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Peeters Publishers L'interpretation de la Gnose (NH XI, 1)
On s'est plu a imaginer les auteurs gnostiques comme des solitaires misanthropes et leurs 'uvres, comme le resultat d'un prurit d'ecrire cause par leur haine du monde et des hommes. L'Interpretation de la gnose revele un auteur soucieux de la vie d'une communaute aux prises avec des divisions nees, du moins a ses yeux, de la jalousie. Dans le but de remedier a cette situation, il cherche a persuader son destinataire de la necessite de supporter les epreuves comme le Christ crucifie l'a fait. Il lui propose comme modele a imiter la patience de celui-ci devant le mepris et les moqueries dont il a ete l'objet, lui explique que les divisions dans la communaute sont l"uvre des archontes mauvais. Il reprend l'image paulinienne de l'Eglise corps du Christ et la tradition greco-romaine des discours de reconciliation, utilisant cette image pour exhorter son destinataire, peut-etre une femme si l'on en juge par l'emploi d'exemples mettant en scene des figures feminines dans la premiere partie de l"uvre, a se satisfaire de la place qui est la sienne dans la communaute. L'Interpretation de la gnose, le commentaire le montre, est vraisemblablement le produit d'un milieu valentinien ou influence par le valentinisme. Son caractere gnostique, dont le titre a lui seul ne constitue pas une preuve, est donc indeniable. Cet ecrit est a ranger, a cote d'autres textes gnostiques, parmi les ecrits de circonstances: l'Hypostase des archontes, dont l'auteur, qui y reprend un materiau gnostique traditionnel, s'evertue a rassurer son destinataire - peut-etre une femme ici aussi, representee dans le texte par Norea -, en lui demontrant que les archontes ne peuvent rien contre lui; l'Evangile de Judas et le Temoignage veritable qui, s'inscrivant dans une longue tradition biblique et extra-biblique du refus des sacrifices sanglants, prennent position contre une theologie sacrificielle exaltant le martyre et proposent plutot a leurs destinataires une legitimation theologique de son refus.
Peeters Publishers The Autonomy of Literature at the "Fins De Siecles" (1900 and 2000): A Critical Assessment
The autonomy of the arts and literature is a central issue in the current debate on the 'crisis' in contemporary culture. In this debate, the tension between two conceptions of art - conceived as autotelic, or as serving social, ethical, ideological or commercial ends - plays a key role. For literature, two periods are particularly interesting in this respect: the period around 1900, and the turn of the millennium. The former is considered to witness the consecration of the autonomy of the arts with respect to morality or social utility, and of its prestige as 'high art', against the background of compelling countermovements, such as the Arts and crafts movements or socialist art. The second period, on the other hand, has been analysed as displaying, in post-modern Western cultures, an opposite tendency towards deautonomization. 'High' literature and art are deemed to have lost their ideological and moral autonomy, their aesthetic superiority, and their independence with respect to commercial interests. The essays in this volume investigate these often strategic claims and conceptions, taking into account the social, political and institutional contexts in which they are articulated. To analyse the issue of the autonomy of literature offers incisive insights into conflicting standpoints about the function of literature in society, revealing its connection to law, social responsibility, gender, and political, national and religious identities. Combining in an often innovative way institutional, historical and hermeneutical approaches, the collected essays intend to shed new light on the historical and national specifics of the debate about the function of literature.
Editorial Kairos Nechung, El Oráculo del Dalai Lama
Les Belles Lettres Grammatichetta. Grammaire de la Langue Toscane.: Precede de Ordine Delle Laettere / Ordre Des Lettres
Penguin Putnam Inc L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
When a tornado hits her farmhouse in Kansas, Dorothy is caught up in a whirlwind of adventure, complete with flying monkeys, talking lions, and silver slippers. Advanced readers will join Dorothy, Toto, and her friends from Oz on an unforgettable journey down the Yellow Brick Road in this Level 4 reader. The Wizard of Oz will now join classics like The Secret Garden and Alice in Wonderland in the Penguin Young Readers program!
Springer Verlag, Singapore Local Site Effects and Ground Failures: Select Proceedings of 7th ICRAGEE 2020
This volume presents select papers presented at the 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. The papers discuss advances in the fields of soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering. Some of the themes include ground response analysis & local site effect, seismic slope stability and landslides, application of AI in geotechnical earthquake engineering, etc. A strong emphasis is placed on connecting academic research and field practice, with many examples, case studies, best practices, and discussions on performance based design. This volume will be of interest to researchers and practicing engineers alike.
Hirmer Verlag Eva & Adele (Bilingual edition): Keep the Rosy Wing Strong
EVA & ADELE’s work finds its raison d’être in their permanent, lifelong performance which takes place worldwide throughout the public space. The work group CUM (lat. WITH) is the essence of the interactive process. It was acknowledged as early as 1997 in the Sprengel Museum with the solo exhibition CUM, and is continued to this day in a variety of media. EVA & ADELE requested one of two Polaroids taken by the public – co-performers – including a signature. Based on this they created a group of important drawings and paintings which they developed in the subsequent artistic process and have continued until today. The publication forms the work complex CUM in its entirety; the volume is completed by valuable text contributions by Robert Fleck, Lisa Schmidt-Herzog and Marcus Steinweg.
American Psychological Association Reinforcement-Based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders: A Comprehensive Behavioral Approach
This book is a clinician-friendly manual for implementing Reinforcement-Based Treatment (RBT), an intensive, evidence-based model for treating substance use disorders in community settings. RBT integrates the most effective behavioral techniques with motivational interviewing, highly individualized treatment plans, and case management. The goal is to help clients avoid substance use triggers and develop recreational outlets and support systems that are incompatible with substance use. Additionally, the model emphasizes customer service—a concept underemphasized in most programs—to ensure that clients receive positive reinforcement for attending treatment. Using a step-by-step approach that takes the reader through each treatment component, the authors provide clear, detailed, and practical case illustrations and a variety of useful forms and therapist scripts.
Skyhorse Publishing JFK: The Cia, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Molecular Farming of Plants and Animals for Human and Veterinary Medicine
Molecular farming has been hailed as the "third wave" of genetically-modified organisms produced through biotechnology for the bio-based economy of the future. Unlike products of the first wave, such as herbicide resistant crop plants, which were perceived to benefit only the farmers who used them and the agrochemical companies who developed them, products of molecular farming are designed specifically for the benefit of the consumer. Such products could be purified from food or non-food organisms for a range of applications in industry, as well as animal and human health. Alternatively, the products of this technology could be consumed more directly in some edible format, such as milk, eggs, fruits or vegetables. There is a rapidly-growing interest Qn the part of the public as well as in the medical community in the role food plays in health, especially in the immunophysiological impact of food over and above the role of basic nutrition.
Oxford University Press ST(P) Mathematics 2A
Part of the ST(P) graded series in mathematics, this book follows 1A and is intended to complete the coverage of Level 5 of the National Curriculum, most of Level 6 and about half of Level 7. Some of the work goes beyond Level 7, offering flexibility for those teachers who prefer to do the work at this stage in preparation for the tests at Key Stages 3 and 4. The exercises are divided into three types of question. The first kind is aimed at helping pupils to understand the work, the second is for quicker workers, for extra practice or for later revision and the third is slightly more difficult, for those who have managed the first type fairly easily.
Peeters Publishers Monsters and the Monstrous in Medieval Northwest Europe
The essays in this book examine various manifestations of monstrosity in the early literatures of England, Ireland and Scandinavia. The dates of the texts discussed range from the eighth to the thirteenth centuries and were written either in Latin or in one of the vernaculars. The present contributions shed light on the physical, mental and metaphysical qualities that characterize medieval monsters in general. How do such creatures relate to accepted physical norms? How do their behaviours deviate from established cultural practices? How can their presence in both fictional and non-fictional texts be explained either in terms of a textual tradition or as a response to actual events? Such issues are examined from literary, philological, theological, and historical points of view in order to provide a thorough, multifaceted depiction of the sub- and supernatural monsters of medieval Northwest Europe.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Alfreds Basic Rock Guitar 1: The Most Popular Series for Learning How to Play
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Keeping Your Adoptive Family Strong: Strategies for Success
Welcoming a new child into the home through adoption is a life-altering experience-for the child, the parents, and everyone else in the family. Expectations and realities often differ dramatically, and adjusting to the change can be difficult and emotionally painful. Since the majority of children available for adoption today are in the system as the result of abuse and neglect, parents must acknowledge the fact they these young innocents will carry their trauma with them into their new homes. A willingness to address the not-so-easy, didn't-see-that-coming aspects of adoption is the first step toward building a strong family. A valuable resource for parents and professionals, this book provides useful strategies for facing the challenges posed by adopted children. The inclusion of real stories from real people adds heart and encouragement, offering hope for the future of the entire family.
INSTAP Academic Press An Archaeological Survey of the Gournia Landscape: A Regional History of the Mirabello Bay, Crete, in Antiquity
A regional survey was undertaken in the central part of the Mirabello Bay area: along the northeastern coast of Crete in the Gournia Valley and the northern half of the Isthmus of Ierapetra, ending in the valley of Episkopi, to provide a regional context for the Bronze Age palace and settlement of Gournia. As this survey was the last and geographically most central compared to three other surveys (Vrokastro, Pseira, and Kavousi), conducted in the Mirabello region, it ties together the data from all four surveys regarding the environment, population(s), and social organization of an entire region. Furthermore, this volume goes beyond the survey data to consider, at some length, the evidence from local excavations, so as to provide an in-depth and integrated picture of the regional socio-economic development. It is meant as a regional archaeological study of the Mirabello Bay area.
Springer Fouling Science and Technology
The fouling of heat exchangers, reactors and catalysts remains one of the most urgent problems facing the process industries. Over the past ten years there has been limited research and investigation into the underlying mechanisms which give rise to this problem. For convenience, particularly in heat exchanger technology, the mechanisms involved have been subdivided into different subject areas. It is often the situation that individuals or groups of workers have concentra ted efforts in one or two of these specialist areas and there is a need to integrate the ideas across the whole spectrum of the subject. In addition, topics such as adhesion and surface phenomena have not been properly taken into account up till now in the assessment of the fouling processes. For this reason it was considered essential that the recognised experts from around the world, who are actively concerned with research, development and design in the fieId, should meet and exchange ideas and experience. Such a meeting was held at Alvor, Portugal, in May 1987, sponsored by the NATO Advanced St~dy Institutes Programme. In order to obtain a common basis for the work of the Advanced Study Institute, the whole technological field was reviewed right from the basic concepts to the frontiers of present knowledge. Each invited contributor was asked to make an overall presentation covering his or her area of expertise.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Program Planning and Evaluation: A Practical Systematic Approach to Community Health
Health Program Planning and Evaluation: A Practical, Systematic Approach for Community Health, Fifth Edition carefully walks the reader through the process for developing, implementing, and evaluating successful community health promotion programs. Featuring reader-friendly, accessible language and practical tools and concepts, this invaluable resource prepares students and professionals to become not only competent health program planners, but savvy consumers of evaluation reports and prudent users of evaluation consultants. Thoughtfully constructed, the authors uniquely use program theory–a conceptual model of program planning and evaluation–throughout the text to reinforce the cyclical nature of the process. Additionally, each chapter concludes with a summary that is organized by levels of the public health pyramid, reinforcing the social-ecological and multi-level nature of health promotion and public health planning. Key Features: • Examples and references from public health, medicine, nursing, social work, and community health that provide an interdisciplinary perspective while addressing public health programming. • Systems thinking concepts, such as feedback, and its importance to those who fund health programs and desire to support programs creating systems change. • Greater focus on cultural humility • New full color design that brings tables, figures and diagrams to life • Updated research references, such as studies using geographic information systems and other advances in the use of integrated data in public health • Updated internet resources in each chapter, including sources outside the United States • Each new print copy includes Navigate eBook Access enabling you to read your digital textbook online or offline, on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.
Peeters Publishers Autour De La Langue Arabe: Etudes Presentees a Jacques Grand'Henry a L'occasion De Son 70e Anniversaire
Les themes et sujets du present volume d'hommages que lui dedient plusieurs de ses collegues et amis, correspondent au profil a la fois focalise et varie de Jacques Grand'Henry, Professeur emerite d'etudes arabes a l'Universite catholique de Louvain. Les domaines couverts sont notamment ceux de la dialectologie arabe descriptive ou historique, de la linguistique historique et comparative, du moyen arabe ou de l'arabe melange tel qu'on le trouve dans les textes medievaux et dans les documents modernes (textes litteraires ou enonces oraux), et de la philologie arabe sous ses differents aspects. Ce volume contient des contributions de: Frederic Bauden, Lidia Bettini, Giovanni Canova, Joseph Chetrit, David Cohen, Werner Diem, Madiha Doss, Bruno Halflants, Clive Holes, Jerome Lentin, Xavier Luffin, Gabriel M. Rosenbaum, Catherine Taine-Cheikh, Andrzej Zaborski et Liesbeth Zack.
Peeters Publishers Eusebe D'Emese. Commentaire De La Genese: Texte Armenien De L'edition De Venise (1980), Fragments Grecs Et Syriaques, Avec Traductions
Du Commentaire original d'Eusebe d'Emese sur la Genese, redige en grec vers le milieu du IVe siecle, seuls des fragments sont connus, incorpores dans la Chaine exegetique grecque et dans l'Epitome de Procope de Gaza. Il existe toutefois une ancienne traduction armenienne complete (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). A cette documentation s'ajoutent des fragments syriaques conserves dans le Commentaire d'Iso'dad de Merv (IXe siecle). Le present volume regroupe les quatre rameaux de la tradition. Du Commentaire armenien, dont le texte est reproduit en entier, on trouve ici la premiere traduction dans une langue moderne. Les fragments grecs (dont ceux de Procope edites ici pour la premiere fois) et syriaques sont egalement accompagnes de traductions francaises annotees. Le volume permet, des lors, pour la premiere fois une vue d'ensemble de ce commentaire dont l'importance consiste en son originalite et en sa position intermediaire entre l'ancienne exegese syriaque et l'exegese grecque antiochienne de la fin du IVe et du Ve siecle. Eusebius of Emesa's Commentary on Genesis, which was written in Greek around the middle of the fourth century, is extant only in fragments preserved in the Greek exegetical Catena and in Procopius of Gaza's Epitome. An early translation of the entire Commentary, however, exists in Armenian (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). In addition, Syriac fragments are preserved in the ninth-century Commentary by Iso'dad of Merv. The present volume brings together the four branches of the tradition. The Armenian Commentary is presented both in Armenian and in a French translation, the first translation in a modern language. The Greek fragments (those of Procopius edited here for the first time) as well as the Syriac fragments are also accompanied with annotated French translations. The present volume, therefore, enables for the first time a comprehensive view of this Commentary, the significance of which lies in the originality of its approach as well as in its intermediary position between ancient Syriac exegesis and Greek Antiochene exegesis of the late fourth and fifth centuries.
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) Dictionnaire Sango-francais (Centrafrique). Lexique Francais-sango (avec La Collaboration De J. Vallet & A. Behaghel)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Evolution of Virulence in Eukaryotic Microbes
A unique and timely review of the emergence of eukaryotic virulence in fungi, oomycetes, and protozoa, as they affect both animals and plants Evolution of Virulence in Eukaryotic Microbes addresses new developments in defining the molecular basis of virulence in eukaryotic pathogens. By examining how pathogenic determinants have evolved in concert with their hosts, often overcoming innate and adaptive immune mechanisms, the book takes a fresh look at the selective processes that have shaped their evolution. Introductory chapters ground the reader in principal evolutionary themes such as phylogenetics and genetic exchange, building a basis of knowledge for later chapters covering advances in genetic tools, how pathogens exchange genetic material in nature, and the common themes of evolutionary adaptation that lead to disease in different hosts. With the goal of linking the research findings of the many disparate scientific communities in the field, the book: Assembles for the first time a collection of chapters on the diversity of eukaryotic microorganisms and the influence of evolutionary forces on the origins and emergence of their virulent attributes Highlights examples from three important, divergent groups of eukaryotic microorganisms that cause disease in animals and plants: oomycetes, protozoan parasites, and fungi Covers how the development of genetic tools has fostered the identification and functional analyses of virulence determinants Addresses how pathogens exchange genetic material in nature via classical or modified meiotic processes, horizontal gene transfer, and sexual cycles including those that are cryptic or even unisexual Provides a broad framework for formulating future studies by illustrating themes common to different pathogenic microbes Evolution of Virulence in Eukaryotic Microbes is an ideal book for microbiologists, evolutionary biologists and medical professionals, as well as graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty members working on the evolution of pathogens.
Princeton University Press The History and Geography of Human Genes: Abridged paperback Edition
Hailed as a breakthrough in the understanding of human evolution, The History and Geography of Human Genes offers the first full-scale reconstruction of where human populations originated and the paths by which they spread throughout the world. By mapping the worldwide geographic distribution of genes for over 110 traits in over 1800 primarily aboriginal populations, the authors charted migrations and devised a clock by which to date evolutionary history. This monumental work is now available in a more affordable paperback edition without the myriad illustrations and maps, but containing the full text and partial appendices of the authors' pathbreaking endeavor.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Geometry and Symmetry
This new book for mathematics and mathematics education majors helps students gain an appreciation of geometry and its importance in the history and development of mathematics. The material is presented in three parts. The first is devoted to a rigorous introduction of Euclidean geometry, the second covers various noneuclidean geometries, and the last part delves into symmetry and polyhedra. Historical contexts accompany each topic. Exercises and activities are interwoven with the text to enable the students to explore geometry. Some of the activities take advantage of geometric software so students - in particular, future teachers - gain a better understanding of its capabilities. Others explore the construction of simple models or use manipulatives allowing students to experience the hands-on, creative side of mathematics. While this text contains a rigorous mathematical presentation, key design features and activities allow it to be used successfully in mathematics for teachers courses as well.
Guilford Publications The Development of the Person: The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation from Birth to Adulthood
The definitive work on a groundbreaking study, this essential volume provides a coherent picture of the complexity of development from birth to adulthood. Explicated are both the methodology of the Minnesota study and its far-reaching contributions to understanding how we become who we are. The book marshals a vast body of data on the ways in which individuals' strengths and vulnerabilities are shaped by myriad influences, including early experiences, family and peer relationships throughout childhood and adolescence, variations in child characteristics and abilities, and socioeconomic conditions. Implications for clinical intervention and prevention are also addressed. Rigorously documented and clearly presented, the study's findings elucidate the twists and turns of individual pathways, illustrating as never before the ongoing interplay between developing children and their environments.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Molecular & Nanoscale Systems for Energy Conversion
Lake 7 Creative Can You Survive the Wonderful Wizard of Oz?: A Choose Your Path Book
Enter classic literature’s most famous magical realm, and make choices to survive L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in this Choose Your Path adventure. You are Dorothy, the accidental adventurer. You’ve been swept away from your home in Kansas by a deadly tornado. Now, you find yourself in the Land of Oz, a fantastical world of witches, monsters, and talking animals. Every moment, your life is at risk. You must use your knowledge and courage—and plenty of help from your strange collection of friends—to survive such perils as angry trees, tiger-bears, and winged monkeys. Adapted by award-winning author Ryan Jacobson with chapter illustrations by Y. Shane Nitzsche, Can You Survive the Wonderful Wizard of Oz? turns the classic novel by L. Frank Baum into a Choose Your Path book for kids. The survival story puts readers in control of the action. Do you have what it takes to traverse the road of yellow brick? Or will this dangerous route and its many obstacles lead to your doom? Step into this adventure, and choose your path. But choose wisely, or else! Book Features Interactive adventure that challenges readers to survive the story Familiar characters on a magical journey BONUS: hands-on educational activity for families and classrooms Interactive books for kids are more popular than ever. Create your own adventure with the Interactive Classic Literature book series for boys and girls. You’re the main character. You make the choices. Can you survive?
Thomas Nelson Publishers A Timeless Christmas: A Collection of Classic Stories and Poems
Delight in the most wonderful time of the year with a collection of heartwarming and heartfelt Christmas classics in this beautiful, giftable Christmas collection.In this beautifully packaged anthology, discover lesser-known and tender stories and poems from classic authors you know and love. Each selection honors the spirit of the season and celebrates the beauty, mystery, and joy found this time of year.From O. Henry’s iconic story “The Gift of the Magi” to L. Frank Baum’s quaint and clever history of Santa Claus and his reindeer, the stories gathered in A Timeless Christmas honor the yuletide tales and traditions passed down through generations.Christina Rossetti’s beautiful poetry, L. M. Montgomery’s charming short stories, and many other classic works will bring warmth to the fireside this season and remind us all that Christmas is a time for joy. With additional pieces from Louisa May Alcott, George MacDonald, and more, A Timeless Christmas will become a cherished keepsake for friends and family to enjoy this year and for years to come—a reminder that the heart of the holiday never changes. Hardcover, giftable size Perfect as a stocking stuffer and host or hostess gift Filled with heartwarming and joyful Christmas stories and poems Makes a lovely keepsake companion to A Classic Christmas and A Vintage Christmas
Pan Macmillan The Wizard of Oz
Regarded as a modern fairy tale, L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz is one of America’s most cherished and enchanting children’s stories. Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features original illustrations by W. W. Denslow, coloured by Barbara Frith, and an introduction by Professor Sarah Churchwell.Follow Dorothy, and her loyal dog Toto, as they are carried away from Kansas by a cyclone to the wonderful world of Oz. Wandering down the yellow brick road Dorothy meets her three famous companions – a Scarecrow longing for a brain, a Tin Woodman wishing for a heart, a cowardly Lion yearning for some courage – and together they travel to the illustrious Emerald City where they hope all their dreams will come true.
Oxford University Press Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales: A Selection
Includes: The Tinder-Box; The Princess and the Pea; Thumbelina; The Little Mermaid; The Emperor's New Clothes; The Steadfast Soldier; The Ugly Duckling; The Snow Queen; The Little Match-Girl ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Peeters Publishers Rogier Van Der Weyden in Context: Proceedings of Symposium XVII, Leuven, November 2009
On 20 September 2009 the new M-Museum Leuven (Belgium) was inaugurated with the opening of the exhibition Rogier van der Weyden 1400-1464 - Master of Passions. The starting point of the exhibition was the work of Rogier van der Weyden himself and the intention was to display and define his individual style and contribution. To demonstrate the significance of his overwhelming influence across artistic media, his own works were brought together with those of his contemporaries and followers: painters, designers, sculptors, tapestry weavers and embroiderers. His significance was reflected in the international Colloquium Rogier van der Weyden in Context, which took place on 22, 23 and 24 October 2009. It was organised by Illuminare - Centre for the Study of Medieval Art (KU Leuven), the Art History Department KU Leuven and Artes.Leuven, in conjunction with the UCL (Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Laboratoire d'etude des oeuvres d'art par les methodes scientifiques) and the KIK-IRPA (Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Belgium). It was the XVIIth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting, yet its scope was extended beyond the technical examination of paintings so that the work of one great genius, Rogier van der Weyden, could be considered in a variety of contexts. The papers in this volume are grouped around the following themes: (i) Rogier van der Weyden, painter and designer; (ii) Archival sources; (iii) Studies in painting; (iv) Studies in underdrawing; (v) Studies in sculpture; (vi) The legacy of Van der Weyden.
Peeters Publishers Authorship Revisited: Conceptions of Authorship Around 1900 and 2000
How do conceptions of the literary author change throughout history, and how do they function in specific contexts? The present volume aims to investigate debates on the concept of authorship as a struggle of participants - writers, critics, and scholars - over different conceptions of interpretation. In this struggle all kinds of literary and non-literary norms appear to be at stake. The volume compares the time span around 1900 and 2000, and contrasts the French situation with conditions in other cultures and 'minor literatures'. It addresses the following questions: how did the processes of group-constitution, professionalisation, and (de-)autonomisation of authorship around 1900 and 2000 offer new positionings and roles for writers, and affect conceptions of the author? To what extent can such conceptions of authorship - projected or defended by writers as well as by critics and scholars - be analysed as strategies to claim and legitimise a position in the literary field, respectively in the scholarly field? What light does the analysis of debates about authorship shed on how the social, political or moral relevance of both literature and criticism are defined and defended?
ECW Press,Canada Heart of the Blackhawks: The Pierre Pilote Story
Springer Verlag, Singapore Recent Trends in Thermal Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICCEMME 2021
This book presents select proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME 2021). It gives an overview of recent developments in the field of fluid dynamics and thermal engineering. Topics covered include case studies in thermal engineering, combustion engines, computational fluid dynamics (cfd), cooling systems, energy conservation, energy conversion, renewable energy, bio fuels, gas turbines, heat exchangers and heat transfer systems, heat pipes and pumps, heat transfer augmentation, refrigeration and HVAC systems, fluids engineering, energy and process, and thermal power plants. The book will be useful for researchers and professionals working in the area of thermal engineering and allied fields.
De Gruyter Elektrodynamik Der Kontinua
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Life Cycle of New Ventures: Emergence, Newness and Growth
The contributors to this book provide a cross-national comparison of venture emergence, newness and growth. Their chapters examine the influences of cultural, social and economic factors on venture development, compare the approaches of entrepreneurs who move from idea to emerging organization, and investigate acquisition and development of resources in growth and performance. The authors consider important issues in new ventures research such as technology commercialization, management team development, and influence of equity funding. While its particular focus is on Norway and the US, the book offers broad and intriguing contributions with regard to the emergence and growth of knowledge based firms in developed economies, and has implications for both direct and indirect government policy with regard to stimulating the formation and development of knowledge based firms.Scholars and students of entrepreneurship, international studies and economics, policymakers, international business experts and economic development specialists will find this rigorous analysis of the utmost importance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Programming the Finite Element Method
Many students, engineers, scientists and researchers have benefited from the practical, programming-oriented style of the previous editions of Programming the Finite Element Method, learning how to develop computer programs to solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. This new fifth edition offers timely revisions that include programs and subroutine libraries fully updated to Fortran 2003, which are freely available online, and provides updated material on advances in parallel computing, thermal stress analysis, plasticity return algorithms, convection boundary conditions, and interfaces to third party tools such as ParaView, METIS and ARPACK. As in the previous editions, a wide variety of problem solving capabilities are presented including structural analysis, elasticity and plasticity, construction processes in geomechanics, uncoupled and coupled steady and transient fluid flow and linear and nonlinear solid dynamics. Key features: • Updated to take into account advances in parallel computing as well as new material on thermal stress analysis • Programs use an updated version of Fortran 2003 • Includes exercises for students • Accompanied by website hosting software Programming the Finite Element Method, Fifth Edition is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students in civil and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and numerical analysis, and is also a comprehensive reference for researchers and practitioners. Further information and source codes described in this text can be accessed at the following web sites: • /PFEM5 for the serial programs from Chapters 4-11 • for the parallel programs from Chapter 12
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Systems Engineering
The first comprehensive guide to designing highly usable, fully integrated computer-based information systems. Traditional human-computer interaction (HCI) and system design models have proven too narrow to adequately assess user needs and to design usable and efficient computer-based information support systems. Taking modeling concepts from engineering, psychology, cognitive science, information science, and computer science, cognitive systems engineering (CSE) provides a much broader, more dynamic framework. This book is the first comprehensive guide to the emerging new field of cognitive systems engineering. Throughout, the emphasis is on powerful analytical techniques that enhance the systems designer's ability to see the "big picture," and to design for all crucial aspects of human-work interaction. Applicable to highly structured technical systems such as process plants, as well as less structured user-driven systems like libraries, these analytical techniques form the basis for the design and design evaluation guidelines that make up the bulk of this book. The authors also provide a chapter-length case history in which they chronicle the success of their approach when applied to a full-scale software design project.
Random House USA Inc Markings: Spiritual Poems and Meditations
Peeters Publishers Gedandedi Sa Geviya. Dictionnaire Geviya-francais
Le geviya est une langue bantoue qui appartient au meme groupe linguistique que le getsogo, l'apindji et le gevove. Parlee dans un seul village au coeur du Gabon par un nombre extremement reduit de personnes, cette langue est actuellement menacee de disparition. Assez fortement influencee par des langues voisines, elle presente a l'heure actuelle les caracteristiques d'une langue mixte, surtout dans son vocabulaire.Le dictionnaire geviya-francais est le fruit d'une longue collaboration scientifique fructueuse entre Lolke Van der Veen et Sebastien Bodinga-bwa-Bodinga. Le premier est professeur de linguistique a l'Universite Lumiere-Lyon 2 et membre du laboratoire "Dynamique du Langage" (UMR 5596). Le second est ancien secretaire du gouverneur de Mouila (Gabon) et fervent defenseur de sa langue maternelle, le geviya.Cet ouvrage, qui rassemble plus de 6200 entrees, constitue une contribution importante a la lexicographie des langues du Gabon. Il permettra en particulier d'approfondir l'etude de la langue et la culture des Eviya.
Peeters Publishers Explorations in Financial Ethics
The breakdown of Bretton Woods liberalised financial markets from extensive government control. Increasing deregulation and technological innovation created truly global financial markets, the perfect companions for global business and shareholder philosophy. But this swift evolution did not occur without specific risks or accidents. Financial crises surged at the slightest provocation, causing havoc around the globe. They were the painful reminders that the increasingly virtual, abstract and remote world of finance still exerts a serious impact on our everyday life. Is it because of their abstract nature that there hardly exists any systematic ethical reflection on the functioning of financial markets? The present volume makes an attempt to fill this gap. The authors question the efficiency of the financial system, the present state of financial regulation, the role of central bankers and the functioning of exchange and derivative markets. This collection of essays represents the outcome of a three year research project at the Center for Ethics of the University of Antwerp (UFSIA) which has been executed by a multi-disciplinary team of philosophers and economists.
Peeters Publishers The Use of Sacred Books in the Ancient World
In this volume a number of scholars from Israel, the USA, and England have joined forces with the well-known Utrecht University Research Unit "The Cultural Milieu of Early Christianity" to investigate in an unprecendently interdisciplinary fashion how sacred books functioned in pagan, Jewish, and Christian circles. The 16 essays cover a wide range of topics including a discussion of emergence of canonical scriptures in late antiquity, an investigation of parallels between exegesis of Homer by the Greeks and that of the Bible by the Jews, a study of the rise of Virgil's Aeneid to the status of "canonical" book; a discussion of the use of sacred books as instant oracles; an investigation of the role of the Bible in polemics between Jews and Christians; an analysis of the wide variety of quotation formula's used by New Testament authors, a discussion of the role of biblical interpretation in the thought world of Jesus' brother, James; an investigation of the function of Scripture in the midrash Aggadat Bereshit, and other topics.
Peeters Publishers Feminist Perspectives in Pastoral Theology - Feministische Perspektive in Pastoraltheologie - DES Perspectives Feministes En Theologie Pastorale
Der sechste Band des Jahrbuches der Europaischen Gesellschaft fur theologische Forschung von Frauen widmet sich den feministischen Perspektiven in der Pastoraltheologie / praktischen Theologie. Die Beitrage reflektieren den Umstand, dass es in dieser theologischen Wissenschaftsdisziplin kaum eine feministische Debatte gibt, zu der dieses Buch einladen mochte. Dieser Mangel ist um so erstaunlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass die 'Horer/innen des Wortes' in der Pastorale fast ausschliesslich 'weiblich' sind. So sieht R. Bons-Storm in ihrem Beitrag die Ursache fur die Androzentrik der Pastoraltheologie in der Identifikation von pastoralem und klerikalem Paradigma. D. Dijk untersucht die Aneignung sakularer Symbole in bestimmten Liturgien. H. Meyer-Wilmes weist auf die parallelen Problemstellungen dieser beiden Disziplinen. Facetten des interreligiosen Dialoges werden von L. Troch beleuchtet. Eine Bibliographie feministisch praktisch-theologischer Monographien rundet diesen Band ab. Ein informatives Buch, das sich an alle in der Pastorale Tatigen sowie an die Pastoraltheologie Lehrenden wendet.
Peeters Publishers Eutychii Patriarchae Alexandrini Annales, II. Accedunt Annales Yahia Ibn Said Antiochensis: (Ar. III, 7), T.