments I submitted, like a copy of an NYSE audit proving that they knew that brokers were voting in corporate elections without regard to shareholder rights.Chapter 9: Criminal Cases Reveal Evidence. Although none of the lawsuits against the central clearing and settlement organizations (DTCC and its subsidiaries) is able to progress in the state courts, some organized crime cases result in settlement agreements and federal prosecutions. They move slowly but reveal evidence through discovery that supports the civil claims for several issuers against the brokers. This book does not detail financial crimes, but the cases against the primary perpetrators involved in manipulating Eagletech's stock are outlined to demonstrate the criminal strategies. We visit the more complete story of Eagletech Communications, Inc. in Chapter 10.Chapter 10: The Battle Goes Public. When a Dateline NBC segment on Eagletech is announced, the pajamahideen are emboldened, organizing protests and rallies including one on the sidewalk in front of DTCC's headquarters in Manhattan. The Dateline episode falls far short of the exposé everyone was hoping for. Later that year, the National Association of Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) holds a public forum in Washington, D.C. Publicity for the issue rises to the mainstream media, with a cover story in Bloomberg Markets magazine focused on the problems created by phantom votes. The CEO of a large public company is in the audience. I challenge him to buy shares of stock in his own company and find out if the seller fails to deliver. His broker debits his bank account for over $1 million dollars – then it takes two months for him to get delivery of the shares. In the face of this evidence and the harsh reality that it can happen to anyone, Patrick Byrne escalates his activities to warfare.Part V. Escalating CommitmentsChapter 11: Byrne's War. With the NASAA event as the backdrop, I push Patrick Byrne to stay focused on the real issue: corporate governance. He has me added to several email distribution lists with what he dubs the ""Pajamahideen"" – freedom fighters who work from home in their pajamas. Patrick hires a firm specializing in ""legislative strategies"" to arrange a media event in Washington DC. It is poorly attended and not widely reported with only one congressional aide at the event. Instead of explaining the important regulatory changes needed to protect corporate governance, Patrick has the team presentation focus on criminal activity. This chapter includes the text of my online interview with The Sanity Check.Chapter 12: Publicity Ramps Up with Meetings, Events and Interviews. I appear at the confirmation hearing when a former DTCC Board members is nominated as State Treasurer for New Jersey. I and some of the pajamahideen point to his Board role as making him complicit in hiding the fails to deliver. Afterward, DTCC will attempt to use one obscure new article about the hearing in an effort to disparage me (Chapter 15). Stories show up in every financial news outlet from print and online to radio and television. Bloomberg produces and airs a special report on ""Phantom Shares"" and I am the keynote speaker at the Securities Lending Conference in New York. I am contacted by an agent from the FBI-NY and he asks me to meet with the SDNY Attorney's office to brief them on fails and shorts. I present them with shocking evidence of system-wide problems in post-trade processing. I don't hear from them again.Chapter 13: Naked, Short and Greedy in LA. The CFA-LA initially agrees to put on an event about naked short selling. Bloomberg TV is prepared to broadcast the event. Then DTCC threatens action against CFA-LA if they have me as a speaker. CFA-LA caves and cancels the event. Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne steps up with a small sponsorship and STP Advisory Services funds the remainder for a new event in October. With just a shoe-string budget, we are able to fill a meeting room at the Park Hyatt in Century City (Los Angeles) with attendees from all over the US.Part VI. All Seems LostAfter a series of promising events, what happened next offered one setback after another. In a painful, emotionally charged series of events for me, the goal of resolving the regulatory crisis seemed to move further and further away. Things were happening too quickly to have feelings about them: by the time it was over, I was just starting to have feelings about the kind of feelings I had when it was happening. DTCC's efforts to banish me to the background left me raw as I constantly had to keep up my guard against it. Paradoxically, all of the negativity drew a sense of even deeper commitment from me.Chapter 14: Resistance from Wall Street. DTCC escalates their efforts against me. It has the opposite effect, making more companies and investors trust me to speak out on their behalf. They contact the producers and sponsors for events that invite me to be keynote speaker. They even threaten to cancel program participation for a transfer agent who hires me as a consultant. In the end, the people and organizations that I worked with in my years at DTC come to my support with more speaker invitations.Chapter 15: Corporate Governance Fails at Overstock. The real blow comes when Patrick has the chance to close it out with the proxy voting charade at his annual meeting. He does nothing because he got the chairman slot he was so afraid ""they"" would take away from him. The real experts I bring in are ignored completely. I feel Patrick and his lawyers push me aside in favor of a series of yes-men and consultants with worn-out low-level government titles. He will lose his appeal in a million-dollar lawsuit brought against him and one of his writers for libel and defamation.Chapter 16: Senate Inaction. Patrick is a big political donor who is able to get some statements about ""naked short selling"" read into the record by congressmen from Utah. I was able to include a couple of paragraphs about fails to deliver. Under pressure from DTCC, the SEC and Wall Street's own political donations, Congress refuses to hold hearings to air the investors' side of the story. In 2012, the Washington Post will report finding lawmakers in 2008 were investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in short-selling funds.Part VII. When the Music StopsThen came the Wall Street bailout, appointing Geithner to Treasury to replace Paulson (who pillaged the Treasury on his way out of town), Dodd-Frank which does nothing but order a bunch of studies. Soon, everyone is so wrapped up in trying to figure out what the rules are going to be that no one is able to move forward with any action.Chapter 17: Media Interest after the Financial Crisis. When the financial crisis hits the markets, I am doing radio interviews every month. In September, Matt Taibbi interviews me for the Rolling Stone magazine article that would be quoted extensively because he called Goldman Sachs a ""great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."" In 2013, Forbes was still referencing that article. The Daily Show produces a segment on short selling that gets attention as far up as the White House daily briefing.Chapter 18: CMKM and the UnShareholders. A diamond mining firm, CMKM, orders a ""cert pull"" to get all the company's shares out of the DTC. It reveals how many phantom shares are in circulation as a multitude of investors – dubbed the UnShareholders – are left holding the empty bag. Brokers begin deleting share positions as they stop returning calls to angry customers around the world, including several active-duty members of the military stationed overseas. But the evidence is there: brokers assigned phantom shares to their most vulnerable customers while getting real certificated-shares for themselves and favored clients. Before it shuts down, the UnShareholder project reveals the same circumstances applied to over 100 investors for 21 more companies across 15 brokerage firms. Launched June 9, 2008; closed in 2010. The investors were located throughout the US and in 5 other countries on three continents. In 2007, shareholders in British Columbia (Canada) sue their broker for refusal to provide certificates for shares shown in their account. The same day it was filed, it went directly before B.C. Supreme Court Justice H. Groberman, who ordered Canaccord to provide the share certificates ""without delay.""Chapter 19: Two Documentary Films. Sandra Mohr's Stock Shock is first out of the blocks among several films, including a few big Hollywood productions that would make the connection between failures in supervision, regulation and post-trade processing and the 2008 collapse of global capital markets. ""The bad guys won."" I am interviewed for the documentary Wall Street Conspiracy in July. When the stock market crashes in September, the producers invite me back to explain the connection with what I told them 2 months earlier. The transcript of that interview is included in this chapter.Part VIII. The Tragedy of a Downer EndingChapter 20: GAO Faults SEC and Other Revelations. In 2009, GAO would fault SEC for ignoring thousands of ""NSS"" complaints. My interview with the GAO is included in this chapter. The deeper tragedy is that so many companies lost access to the capital that is a keystone on US capital markets. Of the three companies highlighted in this book, Eagletech folded in 2006, CMKM held on until 2019 (as NHHI). Only Barker Minerals remains a functioning business despite the fact that the shares ceased trading after they could no longer afford to have financial statements produced by an external auditor.Chapter 21: Barker Minerals' Unique Approach. A Canadian mining firm, Barker Minerals Ltd. approached me in 2010 for help with a strategy they developed to ferret out which brokers were failing to deliver their stock for settlement. In contrast to denouncing short sellers, which was the basis for most complaints in the US, Barker called their analysis the ""Pro Long Strategy"" for its emphasis on protecting and supporting long-term shareholder investments. Barker Minerals continues in operations today, primarily using personal funding after the stock ceased trading on 5 April 2019.Part IX. Unresolved Regulatory CrisisFor decades, investors have settled for a small rate of return in their investment accounts, while the companies holding their money have earned trillions of dollars in income. If there is one lesson learned from my experiences over the last 15 years, it is that even a disorganized protest is still a protest. A small but vocal group of investors and entrepreneurs can shake up the system at least enough to get some transparency. The financial sector has lost its moral compass. Investors and entrepreneurs are on their own when they venture into US capital markets. They have to protect themselves and the wealth they hope to accumulate to ensure the future.