Search results for ""Author Alexander""
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH The Legitimation of Conquest: Monarchical Representation and the Art of Government in the Empire of Alexander the Great
De Gruyter Middle English
This volume provides a wide-ranging account of Middle English, organized by linguistic level. Not only are the traditional areas of linguistic study explored in state-of-the-art chapters on Middle English phonology morphology, syntax, and semantics written by experts in the field, but the volume also covers less traditional areas of study, including Middle English creolization, sociolinguistics, literary language (including the language of Chaucer), pragmatics and discourse, dialectology, standardization, language contact, and multilingualism.
De Gruyter Old English
This volume provides an in-depth account of Old English, organized by linguistic level. Individual chapters, written by recognized experts in the field, review the state of the art in phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic studies of Old English. Key areas of debate, including dialectology, language contact, standardization, and literary language, are also explored. The volume sets the scene with a chapter on pre-Old English and ends with a chapter discussing textual resources available for the study of earlier English.
Brepols N.V. Ravenna in the Imagination of Renaissance Art
The Library of America The Essential Hamilton: Letters & Other Writings: A Library of America Special Publication
Go beyond Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton and get to know the real Alexander Hamilton in this Library of America collection of the Founding Father’s own public and private writings. A brash immigrant who rose to become George Washington’s right-hand man. A fierce partisan whose nationalist vision made him Thomas Jefferson’s bitter rival. An unfaithful husband whose commitment to personal honor brought his life to a tragic early end. The amazing success of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical Hamilton has stoked an extraordinary resurgence of interest in Alexander Hamilton, the brilliant and divisive founder who profoundly shaped the American republic. Now, Library of America presents an unrivaled portrait of Hamilton in his own words, charting his meteoric rise, his controversial tenure as treasury secretary, and his scandalous final years—all culminating in his infamous duel with Aaron Burr. Selected and introduced by acclaimed historian Joanne B. Freeman, The Essential Hamilton is a reader’s edition of the Founding Father's public writings and private letters, plus the correspondence between Burr and Hamilton that led to their duel and two conflicting eyewitness accounts of their fatal encounter.
Simon & Schuster Just You and Me: Remarkable Relationships in the Wild
Independent Institute,U.S. Judge and Jury: American Tort Law on Trial
Is the U.S. tort system in crisis? CBS television's 60 Minutes has said the tort system metes out ""jackpot justice,"" and Newsweek has called America a ""Lawsuit Hell."" Other observers of the legal system, however, argue that the tort crisis is a myth. Although both sides of the debate rely primarily on anecdote and the selective use of evidence, a sound diagnosis of the tort system requires a rigorous analysis of hard data, not a retelling of sensationalistic sound bites.In Judge and Jury: American Tort Law on Trial, economists Eric Helland and Alexander Tabarrok present their study of tens of thousands of tort cases from across the United States. The result is the most complete picture of the U.S. system of civil justice to date. Examining three of the key players of the tort system (juries, judges, and lawyers), Helland and Tabarrok conclude that the tort system is badly broken in some respects but functions surprisingly well in others.
Faber Music Ltd Lute-Book lullaby
John Wiley & Sons Inc Plasma Medicine
This comprehensive text is suitable for researchers and graduate students of a ‘hot’ new topic in medical physics. Written by the world’s leading experts, this book aims to present recent developments in plasma medicine, both technological and scientific, reviewed in a fashion accessible to the highly interdisciplinary audience consisting of doctors, physicists, biologists, chemists and other scientists, university students and professors, engineers and medical practitioners. The book focuses on major topics and covers the physics required to develop novel plasma discharges relevant for medical applications, the medicine to apply the technology not only in-vitro but also in-vivo testing and the biology to understand complicated bio-chemical processes involved in plasma interaction with living tissues.
Baessler, Hendrik Verlag Angern
Synema Gesellschaft Fur Film u. Medien Fünfzig Jahre Österreichisches Filmmuseum, 1964–2014
This is a three-volume set about the founding, the 50-year history, and the collections of the Austrian Film Museum. Volume 1 (in German) is a work of historical research, describing in detail the establishment and development of the institution—from postwar Viennese film culture and its protagonists to the tenth anniversary of the Film Museum in 1974. Volume 2 (in German, with some parts in English) extends the time-frame to the year 2014 and offers a richly illustrated anthology of essays, documents, memoirs, and correspondence. It highlights the major retrospectives staged by the Film Museum over a period of 50 years and celebrates many of the visiting artists as well as the writers who contributed to the museum's international recognition and to its curatorial positions. Volume 3 (in German) focuses on the museum's holdings by picturing and describing 50 objects from various subfields of the collectionVand suggesting a non-dogmatic reading of film history.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baurecht Sachsen
Hirmer Verlag GmbH Alexander Camaro
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mehr Demokratie Dank Ersatzstimme?: Neue Wahlrechts-Konzepte in Der Diskussion
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Beyond Agile: Ein neues System der Unternehmensorganisation in der Praxis
Streng hierarchische Führung oder total agile Demokratie? Die Unternehmensorganisation der Zukunft muss beides können. Wie das gelingen kann, beschreibt dieses Fachbuch ausführlich – in einem neuen Organisationsmodell, das beide Herangehensweisen situativ möglich macht. Und damit einen systemischen Brückenschlag zwischen „alter“ und „neuer“ Welt schafft. Dabei gibt das Buch einen Überblick über aktuelle Formen klassischer sowie agiler Organisationsmodelle. Es beleuchtet die Entwicklung gängiger Organisationsformen von komplexen Hierarchien über Lean und Scrum bis hin zur Holokratie. Anschließend wird das innovative Konzept beschrieben, das die besten Ansätze vereint: situativ statt festgelegt, systemisch statt hierarchisch, lateral statt vertikal. Praxisnah am Beispiel einer Unternehmensberatung und Kreativagentur, die dieses Organisationsmodell seit über sieben Jahren lebt. Das Ergebnis? Beyond Agile.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden eHealth in Deutschland: Anforderungen und Potenziale innovativer Versorgungsstrukturen
Dieses Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über Potenziale und Herausforderungen von eHealth im deutschen Kontext. Aus interdisziplinärer Sicht werden zunächst die Grundlagen und Voraussetzungen dargestellt, wie z. B. technische Standards, rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen sowie Aspekte in Bezug auf Qualität und Finanzierung von eHealth-Anwendungen. Bei der Beschreibung wichtiger Anwendungsfelder wird neben allgemeinen eHealth-Anwendungen insbesondere auf die Telemedizin als einem zentralen Instrument von eHealth eingegangen. Dabei werden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Anforderungen an die Telemedizin aus unterschiedlichen fachlichen Disziplinen aufgezeigt. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet die onlinebasierte Gesundheitskommunikation, wobei das Internet im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion steht; dieses nimmt für die Bevölkerung einen immer höheren Stellenwert beim Erwerb von (gesundheitsbezogenen) Informationen ein.Die ZielgruppenDas Buch wendet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler und Studierende unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen, u.a. der Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik und Kommunikationswissenschaften, als auch an Praktiker wie z.B. Beschäftigte im Gesundheitswesen und in der Medizintechnik.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Die Wissenschaftssoziologie Pierre Bourdieus
Die Wissenschaftssoziologie Pierre Bourdieus steht im Zentrum seines soziologischen Gesamtwerkes. Die vorliegende Einführung stellt erstmalig Bourdieus wissenschaftssoziologisches Werk in systematischer Form dar und verdeutlicht den zentralen Mehrwert seiner Sozialtheorie für die moderne Wissenschaftsforschung. Es wird gezeigt, wie sich Bourdieus Wissenschaftstheorie und erkenntnistheoretische Kritik mit seiner soziologischen Analyse des wissenschaftlichen Feldes verbinden. Diese Synthese liefert die Begründung für die öffentliche und politische Intervention von Soziolog*innen und Intellektuellen.Der Inhalt• Bourdieus Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie• Das wissenschaftliche Feld• Vom Gebrauch der Wissenschaft• Bourdieu und die moderne Wissenschaftssoziologie• Bourdieu in der WissenschaftsforschungDie Zielgruppen• Studierende und Lehrende der Soziologie, Philosophie, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften• Studierende und Lehrende der Wissenschaftssoziologie und Science and Technology Studies• Studierende und Lehrende der Wissenschafts- und HochschulforschungDie AutorenDr. Alexander Lenger vertritt seit März 2018 die Professur für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Didaktik der Wirtschaftslehre an der Universität Siegen. Zuvor hat er von April 2016 bis März 2017 die Professur für Soziologie des Wissens am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie und von April bis August 2015 die Professur für Soziologie an der Universität Freiburg vertreten.Philipp Rhein ist Lehrbeauftragter am Institut für Soziologie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und arbeitet am Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung – ISF München.
De Gruyter Gut aufgehoben: Museumsdepots planen und betreiben
Nachhaltige Museumsarbeit lebt von der kontinuierlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den Objekten der Sammlung. Denn sie bieten die Antwort auf unterschiedlichste Fragestellungen – vorausgesetzt, sie werden langfristig über die Zeiten gerettet. Die Basis für diese Aufgabe sind gut geplante Museumsdepots. Hier lagert, von der Öffentlichkeit kaum beachtet und meist nur den Fachleuten zugänglich, ein Großteil der Museumssammlungen. Die Depots sind damit ein unentbehrlicher Material- und Wissenspool für gegenwärtige und künftige Forschungs-, Ausstellungs- und Vermittlungsarbeit. Ein fachgerecht geführtes Museumsdepot schützt die Sammlung vor Schäden, ob mechanischer Art, durch ungeeignetes Klima, Verschmutzung, Licht, mikrobiellen Befall, Insekten oder Katastrophen. Die Lagerung muss in einer Weise erfolgen, die jederzeit den Überblick über die Bestände gewährleistet und den leichten Zugriff auf einzelne Objekte ermöglicht. Der vorliegende Band vermittelt praxisgerecht die Grundlagen für die Aufbewahrung von Museumsgut und zeigt an Beispielen Lösungen für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen auf.
Birkhauser SCALE Volumes 1-5 (Set)
The SCALE series, spanning five volumes, discusses all relevant building components from design to actual construction. It systematically presents design as a process for the integrative development of form, structure, and technology. The planning process is illuminated by showcasing uniform planning documents from international example projects.
Springer International Publishing AG KI 2023: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 46th German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, September 26–29, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 46th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI 2023, which took place in Berlin, Germany, in September 2023.The 14 full and 5 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The papers deal with research on theory and applications across all methods and topic areas of AI research.
Tourbillon The Secret Life of Bugs
The beauty of bees, ants, butterflies, spiders, and more are showcased in this meticulously illustrated picture book. What's more, each spread includes laser cuts on every spread, which enhance the details of the little creatures and their environment. A visual treat! Age-appropriate text about each insect provides just the right amount of information for young readers.
Seagull Books London Ltd Gramsci′s Fall
A novel at once about social justice, romance, and Gramsci.Is it possible to fight for social justice if you’ve never really loved another person? Can you save a country if you’re in love? Forty-six-year-old Anton Stöver’s marriage is broken. His affairs are a thing of the past, and his career at the university has reached a dead end. One day he is offered the chance to go to Rome to conduct research on Antonio Gramsci, at one time the leading figure of Italian communism. Once there, he falls obsessively in love with a young woman he has met while continuing to focus his attention on the past: the frail and feverish Gramsci recovering in a Soviet sanatorium. Though Gramsci is supposed to save Italy from Mussolini’s seizure of power, he falls in love with a Russian comrade instead. With a subtle sense of the absurd, Nora Bossong explores the conflicts between having intense feelings for another and fighting for great ideals.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC EU Civil Procedure Law and Third Countries: Which Way Forward?
Based on comparative analyses and country-specific reports (featuring EU member countries as well as non-EU countries), this book develops a structured approach for future action, be it by modification of existing EU regulations, passing new regulations, negotiating new multilateral or bilateral treaties (eg in the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law), developing soft law or passing national legislation, preferably on a uniform or coordinated basis together with third countries.
University of Toronto Press Spheres of Action: Speech and Performance in Romantic Culture
With contributions from leading Romanticist scholars who draw on literary history, performance studies, philosophy, linguistics, and anthropology, Spheres of Action examines the significant intersections between language and performance during the Romantic period. These essays consider cultural phenomena such as elocution and political oratory, newspaper journalism, public mourning, the function of gesture and clothing in theatre - even a long-distance walking contest. They examine the problematic relationships among action, agency, and language in a variety of cultural institutions and media from the era. Exploring aspects of public speaking and body language, these essays propose that understanding the culture and institutions of the Romantic period requires nuanced approaches to performance and agency. The collection also studies the ways in which the Romantics discovered both the potency and limitations of performativity. Presenting a boldly multifaceted portrait of Romantic culture, Spheres of Action is essential reading for Romanticists, historians, and scholars with interests in language and performance.
Bristol University Press Rescaling Urban Governance: Planning, Localism and Institutional Change
Cities across the globe face unprecedented challenges as a result of ever-increasing pressure from climate change, migration, ageing populations and resource shortages. In order to guarantee a sustainable global future, these issues demand radical new approaches to how we govern our cities. Providing new research and thinking about cities, their governance and innovative models of planning reform, this timely and important book compares the UK with an array of international examples to examine cutting-edge experimentation and innovation in new models of governance and urban policy. The flagship text of the Urban Policy, Planning and Built Environment series, this broad but accessible volume is ideal for students and provides an authoritative single point of reference for teaching.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Gone Fishin' Portfolio: Get Wise, Get Wealthy...and Get on With Your Life
Learn how to invest, relax, and let your money do the work with this incredible guide Fully revised, updated, and expanded for the first time since its New York Times Best-Selling debut in 20TK, the legendary Alexander Green's essential guide for individual investors spells out stock-market success for everyone from first-timers to seasoned pros. The Gone Fishin' Portfolio: Get Wise, Get Wealthy…and Get on With Your Life, Second Edition delivers a long-term investment strategy that lets you reap the rewards of financial success with a simple, yet sophisticated, strategy that increases returns, reduces risk, and leaves you with time to enjoy the finer things in life. You'll learn about the fundamental relationship between risk and reward in the financial markets and get a trading insider's view of how the investment industry actually works. With The Gone Fishin' Portfolio, you'll also discover: How to take your financial future into your own hands How to invest in a way that doesn’t require you to spend every waking moment worrying about your money How to avoid the most common traps the investment industry sets for you Why skilled investing doesn't have to be complicated Perfect for individual investors who want to put their money to work for them, The Gone Fishin' Portfolio gives you all the tools you need to manage your own money and maximize your investment returns today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Book of Alternative Data: A Guide for Investors, Traders and Risk Managers
The first and only book to systematically address methodologies and processes of leveraging non-traditional information sources in the context of investing and risk management Harnessing non-traditional data sources to generate alpha, analyze markets, and forecast risk is a subject of intense interest for financial professionals. A growing number of regularly-held conferences on alternative data are being established, complemented by an upsurge in new papers on the subject. Alternative data is starting to be steadily incorporated by conventional institutional investors and risk managers throughout the financial world. Methodologies to analyze and extract value from alternative data, guidance on how to source data and integrate data flows within existing systems is currently not treated in literature. Filling this significant gap in knowledge, The Book of Alternative Data is the first and only book to offer a coherent, systematic treatment of the subject. This groundbreaking volume provides readers with a roadmap for navigating the complexities of an array of alternative data sources, and delivers the appropriate techniques to analyze them. The authors—leading experts in financial modeling, machine learning, and quantitative research and analytics—employ a step-by-step approach to guide readers through the dense jungle of generated data. A first-of-its kind treatment of alternative data types, sources, and methodologies, this innovative book: Provides an integrated modeling approach to extract value from multiple types of datasets Treats the processes needed to make alternative data signals operational Helps investors and risk managers rethink how they engage with alternative datasets Features practical use case studies in many different financial markets and real-world techniques Describes how to avoid potential pitfalls and missteps in starting the alternative data journey Explains how to integrate information from different datasets to maximize informational value The Book of Alternative Data is an indispensable resource for anyone wishing to analyze or monetize different non-traditional datasets, including Chief Investment Officers, Chief Risk Officers, risk professionals, investment professionals, traders, economists, and machine learning developers and users.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Worrying: A Comprehensive Handbook for Clinicians and Researchers
A comprehensive and authoritative guide to anxiety disorder and worry Generalized Anxiety Disorder offers a comprehensive review of the most current research and therapeutic modalities related to generalized anxiety disorder and worry (GAD). With contributions from an international panel of experts, the Handbooklinks the basic science of anxiety and worry to the effective treatments that can be applied to help those who suffer from these conditions. Reflecting the most recent research and developments on the topic, theHandbook contains information on cross-cultural issues, transdiagnostic questions, as well as material on learning theory, biological theory, psychotherapy, and psychopharmacology. The contributors offer an in-depth examination of a range of topics such as rumination and obsessions and contains several novel approaches to treating the disorder. This comprehensive resource: Contains the most current information available on the topic Explores the consequences of worrying and other mental disorders such as illness anxiety and sleep disorders Includes contributions from an international panel of experts Offers insight into the future of treatment outcomes and translational research Written for practitioners, researchers, and trainees of clinical psychology and psychiatry, Generalized Anxiety Disorder addresses the assessment and empirically supported treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.
Seagull Books London Ltd The Nameless Day
Now in paperback, the thrilling, psychological tale of a twenty-year-old cold case and the detective committed to solving it. After years on the job, police detective Jakob Franck has retired. Finally, the dead-with all their mysteries-will no longer have any claim on him. Or so he thinks. On a cold autumn afternoon, a case he thought he'd long put behind him returns to his life-and turns it upside down. The Nameless Day tells the story of that twenty-year-old case, which began with Franck carrying the news of the suicide of a seventeen-year-old girl to her mother, and holding her for seven hours as, in her grief, she said not a single word. Now her father has appeared, swearing to Franck that his daughter was murdered. Can Franck follow the cold trail of evidence two decades later to see whether he's telling the truth? Could he live with himself if he didn't? A psychological crime novel certain to thrill fans of Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo, The Nameless Day is a masterpiece, a tightly plotted story of contemporary alienation, loss, and violence.
Seagull Books London Ltd Drilling through Hard Boards: 133 Political Stories
Max Weber famously described politics as "a strong, slow drilling through hard boards with both passion and judgment." Taking this as his inspiration, Alexander Kluge brings readers yet another literary masterpiece. Drilling through Hard Boards is a kaleidoscopic meditation on the tools available to those who struggle for power. Weber's metaphorical drill certainly embodies intelligent tenacity as a precondition for political change. But what is a hammer in the business of politics, Kluge wonders, and what is a subtle touch? Eventually, we learn that all questions of politics lead to a single one: what is political in the first place? In the book, Kluge masterfully unspools more than one hundred vignettes, through which it becomes clear that the political is more often than not personal. Politics are everywhere in our everyday lives, so along with the stories of major political figures, we also find here the small, mostly unknown ones: Elfriede Eilers alongside Pericles, Chilean miners next to Napoleon, a three-month-old baby beside Alexander the Great. Drilling through Hard Boards is not just Kluge's newest fiction, it is a masterpiece of political thought.
Pluto Press How the West Came to Rule: The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism
*Winner of International Studies Association (ISA)'s International Political Sociology Best Book Prize for 2017* *Winner of British International Studies Association (BISA)'s International Political Economy Working Group Book Prize of 2016* *Shortlisted for the ISA Book Prize* Mainstream historical accounts of the development of capitalism describe a process which is fundamentally European - a system that was born in the mills and factories of England or under the guillotines of the French Revolution. In this groundbreaking book, a very different story is told. How the West Came to Rule offers a interdisciplinary and international historical account of the origins of capitalism. It argues that contrary to the dominant wisdom, capitalism's origins should not be understood as a development confined to the geographically and culturally sealed borders of Europe, but the outcome of a wider array of global processes in which non-European societies played a decisive role. Through an outline of the uneven histories of Mongolian expansion, New World discoveries, Ottoman-Habsburg rivalry, the development of the Asian colonies and bourgeois revolutions, Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nisancioglu provide an account of how these diverse events and processes came together to produce capitalism.
Princeton University Press Benny Andersen: Selected Poems
Benny Andersen, currently Denmark's most popular poet, is virtually unknown in the United States. He is a poet of remarkable versatility, whose voices range from reflective to whimsical. His imagery is original and often surprising; his humor is delightful. To introduce Benny Andersen to English readers, Alexander Taylor has worked with the poet, selecting and translating poems from the eight books now available in Danish. The poems are presented here in their Danish versions and in English translations that capture the spontaneity and excitement of the originals. In both versions the poetry is evocative and refreshingly direct. The imagery is vivid, and the poet's inventive use of diction and syntax creates startling effects. Perhaps most characteristic of Andersen's work is the fusion of complex, often conflicting emotions within a single poem. Born in Copenhagen in 1929, Benny Andersen published his first book of poetry in 1960, to immediate public and critical acclaim. In addition to poetry, he has written a novel, short stories, children's books, filmscripts, television plays, and essays. He has received several awards. Originally published in 1976. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Checks in the Balance: Legislative Capacity and the Dynamics of Executive Power
How access to resources and policymaking powers determines the balance of power between the legislative and executive branchesThe specter of unbridled executive power looms large in the American political imagination. Are checks and balances enough to constrain ambitious executives? Checks in the Balance presents a new theory of separation of powers that brings legislative capacity to the fore, explaining why Congress and state legislatures must possess both the opportunities and the means to constrain presidents and governors—and why, without these tools, executive power will prevail.Alexander Bolton and Sharece Thrower reveal how legislative capacity—which they conceive of as the combination of a legislature’s resources and policymaking powers—is the key to preventing the accumulation of power in the hands of an encroaching executive. They show how low-capacity legislatures face difficulties checking the executive through mechanisms such as discretion and oversight, and how presidents and governors unilaterally bypass such legislative adversaries to impose their will. When legislative capacity is high, however, the legislative branch can effectively stifle executives. Bolton and Thrower draw on a wealth of historical evidence on congressional capacity, oversight, discretion, and presidential unilateralism. They also examine thousands of gubernatorial executive orders, demonstrating how varying capacity in the states affects governors’ power.Checks in the Balance affirms the centrality of legislatures in tempering executive power—and sheds vital new light on how and why they fail.
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Architecture of Jacques Ferrier
It was perhaps no surprise that Jacques Ferrier was personally selected by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to design the country’s pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo in 2010. It was to become, along with Thomas Heatherwick’s ‘Seed Cathedral’, one of the most lauded and visited pavilions of the fair, and embodied the key characteristics of Ferrier’s work: a deep interest in technology; the encouragement of social interaction through the use of courtyards, walkways and loggias; and the use of a perforated outer skin that not only responds to the need for internal climatic control but also provides an additional space for informal social gathering while softening the transition from the building’s internal space to the outside world. Influenced by the critic Rayner Banham, by the work of French architect–engineer Jean Prouvé, and by his early experience of working with Norman Foster, Jacques Ferrier has developed a highly individual approach to architecture that seeks to harness technology in order to create buildings and urban environments that fully engage with the practical and emotional needs of people. Central to Ferrier’s philosophy is the idea of the ‘Sensual City’, which aims to create buildings and cities that engage with the five senses – sound, smell, sight, touch and taste – that are central to human experience. Ferrier is the antithesis of the celebrity ‘starchitect’, but his work stands out precisely because of its calm thoughtfulness, sensitivity and precision.
Columbia University Press Between Dog and Wolf
Sasha Sokolov is one of few writers to have been praised by Vladimir Nabokov, who called his first novel, A School for Fools, "an enchanting, tragic, and touching book." Sokolov's second novel, Between Dog and Wolf, written in 1980, has long intimidated translators because of its complex puns, rhymes, and neologisms. Language rather than plot motivates the story-the novel is often compared to James Joyce's Finnegans Wake-and time, characters, and death all prove unstable. The one constant is the Russian landscape, where the Volga is a more-crossable River Styx, especially when it freezes in winter. Sokolov's fiction has hugely influenced contemporary Russian writers. Now, thanks to Alexander Boguslawski's bold and superb translation, English readers can access what many consider to be his best work.
Bog Eyed Books Useleus: A Greek Oddity
The New York Review of Books, Inc A School For Fools
The American University in Cairo Press A Beautiful White Cat Walks with Me: A Novel
Hassan makes a living in his native Marrakesh as a comic writer and performer, through his satirical sketches critical of Morocco's rulers. Yet when he is suddenly conscripted into a losing war in the Sahara, and drafted to a far-flung desert outpost, it seems that all is lost. Could his estranged father, close to power as the king's private jester, have something to do with his sudden removal from the city? And will he ever see his beloved wife Zinab again? With flowing prose and black humor, Youssef Fadel subtly tells the story of 1980s Morocco.
Aiora Press Greek Folk Tales
Greek folk tales descend from Aesop and Greek antiquity, as well as medieval storytelling in the pivotal south-east Mediterranean world that linked Christianity, Islam and Byzantium. These tales, told by folk narrators throughout Greek-speaking regions up to our times, are wondrous, whimsical stories about doughty youths and frightful monsters, resourceful maidens and animals gifted with human speech. The tales weave substantive motifs, characters, and forms into a rich tapestry capturing the temperament and ethos of the Greek folk psyche. ?The folk tales included in this volume were collected in the late-nineteenth to mid-twentieth century. They were found in Greek-speaking lands, including Asia Minor and Cyprus. A few have been borrowed from traditions beyond Greece, while some have come down to us from antiquity, including Aesop-like fables with speaking animal characters.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Explaining Russian Foreign Policy Behavior: Theory & Practice
This book aims to explain the reasons behind Russia's international conduct in the post-Soviet era, examining Russian foreign policy discourse with a particular focus on the major foreign policy schools of Atlanticism, Eurasianism, derzhavniki, realpolitik, geopolitics, neo-Marxism, radical nationalism, and post-positivism. The Russian post-Soviet threat perceptions and national security doctrines are studied. The author critically assesses the evolution of Russian foreign policy decision-making over the last 25 years and analyses the roles of various governmental agencies, interest groups and subnational actors. Concluding that a foreign policy consensus is gradually emerging in contemporary Russia, Sergunin argues that the Russian foreign policy discourse aims not only at the formulation of an international strategy but also at the search for a new national identity. Alexander Sergunin argues that Russia's current domestic situation, defined by numerous socio-economic, inter-ethnic, demographic, environmental, and other problems, dictates the need to abandon superpower ambitions and to rather set modest foreign policy goals.
Transcript Verlag Culture^2 – Theorizing Theory for the Twenty–First Century, Vol. 1
How to do cultural studies in the twenty-first century? This essay collection is not a handbook, encyclopedia, or a "state of the field" compendium. Instead, it is a reflexive exercise in cultural studies, featuring fifteen accessible essays on a selection of critical key works published since 2000. The contributors aim to provide readers with a fresh and engaging look at recent criticism, exploring the interdisciplinary traffic of theories, methods, and ideas within the field of cultural and literary studies. This book shows how the work of Lauren Berlant, Rita Felski, Fred Moten, Anna Tsing, and others can inspire new thinking and theorizing for the twenty-first century.
Lannoo Publishers The Grid
The Grid examines the multiple uses of the grid in contemporary art. Textile weaves, graphic grids, framework for materials, typological systems, spatio-temporal frameworks, computer matrix, narratives and documentary devices. The Grid presents works by renowned artists including Max Bill, François Morellet, Vera Molnár, Carl Andre, Sol LeWitt, Dennis Oppenheim, Esther Ferrer, Gina Pane, Christian Boltanski, Sherrie Levine, Claudia Andujar, Analívia Cordeiro and Anna Bella Geiger. "Each grid has its own texture, uniqueness, individuating features, capacities for creative enactment, and relationship to other grids, as much as each person combines and utilises a grid for him- or herself.’ Hannah B. Higgins