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University of Minnesota Press Zombie Theory: A Reader
Zombies first shuffled across movie screens in 1932 in the low-budget Hollywood film White Zombie and were reimagined as undead flesh-eaters in George A. Romero’s The Night of the Living Dead almost four decades later. Today, zombies are omnipresent in global popular culture, from video games and top-rated cable shows in the United States to comic books and other visual art forms to low-budget films from Cuba and the Philippines. The zombie’s ability to embody a variety of cultural anxieties—ecological disaster, social and economic collapse, political extremism—has ensured its continued relevance and legibility, and has precipitated an unprecedented deluge of international scholarship. Zombie studies manifested across academic disciplines in the humanities but also beyond, spreading into sociology, economics, computer science, mathematics, and even epidemiology. Zombie Theory collects the best interdisciplinary zombie scholarship from around the world. Essays portray the zombie not as a singular cultural figure or myth but show how the undead represent larger issues: the belief in an afterlife, fears of contagion and technology, the effect of capitalism and commodification, racial exclusion and oppression, dehumanization. As presented here, zombies are not simple metaphors; rather, they emerge as a critical mode for theoretical work. With its diverse disciplinary and methodological approaches, Zombie Theory thinks through what the walking undead reveal about our relationships to the world and to each other.Contributors: Fred Botting, Kingston U; Samuel Byrnand, U of Canberra; Gerry Canavan, Marquette U; Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, George Washington U; Jean Comaroff, Harvard U; John Comaroff, Harvard U; Edward P. Comentale, Indiana U; Anna Mae Duane, U of Connecticut; Karen Embry, Portland Community College; Barry Keith Grant, Brock U; Edward Green, Roosevelt U; Lars Bang Larsen; Travis Linnemann, Eastern Kentucky U; Elizabeth McAlister, Wesleyan U; Shaka McGlotten, Purchase College-SUNY; David McNally, York U; Tayla Nyong’o, Yale U; Simon Orpana, U of Alberta; Steven Shaviro, Wayne State U; Ola Sigurdson, U of Gothenburg; Jon Stratton, U of South Australia; Eugene Thacker, The New School; Sherryl Vint, U of California Riverside; Priscilla Wald, Duke U; Tyler Wall, Eastern Kentucky U; Jen Webb, U of Canberra; Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, Central Michigan U.
Chronicle Books Detox Your Thoughts
In Detox Your Thoughts, popular psychologist Andrea Bonior, PhD, identifies the 10 most prevalent mental traps that make people feel anxious, insecure, and generally just bad. Clinical psychologist Andrea Bonior has spent over twenty years studying, teaching, and practicing the science of thoughts, emotions, and behavior. In Detox Your Thoughts, she uses the latest research into mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to teach you to understand your thoughts—and your body—in a completely different way. To challenge negative self-talk, you must change the way you relate to your thoughts altogether. Bonior shows us how to create new mental pathways that truly stick. For each of the ten mental traps, Bonior offers a new habit to practice, including: • leaning in to your feelings • recognizing and counteracting your blind spots to gain insight • valuing the present moment, and immersing yourself in it. Bonior deciphers the latest research in psychology and neuroscience to help disempower and conquer self-sabotaging thoughts with specific and actionable steps. You’re not erasing negative thoughts, but rather growing bigger than they are—and improving your mental and emotional life along the way. • Dr. Andrea Bonior is a popular psychologist and contributor to BuzzFeed and the Washington Post. • Detox Your Thoughts was inspired by her popular BuzzFeed challenge of the same name. • Dr. Bonior's mental health advice column, “Baggage Check,” has appeared for 14 years in the Washington Post and several other newspapers nationwide. With bite-sized psychology takes on the thought patterns that plague most people and a practical approach to quitting negative self-talk for good, Detox Your Thoughts is a transformational read. • Perfect for readers of the Washington Post's “Baggage Check” column, Goodful's Detox Your Thoughts, Psychology Today, and The Cut's “Science of Us.” • Also a good fit for those who love pop psychology, self-help books, and any books related to motivation or happiness. • Fans of Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin, and Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks by Barry McDonagh will want this in their collection.
Johns Hopkins University Press Women in Wartime: Theatrical Representations in the Long Eighteenth Century
A revelatory history of the characters that playwrights and managers created out of the real lives of women in intimate relationships with military men to serve Great Britain's greatest needs during the war-saturated eighteenth century.During the long eighteenth century, Great Britain was almost continuously at war. As the era unfolded, the theatre gradually discovered the potential in having actresses, recently introduced to the stage in the 1660s, perform as wartime women characters. As playwrights and managers began casting women in transformative roles to meet each major national need, female characters came to be central figures in bringing the war home to the nation, transforming them into deeply patriotic British subjects.Paula Backscheider's Women in Wartime is the first study of theatrical representations of women with intimate connections to military men. Drawing upon her extensive expertise in gender, performance studies, popular culture, and archival studies, Backscheider traces the rise of the London theatre's acceptance that one of its responsibilities was to support its country's wars. Rather than focusing on the historical, mythical "warrior women" on the battlefield who have been much studied, Backscheider explores the lives and work of sweethearts, wives, mothers, sisters, barmaids, provision sellers, seaport prostitutes, and more, whose relationships to active-duty men made them recruits, volunteers, or even conscripts. They represent a distinct group of thousands of real women, and the actresses who portrayed them gave performances of change, struggle, celebration, mourning, survival, love, and patriotism. Backscheider explicates more than fifty plays—from main pieces, short farces, interludes, afterpieces, and comic operas to entr'actes, pantomimes, and even masques—as both entertainment and as ideological and propagandistic vehicles in times of severe crises. She also reveals how these works, many written by men with military experience, attest to the context of difficult, inescapable realities and momentous needs. Through the debunking of sexual stereotypes and attention to audience-pleasing roles such as impoverished-wife and breeches parts, Backscheider adds a dimension to theatrical history that substantially contributes to women's and military histories. Women in Wartime demonstrates the startling acuity and prescience of the repertoire in responding to the war-steeped culture of the period.
Fordham University Press Giving Beyond the Gift: Apophasis and Overcoming Theomania
This book explores the co-dependency of monotheism and idolatry by examining the thought of several prominent twentieth-century Jewish philosophers—Cohen, Buber, Rosenzweig, and Levinas. While all of these thinkers were keenly aware of the pitfalls of scriptural theism, to differing degrees they each succumbed to the temptation to personify transcendence, even as they tried either to circumvent or to restrain it by apophatically purging kataphatic descriptions of the deity. Derrida and Wyschogrod, by contrast, carried the project of denegation one step further, embarking on a path that culminated in the aporetic suspension of belief and the consequent removal of all images from God, a move that seriously compromises the viability of devotional piety. The inquiry into apophasis, transcendence, and immanence in these Jewish thinkers is symptomatic of a larger question. Recent attempts to harness the apophatic tradition to construct a viable postmodern negative theology, a religion without religion, are not radical enough. Not only are these philosophies of transcendence guilty of a turn to theology that defies the phenomenological presupposition of an immanent phenomenality, but they fall short on their own terms, inasmuch as they persist in employing metaphorical language that personalizes transcendence and thereby runs the risk of undermining the irreducible alterity and invisibility attributed to the transcendent other. The logic of apophasis, if permitted to run its course fully, would exceed the need to posit some form of transcendence that is not ultimately a facet of immanence. Apophatic theologies, accordingly, must be supplanted by a more far-reaching apophasis that surpasses the theolatrous impulse lying coiled at the crux of theism, an apophasis of apophasis, based on accepting an absolute nothingness—to be distinguished from the nothingness of an absolute—that does not signify the unknowable One but rather the manifold that is the pleromatic abyss at being’s core. Hence, the much-celebrated metaphor of the gift must give way to the more neutral and less theologically charged notion of an unconditional givenness in which the distinction between giver and given collapses. To think givenness in its most elemental, phenomenological sense is to allow the apparent to appear as given without presuming a causal agency that would turn that given into a gift.
Fordham University Press "A Free Ballot and a Fair Count": The Department of Justice and the Enforcement of Voting Rights in the South , 1877-1893
“A Free Ballot and a Fair Count” examines the efforts by the Department of Justice to implement the federal legislation passed by Congress in 1870–71 known as the Enforcement Acts. These laws were designed to enforce the voting rights guarantees for African-Americans under the recently ratified Fifteenth Amendment. The Enforcement Acts set forth a range of federally enforceable crimes aimed at combating white southerners’ attempts to deny or restrict black suffrage. There are several aspects of this work that distinguish it from other, earlier works in this area. Contrary to older interpretative studies, Goldman’s primary thesis is that, the federal government’s attempts to protect black voting rights in the South did not cease with the Supreme Court’s hostile rulings in U.S. v. Reese and U.S. v. Cruikshank in 1875. Nor, it is argued, did enforcement efforts cease at the end of Reconstruction and the so-called Compromise of 1877. Rather, federal enforcement efforts after 1877 reflected the continued commitment of Republican Party leaders, for both humanitarian and partisan reasons, to what came to be called “the free ballot and a fair count.” Another unique aspect of this book is its focus on the role of the federal Department of Justice and its officials in the South in the continued enforcement effort. Created as a cabinet-level executive department in 1870, the Justice Department proved ill-equipped to respond to the widespread legal and extra-legal resistance to black suffrage by white southern Democrats in the years during and after Reconstruction. The Department faced a variety of internal problems such as insufficient resources, poor communications, and local personnel often appointed more for their political acceptability than their prosecutorial or legal skills. By the early 1890s, when the election laws were finally repealed by Congress, enforcement efforts were sporadic at best and largely unsuccessful. The end of federal involvement, coupled with the wave of southern state constitution revisions, resulted in the disfranchisement of the vast majority of African-American voters in the South by the beginning of the Twentieth Century. It would not be until the 1960s and the “Second Reconstruction” that the federal government, and the Justice Department, would once again attempt to ensure the “free ballot and a fair count”.
Hachette Books The Wake Up: Closing the Gap Between Good Intentions and Real Change
2022 NAUTILUS BOOK AWARDS GOLD WINNER2022 NATIONAL ANTIRACIST BOOK FESTIVAL SELECTION2021 PORCHLIGHT PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & HUMAN BEHAVIOR BOOK OF THE YEARAs we become more aware of various social injustices in the world, many of us want to be part of the movement toward positive change. But sometimes our best intentions cause unintended harm, and we fumble. We might feel afraid to say the wrong thing and feel guilt for not doing or knowing enough. Sometimes we might engage in performative allyship rather than thoughtful solidarity, leaving those already marginalized further burdened and exhausted. The feelings of fear, insecurity, inadequacy are all too common among a wide spectrum of changemakers, and they put many at a crossroads between feeling stuck and giving up, or staying grounded to keep going. So how can we go beyond performative allyship to creating real change in ourselves and in the world, together?In The Wake Up, Michelle MiJung Kim shares foundational principles often missing in today's mainstream conversations around "diversity and inclusion," inviting readers to deep dive into the challenging and nuanced work of pursuing equity and justice, while exploring various complexities, contradictions, and conflicts inherent in our imperfect world. With a mix of in-the-trenches narrative and accessible unpacking of hot button issues-from inclusive language to representation to "cancel culture"-Michelle offers sustainable frameworks that guide us how to think, approach, and be in the journey as thoughtfully and powerfully as possible. The Wake Up is divided into four key parts:* Grounding: begin by moving beyond good intentions to interrogating our deeper "why" for committing to social justice and uncovering our "hidden stories."* Orienting: establish a shared understanding around our historical and current context and issues we are trying to solve, starting with dismantling white supremacy.* Showing Up: learn critical principles to approach any situation with clarity and build our capacity to work through complexity, nuance, conflict, and imperfections.* Moving Together: remember the core of this work is about human lives, and commit to prioritizing humanity, healing, and community.The Wake Up is an urgent call for us to move together while seeing each other's full and expansive humanity that is at the core of our movement toward justice, healing, and freedom.
The University of Chicago Press The Angel in the Marketplace: Adwoman Jean Wade Rindlaub and the Selling of America
The popular image of a mid-century ad woman is of a feisty girl beating men at their own game, a female Horatio Alger protagonist battling her way through the sexist workplace. But before the fictional rise of Peggy Olson or the real-life stories of Patricia Tierney and Jane Maas came Jean Wade Rindlaub: a female powerbroker who used her considerable success in the workplace to encourage other women--to stick to their kitchens. The Angel in the Marketplace is the story of one of America's most accomplished advertising executives. It is also the story of how advertisers like Rindlaub sold a postwar American dream of capitalism and a Christian corporate order. Rindlaub was responsible for award-winning, mega sales-generating advertisements for all things domestic, including Oneida Silverware, Betty Crocker Cake Mix, Campbell's Soup, and Chiquita Bananas. Her success largely came from embracing, rather than subverting, the cultural expectations of women. She believed her responsibility as an advertiser was not to spring women from their trap, but to make that trap more comfortable. Rindlaub wasn't just selling silverware and cakes, she was selling the virtues of free enterprise. By following the arc of Rindlaub's career from the 1920s through the 1960s, we witness how a range of cultural narratives--advertising chief among them--worked powerfully to shape women's emotional and economic behavior in support of the free market system. Alongside Rindlaub's story, Ellen Wayland-Smith provides a riveting history of how women were repeatedly sold the idea that their role as housewives was more powerful, and more patriotic, than any outside the home. And by buying into the image of morality through an unregulated market, many of these women helped fuel backlash against economic regulation and socialization efforts throughout the twentieth century. The Angel in the Marketplace is a nuanced portrayal of a complex woman, one who both shaped and reflected the complicated cultural, political, and religious forces defining femininity in America at mid-century. This compelling account of one of advertising's most fervent believers is a tale of a Mad Woman we haven't been told.
Otium Press How Did Life End Up With Us?
Why does the gene behave like a hedge fund manager? Why are mutations like a gambling scam? Why does nothing ever become top dog in life and win forever? Humans only arrived after 99.99% of the time there's been life on earth. So what was here before us? And how did these species, and the evolutionary process that created them, end up with the unpromising creatures that were our ancestors? In this, the first book of The Secrets of Life quartet, SS O'Connor brings his outsider's, questioning eye to reveal the great forces that lie behind life: from the laws that arose with Big Bang, through to the 'decisions' that organisms make to determine their chances. But how did everything come about? And what made some life forms succeed - while others would join the 99.9% of species that appeared, yet went on to become extinct? The story goes right back to our single-celled forebears - the only things that were on the planet for 80% of its existence, and then continues as it lays out the ways that successive transmissions built increasing complexity, and how the resulting species found their synergistic ways of coexisting. In an easy-going, conversational style, O'Connor explains in lay-man's language how the gene is the great conductor of life's orchestra, how it helped millions of life forms to refine themselves - yet why it also sees failure, death and extinctions as opportunities rather than disasters. Lastly, the book tells the story of the men who unpicked the mysteries, what they meant by fitness and 'the fittest', but why they continued to be baffled by organisms that broke the rules by helping each other. Why would some even choose to be sterile when producing the next generation was the overriding compulsion in life? And how does the answer to this question explain why altruism is the proof for the 'gene-based theory of evolution' - and why cooperation would become the strongest force in life?
Harvard University Press Women on the Margins: Three Seventeenth-Century Lives
As she did in The Return of Martin Guerre, Natalie Zemon Davis here retrieves individual lives from historical obscurity to give us a window onto the early modern world. As women living in the seventeenth century, Glikl bas Judah Leib, Marie de l’Incarnation, and Maria Sibylla Merian, equally remarkable though very different, were not queens or noblewomen, their every move publicly noted. Rather, they were living “on the margins” in seventeenth-century Europe, North America, and South America. Yet these women—one Jewish, one Catholic, one Protestant—left behind memoirs and writings that make for a spellbinding tale and that, in Davis’ deft narrative, tell us more about the life of early modern Europe than many an official history.All these women were originally city folk. Glikl bas Judah Leib was a merchant of Hamburg and Metz whose Yiddish autobiography blends folktales with anecdotes about her two marriages, her twelve children, and her business. Marie de l’Incarnation, widowed young, became a mystic visionary among the Ursuline sisters and cofounder of the first Christian school for Amerindian women in North America. Her letters are a rich source of information about the Huron, Algonquin, Montagnais, and Iroquois peoples of Quebec. Maria Sibylla Merian, a German painter and naturalist, produced an innovative work on tropical insects based on lore she gathered from the Carib, Arawak, and African women of Suriname. Along the way she abandoned her husband to join a radical Protestant sect in the Netherlands.Drawing on Glikl’s memoirs, Marie’s autobiography and correspondence, and Maria’s writings on entomology and botany, Davis brings these women to vibrant life. She reconstructs the divergent paths their stories took, and at the same time shows us each amid the common challenges and influences of the time—childrearing, religion, an outpouring of vernacular literature—and in relation to men. The resulting triptych suggests the range of experience, self-consciousness, and expression possible in seventeenth-century Europe and its outposts. It also shows how persons removed from the centers of power and learning ventured in novel directions, modifying in their own way Europe’s troubled and ambivalent relations with other “marginal” peoples.
Oxford University Press The Globalization of Addiction: A Study in Poverty of the Spirit
'The Globalization of Addiction' presents a radical rethink about the nature of addiction. Scientific medicine has failed when it comes to addiction. There are no reliable methods to cure it, prevent it, or take the pain out of it. There is no durable consensus on what addiction is, what causes it, or what should be done about it. Meanwhile, it continues to increase around the world. This book argues that the cause of this failure to control addiction is that the conventional wisdom of the 19th and 20th centuries focused too single-mindedly on the afflicted individual addict. Although addiction obviously manifests itself in individual cases, its prevalence differs dramatically between societies. For example, it can be quite rare in a society for centuries, and then become common when a tribal culture is destroyed or a highly developed civilization collapses. When addiction becomes commonplace in a society, people become addicted not only to alcohol and drugs, but to a thousand other destructive pursuits: money, power, dysfunctional relationships, or video games. A social perspective on addiction does not deny individual differences in vulnerability to addiction, but it removes them from the foreground of attention, because social determinants are more powerful. This book shows that the social circumstances that spread addiction in a conquered tribe or a falling civilisation are also built into today's globalizing free-market society. A free-market society is magnificently productive, but it subjects people to irresistible pressures towards individualism and competition, tearing rich and poor alike from the close social and spiritual ties that normally constitute human life. People adapt to their dislocation by finding the best substitutes for a sustaining social and spiritual life that they can, and addiction serves this function all too well. The book argues that the most effective response to a growing addiction problem is a social and political one, rather than an individual one. Such a solution would not put the doctors, psychologists, social workers, policemen, and priests out of work, but it would incorporate their practices in a larger social project. The project is to reshape society with enough force and imagination to enable people to find social integration and meaning in everyday life. Then great numbers of them would not need to fill their inner void with addictions.
Simon & Schuster Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food
Leading animal rights activist Gene Baur examines the real cost of the meat on our plates -- for both humans and animals alike -- in this provocative and thorough examination of the modern farm industry. Many people picture cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens as friendly creatures who live happily within the confines of a peaceful family farm, arriving as food for humans only at the end of their sun-drenched lives. That's what Gene Baur had been told -- but when he first visited a stockyard he realized that this rosy depiction couldn't be more inaccurate. Amid the stench, noise, and filth, his attention was drawn in particular to one sheep who had been cast aside for dead. But as Baur walked by, the sheep raised her head and looked right at him. She was still alive, and the one thing Baur knew for sure that day was that he had to get her to safety. Hilda, as she was later named, was nursed back to health and soon became the first resident of Farm Sanctuary -- an organization dedicated to the rescue, care, and protection of farm animals. The truth is that farm production does not depend on the family farmer with a small herd of animals but instead resembles a large, assembly-line factory. Animals raised for human consumption are confined for the entirety of their lives and often live without companionship, fresh air, or even adequate food and water.Viewed as production units rather than living beings with feelings, ten billion farm animals are exploited specifically for food in the United States every year. In Farm Sanctuary, Baur provides a thoughtprovoking investigation of the ethical questions involved in the production of beef, poultry, pork, milk,and eggs -- and what each of us can do to stop the mistreatment of farm animals and promote compassion. He details the triumphs and the disappointments of more than twenty years on the front lines of the animal protection movement. And he introduces sanctuary. us to some of the special creatures who live at Farm Sanctuary -- from Maya the cow to Marmalade the chicken -- all of whom escaped horrible circumstances to live happier, more peaceful lives. Farm Sanctuary shows how all of us have an opportunity and a responsibility to consume a kinder plate, making a better life for ourselves and animals as well. You will certainly never think of a hamburger or chicken breast the same way after reading this book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Naked Leader: The True Paths to Success are Finally Revealed
Fasten your seat belt, it's all you need to wear. There is a new wave of thinking and action that puts people before process, choice before change, and meaning before money. We are now entering a new business, leadership and global age, with a vision, agenda and spirit born out of the realisation that there has to be a different way of success, business and leadership. One that sets us free from traditional business thinking, and takes you, your business and your life to new levels of awareness, success and achievement. This next business age is in your hands. The Naked Leader is the antithesis to the process driven mentality that has wasted so many millions, destroyed the trust between company and employee, and enabled so many companies to at best stand completely still. The Naked Leader is a distillation of David Taylor's ideas and inspiration - ideas which have made him Europe's most sought-after speaker on leadership and personal growth. David is known as the "Naked Leader" because of his extraordinary ability to strip away uncertainty and doubt, and conclusively show that everything we need to be successful, we already have. The Naked Leader shares hundreds of life-changing actions, including: * The fastest way to make any change in your life * How to build deep and lasting rapport with anyone * The 7 most powerful questions on earth * How to change how you feel, in a single heartbeat * The structure of guaranteed success * How to be an awesome presenter * Discovering who you really are, and why you are here The Naked Leader strips away the mystery, hype and jargon, to reveal the single formula for assured success that is available to everyone. The book is a journey which can be taken from beginning to end, or joined at any stage - taking you to wherever you want to be, drawing on the very best leadership thinking around the world, finally revealing the answer to the ultimate question, "who are you and why are you here?" Taylor reveals the exact, specific actions to take to predict the future, and then shape it. As a practitioner, not a theorist, Taylor knows what works, and what does not. He shows us what to do, and exactly when to do it. No matter what your vision, challenge or present position, The Naked Leader ensures that you succeed, making your future no longer a matter of chance, but rather a matter of choice. It is powerful, and the results are amazing.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Money Pitch: Baseball Free Agency and Salary Arbitration
Professional baseball players have always been well paid. In 1869, Harry Wright paid his Cincinnati Red Stockings about seven times what an average working-man earned. Today, on average, players earn more than fifty times the average worker's salary. In fact, on December 12, 1998, pitcher Kevin Brown agreed to a seven-year, $105,000,000 contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, the first nine-figure contract in baseball history. Brown will be earning over $400,000 per game; more than 17,000 fans have to show up at Dodger Stadium every night just to pay his salary. Why are baseball players paid so much money? In this insightful book, legal scholar and salary arbitrator Roger Abrams tells the story of how a few thousand very talented young men obtain their extraordinary riches. Juggling personal experience and business economics, game theory and baseball history, he explains how agents negotiate compensation, how salary arbitration works, and how the free agency \u0022auction\u0022 operates. In addition, he looks at the context in which these systems operate: the players' collective bargaining agreement, the distribution of quality players among the clubs, even the costs of other forms of entertainment with which baseball competes. Throughout, Dean Abrams illustrates his explanations with stories and quotations -- even an occasional statistic, though following the dictum of star pitcher, club owner, and sporting goods tycoon Albert Spalding, he has kept the book as free of these as possible. He explains supply and demand by the cost of a bar of soap for Christy Mathewson's shower. He illustrates salary negotiation with an imaginary case based on Roy Hobbs, star of The National. He leads the reader through the breath-taking successes of agent Scott Boras to explain the intricacies of free agent negotiating. Although studies have shown that increases in admissions prices precede rather than follow the rise in player salaries, fans are understandably bemused by skyrocketing salaries. Dean Abrams does not shy away from the question of whether it is \u0022fair\u0022 for an athlete to earn more than $10,000,000 a year. He looks at issues of player (and team) loyalty and player attitudes, both today and historically, and at what increased salaries have meant for the national pastime, financially and in the eyes of its fans. The Money Pitch concludes that \u0022the money pitch is a story of good fortune, good timing, and great leadership, all resulting from playing a child's game -- a story that is uniquely American.\u0022
UEA Publishing Project Ostentation of Peacocks
"The funny thing about Daniel Kane's book, given its rather showy title, is how unostentatious his poems really are. Excessive, yes, gorgeously so; and 'out there' in bravely following his, or his given language's, inclinations. What is anything that can be observed or thought and how do our words account for, and even augment, that sketchy existence? How is a poem a fact if anything can be? Peculiar to Kane is his often headlong, always nimble variant on how to proceed: transmutation, an ostensible care for writing as fitting together a world in words as if out of nowhere. This remarkable book adds up, heartily, to its own 'heap big meal'."— Bill BerksonDaniel Kane was born in New York City and grew up in Manila,Philippines; Mexico City, Mexico; London, England; Tenafly, New Jersey; and New York City. He is currently Senior Lecturer in American Literature at the University of Sussex, Brighton, England. Kane's books include All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s, What Is Poetry: Conversations with the American Avant Garde, Don't Ever Get Famous: Essays on New York Writing After the New York School (editor and contributor), and Fragments, Blotches and Healing Lights: The Conversation Between 'New American' Film and Poetry (forthcoming 2009)."Daniel Kane is the revitalising voice twenty-first century poetry needs, and Ostentation of Peacock is a full display of his transatlantic talent. Fresh, funny and visionary, this book offers the reader a real world of fantasy with the lyric grace of early Ashbery and the prophetic ambition of early Ginsberg."— Jeremy Noel-Tod"The variegated plumage of Kane's elegant, iridescent, fan-tailed poems is a constant delight. Some are indeed as ostentatious as peacocks in their pride, but others obliquely and movingly mime uncertainty, confusion, and loss. This is a gorgeous collection, and one that deserves a 'harmonious welcome'."— Mark Ford"Fun is missing from this world everywhere; but here it is, at times pitiless but still fun. Daniel Kane's personable imagination dwells in the house of free play: a posture of meditation on the couch upon which there is ought to do but muse on things of a consequence neither relativized nor sanitized. Absolute inquiry into creatures-objects-ideas produces, in this leavened mind, a flurry of response that is a 'cosmos or order or harmony in a bag full of hard to categorize leaves'. Not only fun has been missing, but also compassion, and that is here too, 'with singular freshness and poignancy'."— Rebecca Wolff
Rutgers University Press The Brooklyn Bridge: A Cultural History
Hailed by some as the Eighth Wonder of the World when it opened in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge is one of the world’s most recognizable and beloved icons. For over one hundred years it has excited and fascinated with stories of ingenuity and heroism, and it has been endorsed as a flawless symbol of municipal improvement and a prime emblem of American technological progress. Despite its impressive physical presence, however, Brooklyn’s grand old bridge is much more than a testament of engineering and architectural achievement. As Richard Haw shows in this first of its kind cultural history, the Brooklyn Bridge owes as much to the imagination of the public as it does to the historical events and technical prowess that were integral to its construction. Bringing together more than sixty images of the bridge that, over the years, have graced postcards, magazine covers, and book jackets and appeared in advertisements, cartoons, films, and photographs, Haw traces the diverse and sometimes jarring ways in which this majestic structure has been received, adopted, and interpreted as an American idea. Haw’s account is not a history of how the bridge was made, but rather of what people have made of the Brooklyn Bridge—in film, music, literature, art, and politics—from its opening ceremonies to the blackout of 2003. Classic accounts from such writers and artists as H. G. Wells, Charles Reznikoff, Hart Crane, Lewis Mumford, Joseph Pennell, Walker Evans, and Georgia O’Keeffe, among many others, present the bridge as a deserted, purely aestheticized romantic ideal, while others, including Henry James, Joseph Stella, Yun Gee, Ernest Poole, Alfred Kazin, Paul Auster, and Don DeLillo, offer a counter-narrative as they question not only the role of the bridge in American society, but its function as a profoundly public, communal place. Also included are never-before-published photographs by William Gedney and a discussion of Alexis Rockman’s provocative new mural Manifest Destiny. Drawing on hundreds of cultural artifacts, from the poignant, to the intellectual, to the downright quirky, The Brooklyn Bridge sheds new light on topics such as ethnic and foreign responses to America, nationalism, memory, parade culture, commemoration, popular culture, and post-9/11 America icons. In the end, we realize that this impressive span is as culturally remarkable today as it was technologically and physically astounding in the nineteenth century.
University of Pennsylvania Press Human Rights in Iran: The Abuse of Cultural Relativism
Selected by Choice magazine as an Outstanding Academic Title Are the principles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights truly universal? Or, as some have argued, are they derived exclusively from Western philosophic traditions and therefore irrelevant to many non-Western cultures? Should a state's claims to indigenous traditions, and not international covenants, determine the scope of rights granted to its citizens? In his strong defense of the Declaration, Reza Afshari contends that the moral vision embodied in this and other agreements is a proper response to the abuses of the modern state. Asserting that the most serious violations of human rights by state rulers are motivated by political and economic factors rather than the purported concern for cultural authenticity, Afshari examines one particular state that has claimed cultural exception to the universality of human rights, the Islamic Republic of Iran. In his revealing case study, Afshari investigates how Islamic culture and Iranian politics since the fall of the Shah have affected human rights policy in that state. He exposes the human rights violations committed by ruling clerics in Iran since the Revolution, showing that Iran has behaved remarkably like other authoritarian governments in its human rights abuses. For more than two decades, Iran has systematically jailed, tortured, and executed dissidents without due process of law and assassinated political opponents outside state borders. Furthermore, like other oppressive states, Iran has regularly denied and countered the charges made by United Nations human rights monitors, defending its acts as authentic cultural practices. Throughout his study, Afshari addresses Iran's claims of cultural relativism, a controversial thesis in the intense ongoing debate over the universality of human rights. In prison memoirs he uncovers the actual human rights abuses committed by the Islamic Republic and the sociopolitical conditions that cause or permit them. Finally, Afshari turns to little-read UN reports that reveal that the dynamics of power between UN human rights monitors and Iranian leaders have proven ineffective at enforcing human rights policy in Iran. Critically analyzing the state's responses, Afshari shows that the Islamic Republic, like other oppressive states, has regularly denied and countered the charges made by UN human rights monitors, and when denials were patently implausible, it defended its acts as authentic cultural practices. This defense is equally unconvincing, since it lacked domestic cultural consensus.
Cornell University Press Francis of Assisi: A New Biography
Among the most beloved saints in the Catholic tradition, Francis of Assisi (c. 1181–1226) is popularly remembered for his dedication to poverty, his love of animals and nature, and his desire to follow perfectly the teachings and example of Christ. During his lifetime and after his death, followers collected, for their own purposes, numerous stories, anecdotes, and reports about Francis. As a result, the man himself and his own concerns became lost in legend. In this authoritative and engaging new biography, Augustine Thompson, O.P., sifts through the surviving evidence for the life of Francis using modern historical methods. The result is a complex yet sympathetic portrait of the man and the saint. Francis emerges from this account as very much a typical thirteenth-century Italian layman, but one who, when faced with unexpected crises in his personal life, made decisions so radical that they challenge his own society—and ours. Unlike the saint of legend, this Francis never had a unique divine inspiration to provide him with rules for following the teachings of Jesus. Rather, he spent his life reacting to unexpected challenges, before which he often found himself unprepared and uncertain. The Francis who emerges here is both more complex and more conflicted than that of older biographies. His famed devotion to poverty is found to be more nuanced than expected, perhaps not even his principal spiritual concern. Thompson revisits events small and large in Francis's life, including his troubled relations with his father, his contacts with Clare of Assisi, his encounter with the Muslim sultan, and his receiving the Stigmata, to uncover the man behind the legends and popular images. A tour de force of historical research and biographical writing, Francis of Assisi: A New Biography is divided into two complementary parts—a stand alone biographical narrative and a close, annotated examination of the historical sources about Francis. Taken together, the narrative and the survey of the sources provide a much-needed fresh perspective on this iconic figure. "As I have worked on this biography," Thompson writes, "my respect for Francis and his vision has increased, and I hope that this book will speak to modern people, believers and unbelievers alike, and that the Francis I have come to know will have something to say to them today."
University of British Columbia Press The Canadian Department of Justice and the Completion of Confederation 1867-78
The federal Department of Justice was established by John A. Macdonald as part of the Conservative party's program for reform of the parliamentary system following Confederation. Among other things, it was charged with establishing national institutions such as the Supreme Court and the North West Mounted Police and with centralizing the penitentiary system. In the process, the department took on a position of primary importance in post-Confederation politics. This was particularly so up to 1878, when Confederation was "completed."Jonathan Swainger considers the growth and development of the ostensibly apolitical Department of Justice in the eleven years after the union of 1867. Drawing on legal records and other archival documents, he details the complex interactions between law and politics, exploring how expectations both inside and outside the legal system created an environment in which the department acted as an advisor to the government. He concludes by considering the post-1878 legacy of the department's approach to governance, wherein any problem, legal or otherwise, was made amenable to politicized solutions. Unfortunately for the department and the federal government, this left them ill-prepared for the constitutional battles to come.One crucial task was to establish responsibilities within the federal government, rather than just duplicate offices which had existed prior to union. Others were the establishment of national or quasi- national institutions such as the Supreme Court (1875) and the North-West Mounted Police (1873), the redrafting of the Governor-General's instructions (which was done between 1875 and 1877), and centralization of the penitentiary system (completed by 1875).The Department benefited from a deeply rooted expectation that law was both apolitical and necessary. This ideology functioned in a variety of ways: it gave the Department considerable latitude for setting policy and solving problems, but rationalized the appearance of politicized legal decisions. It also legitimized Department officials' claim that it was especially suited to review all legislation, advise on the royal prerogative of mercy, administer national penitentiaries, and appoint judges to the bench. Ultimately, the fictional notion of law as apolitical and necessary placed the Department of Justice squarely in the midst of the completion of Confederation.The Canadian Department of Justice and the Completion of Confederation will be of particular interest to students and scholars of Canadian legal and political history.
Leuven University Press Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet VII
The editon of Henry of Ghent's Quodlibet VII makes available the critical text of an influential work. Written near the end of 1282, this Quodlibet is perhaps best known because it contains Henry's initial discussion of the papal bull Ad fructus uberes, which had granted certain exaggerated privileges to the mendicants. Henry's text puts forward arguments which limit wide interpretations of the bull and sets forth a position which favors the secular clergy. These arguments set the stage for discussions of the privileges granted by the papal bull. Indeed, Richard of Mediavilla in his Quaestio Privilegii Papae Martini makes a case for the mendicants by addressing the arguments of Quodlibet VII point by point. Henry himself reiterates and elaborates his arguments in subsequent Quodlibetaand in the Tractatus super facto praelatorum et fratrum. His analyses of Ad fructus uberes lead to discussions of poverty in the religious life, which Henry argues is not a perfection but a means to perfection.Quodlibet VII also treats more philosophical matters, e.g. transcendentals, God's essence and knowledge, knowledge of the divine essence, genus, difference, matter, relation, quantity, human knowledge, and the human body. In addition, the text contains a response to some claims in Berthaud of Saint denis' Quodlibet I, q17. This fellow secular master has not been studied or edited, but he emerges here and in the Tractatus as a secular master with whom Henry disagreed.The edited text was established from the manuscript PARIS, Bibl. Nat., lat. 15350 and from manuscripts copied from a first university exemplar in paris. Three manuscripts, copied from a possible second exemplar, are collated for on pecia only. The critical study explains the editiorial method, which is complicated by two facts. First, the text of Quodlibet VII in the manuscript PARIS, Bibl. Nat., lat. 15350 seems to be copied from two different models. There is a noticeable change of ink in the text at the beginning of question 23. The text of this manuscript prior to this change is rather sonsestently superior to the first university exemplar. After this change, the text although occasionally equal or superior to the text of the first university exemplar, will often need to be coorected by the readings of the first exemplar. The second complication is that for three of the peciae, specifically peciae 10, 11, and 13, the manuscripts that depend on this exemplar form definite subgroups, probably because these peciae were either corrected or replaced.
Goose Lane Editions Between Books / Entre deux livres: The Writer's Time / Le temps de l'écrivain
Once a work is completed, when and how do writers and other artists embrace their next creative work? In this fascinating book, Monique LaRue gives a tantalizing glimpse of the contour of time shaped by inspiration rather than the movement of the clock. Moving from the philosophical to the personal, she provides a view of how each of her novels has come into existence -- the personal context in which each came to be and the social context in which each was received.LaRue uses two important words in her approach to this "between-time" of creative possibility. The first, "meander," from the Greek name for Maiandros, has come to signify "wandering at random." Like Northrop Frye, she distinguishes between "Kairos," the mysterious, unpredictable moment when the creative impulse is released, and "chronos," or passing time. This ephemeral moment, as explained by LaRue, is of time but not in it. Given this paradox, it should come as no surprise that LaRue's between-time of writing creatively has no name. Mortality brings time and its passage unceasingly to mind. Yet, the mental action of moving freely through meandering associations during the time between works becomes the criterion for thinking creatively.Une fois une Åuvre achevée, quand et comment écrivains et artistes abordent-ils leur prochaine création? Dans cet ouvrage passionnant, Monique LaRue nous donne un avant-goÃ"t alléchant des contours du temps tracés, dans ce cas, par notre imaginaire et non par les aiguilles de l'horloge. Naviguant entre la philosophie et l'expérience personnelle, elle nous livre un aperçu de la genèse de chacun de ses livres -- tant les circonstances personnelles dans lesquelles chacun a vu le jour que le contexte social qui les a accueillis.Deux mots clés émergent de la démarche de LaRue dans son exploration de cet " entre deux temps " du potentiel créatif. Le premier, " méandre ", provenant du terme grec " Maiandros " qui veut dire " errer au hasard ". à l'instar de Northrop Frye, elle distingue entre " Kairos ", le moment mystérieux et imprévisible où l'élan créateur est libéré, et " Chronos ", le temps qui passe. Pour Larue, ce moment éphémère, surgit du temps sans toutefois en faire partie. De par ce paradoxe, il n'est guère surprenant de constater que l'" entre-temps " de l'écriture créative dont traite LaRue est innommé, Notre mortalité nous renvoie inlassablement au temps. Pourtant, la pensée créative exige une activité mentale qui évolue librement, serpentant, au cours de ce temps entre deux Åuvres, au gré des aléas des associations méandres.
Katharine Publishing The Hypnobirthing Book - Childbirth with Confidence and Calm: The definitive guide to childbirth from the home of hypnobirthing
The definitive guide to childbirth from the Home of Hypnobirthing More than 100,000 copies sold worldwide, helping countless babies into the world. 15 unique relaxation scripts to help prepare you for a calm and confident birth. Audio download to accompany the book so it's easy to make practice and relaxation part of your daily routine KGH is The home of Hypnobirthing, KGH is taught in Hospitals, Antenatal Classes and by Midwives and Birthing Professionals all around the world. The KGH Teacher training course is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and is the source material for many other Hypnobirthing books and courses. This major new update of The Hypnobirthing Book is your complete and essential guide to making the birth of your child the most wonderful and uplifting experience of both your lives. The book's calm and confident advice - rooted in Katharine's many years of practical experience as a doula and teacher - describes what happens to your body during pregnancy and childbirth, empowering you to listen to your body to help you to achieve a calm and confident birth. The book explains the vital role of the birth partner and covers all types of birth situation. When you follow the proven logical and evidence based KG Hypnobirthing techniques, you will have all the tools you need to release any fears you have about labour and to enjoy your baby's birth. Tips and techniques for overcoming previous birth trauma and other challenges help you achieve the birth you want - for you and your baby The thing about KGHypnobirthing is that it works,' - a KG Hypnobirthing father 'Beyond grateful to... Katharine for the inspiration, wisdom and guidance she shared, which empowered us more than I can explain' Ella Mills, Deliciously Ella 'Katharine Graves is the Godmother of Awakened Midwifery. She teaches a very important aspect of feminism; how to honour and unleash (perhaps) the greatest power of humanity, the ability to create life and consciously bring it forth into the world' - Russell Brand 'My work with Katharine kept me calm and focused as my labour took a number of unexpected twists and turns. I felt well prepared and although I ended up having a C-section rather than a planned natural birth, I found her programme helped enormously to guide me through each step. Baby Rae and I now happily listen to Katharine's meditations together - I think she recognises her voice!' - Sarah-Jane Mee
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Starting Over at Acorn Cottage: An absolutely heartwarming and uplifting romance
'Charming and totally absorbing... I could not put this down!' Holly Martin. Buying a thatched cottage in the country may not be the usual cure for a broken heart. But after Clara Maxwell finds out her boyfriend and best friend have been sneaking around behind her back, packing her bags and leaving everything in London behind feels like it's the only way forward. Clara knew Acorn Cottage would be a fixer-upper... Yet in person, the cottage is less charmingly ramshackle and more a real health and safety concern. When Henry Garnett, her (rather handsome) new contractor, turns up with his little daughter Pansy and a van shaped like a cottage in tow, she isn't sure whether to laugh or cry. What on earth has she gotten herself into?! Still, there is something strangely lovable about the people in the little village of Merryknowe, from Rachel Brown, the quiet, lonely girl who bakes magical confections for the tearooms, to Tassie McIver, a little old lady with a lot of wisdom and a penchant for reading tea leaves. And Clara can't deny that Henry and Pansy are quickly worming their way into her heart... With all the heartbreak of the year behind her, could Acorn Cottage be the fresh start Clara so desperately wants? A heartwarming, uplifting village romance for fans of Holly Martin, Tilly Tennant and Cathy Bramley. What people are saying about Kate Forster: 'This beautifully descriptive and touching story about love and hope is fabulous sunshine reading' Closer 'A lovely get-away-from-it-all read' Red 'LOVED this book. From the cover you might assume it's a light read but this was so much more. Such meaningful characters surrounding a story of life, love, and starting over. Definitely a keeper!' NetGalley 5* Review 'This is a keeper and I wish I could give it 10 stars' Goodreads 5* Review 'An uplifting, delightful story, this one is emotional, it'll have you laughing and crying, but the overall theme for me was hope, self forgiveness and love, you will be smiling at the end' NetGalley 5* Review 'I didn't want the story to come to an end, because it was just so lovely. This is the perfect antidote to the world outside right now' Goodreads 5* Review
Sounds True Inc It's Ok That You're Not Ok: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn't Understand
As seen in THE NEW YORK TIMES • READER'S DIGEST • SPIRITUALITY & HEALTH • HUFFPOST Featured on NPR's RADIO TIMES and WISCONSIN PUBLIC RADIO When a painful loss or life-shattering event upends your world, here is the first thing to know: there is nothing wrong with grief. "Grief is simply love in its most wild and painful form," says Megan Devine. "It is a natural and sane response to loss." So, why does our culture treat grief like a disease to be cured as quickly as possible? In It’s OK That You’re Not OK, Megan Devine offers a profound new approach to both the experience of grief and the way we try to help others who have endured tragedy. Having experienced grief from both sides—as both a therapist and as a woman who witnessed the accidental drowning of her beloved partner—Megan writes with deep insight about the unspoken truths of loss, love, and healing. She debunks the culturally prescribed goal of returning to a normal, "happy" life, replacing it with a far healthier middle path, one that invites us to build a life alongside grief rather than seeking to overcome it. In this compelling and heartful book, you’ll learn: • Why well-meaning advice, therapy, and spiritual wisdom so often end up making it harder for people in grief • How challenging the myths of grief—doing away with stages, timetables, and unrealistic ideals about how grief should unfold—allows us to accept grief as a mystery to be honored instead of a problem to solve • Practical guidance for managing stress, improving sleep, and decreasing anxiety without trying to "fix" your pain • How to help the people you love—with essays to teach us the best skills, checklists, and suggestions for supporting and comforting others through the grieving process Many people who have suffered a loss feel judged, dismissed, and misunderstood by a culture that wants to "solve" grief. Megan writes, "Grief no more needs a solution than love needs a solution." Through stories, research, life tips, and creative and mindfulness-based practices, she offers a unique guide through an experience we all must face—in our personal lives, in the lives of those we love, and in the wider world. It’s OK That You’re Not OK is a book for grieving people, those who love them, and all those seeking to love themselves—and each other—better.
Canelo Shot in the Dark: A gripping crime thriller with an unforgettable detective duo
Run.Moonlight slants through the trees on the ancestral Dunlow estate, where a young woman runs for her life. Gunshots break the silence.The next morning, the body of seventeen-year-old student Melanie Pirt is found.DS Gabe Martin is more than ready to take the lead on her first murder case. Determined to prove herself to the cold and mysterious DI Juliet Stern, Gabe can’t afford any distractions – especially not ones that wake her in the night, reminding her of a past she’d rather forget.Because while Gabe and Juliet have few leads, there are plenty of suspects. And every one of them is lying…The first in a new detective series featuring an unforgettable female detective partnership, Shot in the Dark is perfect for fans of Cara Hunter and Gytha Lodge.Praise for Shot in the Dark:‘I absolutely loved this banger of a police procedural - clever, fresh, with great characters and a killer ending. Perfect for fans of Cara Hunter and I can't wait for book 2’ Jo Callaghan‘The characters were standout (especially Gabe)... I devoured it in one sitting’ Angela Marsons‘A cracking new police procedural dripping with authenticity and fascinating investigative detail. A superb addition to the crime fiction scene’ Marion Todd‘This is a cracking debut. Gabe and Juliet are a sharp investigative duo. A compulsive read with such an unexpected ending’ Casey King‘Twisted, compulsive - a powerful and fresh new voice for the crime thriller bookshelf!’ D. E. White‘Great start to a brand new crime series. Blew away the cobwebs of my reading slump that's for sure! Five stars from me!’ Kerry Watts‘A twisty corkscrew of a story... My new favourite gritty detective series’ A.M. Castle‘This is the best police procedural I have read in years. It’s complex, gripping, believable and intensely chilling. The characterisation is razor-sharp. I could hardly turn the pages fast enough to discover what happened next.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘A cracking read. Had everything you could ever want with a police procedural. A completely gripping storyline with fantastic twists. Excellent.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Full of twists and turns. The team dynamic between Gabe and Juliet was well thought out. I will be recommending this to other readers.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Wow and wow again. An excellent police procedural… wonderfully well written. I didn’t guess the perpetrator and for me, a person who reads a lot of crime novels, that is the mark of a 5 star read.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review
Penguin Books Ltd Stalin, Vol. II: Waiting for Hitler, 1929–1941
A SUNDAY TIMES HISTORY BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017'A brilliant, compelling, propulsively written, magnificent tour de force' Simon Sebag Montefiore, Evening Standard'The second volume of what will surely rank as one of the greatest historical achievements of our age ... The War and Peace of history: a book you fear you will never finish, but just cannot put down' Dominic Sandbrook, Sunday Times Well before 1929, Stalin had achieved dictatorial power over the Soviet empire, but now he decided that the largest peasant economy in the world would be transformed into socialist modernity, whatever it took. What it took, and what Stalin managed to force through, transformed the country and its ruler in profound and enduring ways. Rather than a tale of a deformed or paranoid personality creating a political system, this is a story of a political system shaping a personality. Building and running a dictatorship, with power of life or death over hundreds of millions, in conditions of capitalist self-encirclement, made Stalin the person he became.Wholesale collectivization of agriculture, some 120 million peasants, necessitated levels of coercion that were extreme even for Russia, but Stalin did not flinch; the resulting mass starvation and death elicited criticism inside the party even from those Communists committed to the eradication of capitalism. By 1934, when the situation had stabilized and socialism had been built in the countryside too, the internal praise came for his uncanny success in anticapitalist terms. But Stalin never forgot and never forgave, with bloody consequences as he strove to consolidate the state with a brand new elite.Stalin had revived a great power with a formidable industrialized military. But the Soviet Union was effectively alone, with no allies and enemies perceived everywhere. The quest to find security would bring Soviet Communism into an improbable pact with Nazi Germany. But that bargain did not work out as envisioned. The lives of Stalin and Hitler, and the fates of their respective countries, drew ever closer to collision.Stalin: Waiting for Hitler: 1929-1941 is, like its predecessor Stalin: Paradoxes of Power: 1878-1928, nothing less than a history of the world from Stalin's desk. It is also, like its predecessor, a landmark achievement in the annals of the biographer's art. Kotkin's portrait captures the vast structures moving global events, and the intimate details of decision-making.
University of Tennessee Press Decisions at Kennesaw Mountain: The Eleven Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle
As Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman swept through Georgia in 1864, he fought several small battles against an ever-retreating Gen. Joseph E. Johnston who had replaced the beleaguered Gen. Braxton Bragg as leader of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. After heavy rains slowed Sherman’s advance, Johnston’s army entrenched along the Brushy Mountain line. Hemmed in by the mountains and impassable roads, Sherman noted in his reports to Washington, “Kennesaw is the key to the whole country.” Ultimately, Sherman would outflank Johnston and grind down his army’s defenses with a brazen frontal assault. Federal forces suffered 3,000 casualties compared to Johnston’s 1,000, and yet the Confederate Army of Tennessee was forced to retreat to Smyrna, and continued defeats led to Sherman’s infamous burning of Atlanta in August of 1864.Decisions at Kennesaw Mountain explores the critical decisions made by Confederate and Federal commanders during the battle and how these decisions shaped its outcome. Rather than offering a history of the battle, Larry Peterson hones in on a sequence of command decisions that provides us, retroactively, with a blueprint of the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain at its tactical core. Identifying and exploring the critical decisions in this way allows students of the battle to progress from a knowledge of what happened to a mature grasp of why events happened. Complete with maps and a driving tour, Decisions at Kennesaw Mountain is an indispensable primer, and readers looking for a concise introduction to the battle can tour this sacred ground—or read about it at their leisure—with key insights into the campaign and a deeper understanding of the Civil War itself.Decisions at Kennesaw Mountain is the seventeenth in a series of books that will explore the critical decisions of major campaigns and battles of the Civil War.
The Catholic University of America Press Spiraling Into God: Bonaventure on Grace, Hierarchy, and Holiness
Spiraling into God: Bonaventure on Grace, Hierarchy, and Holiness offers a systematic account of the Seraphic Doctor's doctrine of grace across his speculative-academic, mystical, hagiographical, and pastoral texts. It does so by arguing that an account of this kind can only be provided by also attending to his theology of hierarchy, a methodology derived from Bonaventure's claim in the Major Legend of St. Francis that Francis of Assisi was a "vir hierarchicus," or hierarchical man. As the book explores in great depth, this appellation relies upon Bonaventure's reading of a Victorine Dionysian interpreter by the name of Thomas Gallus, whose "angelic anthropology"—or notion of the hierarchical soul—becomes a crucial component within the Seraphic Doctor's teaching on grace as he interprets the sanctity of St. Francis. Throughout the course of his career, Bonaventure will define sanctifying grace as a created "inflowing" (influential) that "hierarchizes" human beings by purifying, illuminating, and perfecting them from within, thus causing them to become a similitude of the Trinity. This book explains what this means and why it matters.Most existing scholarship on this subject in Bonaventure's thought interprets it as a subtopic with respect to other themes—for example, with respect to his Christology or his Trinitarian theology—rather than taking the time to understand his doctrine of grace in its own right. Alternatively, scholarly treatments of his doctrine of grace will treat it at length, but will only examine the topic as it appears in his more speculative-academic texts—most especially his Commentary on the Sentences or his famous Itinerarium Mentis in Deum—without bringing these into conversation with his pastoral works, sermon literature, or hagiographical texts. Spiraling Into God provides the first unified treatment of Bonaventure's doctrine of grace across all these different genres of his known corpus, and in so doing, fills a massive lacuna in both Bonaventurean scholarship and in the field of medieval historical theology.
Johns Hopkins University Press A Spirited Resistance: The North American Indian Struggle for Unity, 1745-1815
In the early 1800s, when once-powerful North American Indian peoples were being driven west across the Mississippi, a Shawnee prophet collapsed into a deep sleep. When he awoke, he told friends and family of his ascension to Indian heaven, where his grandfather had given him a warning: "Beware of the religion of the white man: every Indian who embraces it is obliged to take the road to the white man's heaven; and yet no red man is permitted to enter there, but will have to wander about forever without a resting place." The events leading to this vision are the subject of A Spirited Resistance, the poignant story of the Indian movement to challenge Anglo-American expansionism. Departing from the traditional confines of the history of American Indians, Gregory Evans Dowd carefully draws on ethnographic sources to recapture the beliefs, thoughts, and actions of four principal Indian nations-Delaware, Shawnee, Cherokee, and Creek. The result is a sensitive portrayal of the militant Indians-often led by prophets-who came to conceive of themselves as a united people, and launched an intertribal campaign to resist the Anglo-American forces. Dowd also uncovers the Native American opposition to the movement for unity. That opposition, he finds, was usually the result of divisions within Indian communities rather than intertribal rivalry. In fact, Dowd argues, intertribal enmity had little to do with the ultimate failure of the Indian struggle; it was division within Indian communities, colonial influence on Indian government, and the sheer force of the Anglo-American campaign that brought the Indian resistance movement to an end. An evocative history of long frustration and ultimate failure, A Spirited Resistance tells of a creative people, whose insights, magic, and ritual add a much-needed dimension to our understanding of the American Indian.
University Press of Kansas Sovereign Mars: Transforming Our Values through Space Settlement
The goal of sending humans to Mars is becoming increasingly technologically feasible, but the prospect of space colonization raises important questions about civilizational ethics and collective morality. History shows how destructive colonialism has been, resulting in centuries-long struggles to achieve liberation from the violent competition for land and resources by colonial powers. Space settlement poses the same temptation on a cosmic scale, with commercial actors and government space agencies doing the work previously carried out by European empires. The question is whether humans will take a different approach in this new frontier.In Sovereign Mars, astrobiologist Jacob Haqq-Misra argues that settling Mars offers humankind a transformative opportunity to avoid the mistakes of the past by “liberating Mars” as a sovereign planet from the start. Rather than see space as a way to escape human problems on Earth, Mars presents humanity with a challenge to address these problems by thinking carefully about the theory and practice of civilization. Drawing on past examples of cooperative sovereignty, such as the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the United Nations Law of the Sea Conventions, and the Antarctic Treaty System, Haqq-Misra begins a conversation about governance in space well in advance of the first arrival of humans on Mars and makes the case for an analogous approach to space that will preserve the space environment and benefit future generations.Haqq-Misra examines the emergence of sovereignty in space through the lens of historical precedent on Earth and develops models of shared governance that could maximize the transformative potential of Mars settlement. Sovereign Mars proposes the planet would serve humankind best as an independent planetary state, a juridical peer to Earth, to enable new experiments in human civilization and develop a pragmatic model for shared governance on Mars.
Johns Hopkins University Press Science for a Green New Deal: Connecting Climate, Economics, and Social Justice
Science, not politics, can take us beyond the hype and headlines to forge a realistic green new deal.Since it was first proposed in the US House of Representatives, the Green New Deal has been hotly debated, often using partisan characterizations that critique it as extreme or socialist. The intent was not simply to fight climate change or address a specific environmental concern, but rather to tackle how climate change and other environmental challenges affect the economy, the vulnerable, and social justice—and vice versa. In Science for a Green New Deal, Eric Davidson dissects this legislative resolution. He also shows how green new deal thinking offers a framework for a much-needed convergence of the natural sciences, social science, economics, and community engagement to develop holistic policy solutions to the most pressing issues of our day. Davidson weaves the case for linkages among multiple global crises, including a pandemic that has reversed progress on fighting poverty and hunger, an acceleration of climate change that has exacerbated storms, floods, droughts, and fires, and a renewed awareness of profound social injustices highlighted by the Black Lives Matter movement.Illustrating these points with his personal life experiences as a child growing up in Montana and as a famed researcher leading a large scientific society, Davidson relates these complex challenges to our everyday lives and decision-making. How, he asks, can we extract from the Earth's resources what we need for the prosperity, well-being, and dignity of current and future generations of billions of people without exhausting or polluting those resources? Written in clear, jargon-free prose, Science for a Green New Deal is a realistic and optimistic look at how we can attain a more sustainable, prosperous, and just future.
Taylor & Francis Inc Rapid Detection and Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens by Molecular Techniques
Decades of development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have yielded a significant array of associated techniques that make it possible to rapidly detect low numbers of all known pathogenic microorganisms without the traditional, more taxing methods of cultivation and phenotypic characterization. Written by one of the most prolific and respected researchers in food safety, Rapid Detection and Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens by Molecular Techniques describes the application of molecular techniques for the detection and discrimination of major infectious bacteria associated with foods. The book puts a particular focus on genes associated with pathogenicity used in PCR, including real-time PCR for specific detection of pathogenic bacteria and the inherent limitations of such methodology with certain pathogens. It also emphasizes methods for extracting microorganisms from complex food matrices and DNA purification techniques. The coverage begins with a highly comprehensive review of real time PCR, complete with theoretical and operational concepts. Each chapter deals with a specific organism and the techniques applied to that organism. The text includes references on the use of PCR primers and DNA probes, the DNA sequence of each being listed at the end of each chapter to create a complete compendium.This is not a "recipe book", but rather a resource with sufficiently detailed information that allows readers to fully comprehend the methodology described and the significance of the results. Copiously illustrated with figures, tables, charts, and graphs, this is a detailed presentation of the major, contemporary studies involving the molecular detection, quantification, and subspecies differentiation of each organism. With objective assessments of the molecular techniques, their advantages, and limitations, the book allows investigators to readily identify the precise molecular technique and application
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Power of Choice: Embracing Efficacy to Drive Your Career
Straightforward advice for navigating the challenges facing professionals who are underrepresented in the leadership of today's organizations Michael Hyter is one of the nation's highest regarded executives of color, and a widely respected thought leader in the area of talent development and leadership succession. To get there, he worked hard and made his work count through Efficacy. In The Power of Choice he reveals the lessons he learned along the way—putting you on the fast track to career success. This book provides answers to the questions you might face as you immerse yourself in an often confusing and challenging workplace culture. It is about how to take informed personal responsibility for your career. Inside, you'll find an open and frank discussion of how you can—and must, if you want to succeed!—make deliberate choices about who you are and how to represent yourself in your career. You'll learn how to open doors for yourself (rather than waiting for others to open them for you), choose what’s important to you, and decide how you will achieve your goals. Learn how to choose greatness by embracing efficacy to make the most of your time and energy Take your career into your own hands with inspiration from others who have made it Discover how embracing personal responsibility can create the opportunities you've dreamed of Gain deep insights into your own mind and make the right decisions to get where you're going Yes, for those of us who are underrepresented talent, there are tradeoffs to finding success in today's workplace culture. If you rise to the challenge, you stand a good chance of reaching your full potential—both professionally and personally.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Overhead Distribution Lines: Design and Applications
A general overview of the use of utility distribution poles, including for electric supply and communications applications Overhead Distribution Lines: Design and Applications provides information on the design and use of power and communication distribution lines. An excellent resource for those in the power and communication utilities industry, this book presents information on the physical characteristics of utility poles, overhead supply and communication cables, installation practices, joint-usage issues, and safety rules, including the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), California-specific rules, and others. It describes how to select the proper poles for specific applications. The especially valuable final chapter provides examples showing how it all works in practice, providing a background allowing more effective use of related industry software. Rather than delving into detailed design and installation techniques, this book serves as an overview for engineers and non-technical audiences alike. At the same time, it serves as a compendium of technical information not readily available elsewhere. This unique book: Offers an overview of pole structures, pole installation and maintenance, wires and cables, and cable installation and maintenance—with examples Provides information on national standards documents such as the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), ANSI O5.1, California General Order 95, and more Explores the "sag–tension" relationship between wires and poles Includes appendices that cover properties of messenger strands, wireless attachments, solution of equations to determine sag, under uniform and point loads Overhead Distribution Lines: Design and Applications offers readers an understanding of the basic principles and various issues related to electric supply and communications distribution lines. It is a valuable resource for utility engineers, as well as those without a technical background.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right
The classic guide to instructional design, fully updated for the new ways we learn Rapid Instructional Design is the industry standard guide to creating effective instructional materials, providing no-nonsense practicality rather than theory-driven text. Beginning with a look at what "instructional design" really means, readers are guided step-by-step through the ADDIE model to explore techniques for analysis, design, development, intervention, and evaluation. This new third edition has been updated to cover new applications, technologies, and concepts, and includes many new templates, real-life examples, and additional instructor materials. Instruction delivery has expanded rapidly in the nine years since the second edition's publication, and this update covers all the major advances in the field. The major instructional models are expanded to apply to e-learning, MOOCs, mobile learning, and social network-based learning. Informal learning and communities of practice are examined, as well. Instructional design is the systematic process by which instructional materials are designed, developed, and delivered. Designers must determine the learner's current state and needs, define the end goals of the instruction, and create an intervention to assist in the transition. This book is a complete guide to the process, helping readers design efficient, effective materials. Learn the ins and outs of the ADDIE model Discover shortcuts for rapid design Design for e-learning, Millennials, and MOOCs Investigate methods for emerging avenues of instruction This book does exactly what a well-designed course should do, providing relevant guidance for anyone who wants to know how to apply good instructional design. Eminently practical and fully up-to-date, Rapid Instructional Design is the one-stop guide to more effective instruction.
New York University Press The Playdate: Parents, Children, and the New Expectations of Play
A playdate is an organized meeting where parents come together with their children at a public or private location to interact socially or “play.” Children no longer simply “go out and play,” rather, play is arranged, scheduled, and parentally-approved and supervised. How do these playdates happen? Who gets asked and who doesn’t? What is acceptable play behavior? In The Playdate, Tamara R. Mose focuses on the parents of young children in New York City to explore how the shift from spontaneous and child-directed play to managed and adult-arranged playdates reveals the structures of modern parenting and the new realities of childhood. Mose argues that with the rise of moral panics surrounding child abuse, pedophilia, and fears about safety in the city, as well as helicopter parenting, and over-scheduling, the playdate has emerged as not just a necessity in terms of security and scheduling, but as the very hallmark of good parenting. Based on interviews with parents, teachers, childcare directors, and nannies from Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Long Island, the book provides a first-hand account of the strategies used by middle-class parents of young children to navigate social relationships—their own and those of their children. Mose shows how parents use playdates to improve their own experiences of raising children in New York City while at the same time carefully managing and ensuring their own social and cultural capital. Mose illustrates how the organization of playdates influences parents’ work lives, friendships, and public childrearing performances, and demonstrates how this may potentially influence the social development of both children and parents. Ultimately, this captivating and well-researched book shows that the playdate is much more than just “child’s play.” Tamara Mose on The Brian Lehrer Show
New York University Press Please Don't Wish Me a Merry Christmas: A Critical History of the Separation of Church and State
Whether in the form of Christmas trees in town squares or prayer in school, fierce disputes over the separation of church and state have long bedeviled this country. Both decried and celebrated, this principle is considered by many, for right or wrong, a defining aspect of American national identity. Nearly all discussions regarding the role of religion in American life build on two dominant assumptions: first, the separation of church and state is a constitutional principle that promotes democracy and equally protects the religious freedom of all Americans, especially religious outgroups; and second, this principle emerges as a uniquely American contribution to political theory. In Please Don't Wish Me a Merry Christmas, Stephen M. Feldman challenges both these assumptions. He argues that the separation of church and state primarily manifests and reinforces Christian domination in American society. Furthermore, Feldman reveals that the separation of church and state did not first arise in the United States. Rather, it has slowly evolved as a political and religious development through western history, beginning with the initial appearance of Christianity as it contentiously separated from Judaism.In tracing the historical roots of the separation of church and state within the Western world, Feldman begins with the Roman Empire and names Augustine as the first political theorist to suggest the idea. Feldman next examines how the roles of church and state variously merged and divided throughout history, during the Crusades, the Italian Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, the British Civil War and Restoration, the early North American colonies, nineteenth-century America, and up to the present day. In challenging the dominant story of the separation of church and state, Feldman interprets the development of Christian social power vis--vis the state and religious minorities, particularly the prototypical religious outgroup, Jews.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Practice of Citizenship: Black Politics and Print Culture in the Early United States
In the years between the American Revolution and the U.S. Civil War, as legal and cultural understandings of citizenship became more racially restrictive, black writers articulated an expansive, practice-based theory of citizenship. Grounded in political participation, mutual aid, critique and revolution, and the myriad daily interactions between people living in the same spaces, citizenship, they argued, is not defined by who one is but, rather, by what one does. In The Practice of Citizenship, Derrick R. Spires examines the parallel development of early black print culture and legal and cultural understandings of U.S. citizenship, beginning in 1787, with the framing of the federal Constitution and the founding of the Free African Society by Absalom Jones and Richard Allen, and ending in 1861, with the onset of the Civil War. Between these two points he recovers understudied figures such as William J. Wilson, whose 1859 "Afric-American Picture Gallery" appeared in seven installments in The Anglo-African Magazine, and the physician, abolitionist, and essayist James McCune Smith. He places texts such as the proceedings of black state conventions alongside considerations of canonical figures such as Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and Frederick Douglass. Reading black print culture as a space where citizenship was both theorized and practiced, Spires reveals the degree to which concepts of black citizenship emerged through a highly creative and diverse community of letters, not easily reducible to representative figures or genres. From petitions to Congress to Frances Harper's parlor fiction, black writers framed citizenship both explicitly and implicitly, the book demonstrates, not simply as a response to white supremacy but as a matter of course in the shaping of their own communities and in meeting their own political, social, and cultural needs.
University of Pennsylvania Press Used Books: Marking Readers in Renaissance England
In a recent sale catalog, one bookseller apologized for the condition of a sixteenth-century volume as "rather soiled by use." When the book was displayed the next year, the exhibition catalogue described it as "well and piously used [with] marginal notations in an Elizabethan hand [that] bring to life an early and earnest owner"; and the book's buyer, for his part, considered it to be "enlivened by the marginal notes and comments." For this collector, as for an increasing number of cultural historians and historians of the book, a marked-up copy was more interesting than one in pristine condition. William H. Sherman recovers a culture that took the phrase "mark my words" quite literally. Books from the first two centuries of printing are full of marginalia and other signs of engagement and use, such as customized bindings, traces of food and drink, penmanship exercises, and doodles. These marks offer a vast archive of information about the lives of books and their place in the lives of their readers. Based on a survey of thousands of early printed books, Used Books describes what readers wrote in and around their books and what we can learn from these marks by using the tools of archaeologists as well as historians and literary critics. The chapters address the place of book-marking in schools and churches, the use of the "manicule" (the ubiquitous hand-with-pointing-finger symbol), the role played by women in information management, the extraordinary commonplace book used for nearly sixty years by Renaissance England's greatest lawyer-statesman, and the attitudes toward annotated books among collectors and librarians from the Middle Ages to the present. This wide-ranging, learned, and often surprising book will make the marks of Renaissance readers more visible and legible to scholars, collectors, and bibliophiles.
Harvard University Press Right Where We Belong: How Refugee Teachers and Students Are Changing the Future of Education
A leading expert shows how, by learning from refugee teachers and students, we can create for displaced children—and indeed all children—better schooling and brighter futures.Half of the world’s 26 million refugees are children. Their formal education is disrupted, and their lives are too often dominated by exclusion and uncertainty about what the future holds. Even kids who have the opportunity to attend school face enormous challenges, as they struggle to integrate into unfamiliar societies and educational environments.In Right Where We Belong, Sarah Dryden-Peterson discovers that, where governments and international agencies have been stymied, refugee teachers and students themselves are leading. From open-air classrooms in Uganda to the hallways of high schools in Maine, new visions for refugee education are emerging. Dryden-Peterson introduces us to people like Jacques—a teacher who created a school for his fellow Congolese refugees in defiance of local laws—and Hassan, a Somali refugee navigating the social world of the American teenager. Drawing on more than 600 interviews in twenty-three countries, Dryden-Peterson shows how teachers and students are experimenting with flexible forms of learning. Rather than adopt the unrealistic notion that all will soon return to “normal,” these schools embrace unfamiliarity, develop students’ adaptiveness, and demonstrate how children, teachers, and community members can build supportive relationships across lines of difference.It turns out that policymakers, activists, and educators have a lot to learn from displaced children and teachers. Their stories point the way to better futures for refugee students and inspire us to reimagine education broadly, so that children everywhere are better prepared to thrive in a diverse and unpredictable world.
Harvard University Press Indentured Students: How Government-Guaranteed Loans Left Generations Drowning in College Debt
The untold history of how America’s student-loan program turned the pursuit of higher education into a pathway to poverty.It didn’t always take thirty years to pay off the cost of a bachelor’s degree. Elizabeth Tandy Shermer untangles the history that brought us here and discovers that the story of skyrocketing college debt is not merely one of good intentions gone wrong. In fact, the federal student loan program was never supposed to make college affordable.The earliest federal proposals for college affordability sought to replace tuition with taxpayer funding of institutions. But Southern whites feared that lower costs would undermine segregation, Catholic colleges objected to state support of secular institutions, professors worried that federal dollars would come with regulations hindering academic freedom, and elite-university presidents recoiled at the idea of mass higher education. Cold War congressional fights eventually made access more important than affordability. Rather than freeing colleges from their dependence on tuition, the government created a loan instrument that made college accessible in the short term but even costlier in the long term by charging an interest penalty only to needy students. In the mid-1960s, as bankers wavered over the prospect of uncollected debt, Congress backstopped the loans, provoking runaway inflation in college tuition and resulting in immense lender profits.Today 45 million Americans owe more than $1.5 trillion in college debt, with the burdens falling disproportionately on borrowers of color, particularly women. Reformers, meanwhile, have been frustrated by colleges and lenders too rich and powerful to contain. Indentured Students makes clear that these are not unforeseen consequences. The federal student loan system is working as designed.
University of California Press The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the Tyranny of Asia: A Study of Sovereignty in Ancient Religion
Among maternal deities of the Greek pantheon, the Mother of the Gods was a paradox. She is variously described as a devoted mother, a chaste wife, an impassioned lover, and a virgin daughter; she is said to be both foreign and familiar to the Greeks. In this erudite and absorbing study, Mark Munn examines how the cult of Mother of the Gods came from Phrygia and Lydia, where she was the mother of tyrants, to Athens, where she protected the laws of the Athenian democracy. Analyzing the divergence of Greek and Asiatic culture at the beginning of the classical era, Munn describes how Kybebe, the Lydian goddess who signified fertility and sovereignty, assumed a different aspect to the Greeks when Lydia became part of the Persian empire. Conflict and resolution were played out symbolically, he shows, and the goddess of Lydian tyranny was eventually accepted by the Athenians as the Mother of the Gods, and as a symbol of their own sovereignty. This book elegantly illustrates how ancient divinities were not static types, but rather expressions of cultural systems that responded to historical change. Presenting a new perspective on the context in which the Homeric and Hesiodic epics were composed, Munn traces the transformation of the Asiatic deity who was the goddess of Sacred Marriage among the Assyrians and Babylonians, equivalent to Ishtar. Among the Lydians, she was the bride to tyrants and the mother of tyrants. To the Greeks, she was Aphrodite. An original and compelling consideration of the relations between the Greeks and the dominant powers of western Asia, The Mother of the Gods, Athens, and the Tyranny of Asia is the first thorough examination of the way that religious cult practice and thought influenced political activities during and after the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel
Learn statistical methods quickly and easily with the discovery method With its emphasis on the discovery method, this publication encourages readers to discover solutions on their own rather than simply copy answers or apply a formula by rote. Readers quickly master and learn to apply statistical methods, such as bootstrap, decision trees, t-test, and permutations to better characterize, report, test, and classify their research findings. In addition to traditional methods, specialized methods are covered, allowing readers to select and apply the most effective method for their research, including: * Tests and estimation procedures for one, two, and multiple samples * Model building * Multivariate analysis * Complex experimental design Throughout the text, Microsoft Office Excel(r) is used to illustrate new concepts and assist readers in completing exercises. An Excel Primer is included as an Appendix for readers who need to learn or brush up on their Excel skills. Written in an informal, highly accessible style, this text is an excellent guide to descriptive statistics, estimation, testing hypotheses, and model building. All the pedagogical tools needed to facilitate quick learning are provided: * More than 100 exercises scattered throughout the text stimulate readers' thinking and actively engage them in applying their newfound skills * Companion FTP site provides access to all data sets discussed in the text * An Instructor's Manual is available upon request from the publisher * Dozens of thought-provoking questions in the final chapter assist readers in applying statistics to solve real-life problems * Helpful appendices include an index to Excel and Excel add-in functions This text serves as an excellent introduction to statistics for students in all disciplines. The accessible style and focus on real-life problem solving are perfectly suited to both students and practitioners.
University of Washington Press Reading Orientalism: Said and the Unsaid
The late Edward Said remains one of the most influential critics and public intellectuals of our time, with lasting contributions to many disciplines. Much of his reputation derives from the phenomenal multidisciplinary influence of his 1978 book Orientalism. Said's seminal polemic analyzes novels, travelogues, and academic texts to argue that a dominant discourse of West over East has warped virtually all past European and American representation of the Near East. But despite the book's wide acclaim, no systematic critical survey of the rhetoric in Said's representation of Orientalism and the resulting impact on intellectual culture has appeared until today. Drawing on the extensive discussion of Said's work in more than 600 bibliographic entries, Daniel Martin Varisco has written an ambitious intellectual history of the debates that Said's work has sparked in several disciplines, highlighting in particular its reception among Arab and European scholars. While pointing out Said's tendency to essentialize and privilege certain texts at the expense of those that do not comfortably it his theoretical framework, Varisco analyzes the extensive commentary the book has engendered in Oriental studies, literary and cultural studies, feminist scholarship, history, political science, and anthropology. He employs "critical satire" to parody the exaggerated and pedantic aspects of post-colonial discourse, including Said's profound underappreciation of the role of irony and reform in many of the texts he cites. The end result is a companion volume to Orientalism and the vast research it inspired. Rather than contribute to dueling essentialisms, Varisco provides a path to move beyond the binary of East versus West and the polemics of blame. Reading Orientalism is the most comprehensive survey of Said's writing and thinking to date. It will be of strong interest to scholars of Middle East studies, anthropology, history, cultural studies, post-colonial studies, and literary studies.
Columbia University Press Radio for the Millions: Hindi-Urdu Broadcasting Across Borders
Co-winner, 2023 AIPS Book Prize, American Institute of Pakistan StudiesFrom news about World War II to the broadcasting of music from popular movies, radio played a crucial role in an increasingly divided South Asia for more than half a century. Radio for the Millions examines the history of Hindi-Urdu radio during the height of its popularity from the 1930s to the 1980s, showing how it created transnational communities of listeners.Isabel Huacuja Alonso argues that despite British, Indian, and Pakistani politicians’ efforts to usurp the medium for state purposes, radio largely escaped their grasp. She demonstrates that the medium enabled listeners and broadcasters to resist the cultural, linguistic, and political agendas of the British colonial administration and the subsequent independent Indian and Pakistani governments. Rather than being merely a tool of nation building in South Asia, radio created affective links that defied state agendas, policies, and borders. It forged an enduring transnational soundscape, even after the 1947 Partition had made a united India a political impossibility.Huacuja Alonso traces how people engaged with radio across news, music, and drama broadcasts, arguing for a more expansive definition of what it means to listen. She develops the concept of “radio resonance” to understand how radio relied on circuits of oral communication such as rumor and gossip and to account for the affective bonds this “talk” created. By analyzing Hindi film-song radio programs, she demonstrates how radio spurred new ways of listening to cinema. Drawing on a rich collection of sources, including newly recovered recordings, listeners’ letters to radio stations, original interviews with broadcasters, and archival documents from across three continents, Radio for the Millions rethinks assumptions about how the medium connects with audiences.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Karl Popper and the Two New Secrets of Life: Including Karl Popper's Medawar Lecture 1986 and Three Related Texts
The story of how humans and all living things came into existence is told in two widely believed versions: the Book of Genesis and Darwin's Origin of Species. It was the philosopher Karl Popper who presented us with a third story, no less important. His New Interpretation of Darwinism denies the creative power of blind chance and natural selection and establishes knowledge and activity of all living beings as the real driving forces of evolution. Thus, spiritual elements are back in the theory of evolution, and in Popper's view "the entire evolution is an adventure of the mind."In this book, Hans-Joachim Niemann establishes Karl Popper as an eminent philosopher of biology. In the first chapter, biographical details are unearthed concerning how Popper's biological interests were inspired by a biological meeting in the old windmill at Hunstanton in 1936. The second chapter focusses on the year 1986 when Popper, in several lectures, summarized the results of his life-long biological thinking. The most important of these, the Medawar Lecture given at the Royal Society London, was lost for a long time and is now printed in the Appendix. A new world view begins to emerge that is completely different from Creationism or Darwinism.Twenty years after Popper's death, the last chapter looks back on his biological thoughts in the light of new results of molecular biology. His attack at that time on long-lasting dogmas of evolutionary theory turned out to be largely justified. The new biology seems even well suited to support Popper's endeavour to overcome the gloomy aspects of Darwinism that have made organisms passive parts of a machinery of deadly competition. Neither blind chance nor natural selection are the creative forces of all life, but rather knowledge and activity. How they came into existence is still a secret and a worthwhile research programme.
Harvard Business Review Press The Necessary Journey: Making Real Progress on Equity and Inclusion
"What does a workplace utopia look like to you?"This is the question Dr. Ella F. Washington asks company leaders, and often she hears about an ideal vision of an organization that values diversity and inclusion and wants employees to bring their whole selves to work.But how can you get there? Organizations have largely missed the mark when it comes to creating environments where all employees thrive in an equal and equitable way, because they treat diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a program that gets done rather than the necessary and difficult journey it is. A truly inclusive workplace requires invention and reinvention, mistakes and humility, adaptation to a changing world, constant reflection, and sometimes significant sacrifice.The road to an inclusive workplace is a difficult one, but you can traverse it, and there's help along the way. Start here with stories of companies making the necessary journey, including Slack, PwC, Best Buy, Denny's, and many others. Hear from company leaders about their successes and failures, the times they were on the vanguard, and the moments they realized they had much more work to do. These are profiles in perseverance from people who are keen enough to recognize the need for inclusive workplaces and humble enough to know they're not there yet. Along the way, Washington provides a framework for thinking about where these companies are on their journeys and where you and your company may be too.Progress is hard won on the necessary journey to becoming an inclusive organization, but it must be won. John Lewis said it best: "You see something you want to get done, you cannot give up, and you cannot give in."
Chelsea Green Publishing Co The Vertical Veg Guide to Container Gardening: How to Grow an Abundance of Herbs, Vegetables and Fruit in Small Spaces (Winner - Garden Media Guild Practical Book of the Year Award 2022)
Winner of the Garden Media Guild Practical Book of the Year Award 2022 From the creator of the wildly popular website ‘Vertical Veg’ and with over 200k people in his online community of growers, comes the complete guide to growing delicious fruit, vegetables, herbs and salad in containers, pots and more – in any space at home – no matter how small! If you long to grow your own tomatoes, courgettes or strawberries but thought you didn’t have enough space, Mark Ridsdill Smith, aka the ‘Vertical Veg Man,’ will show you how. Make the most of walls, balconies, patios, arches and windowsills and create rich, beautiful and delicious homegrown food. With proven results from his ten years of experience growing in all kinds of containers and teaching people how to grow bountiful, edible crops in small spaces, Mark will show you how gardening in containers is more than just a hobby but rather a way of creating a significant amount of delicious, low-cost, nutritious food. In his second year of growing in containers, Mark grew over 80kg of food worth £900! Inside The Vertical Veg Guide to Container Gardening, you’ll find: Mark’s ‘Eight Steps to Success’ How to make the most of your space How to draw up a planning calendar so you can grow throughout the year Planting projects for beginners and the best plants to start with Compost recipes and wormery guide for the more experienced gardener Troubleshoots for the specific challenges of growing in small spaces Ways to support pollinators and other wildlife in urban areas How growing food at home can contribute to wellbeing, sustainability and the local community Don’t be confined by the space you have – grow all the food you want with Mark’s Vertical Veg Guide to Container Gardening.
University of Pennsylvania Press Ennobling Love: In Search of a Lost Sensibility
"Richard, Duke of Aquitaine, son of the King of England, remained with Philip, the King of France, who so honored him for so long that they ate every day at the same table and from the same dish, and at night their beds did not separate them. And the King of France loved him as his own soul; and they loved each other so much that the King of England was absolutely astonished at the vehement love between them and marveled at what it could mean." Public avowals of love between men were common from antiquity through the Middle Ages. What do these expressions leave to interpretation? An extraordinary amount, as Stephen Jaeger demonstrates. Unlike current efforts to read medieval culture through modern mores, Stephen Jaeger contends that love and sex in the Middle Ages relate to each other very differently than in the postmedieval period. Love was not only a mode of feeling and desiring, or an exclusively private sentiment, but a way of behaving and a social ideal. It was a form of aristocratic self-representation, its social function to show forth virtue in lovers, to raise their inner worth, to increase their honor and enhance their reputation. To judge from the number of royal love relationships documented, it seems normal, rather than exceptional, that a king loved his favorites, and the courtiers and advisors, clerical and lay, loved their superiors and each other. Jaeger makes an elaborate, accessible, and certain to be controversial, case for the centrality of friendship and love as aristocratic lay, clerical, and monastic ideals. Ennobling Love is a magisterial work, a book that charts the social constructions of passion and sexuality in our own times, no less than in the Middle Ages.