Search results for ""phi learning""
PHI Learning Building Materials
PHI Learning Design and Analysis of Algorithms
PHI Learning Fundamentals of Machine Drawing
PHI Learning Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia
PHI Learning Data Management Systems
PHI Learning Materials Management: Procedures, Texts and Cases
PHI Learning Computer Organization and Design
PHI Learning Transcenders and Instrumentation
PHI Learning Product Management in India
PHI Learning Engineering Mathematics: v. 1
PHI Learning Technology and Innovation Management
Technology and Innovation Management is one of the most sought-after courses offered like MBA or PGDM in Business Schools and various Technology Institutes, today. This book, written with deep ingrained practical insights and well-researched theoretical foundations integrates people, processes and technology to achieve maximum economic benefits to society. The book is designed to be a compendium for students and managers, who wish to understand technology and innovation management to the core. The book explains the relationship between technology innovation and strategy in a simplified manner. Keeping Indian education framework in mind, this book details on practices and principles that are easy to implement. The theories are simple to grasp, and anecdotal stories on Technology and Innovation implementations make it a student-friendly edition, to help achieve success in exams as well as in the professional front. It further explains the core principles of Technology and Innovation Management. S-Curve and the Segment Zero Principle, adopting industry 4.0 and innovation 4.0 to make India a smart and intelligent manufacturing hub in the era of fourth industrial revolution, design thinking for solving complex business problems along with the role and contribution of Government in Technology Development.
PHI Learning Organizational Behaviour: Text and Cases
For creating a balance in the organizational environment, harmony amongst the employees and the employer is a prerequisite. The factors that help in determining an organizational balance are the sociology of an environment, psychology of the people working there, channels of communication along with a sound and rational management. The book highlights the fundamental concepts of organizational behaviour, and its applications in the Indian organizational scenario.The second edition of the book, maintaining the same chapters' organization as in the previous edition, comprises 28 chapters based on the fundamental concepts of organizational behaviour, and case studies from various Indian industry verticals. These case studies reveal the authors' experience in real-life scenario as consultants as well as their observations pertaining to the concepts of organizational behaviour. Besides, the text lays emphasis on some modern tools of management such as TQM, BPR and Knowledge Management, which is a unique feature of this book.The book is designed for the students of management and psychology. Moreover, it is useful for the postgraduate students of commerce as well as it is of immense use to the personnel associated with technical, commercial and IT-based industries requiring human resource management.Key Features Every chapter is concluded with a real-life case study. Appendices added to most of the chapters contain research-based questionnaire instruments. Discussion Questions on Case studies enhance learning among students. NEW TO THE SECOND EDITION: Includes three new sections on 'Case Study Method as an Important Pedagogy', 'Classification of Case Studies' and 'Steps of Solving a Case'. Incorporates 29 new short and sharp cases at the end of the book to make the reader aware of real-life situations.
PHI Learning Labour and Industrial Laws
This comprehensive and well-organised text, now in its Fourth Edition, explains, with great clarity and precision, the labour and industrial laws such as the Industrial Disputes Act, the Factories Act, and the Contract Labour Act. While giving a broad perspective of the subject, the text brings out the objectives behind the enactment of every legislation, discusses the relevant case laws and shows how the Constitution is related to labour laws. Formulas for the calculation of compensation for retrenchment, death, permanent disablement are also provided. Legal jargon has been completely avoided so that anyone who is not expert in this particular subject can also understand these laws with ease.The book is primarily meant for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of law and management as well as for the postgraduate students of commerce/personnel management and industrial relations. Besides, students pursuing professional courses such as Company Secretaryship (CS) and ICWA would also find the book very useful.New to the Fourth Edition Incorporates amendments made in the Payment of Wages Act; the Payment of Gratuity Act; and recent judgement of the Supreme Court on PF, Gratuity, the Industrial Disputes Act, and the Factories Act. Introduces a new chapter on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Working Women.
PHI Learning Information Technology: Theory and Practice
PHI Learning Human-Computer Interaction
PHI Learning Business Communication
PHI Learning Database Management System
PHI Learning Fundamentals of Financial Management
PHI Learning e-Government: The Science of the Possible
PHI Learning Computer Orientated Numerical Methods
PHI Learning Elements of Environmental Science and Engineering
PHI Learning Labour & Industrial Laws
PHI Learning Management Control Systems
This compact and concise textbook gives a clear analysis of the principles and practices of management control systems which are generally being practiced by the companies all over the world. Divided into seven sections, the book explains various approaches and design of management control systems. It moves on with a detailed description of key success variables as control indicators, and explains goals, strategies and organisation for adaptive control, divisional autonomy and responsibility.
PHI Learning Electrical Machines
PHI Learning Object-oriented Analysis and Design Using Umlan
PHI Learning Engineering Thermodynamics
PHI Learning Design of Bridge Structures
PHI Learning Feature Writing
PHI Learning IT Strategy and Management
PHI Learning Operations Management and Productivity Techniques
PHI Learning Object-oriented Analysis and Design Using Umlan Introduction to Unified Process and Design Patterns
PHI Learning Computer Concepts and Management Information Systems
PHI Learning Software Engineering: A Concise Study
PHI Learning Financial Services
PHI Learning Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Engineering
PHI Learning Cost Accounting
PHI Learning Theory of Mechanisms and Machines
PHI Learning Portfolio Management
PHI Learning Auditing: Principles and Practices
PHI Learning Fundamentals of Software Engineering
PHI Learning Food Processing and Preservation
PHI Learning Good Governance: Initiatives in India