Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Random House USA Inc Baby 101: Anatomy for Babies
Penguin Putnam Inc Don't Sneeze! #2
Penguin Putnam Inc The Mayan Secrets
Random House USA Inc The Woodlanders: Introduction by Margaret Drabble
Little, Brown Spark A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy
MIT Press Ltd The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society
Penguin Putnam Inc Fools Crow
Penguin Random House Australia Death in Venice
Penguin Putnam Inc Utopia
Penguin Books Ltd The Pursuit of the Well-beloved and the Well-beloved
Hardy's two versions of a strange story set in the weird landscape of Portland. The central figure is a man obsessed both with the search for his ideal woman and with sculpting the perfect figure of Aphrodite.
Schirmer Mosel Oktoberfest
Prestel 50 Artists You Should Know
This vibrant reference guide profiles 50 major artists alongside their representative works. The entries are presented in an eye-catching format that includes brief biographies and critical analyses, alongside illustrations of the artists' most famous works. Featuring 200 full colour illustrations this book also includes a glossary of important terms, information about relevant movements and techniques, and a timeline that puts the artists in context. Arranged chronologically, the selection of artists includes every major artistic movement and development since the Gothic period, giving readers a clear understanding of the evolution of the visual arts. Perfect for casual reading or easy reference, this accessible overview is a fun and practical art history lesson that everyone can enjoy.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Managing Corona: Eine Bilanz Zum Ende Der Pandemie
Books on Demand Akquise im Vorstandsturm: Die Königsdisziplin im Vertrieb
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Fahrerlose Transportsysteme: Die FTS-Fibel - zur Welt der FTS/AMR - zur Technik - mit Praxisanwendungen - für die Planung - mit der Geschichte
Dieses Fachbuch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die moderne Intralogistik mit Fahrerlosen Transportsystemen (FTS). Diese flurgebundenen Systeme werden seit über 60 Jahren innerbetrieblich in fast allen Branchen der Industrie sowie in vielen öffentlichen Bereichen, wie z. B. Krankenhäusern, eingesetzt. Das Buch zeigt, wie vielfältig die Anwendungen sind und welche technologischen Standards zur Verfügung stehen. Dabei werden zahlreiche Umsetzungen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen, wie beispielsweise Automobil-, Elektro-, Pharma und Lebensmittelindustrie vorgestellt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die ganzheitliche Planung solcher Systeme, die ausführlich mit allen Planungsschritten beschrieben wird, angereichert durch zahlreiche wertvolle Hinweise. Die vierte Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und geht auf aktuelle Entwicklungen ein, wie standardisierte Datenschnittstellen, autonome Funktionen zur Flexibilisierung oder neue Anwendungen in öffentlich zugänglichen Bereichen. In diesem Zuge werden Sinnhaftigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit der neuen Entwicklungen ebenfalls beleuchtet.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Finanzielle Führung von Familienunternehmen: Transparenz – Compliance – Performance – Strategie – Governance
Die finanzielle Führung von Familienunternehmen unterliegt besonderen Anforderungen. Insbesondere die CFOs stehen dabei häufig im Brennpunkt verschiedener Interessen und Rollen. Gleichzeitig spielt der Finanzbereich eine große Rolle, wenn es darum geht, den Erfolg eines Familienunternehmens über viele Jahrzehnte und mehrere Generationen hinweg zu sichern und Wege aufzuzeigen. Diese Überlegungen haben dazu geführt, dass sich am Center for Family Business der Universität St. Gallen in den vergangenen Jahren ein Kreis von CFOs aus großen deutschsprachigen Familienunternehmen gebildet hat. In diesem Buch teilen diese Experten ihren Wissens- und Erfahrungsschatz erstmals mit der Öffentlichkeit.Entlang eines Fünf-Stufen-Modells beleuchten sie zentrale Aufgabenfelder, die weit über das bloße Finanzmanagement hinausgehen. Sie diskutieren Fragen der Transparenz und Compliance, von Performance und Strategie bis hin zur Governance – und geben konkrete Anregungen für den unternehmerischen Alltag. Ob Manager, Eigentümer oder Beirat: Von diesem Brückenschlag zwischen Theorie und Praxis kann jeder profitieren, der im Familienunternehmen Verantwortung trägt.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Nachrichten verschlüsseln für Dummies Junior
Wenn du mit deinem Smartphone eine Nachricht versendest, möchtest du, dass niemand mitliest oder mitkriegt, worum es geht. Deine Nachrichten sollen privat bleiben. Nachrichten über größere Entfernungen zu übermitteln und Nachrichten unter Verschluss zu halten, war den Menschen schon immer wichtig. In diesem Buch erfährst du, welche Lösungen man dafür gefunden hat; vom historischen Fackeltelegraf über die Vigenère-Verschlüsselung bis hin zum heute eingesetzten RSA-Kryptosystem. Bestens geeignet für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 10 Jahre.
Verlag Herder Der Kleine Drache Hab-Mich-Lieb
De Gruyter Alfred Wolff und Henry van de Velde: Sammelleidenschaft und Stil
Dr. Alfred Wolff (1866–1959) war Sammler bedeutender Kunstwerke der Moderne, langjähriger Filialleiter und Vorstandsmitglied der Deutschen Bank. Zugleich gehörte er zu den wichtigsten Kunden und Förderern des »Alleskünstlers« Henry van de Velde (1863–1957) und beauftragte ihn zwischen 1904 und 1911 mit der Ausstattung von drei Wohnungen. Während Wolff weitere Aufträge an den Belgier vermittelte, beriet ihn van de Velde beim Aufbau seiner Sammlung. Aus einer erstaunlichen Fülle überlieferter Quellen entsteht ein lebendiges Bild von Wolff als Person und des sozialen Milieus, in das er eingebunden war: Im Umgang mit Künstlern und den zugehörigen Kreisen – Bekanntschaften, die vielfach durch van de Velde angeregt wurden – zeigt er sich als ambitionierter Sammler, verlässlicher Unterstützer, aber auch als liberaler Pragmatiker und nüchterner Beobachter. Das bibliophil gestaltete Buch erhellt die Vita des Bankiers und dokumentiert die exklusiven Wohnungseinrichtungen van de Veldes für das Ehepaar Wolff. Glanzstücke der Privatsammlung, darunter Werke von Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Paul Bonnard, Paul Signac, Maurice Denis, Aristide Maillol, Henri Edmond Cross und anderen Vertretern der frühen Moderne, werden vorgestellt.
Theologischer Verlag Zwischen Kreuzfahrt Und Klosterkuche: Formen Kirchlicher Prasenz Im Tourismus
Kohlhammer Unterricht Bei Komplexer Behinderung: Sonderpadagogischer Schwerpunkt Geistige Entwicklung
Thieme Publishing Group Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography
A highly successful introduction to echocardiography, now in a new and enhanced edition In diagnostic cardiology, the effectiveness and reliability of state-of-the-art echocardiography is unsurpassed but-as with all ultrasound examinations-the results are highly operator dependent. The second edition of Boehmeke's Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography is concise and portable, including all the information necessary to perform and read echocardiograms, and to navigate the bewildering number of imaging planes that transect the heart, with ease and confidence. Key features: More than 400 illustrations, including sharp, clear echocardiograms, corresponding full-color schematic diagrams, and 3-D images. For this new edition, all images showing cardiac disease have been post-processed to make them clearer and in more accurate relation to the explanatory drawings Detailed descriptions of all the acoustic windows and imaging planes for every echocardiogram A practical overview of the typical patient examination, including imaging and patient positioning All cardiac diseases are shown: valvular heart disease, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathies, prosthetic valves, carditis, septal defects, hypertensive heart diseases, intracardiac masses; depicted in B-mode, M-mode, Doppler and color Doppler New to the second edition: nearly 80 videos are now accessible on the Thieme MediaCenter showing normal views and many pathologies in video mode
Walter de Gruyter Genealogisches Wissen in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit
Birkhauser Design Investigations: After Abundance: Eine Spekulation zum Klimawandel in den Alpen A Speculation on Climate Change in the Alps
The speculative narrative AFTER ABUNDANCE imagines an Alpine society altered by climate change, in which human ingenuity and solidarity are the keys to survival. The work shows how local communities confront these new challenges with traditions and technologies using craft skills and resourcefulness so that they can continue to develop in their altered surroundings. This encounter with experiments, legal devices, protests and performances invites readers to empathize with the lives of people in a possible future. The Austrian contribution to the 2nd London Design Biennale also gives insight into the work of Studio Design Investigations under the direction of Anab Jain, University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Polaris Publishing Limited World in their Hands: The Story of the First Women's Rugby World Cup
Shortlisted for the Sunday Times Rugby Book of the Year 2023 World in their Hands recounts the remarkable events that led to a group of friends from south-west London staging the inaugural Women’s Rugby World Cup in 1991. The tournament was held just 13 years after teams from University College London and King’s contested a match that catalysed the growth of the women’s game in the UK, and the organisers overcame myriad obstacles before, during and after the World Cup. Those challenges, which included ingrained misogyny, motherhood, a recession, the Gulf War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, provide a fitting framing device for a book that celebrates female achievement in the face of adversity. Although ostensibly a story about women’s rugby, this is a tale that has rare crossover appeal. It is not only the account of a group of inspirational women who took on the institutional misogyny that existed in rugby clubs across the globe to put on a first ever Women’s Rugby World Cup. It is also the compelling and relatable tale of how those women, their peers and others in the generations before them, reshaped the idea of what it means to be a woman, finding acceptance and friendship on boggy rugby pitches. At the time, with the men’s game tying itself up in knots about professionalism and apartheid, these women were a breath of fresh air. Three decades on, their achievements deserve to be highlighted to a wider audience.
Omnibus Press I'm Into Something Good: My Life Managing 10cc, Herman's Hermits & Many More!
When 22-year-old accountant Harvey Lisberg heard the Beatles' 'Please Please Me', he had an epiphany: he could be Manchester's answer to Brian Epstein. He had a musical ear, a knack for numbers and a gambler's instinct for taking a punt. Within a year he had taken local group, Herman's Hermits, to number one with 'I'm Into Something Good'. Soon, Hermania was a global phenomenon. Harvey had found his vocation. In this uproarious, frank and moving autobiography, he reveals the excesses of life on the road with Herman's Hermits; the frustration of championing unknowns Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber; the highs and lows of managing the brilliant 10cc; the utter madness of looking after snooker bad boys Alex 'Hurricane' Higgins and Jimmy 'Whirlwind' White and much, much more. Many other artists benefitted from Harvey's guidance during this time, including Tony Christie, Barclay James Harvest, Sad Cafe and the Chameleons. I'm Into Something Good is his account of a life that started in Salford and ended up in Palm Springs; a life in which he travelled the world, met heroes and villains, fulfilled his dreams, spent a fortune on good living, family and friends, and never took himself or his achievements too seriously. 'Harvey came along and turned us into stars. He believed in us when no one else cared.' Peter Noone, Herman's Hermits 'Harvey was one of the very first to recognise potential in Andrew and myself. He spotted 'Joseph' as a winner way before it became one.' Sir Tim Rice 'He virtually invented modern management. In terms of the UK's music history, there really is no one like Harvey.' Tony Wilson
Illuminate Publishing WJEC Chemistry For A2 Level Student Book: 2nd Edition
Honno Ltd All Shall Be Well: 25 at 25: A quarter of a century's great writing from the women of Wales
AWSNA Publications Mathematics Lessons for the Sixth Grade
An experienced Waldorf teacher and mathematician sets out a comprehensive curriculum for teaching mathematics in the Year 6 (age 11-12) in the Steiner-Waldorf curriculum.The book includes guidance on teaching banking formulae, interest calculation and gives an introduction to basic economics.It includes weekly lesson plans, with plenty of maths exercises and solutions.
Whittles Publishing Close Range Photogrammetry: Principles, Methods and Applications
This book provides a thorough presentation of the methods, mathematics, systems and applications which comprise the subject of close range photogrammetry, which uses accurate imaging techniques to analyse the three-dimensional shape of a wide range of manufactured and natural objects. Close range photogrammetry, for the most part entirely digital, has become an accepted, powerful and readily available technique for engineers and scientists who wish to utilise images to make accurate 3-D measurements of complex objects. After an introduction, the book provides fundamental mathematics, including orientation, digital imaging processing and 3-D reconstruction methods, as well as presenting a discussion of imaging technology including targeting and illumination, hardware and software systems. Finally it gives a short overview of photogrammetric solutions for typical applications in engineering, manufacturing, medical science, architecture, archaeology and other fields.
Cinebook Ltd Hse - Human Stock Exchange Vol. 1
In a far too near-future, the world's economy has collapsed. Amidst an unprecedented recession, the only remaining bastion of capitalist prosperity is the new 'Human Stock Exchange', where individuals are listed on the market. Felix Fox sells cars over the phone, a poorly paid, thankless, dead-end job. But he is determined to make it big, at any cost. When the opportunity arises to be listed on the HSE, though... will the cost turn out to be too high?
Cinebook Ltd Regiment, The - The True Story Of The Sas Vol. 3
Despite the heroic efforts of L Detachment, the unit's victories haven't managed to stop the advance of the German war machine. Soon, Rommel is at the gates of Egypt, and losses mount among David Stirling and Paddy Mayne's men - some crueller than others. In the end, they will have to reinvent themselves and give everything to push back the Desert Fox and earn their name at last: The Special Air Service!
Cinebook Ltd Regiment, The - The True Story Of The Sas Vol. 2
After the disaster that was their first mission, the SAS refused to give up, and their second wave of raids proved a powerful validation of the concept behind their unit. Unfortunately, they still have many enemies at headquarters, and now they must capitalise on their success. While they lack neither daring nor imagination, they will have to contend with an enemy who knows how to adapt, and learn to live with the terrible human cost of the war.
Cinebook Ltd The Regiment - The True Story Of The Sas Vol. 1
1941. Almost all of Europe is under the Nazi heel. Great Britain still holds out, but the situation worsens with every passing day. And in North Africa, gateway to the Middle East and its immense oil reserves, Rommel now threatens Egypt, keystone of British defences. In those desperate times, three unconventional officers, David Stirling, Blair Mayne and Jock Lewes, band together to create a small, elite unit that will become a military legend: the SAS.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Informal Governance
Acknowledging that governance relies not only on formal rules and institutions but to a significant degree also on informal practices and arrangements, this unique Handbook examines and analyzes a wide variety of theoretical, conceptual and normative perspectives on informal governance. The insights arising from this focus on informal governance are discussed from various disciplinary perspectives, within different policy domains, and in a number of regional and global contexts. This Handbook is an important contribution that will put informal governance firmly on the map of academic scholarship with its review of the range of the different uses and effects of informal arrangements across the globe. Bringing together multidisciplinary contributions on informal governance arrangements, this Handbook will appeal to postgraduate students in political science and scholars within the field of political science and global governance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: Exploring Growth and Performance in Family Firms Across Generations
Introducing a new concept in family businesses Transgenerational Entrepreneurship addresses how these businesses achieve growth and longevity through entrepreneurial activities. It focuses on the resources, capabilities and mindsets that families develop and draw upon in order to be entrepreneurial across generations, and presents findings from an international research collaboration between family business researchers and practitioners. In addition to a comprehensive conceptual chapter, the editors include a unique set of empirical case-based research papers that investigates transgenerational entrepreneurship in different European contexts. They bring together and integrate frontier research on entrepreneurship and family business, as well as provide a basis for future research. Academics, teachers and students in business and management, entrepreneurship and family business will find this path-breaking book of value, as will libraries, policy makers and consultants.
CABI Publishing Modeling Physiology of Crop Development, Growth and Yield
Model studies focus experimental investigations to improve our understanding and performance of systems. Concentrating on crop modeling, this book provides an introduction to the concepts of crop development, growth, and yield, with step-by-step outlines to each topic, suggested exercises and simple equations. A valuable text for students and researchers of crop development alike, this book is written in five parts that allow the reader to develop a solid foundation and coverage of production models including water- and nitrogen-limited systems.
CABI Publishing Bread, Beer and the Seeds of Change: Agriculture's Imprint on World History
The history of humankind is intimately tied to the history of agriculture: powerful societies rose, persisted and waned in parallel with their food supply systems. Describing what crops were grown, the constraints on their production and the foods that were obtained, this book traces the impact of cropping and food preparation in ten societies that were among the most powerful and influential in history, detailing how technology varied and developed as it related directly to agriculture and food production. The book covers the background of agricultural development, early agricultural societies, and the advancement of technology from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the present. It finishes by addressing the implications for the future of agriculture and food supply as grain production moves towards biofuels. A compelling text for all those interested in the history of society and civilisations, global agriculture, and what it means for the future, this text is also an essential reference for students of agriculture, food technology, history and anthropology.
CABI Publishing Principles of Ecology in Plant Production
Production of food fibre and fuel is vital for humanity, and as the world population continues to rise, demands on these resources is ever increasing. In a context of growing worldwide concern about sustainability and environmental impacts of cropland, grassland and forestry practices, this textbook provides an introduction to the processes that define the ecology and environment of plant production. Core principles are examined such as soil-plant relationships, genetic manipulation and diversity, yield and water requirements, as well as physical factors such as solar radiation, temperature and weather. Fully updated with new chapters on climate change and biofuels, this edition is an important text for students and researchers in agronomy, forestry, botany, ecology and environmental sciences. Praise for the first edition: 'I highly recommend this book for undergraduate students in plant production courses. It is easy to read, well-structured and of high scientific level…also useful for a more general readership' Scientia Horticulturae
Little Tiger Press Group I'm Not Scared, You Are!
The wild wind is howling, there's a creak on the stair. Are you feeling brave? Follow me if you dare! Join a cast of creepy creatures in this journey through a night packed with ghosts and ghouls, toads and trolls and bats and black cats! With 24 super-spooky sounds – are YOU brave enough? With a fun rhyming text and 24 sounds, this is a spooktacular adventure!
Phaidon Press Ltd The Story of Pasta and How to Cook It!
'If you’ve got a little pasta lover in the house, or just want an easy guide to its many, many variations, this cookbook might be just the thing.' – The Washington Post A playful, fact-filled exploration of the fascinating history of 35 famous pasta shapes with a delicious, child-friendly recipe perfectly suited to each shape In this ultimate book of pasta for children ages 7–11, 35 pasta shapes are brought to life through clever illustrations and fascinating facts to feed children’s imaginations – and their bellies! From farfalle, which means ‘butterflies’ in Italian, to linguine, meaning ‘little tongues,’ different types of pasta have wonderfully playful shapes, names, and origin stories! Each pasta is accompanied by a simple recipe specially suited to its shape. The result is an entertaining, engaging, fact-filled, scrumptious offering for every child interested in cooking and eating – a fresh and joyful introduction to pasta, that is a fun-filled cookery book … and more! For ages 7-11
Cinebook Ltd Hse - Human Stock Exchange Vol. 2
Felix has done it. His painstaking efforts have paid off, and he is now listed on the Human Stock Exchange. A new, more affluent life begins - new house, new car, new opportunities - though he hasn't lost his burning desire to climb higher and higher. Unfortunately, the continued health of his stock requires not only constant hard work from him, but also, increasingly, sacrifices, compromises... and betrayals.
Oneworld Publications The Hermit
* THE MULTI-AWARD WINNING BESTSELLER FOR FANS OF THE BRIDGE * Winner of the Glass Key Award for Best Nordic Crime Novel Winner of the Danish Debutant Award Winner of the Harald Mogensen Prize for the best Danish crime novel A car is found on a deserted beach on the Spanish island of Fuerteventura. On the back seat lies a cardboard box containing the body of a small boy buried in newspaper cuttings. No one knows his name, and there is no trace of a driver. The last thing an ailing tourist resort needs is a murder, and the police are desperate to close the case. The island is rife with rumours about the reclusive Erhard. Two decades of self-imposed exile from his wife and children have left him alienated and alone, whiling away his days in a drunken haze, driving an old taxi to get by. This unlikeliest of detectives determines to solve the crime himself – and he has nothing to lose. But how can one old man, cut off from the modern world, solve a murder whose dangerous web of deceit stretches far beyond the small island? And what if the killer forces Erhard to confront his own long-buried past? Winner of the prestigious Glass Key Award and an instant bestseller in Denmark, The Hermit is taking the international publishing world by storm. Acutely observed and psychologically penetrating, this is existential noir at its finest.
Oneworld Publications The Wisest One in the Room: Think Clearly. Make Better Decisions. Influence People.
A brilliant compendium of psychological discoveries that will truly make you wiser, The Wisest One in the Room is an accessible and pragmatic summary of how we perceive and misperceive the world around us, especially the world of other people. As a users’ guide to living on earth, it is concise yet comprehensive, practical and inspiring, enabling us to better understand how to communicate with others and take steps to resolve conflicts both social and political.
John Blake Publishing Ltd The Guv'nor Revealed: The Untold Story of Lenny McLean
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Informal Governance
Acknowledging that governance relies not only on formal rules and institutions but to a significant degree also on informal practices and arrangements, this unique Handbook examines and analyzes a wide variety of theoretical, conceptual and normative perspectives on informal governance. The insights arising from this focus on informal governance are discussed from various disciplinary perspectives, within different policy domains, and in a number of regional and global contexts. This Handbook is an important contribution that will put informal governance firmly on the map of academic scholarship with its review of the range of the different uses and effects of informal arrangements across the globe. Bringing together multidisciplinary contributions on informal governance arrangements, this Handbook will appeal to postgraduate students in political science and scholars within the field of political science and global governance.