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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Companion to Ethical Behavior in Organizations: Constructs and Measures
This Companion offers comprehensive coverage of the dynamics of ethical behavior in organizations. Edited and authored by leading experts in the field, it is the ideal place to begin acquiring or updating knowledge about the moral dimension of work life.'- Adam Grant, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, US'Wide-ranging in its coverage, this compendium of measures will prove a very helpful aid to researchers studying ethics in organizations. The authors have drawn together and summarized empirical measures of diverse phenomena relevant to organizational ethics - both widely studied topics, such as ethical awareness, decision making, and behavior, and newer, important research on topics such as moral identity, intuition, and emotion. Given the recent rapid growth of behavioral studies of ethics in organizations, this is a very timely work.'- Gary R. Weaver, University of Delaware, US and Senior Associate Editor, Business Ethics QuarterlyBusiness ethics research and publications have proliferated in recent decades, coinciding with increased public interest in workplace ethical conduct. As studies of behavioral ethics extend across disciplines, scholars unknowingly worked in parallel, creating overlapping constructs and measures. Bringing clarity to the field, the Research Companion to Ethical Behavior in Organizations provides a central reference point for academics, human resource practitioners, and compliance officers interested in measuring the moral dimensions of individuals.With expert contributions, this book catalogs empirical work from management and social science disciplines, offering insights to the varied and nuanced constructs used in behavioral ethics. The authors describe and evaluate over 300 measures, including established surveys and new behavioral research techniques. Doctoral students and veteran management researchers will benefit from summaries of the latest ethics research tools and trends. Offering solutions for research challenges and suggesting new research streams and areas for fruitful study, this Companion enhances the burgeoning field of behavioral ethics.Contributors: B.R. Agle, J.B. Bingham, S.D. Brown, J.D. Carlson, K. Bell DeTienne, C. Frogley Ellertson, L, E. Garrett, R. Dailey Goodwin, D.W. Hart, H.M. Hendricks, D.C. Howe, M-C Ingerson, A.K. Klemme, C. Mealey, A. Miller, J.A. Miller, J. Camden Robinson, Z.J. Rodgers, J.A. Thompson, L.L. Wadsworth, M.C. Walsman, M.A. Widmer, A.L. Wilkins
catfollet oriol y el nadal ellectura acompanyada
El follet Oriol, acompanyat pel seu amic Nil, va a l'altre costat de la vall a la recerca d'un avet de Nadal. Malgrat que han de viure un seguit d'aventures per trobar-lo, el bon saber fer del nostre heroi els conduirà a celebrar feliçment amb el poble la nit de Nadal.
WW Norton & Co The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization
They typically have a wide array of symptoms, often classified under different combinations of comorbidity, which can make assessment and treatment complicated and confusing for the therapist. Many patients have substantial problems with daily living and relationships, including serious intrapsychic conflicts and maladaptive coping strategies. Their suffering essentially relates to a terrifying and painful past that haunts them. Even when survivors attempt to hide their distress beneath a facade of normality—a common strategy—therapists often feel besieged by their many symptoms and serious pain. Small wonder that many survivors of chronic traumatization have seen several therapists with little if any gains, and that quite a few have been labeled as untreatable or resistant. In this book, three leading researchers and clinicians share what they have learned from treating and studying chronically traumatized individuals across more than 65 years of collective experience. Based on the theory of structural dissociation of the personality in combination with a Janetian psychology of action, the authors have developed a model of phase-oriented treatment that focuses on the identification and treatment of structural dissociation and related maladaptive mental and behavioral actions. The foundation of this approach is to support patients in learning more effective mental and behavioral actions that will enable them to become more adaptive in life and to resolve their structural dissociation. This principle implies an overall therapeutic goal of raising the integrative capacity, in order to cope with the demands of daily life and deal with the haunting remnants of the past, with the “unfinished business” of traumatic memories. Of interest to clinicians, students of clinical psychology and psychiatry, as well as to researchers, all those interested in adult survivors of chronic child abuse and neglect will find helpful insights and tools that may make the treatment more effective and efficient, and more tolerable for the suffering patient.
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