Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Occupational Health and Rehabilitation: New Approaches for Maintaining Work Ability in the Workplace
Sustaining a healthy and productive work environment for employees with health issues and work disabilities or those returning to work after sick leave may present a challenge to employers. This publication offers unique insights into occupational health and rehabilitation, covering international perspectives as well as a variety of health-related disciplines. Policymakers, employers, employees, researchers and students will find new approaches to questions of how to maintain work ability and health in the workplace: Which motives influence strategic planning in the healthcare and employment sector? How can the return of employees after sick leave be facilitated? How best to implement innovations while keeping the workplace safe and healthy? And how does occupational rehabilitation benefit from evidence-based knowledge transfer?Contents• Work Ability and Work Disability• Return to Work• Work and Health• Work and Innovation
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG E-Health-Ökonomie
Das Buch liefert einen umfassenden Überblick über das neue Forschungsgebiet E-Health-Ökonomie und zeigt den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion in Wissenschaft, Praxis und Politik auf. Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitswirtschaft, Gesundheitsversorgung sowie ambulante, stationäre, sektorenübergreifende Versorgung und die Erstellung von Leistungen am Gesundheitsstandort der privaten Haushalte: E-Health ist heute und besonders in Zukunft, einhergehend mit weiteren technologischen Innovationen, von großer Bedeutung. Mit dem neuen E-Health-Gesetz findet das Buch den Bezug zur aktuellen politischen Auseinandersetzung und bietet mit seinen ökonomischen Artikeln einen Beitrag für die Diskussion um Nutzen und Mehrwert von Informationstechnologie in der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Praktiker und Wissenschaftler aus Medizin, Informatik und (Gesundheits-)Ökonomie sind genauso angesprochen wie alle weiteren Akteure, welche sich mit der Ökonomie des Einsatzes von IT in der Gesundheitswirtschaft beschäftigen. Lehrenden und Studierenden gibt das Buch einen umfassenden Überblick. Das Buch bietet sich aufgrund seiner Struktur als Gesamtlektüre genauso an wie die selektive Wahl einzelner thematischer Kapitel oder auch einzelner Beiträge der verschiedenen Autoren.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde
HNO von A bis ZVon der Audiometrie über die Recurrensparese zum Zenkerdivertikel, der Lenarz/Boenninghaus erklärt Ihnen die HNO in einfacher und sachlicher Sprache. Dabei wird bei der Anatomie und Physiologie angefangen, damit Sie die topographischen Zusammenhänge im Blick behalten. Die manchmal komplizierten Untersuchungsmethoden werden ausführlich dargestellt, die Krankheitsbilder systematisch beschrieben. Fakten lernen mit Zusammenfassung am Kapitelende Fragen und Antworten zu jedem Kapitel Extra Kapitel Leitsymptome und Differentialdiagnosen Gewichtung nach der Häufigkeit im Examen Mehr als 400 Abbildungen Praxis lernen mit Praxisboxen für Famulatur und PJ Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele Fallquiz zum Üben
Verlag Karl Alber Uber Die Tugend
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Protestantische Impulse: Pragende Gestalten in Deutschland Nach 1945
Hansebooks Our Summer Migrants: An Account of the Migratory Birds Which Pass the Summer in the British Islands
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Excel 2019 for Marketing Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
This book shows the capabilities of Microsoft Excel in teaching marketing statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step, exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical marketing problems. If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you.Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in marketing courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. Excel 2019 for Marketing Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems capitalizes on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work.In this new edition, each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand marketing problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full practice test (with answers in an appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.
Arc Publications Tristia (1922)
Conservation International,U.S. A Rapid Assessment of the Humid Forests of South Central Chuquisaca, Bolivia
The Chuquisaca and Tarija regions of Bolivia cover areas of extraordinarily varied vegetation, providing one of the most dramatic shifts in flora and vegetation along the eastern Andes. However, biological information for this area has remained very limited. This text is the result of the work of an interdisciplinary team of biologists who surveyed south-central Chuquisaca in May 1995. It describes the large uninterrupted tracts of Bosque-Tucuman-Boliviano wet forest with many endemic species, but reports that the area also suffers from heavy development pressures.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Household Garbage and Recycling Behavior
The market for residential solid waste management and disposal has experienced dramatic changes over the past 20 years. This collection of outstanding published research examines these changes and thoroughly analyzes the strategies popularized by municipal governments over the past two decades.Kerbside recycling, unheard of in the 1970s, is currently available to 46% of Americans. Thousands of towns across the nation have also implemented user fees requiring households to pay a fee for every bag of garbage they generate. These policy shifts have attracted the attention of environmental economists interested in knowing the best strategy for managing solid waste. The editors, both long-time scholars of these trends, offer theoretical solutions for the optimal pricing of garbage and recycling collection. They provide original data collection and suggest appropriate econometric techniques that correct for statistical biases. A policy focus provides information relevant to municipal governments as well as researchers.This excellent volume will be useful for policymakers, students and scholars in environmental economics.
Seven Stories Press UK Sacrifices
Emerald Publishing Limited Inclusive Growth: The Global Challenges of Social Inequality and Financial Inclusion
Inclusive growth ensures the benefits of a growing economy extend to all segments of society. Unleashing people’s economic potential starts with connecting them to the vital networks that power the modern economy. Implementing inclusive growth is a means of democratizing productivity and it is essential to reduce the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor in both developed and developing economies. This book arose out of a research partnership between the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and Singapore Management University (SMU). It demonstrates the logic of inclusive growth, explaining its principles and the enabling models that define it. It also examines the means to creatively address financial and social inclusion and thus improve social equality. The focus is to provide basic rights for all in society to access and participate in the vital networks of services and know-how that are the indispensable enablers of increasing productivity in modern economic production. Business, government, and civil society must devise implement effective initiatives so that inclusive growth is achieved through the global democratization of productivity. Inclusive Growth: The Global Challenges of Social Inequality and Financial Inclusion will appeal to researchers and faculty in management and business schools, leaders with a moral and ethical sense of social responsibility, as well as academics interested in economics, economic policy, and economic development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Climate-Resilient Development
'An extremely timely book. The Paris Climate Agreement establishes a global goal on adaptation of enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change. The book addresses the key question of how such a goal could be achieved by arguing that adaptation and resilience cannot be separated from ongoing and dynamic development processes. Its central theme is that more climate-resilient development pathways will only occur if climate risks are embedded into wider development, spatial planning, investment and poverty alleviation strategies. Although written from an economics perspective it draws on a wide range of literatures and experiences and is eminently readable. Indeed, it should be read not only by students of development and planning but also by practitioners, in both the public and private sectors, whose development choices will affect future vulnerabilities to climate change.'- Dame Judith Rees, London School of Economics, UK'The impacts of climate change can appear remote when compared with such immediate problems as poverty, disease and economic stagnation. Yet, climate change can directly affect the achievement of many development objectives. How development occurs also has implications for the vulnerability of societies to the impacts of climate change. In providing a ''deep dive'' into the nexus between adaptation to climate change and economic development this volume makes a valuable contribution to the literature. Furthermore, it also provides timely guidance to policy practitioners on how to make climate resilient development a reality.'- Shardul Agrawala, OECD, FranceSome climate change is now inevitable and strategies to adapt to these changes are quickly developing. The question is particularly paramount for low-income countries, which are likely to be most affected. This timely and unique book takes an integrated look at the twin challenges of climate change and development. The book treats adaptation to climate change as an issue of climate-resilient development, rather than as a bespoke set of activities (flood defences, drought plans, and so on), combining climate and development challenges into a single strategy. It asks how the standard approaches to development need to change, and what socio-economic trends and urbanisation mean for the vulnerability of developing countries to climate risks. Combining conceptual thinking with practical policy prescriptions and experience the contributors argue that, to address these questions, climate risk has to be embedded fully into wider development strategies. This point of view is gaining in prominence in the development community; however, the contributors assert that a comprehensive analytical treatment is so far lacking.This unique and innovative book will appeal to the development community, such as think tanks and aid agencies, as well as academics and those involved in climate change policy and development.Contributors include: M. Bangalore, M. Bezabih, L. Bonzanigo, D. Castells-Quintana, H. Costa, M. del Pilar Lopez-Uribe, S. Dietz, C. Dixon, S. Fankhauser, M. Fay, J. Finnegan, G. Floater, S. Hallegatte, A. Hunt, T. Kane, S. Lovo, T. McDermott, C. McLaren, U. Narloch, J. Rozenberg, S. Surminski, D. Treguer, A. Vogt-Schilb, G. Singer, M. Waldinger, J. Ward, P. Watkiss
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law
The Encyclopedia is the definitive reference work on international economic law. This comprehensive resource helps redefine the field by presenting international economic law in its broadest, real-world context. Organized thematically rather than alphabetically, the subject is split into four principal sections: the foundations and architecture of international economic law, its principles, its main regulatory areas, and the future challenges that it faces. Comprising over 250 entries written by leading scholars and practitioners, traditional international economic law subject matter is supplemented by coverage of newly developing areas. Thus, the concepts and rules of trade, investment, finance and international tax law are found alongside entries discussing the relationship of international economic law with environmental protection, social standards, development, and human rights. The concise entries present an accessible and condensed overview of each topic within its legal context. Contributors offer insight into how institutions interact with each other and other legal systems, in addition to providing individual overviews of their history, structure, principles and procedures. Selected references follow each entry, suggesting directions for further detailed exploration of the topic. This Encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for both practitioners and academics. It acts as a handy reference to all areas of international economic law, and provides the ideal starting point for any research journey. Key features: valuable reference tool for scholars, students and practitioners organised thematically, covering newly developing areas of international economic law concise, structured entries from the top experts in the field selected references for further study.
Idea & Design Works Sonic The Hedgehog, Vol. 13: Battle for the Empire
Little, Brown & Company The Power of Presence: Be a Voice in Your Child's Ear Even When You're Not with Them
As the mother Wes Moore, whose memoir about overcoming the obstacles that face a fatherless young black man was a huge bestseller, Joy is often asked: How did you do it? How do you balance parenting, work and self-care when you don't have a partner to pick up the slack? How do you connect with a child when you can't always be there? Joy's answer is "presence." We can't always be physically there for our children, but the power of presence can help us to be a voice in the back of their minds that guides them through difficult times. In MY PRIDE, MY JOY, Moore explores seven pillars of presence--heart, faith, mind, courage, financial freedom, values, and connectedness--that all parents can use to be positively influence their children. Using compelling stories from women who have been there and practical advice on everything from savings accounts to mindfulness, this book is a compassionate look at what it takes to raise great kids.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Skin
Skin is the border of our body and, as such, it is that through which we relate to others but also what separates us from them. Through skin, we speak: when we display it, when we tan it, when we tattoo it, or when we mute it by covering it with clothes. Skin exhibits social relationships, displays power and the effects of power, explains many things about who we are, how others perceive us and how we exist in the world. And when it gets sick, it turns us into monsters. In Skin, Sergio del Molino speaks of these monsters in history and literature, whose lives have been tormented by bad skin: Stalin secretly taking a bath in his dacha, Pablo Escobar getting up late and shutting himself in the shower, Cyndi Lauper performing a commercial for a medicine promising relief from skin disease, John Updike sunburned in the Caribbean, Nabokov writing to his wife from exile, ‘Everything would be fine, if it weren’t for the damned skin.’ As a psoriasis sufferer, Sergio del Molino includes himself in this gallery of monsters through whose stories he delves into the mysteries of skin. What is for some a badge of pride and for others a source of anguish and shame, skin speaks of us and for us when we don’t speak with words.
Stanford University Press Fateful Decisions: Choices That Will Shape China's Future
China's future will be determined by how its leaders manage its myriad interconnected challenges. In Fateful Decisions, leading experts from a wide range of disciplines eschew broad predictions of success or failure in favor of close analyses of today's most critical demographic, economic, social, political, and foreign policy challenges. They expertly outline the options and opportunity costs entailed, providing a cutting-edge analytic framework for understanding the decisions that will determine China's trajectory. Xi Jinping has articulated ambitious goals, such as the Belt and Road Initiative and massive urbanization projects, but few priorities or policies to achieve them. These goals have thrown into relief the crises facing China as the economy slows and the population ages while the demand for and costs of education, healthcare, elder care, and other social benefits are increasing. Global ambitions and a more assertive military also compete for funding and policy priority. These challenges are compounded by the size of China's population, outdated institutions, and the reluctance of powerful elites to make reforms that might threaten their positions, prerogatives, and Communist Party legitimacy. In this volume, individual chapters provide in-depth analyses of key policies relating to these challenges. Contributors illuminate what is at stake, possible choices, and subsequent outcomes. This volume equips readers with everything they need to understand these complex developments in context.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Thinking Through Cinema: Film as Philosophy
The collection brings together a wide range of contributors, including both philosophers and film scholars. All of them address the question of whether philosophy can take the form of, or be articulated through, film. A new text for the growing field of philosophy of film, engaging with a variety of questions concerning the relationship between film and art, aesthetics and philosophy. Explores a wide variety of forms and periods of film, such as the avant-garde, continental film and popular American cinema, to present diverse answers to this question. Draws on a range of films, from the works of Hitchcock to Mission: Impossible and Being John Malkovich.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Philosophy of Film: Introductory Text and Readings
Organized around a series of philosophic questions about film, The Philosophy of Film: Introductory Text and Readings offers an accessible and engaging overview of the discipline. Provides thorough selection of readings drawn from philosophy, film studies, and film criticism Multiple points of view highlighted in discussion of film theory, narration, authorship, film and emotion, and the social values of cinema Presents thought-provoking reading questions as well as clear and helpful introductions for each section More information about this text along with further resources are available from the accompanying website at:
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Philosophy of Film: Introductory Text and Readings
Organized around a series of philosophic questions about film, The Philosophy of Film: Introductory Text and Readings offers an accessible and engaging overview of the discipline. Provides thorough selection of readings drawn from philosophy, film studies, and film criticism Multiple points of view highlighted in discussion of film theory, narration, authorship, film and emotion, and the social values of cinema Presents thought-provoking reading questions as well as clear and helpful introductions for each section More information about this text along with further resources are available from the accompanying website at:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Safety and Biological Effects in MRI
In vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has evolved into a versatile and critical, if not ‘gold standard’, imaging tool with applications ranging from the physical sciences to the clinical ‘-ology’. In addition, there is a vast amount of accumulated but unpublished inside knowledge on what is needed to perform a safe, in vivo MRI. The goal of this comprehensive text, written by an outstanding group of world experts, is to present information about the effect of the MRI environment on the human body, and tools and methods to quantify such effects. By presenting such information all in one place, the expectation is that this book will help everyone interested in the Safety and Biological Effects in MRI find relevant information relatively quickly and know where we stand as a community. The information is expected to improve patient safety in the MR scanners of today, and facilitate developing faster, more powerful, yet safer MR scanners of tomorrow. This book is arranged in three sections. The first, named ‘Static and Gradient Fields’ (Chapters 1-9), presents the effects of static magnetic field and the gradients of magnetic field, in time and space, on the human body. The second section, named ‘Radiofrequency Fields’ (Chapters 10-30), presents ways to quantify radiofrequency (RF) field induced heating in patients undergoing MRI. The effect of the three fields of MRI environment (i.e. Static Magnetic Field, Time-varying Gradient Magnetic Field, and RF Field) on medical devices, that may be carried into the environment with patients, is also included. Finally, the third section, named ‘Engineering’ (chapters 31-35), presents the basic background engineering information regarding the equipment (i.e. superconducting magnets, gradient coils, and RF coils) that produce the Static Magnetic Field, Time-varying Gradient Magnetic Field, and RF Field. The book is intended for undergraduate and post-graduate students, engineers, physicists, biologists, clinicians, MR technologists, other healthcare professionals, and everyone else who might be interested in looking into the role of MRI environment on patient safety, as well as those just wishing to update their knowledge of the state of MRI safety. Those, who are learning about MRI or training in magnetic resonance in medicine, will find the book a useful compendium of the current state of the art of the field.
Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library Ambrosiana at Harvard: New Sources of Milanese Chant
This collection of ten essays constitutes the proceedings of a two-day conference held at Harvard in October 2007. The conference focused on three medieval manuscripts of Ambrosian chant owned by Houghton Library. The Ambrosian liturgy and its music, practiced in and around medieval Milan, were rare regional survivors of the Catholic Church’s attempt to adopt a universal Roman liturgy and the chant now known as Gregorian. Two of the manuscripts under scrutiny had been recently acquired (one perhaps the oldest surviving source of Ambrosian music), and the third manuscript, long held among the Library’s collections of illuminated manuscripts, had been newly identified as Ambrosian.The generously illustrated essays gathered here represent the work of established experts and younger scholars. Together they explore the manuscripts as physical objects and place them in their urban and historical contexts, as well as in the musical and ecclesiastical context of Milan, Italy, and medieval Europe.
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US Early Modern Women on the Fall: An Anthology
Duke University Press Lessons of Romanticism: A Critical Companion
Moving beyond views of European Romanticism as an essentially poetic development, Lessons of Romanticism strives to strengthen a critical awareness of the genres, historical institutions, and material practices that comprised the culture of the period. This anthology—in recasting Romanticism in its broader cultural context—ranges across literary studies, art history, musicology, and political science and combines a variety of critical approaches, including gender studies, Lacanian analysis, and postcolonial studies.With over twenty essays on such diverse topics as the aesthetic and pedagogical purposes of art exhibits in London, the materiality of late Romantic salon culture, the extracanonical status of Jane Austen and Fanny Burney, and Romantic imagery in Beethoven’s music and letters, Lessons of Romanticism reveals the practices that were at the heart of European Romantic life. Focusing on the six decades from 1780 to 1832, this collection is arranged thematically around gender and genre, literacy, marginalization, canonmaking, and nationalist ideology. As Americanists join with specialists in German culture, as Austen is explored beside Beethoven, and as discussions on newly recovered women’s writings follow fresh discoveries in long-canonized texts, these interdisciplinary essays not only reflect the broad reach of contemporary scholarship but also point to the long-neglected intertextual and intercultural dynamics in the various and changing faces of Romanticism itself.Contributors. Steven Bruhm, Miranda J. Burgess, Joel Faflak, David S. Ferris, William Galperin, Regina Hewitt, Jill Heydt-Stevenson, H. J. Jackson, Theresa M. Kelley, Greg Kucich, C. S. Matheson, Adela Pinch, Marc Redfield, Nancy L. Rosenblum, Marlon B. Ross, Maynard Solomon, Richard G. Swartz, Nanora Sweet, Joseph Viscomi, Karen A. Weisman, Susan I. Wolfson
Stanford University Press Strategy in Asia: The Past, Present, and Future of Regional Security
Some of the United States' greatest challenges over the coming decades are likely to emanate from the Asia-Pacific region. China and India are rising and Militant Islam continues to take root in Pakistan, while nuclear proliferation threatens to continue in fits and starts. If America is to meet these challenges comprehensively, strategists will have to learn more about Asia, and Asian scholars, policymakers, and analysts will need to understand better the enduring and timeless principles of strategy. Based on the premise therefore that the increasing strategic weight of the Asia-Pacific region warrants greater attention from both scholars and practitioners alike, Strategy in Asia: The Past, Present, and Future of Regional Security aims to marry the fields of strategic studies and Asian studies in order to help academics and practitioners to begin addressing these challenges. The book uses the lenses of geography, culture, and economics to examine in depth the strategic context that Asia presents to the major nations of the region—including the U.S. as a Pacific nation—and the strategic scenarios that may well play out in the region in the near future. Specific attention is paid to Asia as a warfighting environment, and to the warfighting traditions and current postures of the major nations.
Stanford University Press Strategy in Asia: The Past, Present, and Future of Regional Security
Some of the United States' greatest challenges over the coming decades are likely to emanate from the Asia-Pacific region. China and India are rising and Militant Islam continues to take root in Pakistan, while nuclear proliferation threatens to continue in fits and starts. If America is to meet these challenges comprehensively, strategists will have to learn more about Asia, and Asian scholars, policymakers, and analysts will need to understand better the enduring and timeless principles of strategy. Based on the premise therefore that the increasing strategic weight of the Asia-Pacific region warrants greater attention from both scholars and practitioners alike, Strategy in Asia: The Past, Present, and Future of Regional Security aims to marry the fields of strategic studies and Asian studies in order to help academics and practitioners to begin addressing these challenges. The book uses the lenses of geography, culture, and economics to examine in depth the strategic context that Asia presents to the major nations of the region—including the U.S. as a Pacific nation—and the strategic scenarios that may well play out in the region in the near future. Specific attention is paid to Asia as a warfighting environment, and to the warfighting traditions and current postures of the major nations.
University of Nebraska Press The Country Wife
The resourceful hero of The Country Wife is Horner, the scourge of stupid husbands and the hope of unhappy wives. Through a single simple ruse Horner helps one woman after another settle accounts with a foolish spouse. Margery, the country wife, upsets his plans when she learns the manners of the city and begins to apply them herself.The Regents Restoration Drama text is based on the first edition of 1675, the last edition to enjoy Wycherley’s attention. By the time the second edition appeared he was in prison for debt, having enjoyed too much of his success at the royal court.
Cornell University Press Out of the Shadow: A Russian Jewish Girlhood on the Lower East Side
In this appealing autobiography, Rose Cohen looks back on her family's journey from Tsarist Russia to New York City's Lower East Side. Her account of their struggles and of her own coming of age in a complex new world vividly illustrates what was, for some, the American experience. First published in 1918, Cohen's narrative conveys a powerful sense of the aspirations and frustrations of an immigrant Jewish family in an alien culture. With uncommon frankness, Cohen reports her youthful impressions of daily life in the tenements and of working conditions in garment sweatshops and domestic service. She introduces a large cast, including her co-workers, employers, mentors, family members, and friends. In simple yet moving terms, she recalls how, while confronting setbacks caused by poor health and dilemmas posed by courtship, she finds opportunities to educate herself. She also records the gradual weakening of her family's commitment to religion as they find their way from the shadow of poverty toward the mainstream of American life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Health Rights
Health Rights is a multidisciplinary collection of seminal papers examining ethical, legal, and empirical questions regarding the human right to health or health care. The volume discusses what obligations health rights entail for governments and other actors, how they relate to and potentially conflict with other rights and values, and how cultural diversity bears on the formulation and implementation of health rights. The paramount importance of such questions is illustrated, among other things, by the catastrophic health situation in developing countries and current debates about the TRIPS Agreement and health care reform in the United States. The volume is divided into five main parts which focus on philosophical questions about the bases for the right to health or health care; links between health and human rights; global bioethics and public health ethics; intellectual property rights in pharmaceuticals; and finally health rights issues arising in specific contexts such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and gender.
Edinburgh University Press James Boswell's Life of Johnson: Manuscript Edition: Volume 3, 1776–1780
This volume is the third and penultimate in the Yale Boswell Editions' transcription of Boswell's heavily revised manuscript of his biography of Johnson. Designed as a research supplement to the Hill-Powell version of the 'Life' and employing the complex but accessible system devised for the series by the late Marshall Waingrow, the edition traces Boswell's processes of composition from first draft to final publication. It restores much deleted material, passages lost or overlooked at proof and revise stage, and corrects a host of compositorial and other errors and misreadings. Professor Bonnell's annotation clarifies a wide range of textual and editorial issues, and sheds new light on Boswell's processes of selection and deletion.
British Library Publishing A Pin to See the Peepshow
Julia Almond believes she is special and dreams of a more exciting and glamorous life away from the drab suburbia of her upbringing. Her work in a fashionable boutique in the West End gives her the personal freedom that she craves but escape from her parental home into marriage soon leads to boredom and frustration. She begins a passionate affair with a younger man, which has deadly consequences. Based on the events of a sensational murder trial in the 1920s - the Thompson/Bywaters case - Julia becomes trapped by her sex and class in a criminal justice system in which she has no control. Julia finds herself the victim of society's expectations of lower-middle-class female behaviour and incriminated by her own words. Tennyson Jesse creates a flawed, doomed heroine in a novel of creeping unease that continues to haunt long after the last page is turned.
Princeton University Press Social Foraging Theory
Although there is extensive literature in the field of behavioral ecology that attempts to explain foraging of individuals, social foraging--the ways in which animals search and compete for food in groups--has been relatively neglected. This book redresses that situation by providing both a synthesis of the existing literature and a new theory of social foraging. Giraldeau and Caraco develop models informed by game theory that offer a new framework for analysis. Social Foraging Theory contains the most comprehensive theoretical approach to its subject, coupled with quantitative methods that will underpin future work in the field. The new models and approaches that are outlined here will encourage new research directions and applications. To date, the analysis of social foraging has lacked unifying themes, clear recognition of the problems inherent in the study of social foraging, and consistent interaction between theory and experiments. This book identifies social foraging as an economic interaction between the actions of individuals and those of other foragers. This interdependence raises complex questions about the size of foraging groups, the diversity of resources used, and the propensity of group members to exploit each other or forage cooperatively. The models developed in the book will allow researchers to test their own approaches and predictions. Many years in development, Social Foraging Theory will interest researchers and graduate students in such areas as behavioral ecology, population ecology, evolutionary biology, and wildlife management.
Harvard University Press Letters of Emily Dickinson
Approximately 100 letters are published here for the first time, including almost all of the letters to Jane Humphrey and to Mrs. J. Howard Sweetser. The new material is even more extensive than it might appear, for many of the letters previously published were censored when first made public. This volume, designed to accompany Mr. Johnson’s previously published work, the widely acclaimed Poems of Emily Dickinson, assembles all of Emily Dickinson’s letters (with the exception of letters presumably destroyed). The editors present the letters chronologically, with manuscript location, previous publication data, and notes for each letter, together with a general introduction, and biographical notes on recipients of letters.The notes for each letter identify persons and events mentioned, and the source of literary allusions and quotations is given wherever known. Since Emily Dickinson rarely dated her letters after 1850, the dates for the most part must be conjectured from careful study of handwriting changes and from internal evidence of the letters. Of the 1,150 letters and prose fragments included in this outstanding edition, the text of about 800 derives from Dickinson autographs.
University of California Press Africa's Challenge to America
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1956.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond the J Curve: Managing a Portfolio of Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds
In recent times, venture capital and private equity funds have become household names, but so far little has been written for the investors in such funds, the so-called limited partners. There is far more to the management of a portfolio of venture capital and private equity funds than usually perceived. Beyond the J Curve describes an innovative toolset for such limited partners to design and manage portfolios tailored to the dynamics of this market place, going far beyond the typical and often-simplistic recipe to 'go for top quartile funds'. Beyond the J Curve provides the answers to key questions, including: Why 'top-quartile' promises should be taken with a huge pinch of salt and what it takes to select superior fund managers? What do limited partners need to consider when designing and managing portfolios? How one can determine the funds' economic value to help addressing the questions of 'fair value' under IAS 39 and 'risk' under Basel II or Solvency II? Why is monitoring important, and how does a limited partner manage his portfolio? How the portfolio's returns can be improved through proper liquidity management and what to consider when over-committing? And, why uncertainty rather than risk is an issue and how a limited partner can address and benefit from the fast changing private equity environment? Beyond the J Curve takes the practitioner's view and offers private equity and venture capital professionals a comprehensive guide making high return targets more realistic and sustainable. This book is a must have for all parties involved in this market, as well as academic and students.
MIT Press A New History of Modern Computing
Indiana University Press The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce
" . . . fascinating throughout. . . . the book is recreative in the highest sense." —Arthur C. Danto, The New Republic"A gem for Holmes fans and armchair detectives with a penchant for logical reflection, and Peirce scholars." —Library Journal
Emerald Publishing Limited Macroeconomic Theory
"Macroeconomic Theory", in its first edition, was widely adopted for use as a graduate text; this updated and expanded version should find even greater popularity as a text and as a research reference. It has been substantially revised to include three entirely new chapters: The Consumption Function, Government Debt and Taxes, and Dynamic Optimal Taxation. Significant additions have been made to three of the original chapters dealing with difference equations, stochastic difference equations, and investment under uncertainty.
HarperCollins Publishers Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency – Moonbows and Alligator Rain: Fluency 7
Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It consists of a range of chapter books with increasing word counts across 10 fluency levels aimed at children in Year 2 and 3. Each book builds reading confidence, stamina and speed and nurtures a love for reading. Fluency 7 books have a word count of 4800 words with an expected reading rate of 100 words per minute. Discover Earth's weirdest and most amazing weather in this fascinating non-fiction book! From jellyfish sprites and alligator rain to thundersnow and moonbows, you won't believe some of the weather that exists!
HarperCollins Publishers Living in the Clouds: Phase 5 Set 1 (Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised)
Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers that together provide a consistent and highly effective approach to teaching phonics. Cloud forests contain a whole world for you to explore hidden among the trees! Discover the incredible creatures that live in the clouds and learn more about how they're able to make this habitat their home in this wonderful non-fiction book.
HarperCollins Publishers You Are Here: Maps and Why We Use Them: Band 12/Copper (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level Every map tells a story and makes spaces, ideas, and events easier to understand. Where are you? Let’s find out! Copper/Band 12 books provide more complex plots and longer chapters that develop reading stamina. Text type – An information book. The book is organised into short chapters to help children practise the skills of locating and identifying important information. The glossary and index on page 29 can be used to develop children's information retrieval skills further. Curriculum links – Geography – geographical skills
IVP Academic The Twelve Prophets
IVP Academic Genesis 12–50
InterVarsity Press Apocrypha
InterVarsity Press Matthew 1–13
InterVarsity Press The Twelve Prophets