Search results for ""Mundi""
DK Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert: All the Facts You Need to Know
A bitesize guide to the heroic Jedi of the Star Wars galaxy. Packed with lists of facts and figures and stunning images. Become an instant Jedi expert with this handy pocket-sized guide! Everyone knows what a Jedi is. But can you tell your Ki-Adi-Mundi from your Ahsoka Tano? Do you know which Jedi served on the Jedi High Council, or which master trained which Padawan? Well, if not, don’t worry--just about everything you need to know about Jedi can be found in the pages of this Pocket Expert.Packed with facts, stats and interesting info about the most legendary Jedi in the galaxy, with this book in your pocket you’ll be a Jedi Master in no time!© AND ™ 2022 LUCASFILM LTD.
Alianza Editorial Luna mentirosa
Ambientada, como " Kaputt Mundi " , en la Italia ocupada por el ejército alemán, " Luna mentirosa " vuelve a juntar en un caso al comandante de la Wehrmacht Martin Bora, siempre tensionado entre la ética y el deber, y al inspector Sandro Guidi. En medio del ambiente enrarecido por la ocupación y por la dudosa deriva de la guerra, un rico fascista llamado Vittorio Lisi aparece asesinado en Verona. Los primeros indicios parecen apuntar con poco margen de error a su joven esposa Claretta. Sorteando dificultades y obstáculos provenientes del entorno, pero también de sus propios compañeros vinculados al Reich, Bora acabará resolviendo el caso y propiciando un final acorde con su sentido del honor y de la amistad.
Ediciones Cátedra Metropolitano
" Metropolitano " (1957) es un largo poema meditativo que define la " imago mundi " del hombre contemporáneo e indaga, siguiendo un método especulativo, esencias universales como la incomunicación humana o la fractura entre hombre y medio natural. Frente al carácter previsible de la poesía social de los años 50 y sus modelos periclitados, se podría decir que " Metropolitano " es el texto poético hispánico de su tiempo que más se acercó a la sensibilidad y complejidad del hombre contemporáneo. Tanto por la novedad de sus temas, el uso desacostumbrado del lenguaje y el misterio que suscita su cosmovisión como por el entroncamiento con la tradición poética internacional de su época, su publicación constituyó un hito en la creación literaria hispánica de posguerra.
Manual práctico para el cultivo del pimiento en agricultura protegida
Este libro pertenece a la colección de Manuales Prácticos de Agricultura de Mundi-Prensa. Es una obra clara y práctica, que, sin perder rigor, ofrece toda la información para que el lector, principiante o profesional, pueda cultivar pimientos en invernadero.;Este manual práctico describe cada una de las etapas del cultivo del pimiento como: desinfección de suelo, variedades, trasplante, fertirriego, manejo del clima, control de plagas y enfermedades, cosecha y empaque.;Además, el lector encontrará suficiente información para poder realizar un cultivo responsable y con buenos resultados, para evitar la contaminación de suelo y aguas, y permitir la sostenibilidad ambiental.;El libro cuenta con tablas, figuras y fotografías, que ayudarán a tener una mejor comprensión al lector.;Antonio Salvador Matarín Guil es Dr. en Ciencias Ambientales por la Universidad de Almería.;Isidro Morales García es Ingeniero Agrónomo por el Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca y Maestro en Ciencias en Edaf
Union Square & Co. Ritual Wellness: Adaptogens: Herbs for Longevity and Everyday Wellness
A renowned practitioner of herbal medicine offers a beautiful introduction to adaptogenic herbs, explaining what they are, how they improve your life, and how you can use them for personal wellness. Adaptogenic herbs--like ginseng, cordyceps, and rhodiola--work to counteract the effects of stresses on the body. Used for millennia in Eastern healing, they have now become popular again. Adriana Ayales, owner of Anima Mundi Herbals, shares her in-depth knowledge of these amazing herbs. In addition to a list of complementary herbs that pair wells with adaptogens, Ayales also lists "master herbs" being researched for their adaptogenic-like chemistry. She offers 30 recipes for food, drinks, and natural beauty cures that can help banish fatigue, sharpen your mind, stimulate your central nervous system, and enhance vitality. Beautifully illustrated throughout, this authoritative guide also provides daily self-care tips for promoting wellness in mind, body, and spirit.
Pegasus Books Here Begins the Dark Sea
The remarkable story of the cartographic masterpiece—the Venetian mappa mundi—that revolutionized how we see the world.In 1459 a Venetian monk named Fra Mauro completed an astonishing map of the world. Seven feet in diameter, Fra Mauro’s mappamundi is the oldest and most complete Medieval map to survive into modernity. And in its time, this groundbreaking mappamundi provided the most detailed description of the known world, incorporating accurate observation, and geographic reality, urging viewers to see water and land as they really existed. Fra Mauro's map was the first in history to show that a ship could circumnavigate Africa, and that the Indian “Sea” was in fact an ocean, enabling international trade to expand across the globe. Acclaimed anthropologist Meredith F. Small reveals how Fra Mauro’s mappamundi made cartography into a science rather than a practice based on religion a
Scripta Maneant Leonardo 500
This volume represents an important tool for getting to know every aspect of Leonardo da Vinci's work: his pictorial technique, his scientific and technological investigation, his study on anatomy, his Codices, and every suggestion produced by his genius. All works and paintings are accompanied by descriptive and technical sheets, and ample space has been given to images and details, to the updated report on his most controversial works, to those of recent critical acceptance, and to the masterpieces that have animated the international debate such as The Encarnate Angel, the Salvator Mundi, and La Bella Principessa (Portrait of Bianca Sforza). The narrative captions reveal the most curious aspects of the history of each painting. Thanks to the direct contribution of collectors and museums the photographic reproductions of paintings and works reflect the last restorations. Text in English and French.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Architecture Lover's Guide to Rome
Rome's architectural remains date as far back as the city's founding in the 8th century BCE. The primitive settlement that began on the Palatine Hill grew over the next thousand years to the caput mundi the capital of the world the largest, most powerful presence in the ancient Western world. Along the way, Rome's architectural styles, whether developed organically or appropriated from the cultures it subjugated and absorbed, were physical evidence of the politics, propaganda and pragmatism of the times. Written for readers passionate about Rome and how its architecture is inimitably linked to the city's history, An Architecture Lover's Guide to Rome is the armchair architect's tour of the Eternal City. It provides a timeline that begins with the founding of Rome and documents its significant architectural monuments and styles through the millennia, with photos, maps and practical information for visiting.
Edinburgh University Press The Kaaba Orientations: Readings in Islam's Ancient House
What is the Ka'ba and why it is pivotal to the Islamic world? Why do pilgrims go about it, not in it? Is it empty? And why is a hollow building covered in black silk? The most sacred site of Islam, the Ka'ba (the granite cuboid structure at the centre of the Great Mosque of Mecca) is here investigated by examining six of its predominantly spatial effects: as the qibla (the direction faced in prayer); as the axis and matrix mundi of the Islamic world; as an architectural principle in the bedrock of this world; as a circumambulated goal of pilgrimage and site of spiritual union for mystics and Sufis; and as a dwelling that is imagined to shelter temporarily an animating force; but which otherwise, as a house, holds a void.
Ebury Publishing AI 2041
Kai-Fu Lee (Author) Kai-Fu Lee is the CEO of Sinovation Ventures and New York Times bestselling author of AI Superpowers. Lee was formerly the president of Google China and a senior executive at Microsoft, SGI, and Apple. Co-chair of the Artificial Intelligence Council at the World Economic Forum, he has a bachelor's degree from Columbia and a PhD from Carnegie Mellon. Lee's numerous honors include being named to the Time 100 and Wired 25 Icons lists.Chen Qiufan (Author) Chen Qiufan (aka Stanley Chan) is an award-winning author, translator, creative producer, and curator. He is the president of the World Chinese Science Fiction Association. His works include Waste Tide, Future Diseases, and The Algorithm for Life. The founder of Thema Mundi, a content development studio, he lives in Beijing and Shanghai.
No podía faltar en la obra de Jean-Claude Golvin, el talentoso arqueólogo, arquitecto e ilustrador especializado en revivir la Antigüedad clásica, un libro acerca de la ciudad que simboliza a todas las ciudades, acerca de la urbe por excelencia, acerca de Roma. Vrbs se añade así a Ciudades del mundo antiguo, Viaje por el antiguo Egipto, Palacios imperiales de la Roma antigua, Herodes, el rey arquitecto y La ingeniería del Ejército romano.En esta ocasión, Golvin nos sumerge en la Roma del Alto Imperio y sus páginas nos llevan desde el bullicioso Foro hasta el majestuoso Palatino, escapándonos también a sus aledaños, al puerto de Ostia o a la villa de Adriano. Las coloridas acuarelas de Golvin hacen renacer de sus ruinas templos y palacios, circos y teatros, así como los barrios de la metrópoli que, durante cinco siglos, fue caput mundi, la capital del orbe, donde se erigieron los edificios más bellos y fastuosos.Estas ilustraciones dialogan con fotografías del estado actual de tal
Manual práctico para el cultivo del chile
Este libro pertenece a la colección de Manuales Prácticos de Agricultura de Mundi-Prensa. Es una obra clara y práctica, que, sin perder rigor, ofrece toda la información para que el lector, principiante o profesional, pueda adentrarse en el conocimiento del cultivo del chile, tanto a cielo abierto como en condiciones protegidas.;Además, el lector encontrará suficiente información para poder realizar un cultivo responsable, generando una producción suficiente en cantidad y calidad y evitando la contaminación y permitiendo la sostenibilidad ambiental.;Los esquemas y tablas se presentan de una forma didáctica para favorecer la comprensión de los temas descritos en todo el libro.;Los autores son investigadores de reconocido prestigio nacional e internacional en el área de horticultura, fisiología vegetal, fitopatología y fitomejoramiento en el cultivo de chile. Tienen aproximadamente 25 años de trabajo en este cultivo, en diversos aspectos en las áreas mencionadas, asesorando productores d
Ediciones Trea, S.L. La imagen de la Antigüedad en tiempos de la Revolución Francesa
La imagen de la Antigüedad en tiempos de la Revolución Francesa presenta un recorrido por el imaginario del tiempo histórico, un análisis de la imagen de la Antigüedad en el quicio de las transformaciones que darán lugar al mundo contemporáneo en 1789, sometiendo a examen la evolución de los tópicos políticos, sociales, filosóficos, artísticos y literarios que tienen como eje la imagen del pasado, y descubriendo el valor ideológico y estético que estos aportaron a la concepción moderna de la Antigüedad clásica. Este libro compone un cuadro de las transformaciones, destrucción y asignación de nuevos significados que se generan sobre la Antigüedad en tiempos de la Revolución Francesa para diseñar una nueva imago mundi que aún permanece en nuestro mundo contemporáneo.Se aborda en este estudio desde el cambio en el pensamiento historiográfico a la evolución de las producciones artísticas, literarias o filosóficas, y el argumentario de un nuevo relato sobre la Antigüedad en el espacio d
Fundación Santa María-Ediciones SM Memorias de Idhún Triada despertar
Solo hay una forma de salvar a Kimara, y Victoria está dispuesta a todo, aunque eso signifique poner en peligro su seguridad y también la de Idhún.Y mientras, la silueta de Haiass y Domivat se recorta en el horizonte.Kistash y Jack están a punto de enfrentar sus espadas legendarias. Pero hay algo más en juego que el destino de la profecía: el corazón de Victoria.Laura Gallego es licenciada en Filología Hispánica, especialida en Literatura Medieval, por la Universidad de Valencia en el año 2000. Actualmente compagina la creación literaria con la elaboración de su tesis doctoral sobre el libro de caballerías Belianís de Grecia, de Jerónimo Fernández (1579). Es fundadora de la Revista Universitaria Náyade, repartida trimestralmente en la Facultad de Filología y fue codirectora de la misma desde 1997 a 2000. Empezó a escribir muy joven, casi siempre literatura fantástica, y comenzó a publicar en 1998 cuanto obtuvo el premio Barco de Vapor con su obra Finis Mundi. Desde entonces
Fundación Santa María-Ediciones SM Memorias de Idhún Triada despertar
Jack y Victoria, el dragón y el unicornio, han vuelto al mundo de Idhún y su regreso supone para los enemigos de Ashram, el nigromante, un aviso de que la paz puede haber llegado... pero, no es Kirtash, el shek, quien les acompaña? En qué bando se sitúan realmente nuestros héroes? Emocionantes aventuras y peligros insospechados acechan en cada una de estas páginas.Laura Gallego es licenciada en Filología Hispánica, especialida en Literatura Medieval, por la Universidad de Valencia en el año 2000. Actualmente compagina la creación literaria con la elaboración de su tesis doctoral sobre el libro de caballerías Belianís de Grecia, de Jerónimo Fernández (1579). Es fundadora de la Revista Universitaria Náyade, repartida trimestralmente en la Facultad de Filología y fue codirectora de la misma desde 1997 a 2000. Empezó a escribir muy joven, casi siempre literatura fantástica, y comenzó a publicar en 1998 cuanto obtuvo el premio Barco de Vapor con su obra Finis Mundi. Desde entonces ha pub
Magallanes Co.
Este libro narra la ma?s espectacular de todas las epopeyas mari?timas, la celebe?rrima primera circunnavegacio?n del globo terrestre liderada por Fernando de Magallanes, cuya armada zarpo? de Sanlu?car de Barrameda en septiembre de 1519 y regreso? a la peni?nsula, exitosa pero tra?gicamente mermada, tres an?os despue?s. Su histo?rica hazan?a cambio? para siempre laimago mundi que habi?a gobernado el pensamiento occidental durante siglos, pero también estuvo llena de claroscuros con frecuencia ignorados en el relato oficial. EnMagallanes & Co., Isabel Soler parte de los testimonios de navegantes, aventureros y mercaderes, además de otras numerosas fuentes sobre la empresa de las Molucas, para dar forma a un relato exhaustivo y vívido de su travesía, incluidos los ocho años, fundamentales para su posterior empresa, que Magallanes pasó al servicio de la armada de la India en tierras orientales. Un relato vibrante que trasladará al lector a la época de los grandes viajes y descubrim
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Desprecio del mundo y alegra de vivir en la Edad Media
La Edad Media ha sido objeto de dos opuestas y monolíticas visiones. O bien reino de miserias, plagas y violencias; o bien tiempo de las grandes conquistas del espíritu: monasterios, catedrales, imponentes elaboraciones teológicas o desarrollo de las primeras universidades. Pero hay otra Edad Media que se aborda aquí: la de la coexistencia de esas dos visiones. De un lado, la que exalta la ascesis del contemptus mundi (desprecio del mundo en todas sus manifestaciones) tal y como hizo el papa Inocencio III a finales del siglo XII. De otro lado, la que aporta diversas expresiones de la dicha de vivir: san Francisco juglar de Dios, los goliardos y los ideales corteses (el fine amor), las muchas fiestas religiosas y cívicas que jalonan el calendario cristiano. Incluso la guerra ?extendida calamidad? puede tener cierta dimensión lúdica, como la tiene también el espíritu competitivo de las disputationes académicas. El cristiano medieval, en fin, podía soñar con la felicidad en mundos aún no
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pages from the Past: Medieval Writing Skills and Manuscript Books
In the present collection of articles by Malcolm Parkes two overarching concerns emerge: the palaeography of manuscript books in relation to what Parkes has previously called the 'grammar of legibility'; and the importance of considering the circumstances in which medieval books were produced, copied and read. The individual studies discuss the handwriting of individual scribes, and the evidence script can provide of the circumstances of a book's production, the effect of punctuation and layout of text on the reader's interpretation of a work, and the provision and production of books for communities of readers, both clerical and academic. From a discussion of the scribe of the Hereford Mappa Mundi to a comprehensive study of book provision in the medieval University of Oxford, a wealth of information is conveyed in these articles, now conveniently accessible in one volume, about books and their histories by one of the most knowledgeable of manuscript scholars today.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Creation in Paul and Philo: The Beginning and Before
God's creative activity "in the beginning" is important to many aspects of Paul's theology. Jonathan Worthington explores Paul's protology by analyzing his interpretation of scripture concerning creation, mainly the beginning of Genesis. By examining Paul's exegetical manoeuvres within 1-2 Corinthians and Romans, and by comparing these with the contemporary but more detailed treatments of the same texts by Philo of Alexandria in his formal commentary on Genesis 1-2, De Opificio Mundi, the author uncovers an approach to creation that is fundamental to both ancient interpreters. Paul's interpretation of creation, like Philo's in his commentary, contains three interwoven aspects: the beginning of the world, the beginning of humanity, and God's intentions before the beginning. Recognizing this basic hermeneutical interplay between "the Beginning" and "the Before" facilitates a more appropriate comparison between Paul and Philo as well as a more adequate treatment of difficult and debated passages in both interpreters regarding creation.
Peeters Publishers Hieronymus als Exeget und Theologe: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zum Koheletkommentar des Hieronymus
Der Commentarius in Ecclesiasten des Hieronymus war jahrhundertelang der Standardkommentar zum Buch Kohelet. Er avancierte zum Referenzwerk einer Spiritualität, die im Vanitas-Motiv und in der Übung des contemptus mundi die abendländische Mentalitäts- und Geistesgeschichte bis in die Neuzeit hinein in Anknüpfung und Widerspruch zutiefst geprägt hat. Im vorliegenden Band werfen die unterschiedlichen Disziplinen: Exegese, Patristik, Judaistik, Literaturwissenschaft, Philologie und Kirchengeschichte einen gemeinsamen Blick auf den Kommentar und beleuchten zentrale Themen und Motive, Intention und zeitgeschichtliche Situierung des Kommentars. Zudem werden hermeneutische und methodologische Grundfragen der patristischen Bibelauslegung diskutiert. Die lange Zeit als überholt bezeichnete Kirchenväter-Exegese wird dabei neu in das exegetische Gespräch gebracht und auf ihre Relevanz für eine zeitgemäße Bibelauslegung hin befragt. Hieronymus empfiehlt sich dabei in besonderer Weise als Gesprächspartner, ist er doch einer der wirkmächtigsten Vertreter einer Auslegungstradition, in der Theologie und Exegese, Glaube und Wissenschaft, Altes und Neues Testament noch nicht getrennt waren.
Editorial Trotta, S.A. La constitucin de Europa
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Estructuras y procesos. FilosofíaLa persistente crisis financiera y la reacción falta de coraje y perspectiva de las élites políticas hacen temer un fracaso del proyecto histórico de construcción europea. Sin embargo, la arquitectónica a la vez supraestatal y democrática de la Unión Europea, fruto de una evolución jurídica sin precedentes, autoriza a pensar en una coordinación de las decisiones de los Estados de la unión monetaria que no obedezca al modelo, seguido hasta ahora, de un ejercicio intergubernamental y posdemocrático del poder.La Unión Europea del Tratado de Lisboa no está alejada de la forma de una democracia transnacional, pues se inscribe en un proceso de juridificación y civilización del poder estatal que posibilita la creación de capacidades de actuación política más allá de los Estados nacionales. El actual derrumbe de las ilusiones neoliberales ha promovido la comprensión de que los sistemas funcionales de la sociedad mundi
Guadalmazán El arte de las matemáticas los principios matemáticos a través de la pintura
En este volumen analizaremos una decena de obras que encierran en sus formas un notable interés desde la óptica matemática. Así, siguiendo sus explicaciones, conseguirá que miremos el arte, no solamente desde el punto de vista estético, sino teniendo la mente más abierta para percibir las fórmulas que se esconden entre sus trazos. Esta antología nos llevará, en un interesante viaje, a través de las biografías de algunos grandes matemáticos como Luca Pacioli, Gerónimo Cardano, Blaise Pascal y René Descartes; nos presentará algunos libros clásicos en la historia de las Matemáticas como Aritmética (1527) de Petrus Apianus, Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio (1614) de John Napier, Harmonices Mundi (1619) y Tabulae Rudolphinae (1627) de Johannes Kepler; nos mostrará los sistemas cosmológicos de Ptolomeo, Copérnico y Thyco Brahe; nos pondrá en contacto con uno de los poliedros arquimedianos, el rombicuboctaedro, y con el dodecaedro regular; nos hablará de l
De paseo por los limbos
Las regiones liminales son un umbral a lo desconocido: habitar el limen es frisar con la muerte simbólica. Sin embargo, en las sociedades seculares, las zonas de tránsito entre lugares distintos y también entre las diferentes etapas de la vida hace centurias que dejaron de tener sentido fuera de su función práctica. La idea de pasaje precisade ritmos de vida lentos y la celeridad anula los espacios intermedios. En este ensayoproponemos demorarnos en ellos y poblarlos de voces traídas de disciplinas múltiplesque nos conducen por algunos lugares simbólicos: jardines cercados, limbos y bardos,puentes peligrosos, puertas estrechas, encrucijadas, axis mundi, bocas del averno,guardianes de umbral y psicopompos. Topografías míticas se superponen así a cartografías reales y a vivencias contemporáneas transfronterizas a fin de engrosar los márgenes: los de la urbe y los del orbe, los de la memoria y la imaginación.
Handheld Press British Weird
Following the success of Handheld Press's 2019 best-selling anthology Womens Weird, British Weird is a new anthology of classic Weird short fiction by British writers, first published between the 1890s and the 1930s. Embracing the famous and the undeservedly obscure, this collection - curated by James Machin, author of Palgrave Gothic's Weird Fiction in Britain, 1880-1939 - assembles stories to thrill, entertain, and chill. Featured stories include: 'Man-Size in Marble' by Edith Nesbit (1893) 'No-Man's Land', John Buchan (1900) 'The Willows', by Algernon Blackwood 'The Man Who Went Too Far', by E F Benson (1912) 'N' by Arthur Machen (1934) 'Mappa Mundi' by Mary Butts (1937) The collection also includes Mary Butts' influential essay 'Ghosties and Ghoulies' (1933), on British supernatural writing. Machin's introduction describes the background for these excellent stories in the Weird tradition, and identifies their use of peculiarly British preoccupations in supernatural short fiction.
Penguin Books Ltd Stowaway to Mars
'It was a desert. A vista of reddish rocks and drifted sand, arid and hot, extending to the limits of their view. A dreary waste upon which nothing moved or grew . . .'For British pilot Dale Curtance the Keuntz Prize - to be awarded to the first person to take a spaceship to another planet and back - is the ultimate challenge. Not only has he to build a ship to survive the journey, assemble a top-notch crew and choose a destination, he's also got to beat the Russians and Americans.Soon the GLORIA MUNDI blasts off from Salisbury Plain, bound for Mars. There's only one problem - a stowaway called Joan. Not only does her presence wreck calculations and threaten the mission, but her tale suggests that Mars may be a more dangerous destination than they ever expected. 'Perhaps the best writer of science fiction England has ever produced' Stephen King
El fantasma de la Ópera
La Ópera de París se convierte en teatro de horrores en la más célebre obra del periodista y escritor de novelas detectivescas Gaston Leroux. En un ambiente de novela gótica, su escenario esconde tras sus tramoyas la morada del Fantasma: pasadizos secretos que serpentean alrededor de un lago subterráneo.Esta fascinante historia recrea el mito de la Bella y la Bestia: una joven y delicada artista es el objeto de amor un tenebroso ser que oculta su identidad tras una máscara. Para conseguir a su amada Christine, una bailarina convertida en diva, este ser atormentado por su deformidad y fealdad revive su pasado de inventor de trampas y mazmorras.Publicada por primera vez por entregas en 1909, El fantasma de la Ópera es uno de los argumentos preferidos del teatro y el cine por el misterio de la trama, la progresión del horror, el extremado y melodramático amor del protagonista y las imaginativas posibilidades del espacio creado por Leroux. Su fama se revalida en el éxito mundi
Taurus En el mapa de cmo el mundo adquiri su aspecto
Los mapas nos fascinan. Plasman lo que conocemos del mundo y registran nuestros progresos pero, sobre todo, cuentan nuestra historia. Imagine un mundo sin ellos. Cómo viajaríamos? Podríamos reclamar la propiedad de una tierra? Hasta dónde se extenderían los países? Sobre qué discutirían hombres y mujeres en el coche?Remontándose a los primeros dibujos de filósofos y exploradores hasta llegar a Google Maps y el GPS, Simon Garfield examina la singular manera en la que los mapas reflejan lo mejor y lo peor de lo que nos hace humanos: el descubrimiento y la curiosidad, el conflicto y la destrucción.Este libro, ingenioso y lleno de anécdotas, constituye un rico mosaico de historias fascinantes: desde la búsqueda del globo terráqueo perfecto o las dificultades de cartografiar África y la Antártida hasta la confección de los intrigantes mapas de tesoros ocultos, los sublimes mappae mundi medievales, el bautizo de América, las vicisitudes de los primeros censos o los fraudes más sorprend
Ediciones Sígueme, S.A. Patrología manual de literatura cristiana antigua griega y latina
Encuadernación: cartonéColección: Lux mundi,90Manual de Patrología en perspectiva literaria. Los autores han elegido como opción metodológica y punto de partida para el estudio de la Antigüedad cristiana el hecho literario mismo, el cual es enriquecido con las correspondientes referencias biográficas de las principales figuras, la presentación sucinta de las ideas más relevantes y su contextualización en las instituciones que articulan la sociedad.Conviene recordar que lo característico de la literatura cristiana no es ni la lengua utilizada (fundamentalmente el griego y el latín, pero también el siríaco, el copto, el armenio, etc.), ni los autores, ni tan siquiera las doctrinas en conflicto, sino una específica tradición religiosa que tiene en su centro a Jesús de Nazaret, llamado el Cristo. Los diversos modos literarios de referirse a él y las imágenes tan variadas que de él se materializan en la historia, van a ser las que en último término expresen la riqueza y pluralidad
No todo el mundo puede blandir a Domivat, la espada legendaria forjada con el fuego de un dragón. Sim embargo, Jack es capaz de eso y mucho más. Ha empezado a notar incapacidades sobrehumanas y eso le preocupa, porque no sabe quién es.Laura Gallego es licenciada en Filología Hispánica, especialida en Literatura Medieval, por la Universidad de Valencia en el año 2000. Actualmente compagina la creación literaria con la elaboración de su tesis doctoral sobre el libro de caballerías Belianís de Grecia, de Jerónimo Fernández (1579). Es fundadora de la Revista Universitaria Náyade, repartida trimestralmente en la Facultad de Filología y fue codirectora de la misma desde 1997 a 2000. Empezó a escribir muy joven, casi siempre literatura fantástica, y comenzó a publicar en 1998 cuanto obtuvo el premio Barco de Vapor con su obra Finis Mundi. Desde entonces ha publicado más de una docena de obras, ha vuelto a ganar el Barco de Vapor con La leyenda del Rey Errante y sus obras han sido traducida
HarperCollins Publishers History of World Trade in Maps
A beautful book for anyone interested in exploring the history of trade in maps. Trade is the lifeblood of nations. It has provided vital goods and wealth to countries and merchants from the ancient Egyptians who went in search of gold and ivory to their 21st-century equivalents trading high-tech electronic equipment from the Far East. In this beautiful book, more than 70 maps give a visual representation of the history of World Commerce, accompanied by text which tells the extraordinary story of the merchants, adventurers, middle-men and monarchs who bought, sold, explored and fought in search of profit and power. The maps are all works of art, witnesses to history, and have a fascinating story to tell. The maps include• Çatalhöyük Plan, c. 6200BC• Babylonian Map of the World, c. 600BC• Stone Map of China, 1136• Hereford Mappa Mundi, c. 1300• Buondelmonti Map of Constantinople, c. 1420• The Waldseemüller Map, 1507• James Rennell Map of Hindoostan, 1782• Air Age Map, 1945• Johns Hopkins Covid-19 Dashboard, 2020
British Library Publishing A History of Britain in 100 Maps
In A History of Britain in 100 Maps Jeremy Black takes readers deep into the unparalleled collections of the British Library Map Room to tell a new story of the British Isles through acknowledged treasures and previously undiscovered and unpublished items. Presenting in detail 100 important maps Black explores major themes in British history, from settlement, environmental change, state formation and ecclesiastical development to industrialisation, urbanisation, and modern socio-political developments. In doing so he also tells the story of how a rich mapmaking tradition developed from the medieval Mappa Mundi to the work of pioneering cartographers including Matthew Paris, John Speed and Christopher Saxton and on through institutions such as the Ordnance Survey and the A-Z Company. Cartographic records of the Civil War and Great Fire, or curiosities including Emil Reich's 'Map of British Genius', are contrasted with infographic maps of recent elections and the COVID-19 epidemic. The book also considers the growing field of fine and digital artists using delineated images of Britain as their subject matter.
Pequeo elogio de la fuga del mundo
Quién no ha sentido, al menos una vez en la vida, el deseo de alejarse del mundo? Quién no ha soñado con dejarlo todo y desaparecer? La tentación de la huida, el motivo de la fuga mundi, es recurrente en nuestra cultura porque permanece vivo a lo largo de la historia, y siempre provoca una mezcla de fascinación, nostalgia y callado remordimiento. Para seguir su rastro, de la huida al desierto predicada en el siglo iv por el eremitismo cristiano al exaltado elogio de la evasión entonado por los hippies de la década de 1960, el sociólogo Rémy Oudghiri se ha deshecho de las herramientas habituales de su oficio ?estudios, encuestas y estadísticas? para dejarse guiar por una docena de libros y autores, de Petrarca a Rousseau, de Flaubert a Tolstói, de Simenon y Emmanuel Bove a Le Clézio y Pascal Quignard. Porque la literatura abarca todos los registros, de la emoción a la razón, y no desdeña ningún método, de la introspección a la descripción, el relato o la poesía, el realismo o la ficción
Thames & Hudson Ltd Living with Leonardo
‘Kemp is a natural storyteller… This book leads you on a journey through the life, work and legacy of one of history’s most intriguing figures.’ The TimesIn an engaging personal narrative interwoven with historical research, Martin Kemp discusses a life spent immersed in the world of Leonardo, and his encounters with great and lesser academics, collectors and curators, devious dealers and unctuous auctioneers, major scholars and authors, pseudo-historians and fantasists. He shares how he has grappled with swelling legions of ‘Leonardo loonies’, walked on the eggshells of vested interests in academia and museums, and fended off fusillades of non-Leonardos, sometimes more than one a week. Examining the greatest masterpieces, from the Last Supper to Salvator Mundi, through the expert’s eye, we learn first-hand of the thorny questions that surround attribution, the scientific analyses that support the experts’ interpretations, and the continuing importance of connoisseurship. Throughout, from the most scholarly interpretations to the popularity of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, we are reminded of Leonardo’s unique genius and wonder at how an artist from 500 years ago continues to make such compelling posthumous demands on all those who engage with him.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Zentralität und Religion: Zur Formierung urbaner Zentren im Imperium Romanum
Das gewaltige circummediterrane imperium Romanum ist von einem einzigen städtischen Zentrum aus, der 'ewigen', 'heiligen' Stadt am Tiber, dem caput mundi, errichtet und über einen vergleichsweise langen Zeitraum hin beherrscht worden. Diese gewaltsame Expansion hat alte Zentren erfaßt, umgestaltet und zerstört wie Karthago, Korinth und Jerusalem. Gleichzeitig wurden neue capita provinciarum geschaffen (Lyon/Gallien, Caesarea/Judaea, Trier, Köln, Mainz, Tarraco, Corduba, Emerita, Sarmizegetusa/Dacien). Ein wichtiges Thema moderner Urbanistik und Raumforschung ist die Ausbildung eines Zentrums einer Region und das dazugehörige Verständnis zu anderen Zentralorten und der Peripherie. 'Zentralität' ist jeweils Ergebnis vieler Faktoren. Neben der Geographie spielen auch Ökonomie und Demographie eine große Rolle. Das Zentrum ist aber nicht nur eine faktische Verdichtung von Menschen, Ressourcen und Macht, sondern auch eine ästhetisch erfahrbare, emotionale, geistige Mitte. Der Imagination, Konstruktion, Wahrnehmung von Zentralität dienen urbanistische, architektonische, literarische, künstlerische und religiöse Mittel. Zentralität ist deshalb ein fruchtbares Thema in der Erforschung römischer Reichs- und Provinzreligion. Im Mittelpunkt des Bandes steht die Frage, wie und in welchem Ausmaß das Symbolsystem 'Religion' mit seinen Festen, Ritualen, Bildern, Symbolen, mit Götterkult und Kaiserverehrung 'Zentralität' auf den jeweiligen politisch-administrativen Ebenen (regional, überregional) und im engen Bereich von Religion selbst, 'inszeniert', 'repräsentiert', geschaffen hat.
Duke University Press Worldly Ethics: Democratic Politics and Care for the World
What is the spirit that animates collective action? What is the ethos of democracy? Worldly Ethics offers a powerful and original response to these questions, arguing that associative democratic politics, in which citizens join together and struggle to shape shared conditions, requires a world-centered ethos. This distinctive ethos, Ella Myers shows, involves care for "worldly things," which are the common and contentious objects of concern around which democratic actors mobilize. In articulating the meaning of worldly ethics, she reveals the limits of previous modes of ethics, including Michel Foucault's therapeutic model, based on a "care of the self," and Emmanuel Levinas's charitable model, based on care for the Other. Myers contends that these approaches occlude the worldly character of political life and are therefore unlikely to inspire and support collective democratic activity. The alternative ethics she proposes is informed by Hannah Arendt's notion of amor mundi, or love of the world, and it focuses on the ways democratic actors align around issues, goals, or things in the world, practicing collaborative care for them. Myers sees worldly ethics as a resource that can inspire and motivate ordinary citizens to participate in democratic politics, and the book highlights civic organizations that already embody its principles.
Pallas Athene Publishers An Elephant in Rome: The Pope and the Making of the Eternal City
"A total delight, a brilliant vignette of 17th-century Rome, the Baroque and the Catholic church – warts and all – rolled into an erudite narrative.... with an ease of writing that is rare in art history." - Simon Jenkins By 1650, the spiritual and political power of the Catholic Church was shattered. Thanks to the twin blows of the Protestant Reformation and the Thirty Years War, Rome, celebrated both as the Eternal City and Caput Mundi (the head of the world) had lost its pre-eminent place in Europe. Then a new Pope, Alexander VII, fired with religious zeal, political guile and a mania for building, determined to restore the prestige of his church by making Rome the must-visit destination for Europe's intellectual, political and cultural elite. To help him do so, he enlisted the talents of Gianlorenzo Bernini, already celebrated as the most important living artist: no mean feat in the age of Rubens, Rembrandt and Velazquez. Together, Alexander VII and Bernini made the greatest artistic double act in history, inventing the concept of soft power and the bucket list destination. Bernini and Alexander's creation of Baroque Rome as a city more beautiful and grander than since the days of the Emperor Augustus continues to delight and attract.
Orion Publishing Co Daughter of Empire: Life as a Mountbatten
A magical memoir about childhood in India by the daughter of Lord Louis and Edwina Mountbatten; a glimpse into the lives and loves of some of the 20th century's leading figures.Pamela Mountbatten was born at the end of the 1920s into one of Britain's grandest families. The daughter of Lord Louis Mountbatten and his glamorous wife Edwina Ashley, she was brought up by nannies and governesses as she was often parted from her parents as they dutifully carried out their public roles. A solitary child, she learned to occupy her days lost in a book, riding or playing with the family's animals (which included at different times a honey bear, chameleons, a bush baby, two wallabies, a lion, a mongoose and a coati mundi). Her parents' vast social circle included royalty, film stars, senior service officers, politicians and celebrities. Noel Coward invited Pamela to watch him filming; Douglas Fairbanks Jr. dropped in for tea and Churchill would call for 'a word with Dickie'.After the war, Pamela truly came of age in India, while her parents were the Last Viceroy and Vicereine. This introduction to the country would start a life-long love affair with the people and the place.
World Scientific Europe Ltd Scientist And The Forger, The: Probing A Turbulent Art World
In The Scientist and the Forger: Probing a Turbulent Art World the author draws upon an enthralling range of case studies, from Botticelli to Leonardo, Campendonk to Pollock and Chagall to Freud, equipping the reader with a holistic understanding of an art world shaped by fast-moving trends, and increasingly permeated by science. We are taken on a gripping journey, becoming witness to the attempts currently being made to safeguard a partly complicit art market virtually under siege.How can we determine whether it was Leonardo's hand that created Salvator Mundi? How can we prove that a suspected Pollock is a forgery? And how can Man in a Black Cravat be seemingly incontrovertibly attributed to Lucian Freud, despite this artist's adamant refusal to recognize it as one of his own? This book reveals how art historians and scientists collaborate conclusively to authenticate paintings or demonstrate that they are forgeries, and as the enigma of La Bella Principessa continues to baffle, the question remains: do we have enough reason to hope that we shall one day know her true story? Building on the first edition, a more in depth look is taken at some of the greatest scandals to date — with an interpretation of the psychological behavior of Ann Freedman the former president and director of the Knoedler Gallery.
Pegasus Books Here Begins the Dark Sea: Venice, a Medieval Monk, and the Creation of the Most Accurate Map of the World
The remarkable story of the cartographic masterpiece—the Venetian mappa mundi—that revolutionized how we see the world.In 1459 a Venetian monk named Fra Mauro completed an astonishing map of the world. Seven feet in diameter, Fra Mauro’s mappamundi is the oldest and most complete Medieval map to survive into modernity. And in its time, this groundbreaking mappamundi provided the most detailed description of the known world, incorporating accurate observation, and geographic reality, urging viewers to see water and land as they really existed. Fra Mauro's map was the first in history to show that a ship could circumnavigate Africa, and that the Indian “Sea” was in fact an ocean, enabling international trade to expand across the globe. Acclaimed anthropologist Meredith F. Small reveals how Fra Mauro’s mappamundi made cartography into a science rather than a practice based on religion and ancient myths. Here Begins the Dark Sea brings Fra Mauro’s masterpiece to life as a work of art and a window into Venetian society and culture. In telling the story of this cornerstone of modern cartography, Small takes the reader on a fascinating journey as she explores the human urge to find our way. Here Begins the Dark Sea is a riveting testament to the undeniable impact Fra Mauro and his mappamundi have had over the past five centuries and still holds relevance today.
Peeters Publishers The Gaze from Above: Reflections on Cosmic Eyes in Visual Culture
When gazing into the vast expanse of 'the universe', humankind experiences the universal desire to fathom the mystery of its creation. We utilize our unique ability to express ourselves through artistic means to make this mystery tangible, transmuting the secrets of the cosmos into stunning objects and ingenious symbols. Through a deep engagement with recent iconological methods the author travels up and down a methodological Jacob's ladder, between the artist's gazes from the earth to the sky. The reader is treated to studies on a wide variety of objects and mediums, ranging from the embroidery of Girone, the Hereford mappa mundi to the genesis cycle in the Saint Mark's Basilica in Venice. The author reconsiders the iconic gaze of van Eyck's lamb and enters Danaë's uncanny, voyeuristic space in the painting by Jan Gossaert. Meanwhile, she allows other thinkers to explore these questions alongside her. She turns to Erwin Panofsky, who writes about his fascination with Galileo Galilei's telescope, and finally Lars von Trier and his movie Melancholia gets to call it Schluss. All the artworks in this captivating book contribute to unravel the largest mystery that surrounds us: the cosmos. The image blooms into the countenance of that majestic, astonishing black pupil above us. Or as Aby Warburg once wrote: "Contemplation of the sky is the grace and the curse of humanity."
University of Nebraska Press Arkography: A Grand Tour through the Taken-for-Granted
In this fascinating text Gunnar Olsson tells the story of an arkographer, who with Pallas Athene’s blessings, travels down the Red River Valley, navigates the Kantian Island of Truth, and takes a house-tour through the Crystal Palace, the latter edifice an imagination grown out of Gunnael Jensson’s sculpture Mappa Mundi Universalis. This travel story carries the arkographer from the oldest creation epics extant to the power struggles of today—nothing less than a codification of the taken-for-granted, a mapping of the no-man’s-land between the five senses of the body and the sixth sense of culture. By constantly asking how we are made so obedient and predictable, the explorer searches for the present-day counterparts to the biblical ark, the chest that held the commandments and the rules of behavior that came with them—hence the term “arkography,” a word hinting at an as-yet-unrecognized discipline. In Arkography Olsson strips bare the governing techniques of self-declared authorities, including those of the God of the Old Testament and countless dictators, the latter supported by a horde of lackeys often disguised as elected representatives and governmental functionaries. From beginning to end, Arkography is an illustration of how every creation epic is a variation on the theme of chaos turning into cosmic order. A palimpsest of layered meanings, a play of things and relations, identity and difference. One and many, you and me.
Apollo Publishers The da Vinci Legacy: How an Elusive 16th-Century Artist Became a Global Pop Icon
For the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death comes an immersive journey through five centuries of history to define the Leonardo mystique and uncover how the elusive Renaissance artist became a global pop icon.Virtually everyone would agree that Leonardo da Vinci was the most important artist of the High Renaissance. It was Leonardo who singlehandedly created the defining features of Western art: a realism based on subtle shading; depth using atmospheric effects; and dramatic contrasts between light and dark.But how did Leonardo, a painter of very few works who died in obscurity in France, become the internationally renowned icon he is today, with the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper the most visited artworks in the world, attracting nearly a billion visitors each year, and Salvator Mundi selling as the most expensive artwork of all time, for nearly half a billion dollars?This extraordinary volume, lavishly illustrated with 130 color images, is the first book to unravel these mysteries by diving deep into the art, literature, science, and politics of Europe from the Renaissance through today. It gives illuminating context to both Leonardo and his accomplishments; explores why Leonardo’s fame vastly overshadowed that of his contemporaries and disciples; and ultimately reveals why despite finishing very few works, his celebrity has survived, even thrived, through five centuries of history.
University of Nebraska Press Arkography: A Grand Tour through the Taken-for-Granted
In this fascinating text Gunnar Olsson tells the story of an arkographer, who with Pallas Athene’s blessings, travels down the Red River Valley, navigates the Kantian Island of Truth, and takes a house-tour through the Crystal Palace, the latter edifice an imagination grown out of Gunnael Jensson’s sculpture Mappa Mundi Universalis. This travel story carries the arkographer from the oldest creation epics extant to the power struggles of today—nothing less than a codification of the taken-for-granted, a mapping of the no-man’s-land between the five senses of the body and the sixth sense of culture. By constantly asking how we are made so obedient and predictable, the explorer searches for the present-day counterparts to the biblical ark, the chest that held the commandments and the rules of behavior that came with them—hence the term “arkography,” a word hinting at an as-yet-unrecognized discipline. In Arkography Olsson strips bare the governing techniques of self-declared authorities, including those of the God of the Old Testament and countless dictators, the latter supported by a horde of lackeys often disguised as elected representatives and governmental functionaries. From beginning to end, Arkography is an illustration of how every creation epic is a variation on the theme of chaos turning into cosmic order. A palimpsest of layered meanings, a play of things and relations, identity and difference. One and many, you and me.
Skyhorse Publishing How to Barter for Paradise: My Journey through 14 Countries, Trading Up from an Apple to a House in Hawaii
Most people like to travel in comfort: they stay in fancy hotels, never leave tourist spots, and stay away from the locals. Michael Wigge isn’t like most people, though. After travelling the world without money for 150 days while writing How to Travel the World for Free, his next challenge: turn an apple into a house in Hawaii. Wigge goes around fourteen countries and six continents exchanging goods for more valuable ones, and he meets an array of good-humored people who take his deals. Taking on his Barterman persona, he trades the apple for sixteen cigarettes in Germany; a couple of trades later in India, he fixes up a motorized rickshaw and trades it for silk; in Australia, a millionaire amuses himself by offering him an art piece for the silk if Wigge feeds a wild crocodile. Finally, he arrives in Hawaii armed with two bicycles, a surfboard, Portuguese porcelain, three solid-gold coins, a Porsche wristwatch, a record by musician Coati Mundi and accompanying contract for 25 percent of the proceeds from his next single, a voucher for a two-night stay in a mansion in L.A., and a piece of original artwork by painter Alex Stenzel—now he just has to find someone to give him a house in exchange. On the 200-day journey around the world, Wigge makes forty-two trades and meets strange, kind, funny, friendly, eccentric, and good-natured people who help him in his quest. It’s a journey you won’t want to miss!
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Great Maps: The World's Masterpieces Explored and Explained
A superbly illustrated guide to 64 maps from all around the world! From examples of medieval Mappa Mundi and the first atlas to Google Earth and maps of the moon, this captivating maps book is a must-have for all history and geography enthusiasts and explorers! Embark on a visual tour of the world's finest maps! This fascinating world atlas book: - Analyses each map visually, with the help of pull-outs and graphic close-up details- Traces the history of maps chronologically, providing a fascinating overview of cartography through the ages- Tells the story behind each map - why it was created, who it was for, and how it was achieved- Profiles key cartographers, explorers, and artists- Draws together navigation, propaganda, power, art, and politics through the world's greatest mapsMaps are much more than just geographical data. They are an accurate reflection of the culture and context of different time frames in history. This remarkable geography book puts cartography on the map! It tells the stories behind great maps through stunning pull-out details and reveals how they have helped people make sense of the world. Embark on a global adventure of a lifetime with this world map book and see our planet like never before! On this mind-blowing journey, you'll encounter maps that show the way to heaven, depict lands with no sunshine and even the world ocean floor. With incredible secret stories from British historian, Jerry Brotton, and insight into how mapmakers have expressed their world views, Great Maps is a welcome addition to any armchair cartographer's bookshelf.
Princeton University Press The Imaginative Landscape of Christopher Columbus
Rather than focusing on the well-rehearsed facts of Columbus's achievements in the New World, Valerie Flint looks instead at his imaginative mental images, the powerful "fantasies" that gave energy to his endeavors in the Renaissance. With him on his voyages into the unknown, he carried medieval notions gleaned from a Mediterranean tradition of tall tales about the sea, from books he had read, and from the mappae-mundi, splendid schematic maps with fantastic inhabitants. After investigating these sources of Columbus's views, Flint explains how the content of his thinking influenced his reports on his discoveries. Finally, she argues that problems besetting his relationship with the confessional teaching of the late medieval church provided the crucial impelling force behind his entire enterprise. As Flint follows Columbus to the New World and back, she constantly relates his reports both to modern reconstructions of what he really saw and to the visual and literary sources he knew. She argues that he declined passively to accept authoritative pronouncements, but took an active part in debate, seeking to prove and disprove theses that he knew to be controversial among his contemporaries. Flint's efforts to take Columbus seriously are so convincing that his belief that he had approached the site of the earthly Paradise seems not quaint but eminently sensible on his own terms. Originally published in 1992. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Writer's Map: An Atlas of Imaginary Lands
The Writer's Map winner of Trade Illustrated category in the British Design and Production AwardsPhotography & Illustrated Travel Book of the Year at the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards 2019Maps can transport us, they are filled with wonder, the possibility of real adventure and travels of the mind. This is an atlas of the journeys that writers make, encompassing not only the maps that actually appear in their books, but also the many maps that have inspired them and the sketches that they use in writing. For some, making a map is absolutely central to the craft of shaping and telling their tale. A writer’s map might mean also the geographies they describe, the worlds inside books that rise from the page, mapped or unmapped, and the realms that authors inhabit as they write. Philip Pullman recounts a map he drew for an early novel; Robert Macfarlane reflects on his cartophilia, set off by Robert Louis Stevenson and his map of Treasure Island; Joanne Harris tells of her fascination with Norse maps of the universe; Reif Larsen writes about our dependence on GPS and the impulse to map our experience; Daniel Reeve describes drawing maps and charts for The Hobbit trilogy of films; Miraphora Mina recalls creating ‘The Marauder’s Map’ for the Harry Potter films; David Mitchell leads us to the Mappa Mundi by way of Cloud Atlas and his own sketch maps. And there’s much more besides. Amidst a cornucopia of images, there are maps of the world as envisaged in medieval times, as well as maps of adventure, sci-fi and fantasy, maps from nursery stories, literary classics, collectible comics – a vast range of genres.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Painted Closet of Lady Anne Bacon Drury
Lady Anne Bacon Drury (1572-1624) was the granddaughter and niece of two of England's Lord Keepers of the Great Seal, Sir Nicholas Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon. Lady Anne was also the friend and patroness of John Donne and Joseph Hall; however, she deserves to be remembered in her own right. Within her massive country house, Lady Anne created a tiny painted room that she seems to have used as a kind of three-dimensional book. The walls consisted of panels of pictures and mottoes, grouped under Latin sentences. These panels can still be viewed in a Suffolk museum: Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich. Some panels point to classical and Biblical sources, and to popular emblem books. The sources of other panels are more recondite, while still others are original compositions by Lady Anne. The panels exhibit a contemptus mundi theme and reflect a struggle with ambition, pride, and even despair. Some panels also appear to register carefully veiled but pointed critiques of political and religious events and figures. Lady Anne's painted closet or 'architext' is thus relevant to a wide range of early modern scholarship in various disciplines but is as yet largely unappreciated. For the first time in four hundred years, this book fully describes the closet and places it in its personal, social, intellectual, and aesthetic contexts. It argues for the painted closet's importance for understanding early modern conceptualizations of private and public spaces, and for illuminating fundamental early modern habits of seeing and reading (especially combinations of text and image). Finally, this book explores the closet as an example of the ingenious ways in which female subjectivity found ways to express itself even within the constraints of early modern patriarchal society in England.