Search results for ""author erik"
Kodansha America, Inc Lovesick Ellie 7
At high school, she's Eriko Ichimura, the girl so boring no one remembers she exists. But online, she's "Lovesick Ellie," a brash and lusty alternate persona with quite a viral following! Ellie's favorite pastime? Spying on her handsome and perfect classmate Ohmi and spinning wild fantasies in the form of very thirsty tweets. But one day, quite by accident, Eriko learns that Ohmi isn't as perfect as she thought... and he discovers her secret to boot! What's ahead for this two-faced boy and pervy girl?
Kodansha America, Inc Lovesick Ellie 9
At her high school, she's Eriko Ichimura, the girl so boring no one remembers she exists. But online, she's "Lovesick Ellie," a brash and lusty alternate persona with quite a viral following! Ellie's favorite pastime? Spying on her handsome and perfect classmate Ohmi and spinning wild fantasies in the form of very thirsty tweets. But one day, quite by accident, Eriko learns that Ohmi isn't as perfect as she thought... and he discovers her secret to boot! What's ahead for this two-faced boy and pervy girl?
Kodansha America, Inc Lovesick Ellie 6
At high school, she's Eriko Ichimura, the girl so boring no one remembers she exists. But online, she's "Lovesick Ellie," a brash and lusty alternate persona with quite a viral following! Ellie's favorite pastime? Spying on her handsome and perfect classmate Ohmi and spinning wild fantasies in the form of very thirsty tweets. But one day, quite by accident, Eriko learns that Ohmi isn't as perfect as she thought... and he discovers her secret to boot! What's ahead for this two-faced boy and pervy girl?
Little, Brown Society of the Snow
It was 13 October 1972. Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, carrying a team of young rugby players, their families and friends, took off for the very last time. A deadly miscalculation saw F571 crash directly into the Andean mountains to devastating consequences: the body of the plane broke violently into two, its floor torn to smithereens; seats flew out of the air taking passengers with them. In the weeks that followed, the remaining people who were on board - the snow society - emerged to fight a dire, gruelling battle for survival.Waiting for a rescue team that didn''t arrive, the survivors became fewer and fewer in numbers. Stranded alone on a glacier, they had to face brutal temperatures, lethal avalanches and the loss of friends and family with no access to supplies, food or water. In order to survive, they had to do the unthinkable . . . It wasn''t until seventy-two days later that they were able to reach safety. Alarmingly gritty, moving and powerfully told, journalist
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Doblan por los mastines/ Toll the Hounds
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Interiorite Et Monde
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for Psychology: Perspectives and Connections
HarperFestival Sam's Cookie
Random House USA Inc ¡Día de playa! (Beach Day! Spanish Edition)
Celebra el verano con este divertido libro ilustrado en español. ¡Es perfecto para niñitos que han comienzan a leer solos!¡Vamos a la playa! La familia de ¡A recoger manzanas! regresa para un fabuloso día en la costa. La hermana y el hermano se divierten recogiendo caracoles marinos, construyendo un castillo de arena y chapoteando en el mar. La rima es fácil de seguir y asegura una experiencia de lectura exitosa, mientras que el arte colorida le da vida a la historia.LEYENDO A PASOS es una línea de Step into Reading que ofrece ediciones en español para diferentes niveles de lectura. Los libros Paso 1 tienen letra grande y palabras fáciles. Son ideales para niños que conocen el abecedario y que quieren comenzar a leer. Su ritmo, rima y pistas visuales contribuyen a la comprensión del texto.Celebrate summer fun with this Spanish-language edition of the Step 1 reader Beach Day!Let's go to the beach! The family from Apple Picking Day! returns for a fabulous day at the shore. The sister and brother have fun collecting seashells, building a sandcastle, and splashing around in the sea. Easy-to-follow rhyme ensures a successful reading experience, while bright, lively art brings the story to life.LEYENDO A PASOS is a line from Step into Reading offering leveled readers in Spanish. Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. They are perfect for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story.
Random House USA Inc ¡A recoger manzanas! (Apple Picking Day! Spanish Edition)
Penguin Young Readers My Two Border Towns
Early one Saturday morning, a boy prepares for a trip to The Other Side/El Otro Lado. It’s close - just down the street from his school - and it’s a twin of where he lives. To get there, his father drives their truck along the Rio Grande and over a bridge, where they’re greeted by a giant statue of an eagle. Their outings always include a meal at their favourite restaurant, a visit with Tío Mateo at his jewelry store, a cold treat from the paletero, and a pharmacy pickup. On their final and most important stop, they check in with friends seeking asylum and drop off much-needed supplies.
Random House USA Inc Apple Picking Day!
Lannoo Publishers Change the World City by City: A Change Maker's Guide to Fast Forward Sustainability
New initiatives, ideas and products change the way we relate to one another and to our environment, as well as the way we define and fulfil our needs. They create opportunities for experimenting and learning, which can help our societies transition towards greater sustainability. But how can we implement transition in a useful way? This book examines the ways in which urban transition initiatives work, how they influence each other, and how they can make our cities thrive in a sustainable manner. Among others, it puts forward a view on the conditions that can aid accelerating change towards a sustainable low-carbon society, on possibilities for policy change, and on adaptive mechanisms that will improve decision making.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Birds of Oman
The first comprehensive field guide to the birds of Oman With its unique blend of Western Palearctic, Oriental and Afrotropical components, and lying on a migratory crossroads, Oman is a jewel of the Middle East. This is the first comprehensive field guide to the birds of this fascinating and welcoming country. All 528 species on the Oman Bird List are featured on the 116 colour plates, illustrating many of the distinct plumages and races, plus a few non-naturalised escapes. Species accounts cover key identification features - including habitat and voice - with colour maps showing the breeding, wintering and migration distributions for all regularly occurring species.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Healing Your Aloneness Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Chi ld
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Raw: The Uncook Book: New Vegetarian Food for Life
"When you eat raw foods you feel great. I just wanted to share that."-- Juliano Raw [adj]. 1. clean 2. pure 3. uncontrived 4. free 5. safe 6.uncontaminated Raw [adj]. 1. uncooked. 2. in the natural state; not processed or manufactured Cook [v]. 1. to prepare food. 2. Brit. Colloq. to tamper with; falsify.3. slang to ruin What is Raw? UNcooked UNadulterated UNbelievably Delicious Living Food Raw is the first major guide to preparing gourmet raw cuisine, an introduction to the finest dining this planet has to offer, with unique dishes made entirely from vegetarian and living foods. Raw offers ultimate pure flavor, thousands of textures, and beautiful effects on body, mind, soul and the environment! This isn't 100 variations of salad, but an ultra-gourmet cuisine, which fuses ancient culinary techniques with a modern and practical lifestyle. From sun-baked pizzas, satisfying sandwiches, vegan sushi, the best burritos and sprouted-rice dishes, to sangria and shakes, cookies, pudding, and pies. You're about to acquaint yourself with the vibrant flavors and miraculous nutrition of plant life in a way you never have before.
O'Brien Press Ltd Where Are You, Puffling?
O'Brien Press Ltd Puffling and the Egg
O'Brien Press Ltd Diary Detectives
Random House USA Inc ¡Día de playa! (Beach Day! Spanish Edition)
Pan Macmillan Silas and the Marvellous Misfits: A Marcus Rashford Book Club Choice
A Marcus Rashford Book Club Choice! Silas and the Marvellous Misfits by Tom Percival is an action-packed adventure that shows kids the joy of being themselves.'Engaging and action packed. I would have loved this book as a child!' – Marcus Rashford MBEErika has a BIG secret. She’s a member of the Dream Defenders – a top-secret organization that banishes your worries while you sleep!And tonight they're on a mission to rescue Erika's best friend Silas from the clutches of the evil Glooms – creatures who want everyone in the dream world to look and think exactly the same way!Can the Dream Defenders save Silas and help him to see that being a misfit can be a truly marvellous thing?Discover more of the Dream Defenders adventures in Erika and the Angermare and Chanda and the Devious Doubt. The Marcus Rashford Book Club is a collaboration between Marcus Rashford and Macmillan Children's Books, inspiring children to develop a love of reading and literacy as a life skill.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Wolf Girl and Black Prince, Vol. 5
High school girl Erika may be on Kyoya’s leash, but she’s determined to break free and unleash his heart! Fed up with being hopelessly single, high schooler Erika makes up a boyfriend to fit in. When her lies start to unravel, her schoolmate Kyoya offers to be her pretend boyfriend—for a price. With no other choice, Erika finds herself at the mercy of a blackhearted prince! But is Kyoya truly as blackhearted as he seems? Erika thinks she’s hit the jackpot when she and Kyoya finally end up in the same class. But Erika’s newfound bliss will be short-lived if their classmate Kamiya has his way. An unapologetic womaniser, Kamiya urges Kyoya to ditch Erika and embrace the playboy lifestyle. Will Kyoya give in?
Springer International Publishing AG Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2023: 20th International Colloquium, Lima, Peru, December 4–8, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 20th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, ICTAC 2023, which took place in Lima, Peru, during December 4–8, 2023. The 20 full papers presented in this volume together with 3 invited papers and 1 tool paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. They were organised in the topical sections as follows: Bring Together Practitioners; Researchers from Academia; Industry; Government to Present Research Results and Exchange Experience and Ideas.
Munch Museum The Savage Eye
Through various thematic perspectives and a range of media, this book will shed new light on the history of Surrealism. With the idea of the unconscious as a turning point, The Savage Eye traces the roots of Surrealism in Symbolism and shows how the two art movements both reflect each other and overlap. Some of the most significant artists in modern art meet here in the murky depths of the human mind, where logic and morality give way to dreams, disturbing impulses, and unbridled desire. In this illuminating book you will become familiar with two radical art movements that both explored the psyche with the aim of establishing a new concept of humanity. Through artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Paul Gauguin, Dora Maar, René Magritte, Lee Miller, Joan Miró, Odilon Redon, and Auguste Rodin we will take you on a journey through the limitless world of the unconscious.
Redbook Infusiones Para Vivir Mejor
Editorial El Drac, S.L. Calendarios de adviento con papel y fieltro
Creativas ideas recogidas en detallados patrones, para realizar con papel y fieltro variados calendarios de Adviento, y esperar con más ilusión la Navidad.
Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert S.L.U Señales mutuas: estudios transatlánticos de literatura española y mexicana hoy
Las hijas de Lilith
Según la Biblia hebrea, Lilith fue la primera mujer que Dios quiso darle como compañera a Adán, y la hizo, a semejanza de él, del polvo de la tierra. Y Lilith, viéndose su igual, se rebeló un día ante sus constantes exigencias y lo abandonó. Huyó a los espacios y tuvo amores con diversos demonios: fue la primera mujer liberada de la historia de la humanidad. Fue la primera "femme fatale".El propósito de este libro es averiguar las causas por las que en el último tercio del siglo XIX surgieron del pincel de tantos artistas no solo desagradables, sino infames, imágenes femeninas. Cuáles fueron las razones del surgimiento de aquel relato visual que complacía a los hombres y desagradaba a las mujeres? Evidentemente había un origen en toda esta iconografía. El principal fue el nuevo despertar de la conciencia en la mujer de su papel secundario en el mundo y, como consecuencia, su protesta formalizada en los primeros y categóricos movimientos de las sufragistas. La sociedad patriarcal ob
Dr Ludwig Reichert Bibliographie Deutschsprachiger Islamwissenschaftler Und Semitisten Vom Anfang Des 19. Jahrhunderts Bis 1985. Band 3
Dr Ludwig Reichert Bibliographie Deutschsprachiger Islamwissenschaftler Und Semitisten Vom Anfang Des 19. Jahrhunderts Bis 1985. Band 2
Stiebner Verlag GmbH Küstenmaschen
Permuted Press The Intimacy Solution
Simon & Schuster The Art of Flaneuring
A fun and practical guide to cultivating a more mindful and fulfilling everyday life by tapping into your inner flaneur—perfect for fans of Marie Kondo and The Little Book of Hygge.Have you ever been walking home from work and unexpectedly took a different path just to learn more about your neighborhood? Or have you been on a vacation and walked around a new city just to take it all in? Then chances are, you’re a flaneur and you didn’t even know it! Originally used to describe well-to-do French men who would stroll city streets in the nineteenth century, flaneur has evolved to generally mean someone who wanders with intention. Even if you’ve already embraced being a flaneur, did you know that flaneuring has benefits beyond satisfying your craving for wanderlust? In The Art of Flaneuring, discover the many ways flaneuring can spark creativity, support a more mindful mentality, and improve your overall well-being, inclu
Rockridge Press The Family Guide to Aromatherapy: A Safe Approach to Essential Oils for the Holistic Home
Candlewick Press,U.S. As Brave as a Lion
HarperCollins Publishers Inc To the Other Side
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Invasion of the Tearling
Innsalz, Verlag Wie die Natur uns Kraft gibt
mandelbaum verlag eG Melas 20.Jahrhundert
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Das Spiel der Götter 16
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Das Spiel der Gtter 15 Tod eines Gottes
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Das Spiel der Gtter 8 Kinder des Schattens
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Sowjetistan Eine Reise durch Turkmenistan Kasachstan Tadschikistan Kirgisistan und Usbekistan
Insel Verlag GmbH Die ffentliche Frau Eine Rckschau
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on European State Aid Law
'This fine collection of essays demonstrates in a very articulate way why EU State aid law has taken the centre stage of EU law. In eighteen chapters the reader is provided with a fascinating snapshot of the main issues and developments of the law. The key elements of the EU policy are analysed in a critical way often leading to new insights. In addition the book contains a wealth of material greatly facilitating further research.'- Piet Jan Slot, University of Leiden, the Netherlands'European state aid law needs more self-questioning and more intellectual debate. In my view, this Research Handbook is a very valuable contribution to this necessary process. It correctly identifies the most intellectually problematic issues within state aid law and asks the right questions. This may be due to the balance in the excellent selection of contributors, coming both from the academia and from practice. This guarantees, on the one hand, that the questions are relevant in practice and not purely theoretical but also provides, on the other hand, for a rigorous analytical approach when confronting the issues. The result is a fresh and interesting new look to many of the basic issues of state aid law.'- Jose Luis Buendia Sierra, Garrigues, Brussels, Belgium, and King's College London, UK This timely new Handbook reflects on current issues that confront State aid law and policy in the EU. State aid was a neglected area of competition law until attempts to modernize it became central to the Lisbon process 2000 where the aim was to encourage 'intelligent' State aid by reducing aid to specific sectors and by making better use of aid for horizontal projects central to EU integration concerns. This policy framework has underpinned the new approach to State aid policy in the EU in recent years and informs many of the chapters in this book. Contributions from leading academics, regulators and practising lawyers, discuss topics devoted to modernization, problems faced by recent enlargements of the EU, the role of State aid in the fiscal crisis and recession, the role of the private market investor test, regional aid, environmental aid and the review of the Altmark ruling. Perspectives on State aid law and policy from the disciplines of economics and political science are also explored in detail. Research Handbook on European State Aid Law will appeal to academics, regulators, national and EU government officials, practitioners and postgraduate students who are involved in State aid law.Contributors: C. Ahlborn, A. Bartosch, A. Biondi, A. Birnstiel, M. Blauberger, L. Coppi, M.-A. Dittel, M. Everson, M. Farley, L. Hancher, H. Heinrich, H.C.H. Hofmann, K.-O. Junginger-Dittel, J. Kavanagh, T. Kleiner, M. Krajewski, R. Krämer, A. Lykotrafiti, C. Micheau, A. Morini, P. Nebbia, G. Niels, D. Piccinin, S. Pilsbury, F. Salerno, M. Schütte, E. Szyszczak
SPCK - Crossway ESV Prayer Journal