Search results for ""Author Bernd"
Taylor & Francis Inc Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications
The Eighth International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications was held at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. This volume comprises refereed papers presented at this conference. These papers cover all important themes, conjectures, and open problems in the fields of discrete dynamical systems and ordinary and partial difference equations, classical and contemporary, theoretical and applied.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Integrating Biological Control into Conservation Practice
Invasive species have a critical and growing effect upon natural areas. They can modify, degrade, or destroy wildland ecosystem structure and function, and reduce native biodiversity. Landscape-level solutions are needed to address these problems. Conservation biologists seek to limit such damage and restore ecosystems using a variety of approaches. One such approach is biological control: the deliberate importation and establishment of specialized natural enemies, which can address invasive species problems and which should be considered as a possible component of restoration. Biological control can be an effective tool against many invasive insects and plants but it has rarely been successfully employed against other groups. Safety is of paramount concern and requires that the natural enemies used be specialized and that targeted pests be drivers of ecological degradation. While modern approaches allow species to be selected with a high level of security, some risks do remain. However, as in all species introductions, these should be viewed in the context of the risk of failing to reduce the impact of the invasive species. This unique book identifies the balance among these factors to show how biological control can be integrated into ecosystem restoration as practiced by conservation biologists. Jointly developed by conservation biologists and biological control scientists, it contains chapters on matching tools to management goals; tools in action; measuring and evaluating ecological outcomes of biological control introductions; managing conflict over biological control; and includes case studies as well as an ethical framework for integrating biological control and conservation practice. Integrating Biological Control into Conservation Practice is suitable for graduate courses in invasive species management and biological control, as well as for research scientists in government and non-profit conservation organizations.
University of California Press Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same
This long overdue English translation of Karl Lowith's magisterial study is a major event in Nietzsche scholarship in the Anglo-American intellectual world. Its initial publication was extraordinary in itself - a dissident interpretation, written by a Jew, appearing in National Socialist Germany in 1935. Since then, Lowith's book has continued to gain recognition as one of the key texts in the German Nietzsche reception, as well as a remarkable effort to reclaim the philosopher's work from political misappropriation. For Lowith, the centerpiece of Nietzsche's thought is the doctrine of eternal recurrence, a notion which Lowith, unlike Heidegger, deems incompatible with the will to power. His careful examination of Nietzsche's cosmological theory of the infinite repetition of a finite number of states of the world suggests the paradoxical consequences this theory implies for human freedom. How is it possible to will the eternal recurrence of each moment of one's life, if both this decision and the states of affairs governed by it appear to be predestined? Lowith's book, one of the most important, if seldom acknowledged, sources for recent Anglophone Nietzsche studies, remains a central text for all concerned with understanding the philosopher's work.
Arnoldsche Fliegende Blatter: Die Sammlung der Einblattholzschnitte des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts
The upsurge in publishing in the sixteenth century turned the Reformation into a media event, and printed products of every kind superseded the communication methods used thus far. Flyers were particularly successful in reaching their audiences as an easily affordable information medium. Renowned artists such as Hans Sebald Beham, Lucas Cranach Sr, Albrecht Durer and Michael Ostendorfer produced the woodcuts for these single-sheet prints, which thematised the political, religious and societal happenings of the time. Portraits of protagonists, such as Luther and Karl V., but also fables and proverbs as well as reports on miracles and celestial phenomena, catastrophes and crime all found their platform in these pages. One of the largest collections of illustrated single-sheet prints in the Palace Museum of the Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha provides a rich treasure trove of prints that informed the Reformation. The Gotha inventory of around 700 flyers from 1480 to 1599 is today considered unprecedented. Now for the first time it has been published in its entirety.
Springer International Publishing AG The European Central Bank and Its Role in a Sustainable Finance System
This book analyses the new strategic decisions of the European Central Bank. Contributors from different fields examine especially the sustainability strategy of the ECB: What role can the European Central Bank play in fighting climate change? ECB President Christine Lagarde has repeatedly confirmed that the central bank wants to play a role in coping with climate change. What will this role be? What instruments does the ECB have to make a difference in challenges such as the defossilization of the economy and transport, biodiversity, the energy transition, resource consumption and other sustainability areas? Is it entitled or obliged to go beyond the classic mandate of maintaining price stability? The volume includes contributions from academics and practitioners from the financial sector, civil society and institutions involved at European level.
V&R unipress GmbH Erich Maria Remarque Jahrbuch / Yearbook.
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Dialog Der Welten: Christliche Begegnung Mit Den Religionen Indiens
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament - Neubearbeitungen: 1-15
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Oceans and Rapid Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 126. Until a few decades ago, scientists generally believed that significant large-scale past global and regional climate changes occurred at a gradual pace within a time scale of many centuries or millennia. A secondary assumption followed: climate change was scarcely perceptible during a human lifetime. Recent paleoclimatic studies, however, have proven otherwise: that global climate can change extremely rapidly. In fact, there is good evidence that in the past at least regional mean annual temperatures changed by several degrees Celsius on a time scale of several centuries to several decades.
Universitatsverlag Winter Lichtenberg-Jahrbuch 2011: Herausgegeben Im Auftrag Der Lichtenberg-Gesellschaft
Schnell & Steiner Die Papste Der Renaissance: Politik, Kunst Und Musik
Schnell & Steiner Norman Connections
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Wahnsinnsfilme: Psychose, Paranoia und Schizophrenie in Film und Serie
Das wissenschaftliche Interesse an der Darstellung psychischer Störungen in Spielfilmen und Serien boomt, das zeigen Buchpublikationen sowie nationale und internationale Kongressprogramme. Diese Hinwendung zum Film macht deutlich, dass es im Bereich der Psychopathologie wieder eine vermehrte Sehnsucht nach Fallgeschichten gibt, die der gegenwärtigen Orientierung der Psychiatrie an Zahlen, Fakten, Daten und Guidelines ein narratives und hermeneutisches Element entgegensetzen und den Wert des deskriptiven und verstehenden Zugangs zu seelischem Leiden betonen.Von den „Wahnsinnsgeschichten“ und den Geschichten über den Wahn, die uns Filme und Serien erzählen, können Ärzte, Psychiater, Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten, Sozialarbeiter, Pflegepersonen, Angehörige von psychisch Kranken, Betroffene und interessierte Laien ebenso wie Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftler daher einiges lernen.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Grundlagen der Baubetriebslehre 1: Baubetriebswirtschaft
Die Autoren geben einen umfassenden, leichtverständlichen Einblick in alle Themenbereiche des Baubetriebs und der Bauwirtschaft. Dabei beschreiben sie u.a. auch Ausschreibungen nach VOB, VOL und VOF sowie die Kalkulation und deren Ablauf. Die 2. Auflage wurde aktualisiert und berücksichtigt die VOB 2009.
Kohlhammer Sportpsychologie: Ein Lehrbuch
Transcript Verlag Music in Motion: Diversity and Dialogue in Europe. Study in the frame of the "ExTra! Exchange Traditions" project
Diverse musical cultures of migrant and minority communities have existed in Europe for centuries and shaped its countries significantly. As part of an EU-funded project this volume deals with the musical activities of minorities and their impact on musical traditions in Europe. It also raises questions such as: How are musical traditions of minorities integrated in education and the public music life? Can music facilitate transcultural dialogue? And to what extent do musical practice and performance reassert the own cultural tradition in a foreign environment? Answers to those and similar questions as well as a review on what can be observed in the 21st century Europe are gathered in various thematic approaches. The book also provides model projects with a practical insight into the life and work with music of migrant and minority cultures across Europe.
Universitatsverlag Winter Celan-Perspektiven 2021
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Alles Wirkliche Leben Ist Begegnung: Festschrift Zum Vierzigjahrigen Bestehen Von Studium in Israel
Baraka Books Inuit and Whalers on Baffin Island Through German Eyes: Wilhelm Weike's Arctic Journal and Letters (1883–84)
Told from an ordinary man’s perspective, these are the journal and letters of Wilhelm Weike as he accompanied Franz Boas—the father of modern anthropology—on his journey to the arctic from 1883 to 1884. This extraordinary document of early arctic history provides a plain, direct view of the Inuit and the whalers in their arctic environment at the end of the 19th century. With invaluable contextual and complementary information, this book contributes key insights during the recent wave of scientific assessment of Franz Boas’s legacy in all social sciences.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Formulare Fur Referendare
Argobooks Egill Saebjornsson: The Book
Springer International Publishing AG Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol. 175
Leading researchers are specially invited to provide a complete understanding of a key topic within the multidisciplinary fields of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. In a form immediately useful to scientists, this periodical aims to filter, highlight and review the latest developments in these rapidly advancing fields.
Duncker & Humblot Das Erste Semester - Leicht Gemacht: Der Erfolgreiche Jurastart Mit Dem Allgemeinen Teil Des Bgb
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Law and Economic Development
This authoritative collection demonstrates the increasing application of the law and economics methodology to the problems of developing countries. At the foundation of this application is the institutional approach to economic development, which emphasises the success or failure of key institutions in facilitating development. The impact on future research will be far-reaching and is expected to dominate the debate on development issues for a long time to come. There has been an outpouring of literature, both theoretical and empirical, that examines various facets of development from an institutional perspective and emphasises the crucial role played by the legal system in the economic development of nations. The editors have drawn together a careful selection of the key papers for inclusion in this volume, which will be an invaluable reference for lawyers, economists and development practitioners.
Wolke Verlagsges. Mbh Intervall und Zeit
Graefe und Unzer Verlag 15 Jahre lnger leben Die 7SulenAntiAgingStrategie nach dem HormesisPrinzip
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Öffentliches Haftungsrecht: Ökonomisierung - Europäisierung - Dogmatisierung
Das Staatshaftungsrecht, das besser Öffentliches Haftungsrecht hieße, ist ein verrufenes Rechtsgebiet, chaotisch und zersplittert, ein "Flickenteppich" und ein "Durcheinander" zugleich. Diese Abhandlung sinnt auf Abhilfe. Sie schlägt eine neue Dogmatik vor, die das Öffentliche Haftungsrecht zu systematisieren sucht und der ein ökonomisch informierter und unionsrechtlich inspirierter Einheitsanspruch zu Grunde liegt. Der Einheitsanspruch berücksichtigt die Konvergenzen, die im herkömmlichen Staatshaftungsrecht zu beobachten sind, und nimmt Vorwürfe der Sach- und Zeitwidrigkeit auf, die gegen das überkommene Staatshaftungsrecht erhoben werden. Die Schrift wurde in Münster mit dem Habilitationspreis der Juristischen Studiengesellschaft und dem Nachwuchsförderpreis der Universitätsgesellschaft ausgezeichnet.
Edition Essentials Unsere 111 besten Küchentipps
Europa Verlag GmbH Wie die Vandalen
£18.00 - Verlagsservices Praxisbeitrge zum KMUManagement Wachstumsfinanzierung ConsulterAuswahl ChangeManagement Cost Engineering OnlineMarketing ECommerce Verkaufstraining
Killroy Media Sediment und Sedum
Meyer + Meyer Fachverlag Tischtennis mit Timo Boll ber 50 Bildreihen sein Spiel seine Technik sein KnowHow
Edition Temmen Hannover Die Landeshauptstadt
Gräfe und Unzer Edition Verjünge deine Gene
Schirmer /Mosel Verlag Gm Grundformen Formes lmentaires
Müller C.F. Hausarbeit im Staatsrecht
Heel Verlag GmbH 100 Markennamen Warum heißt die Marke so
Haufe Lexware GmbH VWL Grundwissen
Hanser Fachbuchverlag Mahaltige KunststoffFormteile Toleranzen und Formteilengineering
C.H. Beck Jugendstrafrecht
C.H. Beck Handbuch des Arztrechts