Search results for ""author bernd"
University of California Press Armenia: Portraits of Survival and Hope
A remarkable view of how geopolitics affects ordinary people, this book documents, in words and pictures, the lives of Armenians in the last two decades. Based on intimate interviews with three hundred Armenians and featuring Jerry Berndt's superb photographs, it brings together firsthand testimony about the social, economic, and spiritual circumstances of Armenians during the 1980s and 1990s, when the country faced an earthquake, pogroms, and war. At times shocking and deeply emotional, Armenia: Portraits of Survival and Hope is a story of extreme suffering and hardship, a searching look at the fight for independence, and an exceptionally complex portrait of the human spirit. A companion to the Millers' highly acclaimed work Survivors: An Oral History of the Armenian Genocide, which documented the genocide of 1915, this book focuses on four groups of people: survivors of the earthquakes that devastated northwestern Armenia in 1988; refugees from Azerbaijan who fled Baku and Sumgait because of pogroms against them; women, children, and soldiers who were affected by the war in Nagorno-Karabakh; and ordinary citizens who survived several winters without heat because of the blockade against Armenia by Turkey and Azerbaijan. The Millers' narrative situates these accounts contextually and thematically, but the voices of individuals remain paramount. The Millers also describe their personal experiences in repeated research trips, inviting us to look beyond the headlines and think beyond the circumstances of our own lives as they bring contemporary Armenia to life.
Universitatsverlag Winter Iconographies of Power: The Politics and Poetics of Visual Representation
GRAFIT Verlag Eifel-Liebe
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur. Band 1-3 Unter 'bibliographie Unselbstandiger Literatur - Linguistik' / Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur: 2013
The University of Chicago Press Measuring and Modeling Health Care Costs
Health care costs represent a nearly 18% of U.S. gross domestic product and 20% of government spending. While there is detailed information on where these health care dollars are spent, there is much less evidence on how this spending affects health. The research in Measuring and Modeling Health Care Costs seeks to connect our knowledge of expenditures with what we are able to measure of results, probing questions of methodology, changes in the pharmaceutical industry, and the shifting landscape of physician practice. The research in this volume investigates, for example, obesity’s effect on health care spending, the effect of generic pharmaceutical releases on the market, and the disparity between disease-based and population-based spending measures. This vast and varied volume applies a range of economic tools to the analysis of health care and health outcomes. Practical and descriptive, this new volume in the Studies in Income and Wealth series is full of insights relevant to health policy students and specialists alike.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Eisenbahn zwischen Markt und Staat in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Die Bahnreform im Jahre 1994 hat die Aufgaben von Markt und Staat bei der Eisenbahn grundlegend neu geordnet. Die Reform reiht sich in die 180jährige Geschichte der Eisenbahn ein, in der sie verschiedene Organisationsformen zwischen Markt und Staat erlebt hat. Der Tagungsband beleuchtet dieses Spannungsverhältnis und zeigt auf, dass die klare Trennung zwischen an wirtschaftlichen Zielen ausgerichteter unternehmerischer Tätigkeit und staatlich-hoheitlichen Aufgaben kein Selbstläufer ist. Im Spannungsfeld von Wettbewerb und Regulierung ist sie vielmehr eine ständige Herausforderung für den gesamten Eisenbahnsektor. Die Geschichte zeigt, dass die Frage, ob die private Wirtschaft das Grundbedürfnis des Transports auf der Schiene innerhalb der industriellen Gesellschaft ausreichend absichert oder ob und inwieweit der Staat Verantwortung übernehmen muss, nicht neu ist. Regulatorische und ökonomische Strategien sollten deshalb für den Eisenbahnsektor nicht ohne eine Berücksichtigung der Erfahrungen der jüngeren Gegenwart und der Anfangszeit der Eisenbahn entwickelt und angewendet werden.
Amsterdam University Press Conflict and Violence in Medieval Italy 568-1154
This collection of essays from both established and emerging scholars analyses the dynamic connections between conflict and violence in medieval Italy. The contributors present a new critique of power that sustained both kingship and locally based elite networks throughout the Italian peninsula. A broad temporal range, covering the sixth to the twelfth centuries, allows this book to cross a number of 'traditional' fault-lines in Italian historiography – 774, 888, 962 and 1025. The essays provide wide-ranging analyses of the role of conflict in the period, the operation of power and the development of communal consciousness and collective action by individuals and groups. It is thus essential reading for scholars, students and general readers who wish to understand the situation in medieval Italy.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Das Reich Der Vandalen Und Seine (Vor-)Geschichte
Universitatsverlag Winter Cultural Interactions: Fifty Years of American Studies in Germany
Aschendorff Verlag Unversehrt Und Unverletzt: Hildegards Von Bingen Menschenbildund Kirchenverstandnis Heute
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Reformation: Potentiale der Freiheit
Das Buch entstand aus der Zusammenarbeit zwischen einem Kirchenhistoriker und einem Systematischen Theologen. Sie thematisieren die Fragen nach Ursprung, Charakter, Wirkung und gegenwärtiger Geltung der Reformation. Die Formulierung 'Potentiale der Freiheit' verweist als Plural auf die Vielfalt der Freiheitskonzeptionen der Reformation, die sowohl ihre Kohärenz als auch ihre Divergenzen erkennen lassen."Sie erstrecken sich im Namen des befreienden Evangeliums von der Glaubensfreiheit des Gewissens bis zur Freiheit von Leibeigenschaft. Sie sind einerseits im Spätmittelalter verankert und bedeuten andererseits einen tiefgehenden Bruch mit dem mittelalterlichen Sinngefüge von Kirche, Theologie, Frömmigkeit, Recht, Ökonomie und Gesellschaft. Der 'qualitative Sprung', mit dem die Reformationskirchen aus diesem Traditionsgefüge heraustraten, bestimmt den Protestantismus bis zum heutigen Tage." (Aus dem Vorwort)Das erste Kapitel handelt vom spannungsreichen Verhältnis der Reformation gegenüber der spätmittelalterlichen Kirchlichkeit und Religiosität. Im zweiten Kapitel geht es um die Einheit der Reformation in ihrer Vielfalt, wobei die 95 Thesen Luthers vom 31. Okt. 1517 besondere Beachtung finden. Das dritte Kapitel spannt den Bogen von der Historie zur Aktualität der reformatorischen Botschaft heute. Abschließend widmen sich die Autoren der Frage, wie der typisch reformatorische Bezug auf das alleinige Legitimationsprinzip der Bibel in gegenwärtige pluralistische Lebenszusammenhänge übersetzt werden kann.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Assessing Progress in the Implementation of Zimbabwe's New Constitution: National, Regional and Global Perspectives
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur. Band 1-3
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Bioenergy: The Sustainability Challenge
The increasing deployment of bioenergy frequently raises issues regarding the use of land and raw materials, infrastructure and logistics. In light of these sometimes conflicting interests Advances in Bioenergy provides an objective and wide-ranging overview of the technology, economics and policy of bioenergy. Offering an authoritative multidisciplinary summary of the opportunities and challenges associated with bioenergy utilization, with international researchers give up-to-date and detailed information on key issues for biomass production and conversion to energy. Key features: *Discusses different bioenergy uses such as transportation fuels, electricity and heat production. *Assesses emerging fields such as bio-based chemicals and bio-refineries. *Debates conditions for the mobilization of sustainable bioenergy supply chains and outlines governance systems to support this mobilization. * Dedicated chapters to sustainability governance and emerging tools such as certification systems and standards supporting growth of a sustainable bioenergy industry. *Considers the political, environmental, social and cultural context related to the demand for energy resources, the impact of this demand on the world around us, and the choices and behaviours of consumers. This book will be a vital reference to engineers, researchers and students that need an accessible overview of the bioenergy area. It will also be of high value for politicians, policymakers and industry leaders that need to stay up to date with the state-of-the-art science and technology in this area.
McGill-Queen's University Press Total Defence Forces in the Twenty-First Century
Total defence, as a concept, combines and extends military and civil defence: in a state of war or emergency, all social institutions mobilize to defend the state. Total defence forces, led by a diverse workforce of defence and security professionals, are critical to both national defence and international security goals.Total Defence Forces in the Twenty-First Century looks at the various groups that make up this workforce: members of the military’s regular force, reservists, defence civil servants, and contractors working for private military and security companies. When civilian staff and military personnel work towards a common goal, their distinct professional cultures and identities can make integration challenging. Despite the often high levels of partnership, underlying differences affect the quality of the collaboration and, ultimately, organizational and operational effectiveness. Defence ministries around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of optimizing the ways in which they employ and integrate civilian and military personnel.This volume focuses on a critical question: what are the main challenges to workforce integration and collaboration, and how can such challenges be overcome to deliver the full potential of the total defence force? Together, scholars and practitioners provide some answers.
JP Medical Ltd Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors: A Multidisciplinary Review with Case Presentations
This is a comprehensive, lavishly illustrated review of orthopaedic oncology that is multi-disciplinary, integrative and highly practical. Introductory chapters cover overviews of the basics of bone and soft tissue tumors – the pathology, radiology and surgical and oncologic management. These are followed by chapters covering all tumor types organized according to the 2013 WHO classification of bone and soft tissue tumors. Each class of tumor is dealt with in detail, with case presentations illustrating how they would be diagnosed and managed in a clinical setting. The range of variation of each tumor type is indicated with appropriate radiological and pathological images. Detailed tables and flow charts provide quick access to vital diagnosis and staging information for each tumor type. This book provides an expert, case-based approach to orthopaedic oncology and patient care for trainees and practising orthopaedic surgeons, pathologists and radiologists. A practical and comprehensive review of orthopaedic oncology Covers all tumor types and their range of variation Organized according to the 2013 WHO classification of bone and soft tissue tumours Tables and flow charts provide diagnosis and staging information for each tumor type
Agenda Publishing Market/Place: Exploring Spaces of Exchange
The term "market" originally portrayed a public space for economic transactions but the term has since evolved into an abstract and disputed idea. Despite modern markets seemingly omnipresent nature, their specific geographies have undergone relatively little analysis. This collection of new essays rediscovers the physical space that markets inhabit and explore how the impact of political, social and economic factors determine the shape of a particular market space. The essays present new research from the fields of geography, economics, political economy and planning and provide valuable case study material to show how markets are contested, constructed and placed. Rather than separate markets from the surrounding society and state, these essays connect markets to their wider context and showcase how economic geography can combine with other disciplines to throw new light on spaces of exchange.
Zondervan Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage: Trusting God with Your Most Important Relationship
The University of Chicago Press Economic Dimensions of Personalized and Precision Medicine
Personalized and precision medicine (PPM)—the targeting of therapies according to an individual’s genetic, environmental, or lifestyle characteristics—is becoming an increasingly important approach in health care treatment and prevention. The advancement of PPM is a challenge in traditional clinical, reimbursement, and regulatory landscapes because it is costly to develop and introduces a wide range of scientific, clinical, ethical, and socioeconomic issues. PPM raises a multitude of economic issues, including how information on accurate diagnosis and treatment success will be disseminated and who will bear the cost; changes to physician training to incorporate genetics, probability and statistics, and economic considerations; questions about whether the benefits of PPM will be confined to developed countries or will diffuse to emerging economies with less developed health care systems; the effects of patient heterogeneity on cost-effectiveness analysis; and opportunities for PPM’s growth beyond treatment of acute illness, such as prevention and reversal of chronic conditions. This volume explores the intersection of the scientific, clinical, and economic factors affecting the development of PPM, including its effects on the drug pipeline, on reimbursement of PPM diagnostics and treatments, and on funding of the requisite underlying research; and it examines recent empirical applications of PPM.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gauss and Jacobi Sums
Devised in the 19th century, Gauss and Jacobi Sums are classical formulas that form the basis for contemporary research in many of today's sciences. This book offers readers a solid grounding on the origin of these abstract, general theories. Though the main focus is on Gauss and Jacobi, the book does explore other relevant formulas, including Cauchy.
Herbig Schilddrüsenmassage
Bild Und Heimat Verlag Der verräterische Ring Blutiger Osten Band 72
Bild Und Heimat Verlag Mord im Rosenpark
Südost-Verlag Brennsuppn und Erdäpfel
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Eine Reise nach Genf Ein SiggiBaumeisterKrimi
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Magnetfeld des Bsen
Reichel Verlag Alois Irlmaier Ein Mann sagt was er sieht
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Mond ber der Eifel
Grafit Verlag EifelBlues Drei EifelKrimis in einem Band
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Resilienz
Susaeta Ediciones, S.A. Cmo construir una vivienda en el desvn
Universitatsverlag Winter Transnational America: The Fading of Borders in the Western Hemisphere
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Zufriedenheit Wie man sie erreicht und warum sie lohnender ist als das flchtige Glck
Aschendorff Verlag Der Papst Und Das Buch Im Spatmittelalter (1350-1500): Bildungsvoraussetzung, Handschriftenherstellung, Bibliotheksgebrauch
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Auf eigene Faust Bis der Hass euch bindet Zwei Kriminalromane
KBV Verlags-und Medienges EifelKrieg
MVG Moderne Vlgs. Ges. Hashimoto Healing Die ganzheitliche Behandlung der HashimotoThyreoiditis
Stein, Conrad Verlag Leben in der Wildnis Vorbereitung Blockhausbau Selbstversorgung
Klinkhardt, Julius Ethik in pädagogischen Beziehungen
Heyne Taschenbuch Ein guter Mann Roman
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Die RundumGesundFormel