Search results for ""author manus"
Stanford University Press Desire Against the Law: The Juxtaposition of Contraries in Early Medieval Spanish Literature
The churches and manuscripts of medieval Europe incessantly juxtapose imagery depicting sacred themes with likenesses of the crudest and basest nature. This book examines such contrasts in six major works of pre-1350 Spanish literature, arguing that medieval writers and artists subscribed to the classical belief that one must introduce the contrary of a concept in order to elucidate it fully. To explain this play of opposites, the author draws on the contrast between Bakhtin's concept of the carnivalesque, which embodies and portrays the realm of desire, and the domain of the law, which imposes the social and behavioral restraints upon which civilized conduct is based. Four of the works in question—the Poema de Mio Cid, the Razón de amor, the Libro de buen amor, and the Libro del Conde Lucanor—clearly display such contrary elements. The remaining works covered—the Auto de los reyes magos and the Milagros of Gonzalo de Berceo—would, on the surface, appear merely to affirm contemporary orthodoxy. The author argues, however, that even these works must be understood intertextually, that elements within them refer to a strongly contrastive other beyond their textual confines. When this theory is applied back to the other four texts, they, too, prove to bear within them allusions to an outside system of supplementary meanings. How, then, can we account for this polar structure in medieval art and letters? The author argues that people of the time tended to understand artistic works in a manner analogous to the layout of a medieval manuscript page. The central part carries the most important message, yet in the periphery (the margin) one finds a commentary that is often essential to a complete understanding of the whole. Moreover, text and commentary oscillate: what is central can become peripheral, and what is "outside" can move to the core of a document's explicitly thematized concerns.
Dover Publications Inc. The Jewelry Engravers Manual
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Complete Sailing Manual
A new and updated edition of the only sailing manual that you will ever need.Whether you are a seasoned seafarer or just starting out, this fully revised and updated sailing manual is perfect for all levels of experience. Learn how to handle any sailing situation - with thorough coverage of all aspects of sailing and boat ownershipInside the pages of this new edition of the go-to guide about sailing and boat maintenance, you'll discover:- Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of sailing practice written by an expert sailor- The latest information and advice, and technological developments- A complete tuition course on seamanship, chapter by chapter- Authoritative text, clear, annotated diagrams, and action photographs - A reliable, instant, and user-friendly handbook for any sailing situation- Foreword by quadruple Olympic gold medalist, Sir Ben AinslieIn DK's The Complete Sailing Manual, former British national champion Steve Sleight offers a wealth of expert advice and guidance in the form of a complete tuition course on seamanship. This ultimate sailing handbook is packed with engaging essential information and breathtaking action photography. Handy diagrams, and step-by-step artwork, and instructions will teach you all the latest sailing techniques. This updated edition for 2021 features all of the latest developments in sailing - including foiling, long-distance cruising, and high-speed apparent-wind sailing and navigation. Explore new developments in sailing equipment such as modern performance systems, electronic navigation and ways to use alternative energy on board. Explore the latest rules, regulations, and best practices from collision regulations to safety equipment. This essential sailing book is necessary for every keen sailor, from the novice to the seasoned sea person.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Histoid Leprosy
Histoid leprosy is a well-known entity, the impact of which on the global leprosy elimination program has been a topic of dialogue. Hence, it is befitting to have a rich didactic contents for teaching, learning and research. It is now sitting cozy over the continuous leprosy spectrum. In fact, it forms its 8th component. The transformation of multibacillary (MB) leprosy is widely acclaimed and recognized globally, while conversion of indeterminate, a passing phase in natural history of leprosy, has never been highlighted, though it is a plausible proposition. Currently, it seems to possess multi-and pauci-bacillary components. Indeed, the latter is intriguing and should be worked up in the future. The black and white photographs are retained. In addition, a color atlas has been incorporated to facilitate the comprehension of the clinical connotation and its instant diagnosis. Slit-skin smear examination, as an office procedure, may facilitate the diagnosis. Its confirmation, however, is required through salient microscopic pathology. The addition of the color atlas may amicably meet the diagnostic requirements. The transformed format incorporating the elaboration of step-by-step execution of various facts so dear to the entity, warranting up-to-date literature alerts. The current document, for all intents and purposes, should therefore serve as an enriched resource material for education.Key features include: The impact of the histoid leprosy on the post-global leprosy elimination era is perceptibly magnified. It is, therefore, relevant to form the details of the entity. This object has been achieved through step-by-step details of the entity like clinical and bacteriological features of M. leprae, cyto-histopathology and immunological profile. The diagnostic criteria are highlighted to facilitate its ultimate management. Includes a color atlas for instant diagnosis.
Nova Science Publishers Inc U.S Manufacturing: Perspectives & Prospects
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, S.A. Obesidad manual teóricopráctico
Este libro pretende dar una visión integral del origen de la enfermedad, su presencia en el mundo, el perfil epidemiológico de la misma, su evolución en el tiempo, las necesidades de formación del personal sanitario, las soluciones dietéticas, de ejercicio físico y farmacológicas, la valoración de las controversias surgidas sobre las dietas de adelgazamiento así como la importancia de abordar este problema desde la infancia. Pero también ha querido recoger lo más importante de la eclosión de conocimientos que la investigación básica ha producido en la última década en torno al protagonismo de las hormonas del propio tejido adiposo, del aparato digestivo, de la participación de biomarcadores inflamatorios, neurotransmisores y de la complejísima regulación de todo ello a nivel central y periferico. Se ha reflexionado sobre la práctica clínica diaria con sus muchas limitaciones: carencia de tiempo, ausencia de herramientas diagnósticas estandarizadas, programas de tratamiento diferenciado
Tursen S.A. - H. Blume Whisky el manual
Grupo Lettera, S.L. Manual de enganches
Marcombo Manual del calderero
El contenido de este manual será útil, como consulta, a todo profesional relacionado con la calderería y para estudiantes de Formación Profesional en esta especialidad, tanto de Grado Medio como de grado Superior, pues en él encontrará infinidad de tablas sobre:Conversiones y equivalencias.Conocimiento de materiales.Perfiles laminados y chapas.Tuberías y accesorios de tubería.Tolerancias y ajustes.Roscas.Elementos comerciales de sujeción: Tornillos, tuercas, arandelas, pasadores, etc.Operaciones de trabajo, como: Trazado, taladrado, punzonado, curvado, plegado, remachado, soldadura y montaje.Tensiones y deformaciones producidas por la soldadura y métodos de prevención o eliminación.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual de antibióticos
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Urodynamics
Urodynamics is the investigation of the function of the lower urinary tract – the bladder and urethra – using physical measurements, such as urine pressure and flow rate as well as clinical assessment (netdoctor). This book is a concise guide to urodynamics (UDS) for trainee urologists. Beginning with an introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the lower urinary tract, the next section discusses clinical assessment which begins with a medical history and examination – which may reveal abnormalities within the lower abdomen or pelvis that are contributing to the lower urinary tract symptoms. The patient is then given a urination (voiding) diary to be kept for three days, to document their fluid intake and output, including episodes of incontinence (netdoctor). Each of the following chapters examines a different UDS test and its interpretation. The final sections describe representative clinical cases, and reporting on urodynamics. Key points Concise guide to urodynamics (UDS) for trainee urologists Detailed coverage of clinical assessment and different UDS tests Includes chapter on representative clinical cases Features more than 75 images and illustrations
University Press of Mississippi Tearing Down the Lost Cause: The Removal of New Orleans's Confederate Statues
In Tearing Down the Lost Cause: The Removal of New Orleans's Confederate Statues James Gill and Howard Hunter examine New Orleans's complicated relationship with the history of the Confederacy pre- and post-Civil War. The authors open and close their manuscript with the dramatic removal of the city's Confederate statues.On the eve of the Civil War, New Orleans was far more cosmopolitan than Southern, with its sizable population of immigrants, Northern-born businessmen, and white and Black Creoles. Ambivalent about secession and war, the city bore divided loyalties between the Confederacy and the Union. However, by 1880 New Orleans rivaled Richmond as a bastion of the Lost Cause. After Appomattox, a significant number of Confederate veterans moved into the city giving elites the backing to form a Confederate civic culture.While it's fair to say that the three Confederate monuments and the white supremacist Liberty Monument all came out of this dangerous nostalgia, the authors argue that each monument embodies its own story and mirrors the city and the times. The Lee monument expressed the bereavement of veterans and a desire to reconcile with the North, though strictly on their own terms. The Davis monument articulated the will of the Ladies Confederate Memorial Association to solidify the Lost Cause and Southern patriotism. The Beauregard Monument honored a local hero, but also symbolized the waning of French New Orleans and rising Americanization. The Liberty Monument, throughout its history, represented white supremacy and the cruel hypocrisy of celebrating a past that never existed.While the book is a narrative of the rise and fall of the four monuments, it is also about a city engaging history. Gill and Hunter contextualize these statues rather than polarize, interviewing people who are on both sides including citizens, academics, public intellectuals, and former mayor Mitch Landrieu. Using the statues as a lens, the authors construct a compelling narrative that provides a larger cultural history of the city.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. General Chemistry Lab Manual
Arcadia Publishing (SC) R.D. Cole Manufacturing Company
University of Texas Press Portuguese: A Reference Manual
An essential, comprehensive guide for all who are interested in learning the Portuguese language and mastering its complexities, Portuguese: A Reference Manual supplements the phonetic and grammatical explanations offered in basic textbooks. While the Manual focuses on Brazilian Portuguese, it incorporates European Portuguese variants and thus provides a more complete description of the language. Accessible to non-linguists and novice language learners, as well as informative for instructors of Portuguese and specialists in other languages, this guide incorporates the Orthographic Accord (in effect since 2009–2010), which attempts to standardize Portuguese orthography.The Manual reflects the language as it is currently taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels by providing detailed explanations of the sound and writing systems and the grammar of the principal Portuguese dialects. A reference guide rather than a textbook, the Manual also provides extensive verb charts, as well as comparisons of Portuguese with English and Spanish.
ESIC Editorial Manual de publicidad
Un práctico texto de publicidad que ofrece una visión completa y experimentada del trabajo publicitario, realizando un completo recorrido por el conjunto de actividades de la práctica publicitaria.A lo largo de sus páginas, este manual va recorriendo y desgranando toda la actividad de la publicidad y otras afines a ella: los elementos de la publicidad y sus funciones en el proceso, la inversión publicitaria y sus sistemas de medición, los medios publicitarios, su planificación, la estructura de un plan de medios, qué instrumentos utiliza, cuál es su duración, la selección de los medios., el proceso publicitario y su desarrollo, la agencia de publicidad, cómo opera, qué tipos de agencias existen, la estructura de una agencia., la investigación en publicidad, qué se investiga y quién lo investiga, las etapas de la investigación., la regulación publicitaria, etc.Es un libro eminentemente práctico narrado en forma sencilla y coloquial, pero con gran rigor científico. Sus autoras, M Á
ESIC Editorial Manual de marketing
El objetivo básico de esta obra es acercar el conocimiento, de forma fácil y comprensible, a las personas que quieran ahondar en el saber del marketing, y, que las ideas expresadas en este manual inciten a los lectores a realizar múltiples anotaciones en los márgenes o en cualquier zona en blanco, donde apuntar las nuevas ideas que vayan surgiendo acerca de su propia situación profesional.Es por tanto, una obra que busca capacitar a las personas interesadas en el marketing, en el entendimiento y la ejecución de las técnicas para que su negocio, su ONG, su institución, o su sueño, sea más eficaz y eficiente en el tiempo; buscando las relaciones positivas y armónicas a largo plazo con su entorno y, muy especialmente, con las personas y entidades a las que sirve y de las que se sirve.Este libro aborda la teoría como base sustentadora del conocimiento y simiente de la creación del lector, al mismo tiempo ilustra dicha teoría con casos relacionados para lograr una comprensión concreta
John Wiley & Sons Inc Building a Mail Order Business: A Complete Manual for Success
With more than 60,000 copies sold, this amazing manual has become aclassic in its field--and rightfully so. Nowhere else will youfind--in one book--so much valuable information on achievingsuccess in the mail order business. Dr. Bill Cohen has drawn on hisdecades of experience testing, researching, and constantly refiningthe mail order techniques described in this invaluable guide.Building a Mail Order Business offers a virtual treasury oftechniques and methods guaranteed to work in the real world ofselling through the mail. You'll get practical advice and learntricks of the trade that will get you started quickly, with thefewest missteps and greatest chances for success. Thorough and completely up-to-date, this authoritative guide coversevery aspect of the mail order business, from the basics of gettingstarted to the details of product selection, preparing a marketingplan, copywriting, designing graphics, printing, protectingyourself from competition, telemarketing, and advertising throughmagazines, radio, and television. In addition, a handy appendixlists hundreds of valuable contacts with complete addresses. In this new Fourth Edition, you'll learn the latest trends in mailorder--what works and what doesn't, the most effective look in adsand mailing pieces, how to put together the most attractive offers,and much more. For entrepreneurs, direct marketers, business owners, and otherseager to get into the mail order business, Building a Mail Order Business has proven itself to be anindispensable resource for the ideas, techniques, and expert advicethat will lead to success. All the success secrets of one of America's best-known and mostrespected experts on mail order and direct marketing--Now in a newedition! BUILDING A MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Fourth Edition Complete, authoritative, and now in a new edition, thisbest-selling guide to mail order success covers everything fromgetting your business started to handling legal issues, preparingcopy and graphics, selecting mailing lists, telemarketing, andadvertising in all types of media--an unbeatable source of directmarketing ideas that really work. Here's what the pros have said about previous editions of BillCohen's Building a Mail Order Business: "Dr. Bill Cohen's book thoroughly explores the many facets, andpitfalls, facing the budding mail order entrepreneur."-- Henry R."Pete" Hoke, Jr., Publisher, Direct Marketing "It took a mail order businessman who is also an educator to putdirect mail and mail order guidelines all in one place--and inlanguage we can all understand."--Freeman F. Gosden, Jr.,President, Smith-Hemmings-Gosden, one of the nation's largestdirect marketing advertising agencies "An outstanding primer for our industry. It gives you the nuts andbolts necessary to carry you through almost every aspect of mailorder from the very rudimentary basics to the same techniques usedby the pros."-- Joe Sugarman, JS&A "One of the best books I've ever read on the subject. Ienthusiastically recommend Building a Mail Order Business to anyman or woman who is serious about getting involved in thisfascinating activity."-- E. Joseph Cossman, President, CossmanInternational, Inc., author of How I Made a Million Dollars in MailOrder "An excellent, informative, comprehensive, illustrative workbookthat will help anyone get started making money in the fascinatingfield of mail order. I highly recommend this professional book."--Melvin Powers, mail order entrepreneur "...must reading for the entrepreneur whose mind is on mailorder."-- Paul Muchnick, Chairman, National Mail OrderAssociation "Its good sense and nuts-and-bolts, bottom-line approach make it adelightful guide through the mail order world."-- DM News
Pearson Education (US) Laboratory Manual for Chemistry
For courses in Chemistry Laboratory. This comprehensive laboratory manual features 29 experiments with a focus on real-world applications. These experiments were written specifically to correspond with the 8th Edition of CHEMISTRY by Robinson/McMurry/Fay. Each experiment explores one or more topics, covered within a chapter in the textbook, with the goal of helping students understand the underlying concepts covered in the lecture course and allowing students to apply what they’ve learned in lecture to an actual situation where used. Each experiment discusses what it entails along with why it is important and where the concept and/or technique will be applied again. The labs are designed to replicate a typical research-style experience with experiments that are investigative in nature.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Immunopathological Techniques
The use of immunopathological techniques has become increasingly widespread due to their ability to not only diagnose infectious and immunodeficiency disorders, but also haematological, oncological and gastroenterological diseases. This manual is a practical guide to immunopathological techniques for undergraduates and trainees. Beginning with an overview of immunopathology, the following chapters provide in depth discussion on different techniques for the diagnosis and management of numerous immunological disorders, including autoimmune diseases, tumours, transplants and immunohistochemistry. Presented in bullet point format for easy reference, this useful text is enhanced by high quality photographs and tables to assist learning. Key points Practical guide to immunopathological techniques Covers different techniques for diagnosis and treatment of numerous disorders Presented in bullet point format for easy reference Highly illustrated with clinical photographs and tables
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Steel Designers' Manual
In 2010 the then current European national standards for building and construction were replaced by the EN Eurocodes, a set of pan-European model building codes developed by the European Committee for Standardization. The Eurocodes are a series of 10 European Standards (EN 1990 – EN 1999) that provide a common approach for the design of buildings, other civil engineering works and construction products. The design standards embodied in these Eurocodes will be used for all European public works and are set to become the de-facto standard for the private sector in Europe, with probable adoption in many other countries. This classic manual on structural steelwork design was first published in 1955, since when it has sold many tens of thousands of copies worldwide. For the seventh edition of the Steel Designers' Manual all chapters have been comprehensively reviewed, revised to ensure they reflect current approaches and best practice, and brought in to compliance with EN 1993: Design of Steel Structures (the so-called Eurocode 3).
Ediciones Catedra, S.A. San Manuel Bueno Martir
Creación Editorial El manual de Vernica
Se trata de un libro muy especial. Una narración repleta de alegorías entrelazadas con algunos tesoros ocultos; con carreteras, señales y coches. Muchos coches...; todoterrenos, en particular. Por algún motivo, todas ellas estarán muy presentes en nuestras vidas. Y paradójicamente, cada uno de los secretos que guardan en su interior, será fundamental para encontrar la llave de una morada única situada en la cima de una montaña. Con ella se podrán abrir las puertas de un jardín muy singular...Pero, ante todo, se trata de una historia de Amor y Temor. La historia de una princesa y un caballero, al encuentro del Cáliz y la Espada... que, sin saberlo, siempre custodiaron.En definitiva, un libro lleno de frescura orientado a los amantes de la sabiduría, del entendimiento o del crecimiento personal que dará la conciencia más plena, expuesto desde un punto de vista integrador, donde todas las visiones personales tendrán que servir para sumar, con la práctica de la inteligencia emocional
DK The Complete Guitar Manual
From Jimi Hendrix to Ed Sheeran, every guitar hero started somewhere - so stop dreaming and start playing! Covering acoustic and electric, this book includes everything you need to know, from choosing your instrument and reading guitar tab, to using amplifiers and effects. Easy-to-follow lessons take you through all the steps to becoming a great guitar player: from tuning for beginners to advanced techniques for experienced players such as fingerpicking and two-handed tapping.Pick up guitar theory along the way, including rhythm, chords, and scales, and how to fine-tune your playing for blues, pop, rock, and more. The Complete Guitar Manual also helps you take your music to the next level with practical tips on forming a band, recording, and playing gigs. Whether you want to play along with your favorite songs at home or rock out onstage, this is the ultimate step-by-step guide to guitar greatness. With superb photography, easy-to-understand tips and tricks, and free online technique videos accompanying each session, you will learn how to play the guitar like a pro and hit all the right notes.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc A Manual for Living
Little, Brown Book Group Past Lying: The twisty new Karen Pirie thriller, now a major ITV series
KAREN PIRIE RETURNS. A MASTERFUL THRILLER BY THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER VAL MCDERMID__________Edinburgh, haunted by the ghosts of its many writers, is also the cold case beat of DCI Karen Pirie. So she shouldn't be surprised when an author's manuscript appears to be a blueprint for an actual crime.Karen can't ignore the plot's chilling similarities to the unsolved case of an Edinburgh University student who vanished from her own doorstep. The manuscript seems to be the key to unlocking what happened to Lara Hardie, but there's a problem: the author died before he finished it.As Karen digs deeper, she uncovers a spiralling game of betrayal and revenge, where lies are indistinguishable from the truth and with more than one unexpected twist . . .The Queen of Crime Val McDermid is at the top of her game in her most gripping and fiendishly clever case yet.Praise for Val McDermid'McDermid is at her considerable best' GUARDIAN'Irresistible' PATRICIA CORNWELL'A brilliant novel by a supremo of the genre' PETER JAMES'Outstanding' SPECTATOR'Another masterpiece' DAVID BALDACCI'Sensational. One of Britain's most accomplished writers' SUNDAY EXPRESS
Hal Leonard Corporation Seasons of Praise Song Collection Resource Manual Songs of Praise and Worship for the Whole Family of God Resource Manual
CABI Publishing Manual of Animal Andrology
A succinct reference for those assessing and managing the reproductive functionality of male animals, this practical manual contains both generic and species-specific information suitable for widespread worldwide application. It covers all relevant aspects such as handling and restraint, physical examination, reproductive examination, important reproductive diseases, biosecurity, semen collection and its assessment, mating behaviour, and the fundamentals of semen handling and preservation for artificial breeding. A simple, concise 'go-to' for the useful techniques and procedures of animal andrology, this book: - Covers a wide range of species, including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, water buffalo, camelids and dogs - Provides normal values and ranges for important male reproductive traits, as well as guidelines for breeding soundness evaluations - Includes extra supplementary illustrations, protocols and resources through accompanying website to enable further learning. With information presented in a manner that will remain useful for years to come, Manual of Animal Andrology is an essential resource for veterinarians, theriogenologists, animal breeders, and students of veterinary and animal sciences.
Les Belles Lettres Manuel de l'Inquisiteur
Weldon Owen, Incorporated Total Dog Manual
New for 2020, this paperback edition of The Total Dog Manual brings over 200 invaluable tips from David Meyer, Abbie Moore and Dr Pia Stalk, operators of, the world's largest non-profit pet adoption website.Whether a long time or first time dog owner, this 256 page guide will walk you through how to prepare your home, yourself and your family for your new best friend. Get ready to welcome a new bundle of furry canine love into your home and your heart!
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Histology
Pelagic Publishing Herpetofauna Workers' Manual
An indispensable manual for conservationists throughout the UK and much of mainland Europe. It provides conservation guidance on the twelve non-marine amphibian and reptile species native to the British Isles. It covers a wide range of issues, from advice on surveying to reintroductions. Reprint edition of 1861074506 published in 1998.
Pearson Education (US) Manual for Physical Agents
MANUAL FOR PHYSICAL AGENTS, 6/e is a core education resource for modern physical therapists, therapist assistants, and athletic trainers. It integrates concise summaries of the theoretical background and available evidence for each technique; step-by-step instructions presented generically, without brand names; and broad coverage of most current techniques. Designed for easy use, its lay-flat spiral binding remains open while students practice independently in laboratory sessions; concise tables provide fast access to essential information. This edition offers stronger focus on evidence-based practice; a new chapter on evaluating new interventions; new study and discussion questions; and extensive new topic coverage: from controlled cold compression to electrical stimulation for tissue repair.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Laboratory Manual for Prego!
Prego! is easy to use! For this exciting new edition, we listened to our many adopters and made significant revisions to adapt Prego! to the changing needs of your students. Every aspect of this program is based on the strong foundation of vocabulary and grammar presentations unique to Prego along with communicative activities and expanded cultural material to help students develop language proficiency. As a result, the program is even stronger, offering a truly integrated approach to presenting culture that inspires students to develop their communication skills.All print and media supplements for the program are completely integrated in CENTRO, our comprehensive digital platform that brings together all the online and media resources of the Prego! program. These include the Quia online versions of the workbook and laboratory manual, the video program, the music playlist, and new interactive games. Instructors will also find an easy-to-use grade book, an instructor dashboard, and a class roster system that facilitates course management and helps reduce administrative workload.
Cengage Learning, Inc Manual de gram��tica
MANUAL DE GRAM��TICA is the most reliable grammar reference. It combines vivid, easy-to-use charts with detailed grammar explanations in English supported by clear examples. The text covers all major grammatical rules of Spanish and provides real-world applications of all grammar points, making it an invaluable reference tool that you will turn to time and again in your Spanish courses. And, by choosing MANUAL DE GRAM��TICA in an online format through iLrn: Language Learning Center, you can review mini-lessons on grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary to study and supplement in-class lessons!
DK The Complete Sailing Manual
A new and updated edition of the only sailing manual that you will ever need.Whether you’re a seasoned seafarer or just starting out, this fully revised and updated sailing manual is perfect for all levels of experience. Learn how to handle any sailing situation with thorough coverage of all aspects of sailing and boat ownershipInside the pages of this new edition of the go-to guide about sailing and boat maintenance, you’ll discover: • Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of sailing practice written by an expert sailor • Fully updated contents with the latest information and advice, and technological developments • A chapter by chapter approach that functions as a complete tuition course on seamanship • Authoritative text, clear, annotated diagrams, and action photographs • A reliable, instant, and user-friendly handbook for any sailing situation • Foreword by quadruple Olympic gold medalist, Sir Ben Ainslie Former British national champion Steve Sleight offers a wealth of expert advice and guidance in the form of a complete tuition course on seamanship. The Complete Sailing Manual is the ultimate sailing handbook that is packed with engaging essential information and breathtaking action photography. Handy diagrams, step-by-step artwork, and instructions will teach you all the latest sailing techniques. This updated edition features all of the latest developments in sailing including foiling, long-distance cruising, and high-speed apparent-wind sailing and navigation. Explore new developments in sailing equipment such as modern performance systems, electronic navigation, and ways to use alternative energy on board. Explore the latest rules, regulations, and best practices from collision regulations to safety equipment. This essential sailing book is necessary for every keen sailor, from beginner to expert!
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Complete DIY Manual
Collins Complete DIY Manual has sold over 3 million copies and is the most comprehensive and authoritative DIY manual ever produced. For novices, DIY enthusiasts or professionals, this essential book continues to be the most in-depth, up-to-date and user-friendly DIY book on the market, covering everything from decorating and repairs to electricity, plumbing and much more. This fully updated version features an even more accessible design to help you navigate easily through the info, and thousands of new photographs and illustrations to make sure you get your job done quickly and safely. There have been many changes to regulations in recent years, particularly in electricity (the new Part P legislation and changes to cable colours) – the Manual not only lists but also clearly explains these new regs and helps you work with them. And as we all become much more conscious of the environmental impact our homes have, new material on energy-saving DIY is essential reading for any householder – saving you money too in the process.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones NominaPlus 2013 manual oficial
Este manual se presenta como un material complementario para la comprensión y aprovechamiento óptimo de la herramienta de trabajo NominaPlus 2013.En este caso, la aplicación que tenemos entre manos está equipada con una tecnología sofisticada en lo que se refiere a seguridad, bases de datos y manejabilidad, adecuándose con los valores que caracterizan a Sage: sencillez, agilidad, integridad, confianza e innovación.Las características de este manual son:- Se manejan desde el inicio conceptos básicos de la herramienta, que serán el pilar fundamental a la hora de profundizar en temas más complejos.- Se consolidan las bases del área laboral para poder moverse con seguridad en el desempeño que le demande cualquier puesto de trabajo relacionado con los recursos humanos.- Se trata el método tradicional de aprendizaje con el de las nuevas tecnologías, realizando las prácticas en una aplicación real de trabajo.- Se llevan a cabo los conocimientos laborales adquiridos en la par
Ediciones Ekaré Guillermo Jorge Manuel José
Guillermo Jorge Manuel José vive al lado de una residencia para ancianos. Cuando descubre que la señora Ana Josefina Rosa Isabel, que tiene un nombre tan largo como el suyo, ha perdido la memoria, emprende una búsqueda para recuperar los recuerdos de su amiga. Un libro inolvidable de Mem Fox y Julie Vivas, destacadas figuras de la sobresaliente literatura infantil australiana.- Los Mejores del Banco del libro 1989- ALA Notable Children's Book
Obelisco Manual Practico de Higienismo
Ediciones Robinbook, S.L. Manual bsico del hogar
Editorial CEP, S.L. Manual de contabilidad general
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Formación para el empleo. Administración y gestión empresarial.FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓN lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010CONTENIDOEste manual incluye un material dirigido favorecer el aprendizaje teórico-práctico del programa docente "Contabilidad General", el cual está desarrollado en profundidad mediante una estructura modular y adecuada para su aplicación en actividades de Formación para el Empleo.Se trata contenidos propios de acciones formativas transversales para el reciclaje, recualificación o reinserción laboral:- Planes de formación Intersectoriales y Sectoriales dirigidos a cualquier trabajador ocupado (cursos gratuitos), tanto a nivel estatal como autonómico.- Cursos de formación a trabajadores desempleados no basados en la obtención de Certificados de Profesionalidad.- Cursos de Formación Bonificada para Empresas.
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Manual técnico de sonido
En este libro se revisan los conceptos fundamentales del sonido y la electroacústica presentando especial interés a los equipos y las configuraciones de audio. En esta edición se ha incluido un capítulo especial en el que se presenta una visión de las nuevas tecnologías digitales. Incluye más de 100 fotografías y figuras y 3 anexos con diagramas técnicos muy visuales e intuitivos.
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Insectos manuales de identificación
Este manual de identificación describe más de 300 familias de insectos y otros artrópodos. Su texto es conciso, claro y bien documentado. De interés tanto para estudiosos como para aficionados, cada entrada combina una concreta descripción con la fotografía del insecto en la que se detallan sus características principales.
Herder Editorial Manual de teologa dogmtica
Editorial Acribia, S.A. Manual de charcutería artesanal
Prólogo - Agradecimientos - Origen de los embutidos - Clasificación de los embutidos - Embutidos frescos - Pastas finas y jamones cocidos - Crudo curados y salazones - Ahumado de la carne - Aditivos - Etiquetado y envasado (presentación) - Modelo guía de planta industrial pequeña - Maquinaria y accesorios - Transporte de productos elaborados - Costos y ventas - Índice alfabético.
Almuzara Manual Urgente de Comunicacion
Haupt Verlag AG The Manual of Braiding