Search results for ""author keith""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Human Economy
The global financial crisis has renewed concern about whether capitalist markets are the best way of organizing economic life. Would it not be better if we were to treat the economy as something made and remade by people themselves, rather than as an impersonal machine? The object of a human economy is the reproduction of human beings and of whatever sustains life in general. Such an economy would express human variety in its local particulars as well as the interests of all humanity. The editors have assembled here a citizen’s guide to building a human economy. This project is not a dream but is part of a collective effort that began a decade ago at the first World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and has gathered pace ever since. Over thirty original essays address topics that range from globalization, community participation and microcredit to corporate social responsibility and alternative energy. Each offers a critical guide to further reading. The Human Economy builds on decades of engaged research to bring a new economic vision to general readers and a comprehensive guide for all students of the contemporary world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Phosphorus: The Carbon Copy: From Organophosphorus to Phospha-organic Chemistry
Phosphorus: The Carbon Copy examines the extraordinary similarity between low coordinate phosphorus compounds and unsaturated carbon compounds. Written by three of the leading researchers in the field of modern phosphorus chemistry, Phosphorus: The Carbon Copy focuses on the interface between phosphorus and the transition metal elements and deals with the most recent aspects of unsaturated organophosphorus compounds and their coordination chemistry. Aimed at graduate students as well as academic and industrial researchers, this concise volume publicisies the extraordinary potential of these new phosphorus compounds for applications in catalysis, molecular materials and biochemistry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Radioactive Releases in the Environment: Impact and Assessment
This text brings together in one single comprehensive reference, the fundamentals of radioactivity. It uniquely fills the gap in the market, as no other books deal with environmental radioactivity to this degree. * Timely and invaluable as the studies of environmental processes and the awareness of the impact of human activity on our environment are increasing * Links all three main aspects of environmental radioactivity: Principles, Transport and Measurement * Useful to a wide readership - students, lecturers, researchers, companies and environmental consultants
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Liver and Biliary Disease
This comprehensive resource for fellows/trainees and candidates for recertification in gastroenterology summarizes the field in a modern, fresh format. Prominent experts from around the globe write on their areas of expertise, and each chapter follows a uniform structure. The focus is on key knowledge, with the most important clinical facts highlighted in boxes. Color illustrations reinforce the text.
Johns Hopkins University Press Designing a Better Day: Guidelines for Adult and Dementia Day Services Centers
As the U.S. population ages, adult day services have become an integral component in the continuum of care for elderly people. Providing a variety of social and medical services for cognitively or physically impaired elderly people who otherwise might reside in institutions, these facilities can be found in a variety of building types, from purpose-built facilities to the proverbial church basement. They also vary widely in their philosophies, case mix, funding mechanisms, and services. In this interdisciplinary study, Keith Diaz Moore, Lyn Dally Geboy, and Gerald D. Weisman offer guidance for planning and designing good-quality adult day services centers. They encourage architects, caregivers, and staff members to think beyond the building, organizational mission, and staffing structure to conceive of the place that emerges as an interrelated system of people, programming, and physical setting. Through case studies, thoughtful explanations, and well-crafted illustrations, Designing a Better Day provides caregivers, architects, and administrators tools with which they can make qualitative changes for participants and their families. Organized into three parts-creating awareness, increasing understanding, and taking action-this book will be a key resource for professionals involved in creating and maintaining effective adult day services centers.
University of Washington Press A Pilgrimage through Universities
President of the University of Washington from 1958 to 1973, a time of tremendous change, Charles Odegaard has written an absorbing memoir of his personal and institutional background and his development as a scholar and university administrator. President Richard L. McCormick and Professor of Biomedical Ethics Keith R. Benson further discuss Odegaard’s lasting contributions to the University of Washington. Beginning with his own undergraduate experience, Odegaard came to recognize the importance of the humanities as the vital center of the university tradition. Throughout his career he emphasized that education concerned with the quality of life should be foremost in the minds of university administrators and faculty. After retirement he continued this mission in his book Dear Doctor: A Personal Letter to a Physician, focusing on the need to train physicians in the humanities in order to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship. Growing up in Chicago, Odegaard attended Dartmouth College and then Harvard University, where he studied medieval history and received his doctorate in 1937. He then joined the history department faculty at the University of Illinois. A four-year tour of duty as an officer in the U.S. Navy during World War II deeply influenced his comprehension of how people are motivated to work toward a common goal under difficult conditions. In 1948 he was persuaded to move to Washington, D.C., to head the American Council of Learned Societies. In 1952 he accepted the position of Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Michigan, and he moved to the presidency of the University of Washington in the fall of 1958. Under Odegaard’s strong leadership the University of Washington grew into a major institution of higher learning and research. Among his primary concerns were finding superior academic administrators, accommodating rapid growth in enrollment, encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation, fostering greater communication between students and faculty, working to establish a realistic system linking state universities and colleges, and dealing with student discontent during the Vietnam War years and the periods of minority student protests. In A Pilgrimage through Universities, Charles Odegaard conveys his perspective on the role a major university should play in the modern world.
Cornell University Press Contingent Citizens: Shifting Perceptions of Latter-day Saints in American Political Culture
Contingent Citizens features fourteen essays that track changes in the ways Americans have perceived the Latter-day Saints since the 1830s. From presidential politics, to political violence, to the definition of marriage, to the meaning of sexual equality—the editors and contributors place Mormons in larger American histories of territorial expansion, religious mission, Constitutional interpretation, and state formation. These essays also show that the political support of the Latter-day Saints has proven, at critical junctures, valuable to other political groups. The willingness of Americans to accept Latter-day Saints as full participants in the United States political system has ranged over time and been impelled by political expediency, granting Mormons in the United States an ambiguous status, contingent on changing political needs and perceptions. Contributors: Matthew C. Godfrey, Church History Library; Amy S. Greenberg, Penn State University; J. B. Haws, Brigham Young University; Adam Jortner, Auburn University; Matthew Mason, Brigham Young University; Patrick Q. Mason, Claremont Graduate University; Benjamin E. Park, Sam Houston State University; Thomas Richards, Jr., Springside Chestnut Hill Academy; Natalie Rose, Michigan State University; Stephen Eliot Smith, University of Otago; Rachel St. John, University of California Davis
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation
READ ALL ABOUT IT! David Spiegelhalter has recently joined the ranks of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking by becoming a fellow of the Royal Society. Originating from the Medical Research Council’s biostatistics unit, David has played a leading role in the Bristol heart surgery and Harold Shipman inquiries. Order a copy of this author’s comprehensive text TODAY! The Bayesian approach involves synthesising data and judgement in order to reach conclusions about unknown quantities and make predictions. Bayesian methods have become increasingly popular in recent years, notably in medical research, and although there are a number of books on Bayesian analysis, few cover clinical trials and biostatistical applications in any detail. Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation provides a valuable overview of this rapidly evolving field, including basic Bayesian ideas, prior distributions, clinical trials, observational studies, evidence synthesis and cost-effectiveness analysis. Covers a broad array of essential topics, building from the basics to more advanced techniques. Illustrated throughout by detailed case studies and worked examples Includes exercises in all chapters Accessible to anyone with a basic knowledge of statistics Authors are at the forefront of research into Bayesian methods in medical research Accompanied by a Web site featuring data sets and worked examples using Excel and WinBUGS - the most widely used Bayesian modelling package Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation is suitable for students and researchers in medical statistics, statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry, and anyone involved in conducting clinical trials and assessment of health-care technology.
Gallery Books Ric Flair: To Be the Man
SAP Press SAP Business One: Business User Guide
Calling all SAP Business One users! Your must-have handbook is here. Now updated for SAP Business One 10.0, this bestselling guide has the expertise you need to keep your business running smoothly. Whether you’re a new hire or a super user, get step-by-step instructions for your core processes, from purchasing and manufacturing to sales and financials. Master the tools and transactions that keep you focused on business outcomes and improved KPIs. This book is what you’ve been waiting for: the key to doing your job better in SAP Business One. Highlights Include:1) Administration2) Financials and banking3) Sales and purchasing4) Inventory management5) Resource management6) Production and MRP7) Human resources 8) Project management9) Reporting and analytics10) Mobile11) SAP HANA and SQL versions12) Cloud and on-premise systems
Arcadia Publishing Theodore Roosevelt & Bison Restoration on the Great Plains
Capstone Press The Battle of Gettysburg
Rutgers University Press Fredric Jameson and Film Theory: Marxism, Allegory, and Geopolitics in World Cinema
Frederic Jameson and Film Theory is the first collection of its kind, it assesses and critically responds to Fredric Jameson’s remarkable contribution to film theory. The essays assembled explore key Jamesonian concepts—such as totality, national allegory, geopolitics, globalization, representation, and pastiche—and his historical schema of realism, modernism, and postmodernism, considering, in both cases, how these can be applied, revised, expanded and challenged within film studies. Featuring essays by leading and emerging voices in the field, the volume probes the contours and complexities of neoliberal capitalism across the globe and explores world cinema's situation within these forces by deploying and adapting Jamesonian concepts, and placing them in dialogue with other theoretical paradigms. The result is an innovative and rigorously analytical effort that offers a range of Marxist-inspired approaches towards cinemas from Asia, Latin America, Europe, and North America in the spirit of Jameson's famous rallying cry: 'always historicize!'.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Courtly Arts and the Art of Courtliness: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 29 July-4 August 2004
A wide overview of court culture in the middle ages. The court exercised an enormous amount of influence on the culture of the middle ages, as the essays collected here demonstrate. They examine a wide variety of different areas of medieval courtly culture, from the history of the book through courtly music to the theory of courtesy and courtly love. While some authors deal with the central texts of courtly literature, such as Castiglione's Book of the Courtier, Marie de France's Lais, the romances of Chrétien de Troyes, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Gottfried von Strassburg, and the corpus of courtly lyric in various languages, others consider less-studied works like Galeran de Bretagne, or the French version of the Disciplina Clericalis. Several contributions take a comparative approach to courtly texts outside the Western tradition, while others point to the courtly nature of chronicle literature and to courtly influences on religious-didactic works. The volume as a whole thus presents an overview of medieval court culture. Contributors: GLORIA ALLAIRE, LAURA D. BAREFIELD, ANNE BERTHELOT, BERT BEYNEN, JEAN BLACKER, WALTER BLUE, MAUREEN BOULTON, FRANKBRANDSMA, EMMA CAYLEY, MARCO CEROCCHI, CHRISTOPHER R. CLASON, ALAIN CORBELLARI, IVY A. CORFIS, PAUL CREAMER, EVELYN DATTA, JUDITH M. DAVIS, FIDEL FAJARDO-ACOSTA, YASMINA FOEHR-JANSSENS, STACY L. HAHN, CAROL HARVEY, C. STEPHEN JAEGER, KATHY M. KRAUSE, JUNE HALL MCCASH, MATTHIAS MEYER, EDWARD J. MILOWICKI, JEANNE A. NIGHTINGALE, CHRISTOPHER PAGE, ANA PAIRET, WENDY PFEFFER, RUPERT T. PICKENS, MARIA PREDELLI, SILVIA RANAWAKE, PAUL ROCKWELL, SAMUEL, N. ROSENBERG, JUDITH RICE ROTHSCHILD, MARY ROUSE, RICHARD ROUSE, MARIANNE SANDELS, SUSAN STAKEL, ALEXANDRA STERLING-HELLENBRAND, JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN, YUKO TAGAYA, RICHARD TRACHSLER, ADRIAN TUDOR, MARION UHLIG, LORI J. WALTERS, LOGAN E. WHALEN, VALERIE M. WILHITE, MONICA L. WRIGHT.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Asperger Syndrome - A Love Story
Open, honest and upbeat, this book gives personal insight into both the ups and downs of an Asperger relationship. Seeking to challenge the bad press that people with Asperger Syndrome (AS) get as partners, Sarah and Keith tell their story of how they are making it work - and also how they got it wrong - with disarming frankness and humour.When Sarah and Keith met in 2003 neither knew much about Asperger Syndrome. Sarah thought Keith was `weird' and couldn't work out why; and Keith thought Sarah was obsessed with diagnosing him with something-or-other. Difficulties ensued that brought the relationship to an end. Slowly, however, they each built up their knowledge of AS and in the meantime developed a mutual understanding, mutual acceptance and a desire to be together again.This personal account is supplemented with professional knowledge and anecdotes gained from Sarah's work with adults with AS - a career which started as a result of her experiences with Keith. She swears that she didn't take her work home with her! It is inspiring reading for couples in Asperger relationships as well as for counselling professionals.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd How to Keep your Doctorate on Track: Insights from Students’ and Supervisors’ Experiences
The path of a doctoral student can feel challenging and isolating. This guide provides doctoral students with key ideas and support to kick-start a doctoral journey, inspire progress and complete their thesis or dissertation. Featuring observations from experienced supervisors, as well as the reflections of current and recent postgraduate researchers, this intimate and entertaining book offers vital insights into the critical moments in any doctoral experience. Bringing together the voices of doctoral supervisors and candidates past and present from around the globe, How to Keep your Doctorate on Track will be a trusted companion for any PhD, DBA or EdD student. Supervisors and those offering support and guidance to doctoral candidates will also glean valuable insight into fresh approaches and their own practice. Contributors include: A. Alecsandru, F. Archontoulis, C. Atkinson, A. Byrnes-Johnstone, J. Callahan, A. Casey, R. Cole, O.S. Crocco, M. Cseh, Z. Djebali, G. Dobson, J. Donaghey, D.C. Duke, U. Furnier, V.O. Gekara, T. Gray, T.W. Greer, A. Hallin, B. Harney, G. Henry, C. Hughes, P. Jordan, M. Knox, S.F. Lambert, A. Lee, Q.Y. Lee, A. Lobo, R. Markey, N.S. Mauthner, E. McDonald, L. McKerr, D. Nickson, K. Nimon, E. Partlow, H. Prescott, N. Reynolds, S. Riaz, A. Robertson, J. Robinson, K. Rosenbusch, G. Ryan, J.J. Saunders, M. Shirmohammadi, M.K. Tran, A. Trif, M. Valverde, P. Watson Black, V. Webster, R. Whiting, C.F. Wright
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Introduction to Theories of Human Resources and Employment Relations
This Elgar Introduction provides an overview of some of the key theories that inform human resource management and employment relations as a field of study. Leading scholars in the field explore theories in the context of contemporary debates concerning policies that affect and regulate work and the management of employment, as well as the activities and experiences of actors within the employment relationship. The book is divided into three sections to capture different theoretical lenses used to reflect on HRM and ER concerns about work: systems and historical development; institutions; and people and processes. Expert contributors have drawn on extensive research experience to present a contemporary understanding of a range of theories, how they evolved, and how they might be used in the future. Essential reading for HRM, ER and management scholars and research students, this book challenges readers to reassess their thinking about the significance of theory in research and practice.
American Psychological Association Treatment of Psychosocial Risk Factors in Depression
This innovative book explores a range of well-established risk factors for clinical depression and links them to targeted, evidence-based treatments. Clinical depression is the single leading cause of mental health disease in the world, and the need for effective treatments has never been greater. In recent years, the volume of theory and research on a range of psychosocial risk factors for depression has grown dramatically. Fortunately, many of these risk factors are modifiable, making them ideal targets for treatment. Unlike other books that focus on intervention from a specific conceptual vantage point, such as cognitive-behavioral or acceptance and commitment therapy, this book’s innovative approach targets the client’s underlying vulnerability or risk factor and links it to specific, evidence-based treatment. In each chapter, leading authorities on a particular risk factor evaluate the literature, discuss implications for treatment, and present a case example to demonstrate how therapists can use the techniques with clients.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Dissemination of Economic Ideas
This highly illuminating book marks a significant stage in our growing understanding of how the development of national traditions of economic thought has been affected by both internal and external factors. The expert contributors set an explicit agenda for the study of the dissemination of economic ideas across four centuries, acknowledging that the history of dissemination is also a history of the flux of economic beliefs, rendering any generalization difficult, if not impossible. Topics explored include systems of political economy, European and American interactions, the diffusion of economic ideas in South-Eastern Europe and beyond, and the exchange of ideas between Japan and the rest of the world. This book will prove a fascinating and stimulating read for scholars and researchers in the field of economics generally, and more specifically in heterodox economics, the history of economic thought and economic theory.
Edinburgh University Press The Lyotard Reader and Guide
The first comprehensive anthology of Jean-Francois Lyotard's writings together with a critical guide. The Lyotard Reader and Guide is designed as a one-stop companion to his thought. It covers the full range of Lyotard's work, from beginning to end, through his three main books (Discours, figure, Libidinal Economy and The Differend) and up to his influential essays in The Inhuman and Postmodern Fables. The readings are organised in sections on philosophy, politics, art and literature for ease of use. Detailed introductions to each section explain Lyotard's key ideas and raise criticisms, providing a clear critical introduction to Lyotard and his works. As a sourcebook and guide the book will be indispensable for the subjects touched by Lyotard's ground-breaking conceptual innovations and ideas, notably, philosophy, critical theory, literature, art and politics. Key features *The most up-to-date and comprehensive volume available *Includes the most important as well as less well known texts and newly translated work *Carefully selected and presented by leading Lyotard scholars *Broad coverage in sections covering Philosophy, Literature, Politics and Art *Full explanatory introductions to each section as well as a General Introduction provide a critical guide to Lyotard's work
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Art Of War, The: Outsmarting Your Opponents
How does a leader respond in times of war and chaos? This was the central question the great Chinese military strategist, Sun Zi, sought to answer over 2,000 years ago in his classic book, The Art of War. In this book, you will read about the famous battles fought in China across the different dynasties. You will learn the lessons Sun Zi taught in The Art of War and appreciate the timelessness of his insights!Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.Series features:
Karma Ann Craven: Animals, Birds, Flowers, Moons
A panorama of painterly motifs, combined and reprised Ann Craven (born 1972) superimposes source photographs, historical works and her own paintings, creating mediated images that feature layer upon layer of referentiality—a collage of her most treasured curios. Peacocks showcase their plumage; birds perch on a branch; a trio of horses pose “just so.” Through these acts of creation and recreation, Craven becomes both master and copyist, citing herself in her own art historical lineage. Animals, birds, flowers, moons: Craven’s motifs are in themselves an incantation—a wish to repeat, reencounter, relive. In keeping with this process of revisitation, Craven’s paintings are repeated in threes throughout this fully illustrated catalog, mimicking the tripartite structure of her Animals Birds Flowers Moons exhibition. The book is divided into three parts, each paired with one of three texts: two newly commissioned essays by Durga Chew-Bose and Keith Mayerson, and a 2021 interview between Craven and Lois Dodd.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Philosophical Problems and Arguments: An Introduction
Widely used by instructors who emphasize the logical structure of philosophical theories and the dialectical play of argument, this popular work provides clear, reliable, and up-to-date discussions of central philosophical debates. The fourth edition incorporates major revisions--the first since 1982--and features an extensive change in content. Every chapter has been reworked to improve its organization, to make it more accessible and engaging to the student, and to reflect recent discussions.
University of Exeter Press Les Tromperies
Pierre de Lavirey was born in the east of France in 1541 and died in 1619 in Troyes. Little is known about him or his life, but, in addition to his translations of various Italian books, he has left behind him adaptations into French of nine Italian plays which make him one of the most prolific writers of comedy in the sixteenth century. These adaptations are a valuable source for the study of the language of the theatre and of the techniques of creative translation in the period. Les Tromperies formed part of the second collection of adaptations written by Lavirey. It was first published in Troyes in 1611 by Pierre Chevillot. Its source is Nicolò Secco’s Gl’Inganni, first performed in Milan in 1548. This title is Volume 100 in the series Exeter French Texts/Textes littéraires. It includes an introduction, select bibliography and essential notes, all in French.
Cengage Learning, Inc Great Writing 2: Student's Book
The new edition of the Great Writing series provides clear explanations, extensive models of academic writing and practice to help learners write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. With expanded vocabulary instruction, sentence-level practice, and National Geographic content to spark ideas, students have the tools they need to become confident writers. Updated in this Edition: Clearly organized units offer the practice students need to become effective independent writers. Each unit includes: Part 1: Elements of Great Writing teaches the fundamentals of organized writing, accurate grammar, and precise mechanics. Part 2: Building Better Vocabulary provides practice with carefully-selected, level-appropriate academic words. Part 3: Building Better Sentences helps writers develop longer and more complex sentences. Part 4: Writing activities allow students to apply what they have learned by guiding them through writing, editing, and revising. Part 5: New Test Prep section gives a test-taking tip and timed task to prepare for high-stakes standardized tests, including IELTs and TOEFL. The new guided online writing activity takes students through the entire writing process with clear models for reference each step of the way.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Inquiry and Essays
Reid’s previously published writings are substantial, both in quantity and quality. This edition attempts to make these writings more readily available in a single volume. Based upon Hamilton’s definitive two volume 6th edition, this edition is suitable for both students and scholars.Beanblossom and Lehrer have included a wide range of topics addressed by Reid. These topics include Reid’s views on the role of common sense, scepticism, the theory of ideas, perception, memory and identity, as well as his views on moral liberty, duties, and principles. Historical as well as topical considerations guided the selection process. Thus, Reid’s responses to Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume are included. Through the resulting selections Reid’s influence and impact upon subsequent philosophers is manifested.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Science and Religion in Education
This book brings together the latest research in education in relation to science and religion. Leading international scholars and practitioners provide vital insights into the underlying debates and present a range of practical approaches for teaching. Key themes include the origin of the universe, the theory of evolution, the nature of the human person, the nature of science and Artificial Intelligence. These are explored in a range of international contexts. The book provides a valuable resource for teachers, students and researchers in the fields of education, science, religious education and the growing specialist field of science and religion.Science and Religion in Education is a compelling read for current and future generations of academic researchers and teachers who wish to explore the fascinating intersect between science education and religious studies. The research findings and insights presented by these international scholars offer new dimensions on contemporary practice. - Vaille Dawson, Professor of Science Education, University of Western AustraliaScience and Religion in Education offers a fascinating and diverse collection of chapters surveying the current state of thinking about how science and religion can be understood in education. The book offers a wealth of thought-provoking material for anyone interested in the natures of science and religion, their relationship(s), or their representation within the curriculum. - Professor Keith Taber, University of CambridgeScience education and religious education are uncomfortable bedfellows. This book, written in part as a response to the – perhaps too clear – accounts of Ian Barbour, provides suitably nuanced pictures of how science and religion are dealt with in schools. Whatever the views of specialists, young people ‘receive’ an education in both science and religion: hearing their voices is refreshing in such a serious academic account. - Julian Stern, Professor of Education and Religion, York St John UniversityHumans have long endeavored to make sense of the world often using science and religion. Yet, these two great traditions are frequently seen as incompatible. This useful volume features thoughtful contributions from experts whose work straddles the divide and provides educators with arguments, engaging strategies and historical perspectives to help build a bridge and allow a fruitful discussion in schools. - William F. McComas, Distinguished Professor of Science Education, University of ArkansasEqual parts critical examination of existing models for the relationship between science and religion, scholarly exposition of newer models, and insights toward practical application in classrooms, this book is an invaluable resource for science and religion educators. If you have been thinking it is time we looked beyond Barbour’s taxonomy, you will want to read this book. If you have not, I implore you to read this book. - Jason Wiles, Associate Professor of Biology and Science Education, Syracuse University
Quiller Publishing Ltd The Deer Stalker's Bedside Book
The Deer Stalker’s Bedside Book provides an entertaining read for every deer enthusiast, whether experienced stalker, novice who would like to learn more, or indeed anyone who has an interest in these enigmatic and graceful creatures. Packed with a wealth of information – factual, practical, historical and biological – as well as anecdotes, advice, stalking tales, trivia and quotations, all backed up with personal observations and experiences, this expertly researched and authoritative book offers something for everyone. This treasury of all things deer is presented in an articulate, accessible and often humorous style, enabling the author to share his knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for the subject in an effortless and absorbing way. Above all, this is a book to enjoy, to savour and to return to, again and again!
Image Comics The Mighty
As the world’s only superhero, Alpha One is an icon of hope to all mankind...but at what price? While the population is inspired from a distance by their savior, police captain Gabriel Cole has gotten close enough to discover the mystery behind Alpha One’s public origin; and that his twisted plans to create a utopia are more dangerous than anyone could dream! This MIGHTY edition collects all twelve issues of the acclaimed series, three rare eight-page stories and a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes sketches and script.* From Peter Tomasi (Blood tree, Light Brigade, House of Penance, The Bridge), Keith Champagne (The Switch, Daybreak!, Frank N. Stein), Chris Samnee (Firepower, Daredevil), and Peter Snejbjerg (B.P.R.D.) with a new cover by Dave Johnson!
Taylor & Francis Inc Extrapolation Practice for Ecotoxicological Effect Characterization of Chemicals
A wide-ranging compilation of techniques, Extrapolation Practice for Ecotoxicological Effect Characterization of Chemicals describes methods of extrapolation in the framework of ecological risk assessment. The book, informally known as EXPECT, identifies data needs and situations where these extrapolations can be most usefully applied, making it a practical guide to the application of extrapolation procedures. It focuses on the extrapolation of chemical effects and covers the extrapolation of exposures in the context of interactions between toxicants and the matrix.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introduction to Modern Virology
Praised forits clarity of presentation and accessibility, Introduction to Modern Virology has been a successful student text for over 30 years. It provides a broad introduction to virology, which includes the nature of viruses, the interaction of viruses with their hosts and the consequences of those interactions that lead to the diseases we see. This new edition contains a number of important changes and innovations including: The consideration of immunology now covers two chapters, one on innate immunity and the other on adaptive immunity, reflecting the explosion in knowledge of viral interactions with these systems. The coverage of vaccines and antivirals has been expanded and separated into two new chapters to reflect the importance of these approaches to prevention and treatment. Virus infections in humans are considered in more detail with new chapters on viral hepatitis, influenza, vector-borne diseases, and exotic and emerging viral infections, complementing an updated chapter on HIV. The final section includes three new chapters on the broader aspects of the influence of viruses on our lives, focussing on the economic impact of virus infections, the ways we can use viruses in clinical and other spheres, and the impact that viruses have on the planet and almost every aspect of our lives. A good basic understanding of viruses is important for generalists and specialists alike. The aim of this book is to make such understanding as accessible as possible, allowing students across the biosciences spectrum to improve their knowledge of these fascinating entities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond Managed Care: How Consumers and Technology Are Changing the Future of Health Care
Written for health care leaders at all levels, Beyond Managed Care identifies and assesses the key factors most likely to influence the future market for health care services-such as consumer empowerment through the Internet and the increasing demands of the aging baby boomer population-and shows providers what adjustments can be made in order to thrive in this emerging environment. The authors analyze the factors driving health care costs such as changing demographics, new medical technology, genetic and new drug research, and payment system models. The book clearly shows that organizations that are able to take organizations to the next value-added level--by providing quality, access, service, innovation, and lower costs--will be the winners.
Columbia University Press Retreat from a Rising Sea: Hard Choices in an Age of Climate Change
Melting ice sheets and warming oceans are causing the seas to rise. By the end of this century, hundreds of millions of people living at low elevations along coasts will be forced to retreat to higher and safer ground. Because of sea-level rise, major storms will inundate areas farther inland and will lay waste to critical infrastructure, such as water-treatment and energy facilities, creating vast, irreversible pollution by decimating landfills and toxic-waste sites. This big-picture, policy-oriented book explains in gripping terms what rising oceans will do to coastal cities and the drastic actions we must take now to remove vulnerable populations. The authors detail specific threats faced by Miami, New Orleans, New York, and Amsterdam. Aware of the overwhelming social, political, and economic challenges that would accompany effective action, they consider the burden to the taxpayer and the logistics of moving landmarks and infrastructure, including toxic-waste sites. They also show readers the alternative: thousands of environmental refugees, with no legitimate means to regain what they have lost. The authors conclude with effective approaches for addressing climate-change denialism and powerful arguments for reforming U.S. federal coastal management policies.
Library of American Landscape History Community by Design: The Olmsted Firm and the Development of Brookline, Massachusetts
Nova Science Publishers Inc Agricultural Biotechnology: An Economic Perspective
Rowman & Littlefield Theorizing Backlash: Philosophical Reflections on the Resistance to Feminism
Contrary to the popular belief that feminism has gained a foothold in the many disciplines of the academy, the essays collected in Theorizing Backlash argue that feminism is still actively resisted in mainstream academia. Indeed, as feminist perspectives have been brought to bear on topics of traditional philosophical interest, many feminist thinkers have been confronted with scorn and marginilization. Contributors to this volume consider the professional, philosophical, and personal backlashes against feminist thought, and reflect upon their ramifications. The conclusion is that the disdain and irrational resentment of feminism, even in higher education, amounts to a backlash against progress.
Titan Books Ltd Marvel Classic Novels - Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours Omnibus
THE DARKEST HOURS by Jim Butcher When Black Cat foils Spider-Man's attempts to stop the Rhino rampaging through Times Square, she informs him the Rhino is just a distraction. The real threat comes from a group of Ancients, members of the same race as the being called Morlun, seeking revenge for Spider-Man defeating them years before. Spidey must rely on Black Cat if there's any hope of stopping them again, before they can steal his life force . DOWN THESE MEAN STREETS by Keith R.A. DeCandido A mysterious drug known as Triple X has been giving users super-powers as well as rendering them mentally and physically unstable. Only by teaming up with a police force that hates him can Spider-Man find the source behind this lethal drug and protect people from those using it. But one of Spider-Man's most fearsome enemies may be behind it all as part of a greater scheme to bring down the city. DROWNED IN THUNDER by Christopher L. Bennett The ongoing conflict between Spider-Man and his longtime outspoken nemesis, crusading newspaper publisher J. Jonah Jameson, reaches a whole new level when JJJ exploits several mysterious attacks on Manhattan island in his propaganda war against the web-slinger.
American Psychological Association Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement: Mental Training for Athletes and Coaches
This comprehensive resource on the history, theory, and practice of mindfulness in sport offers a fresh, exciting approach to performance enhancement for athletes and coaches at all levels, from amateur to professional. All athletes and coaches know that peak performance requires more than just physical exertion. There is a psychological component as well, which can be expressed in attributes such as awareness, focus, emotion regulation, and motivation. For many years, systematic mental training was ignored in athletics. Thankfully, this is starting to change. Rooted in the traditions of mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Kaufman, Glass, and Pineau present mindful sport performance enhancement (MSPE), an empirically supported, six-session program that can be adapted for athletes or even performers in other high-pressure domains. Each MSPE session includes educational, experiential, and discussion components, as well as recommendations for home practice. There is special emphasis on incorporating mindfulness into workouts, practices, and competitions, as well as everyday life. The book includes handy scripts for mindfulness teachers, athletes, and coaches, and handouts summarizing each session that are also available for download from the APA website.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Microwave Photonics
A comprehensive resource to designing and constructing analog photonic links capable of high RF performance Fundamentals of Microwave Photonics provides a comprehensive description of analog optical links from basic principles to applications. The book is organized into four parts. The first begins with a historical perspective of microwave photonics, listing the advantages of fiber optic links and delineating analog vs. digital links. The second section covers basic principles associated with microwave photonics in both the RF and optical domains. The third focuses on analog modulation formats—starting with a concept, deriving the RF performance metrics from basic physical models, and then analyzing issues specific to each format. The final part examines applications of microwave photonics, including analog receive-mode systems, high-power photodiodes applications, radio astronomy, and arbitrary waveform generation. Covers fundamental concepts including basic treatments of noise, sources of distortion and propagation effects Provides design equations in easy-to-use forms as quick reference Examines analog photonic link architectures along with their application to RF systems A thorough treatment of microwave photonics, Fundamentals of Microwave Photonics will be an essential resource in the laboratory, field, or during design meetings. The authors have more than 55 years of combined professional experience in microwave photonics and have published more than 250 associated works.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Arthurian Literature XVIII
Epitomises what is best in Arthurian scholarship today. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ROMANISCHE PHILOLOGIE This latest issue of Arthurian Literaturecontinues the tradition of the journal, combining critical studies with editions of primary Arthurian texts. Varied in their linguistic and chronological coverage, the articles dealwith major areas of Arthurian studies, from early French romance through late medieval English chronicle to contemporary fiction. Topics include Béroul's Tristan, Tristan de Nanteuil, the Anglo-Norman Brut, and the Morte, while an edition of the text of an extrait of Chrétien's Erec et Enide prepared by the eighteenth-century scholar La Curne de Sainte-Palaye offers important insights into both scholarship on Chretien, and our understanding of the Enlightenment. The volume is completed with an encyclopaedic treatment of Arthurian literature, art and film produced between 1995 and 1995, acting as an update to The New Arthurian Encyclopedia.Contributors: RICHARD ILLINGWORTH, JANE TAYLOR, CARLETON CARROLL, MARIA COLOMBO TIMELLI, RALUCA RADULESCU, JULIA MARVIN, NORRIS LACY, RAYMOND THOMPSON.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Neuroethology of Predation and Escape
THE NEUROETHOLOGY OF PREDATION AND ESCAPE To eat and not get eaten is key to animal survival, and the arms race between predators and prey has driven the evolution of many rapid and spectacular behaviours. This book explores the neural mechanisms controlling predation and escape, where specialisations in afferent pathways, central circuits, motor control and biomechanics can be traced through to natural animal behaviour. Each chapter provides an integrated and comparative review of case studies in neuroethology. Ranging from the classic studies on bat biosonar and insect counter-measures, through to fish-eating snails armed with powerful neurotoxins, the book covers a diverse and fascinating range of adaptations. Common principles of biological design and organization are highlighted throughout the text. The book is aimed at several audiences: for lecturers and students. This synthesis will help to underpin the curriculum in neuroscience and behavioural biology, especially for courses focusing on neuroethology for postgraduate students. The sections devoted to your area of specialism will give a flying start to your research reading, while the other chapters offer breadth and insights from comparative studies for academic researchers. The book will provide a valuable resource and an enjoyable read Above all, we hope this book will inspire the next generation of neuroethologists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Regression and ANOVA: An Integrated Approach Using SAS Software + Applied Statistics: Analysis of Variance and Regression, Third Edition Set
This set contains: 9780471469438 Regression and ANOVA: An Integrated Approach Using SAS(R) Software by Keith E. Muller, Bethel A. Fetterman and 9780471370383 Applied Statistics: Analysis of Variance and Regression, Third Edition by Ruth M. Mickey, Olive Jean Dunn, Virginia A. Clark.
Elsevier Health Sciences Zakim and Boyers Hepatology
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Cultural Readings of Imperialism: Edward Said and the Gravity of History
Edward Said is a major 20th-century thinker. His impact on the way we think about identity and postcolonialism has been profound and transformative. In this book of essays, scholars of postcolonial studies, philosophy and literary criticism, informed by Said's wide-ranging scholarship, engage with and extend his work. Robert Young, author of "White Mythologies", focuses his essay on the notion of hybridity and ethnicity in England. Benita Parry explores how a very English story of imperialism is narrated in Conrad's "Nostromo". Other contributors include Bryan Cheyette, Moira Ferguson and Bruce Robbins. The collection also looks at the work of Frantz Fanon and cultural difference in Africa. And following Said's work and activism around the Palestinian question there are also essays exploring the relationship betwen Jewish and Arabic identity. Keith Ansell-Pearson is the author of "Nietzsche, Deleuze and the Philosophy Machine". Benita Parry is the author of "Delusions and Discoveries: Studies on India in the British Imagination" and "Conrad and Imperialism". Judith Squires is the joint editor of "Cultural Remix: Theories of Politics and the Popular" and "Space and Place: Theories of Identity and Location".
MP-NMX Uni of New Mexico Designs and Anthropologies Frictions and Affinities
Examines the importance and power of design and the ubiquitous and forceful effects it has on human life within the study of anthropology. Contributors explore the interactions between anthropology and design through a cross-disciplinary approach centred around the design-and-anthropology relationship.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Archean Geodynamics and Environments
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 164. The Archean Eon represents 1.3 Gyr of Earth's distant past, from about 3.8 Ga to 2.5 Ga—nearly one third of our planet's history. It was during the Archean that a regime of global geodynamics was established, resulting in the formation and recycling of the first lithosphere, as well as the formation, growth, deformation, differentiation, emergence, and erosion of continents. By the end of the Archean, Earth had reached a geodynamic regime dominated by plate tectonic processes. The consequent environments, at and near Earth's surface, included the different niches within which early life forms evolved. It is to the Archean evolution of Earth that we now look to better understand many of the processes that shaped the planet, as we know it.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Understanding Analysis and its Connections to Secondary Mathematics Teaching
Getting certified to teach high school mathematics typically requires completing a course in real analysis. Yet most teachers point out real analysis content bears little resemblance to secondary mathematics and report it does not influence their teaching in any significant way. This textbook is our attempt to change the narrative. It is our belief that analysis can be a meaningful part of a teacher's mathematical education and preparation for teaching. This book is a companion text. It is intended to be a supplemental resource, used in conjunction with a more traditional real analysis book.The textbook is based on our efforts to identify ways that studying real analysis can provide future teachers with genuine opportunities to think about teaching secondary mathematics. It focuses on how mathematical ideas are connected to the practice of teaching secondary mathematics–and not just the content of secondary mathematics itself. Discussions around pedagogy are premised on the belief that the way mathematicians do mathematics can be useful for how we think about teaching mathematics. The book uses particular situations in teaching to make explicit ways that the content of real analysis might be important for teaching secondary mathematics, and how mathematical practices prevalent in the study of real analysis can be incorporated as practices for teaching.This textbook will be of particular interest to mathematics instructors–and mathematics teacher educators–thinking about how the mathematics of real analysis might be applicable to secondary teaching, as well as to any prospective (or current) teacher who has wondered about what the purpose of taking such courses could be.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Landscape of Family Business
The editors should be commended for developing a Map of the Landscape of Family Business Outcomes. It gives future research direction to the discipline considering both short-term profitability and long-term sustainability. It considers conventional concepts of structure, roles, and rules as well as family/firm processes, the uniqueness of family businesses and the essence of their resilience capacity. There are thought-provoking nuggets for new and seasoned researchers, counselors and advisors, business and executive educators, as well as family business owners.'- Sharon M. Danes, University of Minnesota, USThe Landscape of Family Business expands upon groundbreaking research to offer owners, consultants, and academics a new holistic way to view family business.What are the important outcomes in family business? What are the relationships among those outcomes? And, what does an overall pattern of outcome relationships reveal about family business? Based on 12 years of family business research, this book presents answers to these questions in the form of a Map of the Landscape of Family Business. In addition, leading scholars provide reviews and make recommendations to researchers and practitioners about each of the seven clusters revealed in the map - Governance, Performance, Social and Economic Impact, Strategy, Family Dynamics, Family Business Roles, and Succession.Clear and concise, with a focus on relationships in family business, this insightful book is both an enjoyable and informative read and will prove to be an asset to every bookshelf. Scholars, academics and family business owners and managers are sure to find The Landscape of Family Business an invaluable resource.Contributors: M. Baù, K.H. Brigham, M.S. Daugherty, G.G. Dess, K. Hellerstedt, F. Hoy, F.W. Kellermanns, G.T. Lumpkin, M. Nordqvist, K. Rosplock, P. Sharma, R.L. Sorenson, L.J. Stanley, K. Wennberg, A. Yu