Search results for ""Bruno""
Coleccionable Injustice núm. 10 de 24
Los dioses del Olimpo y las amazonas de Themyscira se han incorporado a la guerra contra la tiranía de Superman. Y como no podía ser de otra forma, a Wonder Woman no le ha quedado más remedio que enfrentarse al Hombre de Acero que tanto quiere. Y mientras la batalla se recrudece en varios puntos, Billy Batson emprende una misión al mismísimo Infierno en la compañía más imprevisible del mundo: nada menos que Harley Quinn!El guionista Brian Buccellato y los dibujantes Bruno Redondo, Mike S. Miller y Tom Derenick continúan con el cuarto año de Injustice en un volumen en que, a la acción habitual, se suma el esperado enfrentamiento entre Batman y Robin. Vencerá el padre o el hijo? O perderán los dos?
Habitar la Terra
Contra tot pronòstic, afirmar que el final de la modernitat i la catàstrofe ecològica són una realitat pot tenir més a veure amb l?esperança i la vida que amb la fallida i el derrotisme. Es tracta, això sí, d?assumir que el repte del pensament polític actual és el de reflexionar des del cor del drama, de fer-ho collectivament i de gosar especular des de la imaginació més radical i imprevista.Aquest ha estat el propòsit de Bruno Latour. La seva veu, recollida en les converses d?aquest llibre, ens convida a posar en relació la tecnologia, el dret, la ciència, la filosofia, l?art, l?ecologia, la religió i la sociologia per avançar junts per nous camins i fer habitable la Terra.
Birkhauser Breathe: Investigations into Our Atmospherically Entangled Future
This book explores breathing and the atmosphere as leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime, uncovering intertwinements of societal activities with the air and the atmosphere. With this awareness of entanglement, the deeply performative characteristics of the air, atmosphere and climate are foregrounded and can be discovered as central agents in the conception and design of our planetary existence. This carefully edited collection brings together renowned authors from various disciplines, and their ideas, observations, and examples inspire us to rethink our forms of social action and design. With contributions by: Bruno Latour Eva Horn, Heather Davis David Life, Bronislaw Szerszynski Jean-Paul Thibaud Gernot Böhme Peter Sloterdijk Rosetta Sarah Elkin Wolfgang Kessling Anja Thierfelder Matthias Schuler Tomás Saraceno Klaus K. Loenhart
Peeters Publishers Philosophie et langage ordinaire: De l'Antiquité à la Renaissance
La philosophie entretient un rapport ambigu au langage ordinaire. Tantôt elle l’a répudié comme inadapté, égarant, source d’illusions, tantôt elle y a vu une voie d’accès à la réalité, voire la voie d’accès par excellence à celle-ci. Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, cette problématique n’est pas typique des philosophies moderne et contemporaine. Elle émerge dès l’aube de la philosophie et l’accompagne tout au long de son histoire. Ce volume présente, sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, une palette représentative de positions différentes prises par des penseurs de l’Antiquité, du Moyen ge et de la Renaissance. Les présocratiques (Parménide et Xénophane), Aristote, les stoïciens, l’épicurien Polystrate, Sextus Empiricus, Abélard, Jean Buridan, Pic de la Mirandole, Montaigne, Francis Bacon et Giordano Bruno sont ainsi étudiés sous un angle neuf et stimulant.
Peeters Publishers Rewriting Recent Music History: The Development of Early Serialism 1947-1957
This volume sheds new light on the origins of early serial music at the end of the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s. Current music historical accounts of the development of serial music need to be revised in two ways. It is important to correct both the Eurocentric approach and the exclusive attention to the already well-documented 'heroes' of serial music (Boulez, Stockhausen, Nono, Pousseur). The significance of Milton Babbitt is put into perspective, as are the idiosyncratic contributions by Herman Van San, Karel Goeyvaerts, Michel Fano, Jean Barraque or Bruno Maderna. The contributions to this collected volume deal with the historical position of these composers by analyzing their composition techniques and aesthetical frameworks. In addition, Brian Ferneyhough clarifies his relationship with the legacy of early serial music.
Hachette Children's Group Jack's Secret World: An unforgettable magical adventure for readers aged 7+
Join Jack and the gang on another unforgettable adventure, full of magic and mayhem - for fans of The Famous Five and Roald Dahl.Everything changed the day Jack and his neighbours Bruno and Rocco went to explore the old empty house.There they discovered a strange girl called Blossom, who introduced them to a world of magic - talking to animals, flying like birds, and even... a doorway to another world, hidden within the ivy-covered walls of the old house. Now the gang have gone through the doorway, looking for Blossom's missing dad, the man who made the magic. But finding him will be just the start of the adventure, as Blossom's dad has a mission for the gang, and they're going to need all the magical powers they can get.
API Ediciones España, S.L. La astrología y los siete rayos nuevos métodos para la determinación de los rayos en el horóscopo
Este libro pone a tu disposición...... un método sencillo y objetivo para identificartus propios rayos a partir de tu horóscopo. Si conoces los textos de El Tibetano y Alice Bailey estarás familiarizado con el concepto de los Siete Rayos como instrumento de autoconocimiento y desarrollo espiritual.Sin duda te habrás preguntado cuáles son tus rayos y estarás trabajando con alguna hipótesis al respecto. Los procedimentos para determinar los rayos que han estado disponibles hasta la fecha se basan en cuestionarios y tienen, por lo tanto, un alto grado de subjetividad.El método desarrollado por Bruno Huber explicado en este nuevo libro es un método objetivo basado en el horósopo individual y su validez ha sido constatada por muchas personas en los últimos años.
Forma Edizioni Salman AliGhiero Boetti
This catalogue for a show at Tornabuoni Art in Milan sheds new light and offers previously unpublished material on the close relationship between Alighiero Boetti and his longtime Afghan assistant and friend, Salman Ali. They met in Kabul in 1971, and travelled to Rome two years later. Their initial collaboration rapidly evolved into a far more intense relationship: not simply as assistant, but as a close member of the family. This exhibition features the private collection of works given to Ali by Boetti, and substantial photographic and documentary archives that illuminate their close friendship, working relationship, travels, and everyday life. Included here is a biographical essay by Ali, in addition to texts by Clino Trini Castelli, Bruno Corà and Giorgio Colombo. Text in English and Italian.
Orion Publishing Co Love on the Rocks
It was the opportunity of a lifetime - a rundown hotel in Cornwall, just waiting to be brought back to life... Secrets, rivalry, sunshine - from the author of THE BEACH HUT and A NIGHT ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS.When the rundown Rocks Hotel comes up for auction in Mariscombe, Lisa and her boyfriend George make a successful bid to escape and live the dream. But their dream quickly becomes a nightmare. Their arch-rival, Bruno Thorne, owner of the Mariscombe Hotel, seems intent on sabotage.Meanwhile, local chambermaid Molly is harbouring a secret that will blow the whole village apart. Then an unexpected visitor turns up on the doorstep. It seems everyone in Mariscombe is sailing a little too close to the rocks ...
DC Comics Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two The Complete Collection
The best-selling prequel to the hit videogame picks up right where it left off! Year one is over--now, year two begins. The death of one of their own has divided Earth's protectors as hero turns against hero. As Superman's iron grip on the world tightens, at the edge of the galaxy another grave threat approaches. The Green Lantern Corps is forced into extreme measures in an attempt to dethrone Superman and restore safety to the universe. Now collected in its entirety, INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US: YEAR TWO - THE COMPLETE COLLECTION continues the story from the New York Times best-selling graphic novel with star writer Tom Taylor (EARTH 2) and a team of artists including Mike S. Miller, Bruno Redondo and Tom Derenick.
John Blake Publishing Ltd Cass - Hard Life, Hard Man: My Autobiography
The autobiography of Cass Pennant is packed with amazing stories of a life lived on the edge of the law. In this thrilling book, he tells of how he saved World Boxing Champion Frank Bruno from a potentially vicious attack; how he was shot three times in the chest and still kept on fighting, and how he was alleged to be the leader of the notorious West Ham 'InterCity Firm'.This is the astonishing account of a boy abandoned by his mother and brought up by adoptive parents (who were white) - a boy who triumphed against all the odds.A bestseller on its publication, Cass is also a major film directed by Jon S. Baird, starring Nonso Anozie in the title role, and Oscar-winner Daniel Kaluuya as Young Cass.
Transcript Verlag Futures of Modernity: Challenges for Cosmopolitical Thought and Practice
Global risks, mobilities and interdependencies transnationalize local life and working worlds. These processes lead to an inner globalization of societies in which worldwide constellations of "reflexive" (Ulrich Beck), "multiple" (Shmuel N. Eisenstadt), "entangled" (Shalini Randeria) and "global" (Arjun Appadurai) modernities simultaneously and immediately clash in social action: a process of cosmopolitanization in which "the global" is localized and "the local" is globalized in radical new ways. In this book, an international selection of prominent critical thinkers address this premise and provide their interpretations of imminent challenges, concomitant social dynamics and political implications.With contributions by Arjun Appadurai, Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck, Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, Edgar Grande, Maarten Hajer, Ronald Hitzler, Wolf Lepenies, Anna Tsing, Angela McRobbie, Bruno Latour, Ted Nordhaus & Michael Shellenberger, Hans-Georg Soeffner, Natan Sznaider, Anja Weiß and Yunxiang Yan.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lexikon Des Fruhgriechischen Epos Lfg: Chalkokorusths (Lexikon Des Fruhgriechischen Epos. Ausgabe in Lieferungen)
Coleccionable Injustice núm. 17 de 24
La guerra ha terminado. El bando de Batman ha ganado, y ahora Superman ocupa una celda de la isla de Stryker que lo mantiene sometido a una luz solar roja de forma permanente. Sin embargo, al Hombre de Acero aún le quedan aliados. Y mientras el conflicto parece reavivarse poco a poco, Amanda Waller ha decidido reclutar a Harley Quinn para un equipo llamado Escuadrón Suicida en el que también está interesado un actor misterioso que está a punto de hacer acto de presencia. Y nos va a resultar muy familiar.Injustice: Zona cero concluye en este volumen para dar paso de inmediato a Injustice 2, la serie que supuso el regreso del guionista Tom Taylor a la saga en compañía de Bruno Redondo y Daniel Sampere, entre otros autores.
JOVIS Verlag Berlin & Berlin: Stadtplanung nach dem Mauerfall
Nach dem Mauerfall waren in Berlin völlig neuartige Planungsaufgaben zu bewältigen. Die Teilung war zu überwinden, und in kürzester Zeit mussten Konzepte für die noch ungewisse Zukunft der Stadt entwickelt und in die Tat umgesetzt werden. Welche Konzepte entstanden, wie die Entscheidungsprozesse organisiert, welche Konflikte (nicht) gelöst wurden und wie sich zentrale Beschlüsse seither bewährt haben, daran erinnern sich fünfzehn damals verantwortliche Planer*innen aus Ost- und West- Berlin. In Interviews über die herausfordernde Aufbruchszeit vermitteln die Zeitzeug*innen ein lebendiges Bild von der Stimmung der ersten fünf Jahre und berichten von Zusammenhängen und Hintergründen. Abbildungen von teils noch unveröffentlichten Planungen erlauben einen neuen Blick auf das Berlin der frühen 1990er. Mit Beiträgen von Dorothee Dubrau, Bruno Flierl, Volker Hassemer, Bernd Hunger, Urs Kohlbrenner, Ulla Luther und anderen sowie Stadtfotos von E.-J. Ouwerkerk
Quercus Publishing Silver Bullets
For Detective Edgar "Lefty" Mendieta, tormented by past heartbreak and dismayed by all-pervasive corruption, the murder of lawyer Bruno Canizales represents just another day at the office in Culiacán, Mexico's capital of narco-crime.There is no shortage of suspects in a city where it's hard to tell the gangsters from the politicians. Canizales was the son of a former government minister and the lover of a drug lord's daughter, and he nurtured a penchant for cross-dressing and edgy sex. But why did the assassin use a silver bullet? And why, six days later, did he apparently strike again? Mendieta's hunt for the killer takes him from mansions to low-life bars, from gumshoe reporters to glamourous transsexuals. Unearthing the truth can be as dangerous as any drug.
Marsilio Italia Moderna 1945 1975: From Reconstruction to the Student Protests
Gathering works by Lucio Fontana, Fausto Melotti, Emilio Vedova, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Enrico Castellani, Bruno Munari, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jannis Kounellis and many others, Italia Moderna reconstructs the complex artistic fabric of Italy during one of the country’s most fertile periods of change. “Reconstruction” and “Protest” are of course not the only two organizing principles within which the Italian conception of modernity has unfolded, but they do usefully signify the cultural milestones and developments that brought Italy into the international limelight during this time. Here, 140 works, all selected from the collections of the Intesa Sanpaolo bank, serve to highlight the climate, atmosphere and fabric of the time. All the key Italian artists of this fruitful period are represented in the volume, from Fontana to Vedova, from Manzoni to Guttuso, from Kounellis to Merz.
Cazamisteris 5 El cas del pirata segrestrat
Un nou cas divertidíssim de la sèrie unisex per a primers lectors.Secrets, rialles i detectius. T'uneixes al Club?Quan els pares no hi són, sempre els passen coses estranyes, a l'Ulisses, la Nora i el Bruno Misteri. Coses molt i molt estranyes. Per sort, tenen el Babau, un gos que parla i a qui li xiula el nas quan troba una pista!Els Misteri per fi han arribat al poble costaner que indicava el mapa dels pares, però s'hi troben un vaixell pirata! Encara que els pirates sempre fan una mica de por, no tindran altre remei que ajudar la tripulació: han perdut el capità i el tresor, i potser saben on són els pares?RESOLDRAN AQUEST NOU CAS, ELS MISTERI?SECRETS, RIALLES I DETECTIUS...T'UNEIXES AL CLUB?
Wonder Woman Especial 80 aniversario
Steve Trevor ha dedicado mucho tiempo a un proyecto muy personal: un documental sobre Wonder Woman, el amor de su vida. Así empieza un repaso a las proezas de Diana que incluye relatos ambientados en diferentes épocas: su infancia en Isla Paraíso, sus tiempos de la Liga de la Justicia de América original, los comienzos de su enemistad con Cheetah... Todo un homenaje a la mejor heroína del mundo del cómic.Como no podía ser de otro modo, este especial cuenta con alguno de los mejores autores del momento, incluidos Tom King, Evan ?Doc? Shaner, Jordie Bellaire, Becky Cloonan y Jim Cheung, y también con leyendas del cómic como Mark Waid o José Luis García-López. Y por si fuera poco, una aventura de Diana y Artemisa realizada por Andrea Shea y Bruno Redondo.
Mondadori Electa Nero Dolce & Gabbana
In this large-format black-and-white book, the great masters of Italian and international reportage are contrasted with the most important fashion photographers, who have interpreted Dolce & Gabbana Black from behind their lenses since the 1980s. These include Helmut Newton, Inez & Vinoodh, Giuseppe Leone, Enzo Brai, Salvo Alibrio, Sergio Larrain, Bruno Barbey, Ellen von Unwerth, Gian Paolo Barbieri, Fabrizio Ferri, and Juergen Teller. In these photographic masterpieces, which range from advertising campaigns to the most iconic editorials, the stars of cinema, entertainment, and fashion featuring Monica Bellucci and Isabella Rossellini among others will alternate with suggestive portraits of ordinary people, some never before seen by the general public and published here for the first time, in a constant dialog that puts Dolce & Gabbana Black at the center.
Dalkey Archive Press Is There Anybody to Love You?
Winner of the European Union Prize for Literature. A hymn to the city of Sofia, a series of whimsical character portraits, a literary mural of Bulgaria at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Is There Anybody There to Love You? is the first collection of stories from EU Prize-winning author Kalin Terziyski to be published in English. In these pages, you will meet the Collector of Valuable Things (packs of cigarettes, love letters, a magpie’s feather), a private eye at the end of his rope, and a young boy coming to terms, like the rest of us, with the mysteries of his existence. Most of all, you will be introduced to a gifted new writer, whose humanity and humor are reminiscent of Bruno Schulz and Bohumil Hrabal.
Penguin Books Ltd Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
'Brilliant and disturbing' Stephen Spender, New York Review of BooksThe classic work on 'the banality of evil', and a journalistic masterpieceHannah Arendt's stunning and unnverving report on the trial of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann first appeared as a series of articles in the New Yorker in 1963. This edition includes material that came to light after the trial, as well as Arendt's postscript directly addressing the controversy that arose over her account. A major journalistic triumph by an intellectual of singular influence, this classic portrayal of the banality of evil is as shocking as it is informative - an unflinching look at one of the most unsettling issues of the twentieth century.'Deals with the greatest problem of our time ... the problem of the human being within a modern totalitarian system' Bruno Bettelheim
Arquine Javier Senosiain - Organic Architecture
To survey the work of Mexican architect Javier Senosiain (born 1948) requires a journey through a particular trajectory in the history of architecture, from Frank Lloyd Wright and Bruno Zevi to Alvar Aalto, Eero Saarinen and Jørn Utzon. These pioneers of organic modernism faced the 20th century’s mechanistic, functionalistic and rationalistic proposals with a vision that sought to revive an organic relationship between humans and their environments. Senosiain’s concept of “Organic Architecture” follows in this tradition. Throughout his career, Senosiain’s work has explored the relations between user, site and architecture in spaces that echo natural forms and conditions. “The concept of an organic habitat,” he writes, “is the creation of spaces adapted to man that are also similar to a mother’s bosom or an animal’s lair.” This volume surveys Senosiain’s work since the 1970s and his concept of “Organic Architecture.”
Oni Press,US Agents of S.L.A.M. TP
"This brilliantly animated, wonderfully written comic is such a fun read! I loved it and highly recommend it." -- Rebecca Quinn aka Becky Lynch, Professional Wrestler DING DING DING! Enter the wrestling ring in this all-new graphic novel from Wrapped Up creators Dave Scheidt and Scoot McMahon! The Agents of S.L.A.M. aren't your average professional wrestlers. They're led by the fearless and famous Bruno Bravado and work for the president of the United States to protect people from all kinds of threats--both on Earth and in space! And they've just been joined by their newest recruit, Katie Jones, a twelve-year-old wrestling vlogger who just might know more about wrestling than the wrestlers themselves. S.L.A.M. will need Katie's knowledge and skills if they're going to keep protecting Earth, especially when their toughest rival challenges them!
Prufrock Press Theory and Practice of Creativity Measurement
Theory and Practice of Creativity Measurement explores important and fascinating topics related to the assessment of creativity. An introductory chapter provides an overview of numerous measures to assess the multiple dimensions of creativity and addresses the parameters to be considered when evaluating the quality of the available instruments, as well as the steps to be taken in their administration and interpretation. The next six chapters each describe an instrument designed to assess a variable related to creativity, such as obstacles to personal creativity, classroom climate for creativity, creativity in mathematics, and creativity strategies at the work setting. These instruments may be used in the school context or in the workplace for diagnostic purposes and for planning intervention strategies to facilitate the development and expression of the capacity to create. The book offers numerous insights that may be a source of inspiration for researchers in the area, unveiling new possibilities for promotion of creativity.
Peeters Publishers Autour De La Langue Arabe: Etudes Presentees a Jacques Grand'Henry a L'occasion De Son 70e Anniversaire
Les themes et sujets du present volume d'hommages que lui dedient plusieurs de ses collegues et amis, correspondent au profil a la fois focalise et varie de Jacques Grand'Henry, Professeur emerite d'etudes arabes a l'Universite catholique de Louvain. Les domaines couverts sont notamment ceux de la dialectologie arabe descriptive ou historique, de la linguistique historique et comparative, du moyen arabe ou de l'arabe melange tel qu'on le trouve dans les textes medievaux et dans les documents modernes (textes litteraires ou enonces oraux), et de la philologie arabe sous ses differents aspects. Ce volume contient des contributions de: Frederic Bauden, Lidia Bettini, Giovanni Canova, Joseph Chetrit, David Cohen, Werner Diem, Madiha Doss, Bruno Halflants, Clive Holes, Jerome Lentin, Xavier Luffin, Gabriel M. Rosenbaum, Catherine Taine-Cheikh, Andrzej Zaborski et Liesbeth Zack.
labutxaca Bon dia princesa
Ningú no els entenia. Ningú no els respectava ni els estimava, fins que van anar ajuntant-se els uns amb els altres pel camí. Es van conèixer fa dos anys, quan més es necessitaven, i van formar el Club dels Incompresos. Però sembla que alguna cosa ha canviat, ara, i ja no saben si poden comptar els uns amb els altres.La Valèria no sap si, deixant-se endur pels seus sentiments, pot trair la seva millor amiga; en Bruno escriu cartes d'amor sense èxit; la Maria és l'aneguet lleig que busca el seu lloc; l'Elisabet no està acostumada a un no com a resposta; en Raül no vol equivocar-se una altra vegada, i a l'Ester li agradaria cridar el seu amor als quatre vents.Amors desbordants, dubtes existencials, secrets inconfessables i molta, molta diversió.
Alianza Editorial Historias de almanaque
Las piezas incluidas por Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) en " Historias de almanaque " fueron escritas a lo largo de muchos años y dan en un primer momento la impresión de una heterogeneidad irreductible: poemas, narraciones que tienen como protagonistas a figuras históricas (Giordano Bruno, Francis Bacon, César o Sócrates), relatos que se desarrollan en tiempos remotos (la Guerra de los Treinta Años) o en la edad contemporánea (los últimos combates de la Segunda Guerra Mundial), aforismos y proverbios (como los expresados por el señor Keuner), etc. Sin embargo, un motivo central confiere unidad y coherencia al volumen: el comportamiento de los personajes y las situaciones dramáticas sirven de vehículo para el aleccionamiento moral, la destrucción de mitos, la crítica de prejuicios y la iluminación de zonas oscuras de la historia y de la sociedad humanas.
Nunca estuvimos allí
La vida puede ser una sucesión de errores... o la clave para enmendarlosComillas arde bajo el fuego del verano. Una mujer ha desaparecido al borde de un acantilado. Mientras, una antigua amiga vuelve al mar de su infancia.Cuando la periodista Olivia Llanos decide regresar a Comillas, su pueblo natal, no imagina que sus problemas no han hecho más que comenzar. Al cabo de poco tiempo debe hacer frente a la desaparición de Emma Berger, una de sus amigas de la infancia, mientras lucha contra los fantasmas del pasado: el reencuentro con un viejo amor y los recuerdos familiares que le trae su antiguo hogar.El teniente Bruno Marciel y su equipo no solo deberán centrarse en esa investigación. Jaime Morales, propietario de una inmobiliaria, aparece asesinado poco después en su casa.
WW Norton & Co Are Universes Thicker Than Blackberries?: Discourses on Godel, Magic Hexagrams, Little Red Riding Hood, and Other Mathematical and Pseudoscientific Topics
Martin Gardner—"one of the most brilliant men and gracious writers I have ever known," wrote Stephen Jay Gould—is the wittiest, most devastating debunker of scientific fraud and chicanery of our time. In this new book Gardner explores startling scientific concepts, such as the possibility of multiple universes and the theory that time can go backwards. Armed with his expert, skeptical eye, he examines the bizarre tangents produced by Freudians and deconstructionists in their critiques of "Little Red Riding Hood," and reveals the fallacies of pseudoscientific cures, from Dr. Bruno Bettelheim's erroneous theory of autism to the cruel farces of Facilitated Communication and Primal Scream Therapy. Ever prolific, and still engaging at the spry age of eighty-eight, Gardner has become an American institution unto himself, a writer to be celebrated.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Risk and Technological Culture: Towards a Sociology of Virulence
The question as to whether we are now entering a risk society has become a key debate in contemporary social theory. Risk and Technological Culture presents a critical discussion of the main theories of risk from Ulrich Becks foundational work to that of his contemporaries such as Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash and assesses the extent to which risk has impacted on modern societies. In this discussion van Loon demonstrates how new technologies are transforming the character of risk and examines the relationship between technological culture and society through substantive chapters on topics such as waste, emerging viruses, communication technologies and urban disorders. In so doing this innovative new book extends the debate to encompass theorists such as Bruno Latour, Donna Haraway, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Jean-François Lyotard.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 5--Golden Wind, Vol. 9
A multigenerational tale of the heroic Joestar family and their never-ending battle against evil! The legendary Shonen Jump series is now available in deluxe hardcover editions featuring colour pages! JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a groundbreaking manga famous for its outlandish characters, wild humour and frenetic battles. Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, and the surviving members of the gang have found themselves in the presence of the Boss, and his Stand ability appears to be invincible. After a long fight across Italy, after surviving so many battles and losing so many friends, the gang may not have a chance...but they haven’t given up yet, and they don’t plan to now. They’ll need everything they’ve got—and maybe even a whole lot more than that—to survive what the Boss has in store for them!
DC Comics Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four: The Complete Collection
When Superman and the Justice League declared themselves the ultimate authority on planet Earth, only Batman stood against them but now Batman is defeated. His resistance army has suffered major losses and dwindled to nearly nothing. The man who always has a backup plan for his backup plans has nothing except for one final, desperate gambit. Written by Tom Taylor and Brian Buccellato (Detective Comics, The Flash), this graphic novel collects the fourth year of the best-selling series in its entirety for the first time. Writer Brian Buccellato and artist Bruno Redondo continue to expand the world of the hit video game in Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four: The Complete Collection. Collects Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four #1-12 and Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four Annual #1!
Suma Valeria al desnudo
Valeria encuentra un sujetador que no es suyo en la casa de Víctor.Valeria se siente humillada, engañada, estúpida...Y de pronto aparece Bruno, peligro!Y mientras el mundo se pone patas arriba......Lola conoce a Rai en sus clases de chino....Carmen tiene problemas en la organización de su boda....y Nerea se ha cansado de ser Nerea la Fría.Elísabet Benavent ha revolucionado las redes sociales con la publicación de En los zapatos de Valeria y Valeria en el espejo, que se han convertido en imprescindibles para miles de lectores. Las aventuras de Valeria y de sus amigas atrapan y envuelven, y su lectura se convierte en una experiencia ágil, llena de humor. Divertida, contemporánea, sensual, Valeria vuelve de nuevo con más dudas que nunca, escéptica, desconfiada... Pero el destino le tiene reservadas muchas sorpresas.
Scholastic US The Babysitters Club #10: Logan Likes Mary Anne! (b&w)
America's favourite series returns with a new look and a Netflix tv show. Mary Anne used to have to wear her hair in braids, keep her room painted pink, and ask her dad before she did anything. But not anymore. Mary Anne's been growing up . . . and the Baby-sitters Club members aren't the only ones who have noticed. Logan Bruno likes Mary Anne! He has a dreamy southern accent, he's awfully cute--and he wants to join the Baby-sitters Club. The Baby-sitters aren't sure Logan will make a good club member. And Mary Anne thinks she's too shy for Logan. Life in the BSC has never been this complicated - or this fun! The series that has been entertaining children for generations! Bestselling author Ann M. Martin's The Baby-sitters Club series with a new look Now a hit Netflix tv show!
Stanford University Press Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance
Italian Renaissance thought has been gaining ever-increasing recognition as seminal to the thought of the whole Renaissance period, affecting in many subtle ways the development and understanding of artistic, literary, scientific, and religious movements. The importance, then, of this detailed and careful survey of Italy's leading Renaissance philosophers and the intricate philosophical problems of the time can scarcely be exaggerated. Based upon the 1961 Arensberg Lectures, given at Stanford University, this collection of essays offers a genuinely unified interpretation of Italian Renaissance thought by describing and evaluating the philosophies of eight pivotal figures: Petrarch, Valla, Ficino, Pico, Pomponazzi, Telesio, Patrizi, and Bruno. The essays not only discuss the life, writings, and main ideas of these eight thinkers, but also establish through a connective text, the place each of them occupies in the general intellectual development of the Italian Renaissance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming An Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart
"Drawing on resources as diverse as Sufism, Benedictine Monasticism, the Gurdjieff Work, and the string theory of modern physics, Cynthia Bourgeault has crafted her own unique vision of the Wisdom way in this very accessible book, nicely balanced between concept and practice." —Gerald May, senior fellow, Shalem Institute, and author, Addiction and Grace and Will and Spirit "The spiritual wisdom and practical suggestions in this lively and beautiful book will be helpful to many who find themselves setting out on the interior journey." —Bruno Barnhart, a Camaldolese monk and author, Second Simplicity: The Inner Shape of Christianity "Cynthia Bourgeault's book is a valuable contribution to the much-needed reawakening of spiritual practice within a Christian context. Her sincerity, good sense, metaphysical depth, and broad experience make her a source to be trusted." —Kabir Helminski, Sufi Shaikh, the Threshold Society
Transcript Verlag Actors and Networks in the Megacity – A Literary Analysis of Urban Narratives
This study is a concise introduction to Bruno Latour's Actor-Network Theory and its application in a literary analysis of urban narratives of the 21st century. We encounter well-known psycho-geographers such as Iain Sinclair and Sam Miller, and renowned authors, Patrick Neate and Suketu Mehta. Prachi More analyses these authors' accounts of vastly different cities such as London, Delhi, Mumbai, Johannesburg, New York and Tokyo. Are these urban narratives a contemporary solution to documenting an ever-evasive urban reality? If so, how do they embody "matters of concern" as Latour would have put it, laying bare modern-day "actors" and "networks" rather than reporting mere "matters of fact"? These questions are drawn into an inter-disciplinary discussion that addresses concerns and questions of epistemology, the sociology of knowledge as well as urban and documentary studies.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 5--Golden Wind, Vol. 3
A multigenerational tale of the heroic Joestar family and their never-ending battle against evil!The legendary Shonen Jump series is now available in deluxe hardcover editions featuring color pages! JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a groundbreaking manga famous for its outlandish characters, wild humor and frenetic battles.Narancia Ghirga is under siege! Chased all over by an enemy Stand user, Passione member and Bruno Bucciarati ally Narancia has been shrunk to the size of a doll and faces certain death! Narancia is unable to locate his enemy, separated from his team, and at risk of being eaten by rats and—even worse—spiders! His only hope of turning it around and saving himself is using his own Stand to counter the enemy. Is this the end of everyone’s favorite immature gangster, or will Narancia’s temper somehow help him save the day?
Orion Publishing Co Aegypt
There is more than one history of the world. Before science defined the modern age, other powers, wondrous and magical, once governed the universe, their lore perfected within a lost capital of hieroglyphs, wizard-kings, and fabulous monuments. In the 1970s, a historian named Pierce Moffett moves to the New England countryside to write a book about Ægypt, driven by an idea he dare not believe: that the physical laws of the universe once changed and may change again. Yet the notion is not his alone. Something waits at the locked estate of Fellowes Kraft, author of romances about Will Shakespeare and Giordano Bruno and Dr. John Dee, something for which Pierce and those near him have long sought without knowing it: a key, perhaps, to Ægypt ...Shortlisted for the WORLD FANTASY and ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARDs.
Acantilado Mademoiselle conversaciones con Nadia Boulanger
Con Mademoiselle, Bruno Monsaingeon nos ofrece?como ya hizo en Glenn Gould. No, no soy en absoluto un excéntrico?el testimonio de un personaje excepcionalmente lúcido y fascinante, Nadia Boulanger, la Música personificada según Paul Valéry. Pianista, directora de orquesta, mentora de Stravinski y maestra, durante sus casi setenta años de carrera formó a un buen número de notables compositores, directores e intérpretes del siglo xx, desde Gardiner, Markévich, Barenboim, Glass, Bernstein o Menuhin hasta Piazzolla o Quincy Jones. A partir de los materiales reunidos durante las conversaciones con Boulanger en sus últimos seis años de vida, Monsaingeon recopila y ordena las entrevistas para recrear la voz y evocar la presencia de la gran maestra de maestros. Un conmovedor homenaje a una figura admirable, sumamente influyente por sus indiscutibles dotes musicales y por su inolvidable magisterio.
Chronicle Books Foodie Top 100 Restaurants
Glam Media presents 100 of the world's best restaurants, selected by top food critics and foodie editors-including Samir Arora, the CEO of Glam Media; former New York Times food critic Patricia Wells; New York Magazine 's Gael Greene; and Japan's first food critic, Masuhiro Yamamoto. Presenting the most reservation-worthy cuisine from four continents, Foodie Top 100 Restaurants Worldwide is for foodies who don't want anonymously compiled directories or crowd-sourced reviews. Detailed accounts of the most innovative menus, ambiance, and service, are accompanied by critics' tips, color photographs, and bonus lists of the top 100 restaurants in the USA, France, Europe, and Asia. With contributions by: Samir Arora Patricia Wells Gael Greene Masuhiro Yamamoto Ruth Reichl Jonathon Gold Bruno Verjus Alexander Lobrano Charles Campion Vir Sanghvi Aun Koh Susumu Ohta Kundo Koyama Yuki Yamamura Erika Lenkert
Park Books Neighbours: A Manifesto, a Play for Two Pavilions, and Ten Conversations
The Swiss Pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale exhibits itself and the relations to its immediate surroundings. The exhibition is a conversation over the shared boundary of the pavilions of Switzerland (1952, designed by Bruno Giacometti) and Venezuela (1954, designed by Carlo Scarpa), the only two in the Giardini not fully detached: they share one wall. Artist Karin Sander and art historian Philip Ursprung temporarily open this wall and dismantle the gates from the Swiss Pavilion, thus revealing unanticipated connections between the two neighbours, both distant and close. The complementing book offers a manifesto, a play with the two buildings as dramatis personae, and three brief topical essays. Ten conversations with architectural historian Kurt W. Forster, photographers Paolo Gasparini and Guido Giudi, and Venezuelan architects Elisa Silva and Margarita López-Maya round off this volume.
Peeters Publishers (In)site Sagalassos
(In)site Sagalassos is het eerste fotoboek dat verschijnt over de archeologische site van Sagalassos. Al 18 jaar onderzoekt een interdisciplinair-archeologisch team van de KULeuven onder leiding van Prof. Marc Waelkens de antieke stad in zuidwest Turkije. Sinds 2003 fotgraferen Bruno Vandermeulen en Danny Veys de vondsten en structuren van de stad. Als fotografen bekijken zij de site met andere ogen dan de archeoloog. Dit boek is een fotografische impressie van de opgraving met haar monumenten en wijken. Zij toont de stad op een andere, verrassende manier. Door de combinatie van grote en kleine foto's, details en overzichten, architectuur en landschap wordt dit boek tot een boeiend geheel verweven. Het fotoboek wordt ingeleid door Marc Waelkens en bevat een historisch overzicht van de opgraving en de site. Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de website
Editorial Lumen Noticias felices en aviones de papel
Es un día cualquiera de un verano de finales de los años ochenta, y Bruno, con quince años recién cumplidos, sube a desgana los peldaños de una escalera; arriba, en el segundo piso, le espera la señora Pauli, una viejecita que aun lleva los labios pintados de carmín...Bien mirado, hoy no es un día cualquiera porque la señora Pauli ha tenido una gran idea: lanzar aviones de papel cargados de buenas noticias desde su balcón. Abajo, en la calle, están Óscar y Jan, dos hermanos como dibujados en blanco y negro, y a su alrededor unas calles que pertenecen al pasado pero están más vivas que nunca.Con esta novela breve, Juan Marsé rinde un espléndido homenaje a la memoria y a la felicidad, unas palabras viejas que en manos del gran maestro de repente parecen nuevas, como acabadas de estrenar.
Indiana University Press Looking Jewish: Visual Culture and Modern Diaspora
Jewish art and visual culture—art made by Jews about Jews—in modern diasporic settings is the subject of Looking Jewish. Carol Zemel focuses on particular artists and cultural figures in interwar Eastern Europe and postwar America who blended Jewishness and mainstream modernism to create a diasporic art, one that transcends dominant national traditions. She begins with a painting by Ken Aptekar entitled Albert: Used to Be Abraham, a double portrait of a man, which serves to illustrate Zemel's conception of the doubleness of Jewish diasporic art. She considers two interwar photographers, Alter Kacyzne and Moshe Vorobeichic; images by the Polish writer Bruno Schulz; the pre- and postwar photographs of Roman Vishniac; the figure of the Jewish mother in postwar popular culture (Molly Goldberg); and works by R. B. Kitaj, Ben Katchor, and Vera Frenkel that explore Jewish identity in a postmodern environment.
HarperCollins Publishers Thomas Friends Annual 2025
Ideal purchase for young fans of Thomas & FriendsFarshore are the #1 annuals publisher in the UK (Bookscan TCM 2023)Let's race into action with the Thomas & Friends Annual 2025!Featuring all your favourite engines including Thomas, Percy, Diesel, Nia, Kana and Bruno, there's loads of fun content to entertain all Thomas fans including exciting stories, a boardgame, odd ones out, memory games, matching pairs, dot-to-dots, a timed challenge, tracing activities, spot the differences, follow the lines, profiles and lots of colouring, counting and early learning concepts fun.It includes four great all-action stories:The Christmas MountainBells are RingingThe Great Bubbly BuildAshima's Amazing ArrivalLook out for other great Thomas & Friends storybooks and board books available in bookshops, supermarkets, toy shops and online now.Thomas has been teaching children lessons about life and friendship for over 75 years. He ranks alongside other beloved characters such as Paddington Bear, Winnie-th
Phaidon Press Ltd Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
A comprehensive and sumptuous survey that celebrates the beauty and appeal of flowers throughout art, history, and culture Take a journey across continents and cultures to discover the endless ways artists and image-makers have employed floral motifs throughout history. With 316 color illustrations showcasing the diversity of blooms from all over the world, Flower spans a wide range of styles and media - from art, botanical illustrations, and sculptures to floral arrangements, film stills, and textiles - and follows a visually stunning sequence with works, regardless of period, thoughtfully paired to allow interesting and revealing juxtapositions between them. Flower follows in the footsteps of Plant, Exploring the Botanical World, which Martha Stewart Living described as "breathtaking." Featuring large-scale images and accessible texts Flower offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject and includes both much-loved works together with examples that may prove more surprising discoveries, even for specialists. Selected by an international panel of art historians, museum curators, botanists, florists, horticulturalists, and more, works by a diverse range of both lesser-known and iconic artists and image-makers are featured, including: Nobuyoshi Araki, Cecil Beaton, Georg Ehret, David Hockney, Horst P. Horst, Nick Knight, Yayoi Kusama, Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Mapplethorpe, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Cedric Morris, William Morris, Georgia O'Keeffe, Irving Penn, David Hockney, Pierre-Joseph Redouté, Rachel Ruysch, Constance Spry, and Flora Starkey. Advisory panel: Lugene B. Bruno, Dr James Compton, Shane Connolly, Anne-Pierre d'Albis-Ganem, Celia Fisher, Susan M. Fraser, Victoria Gaiger, Elizabeth Hammer, Daisy Helman, Catherine Hess, Pascale Heurtel, Dr Lisa Hostetler, Lyndsey Ingram, Professor Dr Hans Walter Lack, Dr Fred G. Meijer, Colleen Morris, Polly Nicholson, Lynn Parker, Anna Pavord, Gill Saunders, Lindsey Taylor, Anatole Tchikine and Betsy Wieseman Additional texts: Giovanni Aloi, Louise Bell, Lugene Bruno, Shane Connolly, Clare Coulson, Louisa Elderton, Celia Fisher, Diane Fortenberry, Victoria Gaiger, Daisy Helman, Pascale Heurtel, Lyndsey Ingram, Hans Walter Lack, Fred G. Meijer, Alison Morris, Colleen Morris, Polly Nicholson, Michele Robecchi, Rebecca Roke, Gill Saunders, James Smith, Lindsey Taylor, David Trigg and Martin Walters