Search results for ""nova""
Bola de Drac 24
La nova etapa d'aquest manga shonen s'inicia amb nous adversaris a punt de posar a prova el poder d'en Vegeta, en Krilín, en Cor Petit i la resta de lluitadors disposats a defensar la Terra (encara que alguns d'ells no hagin nascut al planeta).Aquesta vegada, els que amenacen destruir el món són androides carregats de poder, uns éssers que acumulen un nivell d'energia incalculable i que són capaços de derrotar els guerrers més experimentats. Servirà d'alguna cosa l'ajuda que arriba des del futur?
Biblioasis Bad Things Happen
The characters in Bad Things Happen-professors, janitors, webcam models, small-time criminals-are between things. Between jobs and marriages, states of sobriety, joy and anguish; between who they are and who they want to be. Kris Bertin's unforgettable debut introduces us to people at the tenuous moment before everything in their lives changes, for better or worse. Kris Bertin's stories have appeared in the Walrus, the Malahat Review, the New Quarterly, PRISM International, and other magazines. He lives and writes in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Reardon Publishing Like English Gentlemen: to Peter Scott: The Death of Scott of the Antarctic
This book tells the tragic true story of the fate of Scott of the Antarctic and his companions on the return trip from the South Pole.It was written anonymously by Sir John Ernest Hodder-Williams, for Scott's son Peter, with the object at the time of raising funds for the child following his father's death.This facsimile has been created from an original 1913 edition, a now scarce work first published in the year of Scott's death during the Terra Nova expedition of 1910-1913.
Princeton University Press Arithmetic Moduli of Elliptic Curves. (AM-108), Volume 108
This work is a comprehensive treatment of recent developments in the study of elliptic curves and their moduli spaces. The arithmetic study of the moduli spaces began with Jacobi's "Fundamenta Nova" in 1829, and the modern theory was erected by Eichler-Shimura, Igusa, and Deligne-Rapoport. In the past decade mathematicians have made further substantial progress in the field. This book gives a complete account of that progress, including not only the work of the authors, but also that of Deligne and Drinfeld.
La sirena Maragda i els follets marins La sirena Maragda
De l'univers de la Isadora Moon, arriba la princesa més rebel de l'oceà... la Maragda!La sirena Maragda és una princesa... una mica rebel.Ella i la Delfina, la seva nova germaneta, estan decidides a sortir d'expedició a buscar adorables follets marins, encara que no sigui el que s'espera de dues princeses sirena...Descobreix amb la Maragda i la Delfina els secrets de l'escull de corall!Submergeix-te en aquesta aventura i gaudeix de noves activitats!
Daylight Books Evangeline: A Modern Tale of Acadia
Evangeline is a photographic exploration of Nova Scotia, Canada, directly inspired by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 1847 epic poem about the historic Expulsion of the Acadians. Today, the proud presence of Acadian heritage on the shores of the Bay of Fundy is unmistakable in Mark Marchesi's soft, pastel images of churches, Acadian flags, and unique architecture. But the region's population is dwindling, and the culture that struggled against the New World British influence is again losing ground. Marchesi eloquently portrays this gradual exodus of the Acadian people from rural Nova Scotia in haunting landscapes of empty seaports and abandoned Victorian properties. This is the forest primeval; but where are the hearts that beneath it Leaped like the roe, when he hears in the woodland the voice of the huntsman? Where is the thatch-roofed village, the home of Acadian farmers, Men whose lives glided on like rivers that water the woodlands, Darkened by shadows of earth, but reflecting an image of heaven? Mark Marchesi received a BFA in Photography from Maine College of Art in 1999. He was a winner of Jen Bekman Projects's popular photography competition Hey, Hot Shot in 2007, and has been awarded three Maine Arts Commission project grants.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press Rough and Plenty: A Memorial
As a commercial fisher in Nova Scotia in the early 1990s, Raymond Rogers experienced the collapse of Canada's East Coast fishery first-hand. Afterward, while preparing to leave the province to find work elsewhere, Rogers noticed a lone gravestone across the road from his home in Shelburne County that commemorates the life of Donald McDonald, a crofter from the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, who ""departed this life"" in 1881. Rogers wondered if there might be a connection between the necessity of his own departure, and McDonald's lonely presence on the nearby Atlantic shore, linking them as members of local communities that were displaced in the name of ""economic progress.""In Rough and Plenty: A Memorial, Rogers explores the parallel processes of dispossession suffered by nineteenth-century Scottish crofters expelled from their ancestral lands during the Highland Clearances, and by the marginalization of coastal fishing communities in Nova Scotia. The book aims to memorialize local ways of life that were destroyed by the forces of industrial production, as well as to convey the experience of dislocation using first-hand narratives, recent and historical. The author makes the case that in a world where capital abhors all communities but itself, remembering becomes a form of advocacy that can challenge dominant structures.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Robert Ludlum's™ the Bourne Treachery
The world's most ruthlessly efficient assassin, Jason Bourne, has carved a bloody swathe through all his opponents but now he's facing the one force he can't defeat – his own past – in the latest thrilling entry in Robert Ludlum's New York Times bestselling series. Three years ago, Jason Bourne embarked on a mission in Estonia with his partner and lover, a fiery Treadstone agent codenamed Nova. Their job was to rescue a Russian double agent, recently been smuggled out of St. Petersburg in the midst of an FSB manhunt. They failed. Their charge died at the hands of a shadowy assassin. Now, three years later, everything has changed. Nova is gone, killed in a mass shooting in Las Vegas. Bourne is a lone operative working in the shadows for Treadstone. He's awaiting his next assignment when his handler bring him shocking news. The Estonian mission was a set up. The double agent is still alive, deep in hiding from the Russian State Intelligence Agency. In order to find her, Bourne will have to come face to face with the errors of his past — and the death of the woman he love. And with the body count rising. he comes to an invevitable conclusion: Some secrets should stay buried.
University of Toronto Press Inventing Sam Slick: A Biography of Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Thomas Chandler Haliburton (1796-1865) was one of pre-confederation Canada's best-known authors. His popular 'Sam Slick the Clockmaker' character was a household name not only in his home country, but also in England and the United States. Born in Windsor, Nova Scotia, Haliburton was not only a writer, but also a lawyer, judge, politician, and historian. He gained fame for his writing in 1836 with The Clockmaker: or, the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville for a Halifax newspaper. It became a hit in England and was followed by six sequels. Although Haliburton tried to put Sam Slick aside and work in other genres, he found himself invariably returning to the character in his later books. This commitment to Slick resulted in a curious effacement of Haliburton's own personal gentlemanly identity, which he spent the second half of his life affirming by fostering links with socially well connected family in England. In the public imagination, however, he remained linked with Sam Slick. Based on over ten years of archival research, Richard A. Davies's scholarly biography of Haliburton is the first since 1924. It is an engaging examination of a controversial and contradictory Canadian writer and significant figure in the history of pre-confederation Nova Scotia.
De Gruyter Skulptur und Platz: Raumbesetzung, Raumüberwindung, Interaktion
Public places provide the stage for the social life of a city, and this is why they have always been the preferred site for the display of sculptural works. Reaching beyond artistic claims and in concert with the surrounding architecture, they mark social, political, legal, and ritual spaces. Like chess pieces, they are placed, realized, and replaced strategically, some slipping from their assigned role and taking on transformed meaning under new rulers. The 14 contributions of this anthology shine a light on the spatial interplay of sculpture and urban environments from the Early Modern Age to the present.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Cartas de inverno
Despois dunha longa estadía en Quebec, o escritor Xabier Louzao volve a Galicia e atópase coas cartas que o seu amigo Adrián lle escribira durante a súa ausencia. Unhas cartas que, nunha espiral de enigmas, descobren os estraños sucesos que está a vivir Adrián na súa nova casa e que levan a Xabier a acudir na súa axuda. Pero alí, na vella casa colonial, os dous amigos terán que enfrontarse a misterios que talvez as persoas nin tan sequera somos quen de imaxinar.
Itarte Vlogs Family 4. Lesperit de Halloween
Una nova aventura de la família més divertida de YouTube!Els Itarte volen que aquest Halloween sigui especial, i per això van al poble on el Lluís celebrava aquesta festa quan era petit. Allà tothom ho vivia en gran! El problema és que, quan hi arriben, les coses han canviat completament i ningú sembla disposat a celebrar-ho. Però ells no es donaran per vençuts, i aconseguiran viure un Halloween molt més especial del que es pensaven? i sobretot molt més terrorífic!
University of California Press Marcus Garvey Life and Lessons: A Centennial Companion to the Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers
"I do not speak carelessly or recklessly but with a definite object of helping the people, especially those of my race, to know, to understand, and to realize themselves."--Marcus Garvey, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1937 A popular companion to the scholarly edition of The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, this volume is a collection of autobiographical and philosophical works produced by Garvey in the period from his imprisonment in Atlanta to his death in London in 1940.
El primer àlbum illustrat de l'Eloy Moreno, autor best-seller d'Invisible i Terra, entre d'altres. Ha arribat l'estiu i el Ben té moltes ganes d'estrenar la nova piscina del poble. De camí, toparà moltes sorpreses que convertiran el viatge en una aventura. Un llibre que ens ensenya que a la vida tot és millor si es fa en companyia.L'Eloy Moreno, amb la collaboració de l'illustrador Pablo Zerda, ens sorprèn de nou amb un àlbum ben original a tot color que es llegeix d'una manera diferent. Que es viu entre dos.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Burnley "Rocky" Jones Revolutionary: An Autobiography by Burnley "Rocky" Jones
“The life, work and activism of Rocky Jones are central to African-Canadian history and the civil rights movement in Canada. Canadians lost a great soul, with the recent death of Rocky Jones, but his autobiography – co-written by James Walker, a close friend of Rocky Jones and one of our foremost writers about Black history in Canada – is a wonderful gift to the entire country. Revolutionary will soon be required reading for any person who seeks to understand the civil rights movement in Canada.”– Lawrence Hill“A must read, a manual for all freedom fighters, and a testament to Rocky Jones' and Black power and resilience.”- Afua Cooper“Any telling of human rights and social equity in Canada would be incomplete without reference to "revolutionary" Rocky Jones' truth-telling about his life captured in this compelling exemplary autobiography. This insightful account is not only about life as an African Nova Scotian, but also about the community, law, politics.”- Carl JamesBorn and raised in Truro, Nova Scotia, Burnley "Rocky" Jones is one of Canada's most important figures of social justice. Often referred to as Canada's Stokely Carmichael, Jones was tirelessly dedicated to student movements, peace activism, Black Power, anti-racism, women's liberation and human rights reform. He was a leader in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, brought the Black Panthers to Canada, taught at Dalhousie and founded his own law firm.This autobiography tells the story of Jones's inimitable life and his accomplishments.But it also does more. It illuminates the Black experience in Nova Scotia, it explains the evolving nature of race relations and human rights in recent Canadian history, and it reveals the origins of the "remedial" approach to racial equality that is now practised by activists and governments.Finally, the story of Rocky Jones is a reminder that human rights are not a gift, but a prize that must be fought for.
Editorial Barcanova El follet Oriol i la rosa mgica Llibres infantils i juvenils Sopa de contes El follet Oriol Catalan Edition
En aquesta nova aventura del follet Oriol, coneixerem com, gràcies al nostre amic, regalar una rosa quan arriba la primavera esdevé una tradició al seu poble, perquè regalar una rosa és molt més que regalar una flor: és un acte d'amistat i amor que fa dibuixar un somriure a la cara dels qui participen de la festa. Això sí, el follet Oriol també haurà de viure un munt d'aventures en aquesta ocasió i el drac no li ho posarà gens fàcil.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. O veleno da risa Un misterio para Tintimn en Lugo
Os planos do século III que se usaron para construír a muralla de Lugo aparecen nunha escavación arqueolóxica. O misterioso Home da Máscara consegue facerse con eses documentos e Tintimán, o reporteiro máis novo e espelido de Galicia, terá que recuperalos e desenmascarar o malvado. O delincuente está disposto a negociar: a cambio dos planos quere unha xoia castrexa, O carneiro alado, que Tintimán deberá roubar no Museo Provincial. Misterio, asasinatos e amor, nunha nova aventura de Tintimán, esta vez na cidade de Lugo.
Pare Illustracions de Jordi Solano
Pare és un viatge apassionant en forma de llibre illustrat en què trobarem 25 històries inspirades en detalls biogràfics de 25 figures paternes, algunes d'elles històriques, unes altres de la cultura popular, però que totes tenen una cosa en comú: que, d'alguna manera, van trencar el rol del pare tradicional, absent i insensible.A través d'aquests exemples, les famílies que comparteixin la lectura del llibre celebraran d'una forma emotiva el vincle especial que existeix entre aquesta nova paternitat més participativa, més emotiva, amb els seus fills.
Diari dAnne Frank
Nova edició ampliada amb un seguit de novetats: pròleg i epíleg nous; dos apartats més, un sobre la història editorial del Diari i l'altre sobre "Els habitants de l'annex secret", i, finalment, dues imatges noves: el pànol de la casa i el mapa d'Europa.John F. Kennedy va dir...D'entre tots els qui, al llarg de la història, han parlat en nom de la dignitat humana en temps de sofriment i mort, no hi ha cap veu amb més pes que la de l'Anne Frank.
Cornell University Press Butterflies of Maine and the Canadian Maritime Provinces
Butterflies of Maine and the Canadian Maritime Provinces introduces readers to over one hundred and twenty butterfly species documented in the Acadian region. Including contributions from researchers and community scientists, this volume is indispensable for anyone interested in the study and conservation of these ecologically important insects. This user-friendly guide features: • The first annotated checklist of the species and subspecies of Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island • Species accounts covering habitat, behavior, threats, and more • Color photographs, flight histograms, and distribution maps
Goose Lane Editions Peace by Chocolate: The Hadhad Family’s Remarkable Journey from Syria to Canada
Finalist, Dartmouth Book Award for Non-Fiction, and Taste Canada Awards (Culinary Narratives)Nominated for 3 Gourmand AwardsAn Atlantic BestsellerA Hill Times Top 100 SelectionFebruary 2016. Antigonish, Nova Scotia.Tareq Hadhad was worried about his father: Isam did not know what to do with his life. Before the war began in Syria, Isam had run a chocolate company for over twenty years. But that life was gone now. The factory was destroyed, and he and his family had spent three years in limbo as refugees before coming to Canada. So, in an unfamiliar kitchen in a small town, Isam began to make chocolate again.This remarkable book tells the extraordinary story of the Hadhad family — Isam, his wife Shahnaz, and their sons and daughters — and the founding of the chocolatier, Peace by Chocolate. From the devastation of the Syrian civil war, through their life as refugees in Lebanon, to their arrival in a small town in Atlantic Canada, Peace by Chocolate is the story of one family. It is also the story of the people of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and so many towns across Canada, who welcomed strangers and helped them face the challenges of settling in an unfamiliar land.
Símbol Editors En Max va en bicicleta
En Max té una bicicleta nova i n'està molt content. El que li agrada més és tocar la botzina quan veu els seus amics. Però una pedra enmig del camí el fa caure. Sort dels seus amics que l'ajudaran! En Max i els seus amics estan descobrint el món, i aquest llibres són un bon motiu perquè els més petits i petites de la casa també ho facin. Els llibres són de tapa dura amb els extrems arrodonits per evitar que els nens i nenes es facin mal.
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. Rita locelleta poruga
La Rita és una ocelleta que té por fins i tot de la seva pròpia ombra i es pensa que sempre es troba en perill. Cada moviment que fan els seus companys de casa és per a ella una nova raó per tenir pànic.A on van corrent els animals? Volen realment fer mal a la Rita? Escoltem la història de la Leyla? Aquest conte ens mostrarà amb humor com ens solem perdre les coses maques i divertides de la vida quan ens obsessionem amb les nostres pors.
Lerugueta golafre. Toca i descobreix els animals
L'erugueta golafre, personatge de l'obra mestra de l'Eric Carle, et convida a descobrir els animals.Torna l'erugueta golafre amb una nova aventura per conèixer tots els animals: els que viuen a la selva, al mar, a la granja? Aprèn noves paraules per parlar sobre els teus animals favorits mentre t'ho passes d'allò més bé amb els elements tàctils que trobaràs a cada pàgina.Una història meravellosa amb colorits dibuixos i en format cartró del famós escriptor i illustrador Eric Carle, perfecta per fomentar l'aprenentatge dels petits de 0 a 3 anys.
Gos Pudent a la granja
Arriba una nova aventura del Gos Pudent!En Gos Pudent és un gos de ciutat, no ha anat mai al camp. I encara menys a una granja. Per això quan el conviden a passar uns dies en una granja, no pot estar més content? Una de debò! Amb animals i conreus! Però la vida al camp de vegades no és tan idíllica com ens la pinten, i el nostre estimat protagonista sembla que és un imant que atrau desastres?Què li depararà a en Pudent aquesta excursió campestre?
Larousse Construeix les més increïbles superestructures i descobreix la ciència de lenginyeria
Explora la història i la ciència que hi ha darrera de cada una de les superestructures més impressionants del món, des de les piràmides d?Egipte fins als més moderns gratacels.Després, construeix les teves pròpies estructures, fent servir els models inclosos, amb totes les peces i els altres materials que necessites, i així tindràs la torre Eiffel de París, el gratacel Empire State Building de Nova York i el pont Golden Gate de San Francisco, entre d?altres.Amb 10 megamaquetes per construir.LLEGEIX, DESCOBREIX I CONSTRUEIX!
Mosaic Press The Last Coherent Thing: Poems
John Wing has published nine previous books of poems. This tenth collection, his first in six years, is arguably his best! The Last Coherent Thing chronicles the death of his father, the moving away of his adult children, his own aging and medical issues, a nostalgic tour of this romanticized youth, and his hope for the days ahead. Starting in Los Angeles, sweeping back and forth across the continent and the years, and ending in Whale Lake, Nova Scotia, the Poet rediscovers his optimism in an untrammelled landscape.
National Geographic Maps Canada, Map Pack Bundle: Travel Maps International Adventure/Destination Map
Waterproof, tear-resistant travel map. The National Geographic Adventure Canada Map Pack is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to travel in Canada. The Map Pack includes three Adventure maps that cover almost all of inhabited Canada. From the rugged mountains of British Columbia through the plains of Saskatchewan all the way to untamed coast of Nova Scotia. Each of the three maps cover these areas in detail with points of interest, intricate road networks, and an index of places to help you find even the smallest town.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Escape!
Based on Leon Trotsky's real-life imprisonment in Amherst, Nova Scotia, this adventure tells the tale of 13-year-old Russian Alexi Gertoff and his chance meeting with Lev, Leon Trotsky's son. In the spring of 1917, Lev has come to Amherst to help his father escape from the wartime prison camp and Alexi becomes involved in this dangerous attempt to reunite Trotsky with his family. Following the fast-paced trip of these two young men, this tale is full of unpredictable twists that make for an absorbing read full of suspense and adventure.
Freytag-Berndt Salzkammergut, hiking, cycling and leisure map 1:50,000, freytag & berndt, WK 0282
The "Salzkammergut Hiking Map" is revised regularly and contains updated information on hiking trails, cycling and mountain biking trails, huts, natural monuments, cultural sights and leisure facilities. The enclosed information booklet contains a selection of the best hiking trails, cycle paths and mountain bike routes as well as a brief description of the individual communities and their leisure activities. (Language: German) Leisure information, hiking and long-distance hiking trails, mountain bike and cycling tours, register of places with postcodes, GPS-compatible, via ferrata, ski route, cross-country route, Nordic walking route; Region: Salzkammergut, Mondseeland, Attergau; Long-distance hiking trails and special themed hiking trails: Voralpenweg, E4, Salzburg Mariazellerweg, Wolfgangweg, Salzkammergut Mountains-Seen-Trail, pilgrimage trail, Via Nova, Arnoweg, Jakobsweg, St. Rupert Pilgrimage Trail, Book Trail, Schafberg Valley Hike, Mondsee-Stabau Hike, Langbathsee Circular Hike; Special bike and mountain bike tours: Book Trail, Salzkammergut Bike Trail, Via Nova Bike Trail, Tarock Bike Trail, Roman Bike Trail, Krahberg Tour; Thanks to the detailed digital cartography and the precise scales, freytag & berndt hiking maps are ideal companions for hiking, mountaineering and ski tours. Krahberg Tour; Thanks to the detailed digital cartography and the precise scales, freytag & berndt hiking maps are ideal companions for hiking, mountaineering and ski tours. Krahberg Tour; Thanks to the detailed digital cartography and the precise scales, freytag & berndt hiking maps are ideal companions for hiking, mountaineering and ski tours.
Viatge en el temps 9
El Museu de Ratalona esta? a punt de rebre el prestigio?s Premi Crosta Fo?ssil, un reconeixement que nome?s aconsegueixen els millors museus del mo?n! Pero? hi falten tres restes arqueolo?giques... Aixi? doncs, Geronimo i la seva fami?lia no tenen cap altre remei que pujar a bord del Bananakronos, la nova Ma?quina del Temps, i partir de seguida per a un nou viatge, a la recerca d?antics tresors. Coneixeran Alexandre el Gran, Cleo?patra, Francis Drake i el jove Mozart!
Proa Aleph
"El que fa en el present canviarà el futur".La nova obra de Paulo Coelho ens convida a passar a l'acció. Perquè arriba un moment que sentim la necessitat de plantejar-nos com vivim la nostra vida, si som on volem ser i si fem el que volem fer.Cada final ens dóna l'oportunitat de tornar a néixer. Decidir. Canviar. Descobrir. Creure. Despertar-se. Connectar de nou amb el món. Tots podem tornar a començar.Aleph és un viatge que transforma la vida. Veure vídeo promocional
Què mestà passant
Tots ens preguntem ?Què m?està passant?? quan sentim una nova emoció o no sabem reconèixer allò que ens inquieta. Les cançons d?en Marc Parrot i les illustracions de l?Eva Armisén ens parlen d?emocions tan bàsiques com la ràbia, la vergonya o la por a través de situacions quotidianes que tan petits com grans identificarem ràpidament.Un llibre ideal per posar nom a tot el que sentim i donar peu a converses sobre les pròpies experiències.?Emocions i sentiments en forma de cançons.
Diari duna penjada 3. KFT Ha nascut una friqui del pop
La llista de tot el que la Nikki necessita per ser una estrella: un duel entre dives, un malentès amb les amigues i gent amb talent per donar suport a la VIPS (Very Important Pop Star), és a dir, jo! Nova edició amb format més pràctic: rústica sense solapes, perquè te?l puguis endur a tot arreu. Ara a un preu més assequible. Torna a gaudir de la sèrie de literatura juvenil amb més èxit internacional: 55 milions d?exemplars venuts a tot el món.
Indiana University Press William S. Burroughs Cutting Up the Century
William S. Burroughs Cutting Up the Century is the definitive book on Burroughs' overarching cut-up project and its relevance to the American twentieth century. Burroughs's Nova Trilogy (The Soft Machine, Nova Express, and The Ticket That Exploded) remains the best-known of his textual cut-up creations, but he committed more than a decade of his life to searching out multimedia for use in works of collage. By cutting up, folding in, and splicing together newspapers, magazines, letters, book reviews, classical literature, audio recordings, photographs, and films, Burroughs created an eclectic and wide-ranging countercultural archive. This collection includes previously unpublished work by Burroughs such as cut-ups of work written by his son, cut-ups of critical responses to his own work, collages on the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, excerpts from his dream journals, and some of the few diary entries that Burroughs wrote about his wife, Joan.William S. Burroughs Cutting Up the Century also features original essays, interviews, and discussions by established Burroughs scholars, respected artists, and people who encountered Burroughs. The essays consider Burroughs from a range of starting points—literary studies, media studies, popular culture, gender studies, post-colonialism, history, and geography. Ultimately, the collection situates Burroughs as a central artist and thinker of his time and considers his insights on political and social problems that have become even more dire in ours.
Goose Lane Editions Alexa!: Changing the Face of Canadian Politics
Winner, Evelyn Richardson Non-Fiction AwardFinalist, APMA Best Atlantic-Published Book Award and George Borden Writing for Change AwardAlexa McDonough’s impact on Canadian politics cannot be measured solely by election victories or seat tallies. As the first female leader of a mainstream Canadian political party, she helped transform Nova Scotian and Canadian politics. In the process, she transcended party affiliation and gender to become simply "Alexa" to Canadians across the country. In this authorized biography, veteran author Stephen Kimber chronicles Alexa’s life and political career and with it, weaves a narrative of the changing attitudes towards women in politics, from her early battles as the lone female MLA in a hostile Nova Scotian legislature to her leadership of the federal NDP to her role as senior stateswoman in Jack Layton’s shadow cabinet. Along the way, Kimber delves into McDonough’s personal life to uncover the origins of her political career: her upbringing in a wealthy family committed to progressive politics, her tightknit circles of female friends, her personal metamorphosis from "wife-of" to "leader-of," and her emergence as a political leader whose importance goes beyond partisan politics. The result is an engrossing story of one of Canada’s most beloved politicians, whose common touch and lifelong advocacy of progressive causes made her a significant player in Canadian public life.
El cavaller del cul flamejant
El Drac torna a tenir problemes. El foc de dins seu, aquell que el cavaller Sir Wayne l?ajudà a recuperar, en comptes de sortir-li per la boca li surt... ehem... per la porta del darrere. Però no cal amoïnar-se! El seu valerós amic té un pla. Han de posar el món de cap per avall, fer la volta a tot com un mitjó, i així les flames del drac recordaran el camí que han de seguir. L?illustrador britànic Beach ens ofereix una nova entrega de les divertides aventures del drac i Sir Wayne. Una història espurnejant... i flatulenta!
Estrella Polar Tea Stilton. Missió vacances 4 Tea Sisters. Els quaderns més divertits
Hola, som les Tea Sisters! Segur que ja ens coneixeu, oi? Estudiem a la Universitat de Ratford i ens encanten les aventures i els misteris! Ara que el curs ja s?acaba i les vacances so?n a tocar, que? us semblaria acompanyar-nos en una nova missio?? Amb Missio? vacances passarem un estiu divertidi?ssim i viurem aventures trepidants!Un quadern per divertir-vos alhora que treballeu totes les assignatures!El quadern conte? tambe? un solucionari perque? pugueu corregir els exercicis a mesura que els aneu completant. D?aquesta manera, veureu que? necessiteu reforc?ar.
Editorial Barcanova La botiga de mascotes extraordinàries
A qui no li agradaria tenir una mascota? Pots triar i remenar; n ' hi ha per a tots els gustos: de peludes, de pelades, amb plomes, amb escates, amb bec, amb morro, rosegadores, ovípares, omnívores, carnívores, herbívores i ovolactovegetarianes. Però, si decideixes anar a buscar el teu animal de companyia a la botiga de mascotes extraordinàries, pot ser que, la nova adquisició et faci ballar el cap d?allò més i, fins i tot, que t?obligui a emprendre un viatge ple d ' aventures com mai no havies imaginat. 13è Premi Barcanova de literatura infantil i juvenil. Modalitat infantil.
La Daniela i les dones pirata de la història
La Daniela descobreix un antic llibre de la seva àvia amb les històries de deu valentes dones pirata. Des de les mars de la Xina fins a les costes de Nova York, des de l'antiga Grècia fins als temps moderns, aquestes dones pirata van solcar els oceans a la recerca de riqueses. Encara que moltes vegades les van tractar d'impedir navegar, elles es van negar a acceptar el seu destí o van lluitar per millorar-lo. Awilda, Mary Read, Lai Choi San, Grace O?Malley, Ching Shih? Les seves vides i gestes van inspirar a la Daniela.
Contes de fades dels Grimm
Us presentem una nova selecció dels coneguts Contes de fades dels Grimm, una divertidíssima antologia plena d?acció i d?humor on s?apleguen alguns dels contes més famosos dels germans Grimm, ara tornats a contar però com mai abans:La Caputxeta VermellaHansel i GretelLes elfes de la sabateriaEls músics de BremenLa VentafocsAmb l?extraordinari talent rimador d?Elli Woollard, amb les increïbles illustracions de Marta Altés, i amb la brillant traducció de Jaume C. Pons Alorda, petits, petites i grans somriuran cada cop que obrin aquest llibre màgic.Un clàssic per a tota la vida.
La increïble història de... el monstre supercapgròs
Walliams no ha creat un llibre# ha creat el monstre més horrible de tots els temps! Una nova i increïble història de l'autor número u. Aventura i diversió assegurades!Benvingut a l'Escola Cruel!(si encara ets a temps, FUIG!)En aquesta escola, les classes són avorridíssimes, el menjar és horrible i els profes són terrorífics# encara que hi ha una cosa encara pitjor!Imagina un monstre que fos la barreja de les coses més horripilants i fastigoses. T'atreviries a lluitar contra una cosa així? La Trapella té claríssim que SÍ: està més que disposada a enfrontar-se al MONSTRE SUPERCAPGRÒS!
Stars Academy. El primer repte
Benvinguts a la Stars Academy, l?escola de les futures estrelles de Broadway!La Colette, la Violet i la Pam descobreixen que les han admès al Màster d'Estiu de la Stars Academy, una prestigiosa escola de Nova York especialitzada en dansa, cant i interpretació. És l?acadèmia on estudien els joves amb més talent d'arreu del món i d?on emergeixen les futures estrelles de l?espectacle. Les tres noies arriben a l'escola carregades d?illusió, però un cop allà s'adonen que el nivell d?exigència és molt alt: hauran de treballar de valent si volen convertir-se en estrelles de veritat!
Estrella Polar El gran retorn al regne de la fantasia Descobreix el perfum de lamistad
La boira envoltava Ratalona i mil violins de plata sonaven en la nit? Algú havia obert una bretxa entre el món de la realitat i el del Regne de la Fantasia. M?esperava una nova empresa!Vola amb Geronimo Stilton a les ales del Drac Refulgent a la trobada de l?Anell Alat que la reina Floridiana li havia confiat i que una nit va desaparèixer misteriosament? Serà una superaventura!Al desembre de 2016 s'estrena nou musical de Geronimo Stilton, Gran Retorn a Fantasia. Dirigit per Lluís Danés i produit per Focus i Grup 62.
Petits monstres
Unàlbumillustratdivertidíssim del'autor número 1 en vendes.Un regal ideal per a totsels petitsmonstres!L#Udol és un petit home llopamb un gran problema: no fa gens ni mica de por. No encaixa a l#Escola de Monstres de cap manera. Però quan coneix una nova colla d#amics, s#adona que ser el més estrany el converteix en el més increïble.Udola de riure amb aquest llibre monstruosament divertit.Ressenyes:Els més petits esclataran de riure.Daily ExpressAmb illustracions acolorides i molt simpàtiques... segur que es convertirà en super vendes.The Sun
Avni 3. Esbarjoacció
Després d?haver-se integrat amb èxit a la seva nova escola i haver tret valuoses lliçons sobre l?ús dels seus poders, què ens té reservat l?Avni en aquest tercer volum?Aventures, riures i bones intencions que molt sovint acaben en autèntics desastres. L?univers de l?Avni s?enriqueix amb nous personatges i noves anècdotes, però sense que canviï el personatge: encara és tan llaminer i maldestre com sempre, però també igual de generós i humil. A per la nostra motxilla, sortim d?exploració amb l?Avni!
Viatge en el temps 11. Missió dinosaures
Alto tothom, que arriben els dinosaures!Esteu a punt per viure amb mi una aventura extraràtica a les terres dels dinosaures? Serà un viatge extraordinari! Paraula de Stilton!Tots els rosegadors de Ratalona són al cinema a l?espera d?una nova pellícula sobre dinosaures! Però al cap d?un moment la pantalla s?esquinça i de dins en surten.... dinosaures de carn i ossos!Així va començar per a nosaltres, els Stilton, l?Operació Enxampa-dinosaures, per retronar aquests animals gegants en el Temps! Quina aventura inoblidable!
University of Notre Dame Press Portrait of Beatrice: Dante, D. G. Rossetti, and the Imaginary Lady
The Portrait of Beatrice examines both Dante's and D. G. Rossetti's intellectual experiences in the light of a common concern about visuality. Both render, in different times and contexts, something that resists clear representation, be it the divine beauty of the angel-women or the depiction of the painter's own interiority in a secularized age. By analyzing Dante's Vita Nova alongside Rossetti's Hand and Soul and St. Agnes of Intercession, which inaugurates the Victorian genre of 'imaginary portrait' tales, this book examines how Dante and Rossetti explore the tension between word and image by creating 'imaginary portraits.' The imaginary portrait—Dante's sketched angel appearing in the Vita Nova or the paintings evoked in Rossetti's narratives—is not (only) a non-existent artwork: it is an artwork whose existence lies elsewhere, in the words alluding to its inexpressible quality. At the same time, thinking of Beatrice as an 'imaginary Lady' enables us to move beyond the debate about her actual existence. Rather, it allows us to focus on her reality as a miracle made into flesh, which language seeks incessantly to grasp. Thus, the intergenerational dialogue between Dante and Rossetti—and between thirteenth and nineteenth centuries, literature and painting, Italy and England—takes place between different media, oscillating between representation and denial, mimesis and difference, concealment and performance. From medieval Florence to Victorian London, Beatrice's 'imaginary portrait' touches upon the intertwinement of desire, poetry, and art-making in Western culture.