Search results for ""Terrain""
University Press of Kansas Zhukov's Greatest Defeat: The Red Army's Epic Disaster in Operation Mars, 1942
One of the least-known stories of World War II, Operation Mars was an epic military disaster. Designed to dislodge the German Army from its position west of Moscow, Mars cost the Soviets an estimated 335,000 dead, missing, and wounded men and over 1,600 tanks. But in Russian history books, it was a battle that never happened-a historical debacle sacrificed to Stalin's postwar censorship.David Glantz now offers the first definitive account of this forgotten catastrophe, revealing the key players and detailing the major events of Operation Mars. Using neglected sources in both German and Russian archives, he reconstructs the historical context of Mars and reviews the entire operation from High Command to platoon level.Orchestrated and led by Marshal Georgi Kostantinovich Zhukov, one of the Soviet Union's great military heroes, the twin operations Mars and Uranus formed the centerpiece of Soviet strategic efforts in the fall of 1942. Launched in tandem with Operation Uranus, the successful counteroffensive at Stalingrad, Mars proved a monumental setback. Fought in bad weather and on impossible terrain, the ambitious offensive faltered despite spectacular initial success in some sectors: Zhukov kept sending in more troops and tanks only to see them decimated by the entrenched Germans.Illuminating the painful progress of Operation Mars with vivid battle scenes and numerous maps and illustrations, Glantz presents Mars as a major failure of Zhukov's renowned command. Yet, both during and after the war, that failure was masked from public view by the successful Stalingrad operation, thus eliminating any stain from Zhukov's public image as a hero of the Great Patriotic War.For three grueling weeks, Operation Mars was one of the most tragic and agonizing episodes in Soviet military history. Glantz's reconstruction of that failed offensive fills a major gap in our knowledge of World War II, even as it raises important questions about the reputations of national military heroes.
Columbia University Press The Present Personal: Philosophy and the Hidden Face of Language
Is philosophy deaf to the sound of the personal voice? While philosophy is experienced at admiring, resenting, celebrating, and, at times, renouncing language, philosophers have rarely succeeded in being intimate with it. Hagi Kenaan argues that philosophy's concern with abstract forms of linguistic meaning and the objective, propositional nature of language has obscured the singular human voice. In this strikingly original work Kenaan explores the ethical and philosophical implications of recognizing and responding to the individual presence in language. In pursuing the philosophical possibility of listening to language as the embodiment of the human voice, Kenaan explores the phenomenological notion of the "personal." He defines the personal as the irresolvable tension that exists between the public character of language, necessary for intelligibility, and the ways in which we, as individuals, remain riveted to our words in a contingently singular manner. The Present Personal fuses phenomenology and aesthetics and the traditions of Continental and Anglo-American philosophy, drawing on Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, Kant, Kierkegaard, and Heidegger as well as literary works by Kafka, Kundera, and others. By asking new questions and charting fresh terrain, Kenaan does more than offer innovative investigations into the philosophy of language; The Present Personal, and its concern with the intimate and personal nature of language, uncovers the ethical depth of our experience with language. Kenaan begins with a discussion of Kierkegaard's existential critique of language and the ways in which the propositional structure of language does not allow the spoken to reflect the singularity of the self. He then compares two attempts to subvert the "hegemony of content": the pragmatic turn of J. L. Austin and the poetic path of Heidegger. Kenaan concludes by turning to Kant and discovering an analogy between the experience of meaning in language and the aesthetic experience of encountering beauty. Kenaan's reconceptualization of philosophy's approach to language frees the contingent singularity of language while, at the same time, permitting it to continue to dwell within the confines of content.
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press Joseph Conrad and Ethics
Joseph Conrad’s ethical perspective is one of the deepest in twentieth-century fiction, yet its study has been overlooked in recent scholarship. Joseph Conrad and Ethics is one of very few books fully devoted to ethics in Conrad’s fiction. It offers a thorough, in-depth analysis of Conrad’s ethical reflection that challenges and extends current scholarly discussions.The authors of this theoretically informed, accessible volume examine Conrad’s representation of ethics through the lens of Levinas, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze, and Ricoeur, among others, and confront Conrad’s ethical perspective to these philosophers’ views. Through detailed studies of works like “Heart of Darkness,” The Secret Agent, Lord Jim and Under Western Eyes, they navigate the conflicted terrain of ethics and morality, highlighting the enmeshment of ethics and aesthetics, ethics and narrative, and ethics and ideology in Conrad’s fiction. The key issues they address include the ethics of storytelling and readership, ethical commitment and detachment, the ethics of uncertainty and uneasiness, and planetary ethics and ethical disillusionment. Conrad is ambivalent about ethics and this interdisciplinary volume pivots around a fundamental Conradian ethical paradox: how to account for ethical responsibility in a world not meant for ethics in the first place and, as Conrad stated, whose “aim cannot be ethical at all.” It demonstrates that Conrad adopts a planetary ethics that embraces the human condition in its universality, while he also doubts the viability of ethics itself. Via his protagonists’ moral predicaments he expresses both the necessity of ethics in human relationships and the impossibility of individual ethical fulfillment.The book is volume 30 of the series Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives, edited by Wiesław Krajka. It explores a major, understudied Conradian topic – Ethics, and adds an important thematic and theoretical dimension to this series. The chapters are written by experts from various universities worldwide, in keeping with the international, cosmopolitan spirit of Eastern and Western Perspectives. The authors’ wide-ranging, original perspectives on ethics open new venues in Conrad scholarship that will greatly benefit scholars and students of Conrad, modernism, and ethics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Putting Sustainability into Practice: Applications and Advances in Research on Sustainable Consumption
Putting Sustainability into Practice offers a robust and interdisciplinary understanding of contemporary consumption routines that challenges conventional approaches to social change premised on behavioral economics and social psychology. Empirical research is featured from eight different countries, using both qualitative and quantitative data to support its thesis.Given the complex and systemic nature of contemporary ecological issues like climate change, a rapidly growing group of scholars is seeking new explanations of behavioral patterns and behavioral change. These new accounts clarify why patterns of consumption and waste continue to be unsustainable despite a wealth of information proving sustainability's importance. In particular, social practice theories offer a way of understanding how material consumption is built into the everyday work of belonging and shaping one's social life. Putting Sustainability into Practice contributes to the rich scholarship developed to date by applying social practice theories to case studies. These case studies are likely to be especially valuable to readers who are relatively new to the social practice perspective. The volume also includes research that advances social practice theories, moving the study of sustainable consumption into novel terrain such as sustainable finance, collective action, and social policy.This book offers multiple empirical applications of social practice theories in sustainable consumption, advancing this research area in such a way that will attract academics to its findings. Those teaching classes in the environmental social sciences will find this introduction suitable for the classroom as well. It offers a rare account of the history of social practice theories and provides numerous case studies to which one can apply these approaches. Graduate students will also find this a useful guide to conducting empirical research on sustainable consumption and civic engagement from a social practices perspective.Contributors: J. Backhaus, S. Barr, T. Bateman, F. Forno, M. Gismondi, C. Grasseni, M. Jaeger-Erben, D. Kasper, R. Kemp, J. Marois, J. Rückert-John, M. Sahakian, C. Schelly, S. Signori, D. Straith, H. Wieser
Johns Hopkins University Press Provincial Families of the Renaissance: Private and Public Life in the Veneto
Grubb's comprehensive analysis of his subjects' compelling, if inconspicuous, lives investigates every significant aspect of private experience during the Renaissance: marriage, birth, death, household relations, work, land, social status, and spirituality. Winner of the Society for Italian Historical Studies's Howard R. Marraro PrizeOriginally published in 1996. Historical writing on the Renaissance has usually focused on the social extremes that co-existed in the great metropolitan centers—on either elites or the underclass. As a result, the world of the middling families and provincial societies remains largely unexplored. Daily experiences in the lesser cities are, however, no less rich and revealing than those of Florence, Venice, and Milan. In addition, writes historian James Grubb, these experiences offer new perspectives from which to reassess familiar assumptions about domestic life in the fifteenth century. Based on memoirs and other records left by thirteen merchant families from the Veneto cities of Verona and Vincenza, Provincial Families of the Renaissance is an engrossing study of daily lives that have until now been overlooked by scholars. Grubb examines the attitudes and experiences of families undistinguished in their modest means and local ambitions from the majority of their compatriots, uncovering a detailed historical landscape rich in social obligations, commercial activities, and religious beliefs.Grubb's comprehensive analysis of his subjects' compelling, if inconspicuous, lives investigates every significant aspect of private experience during the Renaissance: marriage, birth, death, household relations, work, land, social status, and spirituality. In reconstructing provincial life in the Veneto, Grubb discovers in his subjects an independence of mind that mediated their reception of metropolitan ideologies far more than the historiography of the Renaissance might suggest. These "unremarkable" provincials were agents of their own destiny, influenced in equal measures by prevailing attitudes, local customs, and personal convictions. "James Grubb is exploring new terrain in this book. Distinguished by its clarity and eloquence, this is a superior work of historical writing and analysis that merits comparison with the best monographs on the social history of Renaissance Italy."—Gene Brucker, University of California at Berkeley
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Business of Research: Knowledge and Learning Redefined in Architectural Practice
Architectural research is being redefined in practice. Whereas once the value of a piece of research was solely measured by the number of citations it received by fellow academics, shifting funding models and new societal concerns are forcing academia to question its structure and this mode of evaluation. At the same time a wave of practitioners and new types of institutions, such as RMIT in Melbourne and the London School of Architecture (LSA), have been recasting architectural education and theoretical speculation within practice, turning the traditional architectural studio into a learning environment that adopts and adapts academic models, and starts to use architectural research as a potential source of business intelligence, as a means for self-generating future commissions and speculative opportunities that sometimes even shift the terrain of practice. This new focus on research in practice is indicative of a profession redefining its relevance and scope. This is destabilising the traditional roles of academia and practice by questioning their deep-rooted separation and demanding a new definition of the term ‘research’ with one that is relevant to both parties. This issue features contributions from architectural thinkers, researchers and a number of practitioners who are recasting academic speculation within their own studios. This not only redefines what is meant by research and what forms it takes, but also how it creates value for them, their clients, for the discipline as a whole and for the ultimate users of their designs. This helps us to understand how research might be deemed valuable beyond a purely academic context. Moreover, it raises significant questions in terms of opportunities and risks that arise when research is recast into the less regimented realm of practice. Contributors: Daniel Davis, Lionel Devlieger, David Green, Harriet Harris, Rory Hyde, Lara Kinneir, James Soane, Ziona Strelitz, Leon van Schaik, John Zhang Featured architects: Assemble, DSDHA, Foster + Partners, Iredale Pedersen Hook, OMA, Public Practice and Superflux.
Duke University Press Medium Cool: Music Videos from Soundies to Cellphones
Music videos are available on more channels, in more formats, and in more countries than ever before. While MTV—the network that introduced music video to most viewers—is moving away from music video programming, other media developments signal the longevity and dynamism of the form. Among these are the proliferation of niche-based cable and satellite channels, the globalization of music video production and programming, and the availability of videos not just on television but also via cell phones, DVDs, enhanced CDs, PDAs, and the Internet. In the context of this transformed media landscape, Medium Cool showcases a new generation of scholarship on music video. Scholars of film, media, and music revisit and revise existing research as they provide historically and theoretically expansive new perspectives on music video as a cultural form.The essays take on a range of topics, including questions of authenticity, the tension between high-art influences and mass-cultural appeal, the prehistory of music video, and the production and dissemination of music videos outside the United States. Among the thirteen essays are a consideration of how the rapper Jay-Z uses music video as the primary site for performing, solidifying, and discarding his various personas; an examination of the recent emergence of indigenous music video production in Papua New Guinea; and an analysis of the cultural issues being negotiated within Finland’s developing music video industry. Contributors explore precursors to contemporary music videos, including 1950s music television programs such as American Bandstand, Elvis’s internationally broadcast 1973 Aloha from Hawaii concert, and different types of short musical films that could be viewed in “musical jukeboxes” of the 1940s and 1960s. Whether theorizing music video in connection to postmodernism or rethinking the relation between sound and the visual image, the essays in Medium Cool reveal music video as rich terrain for further scholarly investigation.Contributors. Roger Beebe, Norma Coates, Kay Dickinson, Cynthia Fuchs, Philip Hayward, Amy Herzog, Antti-Ville Kärjä, Melissa McCartney, Jason Middleton, Lisa Parks, Kip Pegley, Maureen Turim, Carol Vernallis, Warren Zanes
Duke University Press Women's Experimental Cinema: Critical Frameworks
Women’s Experimental Cinema provides lively introductions to the work of fifteen avant-garde women filmmakers, some of whom worked as early as the 1950s and many of whom are still working today. In each essay in this collection, a leading film scholar considers a single filmmaker, supplying biographical information, analyzing various influences on her work, examining the development of her corpus, and interpreting a significant number of individual films. The essays rescue the work of critically neglected but influential women filmmakers for teaching, further study, and, hopefully, restoration and preservation. Just as importantly, they enrich the understanding of feminism in cinema and expand the terrain of film history, particularly the history of the American avant-garde.The contributors examine the work of Marie Menken, Joyce Wieland, Gunvor Nelson, Yvonne Rainer, Carolee Schneemann, Barbara Rubin, Amy Greenfield, Barbara Hammer, Chick Strand, Marjorie Keller, Leslie Thornton, Abigail Child, Peggy Ahwesh, Su Friedrich, and Cheryl Dunye. The essays highlight the diversity in these filmmakers’ forms and methods, covering topics such as how Menken used film as a way to rethink the transition from abstract expressionism to Pop Art in the 1950s and 1960s, how Rubin both objectified the body and investigated the filmic apparatus that enabled that objectification in her film Christmas on Earth (1963), and how Dunye uses film to explore her own identity as a black lesbian artist. At the same time, the essays reveal commonalities, including a tendency toward documentary rather than fiction and a commitment to nonhierarchical, collaborative production practices. The volume’s final essay focuses explicitly on teaching women’s experimental films, addressing logistical concerns (how to acquire the films and secure proper viewing spaces) and extending the range of the book by suggesting alternative films for classroom use.Contributors. Paul Arthur, Robin Blaetz, Noël Carroll, Janet Cutler, Mary Ann Doane, Robert A. Haller, Chris Holmlund, Chuck Kleinhans, Scott MacDonald, Kathleen McHugh, Ara Osterweil, Maria Pramaggiore, Melissa Ragona, Kathryn Ramey, M. M. Serra, Maureen Turim, William C. Wees
Sunflower Books Corfu Sunflower Guide: 60 long and short walks with detailed maps and GPS; 4 car tours with pull-out map
The go-to Corfu travel guide travel guide for discovering the best walks and car tours. Strap on your boots and discover Corfu on foot with the Sunflower Corfu travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours. The Sunflower Corfu guide is indispensable for hiking in Corfu or seeing Corfu by car. For centuries Corfu's magnetic beauty has attracted travellers, who have sung the praises of the peacock-hued bays, the hillsides drenched in silvery-green olive trees, and the emerald greenness of the countryside. And when you leave Corfu, these will be your impressions too. While time brings change, the pristine Corfu so beloved of Lear and the Durrell brothers can still be found - this new edition tells you where. It turns the island inside-out and helps you find a Corfu unknown to most tourists. Whatever your age or ability we've got some glorious walks and car tours to ensure you have a memorable holiday in Corfu. Inside the Sunflower Corfu guide book you'll find: * 60 long and short walks for all ages and abilities - each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk * Topographical walking maps - give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain * Free downloadable gps tracks - for the techies * Satnav guidance to walk starts for motorists * 4 car tours and fold-out touring map - for easy reference on your tour * Strolls to idyllic picnic spots - enjoy our recommendations for where to picnic along the way * Timetables for public transport - ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday * Online update service for the latest information * Street map of Corfu town Whether you tour the island by car or explore on foot, we look forward to showing you around.
Heyday Books Deep Oakland: How Geology Formed a City
A San Francisco Chronicle BestsellerRead the rocks as only a geologist can, with this deep drill-down into Oakland’s geological history and its impacts on the city’s urban present."This book has turned me into a newcomer to my own city, but has also changed the way I will view any landscape. I can think of few greater gifts than that."—Jenny Odell, author of How to Do Nothing"Spending time with Andrew Alden is like giving yourself x-ray eyes." —Roman Mars, host and creator of 99% InvisibleBeneath Oakland’s streets and underfoot of every scurrying creature atop them, rocks roil, shift, crash, and collide in an ever-churning seismological saga. Playing out since time immemorial, the deep geology of this city has chiseled and carved its landforms and the lives of everyone—from the Ohlone to the settlers to the transients and transplants—who has called this singular place home.In Deep Oakland, geologist Andrew Alden excavates the ancient story of Oakland’s geologic underbelly and reveals how its silt, soil, and subterranean sinews are intimately entwined with its human history—and future. Poised atop a world-famous fault line now slumbering, Alden charts how these quaking rocks gave rise to the hills and the flats; how ice-age sand dunes gave root to the city’s eponymous oak forests; how the Jurassic volcanoes of Leona Heights gave way to mining boom times; how Lake Merritt has swelled and disappeared a dozen times over the course of its million-year lifespan; and how each epochal shift has created the terrain cradling Oaklanders today. With Alden as our guide—and with illustrations by Laura Cunningham, author of A State of Change—we see that just as Oakland is a human crossroads, a convergence of cultures from the world over, so too is the bedrock below, carried here from parts still incompletely known.
Open University Press Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Mental Health Practitioners
This book provides a comprehensive, accessible and research-informed approach to personal development issues associated with the role of a counsellor, therapist or mental health practitioner. Written by leading authors in the field, the book is designed to help both trainees and experienced therapists to be more effective in their work with clients by: Deepening and consolidating their understanding of all aspects of personal and professional development Making use of their personal strengths, resources and life experience Drawing on colleagues, mentors and the wider professional community as sources of learning, support and inspiration. The first part of the book explains the nature of the personal and professional development issues that are experienced by therapists. The second part provides a set of learning tasks that invite reflection on all aspects of therapist development."This engaging and accessible book reminds us that, like our clients, counsellors are works in progress. Although written primarily for trainee counsellors, there is much here for the experienced therapist, supervisor, group leader or counselling course trainer to admire and to learn from."Therapy Today, July 2014"John and Julia McLeod have written a superb text that is a rich personal development resource for students, practitioners and lecturers."Mark Widdowson, Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of Salford, UK"The book offers an excellent resource for counselling, psychotherapy and mental health trainers, with rich resources to inform student and tutor work. I highly recommend this valuable addition to the resource and knowledge base."Lynne Gabriel, Associate Professor, York St John University, UK"A fantastic book! This is a comprehensive, engaging and valuable resource that integrates theory and research in an accessible and relevant way."Steff Revell, Lecturer, Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of Cumbria, UK"This book offers an invaluable resource for counselling trainers and students alike. It succinctly maps out the terrain of personal and professional development and the importance of these concepts for practice."Brian Rodgers, Lecturer in Counselling, The University of Queensland, Australia
Sunflower Books Canary Islands Walks Sunflower Guide: 80 long and short walks on the Canary Islands
The go-to travel guide for discovering the best walks on the Canary Islands; Strap on your boots and discover the Canary Islands on foot with the Sunflower Canary Islands Walks travel guide. The Sunflower Canary Islands Walks guide is indispensable for walking and hiking on all 7 Canary Islands - Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro. This handy, pocket-sized full-colour guide describes walks on each of the main islands and all are illustrated with photographs and large-scale topographical maps. Sunflower is the renowned publisher of the 'Landscapes' guides and have been dubbed the 'blue Bibles' by the Sunday Times but, unlike the 'Landscapes' series, this guide focuses on the walks - the most popular feature of Sunflower guides. In addition to the walks we include detailed information on inter-island travel by boat and plane for 'island hopping' so you can walk from island to island. Whatever your age or ability we've got some glorious walks to ensure you have a memorable holiday on the Canary Islands. Inside the Sunflower guide book you'll find; 7 long and short walks on each of the 7 islands - each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk; Topographical walking maps - give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain with a scale of 1:50 000; Free downloadable gps tracks - for the techies; Satnav coordinates to the start of each walk for motorists; Details of inter-island travel by boat and plane for 'island hopping'; Stories and snippets - for each walk, a panel about island culture, flora, fauna, history, or legends; Timetables for buses and boats - ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday; Free, online update service for the latest information - includes specific route-change information; Covers all 7 islands - Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro. Welcome to the Canary Islands. We look forward to showing you around.
Sunflower Books Sicily Sunflower Guide: 70 long and short walks with detailed maps and GPS; 8 car tours with pull-out map
The go-to Sicily travel guide travel guide for discovering the best walks and car tours. Strap on your boots and discover Sicily on foot with the Sunflower Sicily travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours. The Sunflower Sicily guide is indispensable for hiking in Sicily or seeing Sicily by car. Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean rewards the countryside lover with its magnificent landscapes. Peter Amann knows the island intimately; he leads walking groups on Sicily and works for the preservation of its monuments. There is enough material in this book for several holidays. For those touring Sicily by car, the eight car tours (mostly circular and covering 2000 km) follow little-used secondary roads wherever possible. If you�re walking in Sicily, the routes are as varied in length and grade as the landscape itself � a distillation of the best on the island. Whatever your age or ability we�ve got some glorious walks and car tours to ensure you have a memorable holiday in Sicily. Inside the Sunflower Sicily guide book you'll find: * 70 long and short walks for all ages and abilities - each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk * Topographical walking maps - give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain * Free downloadable gps tracks - for the techies * Satnav guidance to walk starts for motorists * 8 car tours and fold-out touring map - for easy reference on your tour * Strolls to idyllic picnic spots - enjoy our recommendations for where to picnic along the way * Timetables for public transport - ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday * Online update service for the latest information Whether you tour Sicily by car or explore on foot, we look forward to showing you around.
Johns Hopkins University Press The New Deal's Forest Army: How the Civilian Conservation Corps Worked
How the Civilian Conservation Corps constructed, rejuvenated, and protected American forests and parks at the height of the Great Depression.Propelled by the unprecedented poverty of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established an array of massive public works programs designed to provide direct relief to America’s poor and unemployed. The New Deal’s most tangible legacy may be the Civilian Conservation Corps’s network of parks, national forests, scenic roadways, and picnic shelters that still mark the country’s landscape. CCC enrollees, most of them unmarried young men, lived in camps run by the Army and worked hard for wages (most of which they had to send home to their families) to preserve America’s natural treasures. In The New Deal’s Forest Army, Benjamin F. Alexander chronicles how the corps came about, the process applicants went through to get in, and what jobs they actually did. He also explains how the camps and the work sites were run, how enrollees spent their leisure time, and how World War II brought the CCC to its end. Connecting the story of the CCC with the Roosevelt administration’s larger initiatives, Alexander describes how FDR’s policies constituted a mixed blessing for African Americans who, even while singled out for harsh treatment, benefited enough from the New Deal to become an increasingly strong part of the electorate behind the Democratic Party. The CCC was the only large-scale employment program whose existence FDR foreshadowed in speeches during the 1932 campaign—and the dearest to his heart throughout the decade that it lasted. Alexander reveals how the work itself left a lasting imprint on the country’s terrain as the enrollees planted trees, fought forest fires, landscaped public parks, restored historic battlegrounds, and constructed dams and terraces to prevent floods. A uniquely detailed exploration of life in the CCC, The New Deal’s Forest Army compellingly demonstrates how one New Deal program changed America and gave birth to both contemporary forestry and the modern environmental movement.
Museyon Guides Film + Travel: Europe: Travelling the World Through Your Favorite Movies
Museyon Guides' curators from around the world have composed this guidebook to inform you - the armchair film critic, the rampant moviegoer, the bona fide celluloid aficionado - of exactly where to go. Why just dream of the places you see in cinema? Instead, explore the terrain with the help of these carefully crafted cultural companions. Travel the world through the lens of your favourite film scenes and discover the best locations for your next picture-perfect vacation. EUROPE: Visit Almeria, Spain and be transported into the iconic scenes of Lawrence of Arabia. Enjoy an incredible view of Paris from Amalie's Montmartre. Mail a postcard in Procida, Italy and see the sights shot in Il Postino. Prowl through the neighbourhoods of Hamburg like Dennis Hopper and feel the eerie glow that is emitted in The American Friend. Find out how the location of Atonement was found and why Iceland stood in for the sands of Iwo Jima, and much, much more. 199 movies are referenced and 135 colour photos included. Museyon curators around the world have composed this guidebook to inform you the armchair film critic, the rampant moviegoer, the bona fide celluloid aficionado of exactly where to go. SELLING POINTS: . Each guide contains hundreds of colour photographs that jump off the pages of each pocket-sized guide. . Each guide references a multitude of movies: Europe references 199 films; Asia, Oceania & Africa references 139 films; and North America & South America references 198 films. . Meticulously researched and curated by film reviewers, producers, directors, historians and location specialists from every angle. . A personalised introduction kicks off each book with the editor's very personal take on the best the region has to offer. . The Museyon Guides are the only guidebooks that offer a range of thematic tours geared for film buffs. . Mix and match these tours to create your own unforgettable trip. Months' worth of excursions in each title. Illustrated
University of Pennsylvania Press The Invention of Rivers: Alexander's Eye and Ganga's Descent
Dilip da Cunha integrates history, art, cultural studies, hydrology, and geography to tell the story of how rivers have been culturally constructed as lines granted a special role in defining human habitation and everyday practice. What we take to be natural features of the earth's surface, according to da Cunha, are products of human design and a particular way of seeing that has roots stretching as far back as ancient Greek cartography. Although Alexander the Great never saw the Ganges, he conceived of it as a flowing body of water, with sources, destinations, and banks that marked the separation of land from water. This Alexandrine view of the river, da Cunha argues, has been pursued and adopted across time and around the world. With ever more sophisticated mappings of its form and characteristics, the river's essential features are refined and standardized: its source identified by a point; its course depicted as a stroke; and its propensity to flood imagined as the erasure of the boundary between water and land. While da Cunha's vision of rivers is a global one, he takes an especially close look at the Ganges, as he traces the ways in which it has been pictured, mapped, surveyed, explored, and measured across the millennia. He argues that the articulation of the river Ganges has placed it at odds with Ganga, a "rain terrain" that does not conform to the line of separation, containment, and calibration that are the formalities of a river landscape. By calling rivers into question, da Cunha depicts an ecosystem that is neither land nor water but one of ubiquitous wetness in which rain is held in soil, aquifers, glaciers, snowfields, building materials, agricultural fields, air, and even plants and animals. Printed in full color and featuring more than 150 illustrations, The Invention of Rivers proposes rain, or "the rainscape," as an alternative starting point for imagining, understanding, and designing human habitation.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Prisoners on Cannock Chase: Great War PoWs and Brockton Camp
Over the course of many years Richard Pursehouse has painstakingly unravelled the story of a First World War prisoner of war camp which held captured German personnel in the very heart of the English countryside. He first became aware of the existence of the camp while walking over Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, finding sewer covers in what appeared to be uninhabited heathland. Intrigued, the author set out to investigate the mystery and discovered that the sewers were for two Army camps - Brocton and Rugeley - that had been constructed for soldiers training during the First World War. What he also found, however, was that the Brocton Camp site also included a segregated autonomous prisoner of war camp. With the aid of an old postcard, Richard was able to identify the exact location and layout of the long-lost camp. His research continued until he had accumulated an enormous amount of detail about the camp and life for its prisoners. He found a file by the Camp Commandant, Swiss Legation correspondence, stories in newspapers, letters and diaries, and received photographs from interested individuals. Amongst his finds was a box holding scores of fascinating letters sent home by an administration clerk while he was working at the camp. During his investigations, Richard also learned of attempted murders and escapes (including the only escapee to make it back to Germany), deaths, thefts - and a fatal scandal. The letters, documents and diaries reveal how the prisoners coped with incarceration, as well as their treatment, both in terms of camp conditions and their medical needs. He has also established a definitive answer to the 'myth' that some of the prisoners assisted in building the nearby Messines terrain model. The model was a post-battle training tool to instruct newly-arrived New Zealand troops, which also provided a visual explanation of how they had defeated the Germans in the Battle of Messines in June 1917. The result is a unique insight into what life was like inside a British Prisoner of War camp during the First World War.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd American Airline's Secret War in China: Project Seven Alpha, WWII
In late 1941, President Roosevelt agonized over the rapid advances of the Japanese forces in Asia; they seemed unstoppable. He foresaw their intentions of taking India and linking up with the two other Axis Powers, Germany and Italy, in an attempt to conquer the Eastern Hemisphere. US naval forces had been surprised and diminished in Pearl Harbor and the army was not only outnumbered but also ill-prepared to take on the invading hoards. One of Roosevelt's few options was to form a defensive line on the eastern side of the Patkai and Himalayan Ranges; there, he could look for support from the Chinese and Burmese. It was the only defence to a Japanese invasion of India. To support and supply the troops who were fighting in hostile jungle terrain, where overland routes had been cut off, he desperately needed to set up an air supply from Eastern India. His problem was lack of aircraft and experienced pilots to fly the dangerous 'Hump, over the world's highest mountains. Hence the inception of Operation Seven Alpha, a plan to enlist the aircraft - DC-3s - and the pilots - veterans of World War One - of American Airlines.This newly formed elite Squadron would fly the medium-range aircraft in a series of long-distance hops across the Pacific and Southern Asia to the Assam Valley in India. They would then create and operate the vital supply route, carrying arms, ammunition and food Eastward to the Allied bases, before returning with wounded personnel. This is the story of that little-known operation, carried out in the early days of the Burma Campaign. The book is based on first-hand experiences of those who were involved, and it serves as a fitting tribute to the bravery and inventiveness of a band of men who answered their country's desperate call at the outset of the war against Japan in Asia.
Skyhorse Publishing Death Valley in '49: An Autobiography of a Pioneer Who Survived the California Desert
A survivor’s true account of death, despair, and heroism in Death Valley in the heat of the California Gold Rush.At the height of the California gold rush in 1849, a wagon train of men, women, children, and their animals stumbled into a 130-mile-long valley in the Mojave Desert while they were looking for a shortcut to the California coast. What ensued was an ordeal that divided the camp into remnants and struck them with hunger, thirst, and a terrible sense of being lost beyond hope—until a twenty-nine-year-old hero volunteered to cross the desert to get help.This young hero, William Lewis Manly, was one of the survivors of the tragedy, and he lived to tell the tale forty-five years later in this gripping autobiography, first published in 1894. In a time of unmarked frontiers and wilderness, Manly lived the true life of a pioneer. After being hit by gold rush fever Manly joined the fateful wagon train that would get swallowed up by the barren, arid, hostile valley with its dry and waterless terrain, unearthly surface of white salts, and overwhelming heat. Assaulted and devastated by the elements, members of the camp killed their emaciated oxen for food, ran out of water, split up, and lost and buried their own kind who perished. When Manly’s remaining band of ten came across a rare water hole, he and a companion, John Rogers, left the rest by the water and crossed the treacherous Panamint Mountains and Mojave Desert by themselves in search for rescue. In a true act of heroism against all odds, the two finally returned twenty-five days later with help, rescuing their compatriots, including four children, even when it seemed all hope was lost.Told at the end of the nineteenth century, Manly’s compelling and stirring account brings alive to modern-day readers the unimaginable hardships of America’s brave pioneers, and a chapter in Californian history that should not be forgotten.
Oxford University Press The Oxford Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis
The Oxford Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis repositions the subfield of Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) to a central analytic location within the study of International Relations (IR). Over the last twenty years, IR has seen a cross-theoretical turn toward incorporating domestic politics, decision-making, agency, practices, and subjectivity - the staples of the FPA subfield. This turn, however, is underdeveloped theoretically, empirically, and methodologically. To reconnect FPA and IR research, this handbook links FPA to other theoretical traditions in IR, takes FPA to a wider range of state and non-state actors, and connects FPA to significant policy challenges and debates. By advancing FPA along these trajectories, the handbook directly addresses enduring criticisms of FPA, including that it is isolated within IR, it is state-centric, its policy relevance is not always clear, and its theoretical foundations and methodological techniques are stale. The Oxford Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis provides an inclusive and forward-looking assessment of this subfield. Edited and written by a team of word-class scholars and with a preface by Margaret Hermann and Stephen Walker, the handbook sets the agenda for future research in FPA and in IR. The Oxford Handbooks of International Relations is a twelve-volume set of reference books offering authoritative and innovative engagements with the principal sub-fields of International Relations. The series as a whole is under the General Editorship of Christian Reus-Smit of the University of Queensland and Duncan Snidal of the University of Oxford, with each volume edited by specialists in the field. The series both surveys the broad terrain of International Relations scholarship and reshapes it, pushing each sub-field in challenging new directions. Following the example of Reus-Smit and Snidal's original Oxford Handbook of International Relations, each volume is organized around a strong central thematic by scholars drawn from different perspectives, reading its sub-field in an entirely new way, and pushing scholarship in challenging new directions.
Sunflower Books Menorca Sunflower Walking Guide: 50 long and short walks and 2 car tours
The go-to Menorca walking guide for discovering the best walks and car tours. Strap on your boots and discover Menorca on foot with the Sunflower Menorca travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours. The Sunflower Menorca guide is indispensable for hiking in Menorca or seeing Menorca by car. Menorca is a peaceful island, much more low-key than its neighbouring Balearic Islands. Walking in Menorca takes you to some beautiful scenery, both inland and along the truly idyllic coastline with its splendid beaches. Whether you're hiking or touring Menorca by car, you will marvel at the amazing remnants of Menorca's past scattered all around the island, the densest concentration of prehistoric monuments in Europe. This fully updated 7th edition will delight Menorca's many enthusiasts. The large-scale topo maps and the fold-out touring map include the Cam de Cavalls, a round-the-island coastal trek. Whatever your age or ability we've got some glorious walks and car tours to ensure you have a memorable holiday in Menorca. Inside the Sunflower Menorca guide book you'll find: 50 long and short walks for all ages and abilities - each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk Topographical walking maps - give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain with a scale of 1:50 000 Free downloadable gps tracks - for the techies Satnav guidance to walk starts for motorists 2 car tours and fold-out touring map - for easy reference on your tour Strolls to idyllic picnic spots - enjoy our recommendations for where to picnic along the way Timetables for public transport - ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday Online update service for the latest information Includes Mahon and Ciutadella town plans Whether you tour the region by car or explore on foot, we look forward to showing you around.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology
AN INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY WORK PSYCHOLOGY "[This book] provides a comprehensive introduction to the field, featuring contributions from around the world. Not only is the book well-written, it is also very readable and entertaining and provides a thorough and scholarly introduction to all aspects of the field. I strongly and unreservedly endorse and recommend it."—Anthony Harold Winefield, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of South Australia "Work behaviour is crucial to our health and well-being and to organizational performance. Work also impacts on our behaviour outside work and on family life. With contributions of many of the world's leading experts, this strong editorial team has produced the first standard book on work psychology: the scientific study of work behaviour and its antecedents and consequences. It is a must for anyone seriously interested in work, work behaviour and people at work."—Michiel Kompier, Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, Radboud University Nijmegen An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology is the first textbook to provide a comprehensive overview of work psychology. Moving beyond the terrain of introductory industrial/organizational psychology textbooks, this book examines the classic models, current theories and contemporary issues affecting the twenty-first-century worker. This text covers all aspects of the psychology of working, including topics such as safety at work, working times, work–family interaction, recovery from work, technology, job demands and job resources, working in teams and sickness absence. While many books in the field focus on the adverse effects of work, this one is unique in emphasizing also the positive aspects and outcomes of work, including motivation, performance, creativity and engagement. The book also contains chapters on job-related prevention and intervention strategies with a special focus on positive interventions and proactive techniques, such as job crafting and promoting positive work behaviours. Edited by respected leaders in the field and with chapters written by a global team of experts, this is the textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses focusing on work psychology.
Duke University Press Women's Experimental Cinema: Critical Frameworks
Women’s Experimental Cinema provides lively introductions to the work of fifteen avant-garde women filmmakers, some of whom worked as early as the 1950s and many of whom are still working today. In each essay in this collection, a leading film scholar considers a single filmmaker, supplying biographical information, analyzing various influences on her work, examining the development of her corpus, and interpreting a significant number of individual films. The essays rescue the work of critically neglected but influential women filmmakers for teaching, further study, and, hopefully, restoration and preservation. Just as importantly, they enrich the understanding of feminism in cinema and expand the terrain of film history, particularly the history of the American avant-garde.The contributors examine the work of Marie Menken, Joyce Wieland, Gunvor Nelson, Yvonne Rainer, Carolee Schneemann, Barbara Rubin, Amy Greenfield, Barbara Hammer, Chick Strand, Marjorie Keller, Leslie Thornton, Abigail Child, Peggy Ahwesh, Su Friedrich, and Cheryl Dunye. The essays highlight the diversity in these filmmakers’ forms and methods, covering topics such as how Menken used film as a way to rethink the transition from abstract expressionism to Pop Art in the 1950s and 1960s, how Rubin both objectified the body and investigated the filmic apparatus that enabled that objectification in her film Christmas on Earth (1963), and how Dunye uses film to explore her own identity as a black lesbian artist. At the same time, the essays reveal commonalities, including a tendency toward documentary rather than fiction and a commitment to nonhierarchical, collaborative production practices. The volume’s final essay focuses explicitly on teaching women’s experimental films, addressing logistical concerns (how to acquire the films and secure proper viewing spaces) and extending the range of the book by suggesting alternative films for classroom use.Contributors. Paul Arthur, Robin Blaetz, Noël Carroll, Janet Cutler, Mary Ann Doane, Robert A. Haller, Chris Holmlund, Chuck Kleinhans, Scott MacDonald, Kathleen McHugh, Ara Osterweil, Maria Pramaggiore, Melissa Ragona, Kathryn Ramey, M. M. Serra, Maureen Turim, William C. Wees
Rutgers University Press Why Would Anyone Do That?: Lifestyle Sport in the Twenty-First Century
Triathlons, such as the famously arduous Ironman Triathlon, and “extreme” mountain biking—hair-raising events held over exceedingly dangerous terrain—are prime examples of the new “lifestyle sports” that have grown in recent years from oddball pursuits, practiced by a handful of characters, into multi-million-dollar industries. In Why Would Anyone Do That? sociologist Stephen C. Poulson offers a fascinating exploration of these new and physically demanding sports, shedding light on why some people find them so compelling. Drawing on interviews with lifestyle sport competitors, on his own experience as a participant, on advertising for lifestyle sport equipment, and on editorial content of adventure sport magazines, Poulson addresses a wide range of issues. He notes that these sports are often described as “authentic” challenges which help keep athletes sane given the demands they confront in their day-to-day lives. But is it really beneficial to “work” so hard at “play?” Is the discipline required to do these sports really an expression of freedom, or do these sports actually impose extraordinary degrees of conformity upon these athletes? Why Would Anyone Do That? grapples with these questions, and more generally with whether lifestyle sport should always be considered “good” for people. Poulson also looks at what happens when a sport becomes a commodity—even a sport that may have begun as a reaction against corporate and professional sport—arguing that commodification inevitably plays a role in determining who plays, and also how and why the sport is played. It can even help provide the meaning that athletes assign to their participation in the sport. Finally, the book explores the intersections of race, class, and gender with respect to participation in lifestyle and endurance sports, noting in particular that there is a near complete absence of people of color in most of these contests. In addition, Poulson examines how concepts of masculinity in triathlons have changed as women’s roles in this sport increase.
Savas Beatie Gettysburg in Color: Volume 2: the Peach Orchard to Falling Waters
Artificial Intelligence meets Gettysburg. And it is a marvelous pairing.Author Patrick Brennan, a long-time student of the Civil War, published author, and an editorial advisor for The Civil War Monitor magazine, has teamed up with his technology-astute daughter Dylan Brennan to bring the largest Civil War battle to life in striking life-like colors in this remarkable two volume study.Rather than guess or dabble with the colors, as so many do these days, the Brennans used an artificial intelligence-based computerized color identifier to determine the precise color of uniforms, flesh, hair, equipment, terrain, houses, and much more. The result is a monumental full-color study of the important three-day battle that brings the men, the landscape, and the action into the 21st Century.The deep colorization of battle-related woodcuts, for example, reveals a plethora of details that have long passed unseen. The photos of the soldiers and their officers look as if they were taken yesterday.The use of this modern technology has also solved a couple lingering mysteries. It not only helped pinpoint the precise location of one of Gettysburg’s most famous “death” images, but determined that two of the seven “Union” dead depicted were in fact Confederates. As Pat Brennan explains, that may also be a “first” when it comes to Civil War photography: “It was long believed this was an image of seven dead Union soldiers. In fact, only five are Union men. The other two are Confederates. I am still researching the issue, but I believe this may be the only photo we have from the entire Civil War that portrays dead from both sides.”Gettysburg in Color: Vol. 1: Brandy Station to Little Round Top and Vol. 2: The Peach Orchard to Falling Waters, will be out in July 2022 and include nearly 300 photos, paintings, drawings, and woodcuts colorized utilizing the latest in color-recognition software, together with Brennan’s unique digital painting techniques, incredible 3-D maps, and his own extensive research.
Sunflower Books Northern Portugal: 3 car tours, wine tour, 30 long and short walks with GPS
The go-to Northern Portugal travel guide for discovering the best walks and car tours. Strap on your boots and discover Northern Portugal on foot with the Sunflower Northern Portugal travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours. The Sunflower Northern Portugal guide is indispensable for hiking in Northern Portugal or seeing Northern Portugal by car. Here, in the province of Minho (arguably the most beautiful part of the country), the lush greenness of the coastal lowlands, the Costa Verde, contrasts sharply with the mountainous interior — one of Europe’s last wilderness areas. While emphasising excursions in the country’s only national park, the Peneda-Gerês, the book also describes more gregarious pursuits — visiting local markets, sampling at the Port wine lodges, and cruising on the Douro. Whether you tour Northern Portugal by car or discover them on foot, Noel introduces you to the regions best beauty spots. Inside the Sunflower Northern Portugal guide book you’ll find: * 30 long and short walks for all ages and abilities – each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk * Topographical walking maps – give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain with a scale of 1:50 000 * Free downloadable gps tracks – for the techies * Satnav guidance to walk starts for motorists * 3 car tours and fold-out touring map – for easy reference on your tour * Strolls to idyllic picnic spots – enjoy our recommendations for where to picnic along the way * Timetables for public transport – ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday * Online update service for the latest information * Includes town plans of Porto, Braga, Viana do Castelo, Ponte de Lima, Ponte da Barca and Arcos de Valdevez Whether you tour the region by car or explore on foot, we look forward to showing you around.
University Press of Kansas Afghanistan: A Military History from the Ancient Empires to the Great Game
Afghanistan: A Military History from the Ancient Empires to the Great Game covers the military history of a region encompassing Afghanistan, Central and South Asia, and West Asia, over some 2,500 years. This is the first comprehensive study in any language published on the millennia-long competition for domination and influence in one of the key regions of the Eurasian continent.Jalali’s work covers some of the most important events and figures in world military history, including the armies commanded by Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, the Muslim conquerors, Chinggis Khan, Tamerlane, and Babur. Afghanistan was the site of their campaigns and the numerous military conquests that facilitated exchange of military culture and technology that influenced military developments far beyond the region. An enduring theme throughout Afghanistan is the strong influence of the geography and the often extreme nature of the local terrain. Invaders mostly failed because the locals outmaneuvered them in an unforgiving environment. Important segments include Alexander the Great, remembered to this day as a great victor, though not a grand builder; the rise of Islam in the early seventh century in the Arabian Peninsula and the monumental and enduring shift in the social and political map of the world brought by its conquering armies; the medieval Islamic era, when the constant rise and fall of ruling dynasties and the prevalence of an unstable security environment reinforced localism in political, social, and military life; the centuries-long impact of the destruction caused by Chinggis Khan’s thirteenth century; early eighteenth century, when the Afghans achieved a remarkable military victory with extremely limited means leading to the downfall of the Persian Safavid dynasty; and the Battle of Panipat (1761), where Afghan Emperor Ahmad Shah Abdali decisively routed the Hindu confederacy under Maratha leadership, widely considered as one of the decisive battles of the world. It was in this period when the Afghans founded their modern state and a vast empire under Ahmad Shah Durrani, which shaped the environment for the arrival of the European powers and the Great Game.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis in Public Health
This book is the first to focus on sex- and gender-based analysis (SGBA) in public health, addressing the dearth of thinking, practice, and publication on SGBA and public health. The Canadian government is a global leader in seeking gender equity and mandating SGBA in federal initiatives, programs, and policies, continuing to advocate for the uptake of SGBA. However, there is differential uptake of SGBA in many fields, and public health is lagging behind. This book analyses the movement toward SGBA in Canada and internationally, highlighting some key examples of public health concern such as HIV/AIDS and tobacco use.An international group of experts in the fields of SGBA, public health, program evaluation, policy development, and research comprise the authorship of the book. Collectively, the team of authors and editors have deep expertise in SGBA and public health nationally and internationally and have published widely in the SGBA literature.Topics explored among the chapters – organized under three thematic content areas: the SGBA terrain in public health, illustrative examples from the field, and the implications of SGBA in public health – include: Sex- and Gender-Based Analyses and Advancing Population Health Beyond “Women’s Cancers”: Sex and Gender in Cancer Health and Care Women, Alcohol and the Public Health Response – Moving Forward from Avoidance, Inattention and Inaction to Gender-Based Design Understanding Pandemics Through a Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis Plus (SGBA+) Lens Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis and the Social Determinants of Health: Public Health, Human Rights and Incarcerated Youth Gender-Transformative Public Health Approaches Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis in Public Health is an important text for graduate-level students and trainees as well as public health practitioners in a variety of disciplines such as health promotion, nursing, health administration, public administration, sociology, political science, gender and women’s studies. The book also is an essential resource for specialists in public health policy, programming, research, and evaluation.
Scratching Shed Publishing Ltd The Wicket Men: The Last Rites of Minor Counties Cricket
It's Britain's hottest summer since 1976 and English cricket is in a sweat of transformation. The public is no longer interested in County Championship games, traditional touchstone of the calendar. Fans prefer a bit of flash, bang, wallop – or so the experts tell us. Where though does that leave the twenty minor counties – strung out from Northumberland to Norfolk to Cornwall – who for the past one hundred and twenty-five years have fancied themselves the stepping-stone between regional club and first class county competitions? A level of the game seen as either an ex-professionals' graveyard or the last refuge of blazered old duffers is in a struggle for its very existence. And come 2020, the venerable Minor Counties Championship will indeed be blown away, like dandelion seeds on the breeze, replaced by the newly-branded and 'more marketable' National Counties Championship. At least that was the plan. In 2018, no-one has yet heard of Covid-19. What they do know is that this threat to their competition is existential and the modernisers at Lord's are to blame, far more interested in such innovations as a proposed new 'Hundred' than bolstering that which has stood the test of time. Granted full access to committee and squad, Tony Hannan, author of Underdogs – A Year in the Life of a Rugby League Town, spent a season with Cumberland CCC amid the lakes, fells and mountains of Cumbria. And as might have been expected in such dramatic terrain, he tells a story full of ups and downs – complete with one or two surprises. Skippered by former Durham player Gary Pratt – who as substitute fielder ran out Australia captain Ricky Ponting during the 2005 Ashes – Cumberland's expenses-only nomads are nevertheless just one important thread in a yarn stretching well beyond the boundaries of Cumbria. The Wicket Men is a cricket book unlike any other. It draws stumps on a small but fascinating aspect of a pastime whose rhythms and rituals, while endlessly evolving, are rooted firmly in the English folk tradition.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Send Nudes: By the winner of the BBC National Short Story Award 2022
**A Sunday Times Paperback of the Year** **A Granta Best of Young British Novelist** **Winner of the Edge Hill Short Story Prize 2022** **Winner of the BBC National Short Story Award 2022** **Shortlisted for the Swansea University Dylan Thomas Prize 2023** SELECTED FOR STYLIST'S BOOKS YOU CAN'T MISS IN 2022 - 'A MUST READ' 'An exhilarating debut' GUARDIAN 'A fresh new voice in fiction, wry and sharp and raw' EMMA CLINE 'I still remember where I was when I first encountered a Saba Sams story' NICOLE FLATTERY 'I fell for this stunning collection with a rare, consuming passion' MEGAN NOLAN ____________________________________________________________ In ten dazzling stories, Saba Sams dives into the world of girlhood and immerses us in its contradictions and complexities: growing up too quickly, yet not quickly enough; taking possession of what one can, while being taken possession of; succumbing to societal pressure but also orchestrating that pressure. These young women are feral yet attentive, fierce yet vulnerable, exploited yet exploitative. Threading between clubs at closing time, pub toilets, drenched music festivals and beach holidays, these unforgettable short stories deftly chart the treacherous terrain of growing up – of intense friendships, of ambivalent mothers, of uneasily blended families, and of learning to truly live in your own body. With striking wit, originality and tenderness, Send Nudes celebrates the small victories in a world that tries to claim each young woman as its own. _____________________________________________________________________ 'A roiling, raw, gut-punch of a debut collection, best read in one sitting ... I sat motionless for about half an hour after reading them; I can't wait to see what she writes next' PANDORA SYKES 'A seriously impressive debut. Saba Sams digs into the chaos, euphoria and menace of sexual attraction, friendship and family with bravery and wit' CHRIS POWER CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE 2022 BY THE GUARDIAN, STYLIST, VOGUE, GLAMOUR, COSMOPOLITAN, EVENING STANDARD, IRISH INDEPENDENT, AnOTHER, FOYLES, BOOKSHOP.ORG
Overcup Press Ground Truth: A Geological Survey of a Life
FINALIST for the 2021 Oregon Book Award. Rooted in the Pacific Northwest, the essays in Ruby McConnell’s Ground Truth: A Geological Survey of a Life cover the vast terrain of this region – from volcanoes to city parks, the eroding shorelines along the Oregon coast, badlands, lush forests, and city parks. Combining her background as a registered geologist, McConnell’s essays also weave in personal landscapes composed of grief, loss, and optimism for the future of our environment. "The Pacific Northwest that you see today is the result of forty years of radical changes in the culture and economics of what was once a resource-extraction and agriculture-driven region. They are changes so fundamental in nature and scope...that, for those of us from this place, will always be marked by the cataclysmic eruptions of Mt. St. Helens on May 18, 1980." --Ruby McConnell In this collection of 17 essays, geologist Ruby McConnell opens her part natural history, part memoir-in-essays about the Pacific Northwest with the cataclysmic eruption of Mt. St. Helens in May of 1980. She was two years old. "Everything that I have stood direct witness to since, everything I know about this place, happened after we watched the mountain crumble... I was born to a region digging out." In poignant and wide-ranging essays that include the wondrous annual return of salmon, "the lifeblood of the Pacific Northwest people," to working at an elementary school evaluating soil and wondering how many kids have cancer, Ground Truth is an extended eulogy to a rapidly changing land, population and society awakening to the realities of logging, climate change, land-use and pollution. The book illuminates the central role of landscapes in our ideas of home and self despite the growing disconnect between modern lifestyle and the environment. McConnell's timely and significant work reveals how the landscapes we inhabit can also help us better understand ourselves.
Skyhorse Publishing Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide
Gamers from around the world have made PUBG (a.k.a. PlayerUnderground’s Battlegrounds) one of the most popular games on the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and on multiple mobile device platforms. This multiplayer combat royale game features fast action, photorealistic graphics, and intense combat scenarios that pit each gamer against up to 99 others during each exciting match. Since only one gamer ends each match victorious, PUBG is difficult for even the most skilled and experienced players to master. Those craving victory need every possible advantage they can get, and Hacks for PUBG Players: Advanced Strategies will provide the proven tips, strategies, and guidance needed to improve a player’s chance of survival during each match they experience, regardless of which gaming platform they’re using. To assist gamers develop their PUBG gaming skills and specialized fighting techniques, Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies will showcase more advanced fighting, exploration, and survival strategies that can help lead a reader to victory! This book will pick up where Hacks for PUBG Players leaves off, and provide more detail, and delve deeper into the more technical aspects of choosing and using weapons, armor, vehicles, tools, and health-related items. Using hundreds of full-color screenshots, Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies will be a “must read” for more experienced PUBG players looking to give themselves an edge during even the most intense combat situations. This unofficial guide will cover: Ways to customize a soldier with in-game purchases and items that get unlocked during gameplay by completing objectives. Utilizing armor and health-related items to prolong survival during a match. How to use popular types of weapons, explosives, and other deadly tools discoverable within the game. More advanced combat strategies and survival tactics designed to help players survive longer during solo, duos, and squad matches. Ways to safely navigate around the island on foot and using vehicles. How to use the island’s terrain to a soldier’s advantage. Strategies for successfully launching surprise attacks and ambushes. Overcoming the biggest mistakes made by newbies during battles.
Johns Hopkins University Press The New Deal's Forest Army: How the Civilian Conservation Corps Worked
How the Civilian Conservation Corps constructed, rejuvenated, and protected American forests and parks at the height of the Great Depression.Propelled by the unprecedented poverty of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established an array of massive public works programs designed to provide direct relief to America’s poor and unemployed. The New Deal’s most tangible legacy may be the Civilian Conservation Corps’s network of parks, national forests, scenic roadways, and picnic shelters that still mark the country’s landscape. CCC enrollees, most of them unmarried young men, lived in camps run by the Army and worked hard for wages (most of which they had to send home to their families) to preserve America’s natural treasures. In The New Deal’s Forest Army, Benjamin F. Alexander chronicles how the corps came about, the process applicants went through to get in, and what jobs they actually did. He also explains how the camps and the work sites were run, how enrollees spent their leisure time, and how World War II brought the CCC to its end. Connecting the story of the CCC with the Roosevelt administration’s larger initiatives, Alexander describes how FDR’s policies constituted a mixed blessing for African Americans who, even while singled out for harsh treatment, benefited enough from the New Deal to become an increasingly strong part of the electorate behind the Democratic Party. The CCC was the only large-scale employment program whose existence FDR foreshadowed in speeches during the 1932 campaign—and the dearest to his heart throughout the decade that it lasted. Alexander reveals how the work itself left a lasting imprint on the country’s terrain as the enrollees planted trees, fought forest fires, landscaped public parks, restored historic battlegrounds, and constructed dams and terraces to prevent floods. A uniquely detailed exploration of life in the CCC, The New Deal’s Forest Army compellingly demonstrates how one New Deal program changed America and gave birth to both contemporary forestry and the modern environmental movement.
University of New Mexico Press The Crash of TWA Flight 260
At 7:05 am on February 19, 1955, TWA Flight 260 took off from the Albuquerque airport for a short flight to Santa Fe. The plane's approved air route was a dog-leg running north-northwest from Albuquerque, then east-northeast into Santa Fe to avoid flying over the Sandia Mountains. At 7:08 am the Ground Service Help at the airport saw Flight 260 about half a mile north of the airport terminal headed directly toward Sandia Ridge, almost entirely obscured by storm clouds. An Air Force Colonel standing in front of his home a mile and half northeast of the airport saw Flight 260 pass overhead and observed that if the plane was eastbound, it was too low; if it was northbound, it was off course. At 7:12 am the plane's terrain-warning bell sounded its alarm. Instinctively looking out the window, both pilots suddenly saw the sheer west face of the Sandias just beyond the right wingtip. It was an appalling shock considering they should have been ten miles further west. Reacting instantly, they rolled the plain steeply to the left and pulled its nose up. When the heading indicator indicated a westerly heading, they started to level the wings. It was their final act. Hidden by the storm, another cliff-side lay directly ahead. When they struck it, they were still in a left bank, nose high. Charles Williams, one of the first men on the scene of this horrific crash, has spent a lifetime unraveling the enigmas of TWA Flight 260's final flight. It is a tale of days, minutes, and seconds spread out over the span of half a century and a dramatic mystery cast upon a beautiful and treacherous mountain. In the end, Williams helps solve some of the controversies surrounding the crash, including the Civil Aeronautics Board's over-swift determination that the pilots were at fault.
Princeton University Press To Die For: The Paradox of American Patriotism
July Fourth, "The Star-Spangled Banner," Memorial Day, and the pledge of allegiance are typically thought of as timeless and consensual representations of a national, American culture. In fact, as Cecilia O'Leary shows, most trappings of the nation's icons were modern inventions that were deeply and bitterly contested. While the Civil War determined the survival of the Union, what it meant to be a loyal American remained an open question as the struggle to make a nation moved off of the battlefields and into cultural and political terrain. Drawing upon a wide variety of original sources, O'Leary's interdisciplinary study explores the conflict over what events and icons would be inscribed into national memory, what traditions would be invented to establish continuity with a "suitable past," who would be exemplified as national heroes, and whether ethnic, regional, and other identities could coexist with loyalty to the nation. This book traces the origins, development, and consolidation of patriotic cultures in the United States from the latter half of the nineteenth century up to World War I, a period in which the country emerged as a modern nation-state. Until patriotism became a government-dominated affair in the twentieth century, culture wars raged throughout civil society over who had the authority to speak for the nation: Black Americans, women's organizations, workers, immigrants, and activists all spoke out and deeply influenced America's public life. Not until World War I, when the government joined forces with right-wing organizations and vigilante groups, did a racially exclusive, culturally conformist, militaristic patriotism finally triumph, albeit temporarily, over more progressive, egalitarian visions. As O'Leary suggests, the paradox of American patriotism remains with us. Are nationalism and democratic forms of citizenship compatible? What binds a nation so divided by regions, languages, ethnicity, racism, gender, and class? The most thought-provoking question of this complex book is, Who gets to claim the American flag and determine the meanings of the republic for which it stands?
Oxford University Press Inc That Damned Fence: The Literature of the Japanese American Prison Camps
Until the late twentieth century, relatively few Americans knew that the United States government forcibly detained nearly 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II. At war's end, the nation, including many of those who were confined to the ten Relocation Centers--which President Roosevelt initially referred to as "concentration camps"--wished to wipe this national tragedy from memory. That Damned Fence, titled after a poem written by a Japanese American held at the Minidoka camp in Idaho, draws on the creative work of the internees themselves to cast new light on this historical injustice. While in captivity, detainees produced moving poetry and fiction, compelling investigative journalism, and lasting work of arts to make sense of their hardships and to leave a record of their emotional and psychological suffering. Heather Hathaway explores the experiences of inmates in five camps--Topaz in Utah; Granada/Amache in Colorado; Rohwer and Jerome in Arkansas; and Tule Lake in northern California--each with their own literary magazines, such as TREK, All Aboard, Pulse, The Pen, Magnet, and The Tulean Dispatch. Conditions in the camps varied dramatically, as did their environments, ranging from sweltering swamplands and sun-blasted desert to frigid mountain terrain. So too did the inhabitants of each camp, with some dominated by farmers from California's Central Valley and others filled with professionals from the San Francisco Bay area. This disparity extended to the attitudes of camp administrators; some deemed the plan a mistake from the outset while others believed their captives to be a significant threat to national security. That Damned Fence reveals the anger and humor, and the deep despair and steadfast resilience with which Japanese Americans faced their wartime incarceration. By emphasizing the inner lives of the unjustly accused and the myriad ways in which they portrayed their captivity, Heather Hathaway gives voice to Americans imprisoned by their own country for their country of origin or appearance.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis in Public Health
This book is the first to focus on sex- and gender-based analysis (SGBA) in public health, addressing the dearth of thinking, practice, and publication on SGBA and public health. The Canadian government is a global leader in seeking gender equity and mandating SGBA in federal initiatives, programs, and policies, continuing to advocate for the uptake of SGBA. However, there is differential uptake of SGBA in many fields, and public health is lagging behind. This book analyses the movement toward SGBA in Canada and internationally, highlighting some key examples of public health concern such as HIV/AIDS and tobacco use.An international group of experts in the fields of SGBA, public health, program evaluation, policy development, and research comprise the authorship of the book. Collectively, the team of authors and editors have deep expertise in SGBA and public health nationally and internationally and have published widely in the SGBA literature.Topics explored among the chapters – organized under three thematic content areas: the SGBA terrain in public health, illustrative examples from the field, and the implications of SGBA in public health – include: Sex- and Gender-Based Analyses and Advancing Population Health Beyond “Women’s Cancers”: Sex and Gender in Cancer Health and Care Women, Alcohol and the Public Health Response – Moving Forward from Avoidance, Inattention and Inaction to Gender-Based Design Understanding Pandemics Through a Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis Plus (SGBA+) Lens Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis and the Social Determinants of Health: Public Health, Human Rights and Incarcerated Youth Gender-Transformative Public Health Approaches Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis in Public Health is an important text for graduate-level students and trainees as well as public health practitioners in a variety of disciplines such as health promotion, nursing, health administration, public administration, sociology, political science, gender and women’s studies. The book also is an essential resource for specialists in public health policy, programming, research, and evaluation.
Signal Books Ltd Somewhere Near to History: The Wartime Diaries of Reginald Hibbert, SOE Officer in Albania, 1943-1944
In July 1943, a twenty-one-year-old British officer, Reg Hibbert, answered a call inviting volunteers for mysterious 'parachute duties'. The call was part of a recruitment drive by Special Operations Executive, SOE, to attract likely young officers for clandestine work in the German-occupied Balkans. By December of that year, he had been parachuted into the centre of British efforts to encourage armed resistance in northern Albania. Many of the British officers sent there sensed that they were part of history in the making in this remote and extraordinary world where different groups were both defying the occupying Axis powers and competing to determine the postwar future of their homeland. Although strictly forbidden, a few kept diaries of their lives in the field. Hibbert's is the first of those secret diaries to be published. It is a personal account of fortitude describing how those young officers lived embedded with local Partisan organisations, moving from safe house to safe house, entirely reliant on the goodwill of the local people whose language they did not speak. They endured harsh mountain winters and the fierce heat of Balkan summers. Travelling on foot or horseback through some of Europe's wildest terrain, their existence was one of constant uncertainty. Some lost their lives. All were permanently changed by the experience. The pages of Hibbert's diary are peopled with figures who are now part of Albania's history and myth, many of whose lives ended in tragedy or exile after the communist Partisan victory in 1944. It is also a very human story, recording each day of Hibbert's life for nearly a year: waiting for planes to drop supplies and weapons, raising a wolf cub on condensed milk, drinking the local firewater, tending wounded Partisans and struggling with sickness. Britain's role in hastening the end of the old order in Albania and the ensuing communist regime has long been a matter of controversy. Hibbert's diary provides a rare and fascinating account of the situation on the ground as it evolved over the critical months before the German withdrawal.
Sunflower Books Croatia: 9 car tours, 90 long and short walks with GPS
The go-to Croatia travel guide for discovering the best walks and car tours. Strap on your boots and discover Croatia on foot with the Sunflower Croatia travel guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours. The Sunflower Croatia guide is indispensable for hiking in Croatia or seeing Croatia by car. Contrasts and diversity sum up Croatia, one of the most beautiful and beguiling countries in Europe: tall forests, wind-combed prickly thornbush and juniper on the stony uplands, the miraculous waterfalls in the Plitvice Lakes and Krka national parks, the aridity of the karst landscapes, modern tourist resorts and timeless old villages, the deserted Krajina region and the intensively cultivated Neretva delta. The parks are particularly welcoming to walkers, with miles of waymarked and well-maintained paths and trails, some bringing seemingly inaccessible summits within quite easy reach. Whatever your age or ability we’ve got some glorious walks and car tours to ensure you have a memorable Croatia holiday. Inside the Sunflower Croatia guide book you’ll find: 90 long and short walks for all ages and abilities – each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk Topographical walking maps – give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain with a scale of 1:50 000 Free downloadable gps tracks – for the techies Satnav guidance to walk starts for motorists 9 car tours and fold-out touring map – for easy reference on your tour Strolls to idyllic picnic spots – enjoy our recommendations for where to picnic along the way Timetables for public transport – ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday Online update service for the latest information Whether you tour Croatia by car or explore on foot, we look forward to showing you around.
HarperCollins Focus Surviving the First 36 Hours: What to Do to Ensure Rescue
Surviving the First 36 Hours gives you all the tools you need to stay alive in extreme conditions and secure rescue.Picture this: the worst has happened, and you’ve suddenly been put into a survival scenario. In some cases, it might be best to find shelter, water, food, and fire. In others, you might need to get out as soon as possible. How do you determine which route to take? Survival expert Ky Furneaux tells you what to do right when things go wrong. These real-life scenarios are ones that every outdoor enthusiast should be prepared for. From situations where it's best to stay put to ones where your life is in immediate danger if you don’t evacuate immediately, there is no better way to keep yourself safe than by being prepared.This book will teach you how to navigate various scenarios, including: Injuries Hypothermia Snakebites Altitude sickness Poor weather conditions Becoming lost Wild animals Dehydration and starvation Burns and bushfire Drowning And more Detailed chapters provide expert descriptions of how to prepare and respond to a wide range of situations. Learn how to survive those critical first days when disaster strikes with Surviving the First 36 Hours.Ky Furneaux’s determination to defy the impossible has fueled a remarkable career as a survivalist, stuntwoman, TV host, and motivational speaker. She has been a stunt double for Sharon Stone, Jennifer Garner, and Jaimie Alexander; Furneaux also produced and documented an extraordinary 100-mile hike across the Sierra Nevada mountain range, featured in three episodes of Discovery’s Naked and Afraid, and was the only female in season two of Discovery’s Ed Stafford: First Man Out, braving a 12,000-foot mountain climb and -22°F temperatures. Although she’s conquered grueling terrain in over 65 countries, Furneaux is passionate about her country, and she shared the beauty of the Australian bush in her Discovery and 7Mate series Outback Lockdown. She’s a wilderness warrior in the tradition of the late, great Steve Irwin and in her own words a “true survival nerd.”
John Wiley & Sons Inc Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games
The essential guide to solving algorithmic and networking problems in commercial computer games, revised and extended Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games, Second Edition is written from the perspective of the computer scientist. Combining algorithmic knowledge and game-related problems, it explores the most common problems encountered in game programing. The first part of the book presents practical algorithms for solving “classical” topics, such as random numbers, procedural generation, tournaments, group formations and game trees. The authors also focus on how to find a path in, create the terrain of, and make decisions in the game world. The second part introduces networking related problems in computer games, focusing on four key questions: how to hide the inherent communication delay, how to best exploit limited network resources, how to cope with cheating and how to measure the on-line game data. Thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded to reflect the many constituent changes occurring in the commercial gaming industry since the original, this Second Edition, like the first, is a timely, comprehensive resource offering deeper algorithmic insight and more extensive coverage of game-specific networking problems than ordinarily encountered in game development books. Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games, Second Edition: Provides algorithmic solutions in pseudo-code format, which emphasises the idea behind the solution, and can easily be written into a programming language of choice Features a section on the Synthetic player, covering decision-making, influence maps, finite-state machines, flocking, fuzzy sets, and probabilistic reasoning and noise generation Contains in-depth treatment of network communication, including dead-reckoning, local perception filters, cheating prevention and on-line metrics Now includes 73 ready-to-use algorithms and 247 illustrative exercises Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games, Second Edition is a must-have resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students taking computer game related courses, postgraduate researchers in game-related topics, and developers interested in deepening their knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of computer games and in learning new approaches to game design and programming.
Duke University Press Civilization and Monsters: Spirits of Modernity in Meiji Japan
Monsters, ghosts, the supernatural, the fantastic, the mysterious. These are not usually considered the “stuff” of modernism. More often they are regarded as inconsequential to the study of the modern, or, at best, seen as representative of traditional beliefs that are overcome and left behind in the transformation toward modernity. In Civilization and Monsters Gerald Figal asserts that discourse on the fantastic was at the heart of the historical configuration of Japanese modernity—that the representation of the magical and mysterious played an integral part in the production of modernity beginning in Meiji Japan (1868–1912).After discussing the role of the fantastic in everyday Japan at the eve of the Meiji period, Figal draws new connections between folklorists, writers, educators, state ideologues, and policymakers, all of whom crossed paths in a contest over supernatural terrain. He shows the ways in which a determined Meiji state was engaged in a battle to suppress, denigrate, manipulate, or reincorporate folk belief as part of an effort toward the consolidation of a modern national culture. Modern medicine and education, functioning as a means for the state to exercise its power, redefined folk practices as a source of evil. Diverse local spirits were supplanted by a new Japanese Spirit, embodied by the newly constituted emperor, the supernatural source of the nation’s strength. The monsters of folklore were identified, catalogued, and characterized according to a new regime of modern reason. But whether engaged to support state power and forge a national citizenry or to critique the arbitrary nature of that power, the fantastic, as Figal maintains, is the constant condition of Japanese modernity in all its contradictions. Furthermore, he argues, modernity in general is born of fantasy in ways that have scarcely been recognized. Bringing unexplored and provocative new ideas to the Japan specialist, Civilization and Monsters will also appeal to readers concerned with issues of modernity in general.
Duke University Press The Revival of Pragmatism: New Essays on Social Thought, Law, and Culture
Although long considered the most distinctive American contribution to philosophy, pragmatism—with its problem-solving emphasis and its contingent view of truth—lost popularity in mid-century after the advent of World War II, the horror of the Holocaust, and the dawning of the Cold War. Since the 1960s, however, pragmatism in many guises has again gained prominence, finding congenial places to flourish within growing intellectual movements. This volume of new essays brings together leading philosophers, historians, legal scholars, social thinkers, and literary critics to examine the far-reaching effects of this revival. As the twenty-five intellectuals who take part in this discussion show, pragmatism has become a complex terrain on which a rich variety of contemporary debates have been played out. Contributors such as Richard Rorty, Stanley Cavell, Nancy Fraser, Robert Westbrook, Hilary Putnam, and Morris Dickstein trace pragmatism’s cultural and intellectual evolution, consider its connection to democracy, and discuss its complex relationship to the work of Emerson, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein. They show the influence of pragmatism on black intellectuals such as W. E. B. Du Bois, explore its view of poetic language, and debate its effects on social science, history, and jurisprudence. Also including essays by critics of the revival such as Alan Wolfe and John Patrick Diggins, the volume concludes with a response to the whole collection from Stanley Fish. Including an extensive bibliography, this interdisciplinary work provides an in-depth and broadly gauged introduction to pragmatism, one that will be crucial for understanding the shape of the transformations taking place in the American social and philosophical scene at the end of the twentieth century. Contributors. Richard Bernstein, David Bromwich, Ray Carney, Stanley Cavell, Morris Dickstein, John Patrick Diggins, Stanley Fish, Nancy Fraser, Thomas C. Grey, Giles Gunn, Hans Joas, James T. Kloppenberg, David Luban, Louis Menand, Sidney Morgenbesser, Richard Poirier, Richard A. Posner, Ross Posnock, Hilary Putnam, Ruth Anna Putnam, Richard Rorty, Michel Rosenfeld, Richard H. Weisberg, Robert B. Westbrook, Alan Wolfe
University of Minnesota Press A Shadow over Palestine: The Imperial Life of Race in America
Winner, Best Book in Humanities and Cultural Studies (Literary Studies), Association for Asian American Studies Upon signing the first U.S. arms agreement with Israel in 1962, John F. Kennedy assured Golda Meir that the United States had “a special relationship with Israel in the Middle East,” comparable only to that of the United States with Britain. After more than five decades such a statement might seem incontrovertible—and yet its meaning has been fiercely contested from the start. A Shadow over Palestine brings a new, deeply informed, and transnational perspective to the decades and the cultural forces that have shaped sharply differing ideas of Israel’s standing with the United States—right up to the violent divisions of today. Focusing on the period from 1960 to 1985, author Keith P. Feldman reveals the centrality of Israel and Palestine in postwar U.S. imperial culture. Some representations of the region were used to manufacture “commonsense” racial ideologies underwriting the conviction that liberal democracy must coexist with racialized conditions of segregation, border policing, poverty, and the repression of dissent. Others animated vital critiques of these conditions, often forging robust if historically obscured border-crossing alternatives. In this rich cultural history of the period, Feldman deftly analyzes how artists, intellectuals, and organizations—from the United Nations, the Black Panther Party, and the Association of Arab American University Graduates to James Baldwin, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Edward Said, and June Jordan—linked the unfulfilled promise of liberal democracy in the United States with the perpetuation of settler democracy in Israel and the possibility of Palestine’s decolonization.In one of his last essays, published in 2003, Edward Said wrote, “In America, Palestine and Israel are regarded as local, not foreign policy, matters.” A Shadow over Palestine maps this jagged terrain on which this came to be, amid a wealth of robust alternatives, and the undeterred violence at home and abroad unleashed as a result of this special relationship.
HarperCollins Publishers In Search of Robert Millar: Unravelling the Mystery Surrounding Britain’s Most Successful Tour de France Cyclist
The compelling story of Britain’s best-ever cyclist – one of the most enigmatic, complex and contradictory athletes in any sport – and the unravelling of the puzzle surrounding his sudden and dramatic disappearance. Fully updated with new material on the enigmatic Millar. Cyclist Robert Millar came from one of Europe’s most industrialised cities, Glasgow, to excel in the most unlikely terrain – over the high mountain passes of the Pyrenees and the Alps. He was crowned King of the Mountains during the 1984 Tour de France and remains the only ever Briton to finish on the podium of the world’s toughest race. In attitude and appearance he was unconventional – the malnourished-looking young Scot with the tiny stud in his ear who could be prickly, irascible and unapproachable – but to many followers he was the epitome of cool. Flying the flag for British cycling, this one-off original became a cult hero. In Search of Robert Millar will follow the career of this other-worldly character, from his tough childhood on the streets of Glasgow in the 1960s to his move to France and success in the world’s most brutal and unforgiving races, including the controversy surrounding his positive drugs test and his enforced retirement from the sport at the age of 36. It examines what set Millar apart from all other British cyclists who tried, and failed, to make an impact in this most European of sports, describing his single-mindedness, his eccentricity and the humour and intelligence that emerged only towards the end of his career. It also proffers explanations for his subsequent disappearance, which repeated a familiar pattern: he vanished from Glasgow and never returned; he left his wife and son and his adopted country, France. Now, it appears, he has turned his back on cycling (amid rumours that he had undergone a sex-change operation). Through interviews with Millar’s friends, acquaintances, cycling colleagues and ex-classmates, author Richard Moore helps to unravel the mystery of this maverick Scotsman, arguably one of the greatest enigmas in a sport full of remarkable characters.
Avalon Travel Publishing Moon USA National Parks (Third Edition): The Complete Guide to All 63 Parks
Inside you'll find:* Coverage of all 63 national parks,from the misty mountains of the east and the redwoods of the west to the glaciers of Alaska and volcanoes of Hawaii, organized by region* Strategic lists and itineraries: Choose from lists of the best parks for hiking, wildlife, families, and scenic drives or make your way down the list of the top ten national parks experiences across the country* The best outdoor adventures in every park, including backpacking, biking, climbing, kayaking, rafting, and more, plus detailed hike descriptions and trail maps marked with distance, duration, effort level, and trailheads* National parks road trips with driving times and advice for linking multiple parks, interesting stops between them, and nearby attractions and state parks* Comprehensive planning resources: With maps and transportation tips, you'll have the tools to explore each park or region individually, or visit multiple for an epic national parks trip* Expert advice from former park guide Becky Lomax on how to avoid crowds, what time of year to visit, and where to stay inside and outside the parks, from campgrounds to hotels* Know before you go: Find essential background on climate, terrain, wildlife, history, and safety precautions, plus practical information on park fees, passes, and reservations, including how to obtain and use a National Parks Pass* Gorgeous, full-color photos throughout, plus a handy keepsake section for your national parks stamps and a detachable fold-out poster map Whether you're trekking to striking vistas, rafting a wild river, or camping under the stars, find your park adventure with Moon USA National Parks.For more in-depth information on a specific park, check out one of Moon's national parks travel guides.About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell-and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you.For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Word Confined: Bible Study in an American Prison
For Christians, a thorough study of the practice of Bible study in the prison context can help deepen understandings of what constitutes effective ministry. For people outside of the Christian faith, a study of this practice could increase understandings about the complex relationships between faith, prison and personal growth in America. Many American Christians believe that Bible study is an emancipative practice that can help those forces seeking to resolve America's enormous incarceration problem. Participants in penitentiary bible study (teachers and students) seek ways of showing that the light of God continues to shine even in the darkest places on earth like prisons. Belief in this theological perspective has led many Christians (as volunteers or as chaplains) to fight against the problem of mass incarceration by establishing religious practices in prisons. The American prison system sees religion not only as a right to be preserved but also as one of the programs that help rehabilitate the prisoner before his or her return to society. Garden State Youth Correctional Facility (GSYCF) houses about 1200 young men between the ages of 17 and 27. Like most American prisons, GSYCF is required to offer opportunities for religious practice to prisoners. Through the approach of Pastoral Praxeology, this research observes the practice and the effects of Bible study on the lives of several incarcerated practitioners. The particular Bible study practice that this research project engages in is the Logos Bible Study (LBS) which is distinguished from other programs by its focus on the prayerful study of the Holy Scriptures and the promotion of critical self-reflection over time. After analyzing the interviews and surveys of a group of incarcerated participants in LBS, this study has found methods for creating a terrain of positive transformation within a territory of incarceration. These methods lead to Anakainosis-Desmios-a state of spiritual renewal only possible within prison that promotes the creation and expression of emancipatory and hospitable attitudes within an oppressive and hostile prison culture.
Open University Press Qualitative Psychology
“An introduction to the varieties of qualitative research in psychology is long overdue, and Parker’s book should with its broad scope, accessible style, and controversial viewpoints on trends of the current qualitative wave, have a wide audience.” Steinar Kvale, Aarhus University, Denmark“This is a wonderful, insightful and necessary book…It takes students through this complex terrain in a clear, readable and yet challenging way.”Bronwyn Davies, University of Western Sydney, Australia“This book makes important contributions to theoretical, political and methodological debates on qualitative and action oriented research.”Bernardo Jiménez-Domínguez, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico"For me personally, the book worked very well, I very much appreciated the fact that the book went beyond a presentation of 'the state of the art', and that it offered new ideas and suggestions about how to take qualitative research further."Qualitative Research in PsychologyThis book is designed as a practical guide for students that is also grounded in the latest developments in theory in psychology. Readers are introduced to theoretical approaches to ethnography, interviewing, narrative, discourse and psychoanalysis, with each chapter on these approaches including worked examples clearly structured around methodological stages. A case is made for new practical procedures that encourage students to question the limits of mainstream psychological research methods. Resource links guide students to theoretical debates and to ways of making these debates relevant to a psychology genuinely concerned with critical reflection and social change. The book includes numerous boxes that clearly outline: Key issues in the development, application and assessment of qualitative research methods Current debates and problems with particular qualitative methods taught in psychology Summaries of methodological stages and points to be aware of in the marking of practical reports in relation to specific methods Coverage of ethical issues, reflexivity and good report writing Qualitative Psychology is essential reading for students of psychology and other related social sciences who want a polemical account that will also serve as a well-balanced and rigorous introduction to current debates in qualitative psychology.