Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Nova Science Publishers Inc New Cancer Research Developments
Nova Science Publishers Inc Clock Synchronization & Navigation in the Vicinity of the Earth
Nova Science Publishers Inc Psychology of Decision Making in Medicine & Health Care
Nova Science Publishers Inc Biological Cybernetics Research Trends
Nova Science Publishers Inc Focus on Exercise & Health Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Trends in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research
Lantern Books,US Manifesting God
New Falcon Publications,U.S. Aversion to Honor: A Tale of Sexual Harassment within the Federal Government
Nova Science Publishers Inc Visible Parts of Plants
Nova Science Publishers Inc Intelligence in Plants and Animals
Nova Science Publishers Inc Toward Precision Assessment and Psychotherapy: Understanding Individual Differences through Neurobiology, Genetics, and Epigenetics
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research: Volume 13
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Freak in the Basement
Capstone Global Library Ltd Could You Survive the New Stone Age
LWW Essentials of Foye39s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
Written in response to reader requests for a short, “to the point” text that clearly summarizes the most important chemical elements of therapeutically relevant drug classes, Essentials of Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry is a concise, quick-reference source of reliable information in the field. Derived from the highly regarded Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry , this focused text provides an essential understanding of drug action and demonstrates its practical application to today’s pharmacy practice. Highlights the “take home” chemical points of every chapter in the parent text, and uses an easy-to-read, bulleted format to convey essential concepts. Covers mechanism of action (MOA), structure-activity relationships (SAR), physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties, metabolism, and clinical applications in all chapters. Uses numerous figures and tables to illustrate
IBEX Publishers,U.S. In Wineseller's Street: Renderings of Hafez
Springer Publishing Co Inc Fast Facts for Writing the DNP Project: Effective Structure, Content, and Presentation
Ohio University Press America’s Romance with the English Garden
Named one of “the year’s best gardening books” by The Spectator (UK, Nov. 2014) The 1890s saw a revolution in advertising. Cheap paper, faster printing, rural mail delivery, railroad shipping, and chromolithography combined to pave the way for the first modern, mass-produced catalogs. The most prominent of these, reaching American households by the thousands, were seed and nursery catalogs with beautiful pictures of middle-class homes surrounded by sprawling lawns, exotic plants, and the latest garden accessories—in other words, the quintessential English-style garden. America’s Romance with the English Garden is the story of tastemakers and homemakers, of savvy businessmen and a growing American middle class eager to buy their products. It’s also the story of the beginnings of the modern garden industry, which seduced the masses with its images and fixed the English garden in the mind of the American consumer. Seed and nursery catalogs delivered aspirational images to front doorsteps from California to Maine, and the English garden became the look of America.
New York University Press Weathering Change: Gays and Lesbians, Christian Conservatives, and Everyday Hostilities
The Pacific Northwest is known for its diverse, unusual politics. There are thriving gay and lesbian communities and populations of staunchly conservative Christians. Both groups wield political power out of proportion to their numbers and yet both feel beleaguered. How do members of these groups—both community leaders and everyday citizens—perceive the political climates that surround them This book tells a tale of two Northwestern cities: Seattle, well known nationally for its liberalism, and Spokane, its conservative cousin to the east. Weathering Change characterizes the ways these liberal and conservative environments translate into hostility and hospitality for the Christian conservatives, gay men, and lesbians who live within them. Linneman gives us a firsthand account of how people from both groups think about social change in relation to the media, the public, the government, their communities, and their opposition. Indeed, we gain much needed insight into why Christian conservatives view the progress of the gay and lesbian movement as such a threat.
Stackpole Books Custer at Gettysburg
George Armstrong Custer is famous for his fatal defeat at the Little Bighorn in 1876, but Custer's baptism of fire came during the Civil War. After graduating last in the West Point class of 1861, Custer served from the First Battle of Bull Run (only a month after graduation) through Appomattox, where he witnessed the surrender. But Custer's true rise to prominence began at Gettysburg in 1863. On the eve of the Battle of Gettysburg, only twenty-three years old and barely two years removed from being the goat of his West Point class, Custer received promotion to brigadier general and command his first direct field command of the Michigan Cavalry Brigade, the Wolverines. Now that he held general rank, Custer felt comfortable wearing the distinctive, some said gaudy, uniform that helped skyrocket him into fame and legend. However flashy he may have been in style, Custer did not disappoint his superiors, who promoted him in a search for more aggressive cavalry officers. At approximately
RLPG Gettysburg
McFarland & Co Inc The Lambeth Cholera Outbreak of 1848-1849: The Setting, Causes, Course and Aftermath of an Epidemic in London
This work brings together a unique range of sources to reveal a forgotten episode in London's history. Situated opposite Westminster on the south bank of the River Thames, by 1848 Lambeth's waterfront had become London's industrial center and a magnet to migrant workers. The book exposes the suffering of the working population in the face of apathy and ineptitude, and convincingly challenges the long-standing belief that London's numerous cholera outbreaks beginning in 1832 were unrelated. The work combines recent scientific research with first-hand accounts to show for the first time that in the nineteenth century cholera was very probably endemic in the River Thames.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Murder and Mayhem: 52 Crimes that Shocked Early California 1849-1949
Relive some of the most notorious and long-forgotten historical crime stories of early California, from the Gold Rush to the mid-twentieth century. Told through shocking newspaper headlines of the time, these 52 stories include the exploits and dastardly deeds of infamous bandits, Joaquin Murrieta, Juan Flores, and Tiburcio Vasquez. Experience the poetic adventures of the most famous stagecoach robber, Black Bart, the murderous rampages of fiends, such as John Anschlag, Mose Gibson, Leon Soeder, Theodore Durrant, and the infamous Black Widow, Louise Peete. Also discussed are a treasure trove of unsolved murders including the notorious Black Dahlia slaying, the killing of mobster Bugsy Siegel, and the San Diego Slayer case. These true tales come to life with dozens of rare photographs. Sit back and relax as the darker side of the Golden State is explored.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java (Int'l Ed)
An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java takes a full-immersion approach to object-oriented programming. Proper object-oriented design practices are emphasized throughout the book. Students learn how to use the standard classes first, then learn to design their own classes. Wu uses a gentler approach to teaching students how to design their own classes, separating the coverage into two chapters. GUI coverage is also located independently in the back of the book and can be covered if desired. Wu also features a robust set of instructors' materials including PowerPoint slides, code samples, and quiz questions.
Stolpe Publishing Mawson: The Art and Craft of Garden Making
Oneworld Publications Superminds: How Hyperconnectivity is Changing the Way We Solve Problems
Is Apple conscious? Could a cyber–human system sense a potential terrorist attack? Or make diagnosing a rare and little-known disease routine? Computers are not replacing us: they are enhancing us. Different intelligences are joining together to do things we thought were impossible. Whether it’s devising innovations to tackle climate change, helping job seekers and employers find one another, or identifying the outbreak of a serious disease, groups of humans and machines are already working together to solve all sorts of problems. And they will do a lot more. The future will be like another world – a place where we’ll think differently. In many ways, we are already there.
North Star Editions Ultimate Supercars: Porsche 918 Spyder
This title introduces readers to the Porsche 918 Spyder, covering its history, unique features, and defining characteristics. This title features informative sidebars, detailed infographics, vivid photos, and a glossary.
Bellwether Media McLaren 720S
Red Wheel/Weiser Financial Statements: A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports (Over 200,000 Copies Sold!)
American Bar Association World War II Law and Lawyers: Issues, Cases, and Characters
The Second World War saw the rise not only of new technologies, new freedoms, new terrors, and a new world order, but of new legal issues. This book takes a global perspective in looking at the legal situations in seven major countries affected by the war. Fifty legal issues are identified from the war, ranging from subverting the judiciary and creating a divine military to economic and social issues to genocide and nuclear weapons. And more than 300 lawyers and judges, from more than 20 countries around the world, are brought to life. Whether you want to read this book to gain a global perspective to WWII legal issues or gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal issues involved this book has something for everyone, lawyer, history buff, or general reader.
Ten Speed Press Amaro: The Spirited World of Bittersweet, Herbal Liqueurs, with Cocktails, Recipes, and Formulas
John Wiley & Sons Inc International Financial Statement Analysis
Better analysis for more accurate international financial valuation International Financial Statement Analysis, 4th Edition provides the most up-to-date detail for the successful assessment of company performance and financial position regardless of country of origin. The seasoned experts at the CFA Institute offer readers a rich, clear reference, covering all aspects from financial reporting mechanics and standards to understanding income and balance sheets. Comprehensive guidance toward effective analysis techniques helps readers make real-world use of the knowledge presented, with this new third edition containing the most current standards and methods for the post-crisis world. Coverage includes the complete statement analysis process, plus information on income tax accounting, employee compensation, and the impact of foreign exchange rates on the statements of multinational corporations.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Great Britain's Royal Tombs: A Guide to the Lives and Burial Places of British Monarchs
An essential and concise reference guide to the final resting places of the monarchs of England. Through 234 illustrations and photos, learn the true-life stories of the monarchs of England from the warrior kings of the Dark Ages to modern day and where they are buried today. Visit some of the famous cathedrals and lesser-known burial sites throughout Great Britain. Learn about some of the most dramatic episodes in the history of Great Britain. Whether it's William the Conqueror's slaying of Harold Godwinson, Henry VIII's readiness to behead his unfortunate wives, or Elizabeth I's chastity, these monarchs hold both legendary and symbolic positions in the public imagination. In a spectacular celebration of the British monarchy, discover momentous content detailing the lives and final resting places of each ruler. Also presented are their achievements and failings, as well as their impact on the wider world. A magnificent visual feast, this book guarantees to bring history alive for readers of all ages, through exciting narrative, illustrations, paintings, and rare photographs.
British Museum Press The Tale of King Harald: The Last Viking Adventure
An illustrated adventure telling the story of King Harald Sigurdsson, the last king of the Vikings Based on a true story, Harald’s adventure takes him from a frightened teenager to wealthy and powerful warrior and finally, to a ruthless and tyrannical king, whose ambition leads him to a futile, yet glorious death at the battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066. In this exciting and action-packed story, Harald journeys across the world from Scandinavia to Russia, Byzantium, Sicily, Turkey, Palestine and finally England. Travelling overland and by sea he gathers wealth, recongition and power, and along the way meets a range of famous and flamboyant historical figures including Cnut the Great, Prince Jaroslav of Kiev, the Empress Zoe and King Harold of England.
Dover Publications Inc. Utopia
Dover Publications Inc. A History of Greek Mathematics: from Thales to Euclid V.1
Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed Last Call
Random House USA Inc Shakti Mantras: Tapping into the Great Goddess Energy Within
Sternberg Press Against the Anthropocene – Visual Culture and Environment Today
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting education. All articles emphasize teaching, learning and curriculum development, and discuss vital matters pertaining to the improvement of accounting programs at colleges and universities. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate. This 27th volume features 11 peer-reviewed papers surrounding three themes: (1) applied professional research and skills building; (2) generative artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics in the accounting curriculum; and (3) innovative practices in cost accounting and other areas. Faculty with an interest in accounting education as well as accounting program administrators should find all three themes to be highly informative and interesting. Some practitioners and regulators in the accounting profession may also find useful policy-related nuggets in Volume 27.
Manning Publications React in Action
React is a highly-performant tool that implements a one-way data flow model. Reasoning about an interface or application written with React ends up being much easier because it decreases overall complexity for developers working with it. React in Action introduces front-end developers to the React framework and related tools. Readers will work their way from “raw” React towards JSX, and from basic static components to ones that are dynamic and interactive. Key Features: · Clearly written · Example-rich · Hands-on Written for developers familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript who want to create more robust front-end applications. About the Technology: React is an open source JavaScript framework that lets developers quickly create user interfaces for web applications.
Quirk Books This Saint Will Change Your Life: 300 Heavenly Allies for Architects, Athletes, Bloggers, Brides, Librarians, Murderers, Whales, Widows, and You
Great news! Whoever you are, whatever you do, there is a patron saint who wants to help you - specifically you - with your life. There is a patron saint of booksellers. There is a patron saint of traveling salesmen. There are patron saints: for vegetarians, cab drivers, and cancer patients; for astronauts, horseback riders, and dysfunctional families; for men who are physically unattractive; and, for families stressed by houseguests. These saints are ready to help, and their services are absolutely free! "This Saint Will Change Your Life!" describes the real-life histories of more than 300 saints and explains how they have become associated with certain people, places, and professions. Also included are 300 gorgeous full-color holy cards that depict these heavenly allies in all their glory. First published in 2007, this revised edition includes a fresh new design and a sprinkling of new saints - like St. Francis De Sales, patron saint of bloggers.
AuthorHouse Because I Cried Out
Austin Macauley Publishers Memoir
Amberley Publishing 50 Gems of Jersey: The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places
The largest of the Channel Islands, Jersey is a self-governing dependency of the British Crown. It has retained its special identity through the centuries with many historic buildings, both in the capital St Helier and spread through the rest of the island, and rural and agricultural areas alongside more modern developments. The coastline to the south of the island boasts sandy bays while to the north the coast is distinguished by large cliffs. 50 Gems of Jersey explores the many places and their history that make this unique island so special, including natural features, towns and villages, buildings and places of historical interest. Alongside justly famous attractions, others will be relatively unknown but all have an interesting story to tell.
InterVarsity Press Discover Joy in Work – Transforming Your Occupation into Your Vocation
Hal Leonard Corporation Fats Waller Great Solos 1929-41
Penguin Young Readers Kings of B'more
With junior year starting in the fall, Harrison feels like he’s on the precipice of, well, everything. Standardized testing, college, and the terrifying unknowns and looming pressures of adulthood after that—it’s like the future wants to eat him alive. Which is why Harrison is grateful that he and his best friend, Linus, will face these things together. But at the end of a shift at their summer job, Linus invites Harrison to their special spot overlooking the city to deliver devastating news: He’s moving out of state at the end of the week. To keep from completely losing it—and partially inspired by a cheesy movie-night pick by his dad—Harrison plans a send-off à la Ferris Bueller’s Day Off that's worthy of his favourite person. If they won’t be having all the life-expanding experiences they thought they would, Harrison will squeeze them all into their last day together. They end up on a mini road trip, their first Pride, and a rooftop dance party, all while keeping their respective parents, who track them on a family location app, off their trail. Harrison and Linus make a pact to do all the things—big and small—they’ve been too scared to do. But nothing feels scarier than saying goodbye to someone you love.