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University Press of Mississippi Birth Chairs, Midwives, and Medicine
There was a time when birth was treated as a natural process rather than a medical condition. Before 1800, women gave birth seated in birth chairs or on stools and were helped along by midwives. Then societal changes in attitudes toward women and the practice of medicine made birthing a province of the male-dominated medical profession. In Birth Chairs, Midwives, and Medicine, Amanda Carson Banks examines the history of the birth chair and tells how this birthing device changed over time. Through photographs, artists' renditions of births, interviews, and texts from midwives and early obstetricians, she creates an evolutionary picture of birthing practices and highlights the radical redefinition of birth that has occurred in the last two centuries. During the 1800s the change from a natural philosophy of birth to a medical one was partly a result of heightened understandings of anatomy and physiology. The medical profession was growing, and with it grew the awareness of the economic rewards of making delivery a specialized practice. In the background of the medical profession's rise was the prevailing perception of women as fragile invalids. Gradually, midwives and birth chairs were relegated to rural and isolated settings. The popularity of birth chairs has seen a revival in the late twentieth century as the struggle between medical obstetrics and the alternative birth movement has grown. As Banks shows through her careful examination of the chairs themselves, these questions have been answered and reconsidered many times in human history. Using the artifacts from the home and medical office, Banks traces sweeping societal changes in the philosophy of how to bring life into the world.
Welcome Rain Publishers,US Egypt: The Pocket Visual Encyclopedia of Art
No civilization has left such imposing and fascinating vestiges as that of Egypt, and yet so little trace of the "human." In ancient Egypt art was not an expression of the human world but a living and active representation of the act of creation. The extreme and forceful nature of the Nile Valley-where the fertile plain runs without a break into the desert, and the annual flooding erases the landscape in a relentless cycle as it brings new life-has shaped Egyptian art. It is in the first place a direct emanation of the divine, and as such proposes the order established by the gods with mathematical rigor and in strictly codified canons. Religion was everything and everything was religion in ancient Egypt. Art had no aesthetic value in this world. Art was a symbol of nature; it has to capture its essence rather than imitate it, and left no freedom or independence of expression to the individual. The works that adorn temples, palaces, and tombs always have a magical function: They are intended to protect. Thus they are not an imitation of nature. On the contrary, they are alive and potent. The magical and religious conception that inspired these artist-creators can still be perceived today, even when their works have been transported to lands faraway from the blazing sun of the African desert. Even inside the showcases of museums they still speak of a natural world inhabited by human beings, but one that has been created by a divinity that pervades it through and through-a world where humanity and its art represent the pinnacle of divine creation.
Taylor Trade Publishing Winners Make it Happen: Reflections of a Self-Made Man
A great innovator of our time, Leonard Lavin epitomises the American Dream. Forced to leave college to take care of family matters, Lavin entered the workforce early. He began his career as a salesman, but quickly discovered that he would rather own a company than work for one. Lavin purchased a tiny beauty supply company called Alberto Culver Corporation -- best known for its chief asset, a hairstyling product called VO5 (for "five vital oils") -- and built the regional company into a revered Fortune 500 corporation. Now, in "Winners Make It Happen", this self-made millionaire takes readers on a trip through his extraordinary life, and shares with new generations of entrepreneurs his blueprint for success. Lavin reveals how his instinct-driven vision led him to build a small family business into a corporate giant, without the help of any formal business education, start-up funds, or financial backing. He revisits his groundbreaking achievements -- and he looks outside his corporate triumphs to explore his international success as a breeder of thoroughbred horses, from his first stakes winner in 1967 to his filly One Dreamer, who won the prestigious Breeder's Cup Distaff in 1994. In addition, Lavin shares anecdotes involving the legendary businessmen, entertainers, and politicians he has met along the way -- including Richard Nixon, NBC founder General Sarnoff, CBS founder William Paley, and Abe Lastfogel, founder of the William Morris Agency. Leonard Lavin sums up his journey to achievement: "Winners make it happen; losers let it happen". As readers follow Lavin on his path to success, they too will discover what it takes to make things happen.
Simon & Schuster Michelangelo: A Life in Six Masterpieces
Among the immortals-Leonardo, Rembrandt, Picasso-Michelangelo stands alone as a master of painting, sculpture, and architecture. He was not only the greatest artist in an age of giants, but a man who reinvented the practice of art itself. Throughout his long career he clashed with patrons by insisting that he had no master but his own demanding muse and promoting the novel idea that it was the artist, rather than the lord who paid for it, who was creative force behind the work. Miles Unger narrates the astonishing life of this driven and difficult man through six of his greatest masterpieces. Each work expanded the expressive range of the medium, from the Pietà Michelangelo carved as a brash young man, to the apocalyptic Last Judgment, the work of an old man tested by personal trials. Throughout the course of his career he explored the full range of human possibility. In the gargantuan David he depicts Man in the glory of his youth, while in the tombs he carved for the Medici he offers a sustained meditation on death and the afterlife. In the Sistine Chapel ceiling he tells the epic story of Creation, from the perfection of God's initial procreative act to the corruption introduced by His imperfect children. In the final decades of his life, his hands too unsteady to wield the brush and chisel, he exercised his mind by raising the soaring vaults and dome of St. Peter's in a final tribute to his God. A work of deep artistic understanding, Miles Unger's Michelangelobrings to life the irascible, egotistical, and undeniably brilliant man whose artistry continues to amaze and inspire us after 500 years.
River Publishers Visual Communication for Cybersecurity: Beyond Awareness to Advocacy
Cybersecurity needs a change in communication. It is time to show the world that cybersecurity is an exciting and diverse field to work in. Cybersecurity is not only about hackers and technical gobbledygook. It is a diverse field of work with a lot of collaboration with other disciplines. Over the years, security professionals have tried different awareness strategies to promote their work and to improve the knowledge of their audience but without much success. Communication problems are holding back advances in in the field.Visual Communication for Cybersecurity explores the possibilities of visual communication as a tool to improve the communication about cybersecurity and to better connect with non-experts. Visual communication is useful to explain complex topics and to solve complex problems. Visual tools are easy to share through social media and have the possibility to reach a wide audience. When applied strategically, visual communication can contribute to a people-centric approach to security, where employees are encouraged to actively engage in security activities rather than simply complying with the policies.Cybersecurity education does not usually include communication theory or creative skills. Many experts think that it is not part of their job and is best left to the communication department or they think that they lack any creative talent. This book introduces communication theories and models, gives practical tips, and shows many examples. The book can support students in cybersecurity education and professionals searching for alternatives to bullet-point presentations and textual reports. On top of that, if this book succeeds in inspiring the reader to start creating visuals, it may also give the reader the pleasure of seeing new possibilities and improving their performance.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Bishop Æthelwold, his Followers, and Saints' Cults in Early Medieval England: Power, Belief, and Religious Reform
An exploration of how Æthelwold and those he influenced deployed the promotion of saints to implement religious reform. Bishop Æthelwold of Winchester and his associates were some of the most radical monastic reformers in tenth-century Europe. In two generations, they took over most of the powerful churches in the kingdom of England and implemented a number of the policies found in their ambitious monastic manifestos. They also had a major impact on the early development of the kingdom itself, taking a role in the establishment of a shire system that lasted a thousand years, negotiations with invaders, and attempts to create a standardized English language. Æthelwold and his circle were also enthusiastic venerators of saints. This book examines a range of sources, from hagiographies to charters, from liturgy to archaeological remains, to argue that saints' cults helped these men and women secure their power, wealth, and relationships with groups outside their monasteries. The saints that Æthelwold's circle promoted most lavishly were not necessarily the ones that they studied or the ones that matched their ideological agenda. Rather, Æthelwold's monks and nuns connected themselves to a wide range of saints, including the Virgin Mary, St Swithun, Æthelthryth of Ely, Iudoc, Grimbald, Botulf, Cuthbert, and many others. Venerating these saints helped Æthelwold and his followers appeal to other groups in society, including unreformed ecclesiastics, lay nobles, and the workers on their estates. This book therefore not only has implications for the study of early English history and literature, but also for the history of western European monasticism and saints' cults more generally.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Understanding International Sign: A Sociolinguistic Study
In Understanding International Sign, Lori A. Whynot examines International Sign (IS) to determine the extent it is comprehended by signers from different countries. She focuses exclusively on expository lecture IS used in conference settings and presents the first empirical research on its effectiveness for communicating rich information to diverse audience members. International Sign is regarded as a lingua franca that is employed by deaf people to communicate with other deaf people who do not share the same conventionalized local sign language. Contrary to widely-held belief, sign languages are not composed of a unified system of universal gestures rather, they are distinctly different, and most are mutually unintelligible from one another. The phenomenon of IS has emerged through increased global interaction during recent decades, driven by a rise in the number of international conferences and events and by new technologies that allow for enhanced global communication. IS is gaining acceptance for providing communicative access to conference audience members who do not have knowledge of the designated conference languages, and it is being recruited for use due to the prohibitive expense of providing interpreting services in numerous different sign languages. However, it is not known how well audience members understand IS, and it may actually limit equal access to the interpreted information. Whynot compares IS to native sign languages and analyzes the distribution of linguistic elements in the IS lexicon and their combined effect on comprehension. Her findings indicate that audiences with diverse sign languages understand much less of IS presentations than has been previously assumed. Whynot's research has crucial implications for expository IS usage, training, and interpreting and sheds light on the strengths and weaknesses inherent in cross-linguistic, signed contact settings.
University of Pennsylvania Press Undoing Slavery: Bodies, Race, and Rights in the Age of Abolition
Undoing Slavery excavates cultural, political, medical, and legal history to understand the abolitionist focus on the body on its own terms. Motivated by their conviction that the physical form of the human body was universal and faced with the growing racism of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century science, abolitionists in North America and Britain focused on undoing slavery’s harm to the bodies of the enslaved. Their pragmatic focus on restoring the bodily integrity and wellbeing of enslaved people threw up many unexpected challenges. This book explores those challenges. Slavery exploited the bodies of men and women differently: enslaved women needed to be acknowledged as mothers rather than as reproducers of slave property, and enslaved men needed to claim full adult personhood without triggering white fears about their access to male privilege. Slavery’s undoing became more fraught by the 1850s, moreover, as federal Fugitive Slave Law and racist medicine converged. The reach of the federal government across the borders of free states and theories about innate racial difference collapsed the distinctions between enslaved and emancipated people of African descent, making militant action necessary. Escaping to so-called “free” jurisdictions, refugees from slavery demonstrated that a person could leave the life of slavery behind. But leaving behind the enslaved body, the fleshy archive of trauma and injury, proved impossible. Bodies damaged by slavery needed urgent physical care as well as access to medical knowledge untainted by racist science. As the campaign to end slavery revealed, legal rights alone, while necessary, were not sufficient either to protect or heal the bodies of African-descended people from the consequences of slavery and racism.
Cornell University Press In the Hegemon's Shadow: Leading States and the Rise of Regional Powers
The relationship between established powers and emerging powers is one of the most important topics in world politics. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated how the leading state in the international system responds to rising powers in peripheral regions—actors that are not yet and might never become great powers but that are still increasing their strength, extending their influence, and trying to reorder their corner of the world. In the Hegemon's Shadow fills this gap. Evan Braden Montgomery draws on different strands of realist theory to develop a novel framework that explains why leading states have accommodated some rising regional powers but opposed others.Montgomery examines the interaction between two factors: the type of local order that a leading state prefers and the type of local power shift that appears to be taking place. The first captures a leading state's main interest in a peripheral region and serves as the baseline for its evaluation of any changes in the status quo. Would the leading state like to see a balance of power rather than a preponderance of power, does it favor primacy over parity instead, or is it impartial between these alternatives? The second indicates how a local power shift is likely to unfold. In particular, which regional order is an emerging power trying to create and does a leading state expect it to succeed? Montgomery tests his arguments by analyzing Great Britain’s efforts to manage the rise of Egypt, the Confederacy, and Japan during the nineteenth century and the United States’ efforts to manage the emergence of India and Iraq during the twentieth century.
University of Nebraska Press Women Made Visible: Feminist Art and Media in Post-1968 Mexico City
2020 Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS) Book Prize In post-1968 Mexico a group of artists and feminist activists began to question how feminine bodies were visually constructed and politicized across media. Participation of women was increasing in the public sphere, and the exclusive emphasis on written culture was giving way to audio-visual communications. Motivated by a desire for self-representation both visually and in politics, female artists and activists transformed existing regimes of media and visuality.Women Made Visible by Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda uses a transnational and interdisciplinary lens to analyze the fundamental and overlooked role played by artists and feminist activists in changing the ways female bodies were viewed and appropriated. Through their concern for self-representation (both visually and in formal politics), these women played a crucial role in transforming existing regimes of media and visuality—increasingly important intellectual spheres of action. Foregrounding the work of female artists and their performative and visual, rather than written, interventions in urban space in Mexico City, Aceves Sepúlveda demonstrates that these women feminized Mexico’s mediascapes and shaped the debates over the female body, gender difference, and sexual violence during the last decades of the twentieth century. Weaving together the practices of activists, filmmakers, visual artists, videographers, and photographers, Women Made Visible questions the disciplinary boundaries that have historically undermined the practices of female artists and activists and locates the development of Mexican second-wave feminism as a meaningful actor in the contested political spaces of the era, both in Mexico City and internationally.
New York University Press Adolescence, Discrimination, and the Law: Addressing Dramatic Shifts in Equality Jurisprudence
Explores the shifts and the research used to support civil rights claims of discrimination, particularly relating to minority youths’ rights to equal treatment In the wake of the civil rights movement, the legal system dramatically changed its response to discrimination based on race, gender, and other characteristics. It is now showing signs of yet another dramatic shift, as it moves from considering difference to focusing on neutrality. Rather than seeking to counter subjugation through special protections for groups that have been historically (and currently) disadvantaged, the Court now adopts a “colorblind” approach. Equality now means treating everyone the same way. This book explores these shifts and the research used to support civil rights claims, particularly relating to minority youths’ rights to equal treatment. It integrates developmental theory with work on legal equality and discrimination, showing both how the legal system can benefit from new research on development and how the legal system itself can work to address invidious discrimination given its significant influence on adolescents—especially those who are racial minorities—at a key stage in their developmental life. Adolescents, Discrimination, and the Law articulates the need to address discrimination by recognizing and enlisting the law’s inculcative powers in multiple sites subject to legal regulation, ranging from families, schools, health and justice systems to religious and community groups. The legal system may champion ideals of neutrality in the goals it sets itself for treating individuals, but it cannot remain neutral in the values it supports and imparts. This volume shows that despite the shift to a focus on neutrality, the Court can and should effectively foster values supporting equality, especially among youth.
New York University Press Citizen, Student, Soldier: Latina/o Youth, JROTC, and the American Dream
Since the 1990s, Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) programs have experienced unprecedented expansion in American public schools. The program and its proliferation in poor, urban schools districts with large numbers of Latina/o and African American students is not without controversy. Public support is often based on the belief that the program provides much-needed discipline for "at risk" youth. Meanwhile, critics of JROTC argue that the program is a recruiting tool for the U.S. military and is yet another example of an increasingly punitive climate that disproportionately affect youth of color in American public schools. Citizen, Student, Soldier intervenes in these debates, providing critical ethnographic attention to understanding the motivations, aspirations, and experiences of students who participate in increasing numbers in JROTC programs. These students have complex reasons for their participation, reasons that challenge the reductive idea that they are either dangerous youths who need discipline or victims being exploited by a predatory program. Rather, their participation is informed by their marginal economic position in the local political economy, as well as their desire to be regarded as full citizens, both locally and nationally. Citizenship is one of the central concerns guiding the JROTC curriculum; this book explores ethnographically how students understand and enact different visions of citizenship and grounds these understandings in local and national political economic contexts. It also highlights the ideological, social and cultural conditions of Latina/o youth and their families who both participate in and are enmeshed in vigorous debates about citizenship, obligation, social opportunity, militarism and, ultimately, the American Dream.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shakespeare and the Power of the Face
Throughout his plays, Shakespeare placed an extraordinary emphasis on the power of the face to reveal or conceal moral character and emotion, repeatedly inviting the audience to attend carefully to facial features and expressions. The essays collected here disclose that an attention to the power of the face in Shakespeare’s England helps explain moments when Shakespeare’s language of the self becomes intertwined with his language of the face. As the range of these essays demonstrates, an attention to Shakespeare’s treatment of faces has implications for our understanding of the historical and cultural context in which he wrote, as well as the significance of the face for the ongoing interpretation and production of the plays. Engaging with a variety of critical strands that have emerged from the so-called turn to the body, the contributors to this volume argue that Shakespeare’s invitation to look to the face for clues to inner character is not an invitation to seek a static text beneath an external image, but rather to experience the power of the face to initiate reflection, judgment, and action. The evidence of the plays suggests that Shakespeare understood that this experience was extremely complex and mysterious. By turning attention to the face, the collection offers important new analyses of a key feature of Shakespeare’s dramatic attention to the part of the body that garnered the most commentary in early modern England. By bringing together critics interested in material culture studies with those focused on philosophies of self and other and historians and theorists of performance, Shakespeare and the Power of the Face constitutes a significant contribution to our growing understanding of attitudes towards embodiment in Shakespeare’s England.
Taylor & Francis Inc Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering
In order to achieve long-term profitability and assure survival for their companies, managers must be informed, imaginative, and capable of adapting to shifting circumstances. Practical decisions rather than theories hold the upper ground. Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering supplies the understanding required to effectively manage an organization in an increasingly competitive global market. Using case studies, the book illustrates the principles, policies, and management practices used by some of the most successful companies around the world. The real-world case studies supply valuable insight into the range of issues that confront decision makers in business. By explaining how to develop effective strategies and business plans, the text supplies both the concepts and the tools to stay on track with those plans. It also: Explains how to evaluate the pros and cons of your organizational policies and how to effect policies for maximum synergy Covers product development, sales, marketing, pricing, and financial analysis Illustrates the right and wrong ways to implement the principles discussed, with case studies of hi-tech companies such as Apple, Google, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Toyota, ITT, and Bloomberg Dimitris N. Chorafas provides valuable insight garnered over half a century of advising financial institutions and multinational industrial corporations. Dr. Chorafas explains how to develop competitive products and use pricing strategies to achieve an edge over your competition. He also includes case studies that examine the price wars in the computer industry. This book supplies a realistic look into the positive and negative aspects of various policies and whether or not current practices related to forecasting, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling have produced th
Taylor & Francis Inc Szycher's Handbook of Polyurethanes
A practical handbook rather than merely a chemistry reference, Szycher's Handbook of Polyurethanes, Second Edition offers an easy-to-follow compilation of crucial new information on polyurethane technology, which is irreplaceable in a wide range of applications. This new edition of a bestseller is an invaluable reference for technologists, marketers, suppliers, and academicians who require cutting-edge, commercially valuable data on the most advanced uses for polyurethane, one of the most important and complex specialty polymers.internationally recognized expert Dr. Michael Szycher updates his bestselling industry "bible" With seven entirely new chapters and five that are revised and updated, this book summarizes vital contents from U.S. patent literature—one of the most comprehensive sources of up-to-date technical information. These patents illustrate the most useful technology discovered by corporations, universities, and independent inventors. Because of the wealth of information they contain, this handbook features many full-text patents, which are carefully selected to best illustrate the complex principles involved in polyurethane chemistry and technology.Features of this landmark reference include: Hundreds of practical formulations Discussion of the polyurethane history, key terms, and commercial importance An in-depth survey of patent literature Useful stoichiometric calculations The latest "green" chemistry applications A complete assessment of medical-grade polyurethane technology Not biased toward any one supplier’s expertise, this special reference uses a simplified language and layout and provides extensive study questions after each chapter. It presents rich technical and historical descriptions of all major polyurethanes and updated sections on medical and biological applications. These features help readers better understand developmental, chemical, application, and commercial aspects of the subject.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Hymnal: A Reading History
Understanding the culture of living with hymnbooks offers new insight into the histories of poetry, literacy, and religious devotion.It stands barely three inches high, a small brick of a book. The pages are skewed a bit, and evidence of a small handprint remains on the worn, cheap leather covers that don’t quite close. The book bears the marks of considerable use. But why—and for whom—was it made? Christopher N. Phillips’s The Hymnal is the first study to reconstruct the practices of reading and using hymnals, which were virtually everywhere in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Isaac Watts invented a small, words-only hymnal at the dawn of the eighteenth century. For the next two hundred years, such hymnals were their owners’ constant companions at home, school, church, and in between. They were children's first books, slaves’ treasured heirlooms, and sources of devotional reading for much of the English-speaking world. Hymnals helped many people learn to memorize poetry and to read; they provided space to record family memories, pass notes in church, and carry everything from railroad tickets to holy cards to business letters. In communities as diverse as African Methodists, Reform Jews, Presbyterians, Methodists, Roman Catholics, and Unitarians, hymnals were integral to religious and literate life. An extended historical treatment of the hymn as a read text and media form, rather than a source used solely for singing, this book traces the lives people lived with hymnals, from obscure schoolchildren to Emily Dickinson. Readers will discover a wealth of connections between reading, education, poetry, and religion in Phillips’s lively accounts of hymnals and their readers.
Johns Hopkins University Press Who Owns America's Past?: The Smithsonian and the Problem of History
In 1994, when the National Air and Space Museum announced plans to display the Enola Gay, the B-29 sent to destroy Hiroshima with an atomic bomb, the ensuing political uproar caught the museum's parent Smithsonian Institution entirely unprepared. As the largest such complex in the world, the Smithsonian cares for millions of objects and has displayed everything from George Washington's sword to moon rocks to Dorothy's ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz. Why did this particular object arouse such controversy? From an insider's perspective, Robert C. Post's Who Owns America's Past? offers insight into the politics of display and the interpretation of history. Never before has a book about the Smithsonian detailed the recent and dramatic shift from collection-driven shows, with artifacts meant to speak for themselves, to concept-driven exhibitions, in which objects aim to tell a story, displayed like illustrations in a book. Even more recently, the trend is to show artifacts along with props, sound effects, and interactive elements in order to create an immersive environment. Rather than looking at history, visitors are invited to experience it. Who Owns America's Past? examines the different ways that the Smithsonian's exhibitions have been conceived and designed-whether to educate visitors, celebrate an important historical moment, or satisfy donor demands or partisan agendas. Combining information from hitherto-untapped archival sources, extensive interviews, a thorough review of the secondary literature, and considerable personal experience, Post gives the reader a behind-the-scenes view of disputes among curators, academics, and stakeholders that were sometimes private and at other times burst into headline news.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Guide to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction: The Red Book 2017
Enables readers to easily understand the contract to enable better compliance and efficiency Guide to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction: The Red Book 2017 helps the reader overcome some of the difficulties encountered on a typical international construction project using the FIDIC Construction Contract 2nd Edition (the 2017 Red Book), by summarizing the activities and duties of those involved, and crystallizing the requirements of the contract. To aid in reader comprehension, the text explains clauses in the sequence they appear in the contract, but also in the order they happen in real time on site. It further provides practical guidance in a concise manner, and in straightforward, jargon-free language. It is a highly practical resource for use during the project, rather than a legal review of the contractual requirements, ensuring readers are fully conversant with the revised requirements and procedures mandated by the 2017 edition of the contract. Guide to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction: The Red Book 2017 includes: A review of the duties and responsibilities of the three parties, the Employer, the Engineer and the Contractor, engaged on a FIDIC-based Contract A review of the flow of documentation and instructions which is to be provided by one party to another party throughout the contract period Practical guidelines are provided for the avoidance of disputes and delays in order that contracts are completed as planned Guide to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction: The Red Book 2017 is a practical and highly useful resource for engineers, consultants, project managers, and others who are engaged in the site management of international projects using the FIDIC Construction Contract, along with those involved in contractual administration on behalf of the client.
Taylor & Francis Inc Comparative Genomics: Basic and Applied Research
When genomic research first came on the scene, much of the biomedical research community viewed it as a limited venture with limited potential. We now know that such an assessment was both highly premature and wonderfully inaccurate. In the last ten years, we’ve witnessed such remarkable acceleration in the merger of basic and applied genomic research that, among other things, genomic research is now thought of as being intrinsic to current drug research. Through rigorous comparative analysis, the genomes of cold-blooded vertebrate, avian, and other mammalian species are providing a deeper understanding of the human genome. Moreover, genomic sequences, which are becoming available for several species have proven to be highly relevant to drug research with regard to a number of otherwise intractable conditions.Rather than offering a comprehensive volume covering every aspect of comparative genomics, Comparative Genomics: Basic and Applied Research embodies the diverse interests of prominent researchers in the field. Compiling first hand descriptions of their pioneering work, the text focuses on commonalities and synergies across the broad field of comparative genomics. Among its many topics it covers— · Revolutionary advances in DNA-sequencing technology · Bold new approaches to the organization and analysis of large phylogenetic data sets · The impact of comparative genomics on our understanding of evolution · Efforts toward developing novel antimicrobial drugs, through the use of bacterial pathogen genomes Ultimately, future breakthroughs in comparative genomics will depend upon the continued interaction and interdependency of applied and basic research. This seminal volume demonstrates both the means and the fruits of that cooperation, and in doing so defines and lays the groundwork for continued progress.
Fordham University Press Cold War Reckonings: Authoritarianism and the Genres of Decolonization
Honorable Mention, James Russell Lowell Prize, Modern Language Association Honorable Mention, René Wellek Prize, American Comparative Literature Association How did the Cold War shape culture and political power in decolonizing countries and give rise to authoritarian regimes in the so-called free world? Cold War Reckonings tells a new story about the Cold War and the global shift from colonialism to independent nation-states. Assembling a body of transpacific cultural works that speak to this historical conjuncture, Jini Kim Watson reveals autocracy to be not a deficient form of liberal democracy, but rather the result of Cold War entanglements with decolonization. Focusing on East and Southeast Asia, the book scrutinizes cultural texts ranging from dissident poetry, fiction, and writers’ conference proceedings of the Cold War period, to more recent literature, graphic novels, and films that retrospectively look back to these decades with a critical eye. Paying particular attention to anti-communist repression and state infrastructures of violence, the book provides a richaccount of several U.S.–allied Cold War regimes in the Asia Pacific, including the South Korean military dictatorship, Marcos’ rule in the Philippines, illiberal Singapore under Lee Kuan Yew, and Suharto’s Indonesia. Watson’s book argues that the cultural forms and narrative techniques that emerged from the Cold War-decolonizing matrix offer new ways of comprehending these histories and connecting them to our present. The book advances our understanding of the global reverberations of the Cold War and its enduring influence on cultural and political formations in the Asia Pacific. Cold War Reckonings is available from the publisher on an open-access basis.
New York University Press Fashioning Fat: Inside Plus-Size Modeling
For two and a half years, Amanda Czerniawski was a sociologist turned plus-size model. Journeying into a world where, as a size 10, she was not considered an average body type, but rather, for the fashion industry, “plus-sized,” Czerniawski studied the standards of work and image production in the plus-sized model industry. Fashioning Fat takes us through a model’s day-to-day activities, first at open calls at modeling agencies and then through the fashion shows and photo shoots. Czerniawski also interviewed 35 plus-size models about their lives in the world of fashion, bringing to life the strange contradictions of being an object of non-idealized beauty. Fashioning Fat shows us that the mission of many of these models is to challenge our standards of beauty that privilege the thin body; they show us that fat can be sexy. Many plus-size models do often succeed in overcoming years of self-loathing and shame over their bodies, yet, as Czerniawski shows, these women are not the ones in charge of beauty’s construction or dissemination. At the corporate level, the fashion industry perpetuates their objectification. Plus-size models must conform to an image created by fashion’s tastemakers, as their bodies must fit within narrowly defined parameters of size and shape—an experience not too different from that of straight-sized models. Ultimately, plus-size models find that they are still molding their bodies to fit an image instead of molding an image of beauty to fit their bodies. A much-needed behind-the-scenes look at this growing industry, Fashioning Fat is a fascinating, unique, and important contribution to our understanding of beauty.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Matter of Virtue: Women's Ethical Action from Chaucer to Shakespeare
If material bodies have inherent, animating powers—or virtues, in the premodern sense—then those bodies typically and most insistently associated in the premodern period with matter—namely, women—cannot be inert and therefore incapable of ethical action, Holly Crocker contends. In The Matter of Virtue, Crocker argues that one idea of what it means to be human—a conception of humanity that includes vulnerability, endurance, and openness to others—emerges when we consider virtue in relation to modes of ethical action available to premodern women. While a misogynistic tradition of virtue ethics, from antiquity to the early modern period, largely cast a skeptical or dismissive eye on women, Crocker seeks to explore what happened when poets thought about the material body not as a tool of an empowered agent whose cultural supremacy was guaranteed by prevailing social structures but rather as something fragile and open, subject but also connected to others. After an introduction that analyzes Hamlet to establish a premodern tradition of material virtue, Part I investigates how retellings of the demise of the title female character in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, Henryson's Testament of Cresseid, and Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida among other texts structure a poetic debate over the potential for women's ethical action in a world dominated by masculine violence. Part II turns to narratives of female sanctity and feminine perfection, including ones by Chaucer, Bokenham, and Capgrave, to investigate grace, beauty, and intelligence as sources of women's ethical action. In Part III, Crocker examines a tension between women's virtues and household structures, paying particular attention to English Griselda- and shrew-literatures, including Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew. She concludes by looking at Chaucer's Legend of Good Women to consider alternative forms of virtuous behavior for women as well as men.
University of Pennsylvania Press Creating Human Rights: How Noncitizens Made Sex Persecution Matter to the World
Selected by Choice magazine as an Outstanding Academic Title Creating Human Rights offers the first systematic study of a pioneering women's refugee movement and its challenge, as an international trigger case, to more conventional paths toward human rights policy development. Lisa S. Alfredson argues that such cases, which unfold in the context of a specific country and have profound impacts on international human rights efforts, have been neglected in research and pose a challenge to recent theorizing on human rights change. In the early 1990s, Canada witnessed the emergence of the world's first comprehensive refugee policy for women who were seeking protection from female-specific forms of violence—rape, domestic abuse, public stoning of adulterers, genital mutilation—while challenging a gender-biased system. Close examination of this novel movement, Alfredson contends, provides crucial insights into why and how states may articulate new human rights that set international precedents. Analyzing original empirical data and sociopolitical historical trends, the book documents the decisive global impacts of the movement while shedding light on the paradox of noncitizen politics and asylum seekers' little recognized political strength. Contrary to expectation, findings suggest transnational networks and pressures are not required for some forms of change. Rather, international trigger cases illuminate a range of other key actors and advocacy strategies leading, subsequently, to a more comprehensive understanding of human rights acceptance. In the case of the women's refugee movement, the convergence of human rights and noncitizen politics points toward a new dimension for human rights scholarship that, in the current age of globalization, is becoming critically important.
Cornell University Press They Never Come Back: A Story of Undocumented Workers from Mexico
For Mexicans on both sides of the border, the migrant experience has changed significantly over the past two decades. In They Never Come Back, Frans J. Schryer draws on the experiences of indigenous people from a region in the Mexican state of Guerrero to explore the impact of this transformation on the lives of migrants. When handicraft production was able to provide a viable alternative to agricultural labor, most migrants would travel to other parts of Mexico to sell their wares. Others opted to work for wages in the United States, returning to Mexico on a regular basis. This is no longer the case. At first almost everyone, including former craft vendors, headed north; however it also became more difficult to go back home and then reenter the United States. One migrant quoted by Schryer laments, "Before I was an artisan and free to travel all over Mexico to sell my crafts. Here we are all locked in a box and cannot get out." NAFTA, migrant labor legislation, and more stringent border controls have all affected migrants’ home communities, their relations with employers, their livelihoods, and their identity and customs. Schryer traces the personal lives and careers of indigenous men and women on both sides of the border. He finds that the most pressing issue facing undocumented workers is not that they are unable to earn enough money but, rather, that they are living in a state of ongoing uncertainty and will never be able to achieve their full potential. Through these stories, Schryer offers a nuanced understanding of the predicaments undocumented workers face and the importance of the ongoing debate around immigration policy.
The History Press Ltd As Thick As Thieves: Foolish Felons and Loopy Laws
Standing in an ID parade of incompetence, waiting to be picked out as Britain’s stupidest criminal, we’ve assembled a line-up of bungling burglars, asinine assailants and thick thieves. Dipping their stolen bucket of opportunity into the well of other people's stuff, only to fall into the well themselves (and get the bucket stuck on their head), this book chronicles the crimes against common sense committed by these dim-witted deviants. Also featured in this compendium of criminal idiocy are: the bank robber who used a No. 72 bus as his getaway vehicle (it was almost as though the police knew where he was headed to next); the bag snatcher who robbed an elderly lady of the bad she'd just used to clear up responsibly after her dogs; and the burglars who left their four-year-old son, and a wallet containing full ID, at the crime scene. Also rounded up for routine questioning are the bank robbers who gifted the police a dropped map marking the preferred route from bank to hideout, and armed robbers who raided a laundry van to steal used towels whilst their intended target, a wages van, drove slowly past. Charged with being in possession of an idiotic plan and sentenced to a life term of stupidity, they're reversing the getaway vehicle into a police car and handing over their belt to the custody sergeant with the inevitable consequence of their trousers falling down. As thick as thieves indeed. It's a case (admittedly, a rather easy one) for the police to dial M for Muppet. This is an ideal gift book that will make you laugh out loud.
Quarto Publishing PLC Making A Masterpiece: The stories behind iconic artworks
What makes a work of art a masterpiece? Discover the answers in the fascinating stories of how these artworks came to be and the circumstances of their long-lasting impact on the world. Beginning with Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus, we travel through time and a range of styles and stories – including theft, scandal, artistic reputation, politics and power – to Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans, challenging the idea of what a masterpiece can be, and arriving in the twenty-first century with Amy Sherald’s portrait of Michelle Obama, a modern-day masterpiece still to be tested by time. Each artwork has a tale that reveals making a masterpiece often involves much more than just a demonstration of artistic skill: their path to fame is only fully disclosed by looking beyond what the eye can see. Rather than trying to describe the elements of greatness, Making a Masterpiece takes account of the circumstances outside the frame that contribute to the perception of greatness and reveals that the journey from the easel to popular acclaim can be as compelling as the masterpiece itself.Featuring:Birth of Venus, Sandro BotticelliMona Lisa, Leonardo da VinciJudith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia GentileschiGirl with a Pearl Earring, Johannes VermeerUnder the Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika HokusaiFifteen Sunflowers, Vincent van GoghPortrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (Woman in Gold, Gustav KlimtAmerican Gothic, Grant WoodGuernica, Pablo PicassoSelf-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird, Frida KahloCampbell’s Soup Cans, Andy WarholMichelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, Amy Sherald Discover the stories of how, why and what makes a masterpiece in this compelling and comprehensive title.
Princeton University Press China's Urban Champions: The Politics of Spatial Development
An exploration of how key provinces in China shape urban and regional development The rise of major metropolises across China since the 1990s has been a double-edged sword: although big cities function as economic powerhouses, concentrated urban growth can worsen regional inequalities, governance challenges, and social tensions. Wary of these dangers, China’s national leaders have tried to forestall top-heavy urbanization. However, urban and regional development policies at the subnational level have not always followed suit. China’s Urban Champions explores the development paths of different provinces and asks why policymakers in many cases favor big cities in a way that reinforces spatial inequalities rather than reducing them.Kyle Jaros combines in-depth case studies of Hunan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, and Jiangsu provinces with quantitative analysis to shed light on the political drivers of uneven development. Drawing on numerous Chinese-language written sources, including government documents and media reports, as well as a wealth of field interviews with officials, policy experts, urban planners, academics, and businesspeople, Jaros shows how provincial development strategies are shaped by both the horizontal relations of competition among different provinces and the vertical relations among different tiers of government. Metropolitan-oriented development strategies advance when lagging economic performance leads provincial leaders to fixate on boosting regional competitiveness, and when provincial governments have the political strength to impose their policy priorities over the objections of other actors.Rethinking the politics of spatial policy in an era of booming growth, China’s Urban Champions highlights the key role of provincial units in determining the nation’s metropolitan and regional development trajectory.
Princeton University Press Megaphone Bureaucracy: Speaking Truth to Power in the Age of the New Normal
A revealing look at how today’s bureaucrats are finding their public voice in the era of 24-hour mediaOnce relegated to the anonymous back rooms of democratic debate, our bureaucratic leaders are increasingly having to govern under the scrutiny of a 24-hour news cycle, hyperpartisan political oversight, and a restless populace that is increasingly distrustful of the people who govern them. Megaphone Bureaucracy reveals how today’s civil servants are finding a voice of their own as they join elected politicians on the public stage and jockey for advantage in the persuasion game of modern governance.In this timely and incisive book, Dennis Grube draws on in-depth interviews and compelling case studies from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to describe how senior bureaucrats are finding themselves drawn into political debates they could once avoid. Faced with a political climate where polarization and media spin are at an all-time high, these modern mandarins negotiate blame games and manage contradictory expectations in the glare of an unforgiving spotlight. Grube argues that in this fiercely divided public square a new style of bureaucratic leadership is emerging, one that marries the robust independence of Washington agency heads with the prudent political neutrality of Westminster civil servants. These “Washminster” leaders do not avoid the public gaze, nor do they overtly court political controversy. Rather, they use their increasingly public pulpits to exert their own brand of persuasive power.Megaphone Bureaucracy shows how today’s senior bureaucrats are making their voices heard by embracing a new style of communication that brings with it great danger but also great opportunity.
Princeton University Press How Enemies Become Friends: The Sources of Stable Peace
Is the world destined to suffer endless cycles of conflict and war? Can rival nations become partners and establish a lasting and stable peace? How Enemies Become Friends provides a bold and innovative account of how nations escape geopolitical competition and replace hostility with friendship. Through compelling analysis and rich historical examples that span the globe and range from the thirteenth century through the present, foreign policy expert Charles Kupchan explores how adversaries can transform enmity into amity--and he exposes prevalent myths about the causes of peace. Kupchan contends that diplomatic engagement with rivals, far from being appeasement, is critical to rapprochement between adversaries. Diplomacy, not economic interdependence, is the currency of peace; concessions and strategic accommodation promote the mutual trust needed to build an international society. The nature of regimes matters much less than commonly thought: countries, including the United States, should deal with other states based on their foreign policy behavior rather than on whether they are democracies. Kupchan demonstrates that similar social orders and similar ethnicities, races, or religions help nations achieve stable peace. He considers many historical successes and failures, including the onset of friendship between the United States and Great Britain in the early twentieth century, the Concert of Europe, which preserved peace after 1815 but collapsed following revolutions in 1848, and the remarkably close partnership of the Soviet Union and China in the 1950s, which descended into open rivalry by the 1960s. In a world where conflict among nations seems inescapable, How Enemies Become Friends offers critical insights for building lasting peace.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Chemistry of Silica: Solubility, Polymerization, Colloid and Surface Properties and Biochemistry of Silica
Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena Milton J. Rosen Bridging the gap between purely theoretical aspects of surface chemistry and the purely empirical experience of the industrial technologist, this book applies theoretical surface chemistry to understanding the action of surfactants in modifying interfacial phenomena. It surveys the structural types of commercially available surfactants and discusses interfacial phenomena, the physicochemical principles underlying the action of surfactants in each phenomenon, and the effect of structural changes in the surfactants and environmental changes on their action. Tables of data on various interfacial properties of surfactants, compiled and calculated from the latest scientific literature, are included. 1978 304 pp. An Introduction to Clay Colloid Chemistry, 2nd Ed. H. van Olphen This book provides valuable guidance in research and design efforts by giving a clear understanding of principles and concepts of colloid chemistry as applied to clay systems. Updated and enlarged, this edition includes new information on surface characterization and adsorption mechanisms; recent results in the area of clay-organic interaction--the intercalation and intersalation of kaolinite minerals; and increased attention to the possible role of clays in biological evolution. 1977 318 pp. Physicochemical Processes for Water Quality Control Walter J. Weber, Jr. Focusing on physicochemical rather than biological processes, this book presents a comprehensive treatise on the treatment of municipal and industrial water and wastewater. All of the physicochemical processes important to municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment--coagulation, filtration, membrane processes, chemical oxidation, and others--are included and each is covered thoroughly from principle through application. To maintain a high level of expertise, contributions have been incorporated from specialists actively involved in research or engineering applications in each area considered. 1972 640 pp.
John Wiley & Sons Inc WiMAX: Technology for Broadband Wireless Access
WiMAX Broadband Wireless Access Technology, based on the IEEE 802.16 standard, is at the origin of great promises for many different markets covering fixed wireless Internet Access, Backhauling and Mobile cellular networks. WiMAX technology is designed for the transmission of multimedia services (voice, Internet, email, games and others) at high data rates (of the order of Mb/s per user). It is a very powerful but sometimes complicated technique. The WiMAX System is described in thousands of pages of IEEE 802.16 standard and amendments documents and WiMAX Forum documents. WiMAX: Technology for Broadband Wireless Access provides a global picture of WiMAX and a large number of details that makes access to WiMAX documents much easier. All the aspects of WIMAX are covered. Illustrations and clear explanations for all the main procedures of WiMAX are pedagogically presented in a succession of relatively short chapters Topics covered include WiMAX genesis and framework, WiMAX topologies, protocol layers, MAC layer, MAC frames, WiMAX multiple access, the physical layer, QoS Management, Radio Resource Management, Bandwidth allocation, Network Architecture, Mobility and Security Features a glossary of abbreviations and their definitions, and a wealth of explanatory tables and figures Highlights the most recent changes, including the 802.16e amendment of the standard, needed for Mobile WiMAX Includes technical comparisons of WiMAX vs. 802.11 (WiFi) and cellular 3G technologies This technical introduction to WiMAX, explaining the rather complex standards (IEEE 802.16-2004 and 802.16e) is a must read for engineers, decision-makers and students interested in WiMAX, as well as other researchers and scientists from this evolving field.
University of Notre Dame Press Human Nature and the Freedom of Public Religious Expression
Drawing on current research in science and religion, distinguished bioethicist Stephen G. Post provocatively argues that human beings are, by nature, inclined toward a presence in the universe that is higher than their own. In consequence, the institutions of everyday life, such as schools, the workplace, and the public square, are not justified in censoring the spiritual and religious expression that freely arises from the wellspring of the human spirit. Post believes that the privatization of religious expression, coupled with the imposition of a secular monism, is a departure from true liberal democracy in which citizens are free to assert themselves in ways that manifest their full nature. Utilizing research in the neurosciences, psychiatry, the social sciences, and evolutionary psychology, he provides scientific information supporting the idea, familiar to theories of natural law, that religious expression and freedom are essential human goods. In developing this perspective, Post also engages in a critical conversation with secular existentialism. Human Nature and the Freedom of Public Religious Expression offers an alternative to the views of political philosophers such as Richard Rorty, and educators such as John Dewey, who fail to acknowledge the unique contribution that religious language, when thoughtfully implemented, makes to the tone and content of public debate and education. Post’s perspective privileges no particular religion, but rather asks that adherents to all faiths, including secularism, be allowed freely to express their core values in a civil, respectful, and public manner. Post calls for a recovery of the full meaning of liberal democracy in all domains of public life, so that we might again discover the value of freedom of expression.
University of Notre Dame Press Love of Self and Love of God in Thirteenth-Century Ethics
In this book, Thomas M. Osborne, Jr., covers an important, but often neglected, aspect of medieval ethics, namely the controversy over whether or not it is possible to love God more than oneself through natural powers alone. In debating this topic, thirteenth-century philosophers and theologians introduced a high level of sophistication to the study of how one’s own good is achieved through virtuous action. The central issue for medieval scholars was how to adapt Aristotle’s philosophical insights to a Christian framework. For Christians, loving God above all else was their central ethical duty. Most ancient and medieval Christians were also committed to eudaimonism, or the view that one’s good is always maximized through virtuous action. The tension between these two aspects of Christian ethics reached its highest point in philosophical discussions about whether God can be naturally loved more than oneself. Osborne provides a history of these debates, based on a close analysis of primary texts, clarifies the concepts that are most important for understanding eudaimonism, and argues that the central difference between the ethical theories of such great thinkers as Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus is not about morality and self-interest, but rather about the relationship between ethics and natural inclination. The arguments raised by the thirteenth-century philosophers and texts discussed in this book have important implications for natural law theories and virtue ethics and are essential for understanding the shift to modern moral theories. Love of Self and Love of God in Thirteenth-Century Ethics will be invaluable to philosophers and theologians, particularly those concerned with medieval philosophy, moral psychology, the history of ideas, and ethics.
University of Illinois Press Mojo Workin': The Old African American Hoodoo System
A bold reconsideration of Hoodoo belief and practice Katrina Hazzard-Donald explores African Americans' experience and practice of the herbal, healing folk belief tradition known as Hoodoo. She examines Hoodoo culture and history by tracing its emergence from African traditions to religious practices in the Americas. Working against conventional scholarship, Hazzard-Donald argues that Hoodoo emerged first in three distinct regions she calls "regional Hoodoo clusters" and that after the turn of the nineteenth century, Hoodoo took on a national rather than regional profile. The spread came about through the mechanism of the "African Religion Complex," eight distinct cultural characteristics familiar to all the African ethnic groups in the United States. The first interdisciplinary examination to incorporate a full glossary of Hoodoo culture, Mojo Workin': The Old African American Hoodoo System lays out the movement of Hoodoo against a series of watershed changes in the American cultural landscape. Hazzard-Donald examines Hoodoo material culture, particularly the "High John the Conquer" root, which practitioners employ for a variety of spiritual uses. She also examines other facets of Hoodoo, including rituals of divination such as the "walking boy" and the "Ring Shout," a sacred dance of Hoodoo tradition that bears its corollaries today in the American Baptist churches. Throughout, Hazzard-Donald distinguishes between "Old tradition Black Belt Hoodoo" and commercially marketed forms that have been controlled, modified, and often fabricated by outsiders; this study focuses on the hidden system operating almost exclusively among African Americans in the Black spiritual underground.
Columbia University Press Buddhism and Science: Breaking New Ground
Buddhism and Science brings together distinguished philosophers, Buddhist scholars, physicists, and cognitive scientists to examine the contrasts and connections between the worlds of Western science and Eastern spirituality. This compilation was inspired by a suggestion made by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, himself one of the contributors, after one of a series of cross-cultural scientific dialogues in Dharamsala, India, sponsored by the Mind and Life Institute. Other contributors such as William L. Ames, Matthieu Ricard, and Stephen LaBerge assess not only the fruits of inquiry from East and West but also shed light on the underlying assumptions of these disparate worldviews. Their essays creatively address a broad range of topics: from quantum theory's surprising affinities with the Buddhist concept of emptiness, to the increasing need in the West for a more contemplative science attuned to the first-person investigation of the mind, to the important ways in which the psychological study of "lucid dreaming" maps similar terrain to the cultivation of the Tibetan Buddhist discipline of dream yoga. Reflecting its wide variety of topics, Buddhism and Science is comprised of three sections. The first presents two historical overviews of the engagements between Buddhism and modern science or, rather, how Buddhism and modern science have defined, rivaled, or complemented one another. The second describes the ways Buddhism and the cognitive sciences inform each other; the third addresses points of intersection between Buddhism and the physical sciences. On the broadest level this work illuminates how different ways of exploring the nature of human identity, the mind, and the universe at large can enrich and enlighten one another.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dynamics Of Particles And The Electromagnetic Field (With Cd-rom)
Advances in experimental techniques are allowing researchers to investigate the extremes of the dynamics of particle interactions with electromagnetic fields. The theoretical tools at our disposal are classical and quantum mechanics and experience has shown that it is dangerous to dismiss one at the expense of the other. Each has merits that should be fully explored; the problem, however, is to bridge the gap between them so that the information they give is complementary rather than contradictory. In this book, that goal is achieved by formulating five postulates, and the level of their implementation distinguishes the two mechanics. That the dynamics of particles (charges) is not complete without unifying it with the dynamics of electromagnetic fields is given special emphasis.In the first of three parts in the book, Newton dynamics is formulated from the Liouville equation. In the third part, this forms the basis for implementing the uncertainty postulate to formulate quantum mechanics. The theories of relativity and electromagnetic interactions are derived from one of the five postulates in the second part, and the unification of the dynamics of particles and electromagnetic fields is formulated in the second and the third parts. Numerous examples from each section illustrate the theory.Employing functional analysis instead of the more abstract techniques of linear spaces, linear operators, group theory, etc., the book makes well suited to advanced undergraduate level courses in classical and quantum mechanics. The material is also intended for postgraduate courses, in atomic and molecular physics in particular, with examples covering modern trends in research.The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM featuring various illustrative examples.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Christ Identity: A Social-Scientific Reading of Philippians 2.5-11
Sergio Rosell Nebreda focuses on how the Philippian Christ-followers received Paul's letter. The social, historical, literary, rhetorical, anthropological and theological elements are dealt with in order to understand the effect Paul wanted to achieve.The main thesis of the book is that the apostle Paul, who greatly suffered at Philippi, and writing from a prison, desires to affect the Philippians believers to acquire a Christ-orientation based on the values expressed in the Christ-hymn. Phlp 2, 5-11 forms the core of Paul's theological narrative that aims at constructing a sense of imitatio and conformatio in the Christ-following community. Paul uses a 'friendly' style in his letters in order to produce rapport and trust in the community, presenting himself as examplum ad imitando, after that of Christ. It is because Paul so fully identifies with Christ's orientation in life that the apostle presents himself as a slave of Jesus Christ.In the midst of a society ill with the desire for honour and power, the Christ narrative stands as a radical call for an alternative life-style, based on the exercise of humility which seeks the interest of others rather than focusing on one's own needs and desires. Paul insists on the basis of the Christ-hymn that such a life-style reveals God's character and it is therefore a life rewarded. Through the use of Social Identity Theory this book evaluates how ancient people constructed their group identity in daily life and how through a seemingly inferior model (that of Christ's kenosis in 2, 5-11) the community receives a re-definition of values which are according to God's values, and who has the last word in history. Paul thus presents an alternative and viable way of life in the midst of a society he knows well.
The New Press From Parchment to Dust: The Case for Constitutional Skepticism
The prominent constitutional law scholar’s fascinating (and yes, mind-boggling) argument that we don’t need the Constitution after all For some, to oppose the Constitution is to oppose the American experiment itself. But leading constitutional scholar Louis Michael Seidman argues that our founding document has long passed its “sell-by” date. It might sound crazy, but Seidman’s arguments are both powerful and, well, convincing. As Seidman shows, constitutional skepticism and disobedience have been present from the beginning of American history, even worming their way into the Federalist Papers. And, as Seidman also points out, no one alive today has agreed to be bound by these rules. In From Parchment to Dust, Seidman offers a brief history of the phenomenon of constitutional skepticism and then proceeds to a masterful takedown of our most cherished, constitutionally enshrined institutions and beliefs, from the Supreme Court (“an arrogant elite in robes”), to the very concepts of civil rights, due process, and equal protection—all of which he argues are just pretenses for preserving a fundamentally rigged and inequitable status quo. Rather than rely on the specific wording of a flawed and outdated document, rife with “Madison’s mistakes,” Seidman proposes instead a version that better reflects our shared values, and leaves it to people currently alive to determine how these values will play out in contemporary society. From Parchment to Dust is a short, sharp, and iconoclastic book questioning the value (and ultimately the hypocrisy) of embracing the Constitution—which, after all, was written more than 230 years ago—as our moral and political lodestar.
McGraw-Hill Education Must Know High School Biology, Second Edition
A unique and effective way to learn Biology—updated with the latest instruction and reviewMust Know High School Biology provides a fresh approach to learning. As part of our Must Know series, this new edition makes sure what you really need to know is clear up-front. Rather than starting with goals to be met, chapters begin by telling you the most important concepts about the topic at hand— and then show you exactly how these concepts help you accomplish your goals.Written by an expert biology educator, Must Know High School Biology, Second Edition provides updated lesson content and useful examples to help clarify each topic. Every chapter closes with reinforcing exercises to get you the practice you need to gain confidence. New features to this edition focus on extra support and helping you avoid common mistakes. In the end, you get everything you need to build your biology skills quickly and painlessly.Features: More than 250 practice questions that parallel what you will find in your classwork and on exams Bonus app that includes 100+ flashcards to reinforce concepts “Extra Help” and “Easy Mistake” features put the emphasis on how to improve and what pitfalls to avoid Biology topics aligned to national and state educational standards Practical examples throughout and an answer key with explanations make sure you understand the topics Conversational writing style and informative IRL (In Real Life) and BTW (By the Way) sidebars A special section for teachers with tips and strategies on teaching the material and content-specific links and resources
Duke University Press Art for a Modern India, 1947-1980
Following India’s independence in 1947, Indian artists creating modern works of art sought to maintain a local idiom, an “Indianness” representative of their newly independent nation, while connecting to modernism, an aesthetic then understood as both universal and presumptively Western. These artists depicted India’s precolonial past while embracing aspects of modernism’s pursuit of the new, and they challenged the West’s dismissal of non-Western places and cultures as sources of primitivist imagery but not of modernist artworks. In Art for a Modern India, Rebecca M. Brown explores the emergence of a self-conscious Indian modernism—in painting, drawing, sculpture, architecture, film, and photography—in the years between independence and 1980, by which time the Indian art scene had changed significantly and postcolonial discourse had begun to complicate mid-century ideas of nationalism.Through close analyses of specific objects of art and design, Brown describes how Indian artists engaged with questions of authenticity, iconicity, narrative, urbanization, and science and technology. She explains how the filmmaker Satyajit Ray presented the rural Indian village as a socially complex space rather than as the idealized site of “authentic India” in his acclaimed Apu Trilogy, how the painter Bhupen Khakhar reworked Indian folk idioms and borrowed iconic images from calendar prints in his paintings of urban dwellers, and how Indian architects developed a revivalist style of bold architectural gestures anchored in India’s past as they planned the Ashok Hotel and the Vigyan Bhavan Conference Center, both in New Delhi. Discussing these and other works of art and design, Brown chronicles the mid-twentieth-century trajectory of India’s modern visual culture.
Ohio University Press The Collected Works of William Howard Taft, Volume VII: Taft Papers on League of Nations
Eager to turn the congressional election of 1918 into a confirmation of his foreign policy, President Woodrow Wilson was criticized for abandoning the spirit of the popular slogan “Politics adjourned!” His predecessor, William Howard Taft, found Wilson difficult to deal with and took issue with his version of the League of Nations, which Taft felt was inferior to the model proposed by the League to Enforce Peace. Rather than join the massive Republican opposition to the Treaty of Versailles, however, Taft instead supported Wilson’s controversial decision to travel to Paris as the head of the American peace delegation, and he defended the critical tenth article in the covenant, which detractors saw as a surrender of American sovereignty. He also counseled Wilson to insert a clause concerning the Monroe Doctrine that would pacify the Senate’s group of “reservationists,” whose votes were essential to approval of the treaty. Volume VII in The Collected Works of William Howard Taft consists of the Taft Papers on League of Nations originally published in 1920. This is a collection ofTaft’s speeches, newspaper articles, and complementary documents that reflect his consistent support for a league of nations and, eventually, for the Covenant of the League of Nations emanating from the Paris Peace Conference. Although the failure of the treaty and its League of Nations can probably be laid at the feet of an obstinate Wilson and a wily Henry Cabot Lodge, William Howard Taft can be credited with rising above partisanship to emerge as the League’s most consistent supporter. As in the rest of the Collected Works, Taft Papers on League of Nations provides a window on the machinations surrounding some of the most significant decisions of the era.
Regnery Publishing Inc Apollo 1: The Tragedy That Put Us on the Moon
On January 27, 1967, astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee climbed into a new spacecraft perched atop a large Saturn rocket at Kennedy Space Center in Florida for a routine dress rehearsal of their upcoming launch into orbit, then less than a month away. All three astronauts were experienced pilots and had dreams of one day walking on the moon. But little did they know, nor did anyone else, that once they entered the spacecraft that cold winter day they would never leave it alive. The Apollo program would be perilously close to failure before it ever got off the ground. But rather than dooming the space program, this tragedy caused the spacecraft to be completely overhauled, creating a stellar flying machine to achieve the program’s primary goal: putting man on the moon. Apollo 1 is a candid portrayal of the astronauts, the disaster that killed them, and its aftermath. In it, readers will learn: How the Apollo 1 spacecraft was doomed from the start, with miles of uninsulated wiring and tons of flammable materials in a pure oxygen atmosphere, along with a hatch that wouldn’t open How, due to political pressure, the government contract to build the Apollo 1 craft went to a bidder with an inferior plan How public opinion polls were beginning to turn against the space program before the tragedy and got much worse after Apollo 1 is about America fulfilling its destiny of man setting foot on the moon. It’s also about the three American heroes who lost their lives in the tragedy, but whose lives were not lost in vain.
University of Minnesota Press Absolute Artist: The Historiography of a Concept
The myth of the artist-genius has long had a unique hold on the imagination of western culture. Iconoclastic, temperamental, and free from the constraints of society, these towering figures have been treated as fixed icons regardless of historical context or individual situation. In this text, Catherine M. Soussloff challenges this view in a consideration of the social construction of the artist from the 15th century to the present. Traditional art history has held that the concept of the artist-genius arose in the Enlightenment. Soussloff disputes this, arguing that earlier writings - artist biographies written as long ago as the early 15th century - determined and continue to determine the structure and terrain of the myth of the artist. Moving chronologically through historical writing about the artist, Soussloff shifts from 15th-century Florence to 19th-century Germany, the birthplace of the discipline of art history in its academic form, and considers the cultural historiography of Aby Warburg and Jacob Burckhardt. She discusses art history and psychoanalysis in early 20th-century Vienna, demonstrating the rich cross-fertilization between these two fields in exploring the concept of the artist. In addition, Soussloff scrutinizes the historical situation of Jewish art historians and psychoanalysts in Vienna in the 1930s, considering the impact of Jewish identity on the discourse of art history. The book concludes with a discussion of the "artist anecdote", found in all versions of the artist biography genre. It analyzes the artist's biography as a rhetorical form and literary genre rather than as an unassailable source of fact and knowledge. The book is intended for students and researchers in art history and literature.
Princeton University Press Shadow Empires: An Alternative Imperial History
An original study of empire creation and its consequences, from ancient through early modern timesThe world’s first great empires established by the ancient Persians, Chinese, and Romans are well known, but not the empires that emerged on their margins in response to them over the course of 2,500 years. These counterempires or shadow empires, which changed the course of history, include the imperial nomad confederacies that arose in Mongolia and extorted resources from China rather than attempting to conquer it, as well as maritime empires such as ancient Athens that controlled trade without seeking territorial hegemony. In Shadow Empires, Thomas Barfield identifies seven kinds of counterempire and explores their rise, politics, economics, and longevity.What all these counterempires had in common was their interactions with existing empires that created the conditions for their development. When highly successful, these counterempires left the shadows to become the world’s largest empires—for example, those of the medieval Muslim Arabs and of the Mongol heirs of Chinggis Khan. Three former shadow empires—Manchu Qing China, Tsarist Russia, and British India—made this transformation in the late eighteenth century and came to rule most of Eurasia. However, the DNA of their origins endured in their unique ruling strategies. Indeed, world powers still use these strategies today, long after their roots in shadow empires have been forgotten.Looking afresh at the histories of important types of empires that are often ignored, Shadow Empires provides an original account of empire formation from the ancient world to the early modern period.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Private Equity as an Asset Class
Unfairly reviled, and much misunderstood, private equity differs from all other asset classes in various important respects, not least the way in which its fund mechanisms operate, and the way in which its returns are recorded and analysed. Sadly, high level asset allocation decisions are frequently made on the basis of prejudice and misinformation, rather than a proper appreciation of the facts. Guy Fraser-Sampson draws upon more than twenty years of experience of the private equity industry to provide a practical guide to mastering the intricacies of this highly specialist asset class. Aimed equally at investors, professionals and business school students, it starts with such fundamental questions as ’what is private equity?’ and progresses to detailed consideration of different types of private equity activity such as venture capital and buyout. Rapid and significant changes in the environment during the recent financial crisis have prompted the need for a new edition. Separate chapters have been added on growth and development capital, as well as secondary investing. Newly emergent issues are considered, such as lengthening holding periods and the possible threat of declining returns. Particular problems, such as the need to distinguish between private equity and hedge funds, are addressed. The glossary has also been expanded. In short, readers will find that this new edition takes their understanding of the asset class to new heights. Key points include: A glossary of private equity terms Venture capital Buyout Growth capital Development capital Secondary investing Understanding private equity returns Analysing funds and returns How to plan a fund investment programme Detailed discussion of industry performance figures
Oxford University Press Inc Building the Population Bomb
Across the twentieth century, Earth's human population increased undeniably quickly, rising from 1.6 billion people in 1900 to 6.1 billion in 2000. As population grew, it also began to take the blame for some of the world's most serious problems, from global poverty to environmental degradation, and became an object of intervention for governments and nongovernmental organizations. But the links between population, poverty, and pollution were neither obvious nor uncontested. Building the Population Bomb tells the story of the twentieth-century population crisis by examining how scientists, philanthropists, and governments across the globe came to define the rise of the world's human numbers as a problem. It narrates the history of demography and population control in the twentieth century, examining alliances and rivalries between natural scientists concerned about the depletion of the world's natural resources, social scientists concerned about a bifurcated global economy, philanthropists aiming to preserve American political and economic hegemony, and heads of state in the Global South seeking rapid economic development. It explains how these groups forged a consensus that promoted fertility limitation at the expense of women, people of color, the world's poor, and the Earth itself. As the world's population continues to grow--with the United Nations projecting 11 billion people by the year 2100--Building the Population Bomb steps back from the conventional population debate to demonstrate that our anxieties about future population growth are not obvious but learned. Ultimately, this critical volume shows how population growth itself is not a barrier to economic, environmental, or reproductive justice; rather, it is our anxiety over population growth that distracts us from the pursuit of these urgent goals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML and CSS
Level-up your HTML and CSS web development skills with this dynamic, visual guide Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML and CSS is the perfect resource for those of you who prefer to learn visually and would rather be shown how to do something – with crystal-clear screenshots and easy explanations – than suffer through long-winded explanations. You’ll find step-by-step walkthroughs showing you how to tackle over 120 individual tasks involving HTML and CSS. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, ensuring you learn first the basics and then more advanced topics one straightforward piece at a time. You'll learn to write HTML code in a text editor or an integrated development environment, add and format text, prepare images for the web, insert links to other pages, control layout with style sheets, add JavaScript to a web page, and more. You’ll also discover how to: Create websites that look great in 2023 and beyond with classic HTML and skills and the most modern tips and tricks for contemporary web coding Optimize your websites for performance and speed, ensuring every visitor gets the best possible experience Add modern elements to your code, including , , , and , and make your code accessible to as many people as possible Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML and CSS is your personal roadmap to understanding how to get the most out of HTML and CSS to create, format, and troubleshoot websites of all kinds. This book will get you to the next level of web development, quickly and easily.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Mental Arithmetic 5
Mental Arithmetic provides rich and varied practice to develop pupils' essential maths skills and prepare them for all aspects of the Key Stage 2 national tests. It may also be used as preparation for the 11+, and with older students for consolidation and recovery. Tailored to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum for primary mathematics, each book contains 36 one-page tests. Each test is presented in a unique three-part format comprising: questions where use of language is kept to a minimum; questions using number vocabulary; questions focusing on one- and two-step word problems. Structured according to ability rather than age, the series allows children to work at their own pace, building confidence and fluency. Two Entry Tests are available in the Mental Arithmetic Teacher's Guide and on the Schofield & Sims website, enabling teachers, parents and tutors to select the appropriate book for each child. All the books can be used flexibly for individual, paired, group or whole-class maths practice, as well as for homework and one-to-one intervention.Mental Arithmetic 5 is aimed at pupils in upper Key Stage 2 and covers the key subject areas of number, measurement, geometry, statistics, ratio and proportion, and algebra. Topics include negative numbers, composite numbers, BODMAS, simple formulae, converting units of measurement, finding unknown angles, unequal sharing and solving problems using line graphs. Three Progress Charts, together with four topic-based Check-up Tests, are provided to monitor learning and identify any gaps in understanding. A separate accompanying answer book, Mental Arithmetic 5 Answers (ISBN 9780721708096), contains correct answers to all the questions, making marking quick and easy.