Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Getty Trust Publications Italian Illuminated Manuscripts
This is a stunning tour through eight centuries of manuscript illumination. Known for their stunning displays of artistry and technique, Italian illuminated manuscripts have long been coveted by collection around the world. The J. Paul Getty Museum holds the most recently formed institutional collection of its kind in the United States, yet it spans more than eight centuries and reflects many of the extraordinary achievements of the Italian tradition. Made up of whole manuscripts as well as leaves and cuttings, the Getty collection of Italian illumination contains nearly sixty works and includes the Montecassino Breviary, the Ferrarese Gualenghi-d'Este Hours, and the Roman gradual illuminated by Antonio da Monza for Santa Maria in Aracoeli. Other important acquisitions are one of the finest Bolognese Bibles of the thirteenth century; three leaves from the Laudario of Sant'Agnese, the most ambitious Florentine manuscript from the first half of the fourteenth century; and a missal once owned by the antipope John XXIII. This beautifully illustrated volume presents many splendid examples of Italian painting and illumination. Some are by noted artists such as Girolamo da Cremona, Pacino de Bonaguida, and Pisanello; others are attributed to artists known only by their works, such as the Master of Gerona, who is credited with one of the finest miniatures in the collection.
Shambhala Publications Inc The Heart of Awareness: A Translation of the Ashtavakra Gita
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!
Basic Books Social Justice Fallacies
The quest for social justice is a powerful crusade of our time, with an appeal to many different people, for many different reasons. But those who use the same words do not always present the same meanings. Clarifying those meanings is the first step toward finding out what we agree on and disagree on. From there, it is largely a question of what the facts are. Social Justice Fallacies reveals how many things that are thought to be true simply cannot stand up to documented facts, which are often the opposite of what is widely believed.However attractive the social justice vision, the crucial question is whether the social justice agenda will get us to the fulfillment of that vision. History shows that the social justice agenda has often led in the opposite direction, sometimes with catastrophic consequences. More things are involved besides simply mistakes. All human beings are fallible, and social justice advocates may not necessarily make any more mistakes than others. But crusaders with an utter certainty about their mission are often undeterred by obstacles, evidence or even fatal dangers. That is where much of the Western world is today. The question is whether we will continue on heedlessly, past the point of no return.
Walker Books Ltd Mermedusa
Herbie and Violet's fifth gripping adventure brings the internationally bestselling Eerie-on-Sea series to a heart-stopping climax.It is midwinter once again, and the hosts of a paranormal podcast have descended on Eerie-on-Sea eager for a sighting of the legendary malamander. Herbert Lemon, Lost-and-Founder at the Grand Nautilus Hotel, is feeling uneasy – and not just because of the visitors. He’s being plagued by unsettling dreams, and the head-splitting “Eerie Hum” that is reverberating through the town.Something is dreadfully wrong, and it seems to be coming from Eerie's very core. Herbie and his friend Violet Parma will need all their courage as they head deep below the town to seek answers. Perhaps here, finally, they – and the malamander too – will discover the Deepest Secret of Eerie-on-Sea.
Walker Books Ltd Festergrimm
When Herbie and Violet's arch-enemy Sebastian Eels turns up in Eerie-on-Sea, seemingly back from the dead, it can only spell bad news. The town may welcome his entrepreneurial scheme to resurrect Festergrimm's Waxworks, a dusty and defunct old gallery of spooky characters from Eerie legend, but Herbie and Violet are suspicious of his motives. And when they learn the legend of Ludo Festergrimm the clockmaker, creator of a vast mechanical robot that wrought havoc in the wrong hands, they KNOW they're on the right track. But how can they get the residents of Eerie-on-Sea to believe them?
Bristol University Press Anarchist Cybernetics: Control and Communication in Radical Politics
From Occupy, to the Indignados and the Arab Spring, the uprisings that marked the last decade ignited a re-emergence of participatory democracy as a political ideal within organizations. This pioneering book introduces cybernetic thinking to politics and organizational studies to explore the continuing development of this radical idea. With a focus on communication and how alternative social media platforms present new challenges and opportunities for radical organising, it sheds new light on the concepts of self-organization, consensus decision making, individual autonomy and collective identity. Revolutionising the way in which anarchist activists and theorists think about organizations, this unprecedented investigation makes a major contribution to the larger discussion of direct democracy.
Rowman & Littlefield The Ile de France and the Golden Age of Transatlantic Travel: High Style on the High Seas
When the luxury liner Ile de France sailed into New York harbor for the first time in 1927, she brought to America the first great, coordinated example of what the French then called L'Art Moderne. The revolutionary Art Deco interiors found on the Ile de France were unlike anything previously seen on the North Atlantic and set a standard in ocean liner décor for decades to come. Her glittering passenger lists of the 1920s and 1930s were the envy of other shipping lines: Marlene Dietrich, Gloria Swanson, John D. Rockefeller, Buster Keaton, Barbara Hutton, Maurice Chevalier, Will Rogers, Cary Grant, Marie Curie and Arturo Toscanini were but a few of the luminaries that graced its salons. The Ile de France served heroically in World War II as a troopship, and in peacetime came to the rescue of other ships nine times during her career, most notably when she rescued more than 700 survivors from the stricken Andrea Doria following its collision with the Stockholm in 1956. In a last gasp of immortality, the Ile de France appeared in the epic disaster film The Last Voyage standing in for a fictional, stricken liner. Forgetting her ignoble end, the Ile de France is still held in awe and reverence both in her native France and by the maritime community worldwide. Although neither the fastest nor the largest liner of her time, one writer said of the Ile de France, “She was handsome without being grand, comfortable without being overstuffed, class-conscious without living by exclusions.” The penchant the Ile de France had for attracting the famous, the talented, the youthful, along with her special chic and verve insured her place in the pantheon of immortal Atlantic liners.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC First Book of Ships and Boats
From cargo ships to cruise liners and everything in between! Find out all about 30 types of ships and boats - steam boats, speed boats, barges and many more - in this beautifully illustrated and annotated first guide to ships and boats. Includes a fun spotter's chart to fill in!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The History of the Panzerwaffe: Volume 2: 1942–45
The final years of World War II saw the legendary Panzerwaffe face its most difficult challenges, with Allied troops landing at Normandy and storming across the continent and the Russians gaining the upper hand on the Eastern Front. As Germany fought fiercely to hold on to the advantages gained in the early years, they relied heavily on the Panzer IV, the Panzer V Panther and the StuG III – the backbone of their infamous armoured divisions – to hold back their advancing opponents. This second volume on the Panzerwaffe offers a comprehensive guide to the final years of Germany's most famous fighting force, covering the further use of the Panzer IV, the role played by the StuG III assault gun and the battlefield debut of the formidable Panther. Explosive combat reports and rare archive photographs help uncover the final years of the Panzers, from their defence against the D-Day landings and the role they played in the Ardennes Offensive to their valiant last stand in Berlin.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The History of the Panzerwaffe: Volume 1: 1939–42
The Germans transformed armoured warfare from a lumbering and ponderous experiment in World War I into something that could decide the outcome of conflicts. This technical and operational history is the definitive guide to the legendary Panzerwaffe, from its very infancy to the days when it made Europe its garden path at the height of Nazi German power. With rare and revealing combat reports, along with photographs sourced from previously unseen private and archival collections, it uncovers the technical and operational stories of the formidable armoured beasts that formed the backbone of the German war machine – tanks such as the Panzer I, II and 38(t).
Walker Books Ltd The Hate U Give
Movie tie-in edition of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller and Waterstones Children's Book Prize winner.Now a major motion picture from Twentieth Century Fox, starring Amandla StenbergNo. 1 New York Times bestseller"A classic in the making." The Times"Places a spotlight on Black Lives Matter." Stylist"Passionate and uncompromising." The Observer"A must-read." The Pool"Outstanding." The Guardian"Powerful." MetroRead the book that inspired the movie! Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she was born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend, Khalil, by a police officer. Now what Starr says could destroy her community. It could also get her killed. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this is a powerful and gripping novel about one girl's struggle for justice.
St Martin's Press Lost in the Never Woods
Something sinister waits within the trees . . . It's been five years since Wendy and her two brothers went missing in the woods, but when the town's children start to disappear, the questions surrounding her brothers' mysterious circumstances are brought back into the light. Attempting to flee her past, Wendy almost runs over an unconscious boy lying in the middle of the road . . . Peter, a boy she thought lived only in her stories, asks for Wendy's help to rescue the missing kids. But, in order to find them, Wendy must confront what's waiting for her in the woods.
Integrity Research Institiute Homopolar Handbook: A Definitive guide to Faraday Disk & N-Machine Technologies
Shambhala The Flower Ornament Scripture
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Dancing with Riches: In Step with the Energy of Change Using Access Consciousness® Tools
Imagine creating a reality that works for you and goes far beyond your imagination. Now you can see all that is possible by using the tools of Access Consciousness. Through Kass's experiences, you will learn about continual evolution and using the flow of energy, which includes both intuition and instinct, to create movement even when the waters around you are stagnant. The tools in this book are interchangeable and can be used in your daily life to alter your way of thinking. Learn how to transform negative into positive, how to take risks to avoid predictable or undesirable futures, and how to change your point of view to create the life you desire. Be in step with the energy of change and dance to the infectious rhythm of life.
The Crowood Press Ltd A Knitters Guide to Gloves
A Knitter’s Guide to Gloves introduces several construction techniques, alongside the possible materials and tools that are suitable for knitting the gloves you want. A chapter on design, guides you through adapting and customising your glove knitting. The book also traces the history of knitted gloves and is lavishly illustrated with examples from museum collections. With patterned gloves from Yorkshire and Scotland, alongside the stories of examples that have survived into the twenty-first century. Includes a step-by-step photo guide for those new to knitting gloves through the key points of glove construction and making your first pair. Five glove patterns are included which gives a choice of styles to knit, from a plain pair through to colour worked gloves of varied complexity.
Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd Ideology and Insanity: Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanisation of Man
Basic Books The Vision of the Anointed
Sowell presents a devastating critique of the mind-set behind the failed social policies of the past thirty years. Sowell sees what has happened during that time not as a series of isolated mistakes b
Basic Books Ethnic America: A History
This classic work by the distinguished economist traces the history of nine American ethnic groups,the Irish, Germans, Jews, Italians, Chinese, African-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans.
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur The Witches Sports Day
Winnie and Wilbur are taking part in the local witches'' sports day. After training hard in their garden, finally the big day arrives. There is a high jump contest, an egg-and-spoon race, and even a cats'' tree climb race - but the main event is the exciting broomstick obstacle race. Winnie and Wilbur are desperate to finally win it this year having lost out to Maryam and her cat Malak the last two years. But when the referee is about to read out the results, a gust of wind blows them away! Will the witches ever find out who won - or could they discover that perhaps it doesn''t matter who won when you''re having this much fun?Scan the QR code in the book to hear the story with music and sound effects! A spellbindingly sporty story that will have readers rooting for Winnie and Wilbur as they loop the loop and soar high in the sky. Korky Paul''s intricate and spellbinding artwork is full of fun, mischief, and mayhem! The best-selling Winnie and Wilbur series has been delighting readers b
Oxford University Press Winnie and Wilbur Meet Santa with audio CD
When Winnie and Wilbur write their letters to Santa they never imagine that they are actually going to meet him on Christmas Eve! After the crisis of Santa getting stuck in their chimney, Winnie and Wilbur join him on his sleigh in a desperate race against time to make sure children everywhere wake up to stockings filled with presents on Christmas morning. What a magical memorable night! It''s a fun and festive Winnie and Wilbur adventure! This edition comes with an accompanying CD for entertaining listening! Korky Paul''s intricate artwork is full of madcap humour and crazy details to pore over. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie the Witch and her big black cat, Wilbur. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 7 million books have been sold. Winnie and Wilbur will be hitting TV screens worldwide in
HarperCollins Publishers Tess of the D’Urbervilles (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is pround to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'My life looks as if it had been wasted for want of chances! When I see what you know, what you have read, and seen, and thought, I feel what a nothing I am!' Challenging the hypocrisy and social conventions of the rural Victorian world, Tess of the D'Urbervilles follows the story of Tess Durbeyfield as she attempts to escape the poverty of her background, seeking wealth by claiming connection with the aristocratic D'Urberville family. It is through Tess's relationships with two very different men that Hardy tells the story of his tragic heroine, and exposes the double standards of the world that she inhabits with searing pathos and heart-rending sentiment.
Springer International Publishing AG America’s First Eclipse Chasers: Stories of Science, Planet Vulcan, Quicksand, and the Railroad Boom
In 2017, over 200 million Americans witnessed the spectacular total eclipse of the Sun, and the 2024 eclipse is expected to draw even larger crowds. In anticipation of this upcoming event, this book takes us back in history over 150 years, telling the story of the nation’s first ever eclipse chasers.Our tale follows the chaotic journeys of scientists and amateur astronomers as they trekked across the western United States to view the rare phenomenon of a total solar eclipse. The fascinating story centers on the expeditions of the 1869 total eclipse, which took place during the turbulent age of the chimerical Planet Vulcan and Civil War Reconstruction. The protagonists—a motley crew featuring astronomical giants like Simon Newcomb and pioneering female astronomers like Maria Mitchell—were met with unanticipated dangers, mission-threatening accidents, and eccentric characters only the West could produce. Theirs is a story of astronomical proportions. Along the way, we will make several stops across the booming US railroad network, traveling from viewing sites as familiar as Des Moines, Iowa, to ones as distant and strange as newly acquired Alaska.From equipment failures and botched preparations to quicksand and apocalyptic ‘comets’, welcome to the wild, western world of solar eclipses.
Panzerwrecks Limited Bertha's Big Brother: Karl-Gerät
Chiltern Publishing Far From the Madding Crowd.
Scribe Publications Learning to Die
Is thirty too late to reconsider? Natalie can’t remember why her life is following Plan B. Dan’s vision of the universe has never extended to understanding his wife. But their marriage has some precious ember at its core, doesn’t it? Meanwhile, trader Mike is relieved to discover that it doesn’t matter if there’s a void where the weightiest substance of your character should be. Fearless mountaineer Brenda sweats and trembles in a crowded room. And James doesn’t know how to unfollow his dreams. Thrown off course by a shocking diagnosis, five friends confront the realities of money, meaning, marriage, and mortality, in this vivaciously intelligent novel about how to live and die.
Zymurgy Publishing The Little Book on How to be a Lady
Little, Brown Book Group Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Containing over 900 entries of general disease conditions and corresponding herbal treatments, this book covers: therapeutic action, 550 monographs of medicinal plants, and the properties of herbs and preparations such as inctures, liquid extracts, poultices and essential oils.
Tate Publishing Tate Photography: Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen
‘Before I ever thought of a project, I began photographing whatever struck me as beautiful, amazing, worth telling about … In all of my work, testimonies have been an important element of the projects.’ Born in Finland, Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen studied in London, founding the Amber Film & Photography Collective with her fellow students, and then moved to North East England in the 1960s. She has been based in Newcastle ever since, deeply rooted in the local community. Focusing on two of her photographic series – Byker (1969–83) and Writing in the Sand (1978–98) – this book captures a working class neighbourhood and reveals the devastating impact that the redevelopment of Newcastle’s East End had on the community, but also the moments of joy of the group outings to the beach. Konttinen’s love for this part of the world is at the heart of these moving but never sentimental pictures. Her photographs and Amber’s films were inscribed in the British section of the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 2011. The Tate Photography Series is a celebration of international photography in the Tate collection and an introduction to some of the greatest photographers at work today. With the direct involvement of living photographers in collaboration with photography curators, these books showcase the best and most notable images taken across the globe, from city streets to seashores, moving across landscapes and through subcultures, in a visual travelogue of our world. Each book contains a new conversation between curator and photographer and is prefaced with a short introduction. The theme for the first four titles is Community and Solidarity. Also available in this series are: Liz Johnson Artur (978-1-84976-801-6) Sabelo Mlangeni (978-1-84976-802-3) Sheba Chhachhi (978-1-84976-803-0)
Alma Books Ltd Jude the Obscure: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
"Jude Fawley, an intelligent and sensitive young Wessex schoolboy, dreams of studying at the famous university in Christminster, Hardy’s fictional representation of Oxford. He embarks on years of private study, but his plans are thrown into disarray when he is deceived into marriage and then deserted by the duplicitous Arabella Donn. Jude, still hoping to earn a place at the university, travels to Christminster to work as a stonemason. Here, he falls for his freethinking cousin Sue, but with the pair living together out of wedlock, the pressures of poverty and social disapproval soon threaten to ruin their lives. Full of passion, anger, fatalism and tragedy, Jude the Obscure attacks the inequalities and hypocrisies inherent within Victorian society’s attitudes towards marriage, social mobility, education and the role of women. The novel, which caused an immediate uproar on its publication, is now widely considered to be one of the great works of the nineteenth century, and the apotheosis of Hardy’s fiction."
Cornerstone The Railway Girls in Love
The brand new Railway Girls novel set in Manchester during WWII. Perfect for fans of Nancy Revell, Daisy Styles and Margaret Dickinson.___________________Readers LOVE the Railway Girls: 'Gripping and intriguing''Great story lines''Exceptional story . . . a must-read' 'Poignant''Emotional . . . strong women' ___________________Love is in the air, and together the railway girls can overcome even the hardest of times.Mabel has finally put the past behind her, and her relationship with the dashing Harry is stronger than ever. That is, until an old flame shows up, leaving Mabel questioning her future.Meanwhile Joan has made amends with Bob - if only she could do the same with Gran. And there's still that family mystery she wants answer to, isn't there?As a mother and grandmother, Dot Green has always put her family first. Her job as a parcels porter has brought new purpose to her life, so is it finally time to start following her heart . . .Life as a railway girl is busy but as war rages on and air raids disrupt daily life, the women realise they need each other more than ever, especially when there might be wedding bells on the horizon.
Choc Lit Publishing A Summer of Second Chances
Octopus Publishing Group Querkles: A Puzzling Colour-By-Numbers Book
From the creator of the 1000 Dot-to-Dot series comes Querkles: Icons, putting an exciting twist on the classic colour-by-number images that we loved as children. At first, you see nothing but a baffling tangle of circles, but hidden within each puzzle is a famous face waiting to be revealed!Featuring 20 portraits of icons as diverse as Amy Winehouse, Winston Churchill and Elvis, Querkles: Icons provides hours of creative colouring fun for artistic minds of all ages. Choose a dramatic colour scheme to make your Querkle truly unique, discover who's hidden within, and create a striking portrait that you can easily remove and display.
MX Publishing Sherlock Holmes as a Pipe Smoker
Soho Press The Land
Shambhala Publications Inc Zen Lessons: The Art of Leadership
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God is God and You are You: Finding Confidence for Sharing Our Faith
An uplifting, encouraging reminder that God works through his imperfect people. Evangelism is crucial, it is urgent, it is exciting, it is wonderful. There is nothing more thrilling than to see God at work in people’s lives and to see men, women, boys and girls discovering the incredible joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus. But it is also hard. Really hard. Often, sharing our faith with other people is the area of our Christian lives where we feel at our most useless. The Bible contains a wealth of theological truth that is a powerhouse of encouragement for evangelism, including the basic truths that God is God and you are you. God is who he has always been: infinite, eternal, unchangeable, all–powerful, at work in his world. You are you; you don’t need to become someone you are not. God has not called a select group of elite Christians to tell the world about Jesus; he has chosen his weak, insecure, ineloquent people. He has chosen you.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd German Reconnaissance and Support Vehicles 1939-1945: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives
The Wehrmacht used reconnaissance and support vehicles widely in the Second World War and this book sets out to show the full range of both categories using over 200 rare images and descriptive text and captions in true Images of War Series fashion. Both tracked and wheeled vehicles were employed for reconnaissance and screening. These included light tanks mainly comprising of the Pz.Kpfw.I, armoured cars such as the six and eight wheeler Sd.Kfz.231,232,233,234 and its variants, 263, the Sd.Kfz.221,222,223,234 and 247, motorcycles such as the famous BMW R75, the Zundapp KS750. In addition to their recce role they would, when possible, engage similar or light units. Support vehicles such as the tracked Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkrad, and the renowned Sd.Kfz.251 halftracks were used in the follow-up role, frequently with mounted grenadiers to mop up over-run enemy positions. The book fills a gap by outlining the full range of such equipment including the variety of armaments and power plants, and the crews that performed these missions.
Sage Publications Ltd Find Your Source
The key to building a strong academic argument is finding the best sources. Find Your Source shows you how to cut to the chase and uncover the right sources for your project. Hone your research skills and use your library effectively Focus your online search so you don’t get lost down a black hole Sniff out quality sources (and reject the unreliable ones). Super Quick Skills provides the essential building blocks you need to succeed at university - fast. Packed with practical, positive advice on core academic and life skills, you’ll discover focused tips and strategies to use straight away. Whether it’s writing great essays, understanding referencing or managing your wellbeing, find out how to build good habits and progress your skills throughout your studies. Learn core skills quickly Apply them right away and see results Succeed in your studies and in life Super Quick Skills gives you the foundations you need to confidently navigate the ups and downs of university life.
Amberley Publishing Edgware Through Time
The North London town of Edgware has a parish dating back to the Middle Ages and links further back to the ancient Watling Street. It gives its name to the Edgware Road and the former village served as the first/last stopping point to travellers riding out of and into London. With the arrival of the Underground extension in 1924, the traditional village was rapidly transformed into a suburban town. Today, still growing, Edgware is visibly steeped in history with reminders of the old-world village it once was and the suburban town it has grown into. In spite of the many changes that have occurred in Edgware, the town has retained its identity and much of its historical buildings. This fascinating selection of old and new images of Edgware will be essential reading for all those who know the town and the area.
Hodder & Stoughton The Revisionists
Mulholland Books presents... THE REVISIONISTSMy name is Zed. I protect the Events. This is my tenth day in Washington, 2011. Soon, the Great Conflagration will begin...A disgraced former spy. A grieving lawyer. A downtrodden illegal immigrant. And a time traveller whose job is to ensure that history happens as it's meant to - even when that means the end of the world. In this riveting, mind-bending thriller, a terrifying future starts today.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc European Cinema and Continental Philosophy: Film As Thought Experiment
This groundbreaking volume for the Thinking Cinema series focuses on the extent to which contemporary cinema contributes to political and philosophical thinking about the future of Europe's core Enlightenment values. In light of the challenges of globalization, multi-cultural communities and post-nation state democracy, the book interrogates the borders of ethics and politics and roots itself in debates about post-secular, post-Enlightenment philosophy. By defining a cinema that knows that it is no longer a competitor to Hollywood (i.e. the classic self-other construction), Elsaesser also thinks past the kind of self-exoticism or auto-ethnography that is the perpetual temptation of such a co-produced, multi-platform 'national cinema as world cinema'. Discussing key filmmakers and philosophers, like: Claire Denis and Jean-Luc Nancy; Aki Kaurismäki, abjection and Julia Kristeva; Michael Haneke, the paradoxes of Christianity and Slavoj Zizek; Fatih Akin, Alain Badiou and Jacques Rancière, Elsaesser is able to approach European cinema and assesses its key questions within a global context. His combination of political and philosophical thinking will surely ground the debate in film philosophy for years to come.
Kensington Publishing Dinner on Primrose Hill
Austin Macauley Publishers Michael the Mad Maggot
Oxford University Press Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 5: Is It an Insect?
Engaging fiction and non-fiction fully aligned to each week of Essential Letters and Sounds, allowing children to consolidate their phonic knowledge through reading in context. These fully decodable readers are 100% matched to the phonic progression of Essential Letters and Sounds. Essential Letters and Sounds is a systematic synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department for Education. These readers complement your existing decodable readers from Oxford University Press and can be used alongside them to support the teaching of Essential Letters and Sounds. Is It an Insect? allows children to apply their phonics learning from Year 1, Autumn 2, Week 5 of Essential Letters and Sounds.