Search results for ""author manus"
Oxford University Press New Oxford Style Manual
The New Oxford Style Manual brings together the new editions of two essential reference works in a single volume. Combining New Hart's Rules with the New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors, this is the definitive guide to the written word. New Hart's Rules, Oxford's definite guide to style, gives authoritative and expert advice on how to prepare copy for publication in print and electronically. Topics covered include how to punctuate and hyphenate accurately, capitalization guidelines, structuring text coherently, how to use quotations and citations clearly, how to provide accurate references, UK and US usage, and much more. Recent developments in the publishing industry, such as scientific publishing conventions have been included in the up-to-date second edition. These guidelines are complemented by the New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors which features 25,000 A to Z entries giving authoritative advice on those words and names which raise questions time and time again because of spelling, capitalization, hyphenation, or cultural and historical context. Entries give full coverage of recommended spellings, variant forms, confusable words, hyphenation, capitalization, foreign and specialist terms, proper names, and abbreviations. The New Oxford Style Manual also includes superb appendices for quick reference including proofreading marks, countries and currencies, and alphabets. Combining these two updated works and drawing on the unrivalled research and expertise of the Oxford Reference and Dictionaries departments, this volume is an essential part of every editor's and writer's toolkit.
Pearson Education Manual Drivetrains and Axles
EOS (Instituto de Orientación Psicológica Asociados) Manual internacional de superdotación
El presente manual cubre un vacio existente hasta elmomento Ofrece una visión de conjunto de todos los aspectos de la sobredotación intelectual y el talento. Reune a 43 distinguidos autores de 13 de los paises más avanzados en esta materia.
Cano Pina S.L. Manual de soldadura MIGMAG
Andavira Editora Quiromasaje antiestrés manual práctico
El arte o disciplina del masaje es practicado desde tiempos inmemoriales, y sigue conservando aun hoy en día aquel sentido profundo y holístico entre el que lo recibe y el que lo da. La experiencia del contacto, del movimiento y de la energía curativa transmitida a través de las manos son cualidades que asocian el masaje a las personas y al bienestar.
Almuzara Manual Básico de Criptología
Vivelibro (sello de Zasbook S.L.) La misin de Manuel
Editorial La Serranía, S.L. Manual del buen montañero
John Wiley & Sons Inc Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders
Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders, Third Edition, provides comprehensive, evidence-based information on temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Focusing on clinically relevant information throughout, the book allows dentists to diagnose TMD accurately, rule out disorders that mimic TMD, and provide effective therapy for most patients. Useful features, such as frequently asked questions, quick consults, technical tips, and focal points are integrated to help the clinician find precise answers with ease. Case scenarios provide the reader with a way to enhance their clinical reasoning skills, with a focus on solving TMD problems at chairside. Offering comprehensive coverage in a highly-illustrated, compact package, Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders is the ideal source for dentists dealing patients suffering from TMD.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Solutions Manual for Econometrics
This Fourth Edition updates the "Solutions Manual for Econometrics" to match the Sixth Edition of the Econometrics textbook. It adds problems and solutions using latest software versions of Stata and EViews. Special features include empirical examples replicated using EViews, Stata as well as SAS. The book offers rigorous proofs and treatment of difficult econometrics concepts in a simple and clear way, and provides the reader with both applied and theoretical econometrics problems along with their solutions. These should prove useful to students and instructors using this book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Robots and Manufacturing Automation
Surveys the wide spectrum of automated systems available to improve manufacturing productivity including robots, numerical control machines, programmable controllers, computer controllers and microprocessor-based automated systems. Completely updated, it features industry case studies, revised and expanded problem sections and new material on product design, CAD, Karnaugh Maps and CIM.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Soil Mechanics Lab Manual
Soil Mechanics Lab Manual prepares readers to enter the field with a collection of the most common soil mechanics tests. The procedures for all of these tests are written in accordance with applicable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. Video demonstrations for each experiment available on the website prepare readers before going into the lab, so they know what to expect and will be able to complete the tests with more confidence and efficiency. Laboratory exercises and data sheets for each test are included in the Soil Mechanics Lab Manual.
Springer International Publishing AG PV Technology and Manufacturing
This book discusses the manufacturing processes of photovoltaic solar cells, from conventional silicon cells, to thin-film technologies and ending with the cutting-edge technologies of third-generation photovoltaics.
MG - Human Kinetics Senior Fitness Test Manual
Legare Street Press The Manual of Bussiness
Creaciones Copyright Manual de oleohidráulica
La gran experiencia del autor de esta obra le permite presentar las aplicaciones de la oleohidráulica de una forma especialmente original y didáctica, a la par que muy actualizada.Se trata de un libro muy visual, que contiene numerosos ejemplos de aplicación, estructurado en dos módulos y varios anexos. El primero no presupone conocimientos previos y comienza explicando qué es un circuito hidráulico hasta llegar a explicar todos los componentes de una plataforma hidráulica, explicando también los principios y teoremas necesarios para la comprensión de los diversos temas. El segundo módulo profundiza en el estudio de las válvulas, de los motores hidráulicos, de las bombas de cilindrada variable, etc., hasta llegar al estudio de los componentes de un grupo hidráulico.
Edicions Bellaterra Manual de antropología forense
Prefacio, 19Agradecimientos, 21Autores, 231. Introducción a la Antropología forenseIntroducción: El problema de los no identificados, 25Quiénes son los desaparecidos, no identificados, ausentes?, 25Por qué es tan difícil la identificación?, 26La disciplina de la Antropología forense, 26Historia de la Antropología forense, 27Requisitos educacionales, 31En qué se diferencia el trabajo del antropólogo de un anatomopatólogo o médico forense?, 31Objetivos de la investigación antropológica, 32Cuestiones básicas de la identificación personal, 32Cuestiones en torno a las circunstancias de la muerte, 32Causa y forma de muerte, 33Estadios de una investigación, 342. Osteología, la biología del huesoIntroducción, 35Por qué estudiar la osteología humana?, 35Cuáles son sus aplicaciones prácticas?, 35Estructura y función del sistema esquelético, 36Tejidos: comunidades de células con un objetivo común, 36Tejido conjun
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Liturgia manual de iniciación
Este libro ofrece una aproximación básica al misterio del culto. Al hilo de las aportaciones del concilio Vaticano II y del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, considera la liturgia como celebración del misterio de Cristo para la vida de la Iglesia.
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Manual de anatoma humana
Almuzara Manual Para Detectar Infidelidades
Tirant Humanidades Manual de geopolítica crítica
Manual de Geopolítica Crítica es un Libro para La gente. Brinda acceso libre al conocimiento de asuntos hasta hoy mismo reservados, de manera exclusiva, a estadistas, militares y diplomáticos. Lejos de tal elitismo, este manual se propone atajar La ignorancia y la falta de criterio donde los poderosos sepultan intencionadamente a La ciudadanía para que padezca indefensa los efectos de guerras, adversidades y golpes de Estado por ellos inducidos. EL autor, Rafael Fraguas De Pablo, sociólogo, docente y periodista, ha vivido sobre el terreno avatares internacionales que han signado con sangre y dolor nuestro atribulado mundo. Para eludirlos, desde la experiencia, La racionalidad y la crítica de muchas concepcio-nes aún vigentes, el manual ofrece claves geoestratégicas con Las cuales descifrar, despejar y denunciar el alarmante futuro que aquellos preparan. Las lecciones aquí incluidas han sido impartidas en un curso anual dirigido por el autor en la Fundación Primero de Mayo de Madrid.
Guilford Publications Patient's Manual for CBASP
Designed for distribution to patients, this concise guide provides basic information about chronic depression and a clear introduction to CBASP (Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy). Several case examples are included to help the patient understand what the CBASP techniques are, how they work, and what to expect from treatment in terms of outcome goals. Written in a hopeful, empathic tone, the manual provides needed support to chronically depressed individuals as they begin the challenging work of CBASP psychotherapy.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Stencil Graffiti Manual
Stencils are a technique with unlimited aesthetic adaptability and possibility—from ancient cave painting to contemporary graffiti. Beyond their unique stylistic expression, stencils offer practical benefits, including precision, unlimited duplication of a message or pattern, and speed. In this info-packed manual, artist C215 shares not only his expertise with stencils, but the stories and works of 16 leading stencil graffiti and street artists around the world, showing how far it goes creatively beyond mere reproduction. Learn about materials and tools, bridges and frames, creating stencils with Photoshop and Illustrator, techniques for painting, and the specifics of text-based work, patterns, and abstract work. Hundreds of photos, detailed how-tos, and interviews with artists in the US, England, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, and Colombia show a wide range of styles, techniques, and contexts. Three ready-to-use stencils are included.
Manual de iniciación al senderismo
El concepto de senderismo cubre prácticas y usos muy amplios y distintos, desde una sencilla marcha a pie al aire libre, hasta un recorrido deportivo por terrenos técnicos y exigentes. El primer desafío es encontrar el estilo donde cada uno se sienta mejor y más relajado para disfrutar de todas las posibilidades estéticas de la naturaleza, sin prisa, caminando tranquilamente hasta la cumbre de uno mismo. Este nuevo -Manual de iniciación al senderismo- es una recopilación de consejos, recomendaciones y puntos de vista del autor, basados en su experiencia personal y criterios actuales sobre el senderismo moderno, para facilitar el acercamiento de todos los que deseen introducirse en el apasionante mundo de los senderos, en solitario, con amigos o en familia. Y tal vez, también puede ser un punto de partida para futuros montañeros y alpinistas que quieran alcanzar después grandes cumbres. PERFIL DEL SENDERISTA ? Inspiración y actitud ? Preparación física ? La mente es el motor de las pier
Tursen S.A. - H. Blume Manual de fotografía digital SLR
Satori Ediciones Koi manual bsico de japons
El mejor manual para aprender japonés de forma rápida y divertida. Un método de aprendizaje autodidacta y eficaz, diseñado específicamente para hispanohablantes.KOI es un método de aprendizaje de japonés diseñado específicamente para hispanohablantes por la profesora Yoko Nakazawa. Desarrollado a lo largo de más de 30 años de experiencia profesional, KOI ofrece una aproximación autodidacta y eficaz al idioma de una manera práctica, rápida y divertida, poniendo especial énfasis en las necesidades concretas de los hispanohablantes y en las soluciones a las posibles dificultades que puedan surgir durante el proceso de aprendizaje.Este manual va dirigido a todos aquellos que quieran aprender japonés, tengan o no nociones previas de la lengua. Desde conceptos básicos como los sistemas de escritura y la pronunciación hasta cuestiones de gramática estructuradas especialmente para que el hispanohablante pueda sacar el máximo partido de este método, KOI está considerado como el mejor ma
Ediciones Luna, S.L. Manual de interpretación y traducción
Los Libros de la Catarata Manual para una economía sostenible
Ocano mbar, S.A. Manual de la novia infernal
Editorial Edaf, S.L. Reiki manual de terapeuta profesional
Reiki fue concebido originalmente como un método terapéutico para uso en clínicas especializadas en Japón. Este Manual Oficial "vuelve a sus raíces", y expone la técnica de la manera que fue concebida, como una práctica curativa que actúa sobre la energía vital del cuerpo. La práctica de Reiki hoy en día está difundida por todo el mundo, y cuenta con una gran aceptación en el contexto hospitalario y sanitario en general. El Instituto Nacional de Salud británico tiene terapeutas de Reiki en nómina en varios hospitales. La mayoría de los seguros suizos reembolsan un tratamiento de Reiki a sus asegurados. Casi todos los hospitales de los EE.UU. ofrecen Reiki tanto como parte integrada en sus tratamientos como un servicio externo. En España, la Fundación Sauce ha formado a más de dos mil profesionales de personal sanitario y aplica Reiki en varios hospitales de forma oficial. En resumen, su uso terapéutico para favorecer el bienestar y acelerar el proceso curativo es algo aceptado por la c
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Manual del dueño del perro
En un estilo claro y accesible, el autor detalla todos los aspectos del carácter y las necesidades del perro y explica cómo mantenerlo sano y feliz. Una sección ilustrada sobre las razas caninas le ayuda a escoger la más adecuada. El libro también contiene información esencial sobre la cría, el cuidado y el adiestramiento, desde educar a un cachorro en casa hasta cuidar de un perro viejo.
Almuzara Manual de Escritura Para Persuadir
Manual de la vida salvaje
Manual de la vida salvaje cuenta la historia en primera persona de Kevin Bédard, presidente y director ejecutivo de Huldu Technologies Inc., y nos cuenta en detalle su experiencia desde sus inicios como estudiante de informática hasta la creación de una aplicación que le hará rico como Steve Jobs. Entre instrucciones, lecciones de negocios y fría narración de hechos, Manual de la vida salvaje destila veneno. Una novela sarcástica e irónica sobre el éxito y cómo conseguirlo con toques de humor negro y ciencia ficción.
DOM Publishers Pharmacies Construction And Design Manual
Modern designs for pharmacy buildings are more efficient, commercial and brightly lit than before. This book presents a variety of projects, illustrated with over 300 photos and plans. It features experts' thoughts on such topics as interior architecture, building expenses and the basics of planning laws as applied to these buildings.
Skyhorse Publishing The Complete SAS Survival Manual
Andrews McMeel Publishing The Escape Manual for Introverts
Feeling cornered at a wedding reception by gossipy guests? Stuck at a holiday party that lasts forever? This beautifully illustrated book is the ultimate funny, sometimes absurd guide to escaping those painfully awkward situations. Trapped in an airplane seated next to a chatterbox? Are you hosting a dinner party with people who just won't leave? Katie Vaz has the key to your escape. The Escape Manual for Introverts guides readers through different scenarios with themed chapters ('Friends,' 'Relatives,' 'Strangers,' etc.). Each chapter covers a range of situations, from an invitation to karaoke night to group lunchtime. And she offers a number of escapes for each scenario: bringing odoriferous foods to lunch for a while, having a pet (real or imagined) that 'requires' frequent check-ins, and even investing in a jet pack. This book features Vaz's full-page illustrated spreads, hand-lettering, and spot illustrations. From
McGraw-Hill Companies Lab Manual for Human Biology
LifeWay Christian Resources Pastor's Wedding Manual, Updated Edition
Alfred USA Ornamentation A Question Answer Manual
Thomas Nelson Publishers Nelson's Minister's Manual, KJV Edition
The minister's life is punctuated by unscheduled emergencies in the lives of church members or other acquaintances. Here is a resource to help deal with those occurrences seamlessly. Nelson's Minister's Manual offers fresh and creative resources to help busy pastors with ministry events each day brings. Includes: Communion services Baptism Messages Funeral Sermons Traditional Funeral Verses From The Bible Funeral Registration Form Graveside Service Wedding Sermons Traditional Bible Verses for Marriage Wedding Registration Form Issues to Address in Premarital Counseling Hospital Form Issues to Address in Premarital Counseling Hospital Visitation Checklist Bible Verses to share With The Sick or Dying Much More An excellent gift for new pastors and seminary students.
Rowman & Littlefield Roadside Road Bike Maintenance Manual
Provides road bike enthusiasts with step-by-step guidance to maintaining and repairing their bikes, combining an easy-to-use format and design with high quality photographs of the latest equipment, tools and techniques. Understanding how to maintain a road bike is a necessary skill. This book guides the reader through every repair possible and give tips on how to spot the early warning signs of trouble so that the problem can be fixed before it leads to costly relacements. The spiral bound design allows the book open flat so the reader can easily follow the fully illustrated step-by-step guidance. It is the perfect reference manual for the workshop or the backpack with lots of tips on how to conduct quick repairs for trouble out on the road.
Random House USA Inc Teen Titans Go! Training Manual
John Wiley & Sons Inc Manual of Sexually Transmitted Infections
There has been an upward trend in reported cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the UK. Health Practitioners at all levels need to have an awareness and understanding of STIs and the various issues that surround them. This manual offers a good grounding and insight into many aspects and areas associated with STIs. Using reliable references and the available evidence, the manual itemises changes and improvements that could be made in health care settings in order to help reduce the incidence of STIs and to treat various infections as efficiently as possible. Sexual health must be underpinned by an holistic philosophy, positively endorsing human sexuality and accepting sexual activity as normal and life-enhancing. The manual uses an integrated approach to the contributing factors surrounding STIs and considers the range of influencing dynamics at play. Amongst the various factors discussed, the ethics and legalities of STI-related issues are addressed fully, which will leave the reader confident about where they stand on matters related to patient's with STIs. The Manual of Sexually Transmitted Infections is an excellent and reliable reference tool for all health care professionals, working in the primary, secondary, intermediate and tertiary sectors of health care, the independent sector, and the National Health Service.
Little, Brown Book Group The New Puppy Owner's Manual.
This easy-to-use guide is a complete course in raising a puppy into a happy, well-adjusted and obedient adult dog that is a pleasure to live with.In a comprehensive and accessible format, it provides a simple plan to follow, with helpful troubleshooting sections for owners looking for a solution to problems they are already experiencing!It is suitable for both new and existing puppy owners, who are looking for help and advice on puppy training and behaviour. It explains what to expect, what is normal, what isn A|t, and what to do about it!Contents: Introduction; Part 1 - The Basics 1. Bringing your new puppy home; 2. Housetraining; 3. Barking, whining and attention seeking; 4. Biting, chewing and jumping; 5. Pack hierarchy; Part 2 - Training 6. Walking on a lead; 7. Sit, down and stand; 8. Recall; 9. Leave and stay; 10. Playtime and tricks; Index.
Fonthill Media Ltd British Aircraft Manufacturers Since 1909
British Aircraft Manufacturers since 1909 traces one hundred years of the British aviation industry, its history, origins, mergers and takeovers. It details the evolution of the British aviation industry and is an epitaph to household famous names such as Armstrong-Whitworth, de Havilland, Chadwick, Claude-Graham White, Sopwith, A. V. Roe, Mitchell, Hawker, Handley Page, Petter and Fairey to name but a few. Of more recent times, the likes of Sidney Camm, Hooker and Hooper, all of whom, made VTOL more than just a dream, are also covered in astonishing and exhausting detail. Of the major firms, most at some time or other have been absorbed, merged or reorganised to form a single conglomerate, BAe Systems and Rolls-Royce are chronicled from the outset to the mighty companies they are today. Only PBN-Britten Norman - who on several occasions escaped extinction due to financial difficulties - and Westland, now part of AgustaWestland, and Short Bros of Northern Ireland remain independent, although even the latter, are part of Canadian, Bombardier Co. British Aircraft Manufacturers since 1909 tells the complete and enthralling story of how Britain ruled the world in terms of manufacturing and aircraft design from nimble but fragile biplanes and majestic airliners that united the world to the advanced bombers and fighters of today.
O'Reilly Media NOOK HD The Missing Manual
You can do many things with NOOK HD right out of the box, but if you really want to get the most from your HD or HD+ tablet, start with this book. With clear instructions, full-color illustrations, and savvy advice from technology expert Preston Gralla, you'll learn how to use email and the Web, watch movies and shows, play games, listen to music, and enjoy your personal ebook library. The important stuff you need to know: Relax with a book. Load your NOOK library with ebooks, comics, and interactive books for kids. Play with apps. Enjoy the games and apps everyone's talking about. Go online. Browse the Web and check your email with built-in WiFi. Be social. Share books and recommendations with your NOOK Friends, and Facebook and Twitter contacts. Take in a show. Watch movies and TV series, and listen to your favorite music anywhere. Read all about it. Subscribe to a variety of magazines and newspapers.