Search results for ""Vandenhoeck Ruprecht GMBH""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Between Text and Text: The Hermeneutics of Intertextuality in Ancient Cultures and Their Afterlife in Medieval and Modern Times
This volume presents the proceedings of an international and interdisciplinary symposium on the intertextuality of ancient literature and its medieval and modern receptions. It engages with the topic of intertextuality in four regards:1. What constitutes a Text and what constitutes an Intertext: text texture - textuality in archaeology, iconography and literature? 2. Forms of Intertextuality: including the aspect of oral and written text. 3. Tradition and Transmission of Texts and Intertexts: examples of intertextuality. 4. Intertextuality and Canon: aspects of the specificity of intertextuality in canonical contexts.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Be Renewed: A Theology of Personal Renewal
Personal renewal or sanctification belongs to the heart of the Christian life and is becoming more important in our present-day culture. Listening to Scripture and in conversation with a variety of theologians from the protestant tradition, Willem van Vlastuin presents an up-to-date concept for a theology of personal renewal. In this concept the spiritual union with Christ considers the way in which renewal obtains form in relation to God, our neighbour, ourselves and the world. The author places this concept into a historical perspective. Furthermore an important issue concerns the measure of renewal, especially in relation to the sinful heart of the believer.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG John Edwards (16371716) on Human Free Choice and Divine Necessity: The Debate on the Relation between Divine Necessity and Human Freedom in Late Seventeenth-Century and Early Eighteenth-Century England
Filling the historiographical gap, Yoo raises a fundamental question concerning the criticism of the Reformed doctrine of free choice in relationship to divine necessity as determinism. Unlike the deterministic interpretation of traditional Reformed thought on free choice, the substantive and careful study of John Edwards writings on free choice in the intellectual context of the seventeenth and the eighteenth century shows that in Edwards view, human beings retain the natural freedom from compulsion and freedom of contrary choice even after the Fall, and divine necessity such as decree, predestination, and foreknowledge does not exclude human free choice at all.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Laws of Heaven - Laws of Nature / Himmelsgesetze - Naturgesetze: Legal Interpretations of Cosmic Phenomena in the Ancient World / Rechtsförmige ... Et Orientalis
Text in English & German. Das wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Gedächtnis des Abendlandes erkennt die Urspr|nge der Idee von Naturgesetzen' bei den Vorsokratikern, Platon und der Stoa. Die rechtsförmige Interpretation kosmischer Phänomene reicht jedoch in den Alten Orient zur|ck und hat auch Eingang in die alttestamentliche Literatur gefunden. Der vorliegende Band erschlieát und analysiert die entsprechenden Texte und formuliert so einen neuen Zugang zur Vorstellung von Naturgesetzen' in der Antike.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Betsaida/Bethsaida Julias (et-Tell): The First Twenty-Five Years of Excavation (19872011) with Postscripts until 2013
Heinz-Wolfgang Kuhn informs about the excavations on et-Tell at the northern end of the Sea of Galilee, directed by the Israeli archaeologist Rami Arav, professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Prof. Richard Freund of the University of Hartford as Project Director. It is now possible to identify the hill with Bethsaida/Julias, which is mentioned, among other texts, in the New Testament gospels (seven times), by the Jewish historian Josephus and in Rabbinical literature. This volume has a twofold purpose: On the one hand, the 15 collected essays in English and German, complemented by the Munich excavation plans, enable the reader to follow the course of the excavations from the very beginning in 1987. The emphasis of the collected essays (beginning with an article published in 1989) lies on the levels of the Hellenistic-Early Roman period, giving a continuous description of the excavations, as they developed over such a long time. On the other hand, one finds here the current data of the excavations, with many important details concerning the Hellenistic-Early Roman period, with the author focussing especially on the first half of the first century CE, the time of Jesus activity at Bethsaida, as can be shown through historical-critical research. In particular, an overview is given of all the coins of the Herods (from Herod the Great to Agrippa II, including five coins of Philip, the ruler at the time of Jesus), of finds of columns, figurines and decorated stones, and there are lists of the so-called Herodian oil lamps and the typical Jewish stone vessels from the Early Roman period. The question of a small pagan Hellenistic-Early Roman temple is discussed, illustrated with many pictures. The excavation plans of the whole area and including all excavated levels from Iron Age IIA on (with an exact grid), extending over 25 years, are unique since they can never be redrawn, due to the normal destruction of nature and ongoing excavations. Heinz-Wolfgang Kuhn informs about the excavations on et-Tell at the northern end of the Sea of Galilee, directed by the Israeli archaeologist Rami Arav, professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Prof. Richard Freund of the University of Hartford as Project Director. It is now possible to identify the hill with Bethsaida/Julias, which is mentioned, among other texts, in the New Testament gospels (seven times), by the Jewish historian Josephus and in Rabbinical literature. This volume has a twofold purpose: On the one hand, the 15 collected essays in English and German, complemented by the Munich excavation plans, enable the reader to follow the course of the excavations from the very beginning in 1987. The emphasis of the collected essays (beginning with an article published in 1989) lies on the levels of the Hellenistic-Early Roman period, giving a continuous description of the excavations, as they developed over such a long time. On the other hand, one finds here the current data of the excavations, with many important details concerning the Hellenistic-Early Roman period, with the author focussing especially on the first half of the first century CE, the time of Jesus activity at Bethsaida, as can be shown through historical-critical research. In particular, an overview is given of all the coins of the Herods (from Herod the Great to Agrippa II, including five coins of Philip, the ruler at the time of Jesus), of finds of columns, figurines and decorated stones, and there are lists of the so-called Herodian oil lamps and the typical Jewish stone vessels from the Early Roman period. The question of a small pagan Hellenistic-Early Roman temple is discussed, illustrated with many colored pictures. The excavation plans of the whole area and including all excavated levels from Iron Age IIA on (with an exact grid), extending over 25 years, are unique since they can never be redrawn, due to the normal destruction of nature and ongoing excavations.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Cliff Shelters and Hiding Complexes in the Galilee During the Early Roman Period: The Speleological and Archaeological Evidence
This book is the result of years of intensive study conducted by Yinon Shivtiel throughout Galilee combining historical, archaeological, and speleological research. The author documents and describes all the Galilean sites so far discovered containing the traces of underground cavities hewn out and readied by Jews as refuges and hiding places during the Early Roman period. The study relies on accounts in two of Flavius Josephus' works, The Jewish War and The Life of Josephus, where Josephus records that the Jewish population in Galilee prepared two types of underground chambers for use in times of adversity, defined in the research as "cliff shelters" and "hiding complexes". During the author's comprehensive fieldwork, which is thoroughly documented and described in the book, it became clear that the first method exploited natural caves whose openings were located at the top of steep cliffs, most of which could only be reached by rock climbing or rappelling with the aid of ropes. The many finds from these shelters shed light on their extensive use during the Early Roman period. Where no naturally fortified cliffs existed, the Jews of Galilee resorted to quarrying out underground hiding complexes. The book details the evidence and finds from the different forms of hiding complexes discovered beneath the remains of many of the Jewish settlements in Galilee chronicled by Flavius Josephus. Research into these complexes has revealed their resemblance to similar hiding systems discovered in the Judean plain. The book is copiously illustrated with plans, figures and photographs of both types of underground chambers and it discusses their connection with the desperate times faced by the Jews in Galilee throughout the entire Early Roman period, particularly during the Great Revolt.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Meaning of the Letter of Aristeas: In light of biblical interpretation and grammatical tradition, and with reference to its historical context
Ekaterin Matusova offers a new approach to the old problems of interpretation of the “Letter of Aristeas”. Chapter 1 deals with the question of the structure of the narrative. Matusova argues that at the time of Aristeas compositions of the kind of the Reworked Pentateuch, or Rewritten Bible were circulating in Egypt in parallel with the LXX and were a source of interpretations of the Hebrew text different from the LXX and of specific combinations of subjects popular in Second Temple Judaism. In particular, Matusova further argues that the leading principle of the composition of the Letter is that of the Reworked Deuteronomy, where subjects referring to the idea of following the Law among the gentiles were grouped together. The analysis is based on a broad circle of Jewish sources, including Philo of Alexandria and documents from the Qumran library. The principle of the composition discovered in this part of the study is referred to as the Jewish paradigm. Chapter 2 offers a new interpretation of the frame story in the narrative, i.e. of the story of the translation in the strict sense. Matusova shows that two paradigms are skilfully combined in this split story: the Jewish one, based on the Bible, and the Greek one, which involves Greek grammatical theory. She further argues that the story, when read in terms of Greek grammar, turns out to be a consistent story not of the translation, but of the correction of the LXX, which is important for our understanding of the early history of the translation. The analysis involves extensive excurses into Greek grammatical theory, including a discussion of Aristotle, Dionysius Thrax and other Hellenistic grammarians. In Chapter 3 Matusova tries to find the reason for the combination of these two paradigms, namely the Jewish biblical paradigm and the Greek grammatical ones, and to interpret their interconnected meaning, by placing it in the broad historical context of the Ptolemaic state.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Ancient Christian Interpretations of Violent Texts in the Apocalypse
The Apocalypse of John belongs to the most puzzling texts of the New Testament. Historical-critical exegesis has been stressing that the book above all wishes to give a message of hope and comfort for a community under threat. Yet readers have also always been impressed and terrified by the many images of violence, including war, destruction, persecution and martyrdom, and the appearance of the devil and his demons. This book does not allow its readers to remain neutral.The present volume offers the proceedings of a conference that was held in Leuven, Belgium, in September 2009 and was organised by the general editors of the Novum Testamentum Patristicum. The conference focused on how early Christian and Patristic authors have coped with all these many passages that deal with various sorts of violence. The volume contains essays on most of the important commentators, Origen, Tyconius, Lactance, Victorin of Pettau, and those of a somewhat later age, Andreas of Caesarea, Oecumenius, and Bede, but also looks at the reception history on a larger scale. It also deals with issues of method in reading the Book of Revelation, with important themes (the 1000-year reign), the Jewish background of some of these motifs, and the reception of Patristic thought in the most important medieval commentator of the book, Joachim of Fiore.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Alternative Voices: A Plurality Approach for Religious Studies. Essays in Honor of Ulrich Berner
When scholarship presents the histories, belief systems, and ritual patterns of specific religious groups, it often privileges victorious and elite fractions of those communities to the detriment and neglect of alternative, dissonant, and resurgent voices. The contributions in this volume, which include case studies on various religious and academic contexts, illustrate the importance of listening to those alternative voices for the study of religion.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Pneuma and Realized Eschatology in the Book of Wisdom
The Book of Wisdom's understanding of Israel's history, of contemporary politics and of the immortal fate of the persecuted sage can be understood to be part of one theological system. This system integrates texts and concepts from Jewish Wisdom, the biblical narratives of the patriarchs from Adam to Moses, eschatological hope and apocalyptic language, an understanding of the spirit of God in the enabling of prophets and leaders and, most distinctively, the Stoic concept of pneuma. This last concept unites the biblical resources and allows Wisdom, using eschatological language, to speak of the ordering of the cosmos for the judgement for the wicked and the exaltation of God's people in the present age.Matthew Edwards addresses first the question of the literary unity of Wisdom. This is followed by an examination of the differing uses of the term pneuma within Wisdom, that is as divine agent of salvation, the means of the ordering the cosmos and the substance from which souls are composed. The nature of personal salvation within Wisdom is also considered and shown to be an integral part of the understanding of the cosmos, ordered for judgement and exaltation. Finally, this notion of the ordering of the comos and history for God's people is discussed with its consequences for Jewish life under contemporary Hellenistic and Roman rule.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Proto-Lucianic Problem in 1 Samuel
The Lucianic text of the Historical Books is demonstrably a late, recensional text, but it has numerous curious agreements with the earliest witnesses against B and the majority of the manuscripts. Tuukka Kauhanen aims at throwing light on this "proto-Lucianic problem" in 1 Samuel (1 Kingdoms) by taking a comprehensive view of all the relevant witnesses. Kauhanen concludes that there are significantly less of actual proto-Lucianic readings than has often been supposed and refutes the old theory of the "proto-Lucianic recension".
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Origenes Orientalis: The Preservation of Origen's Hexapla in the Syrohexapla of 3 Kingdoms
The Syrohexapla is widely believed to be a faithful witness to the Hexapla of Origen. This Syriac version was produced in the seventh century on the basis of Greek texts related to Origen's six-columned masterpiece of biblical scholarship. The signs used in Origen's Hexapla, as well as the readings of several Greek Jewish versions which are no longer fully extant, are preserved in this version. The present study evaluates the Syrohexapla as a witness to these hexaplaric materials in 3 Kingdoms (1 Kings).The nearly 600 signs preserved in the Syrohexapla are analysed, divided into correctly marked asterisks, correctly marked obeli, and inaccurately marked readings. The more than 300 readings attributed to the Greek Jewish versions are treated separately. Finally, by including a chapter which examines a portion of the many readings in the Syrohexapla for which no hexaplaric sign has been preserved, the author balances assessments of the reliability of the Syrohexapla for studying the remains of Origen's Hexapla.This study prepares the way for the author's new critical edition of the hexaplaric fragments of 3 Kingdoms.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG As A Deer Longs For Flowing Streams: A Study of the Septuagint Version of Psalm 42-43 in its Relation to the Hebrew Text
This volume of the new DSI series is the most comprehensive investigation of Hebrew and Greek translation equivalents in Ps 42-43 in the Psalter and in the Septuagint as a whole currently available. This detailed study does not only include the translation equivalents in the Septuagint, the semantic meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words are also discussed and parallels in the LXX as well as in the Hebrew Bible are included. A systematic investigation of the translator's method must be carried out before one can use the manuscripts in a proper way. Accordingly, the extensive translation-technical emphasis and the discussion of text-critical matters make it possible to present a more accurate Old Greek text and this book may thus contribute to a new critical edition of the Greek Psalter. The book is also in some respects in itself a text-critical study, since all variants in Rahlfs' edition of the Septuagint Psalms, with the addition of Papyrus Bodmer XXIV (Rahlfs 2110), as well as Hebrew variants, are referred to and studied. This includes suggestions and evaluations of the Hebrew Vorlage behind the Septuagint text. It is also a commentary on the Hebrew and the Greek texts of Ps 42-43. Like other commentaries, it describes the position of the psalm, it presents the unity and form of the psalm, its structure and its relation to the close context. As a commentary on both the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint, it gives an overall interpretation of the psalm in Hebrew and in Greek separately. The book can be read by the specialist in Septuagint studies as well as all scholars interested in translation, textual criticism, and in the book of Psalms, not least its use of metaphors and the reflection of temple theology.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Crafts and Images in Contact: Studies in Eastern Mediterranean art of the first millennium BCE
Art objects and pictures of the first millennium BC Chr. From the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean are viewed here from a perspective that sees art as a symbolic data carrier. Art conveys culturally shaped statements and thereby allows conclusions to be drawn about the culture, world view and religion of a people. In this book, it is examined in its triple function as an artifact, visual medium and reflection of cultural ideas.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Resource-Oriented Teamwork: A Systemic Approach to Collegial Consultation
Teamwork is expected to be a highly successful way to create synergies in organisations and companies. Yet all of us have had the experience of sitting through inefficient team meetings, spending too much time on organisational issues. Clearly collaborative consultation in its various forms is a common part of our daily work life. But does one organise working effectively in a team and as a team? On the basis of his long-standing experience as counsellor and supervisor Johannes Herwig-Lempp developed a systemic approach to team support. In this book he shows how to easily learn, adapt and practice this techniques.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Extreme Right in Europe: Current Trends and Perspectives
The present work deals not only with the well-organized right extremism in modern Europe as well as with its function in proper political parties, but equally includes two additional, broader approaches: the militant branches and subcultures that exist, including some paramilitary phenomena in Eastern Europe; and the broad realm of their political ideas and cultural trends and the influence they exert on European political culture.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Zwischen Prag und Nikolsburg: Jüdisches Leben in den böhmischen Ländern
The Jewish history and culture of the Bohemian countries have been enjoying growing interest for around two decades. This places the region's historically multi-ethnic character at the center of attention. Against this background, it is all the more surprising that no innovative synthesis of this research has yet been available. For the first time, this book, written by an international team of authors, is taking up the challenge of telling and analyzing the Jewish experience in the Bohemian countries as an integral and inseparable part of the development of Central Europe from the 16th century to the present day. It is just as much about contacts of the Jewish population with their non-Jewish neighbors as it is about the view of the province, that is, of the rural regions and communities away from the major urban centers of Prague, Brno and Ostrava.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG USA oder Sowjetunion?: Konkurrierende Modernitätsentwürfe in den Massenmedien der Weimarer Republik
Debates about social modernization processes determined the public discourse of the Weimar Republic. The images of the USA and the Soviet Union that were produced in German newspapers and magazines, which were perceived as modernity projects, played a special role. This is where David Franz's study comes in, comparing conflicting depictions of both countries in the leading German print media of the time and embedding them in the social conditions of the interwar period. In addition to journalistic texts, visual representations were also examined. The study thus takes into account both the role of the Soviet Union, which has so far received little attention, as well as the power of visual representation in the debates of the Weimar Republic. As a result, it traces the lines of the interpretive struggles over modernization processes in society, economy and politics that were characteristic of the public debate of the Weimar Republic.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Science and Empire in Eastern Europe: Imperial Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th Century
The essays in this volume present a nuanced analysis of the development of scientific fields and institutions in Eastern Europe during the "long 19th century" (1789-1914).In 19th century Western Europe science often developed in the context of emerging national states. In Eastern and East-Central Europe, however, until World War I science operated in the imperial framework of the Habsburg and Tsarist Empires. The imperial characteristics of these states (such as multinationality, linguistic diversity, and a pronounced polarity between centers and peripheries) created specific conditions for the sciences. Taking this observation as a starting point, this volume addresses the interplay of science and empire in Imperial Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy in a comparative framework.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Europa und die Schlafkrankheit: Koloniale Seuchenbekämpfung, europäische Identitäten und moderne Medizin 18901950
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts verwüsteten Epidemien der Schlafkrankheit weite Teile der europäischen Kolonialgebiete in Afrika. Diese akute Krise in den Krankheitsgebieten setzte eine ganze Reihe von Entwicklungen in Gang, deren Reichweite sich keineswegs auf den afrikanischen Kontinent beschränkte. Während in den Kolonien Zwangsuntersuchungen und -behandlungen der afrikanischen Bevölkerung eingeführt, Verkehrswege kontrolliert und ganze Landstriche evakuiert und umgestaltet wurden, formierte sich in Europa die Tropenmedizin als avantgardistisches Projekt an einer Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik. Stellte die Konfrontation mit der Krankheit die Kolonialmächte zwar vor massive Schwierigkeiten, so öffnete sie gleichzeitig ein koloniales Experimentierfeld für Biomedizin, Pharma-Industrie und Administrationen. Die Studie beschreibt die Entstehung dieses neuen Forschungs- und Interventionsfeldes als eine europäische Verflechtungsgeschichte. Was sagen die Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Krankheit über die imperiale Prägung moderner Biomedizin? Welche Dynamiken kolonialer Herrschaft und internationaler Politik lassen sich an ihnen ablesen? Anhand dieser Fragen öffnet die Studie das Thema nicht nur für medizinhistorische Zugriffe, sondern auch für aktuelle Fragen der Global- und Zeitgeschichte.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Russlands Traum von Amerika: Die Alaska-Kolonisten, Russland und die USA, 1733-1867
Von imperialen Utopien zu gelebten Wirklichkeiten: Imperiale Expansionsprozesse werden meist eurozentrisch und linear dargestellt. Europäische Großreiche, so die gängige Lesart, eigneten sich unter Rückgriff auf ambivalente Kulturmodelle und technologischen Fortschritt weite Teile der außereuropäischen Welt an. Die Studie der Kolonialgeschichte Alaskas im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert nimmt dagegen einen Perspektivwechsel vor. Die Positionen der Machtzentren Sankt Petersburg und Washington, D.C. werden ergänzt um die Erlebnis- und Vorstellungswelten der unmittelbaren Träger kolonialer Expansion: der russischen Kolonisten in Alaska. Das Bild des kolonialen Alaskas wird so neu interpretiert. An die Stelle von vermeintlicher zivilisatorischer Überlegenheit und imperialer Rhetorik treten Unsicherheit, Unterversorgung, Konkurrenz, Angst und Gefahr.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gottinger Handel-beitrage: Jahrbuch/Yearbook 2016
The number of eponymous female characters in Handel's work is remarkable, from the first opera Almira (1705) to the last melodramma Deidamia (1740), supplemented by Esther, Deborah and Athalia. In the contributions of the GHB 2016, the female figure is traced in the music of Handel's time, guided by the central aesthetic terms 'sensitive', 'heroic' and 'sublime'. In addition, there are studies by Hans Joachim Marx and Ton Koopman, in addition to the usual bibliography and communications from the Göttinger Handel Society. V.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Beruf und Berufung: Die evangelische Geistlichkeit und die Konfessionsbildung in den Herzogtümern Pommern, 15601618
Maciej Ptaszyński befasst sich mit der zweiten Generation lutherischer Pfarrer im Herzogtum Pommern des 16. Jahrhunderts. Dieser Zeitraum ist in der Kirchengeschichte Pommerns als Konsolidierungsphase zu bezeichnen: In der pommerschen Kirche, die sich bereits 1534 für die Reformation ausgesprochen hatte, beschleunigten sich die Prozesse der Konfessionsbildung während dieser Zeit. In den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren des 16. Jahrhunderts wurden ein Corpus Doctrinae (1565) gedruckt, eine neue Kirchenordnung und kirchliche Agende verabschiedet (1563/1569), das Synodalsystem geschaffen und Konsistorien in Greifswald und Stettin gegründet.Er beschäftigt sich mit den pommerschen Pastoren, einer Gruppe von über 2000 Männer, die seit den 1550ern Jahren ihre Posten übernahmen und bis zum Dreißigjährigen Krieg innehatten. In der Darstellung verfolgt er zwei Ziele: Zum einen erfasst er diese Gruppe deskriptiv, zum anderen geht er dem Zusammenhang der Paradigmen der Konfessionalisierung und Professionalisierung analytisch nach. Die Generations- und Lebenszyklenanalyse erweiterte dabei die bisherigen Forschungen zur evangelischen Geistlichkeit im 16. Jahrhundert.Seine Studie ist als prosopographische Untersuchung (Kollektivbiographie) konzipiert. Neben der sozialgeschichtlichen Herangehensweise spielen alltagsgeschichtliche und anthropologische Ansätze eine wichtige Rolle. Als Quellen für seine Arbeit dienten neben gedruckten Materialien zur pommerschen Geschichte vor allem Archivbestände in Greifswald (Landes-, Stadt- und Universitätsarchiv), Stralsund (Stadtarchiv) und Stettin (Archiwum Państwowe).
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Ringen Um Versohnung: Versohnungsprozesse Zwischen Religion, Politik Und Gesellschaft
Seit der zweiten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wird im politisch-gesellschaftlichen Kontext der eigentlich religios konnotierte Begriff "Versohnung" immer haufiger zur Beschreibung von Konfliktlosungsstrategien benutzt. Doch was bedeutet Versohnung bezogen auf Politik und Gesellschaft? Welche Faktoren sind relevant fur Versohnungsprozesse? Womit lassen sich Erfolge, aber auch Hindernisse und Ruckschlage auf dem Weg der Versohnung erklaren? In dem vorliegenden Band gehen internationale Forscherinnen und Forscher aus Geschichtswissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Theologie diesen Fragen nach. In ihren Beitragen wird Versohnung auf zwei Ebenen reflektiert. Auf der ersten Ebene handelt es sich um ubergreifende Analysen von Faktoren, die Versohnungsprozesse beeinflussen. Auf der zweiten Ebene werden bestimmte Aspekte von Versohnungsprozessen an einschlagigen Fallbeispielen aus dem Kontext des deutsch-franzosischen und russisch-finnischen Verhaltnisses, des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens, Sud- und Nordkorea, der DDR und Sudafrika veranschaulicht.Alle Beitrage machen deutlich, dass, obwohl unterschiedlichen Versohnungsprozessen bestimmte Elemente gemeinsam sind, Versohnung als ein sich dynamisch wandelnder, immer kontextgebundener Aushandlungsprozess erscheint, der multilateral von Akteuren aus Kirchen, Politik und Gesellschaft getragen wird.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Trinity of Trauma: Ignorance, Fragility, and Control: The Evolving Concept of Trauma/The Concept and Facts of Dissociation in Trauma
The Trinity of Trauma: Ignorance, Fragility, and Control is structured as a trilogy. This book includes the first two parts: Volume I, The Evolving Concept of Trauma, and Volume II, The Concept and Facts of Dissociation in Trauma, which are predominantly conceptual, theoretical, and empirical in nature.Volume I aims to overcome conceptual flaws that have plagued the trauma field to date. It proposes new definitions of trauma and derivative concepts as well as a dimension of trauma-related disorders. It suggests that individuals and their environment constitute, depend on, and are relative to each other. Volume I unites two groups of trauma-related disorders that were previously contrasted in psychiatric history under various names such as melancholia versus hysteria, traumatic neurosis versus traumatic hysteria, and posttraumatic stress disorder versus dissociative disorders. It also mends the dissociation of dissociative and conversion disorders.Volume II analyzes and defines the concepts of personality, self, dissociation in trauma, and dissociative parts. It explores and documents the biopsychosocial features of different prototypical dissociative parts in traumatized individuals. Important features of these parts also characterize other players in traumatization, stretching from perpetrators to society at large.