Search results for ""Author Rath"
Fordham University Press The Hawthorn Archive: Letters from the Utopian Margins
The Hawthorn Archive, named after the richly fabled tree, has long welcomed the participants in the various Euro-American social struggles against slavery, racial capitalism, imperialism, and authoritarian forms of order. The Archive is not a library or a research collection in the conventional sense but rather a disorganized and fugitive space for the development of a political consciousness of being indifferent to the deadly forms of power that characterize our society. Housed by the Archive are autonomous radicals, runaways, abolitionists, commoners, and dreamers who no longer live as obedient or merely resistant subjects. In this innovative, genre- and format-bending publication, Avery F. Gordon, the “keeper” of the Archive, presents a selection of its documents—original and compelling essays, letters, cultural analyses, images, photographs, conversations, friendship exchanges, and collaborations with various artists. Gordon creatively uses the imaginary of the Archive to explore the utopian elements found in a variety of resistive and defiant activity in the past and in the present, zeroing in on Marxist critical theory and the black radical tradition. Fusing critical theory with creative writing in a historical context, The Hawthorn Archive represents voices from the utopian margins, where fact, fiction, theory, and image converge. Reminiscent of the later fictions of Italo Calvino or Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project, The Hawthorn Archive is a groundbreaking work that defies strict disciplinary, methodological, and aesthetic boundaries. And like Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination, which established Gordon as one of the most influential interdisciplinary scholars of the humanities and social sciences in recent years, it provides a kaleidoscopic analysis of power and effect. The Hawthorn Archive’s experimental format and inventive synthesis of critical theory and creative writing make way for a powerful reconception of what counts as social change and political action, offering creative inspiration and critical tools to artists, activists, scholars across various disciplines, and general readers alike.
Ohio University Press Spear: Mandela and the Revolutionaries
A revelatory and definitive account of how Nelson Mandela and his peers led South Africa to the brink of revolution against the postwar twentieth century’s most infamously racist regime. Spear: Mandela and the Revolutionaries brings to life the brief revolutionary period in which Nelson Mandela and his comrades fought apartheid not just with words but also with violence. After the 1960 Sharpeville police shootings of civilian protesters, Mandela and his comrades in the mass-resistance order of the African National Congress (ANC) and the Communist Party pioneered the use of force and formed Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), or Spear of the Nation. A civilian-based militia, MK stockpiled weapons and waged a war of sabotage against the state with pipe bombs, Molotov cocktails, and dynamite. In response, the state passed draconian laws, militarized its police, and imprisoned its enemies without trial. Drawing from several hundred first-person accounts, most of which are unpublished, Paul Landau traces Mandela’s allies—and opponents—in communist, pan-Africanist, liberal, and other groups involved in escalating resistance alongside the ANC. After Mandela’s capture, the Pan Africanist Congress planned to initiate street violence, and MK organized Operation Mayibuye, an uprising to be led by trained commandos. The state short-circuited those plans and subsequently jailed, exiled, tortured, and murdered revolutionaries. The era of high apartheid then began. Spear reshapes our understanding of Mandela by focusing on this intense but relatively neglected period of escalation in the movement against apartheid. Landau’s book is not a biography, nor is it a history of a militia or an army; rather, it is a riveting story about ordinary civilians debating and acting together in extremis. Contextualizing Mandela and MK’s activities amid anticolonial change and Black Marxism in the early 1960s, Spear also speaks to today’s transnational antiracism protests and worldwide struggles against oppression.
New York University Press The Mystery of the Rosary: Marian Devotion and the Reinvention of Catholicism
Ever since its appearance in Europe five centuries ago, the rosary has been a widespread, highly visible devotion among Roman Catholics. Its popularity has persisted despite centuries of often seismic social upheaval, cultural change, and institutional reform. In form, the rosary consists of a ritually repeated sequence of prayers accompanied by meditations on episodes in the lives of Christ and Mary. As a devotional object of round beads strung on cord or wire, the rosary has changed very little since its introduction centuries ago. Today, the rosary can be found on virtually every continent, and in the hands of hard-line traditionalists as well as progressive Catholics. It is beloved by popes, professors, protesters, commuters on their way to work, children learning their “first prayers,” and homeless persons seeking shelter and safety. Why has this particular devotional object been so ubiquitous and resilient, especially in the face of Catholicism’s reinvention in the Early Modern, or “Counter-Reformation,” Era? Nathan D. Mitchell argues in lyric prose that to understand the rosary’s adaptability, it is essential to consider the changes Catholicism itself began to experience in the aftermath of the Reformation. Unlike many other scholars of this period, Mitchell argues that after the Reformation Catholicism actually became more innovative and diversified rather than retrenched and monolithic. This innovation was especially evident in the sometimes “subversive”; visual representations of sacred subjects, such as in the paintings of Caravaggio, and in new ways of perceiving the relation between Catholic devotion and the liturgy’s ritual symbols. The rosary was thus involved not only in how Catholics gave flesh to their faith, but in new ways of constructing their personal and collective identity. Ultimately, Mitchell employs the history of the rosary, and the concomitant devotion to the Virgin Mary with which it is associated, as a lens through which to better understand early modern Catholic history.
University of Pennsylvania Press Misogyny: The Male Malady
"Yes, women are the greatest evil Zeus has made, and men are bound to them hand and foot with impossible knots by God."—Semonides, seventh century B.C. Men put women on a pedestal to worship them from afar—and to take better aim at them for the purpose of derision. Why is this paradoxical response to women so widespread, so far-reaching, so all-pervasive? Misogyny, David D. Gilmore suggests, is best described as a male malady, as it has always been a characteristic shared by human societies throughout the world. Misogyny: The Male Malady is a comprehensive historical and anthropological survey of woman-hating that casts new light on this age-old bias. The turmoil of masculinity and the ugliness of misogyny have been well documented in different cultures, but Gilmore's synoptic approach identifies misogyny in a variety of human experiences outside of sex and marriage and makes a fresh and enlightening contribution toward understanding this phenomenon. Gilmore maintains that misogyny is so widespread and so pervasive among men that it must be at least partly psychogenic in origin, a result of identical experiences in the male developmental cycle, rather than caused by the environment alone. Presenting a wealth of compelling examples—from the jungles of New Guinea to the boardrooms of corporate America—Gilmore shows that misogynistic practices occur in hauntingly identical forms. He asserts that these deep and abiding male anxieties stem from unresolved conflicts between men's intense need for and dependence upon women and their equally intense fear of that dependence. However, misogyny, according to Gilmore, is also often supported and intensified by certain cultural realities, such as patrilineal social organization; kinship ideologies that favor fraternal solidarity over conjugal unity; chronic warfare, feuding, or other forms of intergroup violence; and religious orthodoxy or asceticism. Gilmore is in the end able to offer steps toward the discovery of antidotes to this irrational but global prejudice, providing an opportunity for a lasting cure to misogyny and its manifestations.
Stanford University Press The Street Politics of Abortion: Speech, Violence, and America's Culture Wars
The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade stands as a historic victory for abortion-rights activists. But rather than serving as the coda to what had been a comparatively low-profile social conflict, the decision mobilized a wave of anti-abortion protests and ignited a heated struggle that continues to this day. Picking up the story in the contentious decades that followed Roe, The Street Politics of Abortion is the first book to consider the rise and fall of clinic-front protests through the 1980s and 1990s, the most visible and contentious period in U.S. reproductive politics. Joshua Wilson considers how street level protests lead to three seminal Court decisions—Planned Parenthood v. Williams, Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network of Western N.Y., and Hill v. Colorado. The eventual demise of street protests via these cases taught anti-abortion activists the value of incremental institutional strategies that could produce concrete policy gains without drawing the public's attention. Activists on both sides ultimately moved—often literally—from the streets to fight in state legislative halls and courtrooms. At its core, the story of clinic-front protests is the story of the Christian Right's mercurial assent as a force in American politics. As the conflict moved from the street, to the courts, and eventually to legislative halls, the competing sides came to rely on a network of lawyers and professionals to champion their causes. New Christian Right institutions—including Pat Robertson's American Center for Law and Justice and the Regent University Law School, and Jerry Falwell's Liberty University School of Law—trained elite activists for their "front line" battles in government. Wilson demonstrates how the abortion-rights movement, despite its initial success with Roe, has since faced continuous challenges and difficulties, while the anti-abortion movement continues to gain strength in spite of its losses.
Stanford University Press Taking Our Pulse: The Health of America's Women
Taking Our Pulse is a book about women's health: what it is, why it is the way it is, and what needs to be done to improve it. It differs from many other books about the health of women by: integrating up-to-date medical research with practical information for use in daily lives; offering a way of looking at health issues affecting women that accentuates their living better rather than just longer; emphasizing a developmental approach by examining health issues at different stages of the life cycle; and using a lucid, almost conversational, style of presentation that makes complex medical conditions and procedures readily intelligible to lay readers. Furthermore, it is written by a woman who is a physician, an educator of future physicians, a medical researcher, and a student of feminism. Because the field of medicine has been traditionally dominated and controlled by men, male constructs have largely defined the causes and remedies of women's health problems. A host of myths has accumulated about women's health—the beliefs that most women's health problems are related to their reproductive function and that women tend to have more emotional diseases than physical ones. Even today, such simplistic and medically unsound views persist and are reflected in the amount of insufficient research conducted on the specific health needs of women. One of the major aims of this book is to expose these myths, in the process re-educating not only physicians but women themselves, who have been socialized to accept them unquestioningly. After four chapters that deal with life-span differences in women's health (childhood and adolescence, early adulthood, the perimenopausal years, and the older years), the book considers the following topics: sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy and its prevention, mental health, substance abuse, violence (including sexual and child abuse, rape, domestic violence, and elder abuse), nutrition, medical care, women as doctors, and choosing the right physician.
Columbia University Press Hidden Dimensions: The Unification of Physics and Consciousness
Bridging the gap between the world of science and the realm of the spiritual, B. Alan Wallace introduces a natural theory of human consciousness that has its roots in contemporary physics and Buddhism. Wallace's "special theory of ontological relativity" suggests that mental phenomena are conditioned by the brain, but do not emerge from it. Rather, the entire natural world of mind and matter, subjects and objects, arises from a unitary dimension of reality that is more fundamental than these dualities, as proposed by Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung. To test his hypothesis, Wallace employs the Buddhist meditative practice of samatha, refining one's attention and metacognition, to create a kind of telescope to examine the space of the mind. Drawing on the work of the physicist John Wheeler, he then proposes a more general theory in which the participatory nature of reality is envisioned as a self-excited circuit. In comparing these ideas to the Buddhist theory known as the Middle Way philosophy, Wallace explores further aspects of his "general theory of ontological relativity," which can be investigated by means of vipasyana, or insight, meditation. Wallace then focuses on the theme of symmetry in reference to quantum cosmology and the "problem of frozen time," relating these issues to the theory and practices of the Great Perfection school of Tibetan Buddhism. He concludes with a discussion of the general theme of complementarity as it relates to science and religion. The theories of relativity and quantum mechanics were major achievements in the physical sciences, and the theory of evolution has had an equally deep impact on the life sciences. However, rigorous scientific methods do not yet exist to observe mental phenomena, and naturalism has its limits for shedding light on the workings of the mind. A pioneer of modern consciousness research, Wallace offers a practical and revolutionary method for exploring the mind that combines the keenest insights of contemporary physicists and philosophers with the time-honored meditative traditions of Buddhism.
The Pragmatic Programmers Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
Ruby, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, Clojure, Haskell. With Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, by Bruce A. Tate, you'll go beyond the syntax-and beyond the 20-minute tutorial you'll find someplace online. This book has an audacious goal: to present a meaningful exploration of seven languages within a single book. Rather than serve as a complete reference or installation guide, Seven Languages hits what's essential and unique about each language. Moreover, this approach will help teach you how to grok new languages. For each language, you'll solve a nontrivial problem, using techniques that show off the language's most important features. As the book proceeds, you'll discover the strengths and weaknesses of the languages, while dissecting the process of learning languages quickly--for example, finding the typing and programming models, decision structures, and how you interact with them. Among this group of seven, you'll explore the most critical programming models of our time. Learn the dynamic typing that makes Ruby, Python, and Perl so flexible and compelling. Understand the underlying prototype system that's at the heart of JavaScript. See how pattern matching in Prolog shaped the development of Scala and Erlang. Discover how pure functional programming in Haskell is different from the Lisp family of languages, including Clojure. Explore the concurrency techniques that are quickly becoming the backbone of a new generation of Internet applications. Find out how to use Erlang's let-it-crash philosophy for building fault-tolerant systems. Understand the actor model that drives concurrency design in Io and Scala. Learn how Clojure uses versioning to solve some of the most difficult concurrency problems. It's all here, all in one place. Use the concepts from one language to find creative solutions in another-or discover a language that may become one of your favorites.
University of Pennsylvania Press Why Don't American Cities Burn?
At 1:27 on the morning of August 4, 2005, Herbert Manes fatally stabbed Robert Monroe, known as Shorty, in a dispute over five dollars. It was a horrific yet mundane incident for the poor, heavily African American neighborhood of North Philadelphia—one of seven homicides to occur in the city that day and yet not make the major newspapers. For Michael B. Katz, an urban historian and a juror on the murder trial, the story of Manes and Shorty exemplified the marginalization, social isolation, and indifference that plague American cities. Introduced by the gripping narrative of this murder and its circumstances, Why Don't American Cities Burn? charts the emergence of the urban forms that underlie such events. Katz traces the collision of urban transformation with the rightward-moving social politics of late twentieth- and early twenty-first-century America. He shows how the bifurcation of black social structures produced a new African American inequality and traces the shift from images of a pathological black "underclass" to praise of the entrepreneurial poor who take advantage of new technologies of poverty work to find the beginning of the path to the middle class. He explores the reasons American cities since the early 1970s have remained relatively free of collective violence while black men in bleak inner-city neighborhoods have turned their rage inward on one another rather than on the agents and symbols of a culture and political economy that exclude them. The book ends with a meditation on how the political left and right have come to believe that urban transformation is inevitably one of failure and decline abetted by the response of government to deindustrialization, poverty, and race. How, Katz asks, can we construct a new narrative that acknowledges the dark side of urban history even as it demonstrates the capacity of government to address the problems of cities and their residents? How can we create a politics of modest hope?
De Gruyter Alpha Males and Alpha Females: Male executives from around the world on how to increase gender diversity in senior management
What do international male business leaders have to say about gender diversity, the rise of talented women into management and the opportunities for the sexes to work together harmoniously in boardrooms – as well as the obstacles that stand in the way? When most people think manager, they think male. Boardrooms around the world are still dominated by ‘alpha’ men and their assertive, decisive leadership styles. Meanwhile, their female counterparts, alpha women, remain underrepresented in almost every country. Many women feel they’ve been excluded and are calling for equality. This book offers a fresh perspective on gender roles that moves away from the old paradigm of male domination and female victimhood. It argues that companies that want to succeed need to productively combine and leverage off the strengths offered by men and women. It covers how mixed leadership teams can be made the norm in international companies. To find some answers, Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski interviewed senior male executives from eleven countries. These ‘alpha men’ agree that women and their abilities should be better represented on company boards. They believe the current imbalance is due to a mix of talented women’s reluctance to pursue their career ambitions along with the barriers created by existing power structures. Male managers fear losing face and being shown up by strong women. They want recognition, rather than aggression, from their female colleagues. The interviewees also discuss what they see as women’s strengths, such as their positive, calming influence in male-dominated meetings, and comment on sensitive topics such as #MeToo and the influence of ‘erotic capital’ and ‘old boys’ networks’. The book presents the men’s views in their own words, complemented by alternative perspectives from top female executives. Al-Sadik-Lowinski’s analysis shows how both sexes can work together in international companies to build a brighter, sustainable future. Alpha Males and Alpha Females seeks to promote greater equality at senior levels in global companies, with mixed leadership teams made up of both qualified men and qualified women. It gives women who are interested in pursuing a management career an insight into men’s views, as well as advice on their personal career development. And it suggests strategies that executives can adopt to strengthen diversity, build mixed leadership teams and secure their companies’ long-term success.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Power Phone Scripts: 500 Word-for-Word Questions, Phrases, and Conversations to Open and Close More Sales
Start closing sales like top producers! Have you ever found yourself at a loss for what to say when the gatekeeper asks you what your call is about? Have your palms ever sweated when the decision maker shuts you down with: “I wouldn’t be interested”? Has your heart taken a fast dive into your stomach when, at the start of your presentation, your prospect tells you that they’ve thought about it and are just going to pass? If you’re in sales, then the question isn’t “Have you ever felt this way?”, but rather, “How often do you feel this way? Are you finally ready to learn how to confidently and effectively overcome these objections, stalls, and blow-offs? If so, Power Phone Scripts was written for you! Unlike other books on sales that tell you what you should do (like build value – hard to do when the prospect is hanging up on you!), Power Phone Scripts provides word-for-word scripts, phrases, questions, and comebacks that you can use on your very next call. Learn to overcome resistance, get through to the decision maker, and then, once you have him or her on the phone, make an instant connection and earn the right to have a meaningful conversation. You’ll be equipped with proven questions, conversation starters, and techniques to learn whether or not they are even right for your product or service, and, if they aren’t, who else in their company or another department might be. Power Phone Scripts is the sales manual you’ve been looking for: over 500 proven, current, and non-salesy phrases, rebuttals, questions, and conversation openers that will instantly make you sound more confident – just like the top producing sales pros do right now. Gone will be your call reluctance; gone will be your fear of calling prospects back for presentations and demos; gone will be the fear of asking for the sale at the end of your pitch! This practical guide is filled with effective scripts for prospecting, emailing, voice mails, closes, and tons of rebuttals to recurring objections you get like: “It costs too much” “We already have a vendor for that” “I’m going to need to think about it” “I need to talk to the boss or committee” and so many others… More than just phone scripts, this book provides practical, comprehensive guidance that every inside sales rep needs. Conquer concerns, provide answers, motivate action, and be the conduit between your prospect’s problems and your solution. Actionable, fun, and designed to work within the current sales environment, this invaluable guide is your ticket to the top of the leader board. With Power Phone Scripts, you will never be at a loss of what to say to a prospect or client. Communication is everything in sales, and being on top of your game is no longer enough when top producers are playing a different game altogether. You cannot achieve winning stats if you're not even on the field. If you're ready to join the big league, Power Phone Scripts is the playbook you need to win at inside sales.
Coach House Books Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space
A CBC BOOKS BEST NONFICTION OF 2020AN ENTROPY MAGAZINE BEST NONFICTION 2020/21A NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOK OF THE DAY (07/23/2022)Fairy tales shape how we see the world, so what happens when you identify more with the Beast than Beauty?If every disabled character is mocked and mistreated, how does the Beast ever imagine a happily-ever-after? Amanda Leduc looks at fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm to Disney, showing us how they influence our expectations and behaviour and linking the quest for disability rights to new kinds of stories that celebrate difference."Historically we have associated the disabled body image and disabled life with an unhappy ending” – Sue Carter, Toronto Star"Leduc persuasively illustrates the power of stories to affect reality in this painstakingly researched and provocative study that invites us to consider our favorite folktales from another angle." – Sara Shreve, Library Journal"She [Leduc] argues that template is how society continues to treat the disabled: rather than making the world accessible for everyone, the disabled are often asked to adapt to inaccessible environments." – Ryan Porter, Quill & Quire"Read this smart, tenacious book." – The Washington Post"A brilliant young critic named Amanda Leduc explores this pernicious power of language in her new book, Disfigured … Leduc follows the bread crumbs back into her original experience with fairy tales – and then explores their residual effects … Read this smart, tenacious book." – The Washington Post"Leduc investigates the intersection between disability and her beloved fairy tales, questioning the constructs of these stories and where her place is, as a disabled woman, among those narratives." – The Globe and Mail"It gave me goosebumps as I read, to see so many of my unexpressed, half-formed thoughts in print. My highlighter got a good workout." – BookRiot"Disfigured is not just an eye-opener when it comes to the Disney princess crew and the Marvel universe – this thin volume provides the tools to change how readers engage with other kinds of popular media, from horror films to fashion magazines to outdated sitcom jokes." – Quill & Quire“It’s an essential read for anyone who loves fairy tales.” – Buzzfeed Books"Leduc makes one thing clear and beautifully so – fairy tales are fundamentally fantastic, but that doesn’t mean that they are beyond reproach in their depiction of real issues and identities." – Shrapnel Magazine"As Leduc takes us through these fairy tales and the space they occupy in the narratives that we construct, she slowly unfolds a call-to-action: the claiming of space for disability in storytelling." – The Globe and Mail"A provocative beginning to a thoughtful and wide-ranging book, one which explores some of the most primal stories readers have encountered and prompts them to ponder the subtext situated there all along." – LitHub"a poignant and informative account of how the stories we tell shape our collective understanding of one another.” – BookMarks "What happens when we allow disabled writers to tell stories of disability within fairytales and in magical and supernatural settings? It is a reimagining of the fairytale canon we need. Leduc dares to dream of a world that most stories envision is unattainable." – Bitch Media
Beta-Plus Michael del Piero: Traveled and Textural
Interiors designed by Michael Del Piero are full of delightful contradictions. She designs minimalist rooms rich with historical character, meticulously edited gallery-like spaces that still have the comforting warmth of home, and breezy abodes with crisp architectural details that feel tailored rather than severe. But the fact that her projects, sprinkled across the United States, come off as reassuringly familiar yet entirely fresh, as they blend elements of American and European style, is a direct result of her background. The designer was born and raised in Chicago. She worked for decades as a business coach, advising executives at Fortune 500 companies on how to further their goals, inspire their people and energise their operations. At the same time, she dove head-first into design, almost without realising it. Thrilled by the hunt for distinctive antiques, unusual objects and compelling art, she loved few things more than combing auction houses and flea markets for unexpected finds. Enjoying herself too much to go back to corporate consulting, Del Piero took on the mantle of antiques dealer, and began making regular buying trips to Europe and hosting biannual sales, composing a different interior design scheme in a different house each time. Every sale was more successful than the last, but it didn’t take long for some of her customers to see the larger picture: the objects Del Piero brought back were beautiful, but it was the way she used them to create cohesive, compelling interiors that was the real attraction. One of those customers eventually asked Del Piero to design her home. She spent the next year designing every aspect of the client’s Chicago house while learning how to manage a construction site. When it was finished, the home was published and widely lauded, and Del Piero’s interior design firm was off and running. She formally established her studio in 2007. Since then, the designer’s work has been rooted in her early travels and experiences, and reflects her natural curiosity and embrace of decorative arts from different cultures and periods. As her studio has grown, the scale of her projects has grown as well, creating more opportunities to expand her creative vision. Today, she embraces an increasingly holistic approach to design as her projects move beyond interior design to architecture. She is conceiving new-construction houses built from the ground up, including an oceanfront house in Florida and a multibuilding compound on the site of an old hunting lodge in Westchester, New York, as well as interiors for a sleek new modernist house in Amagansett, a stately Upper East Side apartment in Manhattan and the overhaul of a historic greystone on Chicago’s Gold Coast. Some projects appear more polished than others, but all feature overlapping elements that might seem incongruous in less skilled hands: refinement mixed with rusticity, artful composition without pretension and exacting details that nevertheless contribute to an inviting sense of calm.
WW Norton & Co Carville's Cure: Leprosy, Stigma, and the Fight for Justice
The Mississippi River between Baton Rouge and New Orleans curls around an old sugar plantation that long housed one of America’s most painful secrets. Locals knew it as Carville, the site of the only leprosy colony in the continental United States, where generations of afflicted Americans were isolated—often against their will and until their deaths. Following the trail of an unexpected family connection, acclaimed journalist Pam Fessler has unearthed the lost world of the patients, nurses, doctors, and researchers at Carville who struggled for over a century to eradicate Hansen’s disease, the modern name for leprosy. Amid widespread public anxiety about foreign contamination and contagion, patients were deprived of basic rights—denied the right to vote, restricted from leaving Carville, and often forbidden from contact with their own parents or children. Neighbors fretted over their presence and newspapers warned of their dangerous condition, which was seen as a biblical “curse” rather than a medical diagnosis. Though shunned by their fellow Americans, patients surprisingly made Carville more a refuge than a prison. Many carved out meaningful lives, building a vibrant community and finding solace, brotherhood, and even love behind the barbed-wire fence that surrounded them. Among the memorable figures we meet in Fessler’s masterful narrative are John Early, a pioneering crusader for patients’ rights, and the unlucky Landry siblings—all five of whom eventually called Carville home—as well as a butcher from New York, a 19-year-old debutante from New Orleans, and a pharmacist from Texas who became the voice of Carville around the world. Though Jim Crow reigned in the South and racial animus prevailed elsewhere, Carville took in people of all faiths, colors, and backgrounds. Aided by their heroic caretakers, patients rallied to find a cure for Hansen’s disease and to fight the insidious stigma that surrounded it. Weaving together a wealth of archival material with original interviews as well as firsthand accounts from her own family, Fessler has created an enthralling account of a lost American history. In our new age of infectious disease, Carville’s Cure demonstrates the necessity of combating misinformation and stigma if we hope to control the spread of illness without demonizing victims and needlessly destroying lives.
International Society for Technology in Education Storytelling With Purpose: Digital Projects to Ignite Student Curiosity
Learn how to embrace the power of digital storytelling with your students, and reframe the learning process as one based on curiosity, purpose and joy.Storytelling enables us to make sense of the world and bring order to our thinking. Now more than ever, students are hungry for authentic learning experiences that offer opportunities to make an impact beyond the classroom. With practical advice and examples of how to plan, create, publish and assess student stories, this book offers a fresh approach to digital storytelling. And it includes evidence-based, classroom-tested guidance on how to provide students with the tools and structure they need to develop a mindset of curiosity, agency and purpose.Establishing digital storytelling as a framework for learning rather than a separate add-on project or a way to record work being done in other subject areas, the book covers various types of digital storytelling--from infographics and social media posts to podcasts and video documentaries--and demonstrates how to choose the best ways to incorporate digital storytelling into curricula.Student examples and teacher case studies provide inspiration on how to integrate the practice into classrooms of all grade levels and subject areas.The book: Shows how to create uncheatable assessments through student-created story projects Helps educators create meaningful learning experiences by integrating edtech tools and storytelling into their curriculum. Shows how storytelling can help students activate higher-level thinking to conduct research, process ideas and information, and share the synthesis of these ideas with an audience. Illustrates how digital storytelling can help develop a mindset of collaboration, mental agility and resilience. Presents student examples, teacher case studies and sample lessons to demonstrate how to integrate student stories into curriculum in authentic ways. Offers flexibility, through sample projects that vary in degree of difficulty, so teachers can choose the best option based on their resources and unique situation. More than a practical edtech guide, this book explores the why behind digital storytelling as much as the how. Educators will learn how to help students explore cultural and historical context, develop social emotional resiliency, and develop the skills they need to become engaged global citizens.
University of Hawai'i Press Protectors and Predators: Gods of Medieval Japan Volume 2
Written by one of the leading scholars of Japanese religion, Protectors and Predators is the second installment of a multivolume project that promises to be a milestone in our understanding of the mythico-ritual system of esoteric Buddhism—specifically the nature and roles of deities in the religious world of medieval Japan and beyond. Bernard Faure introduces readers to medieval Japanese religiosity and shows the centrality of the gods in religious discourse and ritual. Throughout he engages theoretical insights drawn from structuralism, post-structuralism, and Actor-Network Theory to retrieve the “implicit pantheon” (as opposed to the “explicit orthodox pantheon”) of esoteric Japanese Buddhism (Mikky?). His work is particularly significant given its focus on the deities’ multiple and shifting representations, overlappings, and modes of actions rather than on individual characters and functions.In Protectors and Predators Faure argues that the “wild” gods of Japan were at the center of the medieval religious landscape and came together in complex webs of association not divisible into the categories of “Buddhist,” “indigenous,” or “Shinto.” Furthermore, among the most important medieval gods, certain ones had roots in Hinduism, others in Daoism and Yin-Yang thought. He displays vast knowledge of his subject and presents his research—much of it in largely unstudied material—with theoretical sophistication. His arguments and analyses assume the centrality of the iconographic record as a complement to the textual record, and so he has brought together a rich and rare collection of more than 170 color and black-and-white images. This emphasis on iconography and the ways in which it complements, supplements, or deconstructs textual orthodoxy is critical to a fuller comprehension of a set of medieval Japanese beliefs and practices and offers a corrective to the traditional division of the field into religious studies, which typically ignores the images, and art history, which oftentimes overlooks their ritual and religious meaning.Protectors and Predators and its companion volumes should persuade readers that the gods constituted a central part of medieval Japanese religion and that the latter cannot be reduced to a simplistic confrontation, parallelism, or complementarity between some monolithic teachings known as “Buddhism” and “Shinto.” Once these reductionist labels and categories are discarded, a new and fascinating religious landscape begins to unfold.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Brian Wilson
Brian Wilson is a musical genius. Ever since British press agent Derek Taylor launched a publicity campaign with that theme to promote the landmark LP Pet Sounds in 1966, some variation of that claim has been obligatory when discussing the significance of the Beach Boys' founder and chief composer. Originally designed to liberate Wilson from his outmoded image as a purveyor of sun-and-surf teen pop so the symphonic sophistication of his music might be properly appreciated, the assertion has been repeated so often in the forty-plus years since as to render it virtually meaningless. Indeed, if anything, the label today seems an albatross around the man's neck, inasmuch as Wilson's slow-but-steady reemergence as a working musician since 1998 after three decades of mental illness and drug abuse, has been freighted with expectations that he again produce something as epochal as Good VibrationsA" to justify the adoration he inspires in impassioned defenders. Brian Wilson interrogates this and other paradigms that stymie critical appreciation of Wilson's work both with the Beach Boys and as a solo artist.This is the first study of Wilson to eschew chronology in favor of a topical organization that allows discussion of lyrical themes and musical motifs outside of any prejudicial presumptions about their place in the trajectory of his career. The meanings of Brian Wilson's work have tended to be determined by the well-known storyline of his rise, fall, and redemption.A" From abused child to seemingly unstoppable hit-maker to eccentric with a living-room sandbox to the 300-pound Orson Wells of rockA" to the heavily medicated Icarus figure with the full-time Svengali psychiatrist to his current incarnation as a fragile, elder-statesman survivor, Brian Wilson has, quite simply, lived the most celebrated bizarre life in pop music. Its sheer Shakespearean proportions have overshadowed a beauty and gentleness of spirit that is as vibrant in Farmer's DaughterA" (1963) as it is in recent efforts such as Live Let LiveA" (2008).While no one would disagree that Wilson peakedA" in 1966 with Pet Sounds his current CD, That Old Lucky Sun (2008), finds him creating beautiful music steeped in Americana that deserves discussion on its own terms rather than as a coda to the accomplishments of his gold-record youth.
Bonnier Books Ltd Healthy Forever: The Happiest Weight Loss Book Ever!
'We all have our own battles and in this book, I've decided to be completely honest about mine. I've struggled with my weight, tried multiple fad diets, binged on tubs of ice cream and, in darker times, been scarily obsessed with food. It's been tough seeking that healthy balance in life: trying to lose weight and maintain it has been one of the hardest challenges I've faced. But I've finally found the answer, I've successfully sustained the results and am sharing my recipes and tips with you in this book, so that is why this is the happiest weight loss book ever! I promise that once you read this book, you will never look back.' Connie SimmondsConnie Simmonds, former marketing manager and make-up artist decided to get HEALTHY after years of yo-yo dieting and all sorts of attempts to get 'skinny'. A shocking visit to the doctors aged just 24 Connie was diagnosed with a severe stomach infection and a fatty liver. This was the wake-up call she needed and since focusing on her long-term health rather than quick fixes and instant weight loss, she has dropped 2 dress sizes, sustained it and inspired thousands to do the same. Healthy Forever comes with 60 delicious, well balanced meals that Connie has personally devised using her nutritional knowledge and complete and utter love and passion for food. You'll find an array of comforting dishes, chocolate recipes and even recipes for those days that you simply cannot be bothered to cook. Healthy Forever is like no other recipe book, it is refreshingly fun and light hearted with touching moments of struggle and fight. Connie Simmonds' first cookbook takes you on the most personal and honest journey as she reflects on her past and what brought her here today as a credible advocate for healthy weight loss. Connie wants her readers to understand that they are not alone, the struggle to lose weight is real but it doesn't have to be forever. You can finally get healthy, lose weight and be happy, just like she did - not just for today but forever!
Taylor & Francis Inc Color by Number: Understanding Racism Through Facts and Stats on Children
Many deny that racism remains pervasive in America today. How can we open eyes to the continuing disadvantages that keep many people of color from fulfilling their potential, and having an equal chance to achieve the “American Dream”?By presenting the impact of racism on the most innocent and powerless members of society– children of color – in the form of statistics, this book aims to change attitudes and perceptions. Children have no say about where they are born or what school they attend. They have no control over whether or not they get medical treatment when they fall ill. They can’t avoid exposure if their home is in a community blighted by pollution. The questions this book poses are: What responsibility do we expect children to take for their life circumstances? Do those conditions blight their futures? If they aren’t responsible, who is? Are some in society privileged and complicit in denying people of color the advantages and protections from harm most of us take for granted? Through the cumulative effect of official statistics rather than the more usual reliance on anecdote – by taking a “show me the numbers!” approach – this book will open minds, start conversations, and even prompt readers to take action. While the numbers are official they are often hard to find because they are scattered across so many sources. Art Munin has not only done the research, but shows the reader how to locate data on racial and socio-economic disparities, and develop her or his own case or classroom project.Color by Number takes as its metaphorical point of departure the familiar children’s activity of that name. Art Munin has painstakingly researched and gathered the numbers, and has filled in the spaces to reveal the hidden picture of racism in America from the perspectives of health, the environment, the law, and education.This book is intended as a fact-based, antiracism text for diversity and social justice courses, and as a resource for diversity and social justice educators as they craft their race, racism, and White privilege curricula. Art Munin’s multidisciplinary approach – drawing on scholarly work from medicine, law, sociology, psychology, and education – provides the reader with a comprehensive way to understand the pervasiveness of racism.
Rutgers University Press Ethnic Humor in Multiethnic America
When wielded by the white majority, ethnic humor can be used to ridicule and demean marginalized groups. In the hands of ethnic minorities themselves, ethnic humor can work as a site of community building and resistance. In nearly all cases, however, ethnic humor can serve as a window through which to examine the complexities of American race relations. In Ethnic Humor in Multiethnic America, David Gillota explores the ways in which contemporary comic works both reflect and participate in national conversations about race and ethnicity.Gillota investigates the manner in which various humorists respond to multiculturalism and the increasing diversity of the American population. Rather than looking at one or two ethnic groups at a time—as is common scholarly practice—the book focuses on the interplay between humorists from different ethnic communities. While some comic texts project a fantasy world in which diverse ethnic characters coexist in a rarely disputed harmony, others genuinely engage with the complexities and contradictions of multiethnic America.The first chapter focuses on African American comedy with a discussion of such humorists as Paul Mooney and Chris Rock, who tend to reinforce a black/white vision of American race relations. This approach is contrasted to the comedy of Dave Chappelle, who looks beyond black and white and uses his humor to place blackness within a much wider multiethnic context. Chapter 2 concentrates primarily on the Jewish humorists Sarah Silverman, Larry David, and Sacha Baron Cohen—three artists who use their personas to explore the peculiar position of contemporary Jews who exist in a middle space between white and other. In chapter 3, Gillota discusses different humorous constructions of whiteness, from a detailed analysis of South Park to “Blue Collar Comedy” and the blog Stuff White People Like.Chapter 4 is focused on the manner in which animated children’s film and the network situation comedy often project simplified and harmonious visions of diversity. In contrast, chapter 5 considers how many recent works, such as Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and the Showtime series Weeds, engage with diversity in more complex and productive ways.
Cornell University Press Deaf in Japan: Signing and the Politics of Identity
Karen Nakamura combines history, life histories, ethnographic observation, and politico-linguistic analysis of sign language in Japan to open up sensible and much-needed debate on the multiplicity of the Japanese and their culture.―Sonia Ryang, The Johns Hopkins University Until the mid-1970s, deaf people in Japan had few legal rights and little social recognition. Legally, they were classified as minors or mentally deficient, unable to obtain driver's licenses or sign contracts and wills. Many worked at menial tasks or were constantly unemployed, and schools for the deaf taught a difficult regimen of speechreading and oral speech methods rather than signing. After several decades of activism, deaf men and women are now largely accepted within mainstream Japanese society. Deaf in Japan, a groundbreaking study of deaf identity, minority politics, and sign language, traces the history of the deaf community in Japan, from the establishment of the first schools for the deaf in the 1870s to the birth of deaf activist movements in the postwar period and current "culture wars" over signing and assimilation. Drawing on archival and ethnographic research and in-depth interviews with deaf men and women from three generations, Karen Nakamura examines shifting attitudes toward and within the deaf community. Nakamura suggests that the notion of "deaf identity" is intimately linked with the Japanese view of modernization and Westernization. The left-affiliated Japanese Federation of the Deaf embraces an assimilationist position, promoting lip-reading and other forms of accommodation with mainstream society. In recent years, however, young disability advocates, exponents of an American-style radical separatism, have promoted the use of Japanese Sign Language. Nakamura, who signs in both ASL and JSL, finds that deafness has social characteristics typical of both ethnic minority and disability status, comparing the changing deaf community with other Japanese minority groups such as the former Burakumin, the Okinawans, and zainichi Koreans. Her account of the language wars that have erupted around Japanese signing gives evidence of broader changes in attitudes regarding disability, identity, and culture in Japan.
O'Reilly Media Advanced Perl Programming 2e
With a worldwide community of users and more than a million dedicated programmers, Perl has proven to be the most effective language for the latest trends in computing and business. Every programmer must keep up with the latest tools and techniques. This updated version of Advanced Perl Programming from O'Reilly gives you the essential knowledge of the modern Perl programmer. Whatever your current level of Perl expertise, this book will help you push your skills to the next level and become a more accomplished programmer. O'Reilly's most high-level Perl tutorial to date, Advanced Perl Programming, Second Edition teaches you all the complex techniques for production-ready Perl programs. This completely updated guide clearly explains concepts such as introspection, overriding built-ins, extending Perl's object-oriented model, and testing your code for greater stability. Other topics include: * Complex data structures * Parsing * Templating toolkits * Working with natural language data * Unicode * Interaction with C and other languages In addition, this guide demystifies once complex topics like object-relational mapping and event-based development-arming you with everything you need to completely upgrade your skills. Praise for the Second Edition: "Sometimes the biggest hurdle to problem solving isn't the subject itself but rather the sheer number of modules Perl provides. Advanced Perl Programming walks you through Perl's TMTOWTDI ("There's More Than One Way To Do It") forest, explaining and comparing the best modules for each task so you can intelligently apply them in a variety of situations." --Rocco Caputo, lead developer of POE "It has been said that sufficiently advanced Perl code is indistinguishable from magic. This book of spells goes a long way to unlocking those secrets. It has the power to transform the most humble programmer into a Perl wizard." --Andy Wardley "The information here isn't theoretical. It presents tools and techniques for solving real problems cleanly and elegantly." --Curtis 'Ovid' Poe " Advanced Perl Programming collects hard-earned knowledge from some of the best programmers in the Perl community, and explains it in a way that even novices can apply immediately." --chromatic, Editor of
John Wiley & Sons Inc Engaging 'Hard to Reach' Parents: Teacher-Parent Collaboration to Promote Children's Learning
Engaging ‘Hard to Reach’ Parents “This is a readable yet academically rigorous book that draws together findings from contemporary theory, research and practice. It provides a range of positive and constructive approaches for schools and other organizations which will help them to meet the challenge of engaging effectively with parents, and in so doing improve the quality of education for all children, especially those from disadvantaged communities.”Peter Farrell, Sarah Fielden Professor of Special Needs and Educational Psychology, School of Education, University of Manchester “Clarity and integrity permeate this important book. An excellent variety of real-life examples of school–parent collaboration is discussed, and the balance of policy, theory and practice is outstandingly well-handled. This highly readable book will appeal to both practitioners and education students from the UK and from international contexts.”Professor Gary Thomas, Head of School of Education, University of Birmingham Teachers often comment that the parents they most want to speak to have least contact with the school. There are many reasons why families’ participation in schooling may be low – from difficulties with English to pressures of work – but there is consistent evidence that all parents are acutely interested in their children’s education and want to know how to help. Parents are a child’s first and most enduring teachers, and they create home environments where children spend much of their waking lives. Their involvement has an impact throughout children’s school careers. In Engaging ‘Hard to Reach’ Parents, Anthony Feiler emphasizes what schools can do to facilitatethe communication process, rather than adopting a ‘blaming’ or ‘deficit’ view of families. Real-world case studies of initiatives that promote effective cooperation between parents and teachers are presented, allowing readers to learn about successful strategies rooted in practical experience. Feiler highlights the particular benefits of home–school collaboration in circumstances that are challenging, and focuses on tactics that schools can adopt in order to better engage with so-called ‘hard to reach’ parents. By supporting the drive for stronger relationships between schools and the communities they serve, this book makes an important contribution to the development of inclusive education.
Thinkers Publishing The Modernized Delayed Benoni
The advantage of “our” Benoni is based on a waiting approach. Black would like to choose a perfect moment to play …e6xd5, waiting for White to adopt some piece setup that turns out to be inconvenient for him after this exchange. At the same time, we would like to avoid some dangerous or deeply explored variations like the Flick-Knife (a.k.a Taimanov) or systems where White can place his bishop on the optimal f4-square. A lot of variations in this book can also be useful for King’s Indian players, as a main or alternative way to play. My own journey in the world of the Delayed Benoni started when I was a King’s Indian kind of guy! As every rose has its thorn, so White can annoy us by answering our …e6xd5 not with the routine c4xd5 but rather with e4xd5. This produces a completely different pawn formation, with an open e-file. White enjoys a space advantage but Black has his chances. And just as White can depart from the well-trodden path with e4xd5, so Black can dispense with the almost automatic …e6xd5 and instead play …e6-e5, producing a sort of King’s Indian formation. In the Main Line, covered in Chapter 4, White has already played h2-h3 and this pawn can become a target when Black gets his kingside attack moving. Our opponent can force us into a Modern Benoni, by playing f3 (Sämisch) or f4 (Four Pawns). I think that I have succeeded defending Black’s case, even finding some important nuances improving on the existing theory. From my personal experience, the only way for White to achieve some advantage is the h3 and Bd3 variation with e4xd5, the Main Variation covered in Chapter 4. The problem for White, though, is that Black can answer that line in many different ways. So White must be thoroughly prepared and acquainted with all the nuances of our system. And even then, White’s advantage is just a “normal” one. I give a different approach to this variation, three (!) different ways for Black to respond. The reader can also, through the game commentaries, see the development of the variation in my practice. In my opinion, the Delayed Benoni is a kind of mystery for White also, since it has not been covered deeply enough in chess publications. So I think that this work could be useful for White players, too.
Loom Press North & South Ireland: Before Good Friday & the Celtic Tiger
The photographs in this book were taken between 1982 through 1985. At that time Ireland had one of the poorest economies and highest rate of emigration in Europe. And across the border the Northern Ireland economy was being crippled by ongoing sectarian violence, the English army occupation, and hunger strikes against Margaret Thatchers IRA policies. This all began to change in the mid-1980s with the rise of the Celtic Tiger, brought about by new economic policies that welcomed foreign high-tech companies to Ireland. And later, in the 1990s, the Good Friday Agreement finally brought peace to Northern Ireland. This book is a snapshot of life in the Irelands before Good Friday and the Celtic Tiger. Mostly gone now but not forgotten. With North & South Ireland: Before Good Friday and the Celtic Tiger, James Higgins adds to his remarkable photography portfolio a set of astonishing images of people and places on an island that was on the cusp of enormous change. Hes cracked open a time capsule to reveal the enduring beauty, emotional power, and arresting visual facts of a land in two parts whose boundary lines fade under the photographers eye. In the middle 1980s, Higgins travelled to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland several times. Initially, he was not searching for ancestors or out to explore a popular world destination. Rather, beginning with his first journey he was drawn in by Irish soulfulness. He did touch his roots among relatives in County Leitrim, but his curiosity sent him around the island to see what he could see, to find what he could find. He preserved what entered his mind. These images give us Ireland from top to bottom in those years before the giant tech companies transformed the economy and before the peace accords in the North, which calmed the Troubles that had destabilized the society there for decades. Many Americans, in particular, will recognise in these photographs the land of origin of their forebears or the place they themselves toured in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. In their fixed form, Higgins photographs are timeless in the way the Irish sea and fields and faces hold time.
Lexington Books The Late Socialist Good Life in Bulgaria: Meaning and Living in a Permanent Present Tense
This work investigates attempts by Bulgarian Communist Party leaders, bureaucrats and subjects to model, disseminate, and appropriate a local version of the "homo-sovieticus," or new soviet man and woman, during the 1960s and 1970s, a period of “socialist humanism.” Defining and living socialist humanism was a complex process questioning, among other things, the place of work and leisure, sex and pleasure, and the relationship between Bulgaria and the outside world. The socialist system, in these and other programs, invested tremendous resources to direct the movements of its population, at least in part, in order to transform it subjectively. Framed by four programs each linked with the values that socialist humanism sought to instill: the brigadier movement (work); the workings of the brother-city relationship between Haskovo and Tashkent in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic (international socialism); internal tourism (nation); and the exhibition of art in the Haskovo gallery (aesthetics) The Late Socialist Good Life examines the way in which socialism was lived in a time of transition. Viewed from the center, state-manipulated brigades, excursions, art exhibitions and cultural exchanges demonstrate the ability of the state to oblige all to find their place within systemic requirements-but closer perspectives reveal the contingencies produced by interactions between these systems and their subjects. Tashkent, meant to be a model of Soviet progress and a glimpse into Haskovo's future, proved as often to be understood as a symbol of a degraded (if enticing) oriental past. Brigadiers were more interested in playing soccer or gossiping and fighting than in working. Tourists grumbled at inadequate facilities and drank and smoked rather than gaining an appreciation for the beauty of nature and the largesse of the system that allowed them to tour. Socialist Humanist, Socialist Realist art revealed images of the bourgeois and the private in place of earlier tropes of workers working. Bulgarian socialist humanists' navigation of these programs resolved themselves in many outcomes in the search for the socialist good life: in the field of interactions people created solaces, expressed discontents, and above all, manufactured alterations in systems meant to instill uniformity.
Taschen GmbH Contemporary Japanese Architecture
The contemporary architecture of Japan has long been among the most inventive in the world, recognized for sustainability and infinite creativity. No fewer than seven Japanese architects have won the Pritzker Prize. Since Osaka World Expo ’70 brought contemporary forms center stage, Japan has been a key player in global architecture. With his intentionally limited vocabulary of geometric forms, Tadao Ando has since then put Japanese building on the world’s cultural map, establishing a bridge between East and West. In the wake of Ando’s mostly concrete buildings, figures like Kengo Kuma (Japan National Stadium intended for the Olympic Games), Shigeru Ban (Mount Fuji World Heritage Center), and Kazuyo Sejima (Kanazawa Museum of 21st Century Art of Contemporary Art) pioneered a more sustainable approach. Younger generations have successfully developed new directions in Japanese architecture that are in harmony with nature and connected to traditional building. Rather than planning on the drawing board, the architects presented in this collection stand out for their endless search for forms, truly reacting on their environment. Presenting the latest in Japanese building, this book reveals how this unique creativity is a fruit of Japan’s very particular situation that includes high population density, a modern, efficient economy, a long history, and the continual risk of disasters in the form of earthquakes. Accepting ambiguity, as seen in the evanescent reflections of Sejima’s Kanazawa Museum, or constant change and the threat of catastrophe is a key to understanding what makes Japanese architecture different from that of Europe or America. This XL-sized book highlights 39 architects and 55 exceptional projects by Japanese masters—from Tadao Ando’s Shanghai Poly Theater, Shigeru Ban’s concert hall La Seine Musical, SANAA’S Grace Farms, Fumihiko Maki’s 4 World Trade Center, to Takashi Suo’s much smaller sustainable dental clinic. Each project is introduced with photos, original floor plans and technical drawings, as well as insightful descriptions and brief biographies. An elaborate essay traces the country’s building scene from the Metabolists to today and shows how the interaction of past, present, and future has earned contemporary Japanese architecture worldwide recognition.
Grub Street Publishing Italian Food
Jane Grigson wrote of Italian Food ‘Basil was no more than the name of bachelor uncles, courgette was printed in italics as an alien word, and few of us knew how to eat spaghetti or pick a globe artichoke to pieces. ... Then came Elizabeth David like sunshine, writing with brief elegance about good food, that is, about food well contrived, well cooked. She made us understand that we could do better with what we had.’ Published in 1954 the importance of this book, which required a full year's research in Italy, can only be appreciated when you realise that she was working in a post-rationing England which regarded Italian cuisine as nothing more than variations on pasta and veal. What she discovered was an enormous wealth of regional diversity in ingredients, methods, and even language, where the same pasta shape can be called three or four names in different parts of the country. She understood that all Italian cooking is regional; there is no 'national' cuisine and so there are eight recipes for aubergines, fourteen for artichokes, five for fennel and seven for lentils, all from different regions. But if such descriptions seem to today’s reader overly thorough it is because many of her 1950's audience would have never heard of risotto, gorgonzola, prosciutto or even olive oil, let alone been able to purchase them. This is a critical and analytical look at Italian food – her personality and point of view come out on almost every page – organised by type of dish rather than by region and is full of details of kitchens and cooking by painters from the 14th, 15th and 18th centuries. The book is filled with asides and quotes from Italian writers and thinkers and as confirmation that this is more a work of scholarship than a simple book on cookery, there are appendices of bibliographies and notes on wine. If you want to explore the authentic regional roots of the Italian kitchen, Elizabeth David's masterpiece is the place to start. And the joy and relevance of this book today is that recipes that could only be read 60 years ago can now be cooked and savoured. Elizabeth David’s acclaimed writings are often cited as an inspiration by many of today’s leading chefs, as well as home cooks, and are essential to any serious cookery book collection.
Simon & Schuster How Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement
An eye-opening exploration of American policy reform, or lack thereof, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement and how the country can do better in the future.In 2020, while the Covid-19 pandemic raged, the United States was hit by a ripple of political discontent the likes of which had not been seen since the 1960s. The spark was the viral video of the horrific police murder of an unarmed Black man in Minneapolis. The killing of George Floyd galvanized a nation already reeling from Covid and a toxic political cycle. Tens of thousands poured into the streets to protest. Major corporations and large nonprofit groups—institutions that are usually resolutely apolitical—raced to join in. The fervor for racial justice intersected with the already simmering demands for change from the #MeToo movement and for economic justice from Gen Z. The entire country suddenly seemed to be roaring for change in one voice. Then nothing much happened. In How Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement, Fredrik deBoer explores why these passionate movements failed and how they could succeed in the future. In the digital age, social movements flare up but then lose steam through a lack of tangible goals, the inherent moderating effects of our established institutions and political parties, and the lack of any real grassroots movement in contemporary America. Hidden beneath the rhetoric of the oppressed and the symbolism of the downtrodden lies the inconvenient fact that those doing the organizing, messaging, protesting, and campaigning are predominantly drawn from this country’s more upwardly mobile educated classes. Poses are more important than policies. DeBoer lays out an alternative vision for how society’s winners can contribute to social justice movements without taking them over, and how activists and their organizations can become more resistant to the influence of elites, nonprofits, corporations, and political parties. Only by organizing around class rather than empty gestures can we begin the hard work of changing minds and driving policy.
Harvard Business Review Press Beyond Collaboration Overload: How to Work Smarter, Get Ahead, and Restore Your Well-Being
Named the Best Management Book of 2021 by strategy+businessNamed one of "this month's top titles" in the Financial Times in September 2021Named to the shortlist for the 2021 Outstanding Works of Literature (OWL) Award in the Management & Culture CategoryA plan for conquering collaborative overload to drive performance and innovation, reduce burnout, and enhance well-being.Most organizations have created always-on work contexts that are burning people out and hurting performance rather than delivering productivity, innovation and engagement. Collaborative work consumes 85% of employees' time and is drifting earlier into the morning, later into the night, and deeper into the weekend.The dilemma is that we all need to collaborate more to create effective organizations and vibrant careers for ourselves. But conventional wisdom on teamwork and collaboration has created too much of the wrong kind of collaboration, which hurts our performance, health and overall well-being.In Beyond Collaboration Overload, Babson professor Rob Cross solves this paradox by showing how top performers who thrive at work collaborate in a more purposeful way that makes them 18-24% more efficient than their peers. Good collaborators are distinguished by the efficiency and intentionality of their collaboration—not the size of their network or the length of their workday.Through landmark research with more than 300 organizations, in-depth stories, and tools, Beyond Collaboration Overload will coach you to reclaim close to a day a week when you: Identify and challenge beliefs that lead you to collaborate too quickly Impose structure in your work to prevent unproductive collaboration Alter behaviors to create more efficient collaboration It then outlines how successful people invest this reclaimed time to: Cultivate a broad network—not a big one—for innovation and scale Energize others—a strong predictor of high performance Connect with others to reduce micro-stressors and enhance physical and mental well-being Cross' framework provides relief from the definitive problem of our age—dysfunctional collaboration at the expense of our performance, health and overall well-being.
American Society for Training & Development 10 Steps to Successful Change Management
Change is inevitable, and how we handle it determines a great deal of our success in life. Fortunately, 10 Steps to Successful Change Management can help you understand change and take proactive steps toward dealing with it. With this handy go-to resource as your guide, you can understand and evaluate change, and apply practical tools that will help you not only cope with the inevitable, but benefit from it.Do you look forward to change, or do you face it with a sense of impending doom?Change is inevitable, and how we handle it determines a great deal of our success in life. Yet many people dread change, viewing it as a threat to be overcome rather than an opportunity to learn and grow.Fortunately, 10 Steps to Successful Change Management can help you understand change and take proactive steps toward dealing with it—whether it comes from technology, organisational shifts, economic or global trends, or simply the passage of time. With this handy go-to resource as your guide, you can understand and evaluate change, and apply practical tools that will help you not only cope with the inevitable, but benefit from it.This book can serve as a step-by-step program for systematically building your change management strategy, or you can turn directly to whichever chapter will help solve the problem at hand today. Either way, you'll be provided with insights, case studies, tools, and techniques to put you ahead of the change curve. You'll learn how to:develop a change management team and create supportive alliancescommunicate your plans, take your vision from idea to action, and overcome challenges along the waymeasure your success, review lessons learned, and build a culture of constant improvement.With 10 Steps to Successful Change Management at your fingertips, you'll be prepared to understand what's happening, minimise the risk that goes with it, and take advantage of the opportunities that change can bring. Instead of dreading the possibility that changes will occur, you'll be assured of your ability to handle them—and to thrive and grow through the experience.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Fall and Rise of Sadie McQueen: Cold Feet meets David Nicholls, with a dash of Jill Mansell
‘Charming and uplifting’ – My Weekly This is a novel about community, love, laughter and healing. Think Cold Feet meets David Nicholls, with a dash of the joy of Jill Mansell added for good measure.It doesn't look like much from the outside, but Cherry Blossom Mews is a miraculous place. It's somewhere that finds you, rather than the other way around. Sadie McQueen has leased a double fronted space in this small cul de sac in a culturally diverse corner of central London. The cobbles muffle the noise of double-deckers roaring past the arched gates. Turn right and you are in a futuristic maze of corporate glass monoliths. Turn left and you see a wide street with many different houses. Towering above the mews are the degenerating tower blocks of an infamous estate. The old folks home and the nearby school are both in need of TLC; the private members' club that set up shop in a listed Georgian building has been discreetly refurbished at huge expense. Into this confusion comes Sadie. She fell in love with the street the moment she first twisted her ankle on its cobbles. Her double-fronted unit is now a spa. She has sunk all her money into the lease and refurbishment. She's sunk all her hope into the carefully designed treatment rooms, the calm white reception space, the bijou flat carved out of the floor above. Sadie has a mission to connect. To heal herself from tragedy. Sadie has wrapped the mews around her like a warm blanket, after unimaginable loss and unimaginable guilt. Her hard-won peace is threatened, not only by the prospect of the mews going under but by a man aptly named Hero who wakes up her comatose heart. Sadie has a lot to give, and a lot to learn, not least that some ghosts aren't ghosts at all.Praise for Juliet Ashton's novels: ‘A warming testament to the elasticity and enduring love of true family bonds. I adored this book' Penny Parkes 'Fresh, funny and utterly fabulous’ Heat ‘A joy from start to finish. The relationships within the family ring so true. And the twists kept me guessing. A beautiful book’ Laura Kemp
John Wiley & Sons Inc Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems
Now that there's software in everything, how can you make anything secure? Understand how to engineer dependable systems with this newly updated classic In Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Third Edition Cambridge University professor Ross Anderson updates his classic textbook and teaches readers how to design, implement, and test systems to withstand both error and attack. This book became a best-seller in 2001 and helped establish the discipline of security engineering. By the second edition in 2008, underground dark markets had let the bad guys specialize and scale up; attacks were increasingly on users rather than on technology. The book repeated its success by showing how security engineers can focus on usability. Now the third edition brings it up to date for 2020. As people now go online from phones more than laptops, most servers are in the cloud, online advertising drives the Internet and social networks have taken over much human interaction, many patterns of crime and abuse are the same, but the methods have evolved. Ross Anderson explores what security engineering means in 2020, including: How the basic elements of cryptography, protocols, and access control translate to the new world of phones, cloud services, social media and the Internet of Things Who the attackers are – from nation states and business competitors through criminal gangs to stalkers and playground bullies What they do – from phishing and carding through SIM swapping and software exploits to DDoS and fake news Security psychology, from privacy through ease-of-use to deception The economics of security and dependability – why companies build vulnerable systems and governments look the other way How dozens of industries went online – well or badly How to manage security and safety engineering in a world of agile development – from reliability engineering to DevSecOps The third edition of Security Engineering ends with a grand challenge: sustainable security. As we build ever more software and connectivity into safety-critical durable goods like cars and medical devices, how do we design systems we can maintain and defend for decades? Or will everything in the world need monthly software upgrades, and become unsafe once they stop?
Hodder & Stoughton A Gift in December: An utterly romantic feel-good winter read
'This novel warmed my soul more than a mug of tea and a round of hot buttered toast' Red Magazine 'Fabulously festive, swoonfully romantic and endlessly enjoyable - I loved it!' Isabelle Broom'A great piece of storytelling - it swept me away' Sue Moorcroft'Uplifting, heartwarming . . . A feel-good festive debut that sparkles with wit, warmth, romance and mystery' Ella Griffin***********************A heartwarming festive read set in beautiful Norway - perfect for fans of Veronica Henry, Jojo Moyes and One Day in December. Jane has given up on love. She might have uncovered the news scandal of the year, but she's also been dumped by boyfriend Simon . . . and has spent the last month avoiding him at the office. With Christmas fast-approaching, Jane's heart is no closer to mending.But Jane's boss has other plans for her. She needs someone to go on a luxurious press trip to Norway to cover the story of the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree and she's selected Jane to go.Jane would much rather wallow at home than spend a week in the fjords with some ditzy bloggers, a snippy publicist, ever-cheerful colleague Ben and handsome-but-arrogant TV presenter Philip Donnelly. But as Jane throws herself into the trip and starts to enjoy herself, it seems that love hasn't quite given up on her just yet... Amid all the snow, could a gift be awaiting her underneath the mistletoe? ***********************Readers LOVE A Gift in December! 'I absolutely loved this book!!!' Kirsty'A great, feel-good winter read that I would highly recommend... Some real Christmas magic!' Shelley'The perfect, cosy read for a cold winter evening' Sarah'The end of the story is unique and totally unexpected but coupled with a romance that I couldn't wait to happen... I couldn't put the book down until I was able to finish it' Jill'Will fill you with warm fuzzies throughout... An amazing Christmas read as it transports you to a truly magical place' Brittany'OMG that ending!... If you're a fan of a good Christmas novel, then definitely give this a read' Georgina'Like the best hot chocolate on a cold day... A gorgeous read' Lou
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Pashtun Tribes in Afghanistan: Wolves Among Men
The Pashtun Tribes of Afghanistan is a tour de force - combining erudite analysis, historical research, atmospheric story-telling, page-turning prose and above all, profound passion.' **- ****Sir Nicholas Kay, NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan (2019-2020) & ****British Ambassador to Afghanistan (2017-2019)** The abrupt withdrawal of US and NATO forces in 2021 ushered in a new era for Afghanistan. The subsequent Taliban takeover facilitated a reversion to some of the worst hallmarks of Afghanistan's past, including bans on women's education and other rights-related roll-backs. Navigating this new reality necessitates that more constructive relationships are built between Westerners and Afghans, particularly with the majority ethnicity - the Pashtun tribes. The Pashtun Tribes in Afghanistan: Wolves Among Men is the toolkit for doing so. It provides the knowledge needed to navigate a complex tribal environment. Framed by first-hand experience and balancing in-depth analysis with engaging anecdotes, it sheds light on the Pashtun way of life still enshrined in the ancient Pashtunwali honour code. It explains the tribal structure, tribal territories, historic battles, prominent figures and even Pashtun proverbs and poets. It also highlights how recent wars are destroying the tribal arena. Focusing on people rather than politics, this book unveils the layers, paradoxes and subtleties of the world's largest tribal society. On turning the final page, readers will understand the Pashtun brand of tribalism and how it influences Afghanistan today. They will be aware that tribal life has been permanently challenged but that the Pashtun identity remains intact - in psychology if not always in practice. They will recognise why Pashtuns are not a single entity and should not be treated as one . The need to understand the tribes as they understand themselves will also be clear, particularly their concept of honour. This book illuminates why, from Alexander the Great to Winston Churchill, and even with the Taliban today, Pashtuns are still stereotyped as primitive, violence-prone barbarians. But were men like Rudyard Kipling right to characterise tribesmen as being as unaccountable as the grey Wolf, who is his blood brother? This book has the answer.
Oxford University Press Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity
This book provides a full, contextual study of St Irenaeus of Lyons, the first great theologian of the Christian tradition. John Behr sets Irenaeus both within his own context of the second century, a fundamental period for the formation of Christian identity, elaborating the distinction between orthodoxy and heresy and expounding a comprehensive theological vision, and also within our own contemporary context, in which these issues are very much alive again. Against the commonly-held position that 'orthodoxy' was established by excluding others, the 'heretics', Behr argues that it was the self-chosen separation of the heretics that provided the occasion for those who remained together to clarify the lineaments of their faith in a church that was catholic by virtue of embracing different voices in a symphony of many voices and whose chief architect was Irenaeus, who, as befits his name, urged peace and toleration. The first chapter explores Irenaeus' background in Asia Minor, as a disciple of Polycarp of Smyrna, his activity in Gaul, and his involvement with the Christian communities in Rome. The theological and institutional significance of his interventions is made clear by tracing the coalescence of the initially fractionated communities in Rome into a united body over the first two centuries. The second chapter provides a full examination of Irenaeus' surviving writings, concentrating especially on the literary and rhetorical structure of his five books Against the Heresies, his 'refutation and overthrowal' of his opponents in the first two books, and his establishing a framework for articulating orthodoxy. The final chapter explores the theological vision of Irenaeus itself, on its own terms rather than the categories of later dogmatic theology, grounded in an apostolic reading of Scripture and presenting a vibrant and vigorous account of the diachronic and synchronic economy or plan of God, seen through the work of Christ which reveals how the Hands of God have been at work from the beginning, fashioning the creature, made from mud and animated with a breath of life, into his own image and likeness, vivified by the Holy Spirit, to become a 'living human being, the glory of God'.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governing Social Risks in Post-Crisis Europe
In Governing Social Risks in Post-Crisis Europe, Colin Crouch mounts an impressive comparative analysis to uncover the contrasting ways in which different countries have sought to address the exacerbated social risks, both 'new' and 'old', unleashed by the financial and economic crisis. It demonstrates that growing recourse to market forms of governance in social and labour market policy is inversely related to the strength and influence of organised labour across countries and, in turn, to the degree of security provided for workers and their dependents. The three main patterns identified for governing social risks in the current era - neo-liberal, social democratic and traditional - are shown to exhibit a clear lineage reaching back to the early 20th century.'- Paul Marginson, University of Warwick, UK'Crouch's new book offers an empirically based up-to-date theory relating governance, egalitarianism, and labor market security in contemporary post-industrial societies. It provides a highly sophisticated, original assessment of modes of governance in Europe in terms of their social and economic performance, drawing on extensive comparison of European countries including the new Eastern democracies. Contrasting in particular neoliberalism and social democracy, Crouch shows that the social-democratic model of state and associational intervention in markets performs much better than its neoliberal opponent, raising the question why it is the latter rather than the former that has become the leading model for the post-crisis capitalist political economy.'- Wolfgang Streeck, Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies, GermanyHow can a capitalist system reconcile its need to combine workers on uncertain incomes and conditions with consumers confident that they can spend? The approaches of different national economies to this conundrum have had varying degrees of success, as well as diverse implications for social inequality. Through the study of European societies, and comparisons with experience from the rest of the world, Colin Crouch scrutinizes this diversity, and looks at how the 2008 global financial crisis has impacted it.Crouch identifies three broad approaches that countries adopt in response to this central dilemma of a capitalist economy, and examines these across three different contexts: time, place, and the role of inclusion and exclusion. This primarily statistical study embraces all except the smallest European countries, with comparative material on Japan, Russia and the United States. Countries are grouped according to differences found in them in the roles of governance by market, state, and community.This important book will appeal to academics, policy makers and others interested in comparative employment relations, European political economy and social policy. Undergraduate and postgraduate students alike will also find this a compelling, jargon-free insight into social policy and the 2008 global financial crisis in Europe.
Johns Hopkins University Press Misinformation Nation: Foreign News and the Politics of Truth in Revolutionary America
Fundamentally reshapes our understanding of the causes of the American Revolution and the pivotal role foreign news and misinformation played in driving colonists to revolt.Runner-up of the Journal of The American Revolution Book of the Year Award by the Journal of The American Revolution"Fake news" is not new. Just like millions of Americans today, the revolutionaries of the eighteenth century worried that they were entering a "post-truth" era. Their fears, however, were not fixated on social media or clickbait, but rather on peoples' increasing reliance on reading news gathered from foreign newspapers. In Misinformation Nation, Jordan E. Taylor reveals how foreign news defined the boundaries of American politics and ultimately drove colonists to revolt against Britain and create a new nation.News was the lifeblood of early American politics, but newspaper printers had few reliable sources to report on events from abroad. Accounts of battles and beheadings, as well as declarations and constitutions, often arrived alongside contradictory intelligence. Though frequently false, the information that Americans encountered in newspapers, letters, and conversations framed their sense of reality, leading them to respond with protests, boycotts, violence, and the creation of new political institutions. Fearing that their enemies were spreading fake news, American colonists fought for control of the news media. As their basic perceptions of reality diverged, Loyalists separated from Patriots and, in the new nation created by the revolution, Republicans inhabited a political reality quite distinct from that of their Federalist rivals. The American Revolution was not only a political contest for liberty, equality, and independence (for white men, at least); it was also a contest to define certain accounts of reality to be truthful while defining others as false and dangerous. Misinformation Nation argues that we must also conceive of the American Revolution as a series of misperceptions, misunderstandings, and uninformed overreactions. In addition to making a striking and original argument about the founding of the United States, Misinformation Nation will be a valuable prehistory to our current political moment.
University of Texas Press Negotiating for the Past: Archaeology, Nationalism, and Diplomacy in the Middle East, 1919-1941
The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922 was a landmark event in Egyptology that was celebrated around the world. Had Howard Carter found his prize a few years earlier, however, the treasures of Tut might now be in the British Museum in London rather than the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. That's because the years between World War I and World War II were a transitional period in Middle Eastern archaeology, as nationalists in Egypt and elsewhere asserted their claims to antiquities discovered within their borders. These claims were motivated by politics as much as by scholarship, with nationalists seeking to unite citizens through pride in their ancient past as they challenged Western powers that still exercised considerable influence over local governments and economies. James Goode's analysis of archaeological affairs in Turkey, Egypt, Iran, and Iraq during this period offers fascinating new insight into the rise of nationalism in the Middle East, as well as archaeological and diplomatic history. The first such work to compare archaeological-nationalistic developments in more than one country, Negotiating for the Past draws on published and archival sources in Arabic, English, French, German, Persian, and Turkish. Those sources reveal how nationalists in Iraq and Iran observed the success of their counterparts in Egypt and Turkey, and were able to hold onto discoveries at legendary sites such as Khorsabad and Persepolis. Retaining artifacts allowed nationalists to build museums and control cultural heritage. As Goode writes, "Going to the national museum became a ritual of citizenship." Western archaeologists became identified (in the eyes of many) as agents of imperialism, thus making their work more difficult, and often necessitating diplomatic intervention. The resulting "negotiations for the past" pulled patrons (such as John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Lord Carnarvon), archaeologists (James Breasted and Howard Carter), nationalist leaders (Ataturk and Sa'd Zaghlul), and Western officials (Charles Evan Hughes and Lord Curzon) into intractable historical debates with international implications that still resonate today.
Columbia University Press China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia
Throughout the past three decades East Asia has seen more peace and stability than at any time since the Opium Wars of 1839-1841. During this period China has rapidly emerged as a major regional power, averaging over nine percent economic growth per year since the introduction of its market reforms in 1978. Foreign businesses have flocked to invest in China, and Chinese exports have begun to flood the world. China is modernizing its military, has joined numerous regional and international institutions, and plays an increasingly visible role in international politics. In response to this growth, other states in East Asia have moved to strengthen their military, economic, and diplomatic relations with China. But why have these countries accommodated rather than balanced China's rise? David C. Kang believes certain preferences and beliefs are responsible for maintaining stability in East Asia. Kang's research shows how East Asian states have grown closer to China, with little evidence that the region is rupturing. Rising powers present opportunities as well as threats, and the economic benefits and military threat China poses for its regional neighbors are both potentially huge; however, East Asian states see substantially more advantage than danger in China's rise, making the region more stable, not less. Furthermore, although East Asian states do not unequivocally welcome China in all areas, they are willing to defer judgment regarding what China wants and what its role in East Asia will become. They believe that a strong China stabilizes East Asia, while a weak China tempts other states to try to control the region. Many scholars downplay the role of ideas and suggest that a rising China will be a destabilizing force in the region, but Kang's provocative argument reveals the flaws in contemporary views of China and the international relations of East Asia and offers a new understanding of the importance of sound U.S. policy in the region.
Island Press No One Eats Alone: Food as a Social Enterprise
In today's fast-paced, fast food world, everyone seems to be eating alone, all the time, whether it's at their desks or in the car. Even those who find time for a family meal are cut off from the people who grew, harvested, distributed, marketed, and sold the foods on their table. Few ever break bread with anyone outside their own socioeconomic group. So why does Michael Carolan say that that no one eats alone? Because all of us are affected by the other people in our vast foodscape. We can no longer afford to ignore these human connections as we struggle with dire problems like hunger, obesity, toxic pesticides, antibiotic resistance, depressed rural economies, and low-wage labour. Carolan argues that building community is the key to healthy, equitable, and sustainable food. While researching No One Eats Alone, he interviewed more than 250 individuals, from flavourists to Fortune 500 executives, politicians to feedlot managers, low-income families to crop scientists, who play a role in the life of food.Advertising consultants told him of efforts to distance eaters and producers, most food firms don't want their customers thinking about farm labourers or the people living downstream of processing plants. But he also found stories of people getting together to change their relationship to food and to each other. There are community farms where suburban moms and immigrant families work side by side, reducing social distance as much as food miles. There are entrepreneurs with little capital or credit who are setting up online exchanges to share kitchen space, upending conventional notions of the economy of scale. There are parents and school board members who are working together to improve cafeteria food rather than relying on soda taxes to combat childhood obesity. Carolan contends that real change only happens when we start acting like citizens first and consumers second. No One Eats Alone is a book about becoming better food citizens.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Remaking the Modern World 1900 - 2015: Global Connections and Comparisons
The sequel and companion volume to C.A. Bayly's ground-breaking The Birth of the Modern World, 1780-1914, this wide-ranging and sophisticated study explores global history since the First World War, offering a coherent, comparative overview of developments in politics, economics, and society at large. Written by one of the leading historians of his generation, an early intellectual leader in the study of World History Weaves a clear narrative history that explores the themes of politics, economics, social, cultural, and intellectual life throughout the long twentieth century Identifies the themes of state, capital, and communication as key drivers of change on a global scale in the last century, and explores the impact of those ideas Interrogates whether warfare was really the pre-eminent driving force of twentieth-century history, and what other ideas shaped the course of history in this period Explores the causes behind the resurgence of local conflict, rather than global-scale conflict, in the years since the turn of the millennium Delves into the narrative of inequality, a story that has shaped and been shaped by the events of the last hundred years Part of The Blackwell History of the World Series The goal of this ambitious series is to provide an accessible source of knowledge about the entire human past, for every curious person in every part of the world. It will comprise some two dozen volumes, of which some provide synoptic views of the history of particular regions while others consider the world as a whole during a particular period of time. The volumes are narrative in form, giving balanced attention to social and cultural history (in the broadest sense) as well as to institutional development and political change. Each provides a systematic account of a very large subject, but they are also both imaginative and interpretative. The Series is intended to be accessible to the widest possible readership, and the accessibility of its volumes is matched by the style of presentation and production.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Woke Salaryman Crash Course on Capitalism & Money: Lessons from the World's Most Expensive City
Learn the rules of the game of capitalism so you can play to win and build wealth Crash Course on Capitalism and Money: Lessons from the World's Most Expensive City is not your typical personal finance guide. Written by the founders of the top personal finance blog in Singapore, this book acknowledges the frustrations many young people feel as they enter the world of money, and it shows you how to develop the mindset necessary to thrive for the rest of your life. Through visual storytelling, Crash Course on Capitalism and Money melds personal finance, economics, sociology, and psychology to create a book that shows you the path to financial success. If you're ready to rise above discontentment, accept the reality you find yourself in, and put in the work it takes to survive, then thrive in today's world—then this is the book for you. In this book, you'll find a collection of the most popular comics by The Woke Salaryman. The stories are accompanied by commentaries that offer additional context on how each story fits within the bigger framework of approaching the daunting challenge of navigating money, life and purpose in these times. Why you should get the book: It's a guided tour from the perspective of the disillusioned youth who feel like the game is rigged and the odds are stacked against their favor. The comics and illustrated essays make the technical and boring aspects of personal finance more accessible and interesting. Actionable step-by-step tips on how to make your first steps after graduation. The point is not just to make as much money as possible, but rather to think about personal finance as an important strategic aspect in your life, from which you can then achieve your life goals. For young people just beginning their personal finance journeys, as well as anyone who wants to make better financial and life choices while navigating the rules of capitalism and wealth, Crash Course on Capitalism and Money is a fun and enlightening read.
Oxford University Press Inc Radical Politics: On the Causes of Contemporary Emancipation
The last twenty years have witnessed a proliferation of radical social and political movements around the world, in wave after wave of struggles against intersecting forms of exploitation, domination, and subalternization. From the International Women's Strike and Occupy, to #BlackLivesMatter and direct action against the climate emergency, a series of common questions have continually re-emerged as immediate and practical challenges. How should radical political movements relate to the state? What makes emancipatory politics fundamentally different from both technocratic and populist models of "politics as usual"? Which forms of organization are most likely to deepen and extend the dynamics that led to the emergence of these movements in the first place? To investigate the goal, nature, method, and organizational forms of radical political engagement against the neoliberal consensus, Peter D. Thomas draws on the work of Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Communist Party leader and political theorist best known for his ideas about hegemony. Hegemony is a concept that, most commonly understood, describes either the way in which a political system functions from the top down, through a culture of passive consent, or a process of neutralizing cultural and political differences to form unity in a nation state. Interestingly, both the left and right have seized on this idea, but, of course, to different political ends. In Radical Politics, Thomas argues that both of these interpretations are misapprehensions of the radical potential of Gramsci's ideas. Offering a new reading of Gramsci, Thomas contends that hegemony is a process of differentiation in which political culture is always changing, and always with the goal of moving toward expanded freedom. Over the course of the book, Thomas looks at the way in which various theorists have approached the dilemma of how to engage productively in radical politics and explains why hegemony is a method of doing politics rather than an end goal. A distinctive and forceful contribution to ongoing debates about the nature and orientation of contemporary emancipatory movements, Radical Politics provides a counterintuitive interpretation of Gramsci's famous and newly relevant work.
Jambor Publishing Generation Manifestation Volume 1
My name is Caitlin Feral, and I’m about to face my final Testing Day. My younger brother and mom hope I return: that I survive the tests (which is not a given) and that I am still a dreg. They want me to stay here with them to keep what’s left of our family together. They want me to stay here, in the shadow of the Genetic Wars, with mutant animal attacks, protectors in faceless helms eager to catch us in the slightest infractions, and a menial work placement that’s waiting with my name on it if I fail the tests. But that’s not what I dream about.In my dreams, I can lift a bus. I can fly. I have to Manifest. If I do, my classmate Lilianne and teacher Mrs. Cranberry will stop their bullying, and I can leave the danger and the dirt and the lack of food and medication and move to Jupitar City to be adopted by a Supergenic family. That’s the promise—if Testing Day doesn’t kill me first.“I barely got out of there. They’re not afraid to kill us. They’re not afraid to kill you.” That’s what my classmate Normand said after he returned from his testing, barely able to stand. But he’s soft; I’m not … right? The Treaty will protect me, and the Supergenics can only test within reasonable parameters to find their own kind, but the terror and pain in Normand’s eyes makes me sweat and my heart race.What if the rules have changed? And what if I am a mere DNA regular? What if I’m nothing like the Supergenic heroes I read about in the comic books they send us from Jupitar City? Today, I find out. And I do know one thing.I would rather die trying than be stuck being me for the rest of my life. DON'T BE DNA REGULAR. BE GENERATION MANIFESTATION. The action-packed, heart-pounding adventure of Gen M begins here!Warnings: for fans of strong female protagonists, LGBTQ positivity, important neurodiverse characters, unexpected heroism, unexpected villainy and other unpredictabilities. Earlier version published as I Want Superpowers. Fans of Hunger Games, Divergent, 1984, Brendan Sanderson’s Steelheart or Marvel’s X-Men and X-Force will love Generation Manifestation! “A richly realized dystopian world that reads like The Hunger Games meets X-Men.” — Ryan Porter, The Toronto Star “A teenager must determine where her true alliances rest in Generation Manifestation, a dark dystopian novel directed by tough choices and earned wisdom … with heartrending twists.”—Foreword Clarion Review “I LOVED THIS! … it's on my list of the best books I've ever read … You think you know what is going to happen, but you have no idea how many times my predictions were wrong.” —Elizabeth Sagan, MyBookFeatures “One of the best things about this book was in the start I expected it to take the same beaten path. But it subverted my expectations. And I couldn't predict where the book was going next.” —Ananya B, Goodreads “When I finished the last page, I had to close my eyes for a second and try to keep my mind together. I am not sure if it was an ending or a new beginning…This book is hands down my favorite so far this year. It was easy to read, very well written, and detailed.” —Books of Cat, Goodreads “This book had the perfect mix of world building, character development and rich content that were tied beautifully with a unique form of writing. To be honest, it was like nothing I've read before … because it really was fresh and innovative.” —Dove, Goodreads
Pearson Education (US) Thinking in Java
“ Thinking in Java should be read cover to cover by every Java programmer, then kept close at hand for frequent reference. The exercises are challenging, and the chapter on Collections is superb! Not only did this book help me to pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam; it’s also the first book I turn to whenever I have a Java question.” —Jim Pleger, Loudoun County (Virginia) Government “ Much better than any other Java book I’ve seen. Make that ‘by an order of magnitude’.... Very complete, with excellent right-to-the-point examples and intelligent, not dumbed-down, explanations.... In contrast to many other Java books I found it to be unusually mature, consistent, intellectually honest, well-written, and precise. IMHO, an ideal book for studying Java.” —Anatoly Vorobey, Technion University, Haifa, Israel “Absolutely one of the best programming tutorials I’ve seen for any language.” —Joakim Ziegler, FIX sysop “Thank you again for your awesome book. I was really floundering (being a non-C programmer), but your book has brought me up to speed as fast as I could read it. It’s really cool to be able to understand the underlying principles and concepts from the start, rather than having to try to build that conceptual model through trial and error. Hopefully I will be able to attend your seminar in the not-too-distant future.” —Randall R. Hawley, automation technician, Eli Lilly & Co. “This is one of the best books I’ve read about a programming language.... The best book ever written on Java.” —Ravindra Pai, Oracle Corporation, SUNOS product line “Bruce, your book is wonderful! Your explanations are clear and direct. Through your fantastic book I have gained a tremendous amount of Java knowledge. The exercises are also fantastic and do an excellent job reinforcing the ideas explained throughout the chapters. I look forward to reading more books written by you. Thank you for the tremendous service that you are providing by writing such great books. My code will be much better after reading Thinking in Java. I thank you and I’m sure any programmers who will have to maintain my code are also grateful to you.” —Yvonne Watkins, Java artisan, Discover Technologies, Inc. “Other books cover the what of Java (describing the syntax and the libraries) or the how of Java (practical programming examples). Thinking in Java is the only book I know that explains the why of Java: Why it was designed the way it was, why it works the way it does, why it sometimes doesn’t work, why it’s better than C++, why it’s not. Although it also does a good job of teaching the what and how of the language, Thinking in Java is definitely the thinking person’s choice in a Java book.” —Robert S. Stephenson Awards for Thinking in Java 2003 Software Development Magazine Jolt Award for Best Book 2003 Java Developer’s Journal Reader’s Choice Award for Best Book 2001 JavaWorld Editor’s Choice Award for Best Book 2000 JavaWorld Reader’s Choice Award for Best Book 1999 Software Development Magazine Productivity Award 1998 Java Developer’s Journal Editor’s Choice Award for Best Book Thinking in Java has earned raves from programmers worldwide for its extraordinary clarity, careful organization, and small, direct programming examples. From the fundamentals of Java syntax to its most advanced features, Thinking in Java
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonprofit Investment Policies: Practical Steps for Growing Charitable Funds
An accessible and thorough guide to nonprofit investment policy fornonfinancial managers --essential information for maintainingfiscal health and the public trust The first book to discuss the development of investment policiesspecifically for nonprofit organizations, Nonprofit InvestmentPolicies helps directors, trustees, and development officers atnonprofits create sound, comprehensive policies for their financialadvisors. Covering every element of investment strategy fornonprofits, the book explains investing legal concerns, theinvestment environment, the internal organization of an efficientcharity, how to get started in investment, how to use investmentsuccesses as a fund-raising tool, and much more. Written in language that both financial and nonfinancial managerscan understand, Nonprofit Investment Policies includes: * An exploration of the unique characteristics of nonprofitresources, including endowment management, planned gifts, andsocially responsible investing * A full examination of the legal issues involved in nonprofitinvestment -- the tools officers and directors of charities need toprotect themselves from investment liability in an increasinglylitigious world * Case studies from the real world of nonprofit investment showingsuccessful policies in action --and failures that display policypitfalls to avoid * Advice on finding and hiring outside advisors, plus anexplanation of the essentials of investment accounting andperformance reporting * Tables and checklists to guide nonprofit managers in fiscaldecisionmaking. If a nonprofit organization has any money in the bank, theorganization already has an investment policy, however informal.For many nonprofits, managing extra money is such a novel conceptthat they don't take full advantage of their on-hand resources. Butas organizations grow and their financial conditions improve,decision-makers must consider how best to manage and invest theseadditional funds. The nonprofit organizations Robert P. Fry, with understand investing and how to spot and avoid shadyinvestments, as well as how to safeguard assets. Written inlanguage that both financial and non-financial managers canunderstand, Nonprofit Investment Policies explains the basics ofinvesting, how investing for nonprofits is unique, and how to workwith an investment manager. This is not another get-rich-quick book about picking stocks andbonds. Rather, it is a book on how nonprofits can make gooddecisions. In the world of investments, good decisions areultimately more important than the occasional wizardry of anoutstanding portfolio manager, for unlike such wizardry, gooddecisions can be replicated in good times and bad by anyorganization that is committed to doing so --now, months from now,and years from now. Clearly written investment policies codify these good decisions,increasing returns on investments and protecting boards andexecutive directors from possible litigation over the handling ofthe nonprofit's assets. Fry's principal goal is to providesufficient information on the overall investment environment sothat any organization can comfortably implement investmentpolicies. Nonprofit Investment Policies includes sample investmentpolicies plus analysis and guidance on these policies to helporganizations develop the policies that most closely fit theirgoals and objectives, resources, time constraints, risk tolerance,and limitations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Disaster Planning and Recovery: A Guide for Facility Professionals
"The focus of this guide is to assist you in planning for all thevital factors and imperative considerations essential in enhancingthe likelihood of your organization's continuity and survival whenimpacted by an out-of-course event: planning to prevent disasters,planning to reduce the likelihood of disasters, planning to dealwith disasters, and planning to recover after a disaster hasaffected the organization." -- Alan M. Levitt The only complete, hands-on guide to disaster planning, DisasterPlanning and Recovery provides proven strategies, tools, andtechniques for helping your company plan for, cope with, andrecover from cataclysmic events. Internationally recognizedbusiness continuity expert Alan M. Levitt tells you what you needto know to avoid having natural and man-made disasters becomebusiness disasters. You'll find out how to: * Create an effective plan in advance * Reduce the likelihood of disasters * Maintain functioning when disaster strikes * Mobilize staff safely and efficiently during an emergency * Reduce costs of and recovery time following an out-of-courseevent * Work effectively with key departments, including IT, HR,maintenance * Minimize stress on staff members * And much more Earthquakes, floods, fires, tornadoes . . . there isn't much youcan do to stop them from happening, but there are steps you cantake to prevent natural and man-made disasters from turning intobusiness disasters. And that is what this book is all about:minimizing the damage done to your business by cataclysmic externalevents. The only complete, practical guide of its kind, Disaster Planningand Recovery shows facility professionals how to prepare for, copewith, and rebound from a disaster. Alan Levitt clearly demonstratesthat the first major step toward minimizing risk and optimizingrecovery time following an emergency is to formulate acomprehensive disaster plan. Drawing upon his years of experienceas a business continuity expert--and using fascinating andinstructive vignettes and case studies (many of them previouslyunpublished) to illustrate his points--he shows you how to developthe most cost-effective plan possible. Rather than offer a set of one-size-fits-all checklists andprocedures, Levitt supplies a rational framework and provenstrategies for formulating a plan tailored to your business. Heshows you how to set reasonable goals that will allow you to reactmore quickly and effectively without losing sight of businessoutcomes. And he provides the means for researching and conductingthe five phases of a comprehensive disaster/recovery plan:identifying potential disasters; quantifying the risk ofoccurrence; establishing parameters for reducing that risk;forecasting the potential impact a disaster can have on personnel,plant, and business processes; and establishing systems forcounterbalancing those impacts. Throughout Disaster Planning and Recovery, the emphasis is on humanfactors. Levitt describes techniques for efficiently mobilizingstaff in an emergency, working effectively with key departments,such as IT, and most importantly, easing the stress that disasterscan impose on staff members. Disaster Planning and Recovery is anindispensable resource for facility professionals, human resourcesmanagers, building owners and managers, architects, designers, andplanners.