Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wind, Water And Fire: The Other Renewable Energy Resources
This volume focuses on a few renewable energy sources, viz. wind energy plus energy from water movement and natural temperature differences that in principle could provide enormous energy resources. Energy from wind has been a rapidly growing source of energy as wind turbines have grown in size and especially as wind turbines have moved offshore. Hydroelectric dams have continued to be used as energy sources particularly in developing countries. Other energy sources using water, including waves and tidal sources, are also discussed in this volume. Finally, the volume discusses differences between deep and surface ocean temperatures plus the extraction of energy from the earth's extremely large energy resource of magma deep below the surface. These latter two energy resources in particular require further development and the current book describes the latest advances coupled with pointing possible paths forward.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Statistical Mechanics
The book is aimed at undergraduate students in their senior year and first year graduate students. It elucidates the basis of thermodynamics and provides a basis for the understanding of, not only the thermodynamic properties of a microscopic system, but also their fluctuations, correlations and close-to-equilibrium properties.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Achieving Sustaining Peace Through Preventive Diplomacy
Preventive diplomacy constitutes an important part of international conflict resolution mechanisms. The countries in the Asia Pacific region have the political will to use preventive diplomacy to address the needs for sustaining peace and security. The challenge is to find approaches compatible with the consensual norms, and operational for tackling conflicts in the regional context. Structured on this thematic challenge, this book aims to present new approaches and practices of preventative diplomacy, inspired by diplomatic innovation of Asia-Pacific countries and around the world, such as adaptive peace approach, continental approach, dominant coalition, and new leadership in peacebuilding, etc., and takes account recent literature on normative issues relating to preventative diplomacy, such as international rule of law, normative entanglements and evolution, the international, impartial and independent mechanism, the evolution of the norm against child soldiers, the implementation of the woman peace and security agenda, and the role of Jus Post Bellum in the UN peace operations. It also examines how geopolitical competition and the recent covid-19 crisis impact the security of the region, and explores the connection between the Belt and Road Initiative and sustaining peace of the region.This book is a valuable reading on the recent development of approaches and norms of preventative diplomacy and how they can contribute to sustaining peace of the Asia Pacific. It can be used as a text for college students, researchers, and practitioners in the disciplines of international relations, political science, security studies, policy studies, diplomacy, and social issues.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Fundamentals Of Quantum Materials: A Practical Guide To Synthesis And Exploration
Despite a long tradition of sophisticated, creative materials synthesis among quantum materials researchers, a sense of broader community has been lacking. In initiating the Fundamentals of Quantum Materials Winter School held annually at the University of Maryland, we wanted to bring together the next generation of growers to learn techniques and pointers directly from senior scientists, and it turns out that we were not alone. The enthusiasm from both students and teachers has been both gratifying and invigorating. Four schools later, we can confidently say that physicists, chemists, and materials scientists, experimentalists and theorists alike, all want to know how to make a good sample. With this in mind, we asked our lecturers to record their most important ideas and share their expertise with a broader audience. This resource is a compilation of fundamental and practical guides on the modern methods of materials synthesis utilized by these experts. We hope that you enjoy reading their essential guidance and state-of-the-art techniques as you explore the Fundamentals of Quantum Materials.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Relations: Concrete, Abstract, And Applied - An Introduction
The book is intended as an invitation to the topic of relations on a rather general basis. It fills the gap between the basic knowledge offered in countless introductory papers and books (usually comprising orders and equivalences) and the highly specialized monographs on mainly relation algebras, many-valued (fuzzy) relations, or graphs. This is done not only by presenting theoretical results but also by giving hints to some of the many interesting application areas (also including their respective theoretical basics).This book is a new — and the first of its kind — compilation of known results on binary relations. It offers relational concepts in both reasonable depth and broadness, and also provides insight into the vast diversity of theoretical results as well as application possibilities beyond the commonly known examples.This book is unique by the spectrum of the topics it handles. As indicated in its title these are:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Fundamentals Of Institutional Asset Management
This book provides the fundamentals of asset management. It takes a practical perspective in describing asset management. Besides the theoretical aspects of investment management, it provides in-depth insights into the actual implementation issues associated with investment strategies. The 19 chapters combine theory and practice based on the experience of the authors in the asset management industry. The book starts off with describing the key activities involved in asset management and the various forms of risk in managing a portfolio. There is then coverage of the different asset classes (common stock, bonds, and alternative assets), collective investment vehicles, financial derivatives, common stock analysis and valuation, bond analytics, equity beta strategies (including smart beta), equity alpha strategies (including quantitative/systematic strategies), bond indexing and active bond portfolio strategies, and multi-asset strategies. The methods of using financial derivatives (equity derivatives, interest rate derivatives, and credit derivatives) in managing the risks of a portfolio are clearly explained and illustrated.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Thinking Matters: Critical Thinking As Creative Problem Solving
The ancient Roman orator Horace (65 B.C.-8 B.C.) wrote, 'Control your mind or it will control you.' In today's society we are faced with more information, and more complex information, than ever. Faced with making decisions, we can feel overwhelmed and helpless. One way to become less helpless — to gain control over our lives — is to gain control over our own thinking. We can feel helpless when faced with this barrage of information, opinions, data, and conflicting arguments if we lack the skills to quickly grasp and critically evaluate them. This book is designed to impart these kinds of skills.Any course in a university should do more than teach information — in nearly every field, 'facts' become obsolete quickly. The goals of Thinking Matters are to help you: The text is punctuated with exercises or 'personal experiments' to challenge and stimulate your curiosity. These exercises may take the form of an inventory to be taken, a puzzle to be solved, or some thoughts to ponder.The first module Thinking Matters: Critical Thinking as Creative Problem Solving introduces the student to all the above topics — logic, probability, argument forms and fallacies, ethical reasoning, algorithms, and computational thinking — through logic puzzles and games and mathematical magic tricks.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Composites And Metamaterials
This book is an excellent primer for students to learn about physical properties, particularly mechanical properties of heterogeneous and multiphase materials and the cultivation of physical insight. Written by a prominent author who pioneered many of the concepts, this book provides a comprehensive coverage of fundamental and current topics in traditional composites and new heterogeneous materials.Topics covered include:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Cobert's Manual Of Drug Safety And Pharmacovigilance (Third Edition)
Completely revised and updated, Cobert's Manual of Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance, Third Edition, is a how-to manual for those working in the fields of drug safety, clinical research, pharmacology, regulatory affairs, risk management, quality/compliance, and in government and legal professions.This comprehensive and practical guide discusses the theory and the practicalities of drug safety (also known as pharmacovigilance), and provides essential information on drug safety and regulations in the United States, Europe Union, and more, including: recognizing, monitoring, reporting, and cataloging serious adverse drug reactions.Cobert's Manual of Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance, Third Edition, teaches the daily practice of drug safety in industry, hospitals, the FDA and other health agencies — both in the United States and around the world — and provides critical information about what to do when confronted with a drug safety problem.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ligament Reconstructions
The ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is the most important ligament in the knee. When it is completely torn, it can lead to instability or buckling of the knee. There are several options to choose from when selecting a graft for ACL reconstruction such as using autografts including patellar tendon, hamstring tendon, and quadriceps tendon, and allografts (also known as donor tissue or cadaver tissue). Artificial ligaments are also discussed since they are still used in Europe and Asia. This book summarizes the pros and cons of each graft option in detail.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Phyllotactic Patterns: A Multidisciplinary Approach
The book provides a current review of the field of phyllotaxis from a variety of perspectives, that is, morphological, developmental, biochemical, molecular genetics, biophysical, and evolutionary.This unique book covers phyllotactic processes from the level of genes involved in the establishment of patterns to modeling the emergence of those patterns in space and time. The models in question (deterministic or stochastic) touch on various fields, including geometry, biochemistry, and biophysics.Not only providing a recent review but also current critique and analysis of the discipline, the book will appeal to a variety of individuals involved in developmental modeling as well as pattern initiation and formation. The text is highly illustrated with excellent pictures representing recent developments in the field.A biological context or perspective to models and ideas is explored in the book. Terminology specific to the discipline is defined and updated as well.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Terrorist Minds: From Social-psychological Profiling To Assessing The Risk
'This book's excellent discussion of the theories and concepts involved in profiling terrorists, including those who are incarcerated, is a major contribution to the academic discipline on these issues.'Perspectives on TerrorismTerrorist Minds: From Social-Psychological Profiling to Assessing the Risk explores the process of terrorist behavioural analysis, from the social-psychological profiling of terrorists to the development of risk assessment tools. Most of the research for this book was conducted in cooperation with the Intelligence Department of the Israeli Prison Service via qualitative, in-depth interviews with leaders of terrorist organisations in Israeli prisons. Once social-psychological profiles were established, terrorist risk assessment tools were developed to allow for better observation and practical management of associated problems.This book fills the gaps in existing literature on the psychology of imprisoned terrorist group leaders through the analysis of individuals' social, professional and personal lives, as well as their attitudes and perceptions. The book also covers the practical aspects of risk assessment based on social-psychological profiling, and discusses relevant tools that have been developed in recent years. It aims to better inform counter-terrorism initiatives and policymaking, as well as improve methods of communication, counter-terrorism, and conflict resolution.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Principles And Techniques In Combinatorics
A textbook suitable for undergraduate courses. The materials are presented very explicitly so that students will find it very easy to read. A wide range of examples, about 500 combinatorial problems taken from various mathematical competitions and exercises are also included.