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Dorling Kindersley Reise VisàVis Reiseführer Schweden
Dorling Kindersley Reise Tokyo
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Why Weather
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Soup Book
Sophie Grigson, editor-in-chief and foreword writer, is an award-winning English cookery writer and celebrity cook. She has written for the Sunday Express, Evening Standard, The Independent, and the Sunday Times, and was awarded the Guild of Food Writers Cookery Journalist of the Year Award in 2001 for her work in Country Living Magazine. Her first TV series, Grow Your Greens, Eat Your Greens, won the Caroline Walker Prize. Sophie runs the blog Sophie Viva in Puglia documenting her new life in Italy.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd My Book of Bugs
Dorling Kindersley Ltd PopUp Peekaboo Disney Moana
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The FactPacked Activity Book Insects
This fun-filled activity book will teach you all about the world of insects and bugs, complete with activities, puzzles and more!Introduce little ones aged 5-9 to the insect world with fascinating bugs, butterflies, moths, creepy-crawlies, spiders, and much more! Packed with astounding facts, fun challenges, quizzes and puzzles, The Fact Packed Activity Book: Insects will keep kids aged 5-9 engaged and having fun while learning. Enter the world of creepy-crawlies and travel all the way from gardens to rainforests to learn more about these tiny creaturesThis insect fact book for children offers: Interesting bug facts combined with entertaining activities, such as mazes, drawings and quizzes. A range of topics about insects and bugs, including where they are found, what they eat, and how they defend themselves. Interactive learning to help children develop their reading ability, problem-solving skills and critica
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Touch and Feel Farm
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Slide and Seek Shapes
DK Visual Encyclopedia
An elegant new take on the classic family encyclopedia, filled with beautiful images and clear, accessible text.Packed with facts and illustrations, this landmark book offers a reliable, visually stunning, and family-friendly alternative to online information sources. This fully illustrated encyclopedia is the antidote to the internet. It's expertly written and beautifully presented reference for a world overloaded with unreliable information. From quantum physics to the square of the hypotenuse, Ancient Rome to the depths of the oceans, this is your one-stop knowledge shop for the digital age - clear, simple, accurate and unbiased. This book is a comprehensive guide to a huge range of human knowledge, and includes over 4,000 images to bring information vividly to life. Its format is accessible to a wide range of readers, so it's ideal for a variety of ages, for home study - or simply for browsing for fun. Parents and teachers can be confident that children won't see any unwanted content. The Visual Encyclopedia is the ultimate easy-to-read family guide to science, nature, space, history, art, technology, leisure, culture, and more. The information is organized thematically for simple navigation, and clear signposting makes it easy to follow connections between subjects. For family, for study, for the simple pleasure of discovery, here is a trustworthy source of knowledge and enjoyment.
DK Pop Up Peekaboo! Penguin
Take your toddler on a frozen adventure in this lift-the-flap baby book with pictures that pop off the page!This wintry pop-up peekaboo book follows Polly and her penguin pals as they play hide-and-seek. Babies and toddlers can lift big flaps and see peekaboo surprises pop up from the pages: a playful penguin hiding in the snow, a happy fish splish-splashing in the water, cozy penguins huddling together, a beautiful bird flapping its wings, and a funny seal hiding behind a big rock!The lively, read-aloud rhymes encourage literacy and early learning, while the surprise pop-up scenes will delight curious preschoolers. With the help of parents and caregivers, toddlers will have fun turning the sturdy board book pages, guessing what's hiding under each flap, and then lifting the flaps to reveal the adorable winter animals and play peekaboo!Ideal for interactive preschool play, Pop-up Peekaboo! Penguin will appeal to both parents and children and is certain to keep little ones entertained time and time again!
DK I Love My Dinosaur
Discover the enchanting world of five amazing dinosaurs and find out what makes them so lovable.In this charming dinosaur book filled with beautiful illustrations and fun facts, little ones can lift up the flaps and peek at the pop-ups to discover amazing dinosaurs that love to have fun! With five spectacular dinosaurs to visit, help little dinosaur lovers find out what makes them so adorable. What did a baby T. rex look like? Peek inside the pop-up to see. What did Triceratops eat? Look under the flap to find out! With five different dinosaurs to read about, discover the amazing world of these giant, spikey, and scaly creatures. From the armored Ankylosaurus swishing its heavy tail, to the huge T. rex with its tiny arms, the intriguing lives of the dinosaurs has never been so exciting.Journeying through the deepest forests where the Diplodocus can be found munching on the leaves of the tallest trees, to the slow-moving world of the Stegosaurus, young dinosaur lovers can enter the ancient world of their favorite dinosaurs and find out what made them so unique. With fact-filled pop-ups and flaps, as well as helpful pronunciation guides, I Love My Dinosaur is the perfect way to teach children about their favorite dinosaurs.
DK Ilusiones visuales increíbles (Optical Illusions 2)
¡Explora, interactúa y crea tus propias ilusiones alucinantes! ¡Sorpréndete con los mejores acertijos visuales que puedas imaginar!¡Prepárate para engañar a tu cerebro y tus ojos con Ilusiones visuales increíbles! Descubre cómo se hace el arte en 3D, crea formas imposibles y trucos con la luz. Interactúa con solapas, pestañas y extraíbles para explorar la ciencia detrás de estos trucos ópticos. Este libro te ayuda a aprender creando mientras te enseña algunos de los mejores acertijos visuales que van desde las clásicas ilusiones basadas en patrones y dibujos ambiguos hasta modernas obras maestras en 3D. El libro incluye cartulinas impresas e instrucciones claras paso a paso sobre cómo crear algunas de las ilusiones más alucinantes del mundo.
DK I Feel Happy: Why do I feel happy today?
The sunshine character, Happy, is here to teach your little ones how to recognize this big emotion and name their feelings.Happy teaches small children that the feeling is sometimes loud, and other times it's calm, like having a quiet cuddle. This brightly illustrated board book is a gentle and simple introduction to sometimes overwhelming emotions. This adorable book puts words to the feelings that small children have experienced, but might not have the names for just yet. This will help your preschooler tell you how they are feeling and teach them what happiness looks like in other people. I Feel Happy lets kids know that even if they don't feel happy right now, the good feeling will come back again. It explains what happens in the brain in uncomplicated terms, perfect for young children. It shows how being happy affects the body, like smiling and laughing. The easy language makes for a fun and educational reading time. This helps children with language, vocabulary and talking about their emotions, especially if they have difficulty expressing feelings. Let the Happy character help your toddler answer difficult questions with simple explanations Why Do I Feel Happy Today? This fantastic kids' feelings guide includes: Easy-to-understand descriptions of the key emotion: Happiness Easy-to-read text that encourages vocabulary building Beautiful illustrations that will engage preschoolers The ray of sunshine Happy from this delightful book has friends! Look out for the little star in I Feel Proud, the raincloud in I Feel Sad, the little flame in I Feel Angry and all of them together in How Do I Feel?
DK English For Everyone Gramática Inglesa. El libro de ejercicios: Más de 1000 ejercicios para entender y practicar el inglés
Visualiza y recuerda la gramática inglesa de una vez por todas¿Los phrasal verbs te resultan confusos? ¿No acabas de entender la diferencia entre ciertos tiempos verbales? Este libro contiene 3.000 ejercicios para aprender, recordar y usar la gramática inglesa.Una guía completamente visual, que hará que practicar los aspectos más complejos de la gramática del inglés sea claro y sencillo.English for everyone. Gramática inglesa. Libro de ejercicios utiliza el innovador método visual del curso English for Everyone: los ejercicios van acompañados por atractivos gráficos e ilustraciones que dan contexto a las estructuras y dan pistas para entenderlas.Este libro es el compañero ideal para el libro de gramática English for everyone. Gramática inglesa. En cada una de las unidades de este libro de ejercicios, se pone en práctica lo aprendido en la unidad de English for Everyone. Gramática inglesa del mismo número. Con la guía de gramática entenderás las reglas y con este libro de ejercicios las pondrás en práctica y adquirirás la confianza necesaria para usarlas. ¡Todo lo necesario para dominar la gramática de la lengua inglesa!Este libro para aprender inglés con ejercicios, cubre toda la gramática de inglés que necesitas dominar y es el complemento perfecto para el curso English for Everyone, que ayuda en la preparación de los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC.Descripción general del cursoDK presenta English for Everyone, un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuenta con cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de ejercicios que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico de audios gratuitos.El curso English for Everyone cuenta con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.
DK Space A Visual Encyclopedia
From the Moon, Sun, and planets of our Solar System to space exploration, black holes, and dark matter, this completely revised and updated children’s encyclopedia covers all you need to know about the cosmos. The most up-to-date images from space agencies such as NASA and ESA combine with info panels, timelines, interviews, diagrams, and activities you can do at home to help you understand the majesty and wonder of space. Learn about the Space Race, the Apollo Moon Landings, the Voyager craft that first probed the outer planets, the Hubble telescope, and the International Space Station (ISS) – the state-of-the-art laboratory orbiting Earth. Find out about future missions, space tourism, and the latest discoveries in the furthest reaches of our galaxy. Discover how to find constellations and where to look for stars and planets, including Venus and Mars, in the night sky. Learn how galaxies such as our Milky Way were formed. Part of a series of best-selling encyclopedias for children, Space: A Children’s Encyclopedia is a rocket ride from the beginning of time to the near future, and from planet Earth out to the furthest reaches of the Universe.
DK Sticker Encyclopedia Around the World
A fun-filled travel activity book with more than 600 reusable stickers that will get curious young readers off their screens and increase their international know-how.Bursting with boredom-busting activities, this on-the-page journey around the world is perfect for entertaining kids who are curious about other countries. They can play their way through fabulous sticker games, brilliant brain teasers, clever quizzes, creative doodling, and so much more. On each page, they’ll discover eye-opening aspects of traveling the world, from airports and planes to popular travel sights and fun geographical facts. Sticker Encyclopedia Around the World comes with 30 pages of easy-to-peel stickers to use in the activities, as well as more than 50 games including sightseeing sticker puzzles, city name anagrams, airport mazes, landmark spot-the-difference puzzles, and safari word searches.Colorful and interactive, Sticker Encyclopedia Around the World will keep kids occupied (and parents happy!) wherever they are. Young travelers will boost their creativity, develop their knowledge of different countries and continents, and uncover everything our world has to offer. Ready to go? Let's turn the page and explore!
DK Sew Step by Step: How to use your sewing machine to make, mend, and customize
Need to learn how to shorten a hemline? Eager to make some cushion covers or a simple tunic dress? Sew Step by Step will come to your rescue. Packed with more than 200 easy-to-follow techniques, from sewing on a button to personalizing a garment, Sew Step by Step brings these traditional, practical, and artistic crafts up to date with advice on contemporary styles and new materials, introducing these immensely satisfying skills to a whole new generation.
DK 5 Language Visual Dictionary
This is your one-stop shop to five European languages.With over 6,500 illustrated words and phrases in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian, and now with a free audio app featuring all these languages, this learner dictionary offers a quick and stimulating way to learn and recall everyday vocabulary.Featuring a wide range of objects and scenes from everyday life, this dictionary shows you what others only tell you. Perfect for tourists and business travelers alike, DK's 5 Language Visual Dictionary is your essential companion when buying food and clothes, talking about work and interests, discussing health and sport, and studying these languages.The dictionary is incredibly easy to follow, with thematically organized vocabulary so you can find closely related words according to a topic. Words and phrases are pictured with full-color photographs and illustrations, helping to fix new vocabulary in your mind. Five comprehensive indexes provide an instant reference point for each language.The supporting audio app enables you to hear each word and phrase spoken out loud by native speakers of English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Available on the App Store and Google Play, the audio app is easy to use and provides an intuitive reference for language learning, helping you learn, retain, and pronounce important vocabulary, and make yourself understood.
DK My First Bilingual Colors
Un mágnifico libro de iniciación a la lengua inglesa y española repleto de imágenes para que los más pequeños descubran y aprendan los colores y el mundo que los rodea. Ideal para preescolares y primeros lectores que busquen ampliar su vocabulario en inglés y español.
DK El libro de la mitología (The Mythology Book)
Grandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasMediante amenos relatos, gráficos ilustrativos y atractivas imágenes, El libro de la mitología aporta una nueva mirada sobre los mitos y su significado para las culturas que los crearon.¿Quién era el dios embaucador Maui? ¿Qué era el hidromiel de la poesía y qué don otorgaba a quienes lo bebían? ¿Cómo era el paso a la vida de ultratumba según la mitología egipcia? ¿Cuál fue el papel de Loki y de Thor en la mitología nórdica, de Gilgamesh en la sumeria o de Viracocha en la inca? Este libro responde a estas y otras preguntas con la exposición de más de ochenta mitos e historia antiguas de todo el mundo.Tanto el profano en la materia como el estudiante de las culturas antiguas, o simplemente el amante de los relatos apasionantes, encontrarán en las páginas de este documentado libro en español de mitología toda la información y la emoción que buscan.La mitología como nunca antes te la habían contadoEste libro de mitología explica de forma totalmente sencilla todo lo que rodeaba a los mitos y criaturas de las diferentes culturas a lo largo de los siglos.Repaso a las culturas del mundo, desde los mitos del Antiguo Egipto, pasando por la mitología griega hasta la nórdica, este magnífico libro cuenta toda la historia y secretos acerca de estas fascinantes civilizaciones con más de 80 mitos de todo el mundo. Ideal para que cualquier apasionado de la mitología descubra los grandes secretos que esta esconde.El libro de la mitología nos adentra en una fascinante aventura mitológica través de los siglos y a lo largo de siete increíbles capítulos: • Antigua Grecia • Antigua Roma • Europa del Norte • Asia • América • Antiguo Egipto y África • Oceanía El libro de la mitología pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas explica temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de materias para toda la familia.
DK Scientists Who Changed History
Explore the lives and achievements of more than 85 of the world's most inspirational and influential scientists with this innovative and boldly graphic biography-led book.The second title in DK's new illustrated biography series, Scientists Who Changed History profiles trailblazing individuals from Greek mathematicians, such as Archimedes and Hipparchus, through physicists of the early 20th-century, such as Marie Curie and Albert Einstein, to modern greats such as Stephen Hawking and Tim Berners-Lee. Each featured individual has made a major contribution to one or more scientific fields, from astronomy, biology, and psychology, to computer science and geology.Combining elements of biography, history, and analysis, Scientists Who Changed History explains the groundbreaking contributions made by these revolutionary men and women in a clear and informative way.
DK DK Readers Level 2: Llamas
Learn to read while getting to know lovely, long-necked llamas.Get to know South America's most famous cameloid with this DK learn-to-read book. Kids will love learning why llamas spit, how they keep their footing in the Peruvian mountains, and what separates them from their alpaca cousins.Llamas is a new title in the exciting and engaging four-level DK Readers series. Developing a lifelong love of reading, DK Readers cover a vast range of fascinating subjects to support children as they learn to read.Packed with fun facts for kids, this innovative series of guided reading books balance amazing photography with nonfiction narratives tailored to specific reading levels. DK Readers are assessed by both Fountas & Pinnell and Lexile levels, and are ideal for learning to read while building general knowledge. Llamas covers a topic that will engage kids, encouraging reading for pleasure - linked with improved reading and writing abilities, as well as a wider vocabulary and greater self confidence.
DK Cómo funciona el cuerpo humano (How the Body Works): Guía gráfica de nuestro organismo
Cómo funciona el cuerpo humano explora los maravillosos procesos que ocurren dentro de nuestro propio cuerpo, normalmente, sin que nos demos cuenta de ello.¿Por qué nos mareamos o sentimos mariposas en el estómago? ¿Qué ocurre cuando sentimos jetlag? Estas son solo algunas de las intrigantes preguntas a las que conseguirás dar respuesta con este maravilloso libro del cuerpo humano.Cómo funciona el cuerpo humano es una guía visual entretenida y accesible para conocer cada detalle de nuestro cuerpo, combinando la ciencia de los libros de anatomía humana con increíbles gráficas e ilustraciones a todo color.Descubre los secretos que esconde el cuerpo humanoExplora todas y cada una de las partes del cuerpo humano clasificadas por sistemas: el sistema respiratorio, endocrino, reproductor, circulatorio, digestivo, excretor, muscular, nervioso, esquelético, inmunológico, linfático e integumentario. Encuentra respuestas a preguntas cotidianas sobre lo que nos sucede en el cuerpo en el día a día. ¿Qué ocurre en el cuerpo cuando estamos estresados? ¿Cómo consiguen informarnos los sentidos del mundo a nuestro alrededor? ¿Cómo leemos la expresión de la cara de una persona a través del lenguaje no verbal? ¿Cuándo y cómo se activan los músculos del cuerpo?Este maravilloso libro del cuerpo humano apoya la comprensión de los textos con increíbles ilustraciones a color, las cuales muestran detalles y curiosidades que ayudan a descubrir todos los secretos que esconde nuestro cuerpo.Un viaje a nuestro interior a través de los siguientes capítulos:Bajo el microscopio.Un buen soporte.En marcha.Materia sensible.En el corazón del sistema.Entrada y salida.Sano y en forma.Equilibrio químico.El ciclo de la vida.Cosas de la mente.Cómo funciona el cuerpo humano, pertenece a la colección de libros juveniles en español de Conocimiento de la editorial DK, un rincón de nuestro catálogo destinado a mentes jóvenes curiosas que estén interesadas en conocer más sobre el mundo que les rodea, con disciplinas tales como la filosofía, economía y psicología. Los títulos incluidos en esta colección responden a infinidad de preguntas con un lenguaje sencillo y cercano y se apoyan en formidables ilustraciones y esquemas para ayudar a entender complejos asuntos y teorías que capten el interés del público juvenil, mientras desarrollan sus habilidades lectoras y sus conocimientos generales.
DK Coding Games in Python
Build and play your own computer games, from creative quizzes to perplexing puzzles, by coding them in the Python programming language!Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a beginner hoping to learn Python, you'll find Coding Games in Python fun to read and easy to follow. Each chapter shows you how to construct a complete working game in simple numbered steps. Using freely available resources such as Pygame, Pygame Zero, and a downloadable pack of images and sounds, you can add animations, music, scrolling backgrounds, scenery, and other exciting professional touches.After building the game, find out how to adapt it to create your own personalised version with secret hacks and cheat codes!You'll master the key concepts that programmers need to write code - not just in Python, but in all programming languages. Find out what bugs, loops, flags, strings, and turtles are. Learn how to plan and design the ultimate game, and then play it to destruction as you test and debug it.Before you know it, you'll be a coding genius!
DK Science: A Visual Encyclopedia
You'll be firing on all cylinders with this science spectacular!The exciting exploration of biology, chemistry, and physics is vital reading for curious minds. Science becomes simple and straightforward, so you never get your wires crossed again. Hundreds of pages feature stunning images, simple graphics, and crystal-clear text. What makes a firework go bang? How do plants make food from sunlight? What makes a robot clever? Find the answers to all these questions and much, much more.Biology is all about you, living things, and the rest of the natural world. Learn all about your amazing body and more than 1,000 parts that keep it going. Chemistry presents an explosive look at the tiny atoms that build together to create all the brilliant things in the world today. Physics introduces the full force of everything, from electricity and energy to magnetism and machines.All three subjects are examined in extraordinary detail, making Science: A Visual Encyclopedia an absolutely essential addition to each and every family library.
DK Dinosaurs: A Visual Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition
Take a trip back in time to an astonishing lost world.See a huge variety of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals come to life in mind-blowing detail. This is the ultimate visual encyclopedia about dinosaurs!Feathered, furry, and scaly — they’re all here! It’s the perfect dinosaur book for children aged 9-12 years. Here’s what you’ll find inside: • Exclusive images of the world's best and most complete dinosaur fossils photographed on location in North America and Europe • Brand-new, exclusive digital images that reflect the most important new findings on feathered dinosaurs • The content covers key curriculum topics in geography, biology and science • Created in association with the world-renowned Smithsonian Institution This children’s educational book about dinosaurs is packed with incredible facts about dinosaurs, stunning life-like reconstructed images, and additional information about habitat, diet, and behavior. Based on the latest research and up-to-date information, you’ll find everything from woolly mammoths and dinosaur eggs to Tyrannosauroids and Pterosaurs. More than 100 prehistoric species are featured in this fascinating dinosaur reference book. You might be familiar with the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops, but have you ever seen horse-eating birds and millipedes the size of crocodiles? Then look no further. Other topics like evolution, fossilization and climate change are explored in-depth to build up a complete picture of the dinosaur era.Dinosaurs: A Visual Encyclopedia is part of the series of award-winning, best-selling DK children encyclopedias and has been completely revised. More than just a catalog of facts and photos — it’s a visual celebration of the history of all life on Earth, with a special focus on dinosaurs and the prehistoric world.
DK First Spanish Dictionary
A highly visual Spanish dictionary that uses hundreds of images to support Spanish-language learning for beginners.Featuring more than 2,000 common words in subject areas that are relevant to children, like school, friends, pets, and sports. Each word is accompanied by a photo, encouraging visual learning, and also the correct pronunciation, breaking the words down easily. At the back of the book there is an English A-Z and Spanish A-Z, providing multiple ways of exploring language and building vocabulary. This book is essential for parents and teachers who want to teach kids a second language.
DK How Psychology Works: The Facts Visually Explained
How far would you go to obey orders? Why do many people – even some scientists – believe in miracles? Find out the answers to these questions and much more in this visual guide to applied psychology.Lying at the intersection of biology, philosophy, and medicine, psychology is at the heart of what makes us human. Perfect both for students and people new to the topic, How Psychology Works has a unique graphic approach and uses direct, jargon-free language. It explores various approaches that psychologists use to study how people think and behave, such as behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and humanism. This indispensable guide describes a wide range of mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It then takes you through treatments, from cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis to group therapy and art therapy. This book also explores the role of psychology in everyday situations. Discover what makes you, you – the unique blend of nature and nurture that makes up your sense of who you are – and psychology's role in relationships, sport, work, and education. How Psychology Works is a fascinating read that will quickly hone your emotional intelligence and give you perceptive insights into both your own and other people’s feelings and behavior.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Disney Pixar: The Incredibles 2
A colorful superhero sticker book with more than 100 stickers.Starring children's favorite superhero family and packed with more than 100 stickers and fun facts, join the amazing Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, and baby Jack-Jack on their latest adventures with Ultimate Sticker Book: Disney • Pixar Incredibles 2. The Ultimate Sticker Book is the perfect partner to the brand new movie Incredibles 2, the second installment in Disney • Pixar's highly popular The Incredibles franchise. When a new villain hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot, the Parr family and their old friend Frozone must find a way to work together again - which is easier said than done, even when they're all Incredible. Featuring all the memorable characters, superhero outfits, weapons, vehicles and iconic moments from the new movie, DK's book is packed with beautiful, bright stickers and lively and informative captions - a must-have title for any Disney • Pixar movie fan or budding young superhero.
DK I Can Grow a Flower
A first garden story board book that reveals how plants grow with lift-the-flaps and a pullout height chart.Teach your child how a tiny seed grows into a flower in this fascinating lift-the-flap garden story. A pullout height chart ends the book--a great way for children to remember how a sunflower grows, and to measure how fast your child grows, too! Through illustrations, photography, and flaps, sixteen delightful board book pages reveal the wonder of how plants grow as you follow the story of a mystery seed. How was it planted? What does it need? What will it become? As days go by, it's hard to imagine the tiny shoot will ever grow into a big, strong plant. Could it magically become the tallest of all the garden flowers? Flaps unfold to show plants growing, creatures hiding, and what's happening underground. The book includes very simple gardening projects and facts about garden creatures (which ones are good for plants, and which ones are bad), and children will find out what a pollinator is, and how to attract pollinators to the garden. The perfect gift for aspiring gardeners, complete with a height chart.
DK El Libro de la psicología (The Psychology Book)
Grandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasCon un lenguaje claro, El libro de la psicología ofrece concisas explicaciones que desbrozan la jerga académica, esquemas que hacen sencillas las teorías más complejas, citas memorables y una serie de ingeniosas ilustraciones que juegan con nuestras percepciones y creencias.¿Somos individuos autónomos, o nos dejamos llevar por el conformismo? ¿Qué nos hace recordar y por qué olvidamos? ¿Cómo medir la inteligencia? Preguntas como estas subyacen en la obra de los grandes teóricos e investigadores del fascinante mundo de la psicología.La psicología explicada de forma sencillaDe todas las ciencias, la psicología es quizá la más misteriosa para el gran público, y la que más se presta a malentendidos. Su lenguaje y sus conceptos se han infiltrado en la cultura cotidiana. A pesar de esto, la mayoría de la gente tiene apenas una vaga idea de aquello de lo que trata y sobre lo que hacen realmente los psicólogos. Este magnífico libro de psicología en español lo desvela al detalle.Comprende conceptos como la conciencia, la percepción o la memoria y cómo la psicología realizó bien despacio una transición de la especulación filosófica a la práctica científica.Tanto el neófito como el estudiante o el experto aficionado hallarán en este libro de psicología en español material con el que estimular su mente a través de los siguientes capítulos: • Raíces filosóficas. Génesis de la psicología. • Conductismo. La respuesta al miedo. • Psicoterapia. El inconsciente determina la conducta. • Psicología cognitiva y clínica. El cerebro procesador. • Psicología social. Vivir en un mundo compartido. • Psicología del desarrollo. Del bebé al adulto. • Psicología diferencial. Personalidad e inteligencia. El libro de la psicología, pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas explica temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de materias para toda la familia.
DK Look I'm a Cook
Bursting with 11 exciting, easy-peasy recipes, little chefs explore and discover the wonderful world of everyday science and food with all their senses.Perfect for ages 3–6, this delightful nonfiction kids cooking book introduces preschool and early elementary school children to basic culinary science and cooking activities.A truly terrific book for any young child who is interested in helping in the kitchen! It is full of colorful illustrations, recipes, fun facts, and scientific principles about food and nutrition. It is teeming with tasty ideas and fun hands-on learning experiences that will get children playing, discovering everyday science, and cooking up a storm. Look I'm A Cook is full of tasty recipes that provide a great variety of fun, healthy, kid-friendly foods, made with ingredients you probably have on hand. These 11 activities are easy to prepare, set up, and create. The visual step-by-step instructions and a charming design make it the perfect activity book for parents and their little ones to enjoy together. From guacamole to ice pops, to chocolate pears; kids can pour it, mix it, and taste it. Each recipe becomes an ever-so-exciting experiment (we have it under good authority that anyone will find the crunchy Vegetable Stick Train irresistibly adorable - and it goes really well with the homemade guacamole).Get Ready To Find Your Inner Chef!You were born with everything you need to be an awesome cook - a brilliant brain and amazing senses! Get ready to touch, smell, see, hear, and taste your way to fabulous food in this cookbook for kids. Find out how to make an exciting salad train, which makes the greenest guacamole, why bread is full of bubbles and much, much more!Full of cooking ideas for kids like: - Sunshine strawberries- Mini meringue mountains- Brilliant bread- Chocolate pears- And much, much more!DK's Look! I'm Learning series of exciting and educational STEM books focus on the sensory experience of practical learning and play and finds the science in everyday activities. Hands-on learning experiences tap straight into kids' insatiable curiosity and sense of wonder. These books for children are perfect for ages 3–6 as they are formatted with a padded cover and toddler-tough pages. The series encourages children to develop independence and improves their critical thinking, investigation skills, and motor skills. Try the other titles in the series next, including Look I'm A Scientist, Look I'm A Mathematician, and Look I'm An Engineer.
DK DKfindout! Sharks
Supporting STEM-based learning, this fact-filled book for shark aficionados ages 6–9 is the ultimate guide to sharks, from hammerheads to great whites. Entertaining and educating young readers through a combination of close-up images, quirky trivia facts, quiz questions, and fascinating tidbits, it’s the perfect book for any kid who can’t get enough of these ferocious fish.Which shark species can live for 400 years? Why do some sharks glow in the dark? What was the biggest shark of all time? Find out the answers to these questions and more in DKfindout! Sharks, which features stunning wildlife photography of sharks in their native environments, throughout every stage of their life cycles. The book explains what separates sharks from other kinds of fish, introducing readers to more than 50 shark species from around the world and giving habitat and growth statistics for each one. With an eye to conservation, DKfindout! Sharks spotlights endangered shark species and offers advice for preserving ocean habitats, making it the perfect choice for eco-conscious kids looking to learn more about this amazing underwater world.Vetted by educational consultants, the DKfindout! series drives kids ages 6–9 to become experts on more than 30 of their favorite STEM- and history-related subjects, whether Vikings, volcanoes, or robots. This series covers the subjects that kids really want to learn about—ones that have a direct impact on the world around them, like climate change, space exploration, and rapidly evolving technology—making learning fun through amazing images, stimulating quizzes, and cutting-edge information. The DKfindout! series is one that kids will want to turn to again and again.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Airplanes and Other Flying Machines: More Than 250 Reusable Stickers
Kids can let their imaginations soar and learn about the world of aviation, from helicopters to hot-air balloons, with this ultimate sticker book filled with powerful flying machines.With information about the amazing feats of aviation that have launched humans up into the clouds, Ultimate Sticker Book: Airplanes and Other Flying Machines is packed with fascinating photographs, cool facts, and fun activities, and includes more than 250 reusable stickers. Kids can create their own scene, test their knowledge with a fun sticker quiz, discover how rockets have transported humans up into the skies, the atmosphere, and beyond, and much more.Ultimate Sticker Book: Airplanes and Other Flying Machines is perfect for young aviation lovers and explorers, and is sure to keep them busy for hours.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Jungle: More Than 250 Reusable Stickers
Meet and learn about the animals and plants of the jungle, from the African elephant to the toucan, in Ultimate Sticker Book: Jungle.With information about the animal kingdom and the jungle habitat, this sticker book is packed with amazing photographs, cool facts, and fun activities, and includes more than 250 reusable stickers. Kids can create their own scene, complete a picture jigsaw puzzle, test their knowledge with a fun sticker quiz, discover which animals rule the jungle and which stay hidden in the grass, and much more.Ultimate Sticker Book: Jungle is perfect for young animal lovers and explorers, and is sure to keep them busy for hours.Series Overview: Taking subjects that kids love, from dinosaurs to baby animals to transportation, DK's Ultimate Sticker Book series is refreshed and updated and now features more than 250 fun, reusable stickers. Packed with activities that allow children to create scenes, match pairs, and complete jigsaws, the activities throughout each book are simple enough for the child to do independently, but engaging enough to keep their interest and help develop dexterity, making these books products parents can trust, and ones that kids will want to keep picking up to learn more about their favorite subjects.
DK DKfindout! Dinosaurs
Supporting STEM-based learning, this fact-filled book for dinosaur lovers ages 6–9 is the ultimate guide to all sorts of long-lost creatures from across the globe, entertaining and educating young readers through a combination of close-up images, quirky trivia facts, quiz questions, and fascinating tidbits on everything from Triceratops to Stegosaurus.When did dinosaurs die out? What does a Pachycephalosaurus look like and how thick is its skull? How many pounds of meat could a Tyrannosaurus rex swallow at once? Find out the answers to these questions and more in DKfindout! Dinosaurs, which features photographs of dinosaur fossils alongside computer-generated images of what each species might have looked like when it was alive. This book teaches young paleontologists about the entire reign of dinosaurs, from the Triassic to the Cretaceous, as well as the types of dinosaurs that lived during each specific time period. Along the way, readers will discover the diets and hunting habits of different dinosaurs, learn how their bones turned into fossils, and find out how birds and reptiles are distantly related to dinosaurs.Vetted by educational consultants, the DKfindout! series drives kids ages 6–9 to become experts on more than 30 of their favorite STEM- and history-related subjects, whether Vikings, volcanoes, or robots. This series covers the subjects that kids really want to learn about—ones that have a direct impact on the world around them, like climate change, space exploration, and rapidly evolving technology—making learning fun through amazing images, stimulating quizzes, and cutting-edge information. The DKfindout! series is one that kids will want to turn to again and again.
DK The Art Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Learn about key movements like impressionism, cubism and symbolism in The Art Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Art in this overview guide to the subject, great for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Art Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Art, with:- More than 80 of the world’s most remarkable artworks- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Art Book is a captivating introduction to painting, drawing, printing, sculpture, conceptual art, and performance art - from ancient history to the modern day - aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you’ll discover more than 80 of the world’s most groundbreaking artworks by history’s most influential painters, sculptors and artists, through exciting text and bold graphics.Your Art Questions, Simply ExplainedThis fresh new guide examines the ideas that inspired masterpieces by Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Klimt, Matisse, Picasso, and dozens more! If you thought it was difficult to learn about the defining movements, The Art Book presents key information in an easy to follow layout. Find out about subject matters, techniques, and materials, and learn about the talented artists behind the great works, through fantastic mind maps and step-by-step summaries.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Art Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.
DK English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide: A Comprehensive Visual Reference
Puzzled by past tenses? Confused be comparatives? The English for Everyone Grammar Guide is packed with easy-to-follow English grammar rules and annotated sample sentences. Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Grammar Guide uses visual teaching methods to introduce English grammar for beginners, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside our Grammar Practice Book. Once you have built up your confidence in the written English language, the Grammar Guide can act as a reference point for more advanced sentence structures in practical English usage.About English For EveryoneEnglish for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that support English learning for teenagers and adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Series provides:- Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and color-coded explanations- Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).- Quick referencing: Easy-to-follow units, mirrored in both the Course and Practice Books for easy referencing and teaching- Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of essential English grammar in use, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences- Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book- Personalised learning: Write-on lines encourage ESL learners to write their prompts and translations The English for Everyone Series covers the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including:- CEFR- TOEFL - IELTS - TOEIC
DK My Encyclopedia of Very Important Things: For Little Learners Who Want to Know Everything
A charming children's encyclopedia bursting with facts about the world, animals, people, planets, and so much more!The world is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. My Encyclopedia of Very Important Things is a vibrant encyclopedia for curious 5-9 year olds, with a unique approach to the subject that features both places from around the globe as well as focusing on what the world is like from a child’s perspective, covering everyday subjects about their own experiences. Full of fun facts, colorful illustrations, and games that will keep the kids entertained time again, this children’s encyclopedia is filled with age-appropriate knowledge on a range of terrific topics, from fiery volcanoes and our place in space, to changing seasons, mighty mammals and more. Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they:- Read hundreds of exciting facts- Learn all about amazing animals, people, and places- Discover the wonders of our incredible planet, and moreOur encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of adorable, simple illustrations with stunning photography and lively text. Encourage early learners to go on a journey to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 5-9 to enjoy for hours on end, whether for homeschooling, a bedtime story, shared reading or reading alone, this fun fact book for children also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn. Tell the story of the world one page at a time, by uncovering: - Educational content written in a friendly and fun manner - Beautifully padded cover with several high-quality finishes, including padding and foil- Features a built-in ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place whilst reading More in the SeriesMy Encyclopedia of Very Important Things is part of the educational kid’s book series My Very Encyclopedia series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity with My Encyclopedia of Very Important Adventures, teach them about different species with My Encyclopedia of Very Important Animals, or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in My Encyclopedia of Very Important Dinosaurs.Shortlisted:- The School Library Association Information Book Award 2017- Best Children's Book in the Junior Design Awards 2017
DK English for Everyone: Level 4: Advanced, Course Book: A Complete Self-Study Program
Our Course Book (Level 4) is a great reference guide to introduce English at an advanced stage including key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary. Build your confidence and fluency of conversational English.Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Course Book uses visual teaching methods to introduce the English language, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside our Practice Book (Level 4). Challenge your English experience in Level 4 with topical content covering family life, careers and business, news and media, and even laws, rules, and regulations. Improve your vocabulary and understanding of grammar rules, to an advanced level in this comprehensive guide to learning English. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching materials, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Course Books provide: - Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and color-coded explanations - Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).- Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of English grammar, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences- Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book- Personalized learning: Write-on lines encourage ESL learners to write their own prompts and translations where needed to help customize English language learning The English for Everyone Level 4 resources cover the advanced skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including: - CEFR: upper B2 – C1- TOEFL (test paper): 520-580 - TOEFL (computer-based test): 200-240- TOEFL (online test): 70-95- IELTS: 5.5-7 - TOEIC: 850-900English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that supports English learning for adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a second or foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.
DK My First Farm
In My First Farm, children will read about what it is like to live and work on a farm, and they will see beautiful photographs depicting everyday life with the farm animals. This informational board book features a variety of farm animals, colors, and vegetables and fruit with clear, informational labels that tell readers about daily life on a farm, as well as some exciting facts about each spread. The images are labeled clearly and promote early learning and language skills. The books are a sturdy format that is ideal for small hands to hold and carry, and the pages are filled with a distinctive, iconic design. Spend a day with the animals and crops in My First Farm.This revamp of DK's most successful board books series includes updated photography, contemporary design, and an insightful approach to engaging preschoolers. With charming, bold design, clear labels, and a wide variety of topics, these first learning books encourage children to build the vocabulary and language skills that form the foundation of early education. DK's iconic My First board book series not only provides a collection of educational information books that children can refer back to again and again, but also offers a first taste of independent learning.
DK Eyewonder: Weather: Open Your Eyes to a World of Discovery
The weird and wonderful weather of our planet is brought to life in Eye Wonder: Weather. This updated and revised edition is the perfect introduction to the exciting world of weather, from rain, sun, and wind to hurricanes, snow storms, and twisters, and also gives the facts about climate change, how we predict the weather, the differences in clouds, and why we have changing seasons.A precursor to DK's award-winning Eyewitness series, Eye Wonder was specially developed for children aged 5+, featuring astonishing photography exhibiting subjects within their natural setting and offering a whole new level of information through powerful images.Learn about science, history, and the natural world through beautiful photography and lively, age-appropriate text. The Eye Wonder series organizes information in a way that's easy to search, easy to read, and easy to learn.
DK First Space Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to Our Galaxy and Beyond
Reach for the stars in the updated First Space Encyclopedia!Explore the planets and discover amazing facts about nearby galaxies. A delightful first reference book about space for young astronomers, First Space Encyclopedia takes readers on a journey through the universe, from the beginning of space itself to current space technology.Find out what it takes to be an astronaut, what it is like to live in space, and what they take with them in their suitcases! Children can test their knowledge with quizzes, try out at-home space activities, learn how to find constellations in the night sky, and see the phases of the moon.Packed full of engaging photography and easy-to-follow text, First Space Encyclopedia brings space down to Earth for curious young readers.
DK Military History: The Definitive Visual Guide to the Objects of Warfare
A compelling visual guide to the history of the military!Travel through time and explore 5,000 years of weaponry in stunning detail with this riveting military book — from the spears and swords of ancient times to the guns and grenades of modern warfare.This beautifully illustrated definitive military guide charts the evolution of battlefield technology. Here’s what you’ll find inside: • It includes objects taken from collections that are not available to the public or have never been photographed before • Features comprehensive catalogs of the key weapons, armor, equipment and military technologies of each period, along with full specification details and information about special features • Includes stunning close-up “virtual tours” on subjects as diverse as a Roman fort, a medieval castle, a WWI trench system, a WWII tank and a modern aircraft carrier, to name a few • Narrative spreads and timelines provide historical context for the emerging use of, or key shifts in, certain technologies, explaining their impact on troops, tactics and fortifications The Military History Book profiles key arms and armaments and conveys technologies and tactics across hundreds of pages of dramatic photography and accessible text. Find out how war is waged between battleships at sea, tanks on the battlefield and fighter planes in the skies. Climb siege towers, drive chariots, enter medieval fortresses, fly unmanned drones and detect stealth bombers.You will also experience virtual tours of iconic vehicles, including the T-34 tank, the F-117 Nighthawk stealth bomber and the AH-64 Apache helicopter. Uncover military history from iconic battles, leaders and weapons of war that changed the course of history and shaped our modern world.This engrossing visual account of military history builds on the bestselling, international success of Weapon, Battle, Soldier and War, and is an essential purchase for all military enthusiasts or anyone intrigued by the history of military warfare and weaponry.
DK Digital Photography Complete Course: Learn Everything You Need to Know in 20 Weeks
Grab your camera and learn everything you need to know to improve your photography in just 20 weeks.Introducing Digital Photography Compete Course - the perfect beginner’s learning program for any aspiring photographer, this photography book aims to teach you everything you need to know about photography in just 20 weeks, through easy-to-understand tutorials. It’s time to start using your camera to its full potential, and this photography book for beginners can help you do just that. Combining tutorials, step-by-step photo shoots, practical assignments, and fun Q&As, this brilliant book on photography can help you untangle photographic jargon such as aperture, exposure, shutter speed, and depth-of-field; teach you top tips and tricks surrounding the range of modes on bridge and system cameras, and help you to master composition for that perfect photo!Become a photography expert in no time, as you explore:- Review, practice and experiment sections to put photography knowledge to the test - Technical concepts are broken down and explained in simple, accessible language - Easy-to-read diagrams and illustrations to highlight key theories- The latest technological and creative developments in digital photography and image manipulationDK’s Digital Photography Complete Course is a must-have book for photography lovers of all ages, whether you’re a photography or art student seeking to learn more about the subject, or a photography beginner looking to improve your own digital photography techniques. Doubling up as the perfect photography gift book for beginners, Digital Photography Compete Course will help you use your camera to its full potential so that you don’t just take good pictures – you take great ones!
DK How the Body Works: The Facts Simply Explained
This book takes you on the ultimate anatomical adventure around your own body, revealing how little you know about yourself in mind-blowing depth and detail.As part of the best-selling How Things Work series, this biological bonanza uses dynamic graphics, simple science, and accessible text to explore and explain this tricky subject as never before. If you’ve ever wondered why your blood is red, how your reflexes work, what makes you feel dizzy, and where exactly are the butterflies in your tummy, then wonder no more. The answers to all these questions and many others are included in this essential visual guide. From body basics to advanced anatomy, How the Body Works introduces all your weird and wonderful parts and processes, alongside fascinating facts and easy explanations across hundreds of pages. Guaranteed to get your brain in gear, you’ll get to know your physical self in terms of cells, skin, bones, and blood, as well as getting to grips with your emotional side in the psychology of emotions, memories, and dreams. Understand how our bodies keep us alive and thriving with How the Body Works.
DK Are You What You Eat?
Help your child better understand how food fuels and effects our bodies in Are You What You Eat? a book that uses color and fun presentation to communicate nutritional information in a fun and eye-catching way. Kids learn to see their food as more than just taste, learning things like which foods will make you sleepy, how to tell if you're hungry or full, and why our bodies need nutrition. Teach your kids the basics about proteins, taste buds, antioxidants, and more food facts with Are You What You Eat? Because nutritional information is presented through quizzes, questions, facts, and pictures, children are eager to learn from Are You What You Eat? They'll be guided through food facts, how the digestive system works, and how to make smart choices about food and nutrition. Are You What You Eat? may even help picky eaters become a little more adventurous come meal time.