Search results for ""author erik"
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for Fundamentals of Psychology: Perspectives and Connections
Aladdin Paperbacks Grasshopper Summer
HarperFestival Sam's Ball
Herzsprung-Verlag Gbr Familienrat nach Dreikurs - Ein Gewinn für alle
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Morphologie der Großpilze: mit 112 Farbbildtafeln, Glossar und Namensregister
Die Grundlagen der Morphologie und der Anatomie von Großpilzen werden in diesem Lehrbuch, das auch für interessierte Laien verfasst wurde, allgemeinverständlich dargestellt. Es vermittelt zwischen der natürlichen Anschauung und dem Lehrbuchwissen, aber auch zwischen der akademischen und der populären Mykologie. Dies gelingt den Autoren auf der Basis von Definitionen und Erläuterungen fachsprachlicher Begriffe, untermauert durch naturnahe Illustrationen auf 112 Farbtafeln. Das Buch dient dem allgemeinen Verständnis der komplizierten Eigenheiten von Pilzen, die sich mit versteckter Sexualität, mit abnormen Vermehrungs- und Verbreitungsstrategien und mit Organismen verbindenden Symbiosen und weitgehend fehlender Individualität in vieler Hinsicht von Blütenpflanzen und Tieren unterscheiden.
Gecko Press Where Dani Goes, Happy Follows
A stand-alone follow-up to the acclaimed chapter books that began with New York Times Notable Book My Happy Life. What do you do if your best friend lives in another city and the adults can't keep their promises about when you'll see her? You have to sort it out for yourself! Dani's father is away and Dani is staying with her grandparents. When she is invited to Ella's party, she thinks of the world's best gift for the world's best friend: she, Dani, will be the present! Her grandmother agrees- if she's brave enough to take the train alone.So Dani sets out on a journey all by herself.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc 101 TV Shows to See Before You Grow Up: Be your own TV critic--the must-see TV list for kids
101 timeless TV shows for kids to discover and for families to watch together, all in one book. Can you watch them all?An interactive and comprehensive list of 101 TV shows for families to enjoy together, this book features a wide selection of age-appropriate "must see" TV shows, from popular picks of today to classic shows of decades past. Each page focuses on a single TV series with basic information about each show, including the actors, years of production, and rating. There is also a section at the bottom of each page that allows young television buffs to write in their own opinions and observations about the show. From toddler to tween and every age in between, 101 TV Shows to See Before You Grow Up is a fun handbook for TV lovers of all ages, guaranteed to introduce you to shows that will make you laugh, teach you lessons, and allow you to escape into another world for an episode or two.
Random House USA Inc Beach Day!
MIT Press Ltd Expanding Mindscapes: A Global History of Psychedelics
O'Brien Press Ltd Where Are You, Puffling?: An Irish Adventure
Nova Science Publishers Inc Environmental Policy: Management, Legal Issues & Health Aspects
Ariadne Press Prince of Darkness
Random House USA Inc Garden Day!
Oxford University Press No More Peas
Oliver only wants to eat chips and pizza for dinner. So when Dad keeps dishing up vegetables, Oliver's cheeks turn red and he shouts: 'NO MORE PEAS!' Will Oliver ever give vegetables a chance? A story about growing vegetables, eating healthily and being brave enough to try new things.
Oxford University Press No More Babies
Sofia's baby brother is always wreaking havoc in the house, playing with her favourite toys and demanding all the attention. So when Sofia's mum and dad tell her that she's going to have a new sibling, Sofia's cheeks turn red and she shouts: 'NO MORE BABIES!' A new addition to any family is exciting, but the experience can also be worrying for siblings. Coping with the new situations and emotions that arise can be very challenging. This funny book deals with the potential worries of waiting for the new baby and shows the beginnings of the special relationship that develops between siblings.
Archaeopress Archaeological Heritage Policies and Management Structures: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain) Sessions A15a, A15b, A15c
This volume presents proceedings from sessions A15a, A15b, A15c of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain). The sessions covered are: ‘Archaeological Heritage Policies and Management Strategies’, where international management models focused on legislation, public policies, management systems, and institutional contexts for research were presented; ‘Management and use of science data from preventive archaeology: quality control’, where reflections on the range of quality control in projects of applied science, including environmental topics and social standards were developed; ‘Cultural resources, management, public policy, people’s awareness and sustainable development’, which focused on local traditional crafts, many of which exist continuously from prehistory to the present day. Collectively this volume presents perspectives of archaeological heritage management in various countries and continents. It is hoped, through this, to contribute to the exchange of experiences, the sharing of solutions, and the broadening of Archaeology’s role in the sustainable development of people.
Hatje Cantz Edward Hopper (German edition): Ein neuer Blick auf Landschaft
Edward Hopper’s world-famous paintings articulate an idiosyncratic view of modern life. With his impressive subjects, independent pictorial vocabulary, and virtuoso play of colors, Hopper continues to influence to this day the image of the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. He began his career as an illustrator and became famous around the globe for his oil paintings. They testify to his great interest in the effects of color and his mastery in depicting light and shadow. The Fondation Beyeler is devoting its large exhibition in the spring of 2020 to Hopper’s iconic images of the vast American landscape. The catalogue gathers together all of the paintings, watercolors, and drawings from the 1910s to the 1960s on display in the exhibition, and supplements them with essays focused on the subject of depicting landscape. EDWARD HOPPER (1882–1967) is the master of American Realism. His paintings captured life during his era. His method of painting rapidly became the stylistic foundation of a type of American modernism. A source of inspiration for countless painters, photographers, and filmmakers, his body of work continues to be influential to this very day.
Hatje Cantz Edward Hopper: A Fresh Look at Landscape
Edward Hopper’s world-famous paintings articulate an idiosyncratic view of modern life. With his impressive subjects, independent pictorial vocabulary, and virtuoso play of colors, Hopper continues to influence to this day the image of the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. He began his career as an illustrator and became famous around the globe for his oil paintings. They testify to his great interest in the effects of color and his mastery in depicting light and shadow. The Fondation Beyeler is devoting its large exhibition in the spring of 2020 to Hopper’s iconic images of the vast American landscape. The catalogue gathers together all of the paintings, watercolors, and drawings from the 1910s to the 1960s on display in the exhibition, and supplements them with essays focused on the subject of depicting landscape.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Brazilian Way of Doing Public Administration: Brazil with an 's'
Brazil is a pioneer in the development of participation policies, with the most advanced banking systems in the world and a health system that serves the majority of a population scattered over more than 8.5 million square kilometres. However, Brazil also displays one of the highest rates of social and economic inequality worldwide, unable to fight illiteracy, school dropout, lack of basic sanitation, and unemployment. The Brazilian Way of Doing Public Administration is an accessible collaboration between scholars and practitioners rich with findings applicable worldwide, exploring Brazil’s government’s functioning at various points in recent history. Comprehensively presenting public management cases and theories in two sections – public management and public policy – the chapters provide scholars and practitioners with unique and previously underexplored insights and experiences. Exploring links between administrative systems and policy performance, The Brazilian Way of Doing Public Administration is a necessary book for practitioners, policymakers and researchers in management, public administration, business, and economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Neurodisability and the Criminal Justice System: Comparative and Therapeutic Responses
This thought-provoking book highlights the increasing recognition of the prevalence of neurodisability within criminal justice systems, discussing conditions including intellectual, cognitive and behavioural impairments, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and traumatic and acquired brain injury. International scholars and practitioners demonstrate the extent and complexity of the neurodisability experience and present practical solutions for criminal justice reform.Examining the growing body of evidence which illustrates the significant over-representation of neurodisability amongst prison and juvenile justice populations, this critical book explores the challenges faced by people with a neurodisability who come into contact with the justice system. These challenges include: difficulty understanding interactions with police, navigating court processes, comprehending sentencing orders, and coping with prison and post-release life, which can lead to repeat victimisation and criminalisation. Overall, this book establishes that justice systems are often unable to meet the specific needs of people with a neurodisability and that there is a significant lack of appropriate support within the community aimed at prevention and diversion.Providing broad interdisciplinary insights, this timely book will prove a vital resource for scholars and students of criminal law, law and society, criminology, neuroscience and social work. It will also be of value to legal practitioners, law enforcement, prison employees and welfare professionals engaged with individuals with a neurodisability.
Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskab Dolmens in Denmark: Architecture and Function
Feminist Press at The City University of New York Happy Stories, Mostly
Taylor & Francis Ltd Flag, Nation and Symbolism in Europe and America
Although the symbolic and political importance of flags has often been mentioned by scholars of nationalism, there are few in-depth studies of the significance of flags for national identities. This multi-disciplinary collection offers case studies and comparisons of flag history, uses and controversies. This book brings together a dozen scholars, from varying national and disciplinary backgrounds, to offers a cluster of close readings of flags in their social contexts, mostly contemporary, but also historical. Case studies from Denmark, England, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and the United States explore ways in which flags are contested, stir up powerful emotions, can be commercialised in some contexts but not in others, serve as quasi-religious symbols, and as physical boundary markers; how the same flag can be solemn and formal in one setting, but stand for domestic bliss and informal cultural intimacy in another.
Tuttle Publishing Basic Japanese: Learn to Speak Japanese in 10 Easy Lessons (Fully Revised and Expanded with Manga Illustrations, Audio Downloads & Japanese Dictionary)
Learn to speak Japanese in 10 easy lessons—with manga illustrations, engaging exercises, and practical conversations!This bestselling Japanese textbook is a user-friendly guide for beginners designed for use either in a classroom or self-study. With an emphasis on daily communication and acquiring a working knowledge of simple, often-used Japanese sentences, you can attain basic fluency quickly!This new edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to reflect the way the language is actually spoken in Japan today, including essential vocabulary and phrases for modern life—like talking about social media and the internet. Engaging manga illustrations are paired with each dialogue, and a bidirectional dictionary is available in the back of the book. Ten structured lessons each present a simple four-step method for acquiring basic fluency quickly: Basic Sentences: Each lesson begins with a few simple sentences encompassing essential vocabulary and phrases Communication Notes: A detailed discussion of each sentence follows to assist you in understanding the underlying structure and how to form new sentences based on the same pattern Everyday Conversations: Authentic dialogues with manga illustrations audio recordings show you how people communicate naturally in Japan today through simple, everyday interactions Engaging Exercises: Several sets of easy exercises help reinforce your understanding of the key points presented in the lesson Online audio recordings by native speakers help with listening comprehension and pronunciation All audio content is accessible on
Crossway Books ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Peace (Paperback)
This ESV Prayer Journal will guide you in a study on peace over 6 weeks, leading you to write and pray about finding peace with God, other people, and within our own hearts and minds.
Random House USA Inc The Complete Fiction of Nella Larsen: Passing, Quicksand, and the Stories
Kodansha America, Inc Lovesick Ellie 4
The outrageous shojo comedy finally comes to print! At high school, she's Eriko Ichimura, the girl so boring no one remembers she exists. But online, she's "Lovesick Ellie," a brash and lusty alternate persona with quite a viral following! Ellie's favorite pastime? Spying on her handsome and perfect classmate Ohmi and spinning wild fantasies in the form of very thirsty tweets. But one day, quite by accident, Eriko learns that Ohmi isn't as perfect as she thought... and he discovers her secret to boot! What's ahead for this two-faced boy and pervy girl?
Birkhauser Jean Prouvé – Œuvre complète / Complete Works: Volume 2: 1934–1944
jean Prouvé (1901-1984) was one of the most renowned design engineers of the 20th century. This volume, the second in Birkhäuser s 4-volume edition of Prouvé s Complete Works, covers the period between 1934 and 1944, including such significant works as the "semi-metal" Chair no. 4 and its variations, which went into serial production from 1935 onwards, office furniture for the Parisian Electricity Supply Works and seating for the lecture hall of the École des sciences politiques in Paris. In 1934 Prouvé s workshop commenced production of entirely pre-fabricated sheet metal buildings such as the Flying Club at Buc. One of the triumphs of this period is the Maison du Peuple communal hall in Clichy, an outstanding monument of functionalism and a "hymn to metal and folded sheet". This volume also includes texts of previously unpublished conversations with Prouvé about the Flying Club and Maison du Peuple.
Capstone Press Sonia Sotomayor
Birkhauser Jean Prouvé – Œuvre complète / Complete Works: Volume 3: 1944–1954
Norman Foster and Renzo Piano invoke his name. For many architects he is a landmark - Jean Prouvé, creator of the metal curtain wall, pioneer in its application and early initiator of industrialised building techniques. His unfailing ability to combine functional engineering achievements with artistic sensitivity commands recognition. The period covered in this latest volume is significant in many respects. The post-war years placed enormous demands on housing and school construction. In his Maxéville factory Prouvé developed pre-fabricated housing, facade panelling, light filtering and other systems on a large scale. He was inspired by the works of the automobile and aeronautics industry, developing new applications for aluminium, which he presented in the 1954 Aluminium Centenary Pavilion. Moreover, Prouvé s furnitures of this period have become valuable collectors items, some of which are now being reissued under licence.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Girls with Autism Becoming Women
This insightful book investigates the experiences of seven women with autism as they transition from childhood to adulthood, and how they make sense of that journey.Taken from the autobiographies of women including Liane Holliday-Willey and Temple Grandin, these accounts shine a light on issues unique to women with autism. Heather Stone Wodis provides a detailed and thoughtful exploration of their common experiences, and each story offers a new perspective that illuminates the diagnosis from a different angle. This is a fascinating look at how generational differences, such as access to the internet, can provide more avenues toward self-expression, political mobilization, and advocacy. It also explores the idea that, no matter the era, the unyielding support of family and a diagnosis in childhood can help girls with autism transition toward adulthood.
Tuttle Publishing Japanese Folktales for Language Learners: Bilingual Legends and Fables in Japanese and English (Free online Audio Recording)
Learn about Japanese culture while improving your language skills!Japanese Folktales for Language Learners presents 22 traditional stories in parallel Japanese and English versions on facing pages, with detailed notes and exercises aimed at beginning to intermediate learners. This book can be used as a language reader and will be of great interest to anyone wishing to learn more about Japanese culture and folklore.The stories in this collection gradually increase in length and complexity as the book progresses. They include: "The Candy-Buying Ghost" - A female ghost mysteriously buys candy every night from a small village shop, until one night she reveals her true identity and her tragic story. "The Old Man Who Made Trees Blossom" - Regarded as one of the five greatest Japanese folktales, this touching story tells of a kind old man who uses his magical powers for good. "The Abandoned Mother" - An elderly woman is abandoned at the top of a mountain by her own son, a reference to the old practice of senicide in Japan. Vocabulary lists, cultural notes, exercises and discussion questions help to reinforce an understanding of the stories and bolster language skills. Free online recordings of all the stories are provided.
Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd Basketball for Kids: An Illustrated Guide
Basketball enjoys worldwide popularity, and kids all over the world love to play it. Basketball for Kids is an illustrated guide with a simple approach to the sport aimed at children and young teens. The book first briefly introduces kids to the sport of basketball, from its origins to present day. From there, they read about the principal rules and basic techniques of the game: shooting, dribbling, passing, and much more. All this tutorial advice is accompanied by humorous and colorful illustrations that will engage the readers. The book also describes popular teams, players, and leagues from over the world. Basketball for Kids is an enjoyable, easy-to-understand guide for kids to help them take their first steps in the game.
Crossway Books ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Wisdom (Paperback)
This ESV Prayer Journal will guide you in a study on wisdom over 6 weeks to prayerfully consider what it means to be truly wise, how we attain biblical wisdom, and how we apply wisdom to our lives.
Red Sea Press,U.S. Regenerated Identities
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Vom Berührtsein und von der Kunst der Berührung: Leidfaden 2023, Heft 4
Berührungen: Manchmal sind sie selbstverständlich, manchmal sehr intim. Oft beiläufig, gelegentlich bewusst. Manche nehmen wir kaum wahr und erinnern uns nicht an sie, andere haben für immer eine Bedeutung. Manche sind intensiv oder gehen gar unter die Haut und andere wiederum gehen zu nahe, überschreiten Grenzen. Berührungen können berühren – und Berührungen sind keine »Einbahnstraße«. Berühren wir, werden auch wir berührt und damit unser Dasein. Berühren sucht nach einer Antwort, die wir in der Begegnung finden. Warum braucht der Mensch überhaupt Berührung? Was lernen wir aus der Pandemie, in der Menschen in Pflegeinrichtungen und Sterbende in Kliniken plötzlich keine Nähe und auch keine Berührung mehr erfahren durften? Was passiert, wenn wir emotional zu sehr berührt werden, und ist Abgrenzung oder aber Nähe das beste Rezept, um uns davor zu schützen? Tattoos von Verstorbenen Menschen gehen »unter die Haut«, sind eingeprägt wie die körperlichen Erfahrungen, an die sich selbst Menschen mit Demenz erinnern können. In diesem Leidfaden-Themenheft gehen wir auf »Tuchfühlung«, wenn es um die körperlichen, emotionalen und seelischen Berührungen in unserer täglichen Arbeit geht.
Taylor & Francis Inc Economic Analysis of Diversity in Modern Wheat
Scientific breeding in the twentieth century greatly accelerated wheat‘s evolution, producing high-yielding varieties that helped avoid famine in many developing countries. Emerging scientific tools hold promise for identifying and tapping new, useful genetic diversity within wheat‘s primary and secondary gene pools and, through genetic engineering, beyond.The book describes generally how policies affect wheat genetic diversity; it looks at historical changes in wheat genetic diversity, as policy and priorities have evolved; it identifies factors that explain changes and differences in spatial diversity; and finally, it analyzes the productivity impacts of changes in diversity. Chapters define various types of crop genetic diversity and ways to measure them, framing the definitions and metrics in the contexts for which they are most relevant.
Pluto Press Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World
In a fast-changing world, where the extraction of natural resources is key to development, whilst also creating environmental and social disasters, understanding how landscapes, people and politics are shaped by extraction is crucial. Looking at resource extraction in numerous locations at different stages of development, including North, West and South Africa, India, Kazakhstan and Australia, a broad picture is created, covering coal, natural-gas, gold and cement mining, from corporate to 'artisanal' extraction, from the large to the small scale. The chapters answer the questions: What is ideological about resource extraction? How does extraction transform the physical landscape? And how does the extractive process determine which stakeholders become dominant or marginalised? Contributing to policy debates, Mining Encounters uncovers the tensions, negotiations and disparities between different actors in the extractive industries, including exploiters and those who benefit or are impoverished by resource exploitation.
Orange Avenue Publishing 97 Things to Do Before You Finish High School
John Wiley & Sons NATO and the Bomb
The underlying beliefs are assumptions of Canada's high-level policy makers about NATO and the bomb are documented and explored.
Running Press Book Publishers Gilmore Girls The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El Dios tullido / The Crippled God
Schoeffling + Co. Peter Kurzeck Der radikale Biograph
American Medical Publishers Microbiology: A Clinical Approach
Arcadia Publishing Madison
Penguin Books Ltd The Kingdom of Sweets: A Novel of the Nutcracker